HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-10-27, Page 6/ 'a ....ea..... --I •INTESTIflIaL 110P LoveVs Piiowoss; )r, A Liitlt: 11att iiuI►Iila1 1)I•c:aln PARALYSIS fruit-a•tite%" The Only Medicine That Will Really Cure Constipation. Tho Liver both valise., and euros Obstinate Constipation u1 1'aral)„,a 01 the /towels. When the Liver becomes tnrpi,l or ('11.\1''('1:.1 .i, it was nothing but sheer I 4. then it 4'.11uutt give up enough f the tin, to haute the Dowels. ''Ilei shame, Sir I'hillil`." ; ',it'd sport and thoroughhoed that • t;'r .1 -rives" nets directly on the M:u:d1. laughing. • sou ae pre- oracle hill so assiduous all attend- Iii•: andhakes tho liver +string and ant at Epson!, .\scot, (Seeleuud alt,, e. jatl ler a idt•r laborite. It 110 is 1•t That, bis cuter, were shut at :to eurtng the liver. "Iseult -a -Lees" rather funcfrr of hunting !iron i, enables this important or hem rani rouble with tees inter,*,!, rattler off -times nu(y easily be int• gun to bite i oft audit lent line to lllovo Itlo blurt1li (,f the puhli� ,eider•, won't that ho +tltiucd with itis pu,ea4n1 fur IluntinK• iegularly and naturally, and thug euro this right eta}' to put it !illi n hr Ito tl,ualh' saited f>r either a "Intestinal Iniralysis." of overwork, •'Fruit-a-th•es" is made of fruit l:rullrnbrt, he is young' jukes and tones and is undoubtedly "l rs ; 1n► not likcl ' to forget If ;t be true that men usually f, elrcl tin is antithesis to tcivl+ teitU, the only tnedielne ever discov:red that it, returned the bar.u,i t grimly, w111 positi:uty cure Constipation with a llttarness indeed he could '.lien eta" .1.1'414h(Towler all excel- any furrtl. 1 ion In hardly have accounted for.Ile is tion to the rule. Mrs. ('rawkir leas as drtut.4 to tux-huulin • aiid race 'I'ruit-a-tires" i sold by all dealers young dcuce,l young —yes—!se'sb ,Uc a box. G for l..:0, or trial box. toil young to marry... Ing as her l ti han(I, and, stra nge to lit "I think upon the S !Ile I should say, though the mother of time, 4,r or may be obtained trout bruit-a- Iuefei that fault. in :a husband to for children, the intere reekl•••, of di``'m Limited. int:a \t:1. 1t, Apposite," replied \laude dc- the two in pursuit of her fat.,rtt,• n: ',rely, diversities. It. was said of her that hoer me to hope, my dear she was a bolder rider and bolder 74.4 .. • , said Sir ]'Milli, swallow- hatter than her lIlisb:tnd. Von ill_ i:V, ir0 Illatllflllly, -you may Must not ran away with Mistaken net• I have cause to relent of that itleas on these points. and picture o. However, I have said my her to yourself as a roost unfen)'i11 t.,. 1 only wanted sou to think Inc person. She certainly (lid ride 4,• i .,ler what you are about to do. better to hounds than most Indies `,\.. :i.'. rnde,tlor t„ tinct sante-"t41' 5eea. and she certainly dol 1 for l'li:trli,• Clear:.. love fretting in what ars.' •. ,o4Ml to rt<. era:t :i' `14.etl people who toe. or •!:reel \!a , tie, 111\ t „2: 1,e 1 4:,t' r•I h, nor pies. anything :-ia, cin: 1 1 tuu,t , a,•I t4..:.• ..I sial;envy chore-chott, ''so ,. 1,,. " 11ii 11 sour= Still she• •n r • .':c .42141 - 1., ' . ;,. • t:.'.i'' anti \lath.• :i• t 01.110! .tre.l •1' a 1f, .. igh •••a•ared to 1' 1\ t:'i ii•:,.•it 41144111nt('(1 forsunt(' ..f r . .! 1 • . . n r,.•. ; i_t tea• ,,,,; .- ! 1„ ..,r.i,•w 1,114' ..11',1 .' vie , oosoterahle time oyer the I",hri:,dt. :1..': h Sad i•. r.t'41 for that int „eta foregoing c00%ersat:on. it had al tulit ht'r .4, '•.• 4..•! ,•n little of hire i• • ,4 occurred 14. her to bear in l'„pular wit ii !., ., r :]part tl•'nt :i„ pie,: to i's. but had ;hat if Chariot 11:u a, II•'u- her t«A p,•1 :ora s- nes, s1te' 1.,.•) rias - :hsxurrcfly' f•' .,.i Finn pleasant with her ttl little n .lu::.• t.' u. 113th cor4, .{ .•teol, at tornt.lg steal. (':!:y lir lot•u e c f.•sscd to 1.4., it ea- ,trams.• lei, ie. got on rather looter. JI. -t ..f IL. Ha(l ,Ie kulit n «hat had taken .i:ITerel4c.' to thi- opportunity .,f a that '!:e ua, 111 the habit of aur, • ! .:. in the smoking room ate -' 314 i; talkd sur( to MUM. stint, .•1 n .. .1, she tni_11t Ita•.t arco11lutr,l .Mart in life :hat Kaci carne i. biro. •• e , i at ail c't•nt, thought they (lid, • h•'r coo -o. •'t.l'It'a :rntlt.atliv ►Cas \:1 I 11:1 iii right and 1,:ts' a : i 14'•• 11:1.4 he.•ti 'onlcwh:It n her cousin thinking n ted deal "'el, rause to the saute thing. .1•Minna ,..ore of the sacr:tic.' of hi, 011ii conipli (Ilitv4t., she had none sl:,}. ncrrnehg his e•,}Jett, b\ P!rt ate- :hall u 1 1 f•,ry.'t. she ".s"''•..I oar otb,.l. 110:441 a141 field. .14141 had been led a f her Lea:tf4. «i Stet . I he .o pr rrmPtolily (1r, 133.',3 to at.' faculty, she ptate.l :t 1er;t fair it rather hart) time .,1 il. lietribu- to the 1•::I,t . It !night he o, •1, rul,ei of «ilii. anti 11as 1• nulrkai•ly 11.,41 do.'- ..,mr•tintt•. dr -.areal ..0 apt attempt to r wile Ladmore that! „r,,. r'.4111,!;1•“.r- f••r•1 '.1 it. \ «onion wh . 1-111.'.1 flu ,e? -orae«halt :It•rAcnul young 441. 1 ' 1: (113. eta , 111 t , o n , • a t „ a do • her II„n-• 31.!31 will. b It 1"4"1” . !t I,t 1441 1,e 01'0. :111x1 then..' \C:tit.,:, 11441 ote41 or .1etuun"tr.etise 1•.,.'r' 'itert:tin (.•r woo('4411 „n1\ !ur'•il Fir❑ . rt in the fir t to l''•ra, l ler a lift',.• leo ninth a, 11.I%ilia 4•:urfill!c protid141 for thei.• ,:',tante., ilial chaffed alHl ,14.1141.4•41 tf u: r• n•:. 1, wife • 11,ateruMl comfort, slue ;of: them Inn; lulnt,•r.'it.tllc before the seance (0 ilii '''alit «.•!! \44411 11:.•y irrriiinatetl. 'I•h.• 4Ir toe r, rather She < a • ,. clot !he'll. r eibt4 i ii!_, f•.,., 1 , • 2, t ht. .u.-: th•,r",'gh un-' i- Ilea'"1 \CI,. IIo'r pt••.ple };' t a lit - :rpt to take 1'14:11:1••'- t ?e« of Its. ti•!ua• I: «:1, eti.ient h.• ••.as not r,'' 1•"' :1 • h looked atter :44 4.4424 l .rm,.I,h,r ..n these ..4'3'1.4111, al fat•.,i :t it I, 1 i •, r'. e tit i„• • - :4.4111111110,, 1 ,1.,n t t houg!, . ,, ,Wore than likely that IIPpulueutill his hoi- .huedt(1,0ernmelit ust of J; :i good (teal during the uiornin❑ •'(' .14141 it be,- th4.ugl't (he ci41, : `11111 Major 11'alt4nl tvoulrl 14••1,1 •'-, I'hil1(1 a 10111111111111e rival \Ili, it It Valli,* to the h:tltle of the ball 1••• ui, and yet 11. 11:1(1 :a-, Irrdly sat:.• i:at :"`Ir ('hiih}' Voui,i take hi, own ]'art ' n,t 1,01,1 In the 1',•nt1-t 12,.2' 11 lark- c•'o•l 141.10e -•.-'Then slit. thoualit :aleint what Charlie ., '.,•',snit ll:I•i keen. ' .1 ten':eltelt f.,01. that y anti; gentleman 411144 Stu,•- --ly 41•`. ,er.h0(1 llaj.'I \\'alt, n 144 a Inlet ealliorsat000lo. had Leal •,tit!. her FOUGHT TO A FINISH. Tiger and Crocodile In a Battle In the Water, In India n native went to blithe In a ravine. lie was in the tenter up to his neck schen n tiger 011 the hill above gore n leap toward Ile prey. ilul the tiger had nut enlc•ulttbld that, _-. -- since 11Is vb'li111 '.41111 mo(• 1 lower than himself. tl leap of the right strength for a borizental range would curry hits far beyond his 'nark; consequent- ly he fell aouw ten feet on the other vide. Now, It happened that a hungry croc- odile was nt the Paine time drawing a bee line under !voter toward the na- tive. \Viten the crocodile had almost come upon his prey lie heard it splash just In front and mode a dash. bring - r re, ,;YJ. �i lar AXLE GREASE Is tha turning f,inl to economy 111 w..0 .,' ,1 tear of wagons. Try a lit. l:.t:ydealer everywhere. 7�"tc Ilnpcirial 011 Co.,Ltde 001ar4, dgtnl,: 1Se thane 1;4y o 1 to ,Lis A 444Teriny u,a1 IL r same as leutoo er raattl Brr ,luvd.tog ars',„la11,d wgar ie wale.; end •JJ,sg l4&i, ^:„e, a dr1iaoa, 14144p as u.ade and • .nap buter this maple Ynyletue It 1.1,1b• if tint send SOc for 2 os. 64.n:e eW coops teak. Cr,sc,ot V.I.srCo_ Seattle. Wq, WORRY DOES KILL It Slov,ly but Surely Destroys the Celle of tho Brain. Modern selencu bas brunght to light nothing more curiously Interesting Ing Ills enormous jaws down on rho than that worry will kill. More re - tiger's paw. workable still, It hes been able to do - The bather nearly fainted whit termini) Just how worry does kill, fright when be ant the tiger fall into it Is believed by limey scientists the water. and for a few moments Ile who have followed carefully the could not understand why the Brea- growth of the science of bruin ,!i - ture did not devour him. Why did be ' eases that scores of the deaths >• t persist 111 keeping one of Ms paws un• ' down to their causes are due to worry der water, beating savagely with the and that alone. '►'Ile theory Is a sine other? And the water turned red! plo one, so simple that any one can 'filen all at once the nasi:lulls of the readily understand 11 tiger became more furious, and his Briefly put, it amounts to tide: %Yur- growls developed into roars. The tinge ry Injures beyond repair certain cells tali of a crocodile reared up out of of the lirnin. and, 1110 brain being Ow the water. The obvlotte Intention was nutritive center of the body, the other to pull the tiger under water and organs become gradually Injured. and drown hint, and the tiger, understand- when some dlaeusea of ]hese organs or Ing this purpose, tried 10 frustrate It a combination of thew arises death by beating the snout of the crocodile finally ensues. ttith his other paw. hilt the snout Titus worry kills. Insidiously, like lt:is 100 far down. and Ile left touch many other tiLseases. It creeps upon of his force on the surface of the wa• the brain In the form of a siugle, con- fer. Ills struggles became more and . slant, never lost Iden, and as it drop. more feeble, and ut length be dlsap• ping of water over a period of year* poured altogether, only a cluster of will wear a groove In the stone, so bubbles remaining to show where he does worry gradually, imperceptibly bad been. nod no hese surety destroy the brill Ms tight, however, hnd been a game ('ells that lend all the rest, which are, one, not entirely in vain. for when so to speak. the commanding officers the 1)0411es of the two beasts flnully of mental power, health and tu.Uot. came to the surface it wus seen that 11'orry, to make the ttvory still the tiger had literally torn away the stranger, !s an Irritant 'at certain whole front of the croetalllt” s face and points, which prodt,ces little harm it hnd blinded it so phut its tictory ryas It comes at inlervula or irregularly. a useless one.-Cleo:Igo Iteculd Herald. Occasional worrinleut the brain caul cope with, Lut the iteratin11 and iiia reiteration of one 1411', .f a disquiet- ing "`i i•, ,; • tun r and iu(ICJI I- those days. FALLING BODIES. sort the cells of the brain are not`!' i:t ru, . `'a' t',i.'i - alike with Gentle, as the Eskimo may be, to the dogs they, are savage masters, — _- proof against. 'rho ru11�unu:r Their Velocity Varies Accordingto the Tho lakimo dog is unused to pet - y It Is as It the s.,II'1 were kid bora +i � ;:'1:�, i • .t•., ::r,•a?It i.lrrt.as- Force of Gravity. ) , 1 t 1 ting and rho first !turd given a y nP.41 the surto.. •.f the Lra!n rain. �. • i 1 •: .• •� :4 i�•� - A mon fa1i;; Truro a three story lightly with I n 68nrner ect•v few .,, i'.. ,• ; a i,., a„ . !,a,- stranger er c n arrival at sene port building in New IlrI,'n:is will not fall onds with nlechau:cal pre,•i,i•:u, «':•'4 1 t ' Iii'', !"•, ,i, lit where (lacy may be is to .keep hands a'• fast as he would It he were In New never n sin of a step lir the tailo,re1.:., ,..z., r i„ , :4'4 in off, (len an for petting. York city. In fact, In handl an two4'":11:(1/111::11.,.. \corer, under any circumstances, ) J y of a stroke. Joist In Pith weak r! ,es th'. r •. � : �, „ ,. a :aa:�:i,a:,i 1)11 places will Ile foal with the Sarno nnnoyln;, Idea. the load.!•'•,:: • t', .': •ht e', top t, • 4'' :11.14:1. industry the natives advise, slip, or the have speed. This 14 I104•au';e 8s w"o eo 10- that will not be dace a«:1y \\ sill. SII-...... 1:114141.1 :u , the: t, ntethnds will be upon yon, and there hate ward the egtrht,r the furca of graclty or tall upon cert;llu nerve cells, nicer 4 4 he .tui.. 1,1,(1:( 1; ullip thein been grim fatalities, indeed. gets Tess and less, unit conset:uently erlsing, (IIII1n1.11lrl( the vita.ity of the Now, ih'. Grenfell, the welt hueis-a ,It .r cr..'!, t!n•nl out !Illi acceleration uta falling body be delicate or;,nnlsmv that ore +o minute• known isoi nary doctor of .,f sub. nee. The ire.1rporat1,rs dor, has taken up the !natter of sub. comes less, and the force of Impact Is ]hat they 482* be '(4't'14 volt under the ,,, , ..Iu1.hatR'tl!y, 11c1t theta ' therefore less. micruscnpe.-Journal 1.1 /Physiological 2 atiteting the dog with reindeer. While It does not make very much Therapeuti.•s. '..- .Ih a ltrly uo kat 11, for aids' , difference In 111( injury t0 a person i; .salol. but that the m,rger TAI: REINDEER fatting from n .e height. It does make a 4 .,•1 1..•',•n firmed noir for 14 '. par- is a gentle beast ; it finds its ow* JUVENILE BLOCKHEADS. 1 f • 4.!i„[, e='4.nemi",• difference In other things. 'fake n rifle In foewl 4..ruugh the d(c]test snot,; If ! ' l,''' ,,•111111 y" the 1,, n -e of it 1- il;, . I.,tu,n of those. peculiar and Ore It exactly horizontally, nod 1f a,i'i,r• ,1i t. tlti they frenktc de-gitcy milk an+. tle,h and iia hide *f- und . ,! :.,. '. t ,1 { :, ,. II ! • "'1 oat: ht nu r. : f r, \t!:•':'• , .t,, generally t.'t'.1 Was. :old c•'nVelt. .'u his the gun Is S(s4een firet above the Stupid Boys Who Developed Into WarId 1, O. that thr.t }11"p1, -ed to hrltg fortis garments. jeeito:l of ,,,•, t•, r, ,. h t11t i „` :.. ,o• u,. assailant's opPurtu ginned, any, at New York the ballet Famous Men. Ito an eitt1 the ruinous (41141'••'. a1o11, "To most fulk, they relate on `' I: c_ to„• m rain after the al2i iiatt. fired from such n ride x111 strike rho There 1s i:uito a long record of fa• lthat was 411IIIl the ter;: \liar!_ out the Labrador boats. 'the importing he 11:141 heel, .a' 4• r..nL:, K ,' of 111 • 1fa.nhaln anti he. a ,Ire lint \I, - i 2 wale', announec, her ground ill exnetty ono second after It mous men who In their boyhood were lot the industry. ro •• tad: 1 • : .,l lu 1of reindeer to the great froze i pu- .1,it ”'",1r11.'\ -1 in lin:;,•', round t!.'• iutentien of o•nnk ,lo«n to i+.0 !, leaven rho rifle. If the bullet has a reaardtal as futile and duiiards. Sir ( It i, gratifying to not,. that the ninsula of Labrador ulna I 1 hr• .,',i ' i,', n 't �la :el. I. .� lilt the a • I:t!e olio, aril tt\,. or horizontal velocity of 1,Ulu feet per 11'aiter Scott wens called a, "htoekhe•:td" nt+•l101 luta wade Ines' it, 4 1A11ti,r'4 pruterbial care)ing of coals to New t r_. 4.: L• : •1 .;a, 1. ; •• •1 I, ot,itos !!•tee lark. •,1 «Ihom aian.1.• t- ala.•, s1"'"lid it will strike the earth erectly by his mother. 'the mother of lira..., I and kept faille «iib both 1,411 -11111- (aslle. LI fact. must folk, to crrtl- 4 '''li" i 0110 feet away, Lel us take the saarne leySherldnn des nlrel of team•hhlg hili ler and independent manufacturer hi: '.+ants : • *atom. -le• lead 3.. •'•i 4_'' , ' a'' MP:" her ' n t fess the truth, have a preconceived 71,;,r alit. "I ',1:314)1! a, 11.1 It at i.• . 3• •,i fu1• :t ',,lire•- Ane to a pence wheree the force of the simplest e,rments. Iler death 'alike The ronsuule1 gets his ce- idea that where there are Eskimos „grainy N not the ',wine as nt New newtscrl hint fo ectivity'rid he became moo- for 1410 at an at erase ,rice 1!1•,rAa h!)' F• ,11„11, :1:1 '•1121• ••1 .11 the' u!n•11 «e t, • :iii a ,«1•••t Soo on 1 there are reindeer. and it is recall - thoroughly • fl a \!.I+ * ,bot t,•• 1 4:n• ars York, bot a gutd deal ',moiler, say a scholar, phllasopher, pe01, wit, tat ' , i i:, per barrel at the 111111 -II , ct1 bow, in the dietric•t sc•140441 clays, ', ,' • .4'i th'•I.' „ two-rhlMq swatter. We find that If ratan and orator, ])eau Swift, the keen t.,; \r• i 1 •u knelt �Ir 1'I,,!' n 1:o?I,:nat to ,,. .I t, h,•u•e• I ' ter than Illi, he 141oi„rC one learned the many uses mad! ut h,• had r.• I' rho glen 1a (1180441 Sixteen resit ahove est wit of hie age, was naked” at the deer by thus., people. !: is 'unu(1 �lan,le. ,,.n f,u.•n• ”-., .41 the Iles•!.,, p% 1••d in l'anadu, with the ex- n,.I:; r,:1: • ,: a1 R the ground, ns before, and abeolufely Dublin university, Newton, Shak,• .. l,• , .1 , 1 O.,. short 111141'.81 during "The skin, they remember, fur- (;., �. .,r 1 , i. new lion I.,l. before J11 the fiat.; (1 ."[' 41..14•41 behind horizontal the ballet will not felt the 4*(t'ar0. Htiehelntigei0 and Ulster l:a.,t ,, I,• ii ..'Miall! etas I,('llt veld ,ii3hes their tents. The horns *1111 I 4' Major 1C:tltou I 1141 4• slzteen feet In nue seVoud. but will smith all rattle its IFP cat.•q.r'. ]•r.'\'., ,. 4111141, a :•h. " n :,r:'4 T!„ ,,,t:0111,4,m of NI.- ('ranro4 + tate neer nue add a holt seconds to One day a slatternly woman lir+1141 !i atrlil ,rice 1fr the boor are toil:1x1 into utensils Ci. ;too 1, that l:+ , .4 ...0.100 ,I ' h •. ' 1, 4,• •.'.4 )•••,•.'h %:f, trade in g.• 84 .arts.' -t. fall, thus easbltng the bullet to be In nut of n Tittle grieves shop gripping ft I 1 ,f (ter y sort. Tho ark and the ! a- foul the ,,., (1 lady 14 lits I. i. „' ,,•'lir during the pu,t butter made from it are rare lid leant ••[ us to ori: • i Ir i.,•:• ' , the air during that length of times an unkempt boy by the ear, and as she , ,, ,, , i,linK to the report bits indeed ill the forth, while as wen- •: .n , !' ,,.k, and a ',lay .alt alt., I'hernf.re It will atrile the ea- ail tory «.•'; +. ,h: .r,••-h•."'•i '1 grimed Putted him alum; She rhymed to her i 1 ', , 14• ;,artnl. lit .•f �l1'lth rt Iat ass of burrh n. the deet i, ties fin'] fault •.(iib 4 i. 4: .• . hot 10e :'.1• 11 I hear,- icmal1, L. , •,4i.•or v. as fr:login to her about 1.0310 feet nw'ar, Ilium it i• seen netgbbur: ., ,,. .,Ii: :lit. - 1,11: 14n:r, belt friend of the habitant i !Alp tee e..in1 to ,It !., ',...t a t• 1' son 1 urtir _4•;+, neariw'--'•f •n,irlt Iter that the range of a rice Is In4ren•et "Sty hart IS fairly broke with that „I ;.,,,i ,;I ,.,. 1 •„ r1I.:II4 1!3(14 land w,41 not our .lmrricuu mirth at II. most 1'ertain.t did. 1 ha'.e •••••, o•d4•ree e.teh u-hnlcut «ark,•• ns It Is taken inward the equator. hint. Tammy. and he Is so stupid he r?1 :,., . t:dlr,r, e, _ •f4.:�•. :1 uta}• be all... wurd11 t4. his dot r iota Cr, i ( I 1 q r . 4,. 1"1 hee11 111111th. al. ttrl stere •4n• •• 1. 111.uth11e t1, re• site 111111.11 Of course there is no lace on the can learn nnthin':" ,t•:•l1 tt:t the ,. 1 •11(1 16111.4 "IIP oar: e,-. ;and I,a.1 ,'n • -r IP thou fir Phillip tai," u.u) 114•• r: ! i' • ',+tuna, 1,�,t I u4 2•,!41 he gee• a- !'•.1.111; after; 11• for laser elnldr1.11, earth where the force of gravity Is That snood brat 'famntp became the ! i first piece of advice n nat..df I \I li ,!. 11 ;u- e,. 1 the hoes «ere at schoa, and the two-thirds smaller than at New York, poet 'Tom Sloore tinder which CP1114 : I :•1 111 1. nit- Rit.•s yon, as stated above, is detractor. the 4•ions au• would (1at4• ilum,•41 .•.t lir..'!, More f • .1!a I, ,t 2" •i.,. ,,,,, r, 14„iris; to, Ilio little girls in the 4liarife of a hot there ore monk place, where the to n country e4hanlhonee In Queen's n�la. hate by uo rue:ui, 4 , 1141tc- IIT TO PET THE Inii;� ticr4. 1; . . 4131 , carefully 1.1'11. ted Roterne-s, «11111 41flferenro I. ron',tder*ble enonch to rnunly, ln•Inud, n 1•4•t tt :141 n 11111u1 _ . -_ 1. • . T. 1 I. 1„• ,nu' 1.44 .1 11, 1 ..lie home uccupntnit i(lu•1. affect slightly the range of rifles. -Fiore knife cut 111 the desk • A. \t'.,” the tn. 'Thr in(1c].rn41enl nlilf. t1e t tile.' silo tl t t i, to !;,lard Against falling , iI \1'•1.1.1: VIII thil the hat .21, i ea- tiot an4i-; old. 4...11141 hauelly be elite,. •I t' 2' t;'1 In`r'3 11(4►1y, It came to 4411 cl�d••r•litndmt4i «h r, :uuu11K thr111. Phis of his nn ole. 'Ube d.;u'hcr, who Ili they' aunt it' a , e•iiited a le the sett est. the d,, 4 l.,ra n 3 ,i•.rli 1,arre1 in .1141 1:111••, 1 after dinner. NIP 1, •i• • \I cough! him In the nit. (lied out i I! K K al4rut, w111, has s4. th4.nn,thly' 4o for themselt.o. fcustin 1,u the fish lear\4' n'• d• uhf 111 «311 K..e a I.1••rr ('',nolo', regarded a thorolaghly r The Chicle Tree. "Stupid, yen :Fre bett,`r:it coiling let K .'hewing gum b nol.`,Ing but chicle fere and destroyln_ .1.'•k, (brio yen ort minuet' 11 his ,ale: a..d delilery «lith Come in clo+. to ,Lore, or .1n mI ed with sugar and flacoring, olid at iearnlnit Sour le+"ons;.. Icn14 that cement may be deli •., i tl o11a1 of Ih,• li+binµsot 1 1t'.lt•nlente china 1S the guns of a Tree that grows Thlt boy wag Arthur 1V.4le+ley, "lot": aur point. from the . l•'-1 -t • .rt hllKclt. 'fhey are );real bllil - i'Ientlfnlly in Slrxtco and Centrnl known to fame as the fluke of Wei- '11311, n acrurdaece' Milli fie• u:1tr,r- 11,'d .',mine, s Itb'r white or mot- Anterics and that of re.•cut Jean has l$ngton, hero .,1 (1aterkw,. al leoa 4,1 eou4ntoice, thou 1411114 (11 •, Heil n'.'.ptly, with brow u. In win• been cultivated on a largo tactile In le the nii,t.' years of the 1a41 ren in,: Iona haul., :old I,rt.rho ter. hotteter, their totarienl, appc,• Yurafatt. The chicle tree is not unlike tuft .. it , 1114•11:4,t., .•t of de!”' r1 1 ' n m i'1 1,tun `files knots nn lufitueles, ' h}'+ r4.:•�4•, hits India rubber tree, and the gum a 1"' • , •,.I la,. 11•11.•rs ••r•. 1:.” in the ]loth the merger and the lode .1f the Ratites Iiny' posts (fowl ie was brat shipped to .1:aerlea by teen R.,•,.1. 1 4, I rote b prufesaor reported 1,. n(1enf c onli? i t e l l t !I ro <I ( their 4..1ukrd L„ them and- warted 11.'s who be:level that in 11 they had n per- hire an 4 ri••. . ' that 14. `etas besldeg, •ale. a4t,vlt r haat,' Ia„n4 bid ctrl in hart 41 -,.,1'1, t1:+1 : hi, tn•14r suffices. feet srbafitule int robber. lu thh, n worlhlrs. 1..a, w!,o told niece! to !treat Cato •1 opal eampa 11)0 ; Herne -•1d lip and dl it en a',i,r4, 41uweter. they were mistaken, es It waS umouut (0 nn3U14,,." t'r th do, 1,011,.,• 1,t 11u'r'asi`if the i the snow trail, of the noril.•'-i rutind that the chlete gum anq Insole• I will amount to more than Jun"' ,.,44,,,2111;,:i,,,, „f 4:',nvnt by the fart.- fields. it iv only frill' 1,f the 1111' ,•r'e ble. Not In this day has any IacrIInm return.'11 tee youth nu 4.nnn41nuy olid the lay PnhliV. whip and know le dee , 1 Ili. -!{iii. by acid or nitall, 'pull or ether been 1te did, for tie t,orurne lord , fres • I. - "- which with h;- that!! foe:, - *!'.kin found that will dtasulce It. -Argonaut I"r of 111g141nd lord Unwell a I:,I sea y1.11 THE 11.\'3 1:3'11 he ea 11 1,.:1,'11 an. dog In 160 n ha, !erste( ',sore 1 Icer or 444tels--iondon 4:raphi'' h. iu the rand •lel4•4'. of pack. that l,rer Ihrrn (1u\\n. Let at I ! 1;adebu,4 K our 411'1 torn uP,•u luta :ul+) u14 Tolerance. ..i nin,nl.•:. .0 esi sonlr•Ilu„� �IrOl;letlhtlrlc. �1'hw0rtlr, l;^',manly, . KK , ,ion(` -I've something On me 4411111. , -h4.olc 1,. kill. .t In•I tt 1•e• i ht• ,1,'k 4 1 gain a rook!, or Perim I,- i 4” • 'Arty. that 1 hardlyknows how to tell Some Famous Echoes. 111 ,•,•Icor:Ir to11 e( the )111',!!1 4.t till::: i ' There I'1 a falnou•• c. h', .n the f:hinr8(.11;1111 at 11::4• , lud,•e .f, .a i.• in the urenR Pine•4•, yer. ;:ravel ,1..1 :►1 1, .• of it , ll lire m 1."11'•:-:. ilii ar•'n i'ul':1•I•'r olid til11..11 obi, tl 1, ,, :11',' 111. 111!'11 III tag. ]„111' w1111•'1'll•• .t \o. nu, replied Mrs (r., ''.•r, 14!:tilat, '. , 1 f 1341 y lit - \.. 1 'Arty -Ahs rule it rare''' n e : .,,entee'n Mines, 1511111' . ,,, of Ile ..,..1:r1 I,t'i1 «11u 410%14 11,',•11 N.1. 11111't not 1;1, any 140:114.1. • •'• 1 .1atll—l'ill afraid 70T «ilii mor',, Mit 111 .I.' , ars 114".alt , ,, P,,- ., (44.441 f"'• (lei mina' 11 ,•r Slidell.., the wife • io..o. „.,•an. i 3 their dolls. shall disturb the pin. S... tip. 1" 1f 1 tells yer• of ,`, rhe n ',i 1 I 14010:111 1':1111:1;11:11:r, I , , ale four. lite hares ',teaks,¢ meas '.(reAht ;via 1f. „ I nfo,ti :4:,te ,y ti, )' aid lu'rl 4 y' there Is e,. . 1. • whleb r• 1•e:31S fife :411.'1 !Ilse lint• t. :I i'i an,t N'Oiifil\(: 1101.ND. ti :,4,..id', : 111010 ih,'y Ro 1hl. 'ILA the Jane --I'm n xomnembulht. 'Arty. flnlPa In rt .''• 4 •• i," r 1..•,‘ •• r.• . «111 ni?U ]herr• «1 Ir P.1 L1•.• :1',.1..1.,3a:1,11 I.I i,2 :, t Ince ..f h.re . .nf'idr. in -1.144 of 'Arry (otter prolonged pa1t4el-\ecet gite h:,ck t.:. ,i -.0 1In re is a -tore t•r4i . f n r. rt:I.' I' Wit tau , ,iu t their sticks tea. 1i.'•r mind, Jane, It'll ho all tight. It there a h•v:un any ureic 111 the to • Iii• h i,:; ' :„ ,,. \;110 «4 to t. '•ter inn 4•' 1I t- 4"f" fine "1''' n• ;net a \o, they 1,:1,e only wailed f.•1 r1••• nlu't no ebspel for It tce'II he married master eta. in 41e -lino', , •1, , , 1 „ It•, I the t' 1 night i'''ris f1, get f.•ivaril. F1,11r • 4 h ' -lit a registry,-lnndon Punch. .f the. 14iithoner. «ill be p,.•t'.! i :,4•. 1 I. 41 ill, e.%el \ • , A Beed Actor. 41,,, .4,,.•'• tie \till dear,hut1 • in "1 Neo you h'lte an actor employee.; •1 i ' - :.ii:' .114 them. :Ind) ser hot'. en the farm." Ili,•'. 41., their di \airs ' "Yea, 1 put hive on. Ile'4 n darn good ' 1'I'o 1... vont ini'•d.) actor too. I thought he was working 3ion:e r. DYEING 1. the ,.vy +o Savo Money [?rens! Well 'f, y ,t ! Siert.le as 'Noshing with 2attr.'.' ;r ONE"'r�Al1.11,1 DSvl�_.,i; ziancesemmysfur JUST Tl'ltr'( OF ITt nye! Woel.' •', ... .....4 Goods Perfectly •, .IS me 8.4': ,. 4,,.," 014nlstale,• •nA ltrauo.ul 4.01 ,r• tu,- m,, ,ror1your bt or t�b en for Color( r U'4r >f • r 6 d ■ de S" u .q 11d 1 o,.Y 6Montr. 24 1 flee Joburon-nnCo., l.I,n;trd. Mon4re•1. THE ('EME\'1' lNlU S'1'it1•. (Inc of Ike (:reales( factor, in the Growth of (aut1118, TILE GENTLE I':EI!;DI.1.1 1.111It 11 OH HOPES I'1' 1111,1, Illi 01' (.111:-1T 1'i.1(11C4:. Hr. ],',',!hill i. is 1 ,3114;• of it a•. a �t 11b•lll111+• fur the Eskimo 1)og. No lit'c et •:11ild on Christmas F..Ye loss; lcii `. fonder hopes for the pat- ter a: )1'4',1'4 upon the roof, or Ito bellc1• of oame bull deer, than. are the foifts ul the far Labrador luok- .nt; forward to the culling into their t Trinity of the gentle reindeer. For, along wit). the coming of the rein - (leer there follows the passing of that necessary pest of the South, the I':»kinio !lug. Thier, x. ;ars, ago on the Labrador coast a trapper remarked that if Men cher gt''. to the North Pole, it would be by the aid of these dogs. Lung, lung ago, out of the wild sonv•whero, alt Eskimo got a [colt and domesticated ]lint. Tke Eski- n1, dog is not, scientifically speak- ing, a dog at all, but a u..lf. Then there were others who followed tl 11, 441,', and so each had a wolf 0 clog. to use the cant name bf the Neill. - to draw his skill -b. THE ESKIMO DOG. Then just as one idea leads on . ('onstrnctior,:ll 1. telopmcnt and to the next, so here, by-and-by, improvement , and It ;11 continue to they found that two dogs, pulling be in Canada 10:' -.toe years hence, twice as much as one, would help j One of the Iir(ut. ,t factors in our tremendously. But through the growth. ('rime," has an an Arctic snows there are no trails. A indispensable in structural work of dog must pick his way ; and the tan- indispensable character and type, as are dein of dugs that one meets with in tie Land, of the laborer mho does' Switzerland or in Holland would work and au ambitious (•e,nntry ; never do in the world. Instead, out 1.,11 Hever tolerate a monopoly in j ..f the seal hide they fashion n har- es tlateri,ll SO 1111itersally used in net=s, to nbuso tho tarn, and the hath public nark and private ell - ed were left to pull. A lash help. ed wonderfully in urging them on, \C1,. ;1 t!u' c, Ment• merger was • and it has Been by tl:e lash that the f rno'.1 ::,•t 1. 8r. the Hetes viis re- Eskiuu, dog has been kept sinoa \ i •i.1 - :1110? 3I a •i tl' hat t' ri. ll•'r 11x1• 1 ,y 1,4 114 g.• .I a„•„lint of h1111-011. Sir day in the light of n seri....• , .t .d for the o11'..• ;,ars. ' e• 1,141 ;1144..t bold pus 4.15 11 nifty, to be plaretl 111 ih' +•• , 'I night/ :It Illi'',,' . 0 't.0 , 4* that wa1 gAn11 . eategory n, 911 atlnek of 1' a,'h.• -..I f 1-114 4 141,11•,1, 11, 1\ '! 4an4-••n, Iho't1 h yon look or tleuralgia. an.l c.vtG:l• • her it, c1 ''11 III the ha!! ••«,i ) ••r-uu 141,11141 bide '-ern little• ...•rt 11-.41 u1 11s. iter 0600 0 het scarlatina and 11•(1,1' ••11 • 4 r,. •1 •, , tl' alio. t':, \t that Instant 11rs Crnttlor j r4•uti..uuu- v.et \1' • I: I 1 'i 1 n .I .1, ', Shed, t... • ,4-- .1• I •.i .i .1,• sal,',. 1., her lu•ge 1 hr,.k ua,lk fhtonKll flhe plan find :1 p' N lot pal: „ 4, t, ,,.1140 1. y.41, t:utlon •'1Yr4.tlrnhllK the Mottle 1 t It •'..:-• of n.4 will Iil'.11 ht theta 1n a1oelt 1,1(1( an hour vie 11-.1-1 to r! , i K n .a',f •.' h••,t the ri-r 1, 4.. I;,.•'tion 1;4.r -or', 1. 44142•(4 the '. ' • ,1 fv .ri:•'n• . and Pr'synilt of the t a` '' +%'' ',moms..) her !lune_ t4,'.i that the Runs were not I. d:. seat 4i n,• a- 1' .It11 (1.11 .1 let .i,.e.tult Kit(Ide111y ',tors rt' t u,h••. . ,1,,., '.1 fit ..n I hail half a •$ one. .2 i. 41j ,,,ul •t filet .ho ;l i ,,,,i '' 1,. p::n,4• ,•i ;il• fn,ilnde, aril \Its ; ,, • ,0 , else, or .]tall 1.,• ' Ill lul '•,,111'111'4.11• :rine,. 11'.• p1er1'. ,.f 1r -our.•,•- - , . ,,. • ,.n 1 1 i .o 1, 41 to .re *nye ll ,e11, 4. .' (1,4'11 the I,.•_-. ' 1 ,i • ,.f ;,• 1 ,or• 41' It , (''114:1 ,;y I,t fat. 11:1- n•' i '. ;.d n half 1,.:, 2.- 0,4•4 11. 034•4 10 4.r• t• hot 41 ''ryht. , .,1 ill! the \4414•, + 1111' • :1;�-:,, I•a -:, 11, 111111'11 111 \4.11, 34 h:. . a t, 1..:I , I1.• 4• as t t4',r 11 (11x1 rte t1. 44' .r1 114.)'':1 *;4 i,4.,: „, 1•'.; ,ort rt Pl, I1 . e•Ih.I444l 1.. l:i'i • ,' ., 11i, 11114 et ,u, nt' A. I '! 1.•!' • loc't11.it 1,11,/11•1) n:' Va: :,• n Il t•Irrtllil fart,', 1', , tint! . nit14 in ,hi, tt. -LI •,5,1,t•I t !Ott Ilan- • - t a1, leapt 44111 • halloo ,: the N4 h,` rt••„'41 111; Y111 rI the .4 i1..4n t. ,. •1,•r '41 4•. a' dal 14 4::11.11 til'; 1'4. ,i 114 I):1r4* ',C/O”, 111.11 1111- 1:'41. fettaIrinhle Ise t 114.111 of 131'. . 14 11 tnilcht h, d.•'.,t•cl t.• '.],•,41311,!. ! ,urd 1•. 4 ..k upon hire a; tl4. ruur.inr. 4 t , a1, 1111114. 8111'.!hang 4 IN gen114nran her cousin so g in the I •. f Toil thhit came Io i i'11t`3 «ou141 have him 10 l.• flet, hand : • , ' ' 1'.,1,1 :1. i.•I,i as it 11as 1111 • 11:tjor Walton. a mon u11 '.4 , hr,,.•;i•1 , ,-,r, ..I1• and' mistakably .in his prime, who I.% 1- 1.1 th, r •f , ,,, i i. 14• , i,t we0k avidly snit 11i' hnrt.net nes n 1.41 '' • I..:. 4: , 1 4:•• hail 1. only a few 3(•81'4 Iii'• wilier, mai, i,. 1 e 4'.22,'' :n .I ;,� altl,l, t .,f She dt.eld 111).11 that 1:1st remnik .•1 h1. • • • t i...' a :..e, r' .'.1 ,• I I i tr I 5hilohs't.!• �' ,:•, a Cum 1• ,..•. ! '1 . tlrkly Akre* rep{`hs, . rrr.i ‘01,1•. hrefe Ib• 1hro $ wed 11.,1‘•. . as crura, (.. . r t . r ton ' • 1 1. 144'. M r . the first week ho was here,"- Kansas City 'Iimr'S. rt 1'\1 1.1: 1I.1•I'\. The Little Things. ft 1s not the mttntning for great ' 11 y4011 1..111! «:Ina to 1.44. lolly thing* that le most elTecIlt0; it f• lb. tOIRhhur".'' •,aid 1'1)4'!4• ,113.3' doing~ the Ilttle (Muga, the eommnr- ''yam ntrrytn t try to raise diUe.. IS little (letter and better•-tbe 1"o""ns eoustaut llnprortng-Witt colla all tae'• .1111 to 11'. 11111 1 of 41.41( 4r"'0314)8 t„ 1141. r i; ,tesla', men I1�:11.1'. three shots II•,-. '1' ,! Ihdf 14:. .'! 1 .. .11 h^ \4:1 ,tilt fol' f•' :Id (Ions an echo en the north side of the 1-1121(1 .Meal bath) 4,: _ 4 1;.r1 .11 Shipley church, 111 Sussex, I:neland, R t. 441 a r.e k 1'1u41 whlth relrnlm lwc .. -enc eJllables, !ibis n4omcnl the uslr„' opal band Ile looked n; tin• inti.• •off. r •r master came forn:nd «111. a Iumin ter) attentively. and then doli.el'- Not (.adybke. jou, proposal, whish wa- engei•ly ae "41 ihiv opiniu21 : "11'hnt do you think f ought (0 any relied. He dispnlchrd 1111 big 'This Why', Kot the mel !• fo yob for coming home so Int. --and Arum major to tlic market• place, but I'm net po-ted up en itis in smelt et condition?" demnuda the. l]a ,err 1411(1.1 e •h'ar k eighpowerful taus di•enses. We must appl •':l •:1 Indy of the home.. on hit instrumentt to inn►:^ this envie by t.iri11lnr tr, wine lit "Perish the uRi't!" grn0efully re•111' the 101 shots, and thus the s12'1 You hitt. the little child tf,• 1 pinks Ilse courfcout bttsbnnd. "Perish :411, 11 "1" sate. ,!11e s!,un:MO ll' dear, surely you • noel', nn1 eh'pnae 1 muted ever shtnk you might G• ,hay the shings 1 skink 3u1 ought to ,haJ"•--Judge. i nul.aly „too• r„w//114, . are. cold.. heels3(440)• 1:1:141 1.•.8'” e.11•, ewt slat, (It'•tvr 4 t.4 his a urul4tti. _ draught. That'll •end him int.• Theft for Ina ; EntEntit sI II:4.•r (r>at..w •u „ it