HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-10-27, Page 4I.ONDO::, Uk4T:. Business 84 Sime ihaiid '.1.11 11. * 4 i:L luuk pLt: 4II T.t �. .: at lit 1 ee- '�! tray. .\. .\:1'1 i soli, 11.; t h. 4^ 11 n t., Mr. J. v, '1. .t nrchant of 11', ih, 1. n '1'.:y!or tint' lit l'. 1...'12• I'. ache ' (:• 14i II 1. ...,.1 4, . 11 ! , ,.. , hat•: 1 ,4 d in \'. Mr. :1111 "r Audrey.' t :11 1 1.••:.• , ri:,•11 i'. 144'1) Catalogues Free I:iuutL raid! (1. :,1. in lit '::,:un, f \V. \F'er:en e:4 J. W. \\'e.1ervelt, Jr.. C.A.. • I n (� I'tinc;rah Vica•prindpal. 1'r: t l c :. I ! 71t. (', 11' a r- __ 1 tl t.. _• ; t' ,tett wee — 11I !tela lout f1 rht ..tt1 1 ,::ui sharply :It t b l .n,tt reit! 11 ``•.• .. .. t •'.l, throw Air. \'. ,1 a r out. 11, was Vc'ry set to. , i. .rill for a fP41'. day, 1,1, 1.1 1. - ,1 .1 •'ir:d of. Froin ll of ,lout;• r. .-l. �• i u t ( -1 r'•+w I 1�1•••p ort Si. :\1 -iris Ssy4 it JuOL'.4 iv' if St. Marys w.sre into tit tl torrid /on Ph:•t. 1,r.• r p • rasp. to b rri'•s grow.::i on tit:7 r t r..1 1.1 ihi tad north tt-u•d and an .-tit a and roan i• n it's I r 4s ( l .• 1' a t•ickin;; i~u'awb,r SUBJECTS h 't Resident and Mail Courses \\ I.::t::1 Ilaa- It 00 ' fr,r t1. A\:1 1 1..,':: to pant H. .,.1 Is;: :•'ct:oua • . • • 1: . y 1.1',1 d u'.; .,1.,, .• 'r- .h: t.,1 fur th. t.,. II,-'' • t • tli 4, :J 4;. '1 'I Christ. 4i ., • • • • „ _,sit ;)ay any •: offtc:rt. 1f ,i.1 t h • exp 1104,3 ch tug • th 'r . • •, • .• 111• tri:u : :, is I13ad'n :1 t.; •.•.,'::,nth:,shy it ,t f :: i:. for 1 _sr District 11 I al;.,, ' 1)• t4 .tt `t 1iLI, Ln ."L. cor. 7.(c: r t'ri; 11'9 1:,:''i ► it 4 .4 41 ,.::. r1. ,th t: ; .:day . ( t 1, - 11 ., nd3. h r, ,':t 1, of tt. : :i•.0 c:w.1' l.rt'1 I'H E E X E Z S+1 .E 1.1.1 1 M F: S, OCTOBER 217th DropsyClearing Auction Sale Auction gale Times Want Column 1':\Ll :\1tl:h: • NFA ri1 tAld ►. 11.11 T,UM't\rill l!', Given up by Doctor I 1 l \I; `•I I I'. rt::., t\I'I 11-.\11. , 1:•, t .\.0 11'11" u h... r c -i4. 1 1 h,4.• leen in.,ttorte.' .by Ih•, i1: 1 : t • ,•l.'lu.; ;;u, d Atlinin.,tratrix of tho estate of the t 1 Ott Oil 131 • William Campbell to oiler for 11 1,1, •t 1. uu sale by pubho auction at tit.- C,''. r'' I - 1"1 had dropsy', STRAYED by 'my family physician that th'rc was no chance for mc. My family also gave Inc up. My limbs and body were swollen one-third larger than natural, water collected around illy (heart and I ha(1 to be propped up in bed to keep from smothering. 1 took Dr. Miles' Ileart Remedy until I was entirely cured. This was in 1902, and I am now able to do any kind of work on my farm. My cure was certainly marvelous." L. TURLEY CURD, \Vilmore, Ky. Dr. Miles' IIeart Remedy has been \yonder fully successful in -.let trouble. Its tonic :1 _ ., tltc lac :1't ]ter\':_ ..ail nn:scics is a great facto: in assisting nature to overcome heart \vCaG3iCss. Price ,ECO at y=='r d"••'t:71nt. Flc r1:,old Bopp!), yea. If 1:o c:: ; art, t-r.J PrIco to us. we `orwat-J t • =P 11 r. rt. L:;LES ft1EDl:•AL CO., T:ronto. r of t!: uuclh_r of I • I 411.., 1.141 t • it 11 •! Tae Usbornc and Nlbbcrt liter's Mutual 1=iro Ilivt•� 11. . ,, 1.4' Il 11.114. r I :111.1 (it . 1 1 'i h. ai16J . t• ray 1'i y ..r:. 11 0•1 I '.. 111 d' it .4 - 1:,y 4f a 1111, C.: cl ul f i Lids Af I. 1' .1 a•!4-rti ::. tet :n 'ri,4- 1 .I .' Ilial t• s<i,(r0:) t ;; . 1 n 1,000. it, t h:• ! it 1{0,111'. `.r 1t111:4. •: I:.::u +' 'flit>,:. 1:1 A'; f \\ ', !44:{11'1.. \`.Irl' t, ,, • . 0311.M:41 Heat: OfticO, Farquhar, Ont 1'r Paul. .1. C. 011:1;(:•1'OItt:. ul uu'I: harp tit' fullua'iitp: . war„ 111 1"o:41 1,4 . . . , ... ;1lnr:tl; 1 rt‘ II ar old !•fin:; 1 , due to c:4 :. . ,rt. , t. '4 4 ,,43 (1414' 10 • I 1 ,1 :I :I t. til 11' t class 1. ,1 • _ y :, • •.' !: _ h , r, 1 y,•ar U'•!. l 1 1 t. !: _ •i•l iltl.r e :: 4 ; 1 1,.. .! .4r .t !,. : I"4 U Inc 1, .1 I f, ,, 1 r . I:.1• Ll ,1: .'f..- l Litti r, L. a'4, ., Ls .1:n , 1 44, .1 ,u .. 1 1 1, 1 ,, I !, !' 1 1. .. , Nov.'wb •r 1.010, at (we o'cluek p. nu th follow in. 1,!'111 i,l'olh'r1:.1''. 1, I,ut \o. 1), iu 1.110 Klscor►.l C011- t,—.it.11 of !lay Township. contnininlf 400 acres more or less. On this farm is a largo brink house in good re- tells, a largo hank barn with hind. mill, driving nc.d and utr.'u slt.cl, about rix net - of hardwood bush Il 1 1. 1 i .1. l " ' n c:, t i, 1,.. 1 1', 1 t'• township about Augur;t S1tb one dehorued export steer weighing a- bout 1200 founds. Any infurmxtLoa leading to his recovery will Ye fibrtr- ally rewarded. Byron It 1lioks. Residence for Sale 11431 "c• ill orchard, 11110141 riix . One of the most oollitortaillt, 'sods f : ,, i1 tt looking hue -I, :,ud rat:• pried brick homes in Sta••ter t .I in „Mt .. '1'h. h been pine, .1 in our )ands for 4*4 , :•u 4 ill :;'.,..1 a' ilk's It is t►el1 situate!l for kohsol '11,' (ruin it a-il t 1, .1 ,.11.1 ohurche , has good stabie and drnil,itl, i garden, in all about 2 1-2 acrd. I ,t '.,,. 10 in the ti.•eo'I*•l ('u.,- Gladinon & Stanbury 10-0-tf [lay' township, contneiiiw Pasture Farm for Sale • :auto or les:; .zrr•pt That: urch l to flu: 11!('112', Church. ''n 1' •4 :t ,4 liu,,'p fifty acr ",t„1 1"1 -ter,' fnrut. ' \best half Lot :\tu y North Boundary 1 '112'.4 I f1 : 4 u i i+ 144 e n!•C' drain I' ter. of gt,u•1 44 i1 :,1 411;4.: 1.11 i 11 . ' 1, II r. - 11l'!uwin•;, about. forty u,• t. :r; trio,; 101.4 1 it, 'l'it -r nu • two au;.J t :b. •. 2 4.,••litea . 1. 1 ado r 4 . ' •'1 't'' . 1.;—'1'; n p'r cent. of lit- i :r- 100 ::aro :; in l chore totv1i41tifr. .1:::,1.1„ 1r.r.. -;'l e,:,... 01; 4'•.. ' '''y on tit• day of :rile and ' being Lot C. cone :_Bion 7. front. I:. a tut c, 7 4 1 :u tic1: + tui a•••• 1114 • L,1<ttt(• • un 1,1. Agri: 4* 111 1911 i hou4•-b fral:ls barn. stably :old '!rive 1 c s'u:I t� 1 1:1 noun. I :u.,t.t''fy 00 r4-•'rvi• as ih" 1`ru•wit '11 full p0v,:.4i•,n tc:11 h• gircu.l=heal. A 1-0 ver [ailing well of water 1f 141 hurcho:•t.+ ,:sire arrang.- with windmill attached. 13 acres of :u, s Ail ;. c;, f 1r:u:al�' '!".1 n`; c' I b' ur•tt: • to !cat•: a por- l fall wheat in and 23 acr. s fr..,h seed- ! r c.; i!1 : it r that 4-.11 u1: 1 bus 2 :secs of orchard and the :t,lh'a e r_dit w :l he (;1r, n oat to r::- {, trtic•' . apply to tit., :n,! 1 „u- rem:lindrr in /;ra' Well folioed of McGillivray, ..•v: r:tt aces to bosh. Apply at ouca to it GLADMANi & STANIIURY Barri.* -•r tiltrotor. 4 .1, tot Farm for Sale 14'1;:.15—A11 :1:,+ ti :,.UJ „lit u:•- .',cu of t' (•orchis: atony oat Moil- ••:1, fall p!uurhin;; 4!044 5 ('cera, of 1 4 141,nt r 1.. ler t.rth,l ht f 1 ! ) 4 i,,,t ur :t , � •• 1. ,1 I and ditched, rich clay loam, and is - (- of ]• r cant, ]' 1' aIlln:n, 'G1..\Uti1.1\ & STA N1101;1” �.r:-11 suit:'•1 for g: t/..u;; or 1-n•t-al, c 4112 on credit , T. Cls• 11,1 r is -t -r E'. : r. f twain:•. For t: ria; au:l !'art , ulars i,l:\ti, 1; '0t:1�, 1 ray, T. C.\Jll?I{U\, 411. S. 11111.1,1Evi ; apply to John 71. herd!'' •1 on the , . '.'1.:,11,:r.• A'.ction ' r., .I x't'•r,; f:r.ar.i> .+ or i?liwvill,•, 1'. ''. I— 20`10-1p 'Clearing Auction Sale i Clearing Sale p - --- - ; 1 ar 'thar, : 11'11 NvII \1 I I:u1:1', tiAlt01\CP,. 1 ,Iri4u - 'J'1,e tved,lirlg took p4 •c.• i1 I.,:;1,1,,,,! e\lrF:\'! i, ['car i l l r , on S•uurd;tt• of \liss 1'::11, 1 ('Lu •, 1%111:' 4,s, r ll sun, daughter of Mc .1. V \1i11`n11, of • Joh N F.ssi..1:1 t :est to 1.1;. - this place, t.' :Mr. Il.•njtutin Ilu!1e1•. of 1 nhur,,,,-..,id 4' 1.1,1:'..t ,,„ , 1111 rIc111, the Rout 1 eu:K tied by the ; f.u•ruw c,':(, l.'. !ley, Mr. Graham, of the ll, Ilk:aton i OLl\'Clt it \4...i- 't-u1•o. swot: oat, to fit*,•.' 4 'Lnet•t Mrthodf01 ('hutch. 'rhe young! for ditto rt, Vto: r ,,.1 1,..+•11 i,red Brtkshit• couple let the same afterncun for their ! .sun sows du•' ;. I future boats a{ Iltrtntptou, 11('111 'For- J(H1� (':\111 ll1:Ll. young 1 rtt•re hogs. .\t'. ! - and n onto. We with thein n happy and I SOCY•Troas. Farquhar Inness' u( thruoult:,1' . ,! t: a 1\'yuH- pro,ipt:rous journey through life.1;1 aria, +•• s 'cl %•.1•rit alto'' Nolte ('bleaker 111'.1 i .•' ,'ii Inre•d 1Vynudktte chid.: I.-A:ober of other chickens. 1'f::\!'ill:l:.,' t' 't- \'F:`.flet:. tutpleuuvtls �1 .:1114-r 0 ft t.' 'olio., ' 47••'it {',L:- un . 1(nt,lt;1x45•e•II7':' .1IA,MaX ell Tli r, t% : ' • ' I rake. \Inxwrlt '7,"!"14:' : 1. ail new, ,: A. E. L':..c'... ,Y 44 ..1 is • rcc':4 .4 up to i nj:,4 I'`'..t. '12,1'1* 1t. ,Illi,• t••1 to h' ! r..'t, 0. tat . ly• rn• . l P. 1i'.rhly 1'r,. 1 fir tit• I. . A.- •11'4. '1!:\'I'— —of -- -It t `.i V.\I.1 .\1'1.1': 1 .\i:)1 -1';.t.':: 11-.'1':: 1.11.! 1 -It 1 A ., :., . •... 1.; ' n in : rurt1.1 1 , -ell hyo p:b':c .1�::- in order to close out our Stock !...r,1, :'1 1.:.: 11. C,1:lr+--•ion 2. 71:1}' lof Iron Posts we have reduced I%'t l i l t', t cc. 2--t II. 1:.110 a, 1 o'clock s the price from 25 cents to D12. G. F. ROULSTON, I h fuilo4l ins 4.t ::.:11114' 1'ru- S. 1.. U. S. ; D. D. S.' : ,a hart'; dr:night t8 Cents Honor graduate of Toronto University Iron Posts �y��npsis of Ile Cooudion horI Wes 11(111191r11AIs RHO 1;l.ATtoms. Any verau' w'ho is the t•-elo head sr( s (aalily, or any wale user 1• seotoui of srailabla Uowiutou land so Manitoba, Sa,llcatohewau, or Alberts, 'eke applicant [oust appear 1u person at the Dominion Lands A.•.•oey •r Bub-ugunoy for the district. Retry b! proxy may be hail at the n)teucy, on 1',.rtain renditions, by ft:tt ,•r, mother ..n, •1 • �' 1, brut he: or dieter of • . , .ouust(•sdrr. 11 . 1—Six months residence upon • u1 l c' ...:1•atiou of the laud in cask of tnr.0 )'ears. A booieste.ader may live within nine wiles of his homy. st(•ad on a 'ratio of at least VO acres solely owned and occupied by him or this father. mother, w::, dao 12ter, brother or sinter. III Certain districts a I:otrtee.eaiet in [good standing slaty lir, -empt a quarter section alongside nis bows-, stead. Prico 43. ler acre. I►uties�- Mu. t reside six utunth - ineaoh of six year from date of homestead entry (including the time requited to earn homestead patent, and cultivtas fifty aures extra. A hotneaa14det who hos exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may take a pur- chased h0utevtend in certain dist riots Pr.oe $3. per sore. Duties.—Must reside six months in ('*4012 of titres years. cultivate fifty acres and creat a house worth $300.01 W. 44'. Cott V. Deputy of the llinirter of the nterlor N. U.—Unauthorized pn*li_•ation ohl anent will oot IA paid for T B. CAIt1.1NG, Lite. A'. 1d, rt, Fire e,:d !'late Glans 1, eurauc-c, 111.0 ('c•::'t Uric Accounts at.d Atu ti UT4c4-'lira;. t DENTIST . .. • , Impart • 1 hoe..,• ; l I I:I.1r! 1 y 'les of 1' i OFFICE:—Over Dickson & Carling's • •: i' 0 'rat (111;1•' 1i; .: t 1 .4 -ar old draught (illy ; 1 i I. )1.. . ;' I . . 'I.4, mars r ' er'- r f f.r talon,. t n 1 111: t, 4' . I.'1r. i ). 1' K rk- 11,ir. t' •w' The 11a1-Ve-t 11.'11x• thanksgiving services held hese t n Sunday were 1 largely attended, Two \et -y i'-'rceful at*t1 Irnspiri11F, strm(t.S wt.*. • .teIiveied IRON BRACES Law Offices. Exeter. months cold; f g'n•r'.41 I'lloNF:L. CLOSED tvi:0x1::t•nAV AFTERNOONS i .,. , i years. 41.1. i'4 41.1:.-1 I Cows ••:11'1'41, •i1 , •. I. iron 1'iltc Braces all lengths at •s"�It. A, It. KiNSMAN, 1.. D. S., D 'f t , '1'horolghbr I I . . 1 5 Cents a F foot .IJD. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto 1s,r11'Int University. od :1ees: I. I -yr ' , Dental Surgeon i I ' I '. �S'c will take in Exchange i torso Office over Madman k Stanbury 1 It hair, Rubbers, iron, Copper, Main st'e't—ER};TKIt. Brass & \Vool Pickings for which we will the Highest Price. 1''.1 • til r\I.I:--1_ _cu''!, , ,. F;Iv: fl 01[ 1 -.1 : . -:, : 1101^4, S 1• I• , • 1,,1 •to null% off for e -..h. A11. rt 1Vi11•trJ. It, - r, hillips, I'rnpri.•tor Auct:On:''r. Tenders Wanted car + {faller, f4nnn 1 •i drill, disc l,y• sir - 12 T 1 0 p. m. Nov. 1st. 1910 for I trot\, tet u t weigh , f 4,nitor for Jannis tit. In n• , ,, 1 .•'414'4'. walks i ' l' riding t :lurch. Ucti�s to cow- I y ,,p h t1 ort tit •1'i. t„ •r.:m t In Ord r '4 ,y rack, Lot('. -t or ten - tea: •1 r : r t r 1 r . " ! . : . , • 1!111(', 1),11}{11: , � 11: ur , t one... too i : .1 . 1 n 1 r ,i, tau I•l i,ubslei he. :• a buggy 41 r not r c•••, tri:y ace.°pt‘d I r t, y l I tit L t c 1: 1,:;' t11 •, K t , I cream t('p S. 11AIt'I': I ! Ir nearly nett , , 1. 1 ., . r1 . 4s •• 4ror k . !urns rly of 21, ' Couun'•r• t _ .11 14 l ID* •1 of Mr. ,n-llarl. n •1.12 •d any • . 't ik• or •, I, .'4 ,. 1 11 ,1.1 n 11 I. I 1: g; r -1 111 1t five • 'k 4• . 1',:,11 i. • la: 4. tiL . (' 1 .4. 1 ::,rktou. )1x4 h. 1.,'I i"'••1• 4.) '1 , n .. :, 4r:. 1 1 ;, • 1 nl ' 1 (' 'Writ*, • nc 11- . 1. 1.1 t0• 11111, 4 : 1 • . r .4141' i !, t \ ! L t -- - h i I 1',, n' h ', . • orator Lea, 11 r 1 • t 11'at,or and! S c'r Tr•. ,,, r , t ,,.,. 1 4 '.1 - !' , rt 4 '. . }1 , h 1' ‘11 or.c. to !brooder, i:• -'1' I 4 and 1104!111!{ pan •. r 41 ,• i. ! v 1 , 1 a 1 ' , .tat • • ,i ..:tnd . creno* 0311, :u•d 11•.1,. Can, a,,,t1-foal c thot tit 1r ed lit 1 . ^t : I In r'• is n'.. 1:1111, Maple 1.e.tf cll.-scot haw nett', Set sin. I aril I•, • ofltubber 'moo ourt,d single hornets ` r,: i': ' i:t In 1• el 0i- '1'4.:11.' 74 Ln ('„sari .1 the !!! 1 Intar:o, ,] !.•. r4• of th • ad. neatly nett, ..t .1,:u1'Ie brunets, ret .':r; •' '1 it.: • c:) •it •lur:nR tit I11; dr 1. n'1•.,I.ar- c! :1. • mad.- plow harm- , p LI i :Alt collars and 1 :, , 1 ' . e'• "I'!. r ,i:. i :'• ill ut homes. 'Gdr r. Kr.4.0 boas, bag truck, 21 ft ladder new. sling ropes and !;:. and I: I,: 1 ; 1. i:u•l rich. del.v. pulleys, Jlnssry Harris root pulp►er, \ 1, r4 ! at • add' 4 on ' i:quipm•n(I pig ruck, gravel box, Spotless washing t !: r i•' I 1: p tr- f n -• i vie .." Th.'.quipment of t•,.• machine new, Happy Thought range, fry . I n quare- , 1 should b.• of the v.•ry boost. parlor stove, Daisy churn. buffalo ,•.;. ! 1• op. • 1 1.. r 0114 r ,n.titrrt:on I. - t•. •,1 k of t r ,'11411;; 1 h • youth robe, and n n1K a quantity of lumber ut. an 4 tInt ::.*.;'-t.! in ae• and other articles too numerous to , r, t i;• 11'•,11 or 1 .; 1 rl.t I , Ill. lit 14 nut to -t. From mention. Abort 50 tons of hay. about \.' , 1. r . a • I II r , t ire '=, I.'d.•rs 1 -ll s De4 11M) has. of 0411111, about 2,.-r) bus. of bar• 4 , :n • and Alfr''d r.•cognir'd ley good tot good, a gnautity of [nixed of .d::cltion an I fo,::::1 d graina quantity of mange'Is, 191 rows 1 a r n•wlit)• of I his (tl• rt9 d cc • t•, I'ri!, 011 . II 11.4•':',4. 41: , ,' .. 11 • to t'1. of 'i: itkt,n. 4.'.11 lir,: • 4 an:1 44ill moving 10 •I 4r:• h I. • • • " ' r \o rduc 414011, hn4v,•v• r. 4 of turnips .w rods long.1 • ,1.,r,; tit • 1• r1r11, f' ti -ChM, ' t _ ! - ' -u11n:1 t', %t i+ nit !••1t 'rd'd ,• h f straw to he sold and bed on the [atom. ••n,r and : 1 i;:on. 1 n'. : THItNIS OF s.11.I•: I r r:• ':y . !, , 1 $111101 and under cahh: over that a-, nr r! r 11L" MT,' • an 1.11. 1 1 ' / cunt h u.t leas.• t 1 f t h u r nuulnt Iwelve. month's credit 1111 fur - 1 I :, t 0712 1 • 'i 1 nipping approved joint notes ora dis• - 1 coin.t of :► per cent. per annual for k1:',n 1 h on t I cash in lieu of notos. No iReserve at the proprietor has • sold his faro). JOS. W111I T., NFll.MON ELK rt1Iliit Auctioneer. Proprietor. '.,f i -u u;;t1, r, nr. tante ! ch, hon • ,hr,':' ,11 1 , ,14, 'Iryl, f. 11 a k:, 'i'h y - : t- 1 Oto 44 t'r r 41 II -0,1..1 h• , think,'r and a r 1'12\•: fl ! , :•.'- 1,: - r -tr • l i r, , . •11.1 I. .11114. I':. ,' 4• ' T. '111 t,l,l, - 4vhieh was copse al')• t 1' • c • 111 wttl," •etch n Vand t.Ilin1 classics! al - 1.1 •74 . 45:I, 04 on• of the best over d,•- At•oc:,tion, .. ,1rhu ,. ... •1.14 r d h (.r• tht• r r ': or o:!, : .'i - 'I'h• ir, :•,r',I vitt of l c program 1 1,o• _"r an•I lite `Y,• ,chtf 11;y r 4' n by lir. Ilona •r T ore.Ii.-t 4,f Laos church. and Mt;-+ s n I: . (. ,., •\\'1. -'.t, ,tri \\ 1511 N.111 illafl0 In- -tr4;4:, n:.: . 11r. Shur • aph a man - tri 'l con- _ -4-t d„„% ••'1. 41' a 11111' 'l'1 •%•t o of :•1 sr4. 'fhnnll,4,n. Cook. 1, I'ii•'•t Il t 44 I. till and Small with 171( --:•r 1 •1! n:, 1, .. I -o. '1 \1,'r!I 11 WI arrort,;'an \ t ,y. \ rh•,I 41'1,•4: r ui `I:. .n l,ant anal 1ns(ior' c • : r 1, Ir• a 4 It 4, 1 0 eh : d .1: 11,t nt by' a'} ,, I nr,urh. '1, • I`i !I'11' 1- Itf`.••• 1%. t,', cult' 'r • hull I I 1 '1.41. I,r . ,!1 nt 4'(414, r'1 (h'- eh- .4 44 ,, 44 tl ,•. 1. \ I. • 1 44 r Con'lltct.'d I. h 1 I ' 1: • .•I: 1011 1,14,1'1 I. 11 fry In' 1'•,111. I ,!„ . 11 , y 111,1 • `t n '711 . h•, Ti, •.t ' report. showing rr !I :I ,t 111' :1:•' 4.1 ,r. '• I .'.nl:11g 40 1111::,.75 anti ex - le :,•n. 1, I h n. , t I ',tit 4 r, n ,rnoutt(il1R to :17-7.10., 1 •av- 11,1 T1 ;I n II. I • • .1 ( It •••1 a ; 111 , 1 , '. re (11 $7P,05, moats rec••�ced I r 4 ,,r. \(•tial :). T1; 111114 4` 1144.4,, ,1. '1.14 'n. I'Ira. 1. I(% 114 if 11 4. .11•4 , 4' r( Otf!erip tete 11, :,,. .1, .1 1:'!1 1'12 • , 4..roe .1 1 44.. h. ,. Ih Ilya (4'...11 4. ! „ 1 :"ul; I,lar• Irn, tit• r -II-Ir.t•,1;tr. I•i . I ,4. C. I:. itl14,it, It, r t r. 4, I' s. I. r 1 \ Cr -.lit 4.n : c c •-presidcnt. 114• • 1 , 11,4 \ll 'I�l':4a it 41 ',, �l 4 1r' I„.' r'11 . seer t Irl•-tr i -- f, Mori- ,gharman, I 1 .. • ,•,. . ,74 r 'i enol, Y'""' 1 r•. \\' 14 Ki• •• n : r'1 gin• I:'. l , n. .' , .• Th ;,,r 4 J, '.1 1 . 0h. 11.. Gu 1 r - 11,! m:. -4 (.. i4. . .1 .Ilan%11- '1 - I ..,1^Itit 114 • t 1111 .: I.4 .,f III e•"t,iru.ln 4 ,1 11 1 I n: i t 112• 1/cr' ,4 •11 I•i t-' • i .'1411314 Mair I)andrutfr AytYs Itatr\'.. ' '!-atrogerms 's the Arei s Haft'Vi*t'r Innas promptly destroys the that cause (. *4 -.- ' _ it courlshes the half• germs that aux donde*,?(. It •'moves every bulbs. restore‘ tsar t 1 t; -.,!'I:. The hair stope trace of dunlrutl I16a11, and keeps the scalp falling out. gross . ' •r^_ rapidly. clean and In a healthy condilk.n. tt Color the Hair N c • ?, • • li•'ety and distinctly tln'1,'rstand that Ayer's Hair Vi^'•r J4.. ! the color of the hair, even to the slightest i'ct4„,,. 1.'1 t!.' whiteft or the Ii,:I•tcst and n14/51 delicota • • it freely without basin!; the I:air made a shade darker. ;9; Sutphnr. Glycerin o, ;. S. • r' ,rid. sit. Altuhcl. Woa,. I'a,../C. , doctor. A,k h;.. . ':at he thinks of It. -q r.,M'•s.r r.. w.••••1' .. -- .es,I sear• 1 VII,, V411.. 1N.. on tit .11'4'' eminnlion-, A. t h- +'• ' , - ar • of n technical n Jur- 111.1 n . c I- • very lona it Is co11.111'r,-d 4t Hut t', publish thio in d,t:ul. Mi.. s !Howard rind I. -nvn:t•,. • 1 Ex 1 . r. r -.d 4.-ry 1111 '•.ling 4 ' I, I , 011 '.\11.” :•1; . 111•t%trd r'conl- .,ry on • 1n 111.1 ,' school, anal tit n • x441 tin •I •n a la -Oat. vi%I1CI011 rn'r,r, T. 1'';' 1-1,.!1tng. the mak'n: „f I.:.c 4. t.' :n't Pencil draw:lig ,n ii'',,t r it r,.• -'••r. sports or in dr , s ,nom 1' 7•4'. , animal+ and various of 1 c: -. 1t. wa, decided to puhl Pl, ti, 1''47.1, 1L.; I:40.7113n spoke in a r.,n..no•nu a :v of cls)'-niod'•Iling, 112 41, • f f r1 1-1 c n' an•I water colors. s:, ,4' • many 1 'fel 1241119 as to de - 1 „ - 0 (.411)11.! ,,'. t a •h work of col- n11t. ' 7+12' :1':r.- .1 `% d• v•triety in tit- selection of objects (or drawing. •1 .,4 not to rank 4 the aludy tvrari• .om4, C. I:. 11!u'•tt [poke very elrongly Irl f icor of runt 1,11 ng the public school graduation examination a+ a 1'rovine al examination. Ile felt the I' dropping of Iii s 4 x.iminntion 45•-474 n r!is'strnns thiole for tit' public seines., 1 Ir ' .11 many cntranc_ pupils dropp:d out 'I' r' • 1 ' 0 • rape('!,l committer of •cllool as soon n+ th-y p09.v^d Ih,' I , ,1. ng 01 West llurnn •ant ranee because there was 110 ex- ' •I ':n l after congid••rtb1.• (minat:on to work for •aft:•r the .s 74. nn It was 41 cid•'d to 1..n v.. to, 'neon('". 1►n motion :t was decided , —.I of 10e' report 4111'1 toes[ to r. quoit the Department to r('!rlor, 4 , 1 • 11.1 tit' n lone. of W, I! 1'u ltli.t •rhea! r(r.1•'.t,n Con '•x,(11'8• 1.,; ,, • ., "I Or. Aril -son b• add a :'n ! .a•:1 • .! looms., to ruer•r•4- 10 4 . • ;omit ue'•. . .,1 t' 'It, , 1 •'rt of Ih' r'•anlitinn cal,.' f 1t..: nk- 4r rt.! ,i to mitt • wa - I• -id by Ili,,rha'tin 1, . • : 11 ;: f r In -o (-tor Trim. and . i he (911045.4' t n ' '1 4 • numb•(4 of tit• resol'Itinns t•t's'ed 1: 1 ., a nit:' .1 .1 '• t1• Public seined d.•pa rt III 111 we, r: "',•4,• '+ 1(10!'1.•41 %(' I In is u, .1, 11., 111 . IV, on 1L• pub• ,. .r', ,-. 1,r tit 1lehrx,l t'nrriculurn ; \o.'.4 1,, 111. (oi. I u1 t,.•- 4. : -. IN, (e). (dl. (o), 1V. (n), (10. on the pub :'rho' pinging of t0'• National ail, 0- ie school ti'part m'nl: Yr)... ?., 11., arm -brought n successful cuuy.'ntion 111., IV.. V.. tlr.• first claim: of VI.. 1" a 0109411 I M. JACKSON'S Jl.\ i N S r. 1'.'•.. I ; ,. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R IA ,-•• e• • ' k ;• -4 If you are suffering from any form skirt disease or injury, read this! Mr. Arthur F .iirbank, of 647 Lansdowne Ave.. Toronto, ii tho sp"nker, and ho says: 1>= "A bad eruption on my forehead quickly aprllcl u i until It covered my scalp with lout and 1;1 � .,'' patnftll soros. I wont to a doctor. who treated i?„,ir- too fo;• it. 43till the soros spread until almost tho wools of my h rod was affected. As tho doctor's treatment did inn v. ly little good, I left it off and tried Jariouq homo remedies. I oleo tried taking various aperient medicines to try to euro the outbreak through tho blood. Still it was in vain 1 "Theft I tried blood Mixtures. but not ono or them did mo any g od. I was by that Cm) in a shocking condition and as fa last resource 1 wont to n akin specialist. Ho treated mo for rt poriod a'ld it coot 11111 over t$bO, but the soros got no hotter. Thy would itch and burn at titnes until I was nearly mn.d. I must havo spent ovor $100 on useless remedies, when one day a friend net: od mo why I had not tried Zam-Bak, and gave 1119 a little. That 4,'t e b.t of Zorn-Iluk di.1 *no more goal than all tho iong treatment i hall had from dinars an 1 vpe iah4ts. 1 immaiiately rent for a supply of Oil inlm and atarf•I right in to give it (upper trial.Very last hal I beg to segod awl feel a groat .lith•rence in the sores, and i knew that of a/rno:hint that would euro me.'%am•Buk curet me at +t trifling cost. If got it at first it would hnvo saved loo dollars, and hours and hours of pain." rot atl terms cd skin diseases, Il• -os, aa,ces•cs, ear •ms, ringworm, 10.1nd.polsanin9, etc„ Z',m- n., unit oest. cal eorea.e.haps. annl rotes t4 k*r. Q,l'141san•Ist resat 0.box, or! m'lluk'('o,Toronto,forprice. Rehmautwttitesland : �g �^l1tSCtt:1 s:!rF:iie'ee'•1jF'�,.r,± l w Leh .s i1,ffrl �"� S ): ' - —VE1L{ HOME NEEDS iT T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0 uf • P. S„ Graduate Victoria U vrr.lty. °Ms) and re,,ldeuence. Dominion 1.Doratory, lixoter Associate Coroner of Huron. HIt. Bright, M. D., M.O. P. and • S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- iversity. Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and residence, Dr. Amus' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. MISS DELIGHT HOBBS, Violin Instructor, James Street Par. sonage, Exeter. DR. QUACKENBUSH, Physician and Surgeon and Ac• couche•r. Office— Dr. Itollin's old office on !slain Street. Residence—Corner James and Albert Street. opposite James Street Methodist Parsonage, Exeter, Ont. Phones—Office :r.)a, Residence 30b DR. C. A. IIOU%E, V, S. Graduate of Ontario Vet. College. Meintrer of Ontario Veterinary Medi- cal Society. Treats all Diseases of I►c.mest,cated Animal' on latent Scientific principles. All calls day or night, promptly at- tended loo. Office, Main Street. Exe- ter. Ramsey's Old Stand. HONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private fund, for i9veel •nlupos farm or ,!loose trotertr ae lowed r .lea of Interest. DICKSON A ''.%It1,I\(1 Exeter DICKSON & CAi:1.ING, U.rrl-!cr•, ito.leltore, No'arl,-, t'onre)NC•re r • . torBoos ('onunl4rt neer. Goll Lor. the Ito 1 Dank, Ktc. none, TOLoan at Io. -e -t rate. 04 latere•t. OFF((;ht--MAI' 14'VNF:F:1, E]t1iTKit. u- (mat two H. a. L. H. D1CIISCII 1ON EY T() LOAN. tt'e haft) • large anloutt of private funds "II Oa farm Sod etilagt' yrul,ertine s 'owr+N In tonna. 411.AI'NAN R 4TANitt NY narr,•rers t4ollrl•ur-. It .1n at. ksetelt Shorthorn Bulls As 1 rater int” Ike full and winter trade with 12 pate herd Bulls i will refuse no reasonable offer. They are good ones of the LI.cky type and mostly gel by Scotch Orey 72012. Be heads fay Inuit :u•d is one of the best to be had. All will 1►e registered in 11. I1, It. Apply 0) ,1011N EI.1)ElR. Ilensall P.. 0., oto on Lot 141, Con. 2. Hay. Th ' Free I'res says: "As far al tit • 'Free Treat correspondent ran 1. aro lit; report is 'troa correct that tit . 0. P. lit, ha4 taken over the St. M.,rys & 1V. ,t rn ltailway's Pram for th- •-xt non of tho line w -t from Stratford to tit. 11ary. nn 1 Grand Bend. Th:• :3t. Marys $ N' -4 111 will pr011,hly .1144 n cont .r1,.cl rot of 'tit: Stratford street x,1,54 :ty Irl' n'xt y:•:,r, When no ext.'n,ion I4 made west from Strat- ford it a''I b• (Ion- by the b,lekinl; of tit • C. l'. It, it his not yet been 11 cid: d 4s 11 h,•r a '4.01,1 or .'Ices t, c :,, 'I t, 1 b h' ' 1. 11,.• frnn• chive p: ru1t.4 cithel . The C. 1'. It. • 11' 1' ' ' • ,•1 1,. 1w' •r- ino 1 0'1 11•'r - 45'i I b c0nlpl.l.41 110x1 months 1 rt. 1 • 11•'11 live t0 • ht. \1 try - & W,'91..• .•rn lino direction communication) 1with fort Dtalin:11. , , . -_1•'t Ai