HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-10-27, Page 1TRUSSES Call and see the new "I'erfectitut Truss' the best truss yet. Can be worn with ease and comfort. Consultation free, Perfect fit guaranteed or money l•e•fll,tded. COLE'S DRUG STORE riiIRTY-SI•:VENTII YEAR -NO 1 ttO vier Huron & Middlesex Gazette LADIES 1( You at looking for the best "Talcum Powder" on the utatket try the ntet•its of Itexall Violet Talcum Powder iteeeiced hy- e%esy u•t 1. Trico 25 cents. COLE'S DRUG STORE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• JONES & MAY'S PHone No. 32. VISIT OUR MILLINERY By a visit to our Millinery Section you will know where there is the most comprehensive and varied collection Of ue w Hats that will bo found anywhere. The showing includes the retitle creations that tu•e shown in the large cities, Our Milliner*, were never so busy. So conte along and see the styles and leave your order early to give thein a chance. Kid Cloves 75c Ideal tor Fall Wear Ladies good heavy Kid Gloves all shades of tans per- fect fitting with gusset lingers and Pique sewn seams, sizes from 6 to 7j. Furs Galore Never before have we shown as complete a range of Fash- ionable Furs at out h lowp ri- ces. Notwithstanding the big advance in Furs we have them just as cheap and good as last season. See them. Complete Assortment -of-- IRUIES 1CIIIINIS COAT1S When out shopping do not forget to see our fine exhibit of W inter Coats. \Ve are showing all the Newest Style. in Mili- tary, Shawl, Coat Collars in the very best selling Colors. Now is the time for YOU to make your selections before they are picked over. Come and hive a Try On. It will de You good to see them BLANKET CLOTH For Children's Colts, 51 inches wide. Beautiful quality, all Wool Blanket .loth in Blue, Iced and Grey. For Children's To- boggan Coats and Ladies' Bath Robes. DRESS GOOUS All the New Fabrics are on our Counters in this Season's Best Shades. Von should not fail to see our beautiful showing in Dress Good. They will delight YOU. Prices, 6Oc. 76c. fsl. fd1.26 Ilit'it,llluarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sattiford (Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper *••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HOUSE FURNISHINGS ('a1'pe and Rugs Fain' apestry Curtains •reads and Comforters Oilcloths and Linoleum* GENTS' FURNISHINGS Shirts, Collars and 'ries (cloves, Sox and t7nderweer Hats, ('aps and Suiting.; Osercoats and Sititings Jones & Ma if • •♦ 221 ii •• :2• 22 22 •• 2• ♦3 .. •• •• 'si •• .. 2•• .. 22. 22 22 22� zi 22 •• •� .. 22 .. 22 22 • •♦ • if •• •• •• 2Z •• •• 22 MOM Bargains pEOFLE about to go Ilouse•keeping should call at It11W E & ATKiNSON'S Furniture Store and see how easily and Cheaply you can ferniah your home. A Walk Through Our Store %VIII show y i [Pere you will find the I irgest and best ass.•(t.• �• . n ..f Ferniter• is rile ('unoty, a nnprising 111 Tables, Chairs, Parlor and Be! Room Suites, Kitchen and Dining- Room Furniture, o fact overythin4 t.. be found in a first-class Furniture Store at such Low l'rices that def Competition, We have a large number of fawn and V'r•►nda ('hairs wnich we are *telling at remarkably Low Prices. I RO W E & ATKINSON 1 h•- 1. , 1 Wm., Vit nighers Arid Funeral Directors. 1 pier' (}. .sits+•'i1 ?ti )lin .aiiiiiiiNiiETIMBEI w I MA1:1: THIS TEST Dont FOI'get dery to T 11 if Your 11 tit Ob •ns,•! I:v n if yon have a Inxnrtant .head or hair you may want to know wh'th'r i• is in a healthy condition or riot. t)M poi. cent. of the people (1 (d a hair tonic Full a hair out of your hood ;If the bulb at 111.1 e•nrl of the root is white an shrunk .n, it proven that 'the hair i• dis.•aprd, and requires prompt tr••atment if Its los.., would be avoid- od. if the bulb is ).ink and full (h hair is healthy. W; want (every one whose hair r Gala treatment to try B••inll ''93" (lair Tonic. W,, promise that It shall not cost anything Al 11 larger and a better assortment than I dos not give entisfnctory results. it is d 'igned to overcame dandruff. r..li v • scalp irritation. to ntitnulate tit • h lir root i. t;ght n th • hair al - S• baldneta. MARTIN & SON rads in the hsigt 1(roa hair and a•ir.• it le !reins; of what 11 •roll %'93" t,( I1 sir Tonic has don • and our Finer.• I t1 t 1o..t tii sorrel ttith in its gondn'as that we want hors- Tuesday nigh*, An able. Fe en sees to try it at our r:,k. Two via et. .the brain broke „c.1 111 rriLrnat II" 50e. mad $1.00. A%Id only nt bur fro Ir• killed. stor. -'Ph" It.•x ill Store. W. S. Cole. We Carry a com- plete stock of reliable Pianos ! ! w• have ever shown. EXETER, ONT. CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27th 1910. ill•:\'• COLIN }'1.1•:'1'('111•:Its M. A. 1tr. Fletcher has been the esteem - .1 and beloved pastor of the Thames Road Presbyterian church for treaty hirty-two years. During his past- orate the present church Was built. This was in ISSI. Hrevious to that he preached in the old stone church. tvhich stood where th^ present $r.00 per year in advance t1, ireh stem's. A few ycara ago a Ce- le.) 1 ithin of th` h ill s. This year I The thio t y•third annual nt,•etieg t.t 11. • int vita of the church Was re -ac. the \Vest Ilurou T, aehe,•�;\risueiatiuu 1, Ihe wall- c cling and wood.ryas held in the Collegiate Institute, ev.uk I. ing b dutifully decoratteedd Goderich, nn 'Holladay and Friday. eel 1. 1 voted. The church in now Oct lath and Itth. up-to-dat in every Inarticular and i� a cr. (lit to 'the cougrcgation , and r eut•nsn.+e' 10 )It 1 N t 11 • hoard of Managers dc•servr The president, J. H. Lower meet preis• for tti. tray in which every-, I y t Mug has been arranged. The tvork pied the chain of he church, unde- th• guidance Dr. Mt1augconducted the opening of its pato orb Klxai 011 and what ext•rcit:rs. it/Arabi; the: tray to the cross's has The minutes of the hast seesien of the 11,t institute, held in Exeter last year. was read sold adopted. Principal Field, of the laod•rich Collegiate institute, read a paper on Dr. Turnbull, of Toronto, who preach-• "'1'h.•Teaching "f History" in %%tlich t•tl the re -owning nrrvicee of which , he deplored the fa..t (hat history was mention was made in last week's is- no longer an examination sultj •et, sur. and Rev. 7)r. Meldrum, of Cleve- thug depreciating its importance. lanai, Ohio, also 91rs, (Itay.) A. E. eit,t lessons in history should relate John, (n .• M \tads e) who recently to that of our ancestors, in the form ieft for Chin 1, besides five young of fairy tales, legends, etc., in order to then who :Ir .• now s:uding for the icultivate the imagination. This ministry, All of the are held should he followed by conceptions of in high esteem aud'have many friends government and local history Stories on tie• 'Thames Mond. Mr. and Mt=e of great deeds and risen should be told Fletcher have been earnest workers l in the junior classes, Epochs should in the vineyard of the Lord and are be studied rather than events. Can- not only loved by their cottgr.';(atam !adieu history should he taught before but by everyone with whom *hey • British history, Biography of great cow • in contact. (ht the occas°ort i men should be taught on account of of tie• re -opening Mr. Pletcher Way) the moral effect on pupils. The Bible fr •yu:•ntly and warmly congratulated !should be taught • as History. The on his long and *,successful paetorat•• teaching of patriotism should be kept in the Thames )toad 1'resbyt• r la . in mind. church. The discussion was continued by , Messrs. Tweet, Tom, Lowery and Dr. Strang. all endorsing the views adva,tced in the paper, and on motion it was deckled to have the paper pub- lished in the Tical papers. The subject "Are You Earning Your Salary?" was introduced by W. 11 .1ohnston, in which he spoke of the necessity of a teacher earning his sal- ary,not only by faithful work in teach- ing school -book knowledge but by in- rsplring his pupils to do and be their hest in all Imes of life. The discussion was continued by Miss 1 Sharman, lnspe_tor 'Pont. Dr. Strang and I)r, Acheson. Adjourn• mete. b (n instrumental in producing front congregation two ministers who ar • now among the forcmotst rank• in the Presbyterian Mintstay. 'Rev. TiIE I ItErilll 11 It1AN 01II. I.c'i e I:SI.TEIt COL'CIL Th • Exeter Counci' met in th•• I i. L' *,ling itoom of the Town 113141 Ili,, Irl 1 ty. Oct. 21-t. 1410. in, miters pre- i • ut l'ouncitlors. Balked!. 1..•vett. Walt, , an t 11,•ant.in, Councillor It.,lkwill in the chair 011 tion of II Amen and ‘filler. ---Carried Th • ulinilte5 of the meeting h• • t)ct. 12th. were read and nppro%..1. 1t v. Mr. Vellsnd through (-ounce:- for II ,nein asked to h tee cert tin Lh•1 • t r• • in front of h'a holes. on ' (7irling -tr •1 removed. Th•• (ul- t)4,ins( commit tie team appoint•••1 (t inn•*. it • teith ism er, Councillor.,* Hake : an I 1. %• 1 t and the road senile - on r. Mot.on lleaman- f.\ , • r ('-,rrr• •1. 'I ti i ie • of mot's., •even by Cuun• •t 11 .man r'. •m• • It ing %• •• r :.1 and •1. - 1 end by cutting out the wort) 1 i.• and the commit t..• to b.• known t. the Water Works Corntnitedon. The sam • tens .-.•con led by Wolper and finally aIse- 1•, r se- 1',r litamntrWalper that the clerk pr. sirs the nceeFenry by•Ltw and haws the fame submitted at the n it 111eeting•-Carric•.1. 1 r L. vett-Beeman the frontage tit a-uretnent for street watering as I - til b • :approved of and the rate of 12 cats ter foot Irani the south boundary to th'. Irides and a rip• of 10 c 11, - 1 r fent nnith to I his Them, : 1{oa•1 I. • t v. d and coil (- tesd.-C ee t .1. hye it% ee. 1 l'e0. A• Itylaw to ru. � -.n ••-+ nt I he .411111 of 1 � • t $13,'17',x, forn,'lniciptl .1111oth•r t p•n:Iitlir • for (h•-• year tea- r•ad ••.,I on motionof Levet t and lie am In se is appror• •1 of, and ordered to b. read a second and third till's. Th. - Chairman and Clark ,•ithorz 1 to sign th • ear:. • 111.1 attack the 8' 11 of th • corpora hen tli r• to on mot 11'. of 1. v. tr -\\ .11, r. -Carried. Th 1{•i.ninr .1 111 of a pnrr•nnent ch tirrtl•in R.i+ '-k •I for by th- ("•rk. I 11•:tm:in that councillor IIilk- %vitt act as cheirrn••n for th• 1 4 of 1 tt, y•• -r. No seconder. Councillor Will r 1-1 -41 1 :her h• w3+ willing to et utd by th toot nal rip toad' at th • I.4 in sting. Irv; Clerk stat...) (hat 11 ' .. nn mot Pon not having r c • t- .1 •I • 4 and 1. No fnrll, •r action talc, n. A'401 rnne•nt. 305. i1•:N1.11t. C;. rk. Mr. Sidn- y tired!, of London town - 'hie, wh 1 • on lis way to visit his tiro: h •r. Mr. Win. Awl I. near Elini- vill•, 'topped on the rend to p'(k tip a chain when near !'rank 1' -.ales on 1 h St. Mnry4 marl, wh••n his here •s became frightened add tan away. They Wile found next morn- ing near Mr. Freeman 1)o11d1, Itid- dnlph. Poultry Prices 1'rie i for poultry for 'rh.inkw ing week 11 114 9c. lie • 1 le. rlr. ss d. Chicks 11.. live 11e. dretssed Duck lir. live 13e. rtr(sa'd Geese fie, live 1Ie. dressed On • cent per pound 1.'-s for caah. All der0e4 poultry twist 6e dry picked and peek •1 clean JON Eel & MAY, 1 .ri •11. .: :.Irtr:i '.1, W. IIThe president occlied the chair. as Minutes of the forenoon session were read and approved. A con tuuutication from the Water - 1 Ino Teachers' Institute, condemining the Pnhlie School Printer for a num- ber of reasons and asking this Assaci• ation to pass similar resolutions was read and referred to the resolution ! committee. Wm. McKay of Bengali introduced the subject of "Entrance Arithmetic" and gave his plans in teaching the subject ile teaches a new rule first, the pupils then do ten questions, and twice a week tie places a review pat ler . c Tllt'IISDAV AFT1(RNOON on the Mark h.. ac. l ir i the rule beng taught. He endeavors to cover the couree by Ea+ter. so as to have the remainder of the term for review. Ile thought the entrance arithmetic pap- ers should he made more difficult in . I,(IItN ordet• to keep the children longer in C!)!'I:L:\NU-in 1Vondh►m. Oct the public. school. 5t la to Mr. and :Or E. A. Cop:• Mr. \1( Iirtv's treatment of the sub- tend. n daught••r. ject was • riginal are! convincing. 71AltIt1ED The discussion was continued by 11.I.IM.ItllltA`•I)-TIiII:L-At 11 n• Messer+. Lower Shore, Tigert Dr. pall. on (act. 1.4!,. Mr. Lnuis 11 id- Strang and H, Morton. .. t•t . n 1. • \ti Miry Th'.I• ('onaiderable difference of opinion .1 i'. 1 -- 1.1 ','. V 11.1.1•: -- 111 \ 311(01. was hehl by theme who spoke, some . is `•'•r 1 �. r'c:. ....et h. mi., thinking the hist. entrance paper all I i. 1. r •: .!,.cltht. r of 71r right. while others considered it too 1 1; il. .1 G. tnvill.. formerly difficult. .,1 . In .`1:. John W. douse,, 1)r. Strang thought there should he nr \ , .% t. 11 C. enough mechanical work and plain IIYDF: - l ERG t•'•r►\-tie 1 h•• 2nd, r very slier 1 miness arithmetic on the con. 1 -horn . or. %% .(treadry. Oct. paper t" totes rile verelidate if he slid 19. !„ Mise .1 s. • 1•:l. nor Fergie- that part ('011roily. son, delight r ..1 711. r: nr r • 1'er- (len, Maw'nn, of Hoy, discussed the V''0n. Horned tl.•, to '1r Wm. subject of "How to Improve the Ap Ily l ; of 1':111 shoo. martinet, of \Vest 11uron," and gave MED considerable prairie to the hoanties of TAYLOR -in flay. on Monday. Oct, our country. On account of the clear - 171h, John Taylor. in he: 77th year, ing of woodland he advocated the LA\Vr4ON-in St. ph•n. nu Tu,:+day, planting of usrfol trees almtg the 1)ct, 1$ h. 71i•� 1. zz:.• 1.awson, 0f rnndaid1, bard nlaplea. white •fishes, ltlak. , elms, oaks, black walnuts, shell -bat k Ile/LTV--10 '1 . eh••t►. on Tuesday, hickories etc. Ile thought school Oct. ]"th. 71r. HenryHoltz. ag ••J gritiinde should lie benntllcd. 70 y. ac. , The diarussinn Was continued by Ito T111I11TH-ln Si. M*rya, on Oct. 1 tth, •sector Tont, %%11(1 advocated the Dr, l.1. A. Tibbity, aged GO ye3r� in of Pvetgreena and the eradi A wont hs and 9. days, cation of weedy DAl.11l'MI'I :,-lis 11-nsall. on Fri- Fut ther dismission followed by Dr. di y, O t. 21-t. holt rt 1)111311,11. Acheson. G. W. Shore, 11. Horton. ••r I .' y •3t- and 7 month'. and W. 11..1"hneton. 1(1 i,' -in Galt, on Friday. 'rho wholer matter was referred to a Mary 7Inataril, lir loved ayifc special coinufitte, connoting of Meson). .i .11 \I., x. \lctswrn, a;(••d 72 yr'. 71atvaon, Howard nil Shore, to report ICI I . 1 .-in 11 wall. on 3F riday. Friday morning. Pe! -I t. Amy Nichol, dnnghlsr of Inspector 'Font took up the subject Mr. I Mr-. Datil! Nichol. need of "Spelling and How to Tench it.." lo t r •n 1 1 month. Ile deplored 111e fact that the teaching i'AIIS"\$-in 't innip g. Men„ nn of spelling has been made po difficult Oat. 1t'', Sarah Jan• Adams. wit • by the present spelling hook. Slug - of 111. T W. i lir-on form •rly of ling should hr pleasant and aura( tiee. 11111 • :1. Iluron Counts-, Ont. HP would !POPS,/ Id. w ark once a i EID in 1l,yfi• Id, nn Oct. 10th, week. 11e would have neat work. Lal:nc lot I:.ward It id, youngest llit errogitise a1.1 other •(•ntetices eon of tura. John 1t id• of the Hap should always Is• given. lit• would fi• 1.1 Road, Stanl••y, aged 20 yr. W11ITE--ln tt1•• Wini:h•tin hosp`1n1 on Frid,v. (o►rt. 21,•t.. Ernest W. Whit.. of 1.ucknow. Fon of Mr, tin 1 Mr-. Wm. White. London Road. north. areel 39 t -c ars and 1 month. 011 THE BEST FLOUR fIodel Selling at $2.50 if ;vim want Ilotr in liege q•intlti- t.- tee, call at the mill for prices. If yon have not been using it give it a tt cat and be convinced that it his 110 equal M NI' P. lay Hdrueu Brno EXETER ()NT, READY -:- ROOFING Do you need a roof we carry big stocks Amatite Ready Roofiug :Never needs any Paint. 2.50 a square Paroid and Gi•anitized Roofing 1,75 and 2.50 square Quality Roofing 2'50 affil :; 25 ;t square Special prices ill 5 Miall Lots our hoofing is complete with Nails Washer's and Paint also Plain and Tarred Building Papers Roofing Felt and Carpet Felt at lowest prices IIEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE •• .• •• .• •• SATISFACTION •••j••• • £• •. j IN• CLOTHES •• •• • • ♦ ' O• ♦ •O t. 4.. . •• • o •• oe / o • - Our many SA TIS - HED CUSTOMERS are the best Proofs of the Success of our Clothes and our way of doing Business. Cus- tomers we can refer y,+u too and who arc SAT- ISFIED. Some of these men were, put own as "kickers" by other clothiers but all they wanted was cloth- estofit and give SAT- ISFACTION. ‘Ve can do the same for YOU. A complete stock ct • • �, • r •• ♦• s • • 2 yi` y 7 ♦• • • ..v• '6 ar•l y{y, • • ♦• o• • J• • ♦ t .$ 2• • • . s '3 3 rJ r "ti • • • • 2 . . • • • 1 • . 4 •• : •a�; ti Y c1 •• • •• ° 2• a• • • • � • •• • • •• ::%� 4h •• 2 • •its s ?t? • •• :'sit•y e• •• • •• • ♦ `iia ? ♦ UP=TO=DATE+ _♦ i firs a• o• e •• • 2• • 2• • • •• •• •• • ♦ t •• • e •• •• •• •• •• • •• • 2 •. 2• • 2 •• • • •• • • o o • i• •• •• • p •• •• • e • •• use the spelleras a lending book. ilo • would teach words by combining 2 • sounds al1(i use only printed matter. • 11 • t11 n ¢.t • a write number of rel • • f <11r1%i0 - .thy a std.. o r.• r•{r.•ILd :n • c ti .,n %% lye 1'or n -Inn(••. e1•, Its 3ti•1 rte er :las ay+ used nt the 11.14 of word • nr ay:I I1,!. ,, tehilo t he pini lar sound ny, oi, an and on are d in th r-nlre of word.. Short vow 1• fel ':ie%:d by nn' consonant dont• fin .1 can=onents in adding •d •; and int wheel th • nccrnt is on the •Inst 2 syllabi,. Many o, her roles of a aim- • 2 ilar and rgnaliy valuable charnel sr • j w •re given. The-iibject Wes handled s • in a masterly mann r nd was listen. ( • .41 to tvilh rapt a-: 111 un. Discission • 2 teas rent inued by i)r. Strang and W O• 11, r.1ohn-tot/. (ht hundred and rleht teachers w r present, th, 111(1 mt number •'v -r p'• s• nt. • Adjn tram nt • • TI11-ftsDNY IiVt•:N1N(i Al the , servo t en1. rte'nnient ;t 2 • w 'erg • nu•l� •r %vire present and all • . n{ •• •• • • e. • •• .• • 22 ip ac.:• 1 to -njoy thema Iveri, • J. 11. 1.nw-ry entre the president's • 2 ,•Lir•'•!, Haresin" for li".7 -obt-et. ( c Train ng for Cltls^reship." U. lc. -Id • hat lh • tench ^r =bnnld aim to tr1in••••••••••,)••t•••0•.•••••••••••••••O••••••••••oo•9960 Conlin'), ti on I'ag( Re .r • •••••••••••••••••••••0•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••0,)•,, SERVIC OVERCOATS AND SUITS on hand. SPECIAL MEASURE SUITS AND OVERCOATS is Our Specit,llty. 100) Samples 1000 WE would like y'•.:: to come in a:l,'. see us. it W,:a do us Good and we will do you Good. JO V J o• •1 • •• •• •• • • o• O J •• •• • > 0 ire • > 0 •• :• J Gent's Furiiishugs ••• •• • •• •• ••• o• •• • 0 0• +• •O O •Boots v o• e• v• •• •• •• e• •• •• •• J• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •2 1,1 • 2• •• •• •• j2 O• •• •• •• ofAlen', c led fact thatour flue . lc ' il.f( t 0 Sn itlsticu 1'tlrni,lling•1 aI',t the Hest an I most tilt -to -date . in tt)W11. See l)Ilr New Paisley' Ties O(JR I.LAI)i:k i= :t i,l;t Al: cashmere Sox at 251•• UNDERWEAR (iL()V1.`, MITTS FUR COLLARS AND SW I;ATI;T COATS h O �S S SHIRTS HATS OUR 131(i LAME. E. W(' have more Hats, Picttcr flats nod .Xewer Hats, 1111)11 dilly t)t ltt'I store 111 the t'i,llllt V. Our George V. Hat, $2.00 is a Leader. A strong line at $1.00 )ANDY BAWDEN