Exter Times, 1910-10-13, Page 7i "11111111111r CAEF•E.We ITTLE IVER PILLS. F1.•b cloy real r• L;rso Ott th•. trcublea Indo dent 10 L. l thous i t:•t , e( 11•O syr tet•• ane! as ))latielean. Haup,•a, t )eoralu.w4. 1)1atreta after at11up, 1'1)11) in th.t 1+1 1.•, tr, white thr,Ir nice, rortarkable a.:cte.e lout i been (boom to cattail; IC IIlndnel,e, art Vallee.; 1.I1t10 ,.Iver Pill are ,.wlual:yla4nrll, ih(',•, .11;••u•,u.:unngandyr.- .,•:•e,,!tf:1.4e.nm•,i•..• .1)3:a:::,,•loot, they else 1.11)... . 1•!'-• •:.:..•.1..1ltl.li.s ii ulsMLhii ),,rr uv1 n -1.: .1,' t: , l -..w.1:. 1.1'41) tf Wey only tined HEA ♦obothey wenl,1laalu,rat rriceireato thn1n,rb0 suitor froel chi_, :i.,tn•:e ,tu,te.'.uplalut: but fortu- nately 14.44 g,w••in.wa.l 11,1 (.1,1 d h.. re,and 11o.•, e wl1OPUr,lt:y tt.et:. will :4:r.I lheso I:1t!' pillx\al'r ablo ID h. looms' t. ,v'. t::dt ll:r, will 1)..t ba )11.1$ (041.-1 .tb,1:114.:,. ti,.!af!,rO'Iri_kht.l lathe bine of .:' ulnas} 1.%44 ,::rt hero 14 (there we makeonr en boast. (rlr lulkocurri 11 whin) others do not. (`art.r'. 1.itlo Liver Tills aro very email ant very ea.e to tn:n, One or two tally matoa dose. They aro elriclly ♦egetald' and do not glop.. or pnr,e, Iola loy lhtirgentle Arnett please ell who rue them. CaTX3 YCL1CIltE ca.. 21171 YCRL. Srall Dm. :mall ?rim 411_a1.4.1a-. _ ...�....�.,,�...�,.�...-,.. • 1)r inch in length. Alio take Milch it A bhoit.age t•f ruin a (.t dice! 441411' '�— `,�"� 1)t rhir Id to correspond with tape on of affairs 1'i itt't, lull) at such 441)11'8 Hints for Busy Housekeepers.seam's. Slip one thread through' most insanitary t):tter is us(.•d. ta(,c, tit' ill bow knot, 1111(1 shield I (\t. varioi•- Blur••' bingo the drys is firmly attached. I'.asy to undo Of Mug h4 1:,11,1.1) ,1[41418 hate 11( VII ^^ -�_�^'•"'•""`� before laundering id a to bcclu•c• a water supply un 1'eckc( He 1p. Llty (;1x,.414 right \\I i' l4 the cit', c1/u1(1 ticliend. About Recipes and Other Valuable Information side up, with chalk marls lint of (,•1) and 4`111' half 11)11" to rho of Particular Interest to Woolen l'vlks i," k,•( ull<uiug, 111,4 1his Iny pi, 1 e t•outh, by a (title He8t, of Jerlistt- ,•t }10 ,ds fur )Oringt I,. eke,, and otl'r I' In, '1)1 the uRrrvage 4;4441 ('r 11cI,• r...•:.�.. :....'-'_,.....�„� r' n, :u'r Iluee cn(*rrnuus r1 •1'414 n' 1he facing lay p'44'k11 lining, wrong • IJ)• ti 1 ('alk line for po.kt't op knew.► us Sululnun'li pu(*L•_. 'l'Ilve.r l)RII;1\.11. 14 I:4 I{'! ti. lestu11ing to last,. ;)1)l) milk to I' t„ to eonetruttett in the hell of a m(I IOH. I'Inee s.iurll pi1•(e •.F 11414 ting (*n lining. \11th the Ina 11;41),\, across which heavy \val(r ('erl. :44.11 'fi,,,• a d4 't' •, ,:� ,!,41,1• •111111 e11he1' - de of chalk rind :111 „r,: 'u,ll..:11,.:1.,(.1.1.1.: 1)r v o''1 hi 4'i each11110114.i. i 1,1 :uul bah "! ! I I " 1,1.41• thruttn and ec)nolt181, 1111(( are 1,1 11,Ud,•Pall! U\('II 11:11( tin 1'"11 r. 1'114 !talk, du11111(! `1144 1:11;: ends fql' 1 C1nc 1ltii41';t1:h' ..t 1.1I.i-u'.'. 111)41', :1 little Hater in bt'h•,ui .•f (tan and 114141111'''• Now eat a ••Ili through lalargllso) ewnough r' t{i contain I,lwil4l,Il- ti..• three thicknesses .f elan, be ,a 11111115, 11411',1' ,',id 4'.•i'4" 1'. (',\4 doz_ (bade } . peri ry foe minutes 14, 41 ins the rui11e' `vase]) with \vat<•r i Itemise til dolt,. I'hIv isa teed „at, t.. 1).e the tt\v, rows of stitching and t ' tar. ' f -\1:'1 :turl,n:•:• std faring bite!: through � frnrn the' Ilrruuudil,;4 hills, 4111(1 thin se• ll. )40111 the 1 • 1'1,•' `. chop the t'l) left• over meats :old \) 3 e:al,', -. Has uugn„ •,ted by the nllluw of u en ,: / 4145. (*Mons, and cabbage 1111('. the , , iLo n1:ul• h t-4,' (1ud 1 1, 6 1 f 1 , t 111, , .11' 14.1.1, 41440,4 Knuth b l ll: ' it little Iii her in tllc ' ut. the coin front the cult mei :,:41' hii0%l:y I>:1!\'I'll.,•, l 4. 1. .In4 •tit••! %alle3, 14111s% II 118 the "settled fout- all 1141 4 her. Sea -4'1) \lith I . , L,: t Peanut Ice ('r('a111 %Vern• l.r"• 1 lam. std serer. other small I.•. 1;.1 1,• .•1r u4t'' 4.114 iI of sues.. . 1)e !mirth • .:1,r :' ...,. • and one pint 01 full 111 tie' 1 1 34I 4'), 1'cool lL4 -e pn41, there p:u) :, ! t)p r bide :11,4 (*f salt, un1' 11(1 141)1':_:• ..'11 44,,,11-kinln1(•41 In) 111)411 blt.,'t! 1„':,1 ! 4.'. .t masonry aqueduct, 1141') t. •1110 11/111C9104...1.11111 4' f 4, • 441)41' t,..t .. : „ t oil Illllllg lu . lIt. 1,',. \Irl, add a junket toll 1. f, 4411 Ila, pock( t, titch and press. hair. 1,4411 cite walk of '1141)441. :1,111 our 1:11')111 „f :1:,,i •':'\ ,•,! :ti 1 ,4.1)1',(1 in a tahl,• which, winding aruu11ll tl:. Lipoid• , !,,; , e . 'i Hater. Set aside t 1 1)11 :I 41 1110 ,eater to 111,4' (e111p1e 41. . . ' I !• rt ,I 41 „ „r 1:11, : luinuteS, then add ) r „` ll ti•r ,feta e!• 111. AL on/• p• i!'t Illi, , "•' 4'(1 it d. ,,•1 4 , tl :1)1 candy (,1) :11,11; LL RFD B\ 1 I' \ kill i dui, ,,, ',t throned) 1) 1),4, •44.344 a ,• i 4. , , I ."444, one 1 . , 1.• ,.i, , , •tunnel. Ilarper's %V.:, LI:, 1 fin' \\ 4th a roll- 1 ,I :4:. \ l • - 0et1; •I• e!, `.' , ' i.. ,.. .1,. 1_ ,. 1 i � ,, ,, . I' . ,.Al:: Ii„11 one ill 11(1 )1! \Il' '1 1� 11'111,11'1 11.1 II.11';' U1:5TI'I't-7 P; 1.'. III l..l lel 'f ll'. 4'.l !:;'ui,! 1„ .;II1.I: •' 4.i..tif (ill. •1,,44, v.1411 one-half cup t. l• ...4 .• r .1),: t•�. add 1':.. ! i Hater 44:.1 one 11Ye1 teaspoon- ( 'I'll l;\ 1.1 % .1 \ I � 111:1). --- r•!:4'.; 4 , 1 44 r. c mutes.ti4"u fol pulviere4l singer root (obi:tinc4l Terrible Story of I'iita101)1" in (h1' s'':• from dr .•g store) for abunt lite nein- Icetleld'.. !.. , 4th .tarn. utes. :1411 tt tablespoonful t�elntin She I.ives on Ifiet of Mice and Eggs After a winter of tr iI,1,le };rice I ''. • • ' I • e.•4 1 • d -n.,;ar which has Leen dissolved in about ,un 111 t{t4' .\ n Iic 11'4' members of i. 11.' t.. 1' 1 1) .1 fouttil 4'u) of col(! Haler and (w4' with .54 boo/hove of Ilol I the (• e.,. 4.1 tl,.• I)ulch whaler Jan- .• f 1. hall heel 1,1 of 11:Iespr44 e (fid- 1.•1)1"j1:i•"•. line !Saler. iia Are elia L,. been r•scue(1. :I .-\,:„ uti� 11•. , ! ;i•.4' • .Irl full 4:•41. and half a (.411) of i,,1'.,• It 'Cho •.h"4•,., 141441,.1 from i)tnl- Oli.l\GE IILO!(51111'S `'1'llltl'. : I:•:, the 111 I, r, ,i.4' Jl:tnv ar( (lo stet. . 1,•.,,, 1 I,,,:,•r timely cid up, and a !, e �,. ::1, 1llirlel e o4 ulth afro, ---- , ,,,z,,' - it:, ;f!' (tell. .11:4 hr' „•,1,41.1 114••:It, al.„ 114t 11 1. 3,1:,41)• \PI11/ have f••I,: -4 :, a,H, '. 1'44141 Bride 11 her N'orc it wit. a t s sae.,,, •'l- 1 , f et it, ; ••:115 heard r,.1!, th.lw , „',/•.: , : 1;. ,.. :11141 tlu"„u;(h tnr.4'u s(una 1•'1 t:ardencr's Daughter. 11.. , tightly. lane a east . 3. 4 .'('he latest is frons a Ito'' :. ' 4': 1:441: tie!' 'I'h,, r, ( l )rat. •' , 1'• :u!: \\'arm ort 4u:,rt ; .I1' teaohlr who cured h1'r !' ' ' I :1 se :u'4' h Once upon a time there lived in 4.1114 buttered paper. i)rop in 1 . inn mak. r„ :44.••114 blood heat, add i; ,. I':. 'i'h?4•ue• 1�:4- re - an (;astern country 11 king who w,1, I reparation, neatly smooth th,n1'lf ••i a h:44 e:1 of ncuratel e• „4. 1 ie Irt'f 4'1,4 4, a".I one junket .•u lir. 1' i' , :rota •• 1 • ' 4:1 • bt „ hark somewhat of a Lutanist. Ile tI • i, '.rf417e. spri(7kle with a little pow ;,b3, t, •'1 .,1)1 d: '4)hr(1 in :t 1 that 1.,:41 , i . I ( ' the greatest interest In the 4.11111” ,3, red sugar, and `'et 111 a ln(:derat• !; , (1111 the i Ily• 14114)14 .'r 1'111 Uf 14:4 • f1 114 • . :+., `. .\3:1- g t alt ! 1, f I Hater tie, fr, tl.a. who had ,, tet. - . ty 1.1 vatiou .,f all 1404414 of true- x114 1.i 4\1,4,4' minute-. Retro\. ' 4a'et ' 11' 4. .,: 1 • th w:t• r hftern n,nlutea, ) .14•'441' ndtenlure to te'l plants, :u:d 11::d agents in tare••:: 41 :Mew to cool; turn the Bake ,4..;.• :. ;,r• 6t1� w:unllrl• ,.1„. u, 11'1, her left arta n:.,1 !,i 'I ie. •. F I.a:t Autu11ln, when e. ! into the • ion :t clean board, remove the 1:. t; ! 1 trot that sue finer r tar 4:.1• 'I. t.4y part • ' the aur:d t., secure the best 1 1 f 4 r 1),e ndr 1 4• and 114 •t hand-, me shrubbery pus- :pl-r. and sprea(1 with jam over thethe ) I�ct•'s+• 141'144 ::e s, the 1)ut, schooner ,, }. .14.,1 f.. , , - rl 1-, n Icy n hr \ l;nlc, in Bible, \• 4th 11\'•X1' 10 adorn the royal ;surface of the cake. l'rcpare. I Iran3re m o : ,1• I • 11ete 1)1I:T OF 1 I( l'.:\\11 I'1 ;i;� t!., t which dashed gat'/I(••'., Ili' day :t famous se n• i glace au 4li'4' itc (as beluwt• 1'4sts ort} H. , ! I''iau ..(1\4141'(1 her to tI; t e , • h •l ' 1 .,, (l with list. l'1.' : !I:' :dug a present ..f a Fprea(l 'verily over ibe jam, :rid and tan 1„' ,I n 114'1).,;, r „ • f I • , , 1 .''irift. in 41114.rtri'"4•i1 •,r.ulg(• 11(1 i!1 fu13 tit , eel. Cut the eek)• into even lteedes as ! ''. (4 Nur L;• 41 ::11.4 �!"' ,,ed , -. diet, and hot .'. .. 1'J the , Sed tie. 1' • at ILA: the t•rew bloom. The , rr.: _.' v. a, at that fiat, pit 4es. 4 'a'. e on a Nish. set in the ;east. w'.,, (ie. eta': I„ save the • en alloe.tig i unknies 11 in 41:4'• 1,'tt:.'!1 of which we . e\I'll for a minute, remove, and --, I , • 1 ,:, ,.r ,11, For hl'Cak- `4'i her, het t sir efforts were aro s}:.:,1:'ui , and tl14 king was de r l'4.' ('.\\\ I' r : !! i l'l l'!:ti \a ' .I „er•I -et end t 1::,,: i 4,ut lemon- lighted. !t4' bed t';1' See !deified . i . .,,• !„ t. nuthin^ h. • " ' in the 1•.rla.r • •411. Jr-. and •aw that [iRh:\I)ti. t ern Rcli-I1. tont desert eat of ('ern, one cabbage. fr. - (medium :•ii I,. `.,:•!1'r wv444. ,:' 'non ai 'I :4• I�r it w1)- taleftlll: 1 •Inrded \ c. rt:un ' ' , I Pal k"(• ileum, Hells 4 i. a ,,3 onions, two glee,( pepper. (tes4). :1 ...'111: i t•• 1 , ,.4f .,, ten an►b:r.a(1,+r fl••r,l t111 11'' •I aw t r.- :. 1 t rye, Ip• fer Parker 1441)-, 1',.144' Chef) pretty fine and add to til. - - '11`41''” . :(141 • ., 1 „t 1 l,. 4 i !. !.' .� , • :,s, tree ,1141 0))1.41'(1 114' kin„ a a!'I , 1, .',.'.• ' ,, wr'i'!: \va: ;:leen to th' -IU• ;n}:rediert:l: (Inc -half 4,41101) t:; It 11th \4'r} Intl.• 1111(111. 1 i ,}; soot for a ruttin;: •.f it. lire I:n:s\' .ti, 1)•e dr• •:rrituent of on the i ! .1, .0 11 uutlh1. , or with milk • 1, 1'' 4'. ; 1•t. „,t ho\ve\c r. •: f•, .,.. 1[1)• he t rizecl lire 1 i \in.,�nr, ere he\ 1)'u -tar, . with •.' :' ':d. erre :4 4.•, +\, aid d.d 1),:t \,i-il pl,hi e .1'):4.,:14: Dile putt Inllk^ i;u11 44!1 44 4444. lu111 41 1,::t t,., 1 su1:►r. 4'11• taLle-1' 7411)1 of lard. ••u, halt f; 1e 1•tkinl; eft 1444' 41,e x41.1 tw., I "r dinner she had our .,•(t boil- l'..‘ 1•414. - t In ! n It t,. i..• t:;'•:,lifill. ! t r 4 I': t: It'. ' " , ,,Inter „(1 1 1 1 c"I'f':I "f-ne:11•• one' try!" :,;Ifni r�l ;a1, e. ,1.'111111, 4f tr:l:'e1 i “\%ii•.,r ,.1 1 gg. one slice o toweed ',rend. N. 4.. ,41.• "( I.41„ 1'1:4 ,' iq'e a"1.1. i • -Ili. 1.1)•• �1aa cak••, ,oak tit extra "f}•i, u4akrs 1)Lul,t f4'.:•• 41,4.,4; ar.d a (part of Hater, tl'.: k{. I':,r 1:•,!f, n!ul were ;:,( "'•3t4•r 111 the brire4 rt. •:., ;y;,; •, w!4'. I41st': : d- huts of a tribe .. friendly lie" IIlilf„ 1,1)1• an11 ort' half qu:u'• ,•1 •('sen•rte +11)ruiala•i.• !'.t,.• :r:4'! •' 3,3.1'4 it was n s.iu„ t 4 i„ a . ruiIl. t •1• tie:•. ;1):4 %%14,o 1u(Iri 474 ,• ti,;t!(I t!;1) Will; and 44(1:1 the Limo. herr. ;1, a four 1111:1 t+ e( r , , 1 r::, 1 f loaf and , r :,n 11:1.., . cont• .:•'l -i: ut /i it std 1143, 1 „„,•,. 1 ,i4 114,.4 Their were Ie ' l• . rine: . • la r -d ::id - ,_ Ir I;� )44'11) 1.” ;'Id foi;r pounds „{ 1';.'•. ' dt•`•I 1' i rIe«,',4 prunes or tete. <I al.l t'r th' 14 d. Hrr fa( h. r ti r'• ., a• ., \,' 'nkcwarut .1 (e:: l ..f water loot hefere re 1 1 en .1),l. !'.we.ee 111 , w4,l;i • 1:, ;• t,,arry this :al" 'r, -i. largo lemon ,., i' t• t I •-• \t'\ into •.I:r• drank n gnarl 4.1 the hot ' ! t ': t1,rn;11(h .t se'.r,, \1•'" di ,(e t 1) \' ie. f •4'4',,. d raper, 14411) , r .. " he \(:1. it -P. 111 ! ., , !' --pita..' I, 1:. e falx, ,•„r,• •r ! t'enieloe , i. a :f it 1 :t 11) layer, :est „4.444 i.• Ila`. r, d with !: •\\'iii. ;u L .o. 111 :, 1• i r r 1 r• .I I;' .14,',4, 1„1 1'a,k 111 ties and t;l., .\1 •1 4411 11.1;1.\I' Irl t \r: I -t t 1 u: „ .0 e ,\ • r •,tit! 1 ._ ! number , f , eel t. i• I f 1,.•1 raflin. Th., i• (Ilii v • 1' r:: rl la! n, t , ' .'•' ,,.!i.1,. a} �. ! .,1)0 111 l r t f 11'.1• Inca I t :'1 ,1 i !,t ,,, ,. .; , 1 t I • „ 11 „ 1111, n:.•r•:,, I., ,- n the 1, Ilu•z 4111 ::ud 4441 1,• ., , 'v 4.4.144 11'l4i l butt', 1 ,.t lh 41..11,,, 1 , ! 1 1 • '11,,1 .4 ,•i 1 \Iliac• ,.4 h 1144 . alto r 4 4'r, LITTLE Ill:l.l'. :r1•. _ l.rt' `1),3' tie• 4.,I.. iti ;, ,I .,1 i• 4, 4(14+,4'. e 7 '1 1,143• 1. ah..!t tw.4444. I41i11- T• 414.111 \(11,11' .•11:111):•14.1 . 4 '•1 4• 1•11 . Ln1 I rr fi.et 1 , 1, .'r )4 . ..:41{ !1114 „Ile .41 114'. 't !,• Ita(,1 • 41(11! 4441• 4141. 4-414 41 d4 slot; f.. e!, am!. l (, ' (1•, .411' • • at:, i :1'11 .,l,4f 11'.•.1',• 14' feu d,,4':' 444.4 v„1.4114. (1.11441•. w Ertl give wen 4'i 4 Iteee,.1 • (•...Info fagged (4114 late 4\14'••. :1• 4- we•43 k114\\11, . if. '41 .i, it .i• i' , i,!.. \\1,,... ,I, I,• i 1, L 4,14 . 444: i+ II) ! ! I I'•ruu I I 1 I ' ) ) 't4' � main. (I:,: ',,•141 wit- pre•. •,rev , • h 4'1• ' f 11.4,1 1,1-3 n:4,11 '., t •.1i , 11.: .l 4.44"111 11% 11 t` 1 \\1'4.1:1} 1)e.. ' 1.1: is01 aii t,.4' tin:/• 111141 ) 11111 th, ter". nal ft tenth -hip .,f a Ilil:la hand The N,�!' r,.;, _ •1 i. 11 : , . 1 _110, I 1 le • ••:-• r nnnlher 4.1 3.i.. •0,34..4, than 1 t” the Ki1)F. :u; t':cr, 1 ' 1.11;e1.1.:',•:;',7 . i - . ,,,.1 , ,•(I( ':(Irl; Ito n' 11' 1, IIe1) ! 'f1,, Ihl b..t. .1!• I i t . ' 1,1, .:` ''I I 1':• .14,41 • 1r,IUC Kin.. 1,•: 4f 1Sa!4 v, 1114(1 t 11.1 ill ! }„ 1,41) fr,'111 1, l i I ,.•t i,4' 14'1'1 ,1114 1,,' 1,• • 11/1111 !(till=h Sovereign, ar'd :1 4'I bake :,• a -•e ,I • iLI'„ 4,441 f'.wl 4� 414,41 nu high,i col:• n of „pi 4.4,nvu ( lit 1,1 if, •4-I, \'. ,,1411) '•i'�s- T),,,. - •r,! : +: , .� , 1i 1, •, !,'; .11')" :111 ill. 1,111 (.441 I!�• at','llf In 11 le Ill4• Imes ,4„ ,,3.,,, . ,1 tie. 1,!; , ,•,, , 4, 44.!• 411.7, 'it •'f 1111113 6(4 IVA, , 1'11:1, to 1....,;‘,, 1heut 411 1144., ;( 14, 4, r3 •4141,4,1)(1. IL(' ply • 'tit re -ting I•tr ! ,. I •!1 ! •:,f. .41:44 ll'.1r4 111' the r e'• .!11'ii • nil velli:li ,"' !n••.. 4, n )rrfl ! .. „'t ,! 1•. , 4T r I.4. ': ,•r•l) 40414, sn!a!I P. r t ' 1 i 1.1:::,,144, ; .411,...::::.:.1,1.11141,..4,1,. )'In 4 of til: • ,her (4,,. t , hit. they 1 , 1.. (...,,,.::,1„::,..,4:1,11... . n ''ur,i!..\l 41•'1) Ha-hln:4 enc g!a„ a.it1 n .,0:144,1) nre(I di,:c•tu.n. 1.4, -•'1)t 4';l' !, 11i� hirlh/1:111 1 1 ! 1 I. 1'41 4'hagf!"u, 44:4 hclil\'.4 t.' he in) th ,ands l f I,. ,I :, • `"Ir:. lilt' ::o 11!•,111:1 t•• Ile •,441- '1314 1 (11/111( like t.. tai tt.u' f• • tl,e •.:.1 'tall(. !I . 3r.f4 - f \u((nlh r n not) „...1:::;:g: ) I.L� S4'at 1,1. . , ;+ 17:1,.:,.414 f••1:r 114411th, i 11x11•• clot hall 't !. . 4 , '►14.:1• i1,a 4:,.'.(•r 1)14: .t oRic la l5. !, 1)l' tt L.i.,4 , :! hi.,,,,1,444: t,• th. ►:;. iatf Lt : :4r, i!•• la -1 '.'11 e 444 l.4' ti ,• 1 3:'• ,� I ' 'f 114' 1'4'41 r11nillp• \4'1111 iC lig 41'1111' Il -4 t:111. of aov kind on toy 1IL!r• „fh. I':da;11d n.,- 4.1!".•1, '• 444ki. n' 414 .............".....44-4,,,-.-4,-, r.1'-�a-arr-u raa-4444- ,1, - H111' :Ill p: et,f1' 4•,1.41)• 11'::1- 1;1`•.4,1•, 1.'.441',111 ,till 110 ready 1)1 ,•i ' +,: ( 3 „nly !441St h,,,„,, .•r wire•• et than twirl a Hie!,, and v.. art ::r)• t4 da'. 1' ,•1 of f•`. n. re i -tate 4• ki,cl•. 'fits hit,(.,' A r•'.l -� t' �� 1a km; ew woks iu•,lcc, anll 1144 411)4,41 .y� ��'!!, yt� I`411i1,e. 4.4.,,4.4 foe,. I,:,I•, h:1n ill( 114.11 on Ir"4„114 Ill well n4,ur1-14r.1 and nil ; ihr than 41'1:4 tut,tt:>r( w(11', '1'11• t, tyl to fis Ira7-i0. 1)t.! tor• li L k 71)•4. n' t.• L. :1 (11•tm4'4 artistic in41rut1- I, ; :41a, It the .•„'. 41:1,<• t1,• !eat Ion fella a: 11 gaol.- well;•! and lju•en 11411o•r, V% ,.i• :1,4(:41 oo ,\Iatl. Iii Y•I, but 44(114 klr,u4,.1,, i nu•el .'n ti,,, 14,•,1'(74 unc9. •i te,l);I h. :14444 (41144 144, d\ s • T. ,:I . l4) 1',, •4',le•-1, • 4 t i" • 1,:11'111,14 41• !4, , weakr4• I 1' 1 4' 3'!� In) 11)'.tow, which !Iat,• ,r•'1) w4uUn:: l e` f I I'.. turn :I h1' n 41) table linen. • stn. 7 41"hoof all 4441), fer their pro- N.. .i ''t 1 t..11,1iI We I 11;1;--- - +4ere Alill, •t ; rf r,., 11-4 r• 1 I :; - c • l \ PI:PI'1'.l.` lake e Il flte In'..i!e 4f tell l' •, will} ': !r o4'. le r4'- d.'1„•!•, iti :• ,•I 1 bhllrtly aper a ttU11191) marries t yet o,ereign l'4nli.ue Dan. h('r ideal she discovers that ,ho :1 •:4(•'1 1'' 1 1'I r• Ma': 1 a -tuff tnaalito• 1111/1 11,11 the linen thi'.,ngh I'U1:'I I'1 null. 1'1111 \, !ler dead 1.te t,.,•e.l, a...I tyle 44 1:, 3. `4 ,I,;• ..f ' • 4 i.ed rice, toreal,.e., a lit ' the !.4rr ,w. 1 t nuuei . -- - lI:4 Hulk 'f 1'4•!1. 1111114 1!1)• 4:') !. , , I,,, , 1 1 I:Peeite :1• Ile rightful I ((1(111 t. 1''. t ; .'3(7 aq ,• I onion. 1)114 salt. Fill To 1\':1 1) \\bile �i'1; liter \ul %31)lh \S1)11t pints 1.ee_ +' •44:111. t4'r•411• • 4 1. 1041',1 1••1,4•••'3.1:; 1 . , 1 ,(,n, I When .t mnn I' cmnpc114'd to )1)t 11,11,,..- , (: 414411 .ee41- 11:1.1 w8 1)11114 1'.►tef,ill� in (lo 1)••1:41 Hat. ..,114411 the w','t , f I;•:.1 4,0. 1411 I'a. '\ ,, 11 It, 1l;e••' Som,r .111.1 word• Iii, appetite is gri(k13 "al - i..' : 1 i'' 1 mon II Hill Ili. 1':uuun• ►'•,4'i., (;, i• alit; 1,r' 4. ' en.,,' , 4,` and kite 4,o3,1 leo 411,1 41):' t:,b!)•.I,e,lnf111 e( 4.,•,4 no 4ee. Ilex SI:I).• I} 1 .4-7.1:1y •11p- hit ,, . ,. l , I :11..1 nght 4.)4(41. d.• 1','•t;(: Ir' 44)11 tv ! 44144,1 t•. ti . ►i4'1l' wn(ei. 11 Hill Jerusalem, to day, wltii 11 - ' 1'.1.481 1In. p:ta.king an43 414-p4ttch t , I , 1 I''. !' .,' r , f' •1)•n. . ;\ raft answer may Inrn ewny 4414.4„ :, 174:1, I , li• r1)'•: t••m 1 pro toot (1!•441` 411k from 34cr;•n•'Itr inhabitants, tlept,4(114 almie.t •I..1 • u of the tra3_I, token' ) r wrath. :.f Pt I , of Wild -t:.. ! e p"r Puree .I. 1. 1),11)414 lett 411 t4u't lulu a book 4• 1 .�..r..nsriaR.sie�a 1, : 1 . ! ' ' •,.' sit- agent flew 11. 5444 I 1'„ ri C.., .• 1• t.t •11+'1 14'•,41. 111,1 4114.4. line a -+4,lie,ent 4)40' ,, I'itis iv recommended by ly un ruin ler if wall-uppl�, Ow = - - , .•••.blot of greet, 1' 4,11•',- Cook one P!•., has had great success In rainfall pvecaging alloot 1Al'I,i� !• , 1 •1.r 1 e, 14 Itlh(1"s' ,'11' 'f I,. ui 1n •1'44''1 Hu1,•r 1111444'14111 (Mit. silk garment, in seven inehe'• a �t1r. \Sated' Chi' 14 - pi.,, ,t. L1),' ..:4 Was Troubled With His j }•i„- - , . efe 11. •: :•II, 1 •':Ill• 1r.` - 14'1'4.1: r; 11 lu 11111111.1' 441111 1111'; l\n\'. , CU111'l't Cil Ulld btor('d 14! f;,"•ti a� b,llg ,., . \r„ • 4 - 111 1 44114.4 6aM Blood Means Bad Health, t!.4' r ,. • ,.• •44:.1 1 • (, 4i!. •1)'t. !'utter 1)114 -11111.4 1 'f., set 3.3.-3".1). hllie• la\end7r and as reefs and cisterna are kept I.., ! .4 (Lem lr.•.c.prv.i•'r4 • . • I o'1' • 1 • pink 4141', in wn.11 good•, ',INA in Aeau. In the homes 4f the Hell. Liver For four Years. .,.i„ 4 ,::- !, I: , Blas- • 1.3,4.414. • put ul hnkr 4 0,4 w:It•'r Lrferl wns Iinq. Iwo thio olus•l•, thew 44144/'41)14 are large '•1\11' ; ! 1:411, 4 4f )•,41,4 )4 11' - x.1,14, to a i:411 of water. I(fat'k enough t4, store 1111 ample amount, (',e: it •I• .. , ' 414 f ., - i x•.'4.4 ,•1 • :41 41 1111111.11 411:", .1 t, !,'1)r, .In41 gray should he 4f water. \11th the Ik tlrCst peeplo in t}.' '-•' I. n:,"'.t''1) :111th het o'' .4'-..'.3 11 -1 tong 'tilted 4utt•r. the 41'41'441' is the ease. 114s1 of reit' •! ( (. 11. aro. I,r4. 41 •r anlhr ;eel 11• a -111, r1'nlr.ly for the re the 1'i:tilos of their houses 11)'' i 1:,41,• (to..'. i' ' ' t!)4' little 1)414 114".1 I:e1114)C small, and the llollrl'• are efte'n so 110 I I t • •r 1 hie 111 Ilse% •.a' i'•' I• 4•,1,4 chi t, 4 11..1CURED HIM a rale" 'i )4' !, IIIc• 0.1"114-' 1,••111 J..0%,- IIs. +1 %1a -h ,.(,•I'rr'wvled that ("gilt."' 1. lung 4411•114' .4 .t Inst" l'1)-.1. •/ 4!.-h ',';1 1 ,1",',f,',' •,,, t„ , , 4. 1)414 1-.e 1 iti¢,•. fing'Io:I, On(.. 1 1 l;. i•) rs t4t I' 4' ! th. 1 ' 1 1 ,,.,1, , 1'4,'1 ” 4.444'• 1„ (,14 the slimmer 1. o\er, 11,,' 1. r. 'ferry (iravrr, Junhinn, Altn. H(*.'J� iu \ ::, : r' " 4r r .l'.+ 4,444.+ 1 t;•s 4,.1 tplcl7ly run 4.uwn• 41' ' 1,441),41,.., , .. , I 3 .,•, at,d take a nlal! Hdlcr itas gltcn out -and a ,apple •write■ "1 cwt 1)',t a')v eneuKh in mgart{ Thi, 1: 1., if. ' I,,, r!:4',I 41 t I+ka4 te< uu1 u( order, mat 1 1'.14'1 i+tlt:,!. t ifs t • e has l4 111 urehlred at high 4111 t to )out w'ondcHul 51f11•urn'a Lain-4i'cf 31, Kot, 111 ' 4 Ihr, 7 4•• X11 wl,Il•1l •I• le ,t' .! ;,.i .•1 ' '.11 the :.Meltes• b 1 1 K"l 4',e •„•l,k I weldd 1�• 4•(:111)1) ik'4 114 r,.. re. i ,4 is ,I .444:4; I II' A.. ane(.1)t 411 ho. .,n•'. ;tr.! :,4:I” :1 111.1” 111111': and from neighbornlg',-lern !'ills. For four 31'1)4, I w44e lroul'l(xl drIli (o t1,. t,,I !,• 1" i with m 1.4'1'4, 111)(1 at, 441)1,4 it would get v m lad ter weeks lit a limy. 1 r:)1; -'4. '• • 14'14'' c'... , and fry in , ",4 I L, t• (rvnn than lnlun the router .Irv. i' I• -ett,l t, y 1 o ri4thtr.,.;•. 'l i , 4 t 41.1 not ''it, rano 1: 4s lade :oaf thin; I': I I." 1 , I r.l'.! of W"bi :•: r) ':' I 1 K 1 1 la bad 1 could not move around. it 411 II4,I11,'1 \„ 1 I.e4i,. 1 ;•1)l) • .„ I: '•,. i l r 411 Ill( sewing 41) t 41' e11t:•l:irty u( .lit nsalcul fr\t last the doctors gave Inc ip enying viae of 411} rather (iti), ,1)t :, y:,1!• thought 1 w44t4 1" irg Into b(4444 : l r1' '1!,11; :, )e •!i y; o„'! • t:i ri 1 {tel!- 1' n a1I 1.1.11410r,k1• t• '. • I 1( '1•;a111 (3711(1 :110 a,le to 4.\% 11 l,l it 4811 cislent•, in)ponsille for Ire to {;et cured. )1)4417 silt„int 11f their .'f ,3 ,IInI(.lion. 1 444•'(1 1v7rythr.g. mrd five -1'.. •,• • II.' ' . , h,', ' 4'.. I.,, 1 f the 4 I., . • . ' • I large ours are built. generally ily fathergot tree four vials. of your Their (1114'11 was prcpnr441 1. (1,.'1 i 'trot dnrto!a, until a (4441.,1 4.(1444.1'(1 :,•, 1 I:',i it:' mister, In I ! . ;• tht1'njl 111)4 g • to We Rlttduck (31(x,4 I►it11rro. it 11••1 •',4 ,•:,' 4' '1,.. '•o1:.'a I.ci•. !;, ,1 .1.. 44 (1)r 4'1'••4 io 144•!1 1' • 1 • . , „ ill 34y (1)arit} (nlul f,.r n c(*tnnlo,l 1►41!•1)41)'4 Lase -liver !'ills, but ( told the •foundation of the ,••1 d. nor • 1 di. not hn'e 0444 bottle 1144(1 nh(n I, r• .. ;11, ', 4314, 41114' ! •11 I,4 at1 • reel. ::, 'I ` .1 'I 41,4' wltcr sup)11' . In In:4:,� en'os Ihr., them a -nn no use trying them and (4r 11)1111. 34(71 for the 41111 1111(4 1114 my npi'rlile Ill Rnn to iruprurv. I r : it win 4'4114' n H4,tlo Of It.011l•4•• angels. The )4),1'(41' 1)1,(1 4 1 )'14!1' I: i 1 Il.....,..r r•,4, jl'4k•. !..4., •., t,. el t •. � 3 I, .41”, ,,,•' fin, ,•.t I �, 1'4' venter, 111),4 K 1 I1 "1n,:edaixbuttlrll. ii 1 ,ver 1 took thorn and to -da}•, nix ViiHP-3 I .r) n 1'1'1'44 4 1 1 .n\,•” 4'. •1,_ i1• • 3 I i 1141 ill i''. t ,,, - with )thi4!4 nil} of 1,(1444•. (1)( 1'(1,:1, . wit= 1'.) "1 Keine'! len 4•• 114'(3 {n (1,. (4((4)14. Ft e 1 v 144,4• ., 1 L .i''4,` t; • t! 9 Inter, I 1111) a well man and When I M' :.n In tike i! 1 4th w.i lord i. ,4111 , •.Ii 1 I'•. 1.131 1 the 1,%3'ar, , 1 i, nn))r''F I v I, tlenty-four pounds more thin 1 Ih1ir.. \ K /41•1'. t r , .rl 1 , ;,1'.. •;,i,:.a,cr 11 i' 1 •4 ' •I:i1 oft -thee(' 444 1)114. It 41st i- (7i d tv (f ll !. 44,4 e!, :,;d 1' 11 t tn'I it', I•,•it 1)y 1:!3 , al","1 :h 1 would advise all Liver to Eternal fire There Orr here tie e i 1' •,• '.•r..4' 1'f t►.,• e\•• I, f •• s 111 ‘1‘11311:11.1t" \ hat. ie I•n!I i, ••t Soul the Itrave tui 1 n/ :4r (s- ('. _t, ,• \1'41,:• d:; 441 r.: ( 144) ' 1 , , ! I : m., 1117 44,11' 1/ Ire ro. t : Lr 4141)414 r ficin. 1 Hiil tell 1 I ,, ,• !..alai, Ia't • P.; l 1141 .' 1I.• 4•,,14'\' .ie, n•ix.t11r1• : w' 1)',I .. I \ •, 11nti 10'111 i , i 11alcet , ,,., i VI"•um'n Laxa 1.4411 !ills are z4 sent, f ll• `11n1(7rc (*f this fire, 1.r 3111Iu-h• ,. t. P ••.1 of veer wr:nd(4f•:i ml::(Jv ' r.' r 1)r. }'et:lc�a' ^rd 4r.::::. (7, r,:'t 1 . 4 .1.11 e4 41 .,fr t!1•• '!, , •'n 1 • . ' ., '.'I, or 5 vials ler $I!:14, :11'II '.'nuus. , 1 1'4' -'!•.1 111'wv) f11f(/'nl)Mtnantlfnrlurcd malt 1141) 'that it is u4' .er,d for t h.. .) +'.,,' 1• a ..r any .•:!t1) tied '•;'•' • -'.,4I t l4, r � ;, ' . 4 .:.r, i t ;i.. (cn:4, 1 I 1 I)[ tt ,kd .n l ; to r' •,•. of 3 ri(4e. floe de' it :11141 hi, anpe i:i+ 4 • .. h ! I'. 5444!•11144 t.tl , (Lllnilcd, f'! .• eo4.4 4• • •t• ( 1)'4. I,a... (:r.lcker v•'u1(1 1,,oeb Take a •t r, ; th i r•.ndilton 41 env •'•4'r I ! Milburn I.irnit(d.'!'rn.,nt0 1 r,' .:'. ' 4 4", , r.': Ly 'f L' "f 1141►,�rD r 10, 14.1 he T. til ,•., r r r ell• Ibnt 41)1'44 sigtatua I \" mnr•c thrcnrl (nLeul \e null 14,•4 e(•rp„I:1! heir:• } :1� ^r•': .:n• n .aft ..t r: 1'4.4'1`., Noe 4'1 4'nad � n•at'. 11 ,14'\1)41 :4:1).,4, n r'. ! ' ( , f ,..:'..4, ..,:1':.,:' Dir , '.it,:• 1 • t 1•'0!1, tte , ♦ li•.1le of altieIdei tie and 1(':11\e end. about gr et:I4. t el Ihr • 11( K ','• , 4 ie I UDI' Isc!,o 34,,!1•, i:ke 1•:41,"1`1•. w114,.14:4041 •v•r' 1. 11'•••.fork 11>t kcroscnc 111 mann war. ! ,.••r1' a. t•'.• ,n 11,. life „dirt 1!.4' .4",•' f :• '411 ill e\' 1,,:,• ! ti:It Ihr! c I'1,:• uncles( wit'. to x14.311 4 ir\e.4 tit-,. tet'. city•, during which I fell 'ones, :, •1 , • • 4, .4...4.1.1. s • f ti, to .t It' 111!4; :.t•d 1 , , 11'1„t4'. 4f r•etr• Trete the 1,1.eed Ise - 1-.1 Hire fI:11Itr+ I:i 1v 11.4' :1 •Illilll 11U• 11i11•1 1a1 ernvtnK (*f helot b.r I edit \_.''''a • ,•• ,r1' 1.1... •.t. ,. 14'11• •). 11,411(` I,e.l141 the I en•!•,.. •` !•.,'^r .r t, .1, e L•• ,• 01 tees. :11,41 print 1.711.11. ( nnrthnt> 41)04,.' •1� .1•.4:44 1.i .o„' .fui,', ;e •u,• •.rt. • 4�f ,• .,141.4 --..1 Std ••1414••1•, belt... 4110\,•- :11!41 • If Let •Ori n Meal` 1 felt huns:r3 1.411.1 1:1. . 14 i\,. 11 I • n:. i \ •.t -t 11! 1 1,1)• t:Boll'-i 4,01!11) a. i• 4•. - ::411 : •t rlr a:'rd I,y r•ILI t 111 ,•u!d (11 ink a gm”) p4•Iti(•u of LI {�---- ! :• :t ,11 del : 11 1 \ 1 IIIc 111 I t 'I,:a+. 1.4,'4 Ito 1•, )t. v. et then •.'tit I're,l,h rl alk !ter. either hot 4'r 14,1(1, Lit 1( Lot 4411.' i°a13.`.i'. ' f `;!(•1•• esti • usn,llly a41d the I,vnert ant \ .1'ti S. l• \..I1, •r. •,,• :I l ,\a In , :... and t• 1•':1 are F r'•'al "Al.,!:4 t t.t 1 -- ••3, 411 i (, '1• ,11411), 1, 1'•1 '1.4,••4, •ti, 4 (4 1,4• •1411.. I ell( 'l•1..c :1. 111')1,1! 111^1r •41• r p I:Irilt 111 !' 111'1) the ' 1'•.1' 'r : 0 1'•4, ' ''x t ' • \\ i;4 n 1'..,41,,,"),:143, ,tel \ !Ill: \:1111' 4 .41v that 1' • .i. ' ! 3 .I 11' ! C II ( 1 r 11( 1 •1! .1.11 t r , t' 31it Eduard 1 !l.'s .ldnlirers. 7)!I'' ,.!,tit !. •1 Ie I • I \1'..'r 1..r%:rl t.. 4111.1 44:4.1. 111e 4o1 1: 11.1 expo, • .r II . . a et ., 1.1. 4.t • •� 1!' •t: .li ) "1)1•; HIE S. S. LESSON IN'I'Llt:\•1'I'I(1\,11. LESSON, OCT. 16. Lesson III. The Last Judgment, Malt. :i:.. 34.441. I:oldcn Test, Mall. 25. 40. Vets, 31. The Son of ratan--VA-hat he did in his humiliation was dune in humanity's stead, and what he (lain)... In his glory he claims as humanity's Bead. lie it) the "lltice- 11uu-" All the 41ugels with him -The doctrine (•f angels is full of comfort. Nothing is taught more [explicitly San teat there i1 a "family in hea\4''4 a> 411 ••,11314, who "behold !lie face ..t our I at!:er, who are •44\18(1 tt• ;4y L\ the 3:t't.tll'rll•e of 1-, :11141 41 re Ille'Itl•!! 41) Ole '•f I!11• j'4441,1' . w434 14..:4 •t !44 . In c"nlr.'ctieu :lith t 1,1 ' • . e.' '4I ;• in ju(Igtnent, they ' r•' , • ! , . t 11 :t: a kind of court f i , t 1,•. thrum(' .411(1 giving HAD HEART TROUBLE LIPS WAS A SUROEN • 1[ILBURIiS HEART APD NERVE P!LL9 CURED HIM. llfr. Iaecander McKay. Port Philips, N. 8.. writes. "Seeing testimonials in the 13.14,14. Alm:true of how many poor aulfen rs had been helped by Milburn's Heart and Nerve !'ills, 1 thought mine would not be amiss. 1 art a 111441) of fifty-four years, and ht( t'4' :t family of fire chirdn•n. About two years ago I was a sufferer from heart truuhh•, and life writ a burden to l)lyrtif us Hell 1114 others. 1 could not lie on my lift ride and some- times 1 would near!' choke, and .tar very nervol:s and run down. My father, a very old Irian of eighty-five 'rata, told me that he often heard ptopie recommend Milburn's Heart and Nerve !'ills to le a great cure so thought it would do no harp to give them 11 trial, but I had very little faith in there. My wife went to the store and got me two hoses, and before I had used the last of the first boa 1 noticed a change. am! before the second box was done 1 wall cured and am o well man t0 -(day.” 1 Price 511) cents per box, or 3 Loxes for $1.25 at tell dealers. or mailed direct by The T. Milburn Co., limited, Toronto, Ont. the possibility of its ,sing material. u,', 1 1•• :,oche. stnnes the soul like a fire, must be (l,, :`,• ti: r.. Ir 11'4' m71rt d,. aur meant. (2) What. is meant by I•r 3 t , 11d tee 11:111(1' 1.1 the tile:( (If 4 j:.,4::::i4 14',14 1\444' h -bines with "eternal" 1 The aid hetize 3 version matte ell splendor. Thi- is a pie- thecsame hwurdp linttwo 4.7 11.y8a1'etaer8 t.urc�e!ur way of setons forth the lasting fire, "clonal life" (46). real triumph of i Sri reigning as Tho word in the New Testament King and declaring ju(Ign:ent 114' is qualitive rather than quantitive. ou the (11',(11 .:f all men 4[ all time. It does not refer to an indefinite However many seed may have been continuance of time, but to a cer- lo t in the sowing, and however tain kind of experience. Endless deeply entangled the tools of the punishment, and eternal punishment Good ,cell may have becumo in are not of necessity the carne, their fight fur their Site, the gond though they mage, be. Bow•ever, is at last regnant, and the evil is the lugs or suffering involved in ir- to be expelled forever. re ratable. Shall come in his glory -There is 1 no doubt that, Christ (las come al- ready -after the resurrection at h(\1. (:I:Olt(:WS MAIL. Pentecost, in the destruction of the Holy City -and that he curates still. (lis Majesty %Sill Sono See Own Out a moral view of the universe de4yrrUail on the Stamps, ,nands a personal return of l'hrist in judgment, for the consummation King George is receiting about .f his kingdom, the establishment „1)1. hundred more letters per day •.1 rightrousntss, and the casting :4. Ie the late King, and in the case .r1 4.1 wrong. This will be his true 1'f l rivatc letters he is even more glory. 4,411tieular than was hi- father in 32. .1!1 the nations --This is a 44-• 1 '?sonally answering .•:4'11 missive pitted point, upon whose meaning '•n the day it, is received. On an :mends the interpretation of vehat a( ('rage King George receives six follov. - it is sigt)ificant that the hundred letters a day. Many" of "4':1(1 4 ,, conic, and that 1111.1(• 1144.!1) are frust cranks, wlio writ.•, 4e th.• eespcl of the kingdom her 1 • .1)l; advice on affairs of Beate. A 1 ' n ! r :I' 1',''l in the whole worl(1 ,:r• .41 number come trent charity or- t • , 41y to all the 1$41t14 48 gauizations requesting subscripti4'ns ' 1 ' I ' "Chis floes 4101 1174'- 4r Ila, rt nage. e • I • ':,t all have !,card (peen Mary receives about three the nate. • f , '' , . •, hut. is 41."1 hundred letters a clay, and she, tum, mean t-. t 1)i: 1....r had the ' 4.1'•r- 11. very punctilious in the matter of tunity : know their ,blies'.' t14 „;''ir.. .54 ':'• (;en('ral past of.. their(,•1lews. .utI et this •.•', t , . •• 1•.', sorting clerks that is the d, • ' , 44 14 . 1\ , ,'.r 1' , 411 41 .,.'''r.ding only to here, tLeteft 4''. dee ,:i 1,' t 11 \ ,! .0441 -! •. . t I. and letters uni\e i sal jnrlrr. ,.4 t• 0144 n', :I. , . loyal 1'am- Ito shall X11,.4 ''r ti !' "i- 1'; ;4 ", (1 nlesxenFe r. (roto the 1 .,.)11 I .• ' t' .t.2 I ' . .+ 1, .4,'.1OlUr8- Ln4 chara''ier 4.4 1; • .t le :•e n.! ! , :l , 1,, his many "con- I:/1eR. '1'1:14 1+(• rel`' 14• lu dllf` 11, t 1 • 1 ,, , ! ',11 111 Europe. (•ar- ler, t,et Laing ('4\) 1 tri with 4, r4r , ,• ; , 1•' . 1 Li, rurr ('?p411dt-rice • Mark hair. and lu their hal',, fl, I,, 4 , (, , ,, •:3; room of the. Marl- ( Lowering upl :1 tender I.+ _ (.,, • , , \\ hen he was 11:441\• 1 rubs works 1;14'81 mIsel,..•' ahr., 1'11 Ietularl'l t.' I.., 1 ' \ pasture with ti:e sh7cp, I'. 3 ,4.74:1,,41,3„,, 1. :.` Print a 4f \'. 4'• , r), is nit iutiu►a(Y. (174(1 %hell 11173 1' ' , ,:ed on(•e a • e' 3.tr4 nt night 64th tock t, •4r 1 t uevl•'' titnulous ha• 4.• l •1 sheep, Le:ng f,•1 r,,' 4 4i , , rta':,p eolleeting 1.) - ?'.: • %hitt• nttd hartr.i4 . {' l • , 'vhe has the tine• -t ((*111' re`• ; t 1 . 4 4• of geed 41,01,4' 1' 4 1 . i' 1• ' in the world. lies �ill'ILtI 1.. I .•t;e,1 into (\'•e 1'l:: ' • ,. :Ir • , ., 11att!'••4. 4,, ,..1 , , t ,,. . ;dee: h .1,,.1 , i. ,4. wee 044.1 ft- „ 1\ 14,.; 1. 1,1111.14 4'!. '•i It :(lid 1:114 "'•. 14,'1 1,41,4 'Slot• 41 t, r1>, Food anti h,44i t' ' . , I l,er (L.'. .. '11)14 4111' of 111(4 lately printed . 1.1 34,'t't l :I,1 0)11'41 ',1 ll•' -4.' ,..1 tyle I • • !• l.41114 re - i ,•s are '.111301 • ,; 1: I• ,„'• li not Doctors•(inve flim Up, iartifi,�,al ;'�,','� ,;• ; i„t BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS (4I'• 7\11411 t i ', (1 \11 :eh iv the • Makes Good Blood and Good MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS late`! f„i' ' i ,l spirit ),f Christ Blood Moans Clood Health. 1 .1„1 , ,.•. •' . . t.