HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-11-03, Page 2h.Pr Lover's Prowess ;
(1r. A Little Matrimonial Dream
CH PTV \'III.-(Cont'd) with a merry Iattga. If your luck
has been .o far bad, take heart and
believe 1 have carne 1.1• change it,
You k'•„u•," ,11e Continued, with
an arch ,mile, "we, can hit. then)
when the 444purtunity comes to its,
1'11 not despuir of winning those
half sovereigns yet awhile. 'But,
.aft.; !who'd : I.o ! where it
conte,,' " and she pointed, witn
much solemnity ti a pheasant
which, breaking trent the wood a
little above \Valtun. came 'sailing
straight down towards then/.
Charlie waited patiently, intend-
ing to take it, as it went over his
Tho consequence of which arrange. head. Suddenly creek went Wal -
moat wtta that Charlie had \Va'(4,11 ton's gun, the i,ird•elusel its wings
o4) his left hand and Sir Phillip ,,n and fell dead within a few yards of
his right. They were all placed some the cousins. It was exasperating,
thirty yawls from the wood, and but thine, were destined to becoulo
between forty and fifty yards from much more so. Itird after bird
each other.
''Now it is time to make our
sc•l(ctiuns," cried Mrs. /'raw: r•,
laughing; "wc will have a mill
soloreign sweepstakes on tho "e -
Even as she: spoke, Bruce
Mid (. harliu \1'illiaulst11 appeared
on one aide of the point of rough
woodland opposite which the ladies
had halted, and almost. simultane-
ously Mr. l!ra•wlor and Sir Phillip
worn visible nit the other. The guns
were 114)5• quicklyplaced in
all•'tt41(1 >Uttions, so that t.:vo
thorn commanded the emit of the
gores, as it was called, while thu•o
was ale.; one on each Clank, draw 0
up, in fact, in n sort of senlietrc,'
of which (truce \Valton and Craw -
tor himself formed tho outsides.
A "; R IT -1.'!4f o" J1i i1Cl E ,
MOS J•%1!.1 rcnwIcrt
1'yuterpr;:e, Ont., Octob:r IFi, IQo8.
"I 6tlflered tortures for seven long
years from a Water Tunlor. 1 NAS
forced to take_ fnorptia constantly to
relied the awful pains, and i wanted to
die to get relief. The doctors gave Inc
up and my friends hourly expected nay
death. Then I was induced to take
"Fruit -a Lives" and this wonderful fruit
medicine has conriietely cured ale.
\\'hen I appeared on the street again
my friends ea. -tainted 'The dead has
conte to life." 'file cure was a positive
miracle." MRS. JAMES FI•:NW1CK.
soc a hoz--6 for fo.so-or trial hoc,
2;1•. At dealers or from Fruit -a -tinea
I•itnited, Ottawa
"Very serry, M is. 1'iuucatie,"
said Walton, when Mt s. Cntwlor
jubilantly proclaimed the result ;
broke almost in the same way, only •but ha dict us over the rabbits;
to be killed by 1Valtun before it these half-dozen holes behind his
got to \Villhi:ns"Im. eland lured four or five to des-
-\ g.wnl shot, and stiuutlated bytrnMiun, and sou only got 41110
the open 1Lttlel;t• 411 his t•[citable chane,"
salt of which of our champions Alli.; e• in,anien, the pretty Irish widow, ••N'-' were not bent by shooting,
moat its his cornet ; the ,• arc jest the ntaj"r '• t nutlliug go by. >ir an} way," laughed the widow.
four of us, ane to each gun. 1 Pltil1.p. t „n UR' right, w':t, teak- . Nobody could hale 1!I 1 a bate,
don't think Oleic is touch perhaps ing 10.••4. e'celleul 1'r.lct1(1. nn.i I4!htforux'than you .1 .1 If inure
to choose betw't'ell thorn, but 1 bar star!, ,call 11e himself trip', .c e."'.."''''t !, nes didn't curve o :e way. 1'111
my own husband being my chain- slain, wit:'' t'it:cr!+.• • ••n;. • '•.,•:•t
pion fur the look of the thing, cd 1" n,+(•tel:% ,n n
th.,ugh I'II back hint against any- .'l last c•.it.," h., •' :1 In.l a "
one but tho gun that falls to urs brace of birth break -t et f...1 it,
share. Mrs. Fiucane,'. she eontin- front of him. He otieht. 1 • ;se
tied gaily. ''when► will you take l.' secured both. but, n trifle t • ' .
Major \Valton," replied the ger, i(ti,ose with Itis first Larry..
Irish wi(I•.w•, with a laugh as she though ho kills std victiiu %ilk ll''
tripped 1.4. "1'tn afraid. liko ,n'e,.d; tho other bird, of cora;.•. f this sort, l: new
yourself, Anne. 1 Wrier ran resist sails awayMltshot at. t ;Doll lunt'u-' •n a, tycII a :ie
bucking them 1'r a trifle when Ws temper 11••t lilipru\041 Iiv cul - -I,,,l,1,.,,t,,,..,;; ,t;„ 1„„i , ,r,
they' to 11(1..(1 'o••1i:11g." Ini;take, Charlie now w;ldl; ai ,.,• -t e Jet i •;un , ! !,', ti,
:t1• ll showed great .1 • rotioII to
their part. New comm and take
ate of 100 at lunch.'•
It w•a- a very pleasant meal that
• -t of the patty. .\tong,•,
• :.1,4'.,1, .r, 1 s•,!,!,. . 1 "'11th
•:e.rc' strictly (44 l - '1 : 1..'1 4 .%'1•r, ! Coral Rhefs Inland.
.1, onu:ch as she at
Bismarck's Comment on 8chopenhal:cr
and His Theory.
In an enterieln111(1 account of a din•
iter putty at Prince Itlsutarek's Berlin
residence which is girth► III (lit, ret'ol-
Iel•t1un.4 of the Livonia,' Journalist I''erk•
!molt the following, which was a part
of tho table talk, show'e the host In n
new Tight: The alnverrattiou bud turn.
NI on Itl.mnrcl:'a early days. nt Frank•
fort. tied Eckhardt asked whether at
the table d'hoto of the ❑otel d'An(le-
ter4•e his host had ever met Schopen•
huuer. "No." said Illsmarck; "he had
no use fur me nor 1 for hint. More-
over. 1 11a1•0 never had limo or desire
to occupy myself wilt) philosophy.
While l was n student Sehupetlhaner
W39 81111 11111nntrn. I know nbxoluto•
ty uothiug about his system."
Another guest, all admirer of Scho•
penhaner. then Joined enthusiastically
to the conversation and explained that
the philosopher'', greet merit cousieted
In the discovery of the fact that will
power was the Iadestruetible essence
of the wind of man and that intelli-
gence wits only of se'c'ondary Impor•
sauce. "'that alae very well be true."
said Prince itlsntarel, "at least es tar
as 1 ant eoucel-ued, for 1 hare often
noticed that my will had already come
to a dectainn while toy mind had not
yet finished thinking about the saute
Woman as • Travelt•r.
When a woman who is traveling is
assigned to her room in a hotel she
look, up the hotel rule, on the door
and carefully read.: them. When she
°omen to one as follows, "No washing
of elothee permitted in this room,"
she give,► a s.l-tiatle,t sigh. Then she
unpacks her trunks, tinge for hot wat-
er and within an (lour has the mirror
eo'ered with hundkereheite pasted
there to .fry. and ha; hose, underwear,
•:•.t,. etc, hanging oxer the back ^(
every chub. Then she gots out her
,fairy and notes 1.i It hew Inu.'h
money slits has saved. "There are said
to bt son) very tustor:,' places in chid
town," she notes after •f.•tc.•laig l..r
wash, "but l will not have tune to see
, a' I, ,t•''1.11,01 el (,ora! r•
1)41!1 a I,:•'. ,•.• ! I::n 1 ..• 1
0I'h N. ...1, 411 t ,
r•• 1 . 1 i'".4t r• •
i1••, belong to ,4 r 4 t 1
11rs. l'lao'ler smiled at her tempts to t,tk.• :1 phea•:1it flout, l:n:.• 1, c.4 r p, l I t . , : ! .1 /'Ira: ,l4) -'.,.y. hu' .
friend's rej indcr. and then turn- lichee Walton : of nurse, he t, 1 :.4, ter/. t 1• they are t: 4.11•,•
11 •t1.'n tato' y. ',r ••v . 4i• , - ,.an:.►
et. et h, -< 'I .c . ,, 1. plot• I
• 1 it. 1:,•, • n t:i' I L•,:• Ihy-
, i i .,n.• lrt.e :4 .. v
.e1 4 xl„'., : ..
The w'1(1V N' 111,1 11%• . it ..!! �. •:11•• •'t n .
1\•a,t.rn into one of tui•,..• .air. 1' r•• mere • :n ,. 4: • -
11. tweet, .1: t '4417'.
:..n, M'1111.41 trots 1 et v` ..,•.,1 }„
ing ton Mantle •,till, "New, Miss f:4)' off to hate Inlo•!I ••t:aece, an•i; tLrir pr•>,1•raiu .;•
having shah Marr an
Vt lI pain-oI1, 5')10:11 will }'OU pat- tho result is simply tul.,t \1 a t• ti concern
ing tiro • .•t r 4;
ionize,'' I tc u 1 kilt, d it i! r l'll mit 1 ts! ,i ,,, , 4
''1 shall support my cousin," tiseleo ly tt3-ted 11>. c.trt1'41''.o% to Uv back
r*'plied Mande, s.alking away to- three or four birds nnete liat'•I•.
ward, ('harli.'s post wing their way over the !att••r':
.11i ' 1 suppose it is true, then, head: nuc lie drops, but then h: -
that she is engaged to hint, though bariely are ent,ly, and 10' i, on4••
SIP' need not be quite so demunstra- more •.;asoma, of haying tIt ton a
tit.. about it. :\s fur you, Miss chance aeay (rem a little bit ..f
\\'altos, you must take .1-hby, temper.
whtle I fall to Sir Phillip. Sorry Titat knew'.edge. as a rite. most
for y4.ti, 1111' dear, but 1f Miss Wil- especially '.it!t young people, ,ei
lian,-eut stands up for her own, 1 d•'„1 indite., tn'•re di-ereti'11. H..
can Ito no leiter fur yon." has hardly got Ili, ca,tri•lgcs in ho
--\•"tl Ii:ly.' dune very well, ' fore a hate ra,•e- past between titch
rcp'icd Litre Walton, with a saucy and Sir Phillip 4 cltl"illy more the
laugh; "anti uty champion and barune•t'- shot than h:•t out; that- pi:rLlns•en, Lucy \1'nit.m, anti the"-
n1i bra ther bo it your chantp:un and he shoots. 1.:4t a triter over. an•1'
Mr. \Villiamson for two pairs tit then (,.nips 11 t'ii''k-cli• 1:. and Mr.
gloves. Yes, twelve buttons if you \\'i!!iale.Sort is 41,:141 ••• '! "11' '1
like." Imps that Sir I'iit!lipi t -I •, el.th,
"Done.- replied the spw,rt'n^!lot re jie-t as he pn!'•'1 , "all
-hos'e,s gaily, as thee parttid coin- bnrrcl.
pan+. Beaten agitin. 31141 Its t.'•• u
Ile the title the !edits had taker) 1'.4;3, a- he calls lion, Ch1, tie'•• 1!c
their reip.'ctive places t1,e full be 1....k• ron11d al %fan'le f•'1• an :n
throw t o n ear t I
•.•..•i• thir>gs f'.1• the (1111e, 1tn4i !'' . r•1•: 7h. t r, i' . . .••r.
41!'. : '• 1 t., ct. no ►::ole, lead 1. tsar}- a':1•]•1.....
i . • '.;1!1 II ' bellied theMt, •l1..: • ,
..4 '. •tf takine ('.114• of themAltosetner vvreap:.
':t that respect, thine two. "Pa," -:eel the blonn.int; daughter
4 ;t.4r';e4 alone of the potty st- tied vt lice household. "1 w'tal► you woul�l-
a'o• f from t111' Mere ;neat. ll 11 t •.all }4)u ilp a1 r. Bottle ilph a puptm•
...•. .. i to situ. in his ►reu'nt nluu4, lay.
1 1n.1 win nnN'
4irlr 1laudu lta.i no right to be "Ile
cnese he isn't a jay, and titer,.
„e*I.e••Uig and laughing w•►th Tolt> doesn't seem to bo any hot,. of hit
gait in earnest. The line was ad -tato, but the Kit' either at..i.l-,
'musing steadily the back go t, - rrla11r.•. though she ha, reps -tai!
*1111" posted in reigns of vant.lu;''. t.'• !,ail .,f this let10by play, and
and tho game began to break 1e 1'1 ten•Is it 111,01 4. aright than nntrht
til (runt and rear. be credited Ilemee11.er, sL..,
it had been rather an unfortunate knots her ,.,.tett ti thorunpthlc, 1•11!1
morning so Gtr with Charlie 11'.! i•.ter;,ret tett . h,ulge in hi= (omit ;
11nlllsmll. IIP shirt veru nicely .11 1•'ll:.',' :I:..I tical, tlll•rt„t4'r, Chat
times, but with his somewhat in; !ic :I not been reticent in h:•,'
titbie disposition. as may be lin i, ejaculation.- The si-ler/: element,'
fined, it was not difficult to pat h.tn as Maude t• I It, 111 hie relation -
off. 1.• f.+•1 • f 111111 think it wait,
Charlie had experienced' had mote . a, sustain from appeal
luck : therm w:1' plenty of gain.' tee t- t .• _. Is freely in her pre-!
both nf„ot and 11111•,141. It test: nett ,,•114.4• :Incl he Iles t)rn :111. • .1 1•
that his place hn.I been, a hit worse ' , Alit tattier nn.,. n '
than hie neighs .i's, as a usual 1 .:t t. ostial before lade •.
thing; but the earn.. persistently i ' 1 :un at' laid that ha lc mast
declined to come his way. 1...,et• t 1.o the harlmcl," 11.• •aid.
lie' the time Maude reaches him, ' V -.Charlie. it rolled ‚eel' he
( garlic had wound himself up t.. fere one heard • oar se, •,11.1 t it r' 1 '
tho belief that the whole affair is It was very L(tlpid tf e r.' le •
a most outra!;eous ''plant," as be it with the 1i.•!. v401 Lit -' It
terms it. i.e., imposition. on the i di'In't look to be diflir nit." !
part 4-; 1 u iv, lot', keepers: that mat' .\gain (toil tIi '4)k- h•'w Hire a
baying ..).•1 there before. and net wernan can be when she K• Is n
lint.n, '• 1 it. be known to the hea41 therough eh:1:e-.' ; hitt alt this leo !
keeper %that his (louver would be, merit. the 1,1!.; - . t t.:1111 fo1.•r his,
be has 414 siszte(Ily been put into the h• 't.l i4) •nhrr- The
5'rr•t pial••'. This is nt•t at all the 1. .1 4 4 • l..1%'• fn 1 ..'Inc ..,. t., tl:•
ca -e. .\s!lhy (-'1'aw'Ior is the !a t ' 1' 4 4;, •, a111 :ail There -•n ,,x
01811 in the world to tolerate any tat ,• , !tight, 1 invite kt
Iousen'e of that kind, and the-e'e',••.i'. !•'., he ale. prer!•'tr,lte. ...tit..
favor:tistn Lae eyeI shows is to put , ! ,,.. .,t fear misses net f,1irlt t•.
anyone salient lie Wits a crack 1.. a, , . utt .1 f"1•. •1'!11' fart 1't. he
shot. into n p"st where he thinks ho fi !41• h• of nupr, a� n man when
will !trete :t chance to show IC- h. 1 ,. - 1, temper usnall' is. (t
science. In thi•1 particular heat 411 I4%.•; I. the pre -eat. nu(1
there is not much chole(. especially 1 ( r. having signified
at the finish where one stand is 1!;, , l 4 : re►nendotls Who. -
pretty 1.011 ns g»o-I na an',thor,
the %rind, or a e04ire of '-cher thing=.
making the Uitnle break sonit•I'mes
one side and sum. titnes the other.
When Maude hieghrng!t' fells
him the story of the sw.e,•takes,
and how s110 has selected hint for
her rhanlpiou. he replie(1 a little
ire itahly,--
"1 tuna afraid yon have male is
nue 1 nof•.11/Inale sele,t'on, my dear
c•47. (if „411•'-e, it may h:- accident.
la -t ;t 1, fonndrdly lake de -
4 izn 1 it I, e i:ad n %er;v 'matt pro-
p sur .,,, f I:11411:n/ compared lel
(t':er ,conte, a•• far, and dont
fae,'.-e 1 hall fare a bit better nt
this '''4,1er .,
' .\ • n On° n, Charlie." she cried,
• -1 in the manner the wits. (ne
u►K Ivan, in his wounded sanity, •'
thought that as Iii• allianced wife•' Ifr1'he.,,1e•p n•e,ton of Rue, at'.t 1+ about
1111,.^V 'rhe ttr.•41:'4 are n.ortly of on•'
;he should iw• bnr.lin¢ up the ,v two axles Io lhel r• tented •w.••
w•,unt(1a that vn1�1•It.: had ,ustaitle•(I ; ton (r I hull! .PpSe Ii 1', x•tb a grc*t
bat Maude. %L!•, bud no idea of .peal 4)t n;.en spn(e. 'flat e.ty I• ver
hearing with his potul'lnee. had '0141.'-11:(4•41 16:4.1 ,..,yore an area 2;
purouee!y left hien 4),••a elite' tug abut twenty-five square nubs.
the hart', and f'•un41 a •• at for her. A Famous Palace.
self on 1tic •'1•p, ,,te 1,•4, 4'f
Thr 1M19re :II the Rue de Lille e1•.•
the t/h'c. ('•.ntra�t,ntt Charlie's r,wnr.l by I,nplt4rsa .1.••ephlnP a. a
etnbry t'sa11.• with III" tinlltt' Eugene 'lr tleacrharnoi1. \iter 4. ,e
ta•e, at. !,.'r 1•orn.•r 4•f t!4. rah!••, Italy rvrr •in^„ the battle t1 N
to els a nn ,l"uht -h•• w a, 5 t-'• 4)l her - 1•.. ha,• tw•cn the home 4)1 Lh•• 1
Kr n••ral •+u ' spam n'tr'e'ental1ve 4)u the tit'. i,
a.•. •,
Itno 1
1• ellptth .\-1' � ---
taking out his sal: h. :4141 '- 1.1• • ,
rine i; up, that the mast'-n0.I'4.
i !a, oar is oyer. 80(.1 til.•% e01-4
r. • mere en the m, %•• The
-lime their guns. :11.1 the
lad ••-. ,%its w'ishra for g'.•I sport,
1.1.1 ti • • i a gay farewell :tion 1.1•4'
walk IN.n'.',
•1;, t•, f luck. ( gar!;'• this after
toot,. '1 \I:11:•1' . .r- -he fallee
4.1 i i 1, .ant of the hare.
F.ell I 114 1•r. Ili{t g(ir:
', ,,AIL hack
e 1 h•• tete.,
.1 '.. I'• ( t, -, if ,v.,11 -lute.
vel .1 1 ,a • . Ise might Iel !i ,.
\I.1 l!,• t:• "41 1114.4 0"'...
5„Itil. 1„'� i,• , p'1•. 4,11 t;..lner 1•.f
digital:'..' ,1- totne•I away 111
terly e>lutt4;i-)tl.l 4103 ft,tfher 1•,p,
I •%at44.r► nn los part, and left lent
teeoenlnt•n4,' his deeding in no
`l, (en%inble frame (f mind.
('Po he (1,111 111111411.1
TO WARM ()V Ell.
Tb,» clips," naked the reje4.145)
tutor, "is nlrrolntels 1144111:'
"Quito," was. (le' rnlnl 1.1,13
Shall 1 retail ti your 1.'tters'.
''\'es. !dew e." 441454 red the
1 ' . h 11:111y• veure roan. '.There', some ten'
_ • in ihr re (- lto"(I material in then/ 1 4111 4).4'
41• , . and that is t ;attain '
f 1 `. devil 411 the - �•
•1 '4i r,. ('teener '1'1111•: TO IN'fl:l(FBRI•:.
:Intl 111 1 '4(•411.e, tchu have 441.411 it
n% ('i'
41":'4' i nt 0 -w'nrm writer,' and
me quirk' 'flier..'* n
,.:1,,.1, ...1 in ,,Inilar in.ttsner on the i In.tn he n fighting my father more'11
half an hour.'
1•c.•,It •, snp•(•r.ntend (Ids; eery cc►•- 1't.11.' nr.tn "\\'hs. (li(Itl t. yon 1'))
1:1in -1 tiet,•ly the Irish widow on 1 lite ).,'f' 4,'
(e.his occasio n. and deeming Major li ,t 't'a'1,41 father' 4'041 4
TV/11E1/11'S stole• at the rim(' not to Ile! ti+ hest of it till a few n,,,.,.'
beaten. Ru! Investigation shows
that whet'( as lfajor \Valton had i 8Kt1
kMed twenty -five head m1•. wil-
linmson Imply!), iter. Crawler rev- I a• n
cntr(n. vet Ric Phillip hart nein ElIriPil
� • 411 /,/,f%�
:14'1'6 t(1 say 110 less thnti 1...,:e% rw6tly 4.I''.,) 1.0,./.1,11•• „ . . .L'.. I. .Is
:-...1 en nilllnate. the throat nud ivn.i .'•i 4 •.u.
Is til^ turn!np; poi•It t'1 c,,:':omy
1n wear and tea, re /1 r..•• Try
a hen, Er!:lydesIrt
Might Prowlers W,,osc Trade IS
The Ilnporial 011 Co „Ltd. MU,'d:r and flobticry,
Solaris lytal.: lee (lutes City* 1 .s. Ltd ------
A tiov•ag1 mast t'1e arep 41 Irelya . r earl/1r.
l 1•l ♦r
Khali ed err 10 sate ar.•1
as 14344 N.r,.lno, a de feat ',terra I. we'll 4.3
a strep Ikea m '11's Y�y 1•....;..;J t t
arcel. 11 rr4 ,,i,3 r I. r i a,. irr•t• :r
uathe ►sok. C'T.4.es: r,trs. Co., 14., u(•, 1. ,►
• Produces an Odd and a Tricky Kind
of Mirror.
I'Ittlniz(d glass cunaista of a piece of
:lass conned with :In exceedingly thin
nyer of a liquid charged with platf-
orm and then reboot to n red drat.
Che {platinum becumee aultt't1 to the
;hiss In such a way as to form an odd
:Ind of mirror.
The glass has uot renny Inst Its
ruu,pareucy, and yet if uue places it
tgainst a wall and looks at It he ,teen
de image as In en ordinary looking
;lass Itut when light Is allowed to
•owe through the glans from the other
tide, us when It is ',bleed in a window,
1 appears perfectly transparent. like
.rdtnary glass.
Ity eon.etructtott n wlodew nt plats•
axed gloom uue c•ontd stand close behind
he pall's to an ualltnminated roost
Ind behold elenrly everything going
,n outside. white passersby looking at
he window wuald behold only a tine
mirror or set of mirror* In which their
two figurers would be reflected while
he pet '1:111 Inside reinalued Invisible
le Prance various Itieks halo been
'ontrlced with the atd of title g!0sa.
:n one a person eeeiug what appears
o be an ordinary mirror approaches It
o Raze upon himself. A sudden
•haoge in the tneehar.tsm send* light
"trough the glass from the bark. where-
tpon it instantly becomes transparent,
it.l the startled spectator finds him•
teff confronted by some grotesgne fig -
ire that had been hidden behind rho
:hiss.-Ilarper's Weekly.
No Escape.
"1 r•• you in favor of wutnan rut
,,, ' ah•' asked.
t et, y•'4; enthusiasti: a,ly,' he re.
-.,r, 1 wish you wool I tell 1•ne
why y•.Ii think wutuen 411:4i,t 1.1 for.
g.-1 their children mei t!', it 'hous.•-
itol•t thole- ane/ get net 11,t•, the
w.,1 1,1 to 11111 up i11 pwtht, al of ,ir<
1f you knew of any glw,.l l•..-ert-
"ni'xsl h• 0V,•11. ' 1 (r.•_ "+ 1 V,ar-
•l"n. 1 114,1. !v ,;tt•I 1 %% 111 fav'Ir
of 11 tot uy,.nl •.r::urn, xl'I, you
('1:11'4 a cosi te' r.lf•• ••a :t:'1• ;,1•• any
MacMahon's Epigram.
When Merolla' Mac Stalk to the
Crimean camp/size tnuk the Malakoff
by sturlu and unite his celebrated dia.
patch, "J', amts; J'y r'eate" ("Here 1
nm; here 1 slily"). these words tnade
hint fatuous nil over the world. Vet
his friends said that the Worthy sol-
Iler had written t!tem in the 'nest
wetter of fa •1 manner, with no
thought of phrase nlnklug. The must
,,urprlaed r,seesn torr the suca'ess 0t
thio epigram was liar\lahon himself.
Helping Her Out.
"(lave } 1a 11 venue chicken? 1 ata
rattier;hell 0t 1'01164g "
' Su'•h !rein the urs,', madam. don't
rem thlt.k you'd Motor lotto an old.
esperirrw'ed fow17"--I.oub,e bee 1_uurler-
yu4, 1,1, •10,,1 . 411,0.., ,r , uIS., 10.
el.e 4:.,.,.1 a,,,1 I,i,,,.. • - .., .,.,,•
Hunte •
he •.••e a•
-1aVe Money
Dress Well
T: y it
Simple as washing
ONE" f:wAt.l, KI, 'fDSt`er ccet.
Dyes K» .!. 0o•4.!'Y M 1,:••1•41 ;,o4, Perked,
*oh Its ::A•4r Uy•• -1:• alasaortal. •• of m"l. 1.N
awl t osur10I Colors IS ••T.t ,son•n, U.Ve(4at or
Oe•tay... Ina for Co•or ca, -.14e, 1 4. 11',41 r 16•c l.(. r►
Tb. Jckw•e••lekhards l'•, 1,., nrd, 111401-181
A Pai:atina That Drove Parisian Artists
Into Hysterias.
It Is a part of the duty of tbe of
title! ;.lour« hanger of the Soeieto de,
Artistes I"rareala to distribute the
canvases which are offered for the
Parts talon throughout the rooms of
the Valets des Hermit Arts. The Jurors
are then mumrnooed to oxamtue (here
end euntiueud or condemn as they see
tit. The artists are at liberty to ap-
peal to the Jurors, and un indueutlal
erti.tt can make trouble for the pie -
lure hanger. In This connection a se)
ry is told of 1'oaon, the paltrier of still
Some years ago t'otloa had painted
what he deemed his masterpiece. a
luxurious pumpkin. orange is color
and heroic in size, such ns one vies at
an agricultural show. The Jurors. did
not npPrure the utileial pt1tnre hung
er's choice of a place for It. A scenud
eholee also was found for 1t mud ('flu•
Ile thtm 1L•ue the pumpkin had bee
come Tho principal toi'Ie of conversa-
tion In nil the studios of Paris. and the
leading artiste begat to Inok in at the
s -.;on to make sure that their exl:lblte
were not being injure'di by an unfor-
tunate contrast. nue-Ilouguere:tu-
netu'ly (aimed with horror on seeing
the pumpkin not fur from his piefnr.'s.
"'rale that thing away:" he shouted.
'It kale my white and pluk nymphs:"
So the pumpkin wart ret,:nct•d. Cut
here ('trmnn Mile, Ute. 111• d• l•larsvt
that it shoaled not stay In the same
room with him i' turf•,. "Ica justolo•
smolt to my Ilona tool hears and (1'
ger.+," *aid he, "mates theta Inok like
tame cals."
Tattegrafo was the next artist to
protest. "Don't {'Ince it near my
work:" he exrlaiuseel angrily. "What
becomes of the Martial spirit of my
cams+r*. nod wird is tie Wit* of ex•
Whiling starving garrisons with a big
p'utnpkin alongside:"
So the pumpkin was ehlfted nbout
till It had linseed through fifteen
mono. nud not n member of the so-
elery would tolerate its pre'lence. I'1-
pally the picture hanger placed the
pumpkin In the entrance hall, official -
IV railed "Salle d'llonnettr," bol pop -
'early dubbed the -Chamber of Ilor-
rer..." Naturally t'o)lon became the
mortal enemy of the unhappy picture
ranger.-IllIrper's Weekly.
,.._4.:!,,1- -1,-i- s4.
.: .
•ew. frM if. f R14.., v.,yi,
ase.•_ .��- �•- u 1
'ic '44 1 : ' :, ,
Cc zicre - Fence
are sightly, strnr,y ! •-rmanent.
• Centerote k. in 11l.ny localities,
"nods for fence posts, and m.mre
•-1•,r !,r;e1 n1• i -.n Otsr 1,n•11(.
rl'r:filter t:-:.3:4
.!4;1•.:b:r than
• " What The Farmer Cin Do With
Concrete" its gent FREE.
It tells how to make, not only fence posts, but
walks, clubs, horse bl•,cks, barn foundations,
feeding floori', weil curbs. drinking troughs. sans,
tlairirt, and many other farm utilitle:: where
cleanliness, strength and durability are required.
Many of these things :it, simple and inrv•'ro- ¶r•41
sive to make, an'l pray 1. :'r he 11111 'acct'•
ynut • time. The I'onk care f111!t :"1,! simply -
poll, a... 11:1• rej.til,r 1 r,: ( f'1 Ile. 1.(rtk i - .
1• :are 411':r,11rtim1 11, 0. a 11:uir(41 norther. ' - ..
eycr. an,1 y!•,erg;,T• up t:ie cot to a•lyert:'ir;
you g, 1 •;etsr copy fief, if Toa sten 3
the coupe!' and 'r:1.1 it to day, 1)0 it 800e.
1.01 „es I,.o • . .i '•r 1•i at 101
Farmer Can Do With Concrete."
,I0•13 {riatt,,on,t 11.0114 !kidding �_
s t111X't' i,Mriar+N►1�r'
: '-a:r7 •t IT,
prd•..Afr t.?
,i 1
2i . ".
•.1•,u:. '. t:cels 1.. 1 10"mm 7a1
These Desperadoes Rarely Use a Gun,
but Work With the Knife, the Blud•
goon or by 'Tolling" -They Have •
Short and Bloody Career.
There are very few nights in the
year when Paris policemen un theft
rounds du not atumblu upon a body ly-
ing In a gory pool. Sometimes the
handle of a long, slender knife pro•
trades between the shoulder blades;
sometimes au ugly gash bleeds front
ear to ear; not seldom blood oozed
from month, nose and ears, aa though
the dead had not sustained any ap-
parent wound, or three little starlike
bruises way dot the temple, or et blutah
liar nn Incl) wide may azar the hack
of the neck, Putt above the collar Ifno.
•'Les Apaches," the "cops" whisper
to each other (for Parisian pollee o
fleet's always go two by two), and tbe
call for an ambulance, much relieved
Mot to have witnessed the incident.
The eteel blade, the biscktaek, the
brass knuckles, will serve the purpose
of the Apache, according to his vic-
tim's size nod presumable strength.
For a prey of smell stature, however.
the Apache reserves what In his slang
he calla -tolling." A sharp blow dazes
the victim and thrown him down; We
Apac'he's knees bore themselves into
the •bent, while his hands seize the
ears, lift the bead and slam it u couple
of titues on the pavement man • dull-
er thud tells of a fractured skull.
Until an Apache 1* an adept at
"sticking" his man In very much the
881110 way In which a Spanish torero
dispatches a bull. with a single thrust
between the shoulders, or at cracking
a skull bone at one slain, he is held In
little esteem and never allowed to
taelae "big Jobs" In a dmugeroltal neigh•
borbood, for Paris is a well polteed
city. The tight hawk roust strike like
li;:htutng, empty the dead man's peek-
ets In a wink and slink away into the
dark. Therefore Apaches very %cldum
carry gun,: the knife is allcut. 'roll-
Iiig. too. is safe --so many people are
known to have slipped and fiuelnrtal
their skulls! Uiikss the victim Is es-
pecially well dressed there 1a not much
.of ao inquiry.
When it is all over the gang, wt•ich
swatters liken flock of frightened spar•
rows, meets again at some w Ineahop
where no one is welcome who is not
"Ito the business."
Apaches never try to conceal their
soclnl etntuw Their very clothes nre
a sort of wnrning to the public. They
even affect a peeullnr walk, the body
bent from the lobus, shoulders hunched
and bands plunging deep into the
trousers pocketa. Itut who wool dare
to molest them?
The Apache Is n marked mhn. , li
(alas a gang at three or four and twen-
ty, and by thirty or thirty -tiro be has
gouo. The maws of a jail hold him
for the balance of his earthly exlst-
euee. Ile known that. Ile expecte It.
Therefore while his freedom lasts there
Is no desperate chance he will not take
to get at the gold that alone could
save him.
Apaches are uot born; they nre
made -made by the peculiar laws of
France. Every ciltzeu of the repub-
lic. without dlstinctiou of rank or class,
must serve under his eouutry's flag
for two years. Ou)y the physically mi-
ta escape that servitude. At the cod
of Ids term lo the rnuks every French-
man seehIrti employment mull pre -
rent as menn4 of idenUtleatlon his cera
teteate of honorable dill•hnrge.
I'len it Is that tragedy looms up for
one nntortnn:rtes Woe 10 the _ono
whose certificate mentions the "Afri-
can battalions!"
The African bnttnllnn.r, garrisoned nt
the edge of the Sahara (learnt aro
bade up nt all the boys who had the
misfortune of being arrested before
they reached the nee of twenty one.
Trivial as their offenses may baro
been. whether they were due or tint
10 the Ind/"creat exuberance of youth
or to tante absurd entanglement. they
nre sent to the desert outpost!•. kept
on cnt:viet fare, *leering nlusay in
trenches which they dig, watched over
by sett/rive that shoot to kill.
1'nder the bruiting e in that inyi
thein down feet with hoer end (-hut•
era they bend road,, crept 111(.1 the
nest day by the sand. They are "the
front" whenever Arnhs or Moroccans
threaten 1•.► shake e1T the French yoke.
\\'hcu they inn by the stay side they
n►r• 11.41 to a horse's hill. When they
protest e,nr4 cause the her"i' to rt: Ir.
,1nr1 w'h'oa the creepy %titer of sand
welts, ballets from the s.tutr!..or or from
cite nomads rind the boas of vicloal
burst's have sparrd them they telnrn
to their nnthe city with hatred in
their hearts, with the loatheonu' meta•
cries left by to a la:inn will, the de.'
prnre(1 ::nd the rnurelly diseased.
'1 Vey return to their nlrtivc can 10
furl (1 (1)4 :ir41 he:Ir1s lo'•kecl 10 Ii,44111.'
Their Military 11/n0k, wblrh they i i:1st
f:rodmce, proclaims {hem Julihirds.
Who %•ants to employ an eit•eonvictt
Dining their two years In the Afrienu
Inferno they prove atoned for their or.
rocs of the eighteenth or nlneteeuth
ear. For the second time they horn
settled their account with society..
And now society refu::es them a
chance to allow that they hare (for
some of them base) shed the old Iiidn,
to pt'UTe thnt a new heart la b0nting
In their l,rCf,Ui
ilnrd is the plight of 1•,n et ...melee
In Fr:unre.-Andre t'rldute It: New UM