HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-10-13, Page 2r'"`"""""'":1 RHEUMATIC PAINS
Young Folks Not Duo to Coid, Wit Weather -
fillerittleais...isis%skis 1.osboe
It1:M(!t NTIN11 P1I Toull:\:'ll�.
Most girls acc•nlnulate n great
many photographs, the caro of
ta'hioh becomes, wit,► the pas••ing of
the yea. , •• n:• thing of t► problem.
'l'he old fa-I:•ou,J album i11 usually
1104.1 heavy .,• .t cumbersome, but un-
Iers the pirufres ar.• protected in
some \,'u} [Roto tit,• dt:�L the mounts
IMOD b.','t,I,t. di-,olored and soiled.
One girl has Putted the problem to
leer own satisfaction, and the fol -
hawing directions are given for
others who earo to try the plan:
Procure fifty or a hundred sheets
ad hoary white cardh,,arc) in any
teen .1'., ! . .•.t•I . :! ;, .: •i a • ,'-
vett •.r Alto too 1:, ., s
1��Ii01.I: FAMILY
Sinister Beliefs Associated With the WAS ',I• I,I,I(; l ED It Lasted a Week, but Cams Only Four
Plant In England. Times a Year.
! 1 Rooted
Many eupersllllons cru connected t•:vcry oue has Heard of the GermanTho 7ioii o is R 111 with (ho herb pariaty, probably 11('(' 11 0 1111'S It1D1El' 1'11.1,S and Dutch methal of Il1(Utnutnttng
through an ancient (:reek practice, the11Eti'1'(IlI I:II 1 i.1. 'I'1) 1'[ 1i. soiled cloltre and ut having a trash
t�il'i Blood, graves of the deal being strewn with1 1:/ 1. ►1f::11.'1'R• day only two or three dates u year,
It Rud (he plant therea,y gaining • Not every ono ienllzes, perhaps Mat
11x: v people h. heves (hat the sinister rignl(Ic'auce. the custom was brought over 10 th1s
t\,:114.• = and tortures of rlICunlatl: in In Hampshire It Is considered verycountry from 1 l•,:find and that the
Father, Al 011101 and Daughter after
aro clic to cold, dam), or wet \ted unlucky to give a root of this herb 1)u(cb settlers Tung continued Its prae-
tlicr.:,i,1 treat themselves by rub- away, 11111co they ssly that It this be 3(''trs of Suffering are made heal- lice. In these days of the ever ready
bin,; W it t, linnueuts 1111(i 14/6019. done 111 luck wiM fall upon thein. la thy and happy by great Canadian laundry it is strange to read of the
This is :t ', ru•us mistake, and one Ilt',unehtre to transplant parsley la biddy) Remedy. lut'orfuus period whir) came to our
441►ich a Him s the disease to progress likewise to commit a serious offense New Amsterdam ancestors four times
to such an extent tl►at it, is often agalttat 1110 guardian genius who pre- St. Leon Silandt•n, Durelirster a year. Helen 1,rerison Smith tells
int!•rraaiblo to get. it out of the syn- olden user the plants. la Nulrulk 1t is ('1'•, Quo„ Oet• .1. f`pc.181'•. That about it In "Colonial J)uys and Ways."
t. nl. Jlht•un1111l'.m cu1n4's from pais- sn:d that it parsley be sown oil Good 1►cdd's Kli•!n y 1'i11S hit\e fit equal The custom of quurieuly clothes
(,1:..,e acid in the blood, •u:tl it blurt Friday it will grow well aur, flourish. :as n Luau. .redieine 1•'. pro, rt) cr'n" washings was maintained notnith.
lee cure., through the 11.,,.(1. :111 but If It be sown ou tory other clay It t'li ,\, It 1•, tit•` hlxteri>'nt of \1 r. standing our suntuler heats std the
11.. Ilniil, its, and rubbing. and tat-
u ts111 not conte double, ll+'. I ::r :1 e. II ),nnseu resi- llnmcnso quantities of clothes owes -
! , I treatment in the In Shropshire they have n saying 'I' • , f 1 •1 1, a II r • 1atenu nt Bury to keep up the state of eleanll-
\vur!d uii! n• aro rhrunlatiKtn, that where parsley groan I'u the gar- 1• I ,: 1. r utss required by Dutch fustlncW. Ato
This is a 11.• ,i I :rte 1%114'11 every (leu "tit' missls hi muster." In Bock -k• 1 r 1 had pains in New J:uglnuder who had married
sufferer f r • r i - excruciating Inghanlshlro parsley Is regarded as a 1 ,.1 u,, f ;irk. My head citizen of New York writes In litk)
trouble ...1 1.• Rheumatism somewhat uncanny herb. and nu old A"•1••1 ;!•!,r Mind witsI, . muscles would of this pruellee, which s undoubted -
can unl\ I. • ,r• '1 1 v dritag the gardener once assured me on hearing ' •!,'1 I •..1,1 s I, •1 „•, Pills cured ly strange to her:.
u`e lament that the see., 1 had sown I' . "Grandmother Blum Is ao deep In
had not come up tint It Was necessary 1rt , a, I. : .ier quarterly wash (tile week that she
to sow parsley fur nine dines before ',• 1)f ••...• 1 y 1'li; has three only to send tier love."
one could i;i•t any to grow. 'fila say- :rt -,1 h4 4. The trashing was dodo In nn ()tile
Int, 1 have beard later In Shropshire, . rl i 1 rt• ,t, house tailed the bteeckeryen. where
where they say the devil takes all 1 '• . i. ,1 ' :;ld lite neater was bulled In Immense kat -
but the last. Likewise. too, lit .`ihrl•p • • : 0-, , 1.• , 1„I,,41, a i • i mote. tles and all the other processes of the
shire they ray that to transplant pars- 1, . . F. .:,, . fills ..,1.•:1 ,•• 1 laundry work carried on. 'flue work c ;;y Tin. Pi- 4 1 irapis aht;;(1 grade lamp, sold at n tow price,
ley will bring about a death.-n'cst• I' :••1•4. ilial Mr 1 e required not less than a week, ire. 1:' :rt rot tuore, but there I. n ,'vtt, r .nil o1s,l• at any
initialer Review. ) ,
I••• • , •-, •.• - „•J of aAid L.a : nickel ),lute,- , I. kept dein; an
' ; Lu praises of quert(ly two weeks. T„t i .,,n 4, u.e .rt
' ,•r �,, ,:f +.t t '„ r.r.In in 3r chore la ., tl'.
{.. sr,. .rev of temp -rocking that run arf:f ,r'u• ••t Ih ft.. , 4,•taint, as a 1' 4t-
s- Pili He 718s t During the time preceding tits cruel- iti.itil dames. It.ery dueler r u. it I t t ) ,urs, writs (or d••
I ,rloa�� rcrpi tco•iriIar to lite noon.
t1 1 .,. , .perirnre as 1 ty hard tabor the cuffed clothes were near' r
Marbles. Iran,; E tl,er (':u .t•; ,' .,t accumulating in ver large ham The Oueen tasty flit Cun`rany. Limited, Toronto.
!Marbles got their name from the ! h 7 g piers of _ _ _ _ _
Il(•ti4l I...!,.. •, t', t ,_, •,' open basketwork. This custom ort • c•.1 :1• ,,,4 :►r:\IISI,'A. •solo:\-.., I
fact ,but originally little lilts or mar- ! R1 -'
taro by successive layer.* of paste- X. h.�,r'', ;iii, St, Jerome, (ut••' ble were rolled down the kills and Ili •.':t ,n8ttr•I :• f ;,►s, anted the necessity for (he great stores ,� u; ).n-: 5. , n -.A. not., u, t>. ,.r ��
e I who says : "Almost two years ago , r !ii •.t L:, r form i! ; ,, rid'N of linen with witch ever bride will �,'•;; :, 1fi,r s r, •,,. :•.,•t Itrat•n, a:.,i•. [URS
1-4 1 P M E YOUR
board This requires care and 1)ati• l` rounded 81111 pounded ley other stone:+ Y
core, for too times a nio,.•sueut Inas 1 was a tcrriblu sufferer from new they bei anon toys lot the chis• ! 'i� ,,11.,” •i t:....,.1 a provided. � '
r,.,,�•ii A !y e;Y_K A\I) F:\ebb-F.i huK•.I.�V
rheumatism. The trouble first. I(1- I :1 leis U I:arA au a;, i d . eat, bur
tear the photograph. lit, not at -
work deco to play with. It Is nail that the eat 041 in my richt le rendering all It 11Cl'.Rf ,t'l f U ! p' ; 1 pay the prlaN you a r : 111.;
tempt t.> pull the picture from the g g Dutch exported them to Englund. •,tt►h,hed halt'''. Blau a=e aril pre,w.,, era impocslble, and walking ex• I • ,ner,t. Versasent. F: Mrt:ane�, Mgr.. ! �,, C. 701= ATT
cardboard.Whether they did or nut makes litt:u 1.1 1.•_"; t l,llil: 1Ni. 1'f. — ivarinitonvti..ln'asl, or,.n:-,. Of21LLlA, - ONTARIO
After the photograph is dried it is `'eCsi,rty difficult. i tried to euro difference to the buys and girls of to• %nut-Ituk will 1
myself by means 1•f all Forts of 11111- 'i1'. sa:>I librarythe yu11(' 1 i..• Ft\1• }O!1 r1•IICt, AN3F.R,'Iumura, Lumps, etc, luteins,
ready to he mounted on one n[ the day. No matter who fatrudured the , .,., red the �_' ant! ea�rnal, cured without p1:u by
are sheets of cardboard. In rho ,lents and lotions, but without
u before too
world to marbles xs t,.+ s, 11vy are f i our 1.<, u,.• treatment. Write us
atelier of arrangement there, is a avail. The trouble was constantly wllb us and always e.:., ! •• �• :nu of '' " of 1:4(4.1-4i...wing the fat L• i (:.•.• n' Reitman ►,cutest co„ Limited.
growin • worse, and the IL, oil\ 5. Ont.
chance for considerable originality. •. 7 loam rodeo you get there tiulwhe► cit:lint:ie.some p.i., "1 n1n in love 111.en yen L11\e any deep Fcalrtl
fi } •,tor cl: a;ti a. r. //:,,„(.}„u mi.!. , , in Ito joints the bxek. the :A " • - \KF: so "All's 411111Nu
in lho 641•,k pre\:••uslt re ferret, to, nr d more unbearable. Finally the of you ,coir pWretage stumps fur theca,r • t •: c or.•tit• r roa.a. vend,
B IsCa FC spread to my other leg, and t, t...i� 1„ Iri': Fll 11 l" or CI`:C'.tllCr4', place :► !,! ,'cal i' 1' t, xr.d !'air. urrnaew,ve.
the name ,•( each i••'r l w't13 writ- but 80111e lief""' UrhtanllY 11""" Tie, . ill fila ll looked the y. In.',.„,',„;‘•,...,,,,....•:.*'
e' tl•uds u, lou lmnutee,
I ,las all but bel ,less, and 1 wag 1 !''y of lxm-Iluk on the f,, .:. l - i., n•,1.�,•krer; • :, Re,e.,tet. o.eriwX
teen beneath earl, 1.i . .,,...,..-,4144, with I Meal iron the tittle store around Ih.. I,. ,.r trona ,,call to foot. or on the palm of the- Int!,, 1 .,i(1 54 . u. N* '.:.t,s.,uut. IZle.
the (late` when r''.,
completely disc4uraged, thilll:ing 1 (o(141. w'h... ueucr but then, trout
t''' nit w'11` amild be a suffer. r for the rest of the greatest toesh1) r to the world "1 solo ha•.••,'' 11e replica. "1C1.\' folio it in. Mrs. Frances 11'3.i
take,,, as, near'• 1 L. 40- 1 1:c):. t:51:x).1: 1lililt— x)tw
1 •% life. :1t 1hi•: ante i read en ad- )g! 1 ,c1.ut+i❑ 1 \,cera n)i�ftt snit like :', I:uy Ai emir., Montreal, ea. 1 r
mem/ova-eta, arm t • ! „err file Germany. In (tie be name warbles , ,p-:4 calsis, foot+ac•
„' Iti•e'ln.' 11) in , Ir li 1110 1:1 .er, of f!.:I: to :1 4!• : I1): 111. 11'lIT d,.11 t yVli •-tiff, rf'/) long fttl.l 14 int<•I}' fromi'• ". :i dnIl &ri heo.
arvll:airtt .:0 •• :oil, t ( were called -bowls tool oleo nuJ Wo- , f,firs �, u," n Anuara .e. t-
tr„uh•e i c41re4l b,• Itr. mutt played with then[ 114 ,sell as coil- trc soar ori:, taT.4•r t rl:eutnat: 1,:, and :tier) one lin:rnent ly 1,: r: Limber c•1,::et.•,
ice.• fr .; tt (,• 4" 1 •. .l t - •:•,'r. \111: i'lll)S' atter air r 4't • :, I $7•>, tn4,L 'tit llre:a L's+l, •i
rr' , : i i- ;t':• r din ,:! ni11 1'iuk 1' ! I l- drrn.--Dundee• Adsertiscr. •1
sat .l,., .r. .., a :r.f 4:, t "I f't. ter there) I !• _� THE 1,(.51.1'( RHINE. 11:(41;•;'• 1 ut it remain-
11 ('+L' 'CRs . i .• 55 5
i ' • , I f / + -• t1 rt 1 :1 4't: l'0. 1 j fiu•I ver ri -
vase • f ,ere, dear fl •f -. ! a• • '.,:•,; f. f t I'',1 •i (• A Tree Cut Down by Rifle O..tlsts. 11r�. i',.l,.i,-r+n '.Incl were+ you- '
t -r•`,•1,.1 a l,. ' 1 _ 1 ur )!e^,t hewn t.; ,tote n
left f•.r 1i:.• 5±-r rr . ! , t. 1 1 " lr, u,u:u}' unn:us ul tl.o I.p the llhu.(+ i I„•r:rn .,; 1•. _ oaten wtuncsl'r a b•,1 .•,d n.,sr �•,,.:,, a
1 , ',0 1,uili(ul rllrunl:eti•(n , f• N tit.
graph. win,11 niit, i \ . •, .: I, ,. .r there s, ;IS no t:1,•ro Al11 i:s \ouch (j+1st rctttnud from a. Le ,. ,.i pains v( r11e:1-' .f.,:.etnyn•d. A.hdown'•:... t :, t—��..e��e•�.��raw
),:.•41;:.:Ily 47i=a > •ca r.ltlr 111,13`4'414„,,"
I. 1 it'•'(ii:::'� .,,:Ifs Ie 111'iil the tight 111 a t'1)11lment:1! trill} --''1 rh••uid It13`4'41l e• tl'3"lr' „l,. . r felt :thy nl
Do in fr•,ul lose , 1.11 laking the i'.i.,• h4.ur•lrr• lir,. tl e >ti(ice. the ;it ,ta Uttly DYEING
( fR1 (.-
t'f.,,, (It,r !., ,lt 1:+ 1 •,t'(!le 1.,r,.,•1y' .tufo nt Fl.,ti:vl- think so; right to iter' Very tot,. i E (IY
• _ (;ARPET . if tY� -
I had a 'd :ih..ct a .7„r.en hu. '"11 -...very hum 1Wllat a Icn1 tl ti 44' ani 4;.:
in tl.. l •i7.11it•, .f :u„ rt... addi ' 54).15 c',, .tor ,t,•trt ref tit•• tr. :1" )' b :,,.•I eery >al,- s1 It c there Is (roto \cor.cl- 1f:11. %�f:n i. d to n°ar Tk.lt..,. ,.
ti.•r..:t l ;c at .::. 1 . t, at: 1 tL 1: i : that c•nurtltutrd the tai. •l:el there," the sunuuit Icicle:Itr t., ( 11 ( sec •••
!,'. i,:.r1 ti: • .1.1 'it 4'.1. :ui.i l et...! i British can Dtfolu., rCo• u4. r 4 • Fl
clrt.r ! 1. It".11`I'''). r IigCe 11,1 :, his 'fit. 1 l u,.t, eenA American
!t >• 1 !. a- *.\•r 1 411 7 n"I } of the 5.541,,!rrlte K:fr," "w an , told 1 aur, u• ,, , :t• .IAA
1 1. 11' fill 1,,, 5-, -,,, .1, ..,!•1•..,11 tl r• 1,'.1 (►I: LIKE J-1{1,-1,111!). , 01:•./0.1 B.a tSa, Gontr•sl.
11 ! 1•:,: t'• 1 1. away by a nl[..Ini ,.f I.;,Ilrts S. many ,•7 . �^"".
as " ii,l 4 ""----
.i f i • , i t •-•.t.o. :, n ; ,rl :,. "N• w, children, tsi,at 1� tai . " (:--' `
a h a i+.►,afore a mon .• ,r I r1 1t.,.
w::,. (.. it.,1 +:!1 1 , `, tt V, 11 ' 1't, ; a:1 ••1k tree nearly Ittu feel 11;1 k „as a kr(i 11:o teaehtl, hr. :.;:p u1r t ,,t,,..." i A $UO1{ 1.O1'J:ll.
Elie old )arson was endeavoring
wi!.• , .ti 'i: ,,'_ , a• _ r, 1 .:1.: , i.. .t +(. e,.ru 111 lot„ nr.fr Itr !,.,•,• hp Vie leu. 1,,, t•trc f ..r' ,. i
IV !• 'ia .,. .i.. r (Inuit and Inc,. t f 1e:n;,,, I1 1.1 1., , ^ ion' t 1 4!., a litho this -in; t I •ju t .
t I. „ i., n.,,,•„• 1 , too 1)k a Leese iu nl•h ie-• tit •
,. tat;\' cork b•-
1,,, t 1 t 1 I.,:tv 1111511 It h' f tit,• :\ h a it red I the :•t stone is I 7
t:.. I .1„” II ! :► JAW!: %n u1 lint 1 r, r. :., 1, i.1 K n Is.
.l L. 1'. t,.. , 1 ('oifrd(rn14,s ,•.. ...•n• :_ --2..... *P44. 1'•,1� •t Lruught }wl here, my 'Aeaot}lrcty rata: ,,. , r - ,
11.1:• 1 'C,
I.•'a:a lie lir lit t4••v' -- , - .• (4. 41111!Cled Vt all unnuite, ”, :ear.,•. aniabf•ru t'.• r, s. 11 .. r..: rt L''' 11,
r 'allli juice- at• 's41 t:t., ',t ,1 11111 IN•re, Fpr, l!•:•a 11.P 0f ...we. Andr.p f;j
..� - k ` _�. , .\ \•?'(1!' f 11:I+f.t: , \( !A a ri.hh:•.I :h,• 11 • n... • 1 ,l { .' ° m} ' Q VU
�— 11 `� ,,'i Vii, ` `i_" ._. . 1. �(`�-ht�„ CF'if_I) DAY Iv P It1H 1'. i i t 1, ,•t, . :f:, red � (i�i�.� Roy SI„Prougericei,t„U.
TI 4 c . ANI) r y:a' •1• t,, r • I :it„ a alt<n1, : t' a. •pr,: ,, I. ” O.
\ t \ . .. ..' , ; 1. ,,.•7 u• •
. l Il,h t I::t ! , , .,.. u . u, , t a` ,. r, t • :.1. f, 1
.1 ! . - t.. 1 . , _ ! I 1 h i . 1 .:4 :,.t.,c :I i..• fount 1, 11 ,1, '\r!air,,,,1 Co. gee (7 a>t T t 7
., t.. i.:un link u t , , 511 (�!'- r Ca .t
tit. i is I; f, t ilj,l.•,`, "11 i. •it kind V('J4stll���, �`
to , 1 1 . . .•I l 1. L .,r)rr. 4 i.lr+ !I, ,, o.t, A.
t4 cr;en 1. r1 r nc\t,•rrn, c,. .1 boo!, liar 1 ark!' ' %
1 1 1 . :1 J 4' 17., 11:11,‘,,,i, , ,, n', •t' T• 1 11,.1.11.1 .• i1.•-, :l i,1 '•'•• .l.,1! I •1, k
r:1 •. , � r, � , ,•
.'.• ;.. .. , ... 1 r nl' (•L books,' hro•!ly atls\ycir:l � ���� 41"";(4,•'..�e�
.1 t, wit-. 1-........,.cern• ,. n� . 1 the other.
:t ► r.
I' .,I i . .,} I' _ _ r •, i 1,. Lt :, ,i ! )i' \, • t .. \ ,icor •I _ 1)'rX
1 \... it 1 1 \ 1x1.1,' 1,I' •I•i ., I .. .,1 It ,I;• lt•1 . .1 .-• / 1 t ., o } t 1:,. 1r.„r• `I1f)('I�f`'l'
,:-.1,F, d�
.. 1 1'e i .i• Ik 1 1 :l.
'11 •'' '• , I• 1t• 1', ., i,.l Nllla l..' 'l, •i 1:., 11 4 t! 1 , „1 1 .. :' 1 ' :11 .. 5 • ,I, , t• L:it,',fi.: ill;.1'114. 1• `sill the man who !
II .,• c . 11,1 p1 51,, ,.,•. I. ,i. ,, ar.r! 1 4 , Lila ol. h t l ,..Iain , ill 11!1
Far 1l
It t. 1 !• 1. t,•.."•••.••n t e\, 14 I 1 ' 1 • I•\ tt,rc0 train*:111'1.1 lip
e. 1 , „,, , - 11 17.,••1 :.,., I h.'1. r r It* --me peufrl r' vt`!"r .. r. :, , Ir,
ii r. 4 tl,t.
fl'1, :4: • l i .:, 7 r ••., r I' ..1 ,...1 te,5:a. and ,1,.,• '1'1:• 1.,1.,, 1.. , . '.I 1 1. 1„1,1 ,1 :l- iii..iey' :1- they ar'• .,.'1, • •
11.11', l t; ,• i t .,. „ r upon a '.c, 114kr(id i.e.l., .. ,an.; i :ori, 0)'. 444.81 8 int i 5...•y T 11 l
' .t1: t, or_ 1'N /III Recti, l„ ail n,', ft. I. might du In the u• lift. nn ;, ,, .+
tui• . , , • • r 1 :1 , 7.•i 1 1 i .41 e!I et,., l:1i,r 1 1.1 Iii 1 .•n i1, •i, J ,. l hurt 1'.
4(1, 11 1ill• 1' ., , ''''''',•"„' ,
, t ! • , ! :, V. r. I. .1 1, .1 t.l:,• 1'e!;. f for `` „• \0,1' 1i(1 !
1 1..It :I>7- • fiat 11a1.t ( Fyn 'f,Ih' • - i.:4 ^ t I. E
t, u4.:> I. 1i l.i'i t7 11,.ie 1..r Ili.- Snuf.,id 1.:,h\ t ale ..h, •e - t 1.,:,1,• I, aero Jielrl up I. i .:1
In.. 4 5 . ,!!. ,
r t r. 411.cr• for 1:,. ,t•ric!s of ..tit, r lull(• `. I. !', I1.c• .Ifl, 51.5! ,t, u: „nl.
't1' 1 : • , 1 f f
31111 1 ..1„ 4 X4.4, s,.7 1'•l 1h.' . r1•1551.4111..' :I .7 ,'..t , f the blot,:,
baud t, '. :' . i •1 • ' ' 1. 1 ;11(1 !.':rify'ing if.
inch,-. !i.•tli Il,o 5, : .4 i 1,: " r:1. 0'',i0 5)0 U.'t do 1h>1 F(5
-!••• !'' 145>7 surely a• 11r. ll!1li
bpH•c•tiyr•!y, and ,•' � `
edge. 1f one ,• ul:►y' 1 h, I' ilk Pills. •i ; . a• t ::..alt,'
ono hole on ti.. t ,_ i,, i,-' i. , ,,id0 all,' ' !11' new. 5 ,. ',• I , r.1 1,1. ,41,
inch from
(!u r d . and tnidw'av of i "l-ir'11 drives out the poisonous acid
the page. 1Tphuilds OW 5751.3 m, and ,takes the
!``c1.: 1 the, 1,I:• tt,graphs whic!, I s!i(ferrr well and strong. It is be-
have clone sert ice on d4r.k and mall ''.,-4, they (!o this that 1)r. \1'illi-
(tnti strip the mounts from them. ' ' fink fills h11te cured thnu-
laying them fui.•,i..wilwar•.I in a ha !s of ea -4.s (,( rheamatisul after
tin of water, and \,hen t!•..r.•':rl,',, ,:I other treatment Ilnd faile(1. As
wet l>('4'( the mount from tl:,• 1,:,'- 1-lo.,f `'''' 4''`e the case nI AF's. I',
..,...Afraid to Eat
I )uc'i t!►c fear of indigestion ah•'il talc clljo�'lnent of
your ,;Teals ? 1 t needn't. J .4* tars
anti you won't know you Live a stomach. They will see to it
that vola food is properly digested. They are among the
best of the N. I) R U -CO preparations, cotnpounded by
expert chemists and guaranteed by the largest wholesale
druggists in Canada. 50c. a box. It your druggist has not
stocked theta vut, send us Sec and we will Mail you a box.
L:rdiffff a iR77Xi'
�! 1r . 7 i:".ritrf' M
The Soul of a Piano lathe
Action. Insist on the
Piano Action
Co9d •••, ,lily
culls '„ble
for pee. : ,1, at
near ket 1-1•,!e„
Imperial extract
Co.. fitatllda 54
1•)4•(7 tle,
.1 1 t. ., L , • 1, , 11 . • n 1111,1\ Le,;n, e th.•y- c., t„ Iii(• of the;r ,!:I. I•,
.:, ;, �4• }L, c ill'
I. • t ..1 runs e1.:1,l11,..•.1 ailnu'nt`.
kf”•1,lll:t t!,r ,, • i! - 'lit ,
I;;.•.1„ Ina:.is 1.•.,, , .. tt..15 i-. t;1,•}' de ti\all 111'1 '1111 -
hr, a.1 ►,ull',1 i.. 54v • liLi.: . t: 4 I fr. t,, tit•• •t„i::l, 81,4 I. a h 1 '
.. It1• 1 '( fak. a hri:'i:u./ 11,811,:u, to
fir•t l:.:+( .h : ;5. t i„• • r.!, 1. ,r ... I;1'L1(acct i,4 ;llt'n ••! ! .(7.•
,,' in •..• t} .
sr\ t„ iii:. I,• ,.,g :1 1
1.4...1.1 -f 1 ,,•,4 •:t • t
1:11.11 . •1 1.,: •
1104 1••
tat. •'
111.41 '
I ! .5
111.•14 ,r' r.
•i .1 I,: , , , } . r r 111
n • 1,:4 • • l . i
1.1 .17 •
1% '.. , 1 1.
It , I
a 1• 1•r 1
,::. 'le ) ' ,7,10.111 tle.11. 1 - 8,1 ht i .. e'
11 r x.:11111 ,t t . •
I ..I .Ie..,htilt. fn.ne the 1►r ,', :t:.it- tl", ...
.1• •! i.kr• 1i," I., '5 .1' 4'e1,, • r(- ( ,• 14 r,,, k\111^, (;lit.
1 , •I the tangent!. t'::,l:l\ 111:11,.
Mtnard s Liniment fierce Dandruff.
1' • !. • r ,• t -t I:'. . ; t1•. 1.11.w,
.1,.1 .,. ' I, !,; tI It
I.• .il • i., 1:,s.,1 t„- i••r- i. 1111
asci ''a•r 114 t1 • 1 •
Iii t.i.,•111 , *..,.1111 l.:i • (a1::,` to••111'e ,. ,:•.'. . f rll'ur(I,-r••. of the "I know that. 141n'afn. N'. daWg
.1,I. • i . t.1” ` •''• ' , 4Ilge•t 1'. • • 1i:,,• from which so could over take the place of }our
47 mai r. lost, Burlin' but if con'd li'.e „
have a gentle little ere, fur t„ 1.•\r
S.:sten- I Ial, t .lose•• I'm mono \ ��.. N.' Thr Ulan , i.„ tete hie mother whllo you're !matte fur 4..ar J.•,.!
tory well, hit I it Iced ►t t•. you it as� +� ',' 1 irk out 7 , ,• I•. . 1 1. is his 44ife , nit a.J.I;/'O.utCO. r.•sblevrelrr,yt.
�q{n1)tly stupe cou,lh,, . 1 ll Fell 3ott this tin ter .:(1 (,•[lt
you 11r'inl,.r• n• ! to keep )t 1.4u t,,arr. the (broil aadluad•, ‘.Lr:..‘..:,.,i. n(,. i-t.•k wit. Ji,• 1 ._.i: - .- entitled to a r, 7.'am. ' - - �f�' '�r�- _- „•e
(::i„•I...\ I undertake to 4,efs7 ~- -- _ ---'-_ -.. -- -I1.,i e•f 1•}nlpali
I'll l i i'I:1 NUT NI:h.Ul:l).
,-.. _... ___ 4 • • ! , 1'• 1,l,� E ,t hefoto In tn4,f t1•a DEFINED. - --•-- C.') H ti A (. ,:J ' ` ,
\ 1111 f:. • 1,,1.1 is ill tet( sun toot -Mug. A 'meted KORTH KNO VIINC r (- r.
• r' �+� "fy��y f 110 fllbir a k arA
pec pee. 17:•1 oleo, !.f!lr! fa,l tit, InInA•Ihr and nn"r• r. ,,, �� all 11 b8nk b,,,,
b,•„-r•lu.ld iLan ar ,-!ire V t11e 11111)' tnhltn
1 fluclrtta` . • „La: it 14'-t S +1',11 nulr'.ly afnp4$4,', b:., core• ..:1.•', h.,..,
cs that don't tired
:111 tn,ar, v: rl:n[,(• Iatertt:,tlf.tr
t:,1• ,r •",•, tt•I I ?h. rut. 11e it.,,,,, ^,.n ;. .,,,,, ilii - t:ati• }.. n(Id to their tuluo.
t r.. , )!,r r I. .. r r • , l.,1„ and wl,uud• 5, •,•1 , ut •1 i,a r•.
•. , n. ?lure ie
. - ,, 1„ • ,r ".\ 1•'-1 caro my sin " replied but ort Pioill,1ler' Petry Dacia ZSc '1'11(' 1'avle`'1 \t8 to manage I'.1ten1- i
MIN \I u s I I .1 1 r / S1„ •Lea-• .•n •"is a .ace brought y S a wife ,other t:rate •,'
j nt tit.• .,nd„ - is her ally. 1Wurm I:" r hecau-,• th1 y
land. and h• r,• e.; - . n ur1 t., eler :.h whether flu n•'s Tlll'i:.
know it Is a safe medicine for thrlf
r• tsrh al,it y tr, it to justify the .Piece ran I g' -t s'ome of Ifollo- children and an effectual exp.' !let
la ,t1ers in u• thin • u) srtuih(r CAE- �1r. l:conum.r- "Ih<1 yin write
b 1 to the man alto mkt rti''O* to ,hoe' "1} s ('ern ('nett 1 was entirely of worn,
1 people how t1. make puddings with-
cared of my corns by this remedy
out tnnilk 11,:11 heal torn► rio1rrr171 8!i,l 1 wi.11 ...me more (,f it for my it take, a woman to MIA,. 1.'1)1.10
f4>4 1(1'. t> writes fir. J. 11', 1 hr is 71f1.1.1)?: 1111(•14 `he isf>'5'
11r•. heononl)0• "1 e.. anB :'e nt 11•lit•tr s
him n quarter Ile„\\ u, l hl, .l- „.
"1% hat ,7,41 It Irl.?5 : '
t;„4> .1: a has to . 7:. •. 1'ar-
1: 41, 1 - u4•t
1.11• '. „ • , , . fornlidahte for '•1 'es' '....i ..• rdv(•rti-.-41 fur a
can 1.... • . , fhesr pill• L110.1 14.>.t. ehle'g. 11;.1 .,•n. slut---”
',• ,' r• fail. 1'1►ey .1•es, I.,.t that al t,1)•,1-1
my little
t•.e 1' -,,.1 • 1 • Ile :111(1 patient study .14,4401. 'I Ih..t > a h:•,i:gl, 1. 'I'ak1•
:nil al ...Niirl' 111:y pat forward as hila--- -''
1,,:', C :')'• A.fa. :4,11 la;.
'1 have aYd )ovt 51..s • ,re to• 4.
-.5 ,ane a81 w•o, bl not be wltlu , •
1r.e 1; :c•! a flout Li•nr,n by its •,
01.1: C.ARLSON.
TI• -I 4.11, wf•o!e •torr, An:
• c 1141, -
I or Spatia. Ricflban, . 1 >,
Splial, Sweiliegs
all Lameness,
l:•ml.lit-• -.rr:n Cnte mere the
•. -•' i l'.e owner
.5 .• o•e, 4 ,e cause er the
. • .K :,'„11 (land- Stara
ell 1•. -.et. (.k
r ( • ; , of our 1400k
1 1 ., u1 1 ,1. 11 : ..- r write a4.
•, t i'5 ! ► \ t \'I' 1:1:11' uv ,t f..r 4, , i. •l •nr»ur, al, n:• 'r , :,4i , • 11
1\ ., l,'.' I 0 , 1 :4 1• 4.1,0 d:1y t► i p:,in0d in tt r r,ng I'''
h,.•1 rare-, : va •
f.. ,. e( Bluth ll,t� i- lav t 1.11 11 bel pct. too ,,...,Id b. i�„r•,•,,
11::1:, , .118, :1. 1'• -. a .J. �.1 Sion, , ill- 11 Is ry flu 14 r. and I (iter, r,Ar n -I. if t -1
n f Ir••ultl lir ,et, tltf y.t i, ,I w.,nl•I 11.1 1110 co,,,,, ..5 Wile of your :t►rr,•t.
111. tit fie• , Cu.', iilr•i 1„ a gill. i..! !. ithar ,''IWe¢t 4W naltimnre.o that t atrc
II tee .,tor.' W4.t ,,,, ,,ane el It. Tl..lnkin you in
It r 1...• 1.• . • -.1, t t,,..11,lt n..1 11re r Ud•
I \ :•. , aloe h dtAirl+lfy lir, •, t , e41. + Tam,. 1 remain,
e.1:1h1• 17'11 a L„t 'Ill', 1' I.'• :111 1 Y,mra tnllc
., tttr'rilltr 11 coact', :rl,.l I,�:lir l:.1`.
rRp114 ,n L'., ,h:n\ nut 11 it11 , ' .. , tt (' lit• 1'
tl: f.u:J,in,• ,.t: , „n other' Fide f tit' t, the � 1•... 'n•rt,
” : :1,44':.41, L..w tt„r,: ' 1 ,.. 111,,, 1 •' I�v1.,•wr,ter 1 „
r t, -r, .t v. i' 17„ p., oil,!.• fur hint 1... • , :,15 0 tar• I.., k au,,i, ,• 1 hat ! 1• ,,, hu1d17 au.w• r at once
Inl.11:t, 11i• -..7.. , f n'�rk when n,.'..
7 ..111 , .411•• 11,'1 •i • '
r"ill f..1. '1..;115 • :)I1 111,'i)'
1u, 14 Lane; 1, due a. i= hi,, as tar.•
�• .ter
re,•n'1 ..f 1., - h„n)r 7-7n:7till.r, 77in
Of ( moping partleQ r- y-- r{•
I:7'.11►1 !'111, 7111. 1?.1IN. C' cop T.• c,'3
11,1-1,,m47 (1[1,};1'1\ 4 'Want mere
m••nr,. (I„ volt' What (1i41 y ->,l1 do
44'111 float :tint Lill 1 ga\r you last
11 .i • :41,,1.41 "'rhe one .con told
I . • : , 15 Ill* 1. I a rain}' day '•'
77.1 i .11•4 )', -
1111, 1Wi.•.. 1 • \• : .11,ce.1 1t for
17.4'.,• pd:l- v( 7.1,1, st• t1 ns...”
ut:s'r 111: C01 -f.1► i)0.
• What." queried the millionaire
parent of 1h0 1'11114.11• 101101, ''still
It 4•'5 fn educate Int' boy'?”
' '111a7, replied the r(lloge pres.
Went. :,(leer carefully sizing up rho
bur, ` is a question I cannot an-
swer. But I can put pini through
college for about $3,000.',
Wife -"If I thought a thing scat
7r i, ke'4l, I'd die before. I'd do it."
tfuat'On- l -"too would 1.'' 11'ife—
"�f1 think smoking cigars Is a wick)
ed waste -an Impious defilement, in
feet," flusb•nd • - "Thorn you
one for free satns't, le Not. W. L., N• t mustn't smoke, Hand mo a match,
tent Dr'.s a CIIemlcal co, Toren'', J1-le440,"•
Minaret's Liniment Cures •, ►m, Etc.
'1'711:1(I:'s .\ 7 i::1 sox.
"Ilia why do y'on tall: rot getting
a ditnrre; you 1.4:47 me yourself
that I mak(' 61,W/fit y ji-1 like y,.air
mother used to make
-"that's the tea—,n."
GRIEVOUS ERRORSrn:.de nr[t.i lavA
For inetanre will. n a t•rre•`n 1,447. an pmt
Ilation of "'11tn If, dt 1,.'' Menthol Pla•tt•r
said to be 11,o sr•n,n,e. ile ran.fnl and •,•o
that they ora made by Dade d 1,awfe Des
PROPHETS ('1 FI''t':ll .
"It's going to br a long, cold
"Ilow do you know 1"
"Look at the husks on thr (ars
Of corn; how thick they are.''
"Bhueks 1 They gmwcd that way
to protect the ears from the lint,
dry weather."
Minorite Liniment Relievis Ilturalllle.
1'os( 1: \). 41 10.
.1� EQI'INl)\
Mlne7d's Liniment tor sate everywhere.
11.11.\'I' 1N 1
Parents as well as leachers, have �,• far a known, it h,• „•t
F4,111>'tlrtle. 1u 1'1111 the gaallt iet 4,1 h,''•,1 NtJ17 1.f any rtirmsip 1!1.11
t►Nkwnrci .4411,'.11.1114, 1 ('Alar' '•tliifl;rig 1111.1 fart." if :Its`.
• I athrr,•• said lillb :lies,, p 55' , . it Ttom••, ban t,mn,•, , nor E
day, •'what is :111 equinox , �IIIaSh !„ t!,.• L'r„Il ltd.
Fatla'r "Why. et- it is ahem'
For goollite-s' sake, 'Tummy, don't 1 tt311 [ O u i3 ri t3 t) B----- ..e.�
you know r.tl3thing about rny'tho• is r.r:;,l:,lt cn,• of Ihr /WO etise7trce•
IRR} et all f \h equinox ;►a3 a
AN. ailments ,chicle flesh i• heir to.
f 11'1• .l nnnnull half horse half cats. Coated toogu.' biller 1.1.10 its the
tin " (trritrB from 1110 words mouth t.:suers - (Ilrrissess•-• Ihr'se
eoni',ine t., 11sske 17 e a I,,lyden, The
....1 ••'x-" It Bres s('1•m a1 calif(' i• a diNotdcred ,icor-_Ihe :••1:n
• 7,.,7 -1,' '' 1 1`. don't tench Ur. \,else's Indian 110ut 1'i11•, T'•ry
i•iad:011 111141I)ing ll„lt•a(layS." KO sloiigl,1 tel IFC riot ut the 111111111e,
pill the Ift•er right, c:cease 111e twin -
T.\ k 1 \ (: 1 '.l 11 l; OF 1T. act and bow els, clear the tongue and
take away the bitter taster fro,, the
"�•.n. re,n,',alt,'r, 'key, That Petr month. At the fila kiln of bilious.
a. g,„.4t 7,1:1 eye you've got. Al- 0.18 lake
hats tak>' it out and put it in your Dr.
1, ,•'k>t when sun ain't lookinv at
1104W111gs.” IOi�l$fl Root I=illi