HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-10-13, Page 5T
It Has
The lVlolsons Bank
Itc•..rporated 1S55
CAPITAL (paitiup) -••• •••. $4090,00000
RESERVE FUND •••• •••• (4.400.000.00
TOTAL ASSETS OVER $44,000,00000
7s Branches in Cenada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the \Voted.
General Banking fleetness Transacted,
Savings Bank Department it
•e allowed owed at highest est current rate.
At all
Interest !,
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HUHDON, Manager •
PAID-UP CAPITAL, 10,000,000 RESCIt`"ii FUND, 56,000,E
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
upwards in this Department. Careful attention is given to
every account. Small deposits are wekomed.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons,
withdrawals to be made by any one of them or by the sur -
210 vivor. full and dear written instructions as to who is to make
the withdrawals should always be given to the Bank when
opening accounts of this nature.
Exeter Branch—G. W Harrison, rrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton. '71'2
++,IF.,`, -e4 -n'--: -1 ;.,1.-1-4-1 -:•-}i•1-1-4,++•1.141
Clinton Business
is a link in Canada's Great-
est Chain of High -Grade Col-
leges founded during the past
twenty six years. This chain
is the largest trainers of
young people in Canada and
is freely admitted that its
graduates get the hest post -
tions 'Mete is a reason; write
for it A diploma from the
Commercial Educators' Asso-
ciation of Canada Ise passport
to success.
You n.av study partly at
borne and finish at the College
Enter any day,
foil ierm Opeos AUO. 2910
\V rue for particulars
Clinton Business
Geo. Spotton, Principal.
The sewing Circle was held at the
home of Miss Della Braun's on Mon -
4 day evening. All enjoyed the even-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hardy of Denfield
were the guest of Mr. Mrs.J. Either
on y
moved his
Either t
),i r.
e htl r tae u c
goods oods into Mr. J. Dyer's
We are glad to report that Mr. S.
Braun is attic• to he out again after
+} being laid up in the house for a few
Miss Mary Bertrand is spending a
,i. few days in Exeter with relatives.
'' Mr. ira Braun returned home on
Tuesday after spending a few days in
Toronto with friends Some attraction
Miss It. Eilher of Zurich spent one
day last week the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Wenzel.
31•s. McMurray held her Auction
Sale last Wednesday afternoon. Mr.
D. Mc berm! purchased the house for a
good price 1)an will trove in in a few
days. Sled; :
Mr. Adrian ('nuehlin of Centralia it
spent Sunday in town.
Mr. (ince of London the great eve
bitec:: diet Ilse been 111 tonal 1)11 'huee-
tiny ;old %Vt di a dtiy. You t•an depend
upon hint.
Mr, J. McCarty had a horse 'exited
from our liveryman Mr. C. \\•t lie 011
Thursday to attend the Parkhill tete.
On the way the bone took sick but
will be able to be brought home very
'rhe Times and Weekly Globe tI►11
be sent to new subscribers for the
batanc' of the v•ar for z.i
Kirkton Fall Fair
coutiuuc.i trout page four
more Cacti, Jenu;.: Robinson. Nelson
Pletcher ; 3 or more rare iieent' .
Allen E. Duffield, Jenne ,test n -on:
Collection of cut flow ' 1. N •I -t, o.
Pletcher ; Iiuttu. 1 of cut fee,. r-,
John \I'iltiausi. =Men (E, Duffield;
1'oli.ig+• pianti, thr.c eared WS, Jen-
nie 'Robinson. Nelson Fist ch.•r; Col-
lection leaves of trees awl /shrubs,
named, 'N. C. Sw: itz. r, 1 u:,ie Itub-
in-ou; Col, of wild flowers and
plants, named Aden fes. Duffield.
Counterpane crochet ted, 'Miss J.
Robinson; ('uunterpan:•, knitted, Elia
Marriott, .David Kemp; 1).•ttehw-ork
quilt. !!label (.1fillan, ; Al. Hrt•th-
our; !Ladies und.•rclotInane, Jenui.•
ttobin=on; Applique work JCIIa Marri-
ott, Al. llrethour; 'Itotuan en,braid-
ery, Elia Marriott, •Al, Iln•thour;
Battenburg ;lac.!, Ja-. ('rsiehton ;
Slippery knitted or croch•t1 •d, E:la
Marriott. Jennie Robinson : Wee car-
net, 3: rens•• 'ltobinlsob ,\Vm, Sinclair
'lea Cosy, 'llabel Gilfillnn, Ella Mar.
riot t : T,ble c'nt.!rpi„tc.• awl tray
cloth, Elle Copeland. Ella 'Marriott
Dinner Mats. Jean'. ltobinson, :!•try
31cCelrlltn; Piano scarf Ella Marrs-•
ott ; 1'illow retains, i1 1In Marriott ; .\1-
altan cot ton, Jennie •Robinson : 'I)ratvn
work, Mary AIeCaInu1, J'.11:r .Marri-
ott : Knitted lace ;n cotton;. 'Etta
Marriott Jennie Itobinkon; Col:.reason
of ladies work ,Etta 'llarrioti : R:•ad
work, Elia LMnrriott : 'Rag neat, Dr,
Jose. Wait tSinclair : llandtnad r giov.•s
1C1:3 '\l:,rriutt, Kate 'loupe : plain
tynnl:en. Mocking$, Ell. Marriott,
,tenni Ruh nem : i,l: in wooa.et .locks
Ei•.1 '1:rriot 1. demi: .• Robinson;
'Marriott, I . • ! I'."Role
woo n nu t 1an•iol J. 1 obio-
son: d icing. .t:,<. Cre'ghton.
Marriott: mending, elery AlcCattntn
F.IIa Jlarriott: doyI:••,- Ella Marriott
toilet 10:11 Mary McCailum, 'Ella
Marriott : crochet in weer, F. -la Mar-
riott. but (onholes. E:Ja e Marriott ;
hadk ch,. fs .1 •nn::• noh;nior
n r t.
handkerchi •t r.0 I{I:a .\1rr-i011,ll.
Ilrethour • I:tltt•,Marriott•
darning on nett ,i•:Ita rAfarriott. •\f
llrethour ; working .h:rt. `Jenne,
ltobinson, iM. Ilrethour ; ,tlres-vddoill,
J. tienior; , Inbro..lery nn silk, L\f.
ltrethour. E. (Marriott; embroidery
on :linen. E. Marriot t. E. !ferry ; ern-
broiJery in bolting cloth. E. i?lerridfl
ry • . t-•mbroi,lory, E. p t rot t : E.
Copeland ; Iloniton :ac , E. Marl id .
llardinger work, Nancy Stinson : len-
prate the t, 'F.. jMarriott : silk sofa
Pilsen•, 'Wm. 'Delbridge ; wool -•n sofa
pillow, Jenne. Robinson,
.indges--Maggi.' Driv•r, Mr A.
Fine Art.
Crayon or lee -tele( It t•. 11.
pencil dr.lw•:rim etre. 'J1. 'err :I, John
Williams : e - on vet - ; diev. 11.
piing n nit, f,gi.r 'Rev.
'' ' • f 11tit :
A number from here attended ser- 1''•
vices which were held in Mount Car- 11
mel on Tuesday.
be held in
Conventionwill °
4' Ootlerich of Thursday and Friday.
04++++++++++++++++++++++++ The teachers of the Crediton Public
School will attend it.
•2 •
• •
If you propose attending our
school this winter you should
register on Nov. ist Spend
two months with us this terra
Students are elttet•ieg each
week. We have three de
pat•tmente, Commercial
Shorthand and 'Telegraphy.
1)•,r (diesel lite practical.
teachers are eeperiena'd and
our graduates .nvteed. The
demand upon tie for help .'x-
ceeds the supply. 1Vrite for
our free catalogue.
D. A. McLAI•tddll,IN,
Print It t1
11 XII; 111 eel 11
Iii 'rim !lave Mc+►Ii, (h II tir '!'rouble
Take Advert/lige t I tee Offer
\C r t . 1 r, : !fort( to so strongly
ender 1: , ,, 7,:1' flair Tort c and
('0111,1%. • du if it
end n ,1 •t , • r,, it %% ill. Shout('
our • r, 1: : t 1:a away, anti
Ret : .I - 1 e not give
enter ,t t .1, user:.. they
Wen id %0•., f i, n and our stat, -
tree.' ► 1 1'. •1. il,l ne,•.•t out
bu-it. r ! lcn..•t .'.ff.•r.
\t y .. tiro , .r he r
is 1 were; it. 1101h1er,i:,v fail out
or .1 yeti have env scaly trouble, 1t x-
ali ' 9:1" (fair iforl:c W1:1 promptly
er licit • dandruff. t•tirnnL•tt beef-
' . 1 i!!1 et It 'el" '.O'S" 11
Ton h0 Verbs I tt • • {; v.,•,
(n 11t it on oilr poet t • ;' ..r
itt 1 your rnnn ) will 1 <h f , '(
trfuull•'d if it d :not tie e, e u•
}ef t% . • SOr. ! :1 o , ,Irl 0u y
of ,..e :telt--Th .- sell Ieeg Store
N" '; Cole.
A (;t o'11 {'1,-1'1'1(1`
C in be I', • ! . lyuonit
fern 7111.1 lad: . .nit t • 1 • .•1 of ' wire.
fete." or It ti. •• ey r -1 : ; y. a ne •
the f' -hour haw 11 cent •11 -.lee STI./
ri fie" I h w 1• 1•••111
(parries ,er •t•,! 111 fig
t firouelitte1 th
there• is a gr. •tt 'hart •,f t
graphire. I osit,(11 i .y t • n•.
from ete0 to e 0 , t: 1
chine .•f advisor' tit •0!, a It
al 7• i;r;Why /iv(Mite op•'r,
err :11 ina1; • '11 Ani' 1 e• .
,..,• r -:s al e' 1' :Id
po • I u 1' will t't 3•,, ;n t,tft,•
thorn for full details at Cincinnati
lV. or I►hilade!phra, J'•.
Mr. !tarry Kuhn autoed to London
on Monday.
Mr. Frazer Braun returned flame
after upending a few weeks visiting
olith friends in different parts of -M
itran. Teddy reports having a nice
Miss K. '!.wickeris spending a few
days in town with her brother Ch
Mrs. it McMurray has moved her
hiunehnld goods to London.
The people will bre very sorry In Ree
Mrs. McM.,rrny leave as Om has many
ft lends around her.
We ate glad to !lav that 111 re. Either
is able 1" he tent again.
The 3iethndist t hutch is Ming greatly
unproved hp having the flour rained.
Mr. !fairy Beaver has the ('0111a)t
They elm, willwr• in new windows
rued seats which will add greelly to
t appearan(e of the church.
It i- indeed the tare opporttul,ts
nj •y I Ito fi(t:eth anniversary of ri
•1,1 .1 !if • 11 b ch wee Ow lot o' el.
lei :.1: Cru istopher E.Il •r of I
1 .g I)th 1.1.11 tir•lay night hat t 1,
e':17.I1 •n and r L•Itives tat to r
t it- t his occasion which 1% t+ .,
•l and Agri -cable nurt'rf- �..
h:rly . r •r rate the • Veterut .
soon:; •r, An int resting 1 : . 1
'w 14 peeper, ll. air. 11, 1si!t, r. 'o
'•, /fart an appropriate addr • to
whirl' lir. end M r'. Eilber mads
-'tii ,h'•• r ghee. After all the roe..
1Iiiro• b :•1 b•• -•n e.n:d the ch 'lit
111 i•r - til .1 Illy father with n 1
f, ; 1 ,,.,tell :Ind fob rine 11,
!.,.:h•r it a very han.lsom 1,.1..
fug Ian!{,. The guests presented the
honored co,:pi:• with it cornftrt•th!
willow rocker, in the hops that
it. Irender them deserved ecr,It •
t' , twiny y, are. Thi. v,-nitl� - �t %
nt ;n 111••ffillfel, t. sit• gt••l•1t
: '. n 1 ;un -h .1 a 1 deal
\(t r the progr,nl t 1 '
1,, t ;e . • rued, .Pia'ii,; I: '
i.r I,:,r.-I by th• oti,,sr,
I •,i1 •r. Mrs, Dani 1 $we feel lr
se • r Pr table that the eecuud deli-
ght •r. elr . \\'In. Il,;•win, of South
.t ted reit 1,:- present to enjoy
th • f tier , Their Fon.. Jacob
t1. • -err seful ,ho, tni•rei int, of
C Inion 1, Mich.. and Cbirlie. e m see.
•1t. I:u;or of (Allen Melte the form
i. u,;• 'ccnmpan'.•tl by his wife. t(
I tie Father Ei1L •r • pas- •1
h. foto -eor• v'.Ir+' of a„• awl le
nett '1' pissed tl.e throe score y t
11r. and Mrs. Eilb•r'* r -
ii:: we inclinations and hunger for
r I 1 et he w bid yet .tuft.• young'.
•,,o 11,1 way for th', reception of
1, It,. ng truth. They were con-
•. . r .t end at one: bcc:une seri*
!• , : of the .Evangelical ehurrh
11 1 I • ;rill r Ruler attrhdnntle
til „ t lie aumct of their liver also be
reit • i,1 • 1 l.v• wish of tit it teeny
fr. n•1=.
I (
11. fine:I.
in' n chin.,..
itt, 1 r ' : Pen and ink
Every mother should realize
that the skin of her baby is so
tender that the secretions of
the body often lead to rasher.
eruptions, etc.. all of which may
be removed by Znm-Buk. Scores
of restless, crying babies, upon
examination, are found to be
suffering from some form of akin
Irritation or "heat.” Don't let
the little one suffer when Zsm-
R.rk will cure 1
Alts 1,. •• •1,nf4:,Alexander Avenue,
W nnip. g, lea) a : •' 1 brava proved the
vel In ,.f %w.n ih,k when applie.t to
eIiU,tren•a rates, Some awry aotea ',roan
":. :.-o ,Intl my baby s mouth. And 'Le.plle
ell 1..., i :. palntlons used. they refused to
heti. 1 their him loft Iionit.iro hospital
ran•! IIs r••nui.,e.t (here for two w'r'••kr
e r• that i s obetter,
At ad 't h wan no
t 1. o
n m: home.I
'.• lin It hitt'
f - i nht Illerl
t 1•t•rel otrrlem 1 uk and a
• r „ .
r , of a first 11
mime . The Weer f h a
1 W tl
rdb,naywas very gratlf)Ing1t, and t ran•
tlnunil welt thon40 of the hrtltn. A little
ptncecranee result. din n rtnnpletocure. ' V
Lha. M. Corker, of 'tnrktml. aesh., say+ ' w ,
little I..Ihy girl had s had mnntn7 s•tre alt •
het little ehin. A few Appilestinns of Y.atn•It,k
healed the nor. in nest a p•rfert manner that
n,1/.•s- wa,,e••► 1•hin.1,^
Rest's of •'n.1.4? me** roubl M emoted.
• 11.11, t. at.a ,rut. l) pure - contalne no ranei.1
a,...' .1 2,121, nn mineral (Andel( Matto., nn
a• e•. poisons. It t. the 11.a1 beim for
Tun Pink Mtna °creme, raeheo, ringwerm,
•'.., .•• tl,andr,aeurvy h.alrashes,ruta,bnrn.,
hating sore•, and all akin Injuries
w-.-1 • , ,.. s- int, oll,lrtgit.'aand adorer,
or Z.• . .5 ('n' •tnr'n•n, f r .ri'- . Don't
tette 1:, • ..•k of n'ing ,,armful imltationa l
Pain in
"For two years I had pain in
my heart, back and left side.
Could not draw a deep breath
or lie on left side, and any little
exertion would cause palpita-
tion. Under advice I took
Dr. Miles' Ilcart Remedy anti
Ncrvitie. I took about thirteen
bottles, ant in better health than
I ever was, and have gained 14
Upper Sandusky, Ohio.
For many years Dr. Miles'
Heart Remedy has been very
successful in the treatment of
heart troubles, because of its
tonic effect upon the heart
nerves and muscles. Even in
severe cases of long standing it
has frequently prolonged life for
many years after doctors had
given up all hope, as proven by,
thousands of letters we have re-
ceived from grateful people.
Price °1.00 at your druggist. He should
supply you. If he does not, send price
to us, we forward prepaid.
sketch, lt,•v. 11. en •11, John Williams
pyrography, M. (;ilfi11nm i31ir-s E.
Copel•ind; war -r color landscap-1 Dr.
Jose, \\'ru. At 3 ,neon; pcnm.u,,;hip.
Rev, 11. en \Ven. J.cigh, Mee. W.
At kineon.
lee •,•eltaneous
Col. picker- .I nn' • 'Robinson : c.itt-
ned peach t. .t ('r:light ,n. 'Mary
ele(1.tl nun : et un 1 piton •• J. Robin -
eon. Archi holt 11 on; (-1111i el cur-
rants. Je•nt.i • not, n-nn.:\1. lir 1!p llr;
eennerl p ar-. .I,.h,, 1 „tuh.ta:, .I.ttni,•
Robinson: c el eti tri•<( .1• Robin-
son. Arch's i401. : 1n . t•-% hn •1 Freese t-
berri •s. 131. 11r t 1, •ut; flint! •d r. • -
he ri +. '.i, lir , , :r .Ins Crr ehton
,1 1
Inn r , r • i•hton,
Archi.• Itoh n i, I termer, t,
John 1 ryn11
W. 11 tly1,
(hale 11 d,
11 .111 Ll: hon. -
1 • . Dr. .lo-•,
hour. ,: ,. "1 I'; t hour : t•1-
1r:er1 ,1 1 •„ i ..,r k. G fi.•Il-
,'. . ) 'y, 1.., ',i.,,, •t: N. 0.
fie 11/'.•r ; to : "IIS I:r llln'. r
maple syrup. Eel ,1)u . . 1:.tc;iff
Ilro•,. ^u) variety cane .1 (ret t.
Hine air; :410, '1:. (A. Shier.
Special pr.: -- 11.rt y'= Itro,. for
best hreee, .las. Telnet' •; ire my oe.
Pitmen. John Ilodg \Ven.
Wealthy apple%, .iotin 1lodg , di -play
of eekee, 'Mich. ,ilosk:n: eggs, hat :
!loupe : Paltrier tiros.. ep(•eial, for
but les. .1. 11oop'r ,&. "'ton.
tre:1'11E.N Ct)t;NC!i.
The Couurii of i h • Township of Ste
ph. '1 11. : :t; Ili 'Toren Hal'. CreJiton
on Aton..,t.,) et. .rd at one o'clock p.
in. en ne r- 1 t -..111. .Miner •s rf
lir••t•iteis 11. • n:: a r, rea'I and eon.
\Vu•'rth—Anderson—Thit A llodgine
of Crediton b• apps nted Collector
of tire* forth • year 1010 ata sal'
cry of 70: aril I lett the roll behind. 0
rt) him cn filing :1 lond•wlthtb•clerk
for the •!u • T •rtortn,ne• of 1h • work,
—Cirri'` 1
Tile fol:nwtoe orf •re w. r' pas. •d-
1: ! /'Apt 'r. g r .. cont rant, 11.40:
'Ir •ibn r. cons,: .toner. 1.00: fl,
7kI. (' 1 , ! . ,. ,1.00; \\'m.
f4 . 1 t °vire• abetr iel'OI) !eh-:
.(. i . totter ' ' r I:, :.1, \ ft.
Itt. r. II pl:t't. t 1•. f ..•.r 1,: 1 •
1 _,. 1 to w t• tw-ar',. 10.001 I
I1rar• 2600 Geo. II..
• 1 • r ,. ;to 1 •r . . (1,70;
\' t
et -„ . 1 1 •.! , 1, t, r I, 1',
.1 ( 1. : t u 1 ! 1 nn
.!I I:',. A '.l .•,
•, , r t .::, ; .1. K!ompp "! '
1 .1 i:• -1' Co-
• u t. 1 I',11 t.1., erns •
•t I e 1, 11 ,
„ t .n (h. 11, �1.,, ,, eon-initia-
1 1; ,
Ominia-11;, 1 l': titer. grits
I, 'I't •., t,, , n, of. 3.10: :\
l i :• 111, ,. 1 p 7,.2. i 1•.1:
, .rt. 1 7 • r . t t .. 7,11 : .I. N.
t 1 1 7: • 11.,.. 1 I `n : \\- P.
iv,.to 0 r•' 1:', r . i -'t 3.
Ilulctit) 11 1.1 • , •.1n: - 11,
100.0)1): I' , •1 tu. .Ir ," rag
grty esti. 1i': 1,it, drat,,ng
trete n r.', eh.,l'oii. a Ill -
t' : 1 t,. 7,- . 1 1.. IC, y4 MI
01 her
'1' 11.1•. \'
I lir.. 'e1 ;
1, c•tly. rt. 7 :A
'2) 1:1
r .••, t, 1 1 .1); \V.
1,n II ,,ry ('.rntlb-
! 1' % r r
! •
11 (' 1 ' 1 •.. 1 V.
t)(t; .1: L I'.' . :4'.
tij'trneil to to
.,•, t, If 111, Cr, litre i
it '.t h, 1910. et 1
11, 1. I.
1) 1\I' 111: 11A 1,11
r Ate) ,e i ty i rut • a Sleet..
•;1 .w-tIt of
• r , et- ly that hat a
• '' !1 t:e t heir nail curing!
r ! ,• , of ••v •ry 100
u�•1 arrnrthtlg to dirre-
• 11 . fel , 1 a'onahil• length of tifn,•.
'1•., 1 t , ;, ••m like a strnmt stab -
•t, `tet tee in. an it 'o b •
•i Ir:i nal• that: i die; le, it 11111:1
7 have put th •ir cairn= to an ar-
ta II left.
\y,• nt 'o•e rlain titer 11,•xii, "93"
1, it 1'..!:'c hili cur • 'linilrirff.-
h• 1I..-, 'tin,: th• Fealu
re/ hair root~, tttntl f, ;:nrr hair and
1 ow• n • hair 11. 1 w , i, r+on:Il y
.11111 ••t to re-
f et I t i . lenity ;eel It if it (lo,•+
not et, ,• ni'r•• . •eifat•tion to Ilio
Rua n in
!. t %1 : 1" 'lair (Tonic is es
.Int In use as clear opting water,
i' t .1• eef•hlfully perfumed, and
ire prole • nr grim f h • hair.
'1 ,•. . 50.• end 1,011 \\ ; I h our
ge It:odes hack of it, you •,•rtaijlly
take no risk. Sold on,y at our atom
The Retail Drug Store -1Y A Cole.
'1'. see seennaUIPANNINDIX"Pr .f
El Itlil'UN
31r. nod 31ai, it. J. Roadhouse, nett
Of St, Mary s„ anti forincr•ly of Kirkton
celebrated their golden wedding sous
)'t•rs+u'y 00 bepetembel•'25, when their
children presented them with it gold -
headed Calle aril umbrella respective-
ly. Mr. Roadhouse was e► carriage
uotker here for :t'1 years,
11E i Al.l.
The home of Alt George 1lilt of this
village was the he, n of a pretty wed
ding on Wetlne.e•d.ty, when his daugh-
ter, Ethel 1l•tit;,tt(•t, tins ut.ited ill
Marling.. with Al r. Jahn Rebel Munn
r► {POb C
(t N youngutK Osborne
and sou of Alt. Alex. Mune, 0! 11ay'
towuehip. The cereulony w'ns per-
formed at twelve o'clock by Hey. 31 r
Smith, of Carmel chine h, in the pres-
ets° of a number ober of telatives nod
friends. The In•ide watt attended by
'nibs Jennie Manu, sitter of the groom
while Mr. McAllister I erforntedl the
duties of groomsman. At the (0n -
elusion of the ceremony the young
couple were heartily eongqratu'ated,
and then it suntptaous weddin. linnet
was served. Mr. tout Mrs Mu!1t, left
on the live o'clock train for Toronto
and Buffalo and on their return wil!
reside MI 1 he grooni s line farm on the
London road. near Exeter. The bride
was the recipient of a number of mein!
and beautiful presents, testifying to
the popularity of the young couple.
The grooms gift. to the bride was n
handsome gold watch. '!'heir many
friends will unite with the "Times" in
congtvtdulations and the beet wishes
for their future happiness and pros-
Airs. Adorns and .rot \\'iliiam, , --
turned home 10 1) troll( after
pleasant visit with her parenle, '1;
and '3Ir$. 111 llosscow, Ilronson, lee
The -171h, Annual !Contemn(' • 1.1
Evangelical Association tt•III be h •1,1
in the Emmanuel Evang•lical church
Auricle April IY11.
31r. no 1 Ales. 'IClmoro Thieee r -
msining twin daughters di -4 on
Saturday Oct, est after n abort
ness. Th.• f,:n r!I t000k ptae • on
Tuesday, :eft •noon. to Rh.• Luther-
an Cetnet ry. Tit y have the sym-
pathy of ail in th •'.r double ber;•ave-
Illetlt. •
The a v,•ning re o s of the Ever,
ft(•lical ehureh, he• 1 • •it chin;
from 7.30 to 7 o ee.el .
Alieern 1):ana It e1.1 11 and Lei.
Weber 'leftt forJt[Iflt'O. on
m in n
Airs. 0. Gre14, land daughter Mrs
N'illiaul I)urnnrt, of Perlin, 4 1 I
hero for a few days, last week.
Meer !fort hh' Qu•.•(e.•t1,•y of Grand
N D. returned to 11 r 'ionto on Bat-
erday after ht -r ,visa to (ri;nds
in Canada.
Mrs George •i4ieurin and family are
inuring this week into th holm':
bought fl 0n, Mr. 1.o'ti4 Jeffrey
,n ! I It • Hit r hi' r moved into th.
holy • 1-c telly i:techa -.d from 31r.
Joe.ph 1►owson,
elle Mansel :fipple died at Ills hong
in 1) •t t,, t, nit ,Friday. Dan teat i
n,f I,:• of (1113 tOwnrhiti, was of
,1 n •1 t1 •position, and his tinny fr.-
• :t.l will regret. to .learn of It is
e•ttIt. 11 ryas about fifty y:nra
of age.
11r. Vele:nine t:.•rbrr of 31,0l -
his .r and Out... eons one t
daughters arrived h: re •last w I,
end have taken po•s:.sion of
farm purcha., 1 from .Air, l; .,..
Douala+ near Wake, '1'1i.• ,e „
r er+ It:might two rare of eft e;
includ?ng nine horsr4 and it
probable they will N,•cure n, r
land in • 11;!, .yet ion. Ont• of t . . •
is mat • d and ' - aecompuricd I
hi- n t n,1 fate , nt 1hr•.' ehitdr I,
`•Ir `•t 11. 11. t•:, MI hal moved 1.,
hi- 11 0 •. . n
A t, .1 • :,1 aiw ays 1.
tit y to h•r husbao 1
Rn•1 if .. • e ,k and n, rvo': I
1'+ I,o,, Pills, eh.
• ,• 1. !I. nllk• h r
tk • • d (1 1 11• ;e' 1e9m,' an •!.
.,5, and 1!, .r husb.lnd• hay
t on.
Dry. & K. Established 20 Yeats
He was surprised at how the
sores healed - "i Una( yule Nt.s,
311.11.01.1 TIlears.evr for a serious l"a•1
i1oe,t , w'Itil w'hielt 1 had been lntloclal
for twelve years. I had e,osulte d encore
ut physicians uak••n ail kinds of blond
nle.lteielu, t•Iattexl net springs and other
ndu,•rtlt water resorts, but our got tem-
s,r r role(. ,
u 7h wool helpyy
Y Y d No for a
time, but after discontinuing rho medi-
cines tho symptoms would Lreak out
again—running sores blotches, rheum-
atic pains, ionones, of
i the hair, swellings
of the plane'4, polars or the hands sealing,
etFORC T*EATa Tamar itl`tltnelts or th t akin, d peptic etoita)Ih. Ayers TRrATM(NT
etc. I heti given up In despair when a
friend Revised oto to consult you. to-ou had cured him of a slmitar disease R years ago.
1 Mei no hope, but took Lis advice. In three weeks' titno the sores.Atmn.•t:e e 1 to heal up
and 1 became encouraged. 1 eontln,,ed the Naw McTilon TRLAT,FI T f, r ((Mt nloath*
and at tho end of that Brno every symptom hal disappeared. t was euro! 7•ears ago
and no sign* of any disease since, bay boy, three years old. is sound and healtI?ty. 1 ccr•
taiuly can recommend your treatment with all my heart You cau refer any p.raen to
oro privately, but you can use MIS testimonial us you wish. W. 1(. S.
SKIN nod SECRET Diseases, URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY complaints of Men
DEADER Are you a vletlmr Iravo you lost Loper .ire you tntending to man-, r rise
your bloo(1 Leeu disea T Iravo you sup new\n,xst our Ntw t,riii a•
29.415)3T will euro you. What It has done for others it will do for port Consultation
Free. No matter who Las treated you write for an honest opinion F:eo of Charge.
Charges reatonat,te. Books Free—tlliustrate.J on diseases of )len.
Question list and cost'.f Home Treatment FREE.
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
WO OT i C E All letters from Canada must be addressed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
ammassessenig ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally cell at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our \Viudsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
`\VrIte for our private address.
euvii 13,
I,c.et .te. 11 tt•d. 1,+:1\.• l.''1
1-10Iq 2
R. G. SELDON. i xc test.
Do Not Buy it
You Tray !
The f`nti.n•\fagnette Razor is not
tempered to telt lire heal. but by
Mentos or a r••• rel electric proems at
:.n even 1. meet -tour" of 2.500 degrees
At the same instant the steel is
carbonized in a pro% ens similar to (bit
1•y whit 0 dIimond* fulvtt been pro-
d nerd.
The r,•putt la the terdert cutting-
edge known to sk-• r , a blade that
,.e guarani -s for a ',me of perfe.t
wear—no honing no , •:nding.
"Tile blade. with t 1" trim) edge" is
superior to any r •' ever made
whether th•t sl..nt:.. hollow -ground
or the 'wafer" bled r the 'safety"
nut yuu di Dol. i “..i to tike our
rr ..
word for r to try the Carho-
Mngnttle with. ,7 r .Ing it penny of
your r o soh mo:, •;
Call enjoy 34
r'w!, cnmfortat•,-• .1, ... R with It at our
ezp•nse—you ....it t••,:,, ire it with the
taxer that you 11 • , ,Nr using and
judge fur yours44f ¶C 11 li 1s best—then
tr'. a ecar.r. e: n. .• r-+urll (4,' Carbo-
.( rot 7.-.1 , .1 ,1 !'t•nt.
LOOK eon THIS _ A .404
WheMackwithLit'! a rho
On 'Saturday. Oct. lat. 'there occur,
,.d a very and /event at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. 14.1 •r Munn. it b,'nts
t' death of their oldest daughter
Mable. aged! 22 year.; 7 months
t: 1 17 daye eine was of a bright
• ' loving disposition and was b,-
. .1 by all who kn••w her and the
. • c:,n.nuini13 sons CIA' into
I. i lee n h rdeath b came known
1 rs Munn and the resit of
c h•Is ,h • sympathy of
GROWT11-11 tt 11 .: nciFhhorboo:l in this their
he third conference of the Arch-
deacenry of London is being held in
the Ttiv:tt Memorial church. •\
businew• 1a las on a as held T,
nftern son racer which a tit • t' ,
r entert tined to tea by th 1
t. tied of tht church. In th t ;
tits Iii -'hop of Iluron preach, d an es
Rent sermon. the church bring
filled to h••ar h'rn
The Tiros. at.. Weekly Globe will
foe sent to new subscribers for the
ht!nnce of the year for 25 cents.
Removed hy Lydia E. Pink-
hafn's 1'cgetable, Compound
Winnipeg. 31.4:1. - -" Eleven years ago
1 went to the V letoria llnspitstl. Mon-
treal. suffering with a growth in the
uterus. The doctors said it eras a to Mur,
and conk! not be re-
moved, as It %mild
cause inttant death.
They found that
other organs were
affected and said
i could not lige
more t ha n its
months in the con -
ht n I
I NR. t Il.
\(ter 1 came home
saw your adver-
tisement in the
I•altt'r and corn
nt••uced taking Lyy-
dia F. I'inkli;un't1'egetable Compound.
i took It constantly for two yearn. and
still dal:e it at times. and both my hus-
band and myself claim that it was the
meats of saving my life. 1 highly
recommend it to suffering women." --
Mrs. 1)cn.►..( 11u.tnt.1-\, 2'el Johnson
.1ve., 1Vimi(pg. Manitoba.
One of the greatest triumphs of
Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetalde ('om.
pound is the conquering of woman's
dread enemy —tumor. If yeti have
mysterious pains, Inllannnation, ulcer.
anon or disptlleenlent, don't wait for
limes to confirm your fears and go
throne,' the horrors of a hospital opera.
i s'ra-
thee but try Lydia E. I'inkhanl's Vege-
table viimpnintd at once.
1.'4.1- thirty years Lydia 1':. I'inkll:tin's
Vegetable ('onll•llnd, made froue routs
end herbs, h:Isle-enth('vt.'tndard remedy
for female ills.
The wom-n'; Fag • of The Termite
,•w•a t, on • of t h • chitin,. •.
that great Metropolitan a wt -
paper. Some of the most capabt
e nen jour 1 01-4s 11 Canada aro
m !nb�r: of Th • News staff rine
.• ntrih.it•• r ;t:t.lrly to '111'4 d•.
•;n It. Th• lateen r ('tarn•r, in
e,. :,•wt t .11 ,• 11 d111Iy 10
e. , : of .1 -• :n 4 3 feattlrn
t. i T1, \ t, • ileo makes
• ' f % : r .ti t f ,>hioni plat -1
! • :.,, ,,. ! . '� , •mit, which
i r 1% i ,n •• s 1171 711 • selgg'stiort
t he hem - i t hong 111115 of the•
rlere of f l'1- t r. The 1Vorner. ,
i)eperinletlt co, . 01 the florin!
N.•w s of Canerle Tel 1 h • ' sop of the
',\-omen': World, A p.irticuttniv
-7100- ft- 1tit r in 1- Saturday
e -•t•• Is ev ent:tin• 1 died .r the 1ltte
of I'nrl. Inw = nn 1 feat's •s which i•
crovde 1 with valuable soggy -t on o:,
••:loop'0 y ail') where your shame, t
reedit be most economically and cf(•• •-
114 0y tion.,
tri ,t!,l t on to 'this Th N,•t%•s r:r-
•'tents•• Telegrl!•h e 91%.,V4 s
0 n; in^nt tl fin•I tint, r n'. and wore!.
,t •.1 • 1n scope.
tt',• bat • jn 1 ruing' Lel an err -
1, •nl int 5111 •I'' ley too c,n riff •t' '1'1,
flew: •'11.1 the N•wa for $2.35. 1
a apiended chibleng off -r.
"REQ - fH :, i
FOR . ' /99
1 r
TO. reach the people! • • • 1
'Who have the money
To buy your
P▪ eipilatinn of 11 ' eteert. nervoile-
nests. In trailing,*
:a h,•ndachc.
cold hands and feet, •i in the hack
and nt her forms of kne.q are re-
lieved by Carter's ' t Pills nada
specially for tate 1 !, lectern end
Children -1'011r