HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-10-06, Page 80, hi 1 1'. ri 1" 1 M. ro S OCTOBER 6th 01O •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••... a••••••••••o••a••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • •• •Z • • S • • ♦ 3 •• • 2• • • • e I • 4 • • • • • • • • s New Clothing • • • i •• • • • • • ••• • • • • • •.Z • • • • • • A • STEWAi-T'S PHONE 11; MILLINERY Our show rooms are again tilled with ever ything that is new in MILLINERY.' !Miss sweet is in chargee of this Department Ana all uldere left with her will he carefully looked after. 1Ve • x'efld a cordial invitation to the Ladies of Exeter and Vicinity to Come and see our Display. NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS We are showing a large range of the very latest styles. both in cloth and materials. These coats are all '1'ailonrnade. 11e would be pleased to have you call and see thele whet 'terns i,rospect1ve buyer or not. ('orale anyway and see theta. Our clothing for men and toys is now in stock. They comprise the newest cuts in -flits and over coat... Ask to our special range of boys is and odd pants They will -urprise you. New Boots and Shoes New fail shoe. for Alen Women and boys are opened a finer lot we never saw. We sell "Miss Canada" shoes for women and Beresford shoes for sten every pair is guaran- teed by the maker and again backed by our own. $2 50 to $5.tat China and Crockery New Dinner seta, Toilet sets and fancy dishes. All imported'filo e•ct from potteries in England thus saying Middle mans wont We have some Special values in dinner sets at $77.041 to $21 • • •• •* •• •• •• •# •• •• o• •• •• • •• •• •• •• •• o • • • •• • • •• •• ♦• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • • •• • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • •• • • •• • • • • •• •• •• •• ♦ • • • • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• •• :• All Kinds of Prodlrce Wanted •• •• ser wi . RT =: •• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••♦••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••v• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••♦•••••••••••••••••••♦••••• • • • • • • • • • • • I o A LVA VS to be found at this Tailoring BstabIishI . .• you haven't :( 1 ai)ot;wnd are looking for one, given a . Ail. • Style and Fit Guaranteed. Prices Right. • •• • • Exeter, (' ntarin • • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • THE LATEST THING IN CLOTH W. JOHNS. • Merchant Tail ir • ••••••••♦•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• DONT 'XMOO MFNT 1TII Dont Forget es require act(semrianti t tr a t•il' P1t`T1TIONS ment. There is nothing better for there than filo which stops the pain In a very short time and soon effects a cure if persistedly We have aolel many boxes of Pilo and have yet to hear of one di.Fapnint- eel timer. The i,nly reason we rector). I mend it is that we know it is good. ' We are csteful not to reef tnulend anything we are doubtful about - people expect to get the right thing at our store and we intend that they shall. filo Cuts AAO tents and is worth ten tiniest that to any »utterer from the blind. bleeding or itching Larger and a letter assortment than plias, we have ever shown. We Carry a com- plete stock of reliable Pianos!! S. MARTIN & SON Flour & Feed All (food Kin(ls of FLOUR anti FEED kept on Hand Iran and Shorts sold by the Ton. Wheat, taken in exchange for Flour and Oats taken in exchange for Oatmeal. W , Rivers EXFTESlt, -- ONTARIO W. S. IIOWEY, Phm B. 1'hvrnl i •-t arid 1)ruggi.t EXETER - ONTARIO. The mann friend% of .Mr, Alvin ,loss% who left her,• in th, !gird* for r 51. aton N . IbPlea . d to hear of hia recovery from a vers attack of typhoid fever. The marring.. took ,pine. in Lon- don on Wcdneadayr Sept. 28, of ►Mi'. Edith, daughter of 'Air. and lfr'1 W. T. !cont, 'to 'Mr. Charles J. Craig n11 of London. !loth the bride and groom are known in town. the hridl having vi%ited here and nt Central.' ia. 'their friend. %sill • atend con- gratiilntions. ))ick' 'rovearte-A Reactionary Storni Period fella on the Otho 00th, and 11th. .Moon will he at greatr.o eolith declination and at first quarter at thl period. T e Venue distur- bance bane'• will bring threatening eon ditions with marked autumnal etorma especially in th . •rrorthtt•cmt rind over the lakes, ,Look for rapid and high reaction of 7th.• barometer and [hangm ' to !moll colder • with frosts behind this and other October otorin oerioda. ilia I'S WHIM PM( t S AKE GOINb. Out Our Kates for JOB PRINTING REMAIN THE SAME They Are Still Low Down. '.1., r i • r it -Port. -The fotlowinr is r for of Exeter markets, cor- t., October 6th. o.:.ndard 80c. to 1<5c. 1 • ;r $2.75 ! d T -lour $1.50 ft10. 14o.... 4 20c hitter 20e Creamery butter 25c Potatoes 50 to 60 t ; • Iiveweight, $$.60 ••ice export cattle 86.10 to $3.50 the rs heifers rt tt $5`00 to5.75 6.0 • + - $3.50 to 4.70 $150 1. (ml $ 5.h0 to $.10 ••••••••••••••♦••♦•••••••• LOCALS • • • • •••••••• .••••••• • ' Treble, of l' n : t , :.t ,11 town '"J'ur+day. Mi. Jas. Crcach. ifuron street, s'.. continues v rot ill. 1l.itsre. %V. May rind Dr. Newman .t -to Funday at Mitchell. Ti, interesting ad, denotes th one '-tore- always. '•1r Arthur Davie* is recov.r.ng y from her resent (lines. t;•: Turk y. of Birr, visited h r t . - • rip .•i1,+. E G Powell hurt k. Laura Jory i.; vietiing h^r 'Ir• Amy. of Iturfor-I for a %it 1 , t,.•. \eii of 11cGil:;. ,t o qrs. Geo. Eacrett'A a few 1 h i.t tvc•'k. (1 . t• reliant who concluded that he had nothing to .ay to you did'nt tdv••rtis.• '•! Drown and little eon, Harold of '•Irr,er:wales. ',Minn.. ;' t.titing at tar. t Gust It.•v. G W Uawcy, of London, •. preach in rib•• Janos. street I1••thodist church n-xt Sunday. '\1 r- John Welsh.. returned horn•, '.) if.cr rn ext -tided 'nett in .1 If. !'oretertlof Caledonia. t •- ,i 1 'ir. nnd'ltra. Beavers ih' f.r-t of t I. week • :I, • lady Ilandford .and hazel ilnlit • 10 Girl.; of Toronto, are t. r • re Ind her- on thvacation. •1 .. • 1. hint who was .ur • that tier sOmtt hing about his *lore that might .to know this week rids• r •'1. 1 a •t ..f 1 - nbark wag npaet on ,1 , • - (turday afternoon$ a •e i,. c • •,(t the wagon and let the lo0'1 , Mr Julio ! ,rr.onr. of Vancouver. it, C. who , here visiting friends is quite ill at the home DIM" broth - ell Mr. Will Parton., Centralia. 'Mr. Jas. Rey. rt -y was lak•'n sud- denly J11 last we •k being very bad for a (••w day.. '.V • are plra.ed to hear b • is on the, mend. Sir. 1) C Wynn and ti+ter Min- nie PI •nt Saturday and Sunday of 1%t %v •ek in 131. 'Marys attending the t n•r.1 of her co't•in th.• late ! ). , I Creighton Mr. Tho.. Nestle, of (!d'rton. is moving into the bowie he recently purchased) from'�\ r. John. Taylor - or on 'Main Ftrcet ito is Improving th ' tame by adding a new verandah. Dr. A111o9. who recently returned from Maskatchcwan and has been vi,it ung hie brother in :'d G111ivary. h3 .1. riled to het Oct in Ailsa Craig. too e0 years .the doctor practised 'n t'r and a f -w fears ago went W, to, . For the b.ilanr' of t h • year we are rnnbl:d to offer the i:xetee Timex and the Family Herald and Weekly Frit. or ' h • Exeter Tim s and the 'Weekly Mail and 1•:nlp rA for 25 cent.. Take advantage 6f Ihia offer at once. The For --I 'Sf, thodiat church has invitt•d it. v. Goo. Jackson, who 'ie tetir 4 and living at \Valk••rvillejt o sworn[ the dull•-ol OS pastor owing to the death of Ito,. Mr. Mill yard. It was reported 'that Ike. E. A. Veer of Myth, wait to be moved to J''dnttt- bait the report was not correct. Mrs. E. /lei :stun vi$ited In hash Waal ou :�uudey, Mr. I.r11-,- 1'e11hale was in London un '1'In•• 1ay )Ir. and Airs. Geo. Anderson. stout :iuu lay in til ;([ort 1r. Mi•s,5;(bel Saw yen, of (London. • 11. Friday in t, ,.••., '41-s Cora '.V'surf, b( Ilensall, via 11.-•1 i n Iowa Sunday. Mi. A. llennet, of Crystalin•(, Oh:u .-4 t'..°Iting in towel. Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson tis.t e•! in 11.I bent ou Sunday. :Hies Della Neoile has acc,•po 1 pm -(Lon with 'ars. AV. 1). loc. air, awl Mrs. lei. Ilawdeu were. in Len tun on 'Thursday (last. Miss !Chariot le ,• t returned home from London .\\'edlbrsd ly. 11r. Clive Dent. of MitN)r411„ tip. or \lotel1•y and Tuesday in town. M1- Lorne I'ethidc and Cthi-:•.i. FR 11 spent 'Sunday in Sea forth. Ctrs Beatrice %Wilcox visited .;r •h••r home in Q;L1uvi11,• Inst week. M r. 1 hit '!too chile moved into )sis ha,.-.• on ti;rrn•leri et reel !too week. 1\II1.I abasic Luxton is Olt • to h around again after her r e. nt ills, ':1r. \V, Johns has rer.•i. •1 th deer hunt.•r.s' licensee it byes he 11.o. . for -sale. Mr. Jas. Sparks went to lien: *it liu,day 10 roe hits father. who , '(r tie rionsty all. :irs. !ltd. Davis was called to Win- nipeg iaou•I:V• owing to t he illo•ts of her mother. 11111;1 .1ary Tapp has returned bootie After visiting (14 L\tanitoba for tot. - era! months, 51rs. ,.t. Q. Itobier return el to Ruffolo Saturday last after visiting. in 10w0 and Deigr(ve. - '\Ir. Will 1'Iewo. of the. boor visit- ed his uncl..•a iSl-,srj. Jay. and 'Alf. .Valtcrs hero last 'nook. M ,-ter (Darcy lino -den. of Itidg,- tow ry is visiting at his grandparents "Mr. .end Mrs. Joseph Bowden. '1l 11.,bel 1'o)lick and :Master it r•• !: of- rit. ?[•try., visitod n tun n r.•, 'Nolotay. \lis • \i anis Kest 1 ; toturned home rs,tei 1ty atter visiting for a month ;1 t1 o.. 1 -lock and illantil ton. The Times and %Veek(7 Globe will he vela to new subscribers for the balanei of the year for 25 c •nts, ltr. and :Mrs. John. Demo. 1, of ltidgetowt►. werethe west of Dr. and Nis. Quackenbush on Sunday !Mr. 'Fred Luxton moved into his new home on 'Aaldr.•w strut Tuesday t'SVe weteoms Mr. 'Lu=ton and family to our town. 1'Atatw•. for ~ale -Mr. Tt 'n,.,! • of Filmy) 10 has borne first-ela•, • sir Walter Raleigh and tEarly \1:15* potato-, for gale. Mt 1. .%. Fo!lrck ix in Toronto , to. 'r k attending the confer. nee ('bl-•sc.1:n Endeavor ,led by I)r. . the founder. The bowlers are fixing up th • t, .r ride. of tb.•ir green by nd(hn :or more earth. which w • i b• 31111 r• [doll. �'• r • please 'to report that .Stns. .1. I . 1' o ..:1 of Grand 1't- tv. titan. who is s ek with prier:amnia. 1s in,prot r, r nicely. Rev h f• . Sharp was in Clinton on Friday and preaebed at tiro Ftepar- atory scrvic•.s ,n th• SVi(lis i'treA- byteriau church Friday evening. The Anniversary r• rvices of for Main et toot M. tbodiet church. will be held on Sunday ,Nov. 13th, Rev T W.,fouains of Clinton. will be th•s preOber. 'Mr. and Mr-. t;. 'Mann. at tend, 4 the wedding o; ih it trice. Alts:. &Myrtle I.•ngough. of llen.all to 51r. Fred (crook'.. of London. on !.%.,j day of Inst tve••k. :Ir. \V w 'T.t)lor and neic•• 51:.. Ann:^ 1lrinrl-in, of Ch rrywood voil- e•) 141:1414- + in town last Taylor. .,!though tor aesrs of ;..•• ,• h: nd loarty •n 1 i. quit - act v • Friday Oct. 11th. -Auction Bale of F►rtu stock and implements on Lot. IN con. 17. fitcpbcn. ono mile north of Shipka, at one o'clock sharp. pots. itivety no ren••rvs.. Chas Ilnutngerten prop. 'Ed itotsenberry\ Auct. The 'Trustees of the Jaynes Street Methodist church hove secured the services of the Ituperio) Mole quart- ette of London. for their Anniverasry on November 21st. lie sure And re- serve that date for a rare trent. \leer•. Ern .t hone r .ret ,1n Ir •• Hut t. of 1 orkfolo t. -;t 1 in uu Piatut•lay ta.t It•1. Aft. Coo., and lMr. hunter tconclul.-d th 11 evanget,c t••evie s in 1'nrkhill on `,,nd.tylisIr%1 ,\1 r, A'ro'aey going to ftl. Stephen. N 11 whit,. Mr. Dunt - will centime. his ..tudieA al cell g A miwrionary entertainment will te- given in the Fvano Tical church. Crediton. on 1Veefr.t -day. the Ilt i inst,. beginning at 1- o'clock p.m., •Moor• open al 7• It •. t;• \\'- stay. F. it, G. "t., the world rcnotvn.•d mis- sionary and ('overntn••nt ••xp'oreo. will tell of hes romantlif • among th•• Fat•a(re. of Smith Ani riea : thrl.- ling ndvenI Ire. and rn l -denary . (- fort owl exploration. 11 w•:1 ,11.: - trate th I enure with r •erethic 1, views aro! ufl qui -e'tfr0}it. s brought from that strange band and win ap- pear in naliv,• coat ion •. 4t••v. 111. stay i. very highly comm tat -rt by the pulpit and the prose and mn r - %irrn visita in many .in pig - numbers are turned away. eo • ..1: r tt•r. the people to hear him. Theo - fore coneearly and Recur. a s,-11. Admis%ion silver offering at e), doors 10c and 15c. All eases of weak or lame bark backache. rheumatism will find relief by wearing on of Carter'» Smart Weed and Ileiladonna illackach • 'Plaster?. Trice 25 cents. Try th• n, I'FAItti EXPERIENCE OP AN OLD Nt.'MOP•. Mrs. \Vine'ow'a Soothing Syrup u the prescription of ose of the beet female physicians and nurses in the United States, end halo been used for fifty years 44 its asset-failioo Rococo's h i'1 � m ons of t m mo her for t b0ir rhi'dren. It relieves the child from pain, curer. diarrhoea. gripisg in the bowel* and wind M1ir. fly giving health 1• the child, it neat* the mother. Tweoty-five Beate 0 heti(.. Church Directory i JAMES STREETFALL METt1OUIST C1IURCli Rev. Iilchrird Hobbs, Pastor Sunday Public Worship -10.30 a.m` and 7 p.m. ['lass service -Sunday 11.30 a.m. and after Morning Hervioe and Weetnea- day night. Vomits Men'. Glu. and Cm nashouseow Sunday at 1 o.at. Sunday School and Fibre Moores 120 4.In. Epworth League -Tuesday at 14. von Prayer !lt,. Ong-1Piturwitut at (1 vitt. October 9111. Rev. (j. W. L' w• of London. will preach tnerr.icg ,n•t evening. IS HERE Just take a look through your fall and winter wear, and see if yes are in need of anything for the cold weather, Now is the time buy and get your choice before it is all picked over. Brahma Goal u rsii60Rano 05ave)utwoodby getting or (nal for yout thl(assng. You can get any quru•tity you want. Cement Blue Lake Brand %Vt. have the above brand of cement always on hand, fresh from the manu- facturers. The Illus Lake is consider- ed the hest cement. fl. J. GLfTWORI HY (IRANTO's', -- ONTA1.tO in Greys, Browns, Greens, Reds & Navy Blues to supply you with a nice fall suit. We have a line of Flannelettes in stripes and plain, a full yard wide at the Old Price Only 12 1.2 c per yard ALL WOOL BLANKETS ranging from 3.50 to 6'510 pair. Only a few Ladies WHITE. WAISTS and UNDER SKIRTS READY-TO-WEAR to clear at cost. OVERCOATS new range of Ties When You Fine wool Sox in Grey, Brown and Green shades Something ypo need for fall and winter. a nice Tie for your fall suit drop in and see our for fall something New and Natty. \11• (((1•e sec are.' ;( It her of SNI -REM & PROGRESS BRAND OVERCOATS That ate up-to-date. If you tt ant ,• f land -Made ('oat all and are ..nt- Astoria Shoes 1ecarry the (:\STORIA SHOE) which is second to none price «' ranging from $4 to $6 $12 00 LINE W. W .TAMAN Merchant Tailor. I(XE'rElt ONTARIO Mr. Tota Carling is visiting iu King. ston. .1. 0. Stanbury was at Goderich 011 1Vednesday on legal business. 7 Mr. Pete Coleman returned Sunday front another trip to 1Vinnijreg. BOY WANTED Stuart boy wanted to learn the Hardware business. Apply to W.J. ileatnan, The Times and Weekly Glob.• will be na•nt to new subscribers for the hdance of the year for 25 cents. Mr. A. McCurdy. son of M. Thos. Poultry Taken Alive or Dressed. Hghest prices paid or Produce. . J. CARLING McCurdy, of Farquhar. fothe leo this weekCETTINC for t'alifnrnia for the gond of his READY_ • health. !tet. Baron Snell, of Kirkton Met bodist church will preach in Coven church on Sunday. morning and eve - fling. Mr. Sharp will preach re -open- ing services in Salem church. Our vacancies are fast being tilled. We expect to make this store a great Mrs. Thos ('udmore has purchased store this year. There are many snaps going every day. 1Ve have no room the cottage of Mr. John Snell on Al- for old Stock, pert street, and will move in shortlyy, Mr.$nell getting a home elsewhere •in town until he can scale permanenllq. The s tie was arronged through Messrs. (Madman it Stanhury. quite a dangerous pastime is in- dulged in every Sunday by the small - boys and young men in climbing the the water tower. This is dangerous work and we hope no accident will happen before the authorities forbid the practice. , Mr. (ben. Hockey. who has 1re•n with 51r. %V..I, 1lettnan for the past five years has reeigrte-d Ilia position to take A better one in itrantford. George knees nest .Monday for his new place. lie will be missed very much by the Totin/•1 r lug people of town with whom he Pure ('astile Soap, 2. pound liar. 2r) )tars onlyY+cents a lot g popular, i 1 !fond Soap. and Fancy Snaps 5 cents up Judgment in the Drainage <'•'-• 7 H(it'taNDM OF MAI rIFI'L POST ('ARDS The duly [tort aith Variety -Judge Doyle has given hie pole 1 . (•nine, Bring your friends and see for Yourself, went in the appeal of John De•Ibridge and several other* in connection vi 1111 (he engineer's award on the 1%• 11. Delbridge drain. The .Judge cotillions the awanvt in every particular with E " roots against the appellants. This ends A long dispute over the ttroltimire of a Hat piece of groom( on the farm of Dello idge iirothers. The ippe•,(I was heard 1y the Judge at Elnuville sev- eral .week» ago when n number of witnsACP. Were examined ars) decision Nr. L if, Dick .on acted .A'l' SMA LL COST (4.day last. On Sunday there were large i FOR XMAS Call Often, Look Over Our gc, Ioc, 15c Tables. Boy your Toilet Needs here Anti share in our Premium Pion, \Ve will he gla:i to explain it to YO1'. KEEP iN MIND 'Chat our I..1;don l'honogr•(plI Stock i, complete 1.1e .All supply an Instrument at trot ally jlrtce ane! Our Guarantee goes with it. SATURDAY SPECIAL POWELL'S BAZAAR The 'hirci s nod Weekly G•ob.- 14 111 be sent to new subnerib-•r. for 1b' balanc, of 1 h year for _) r nt•. GRANS TRUNftSY'SWM The Harvest Dome 'Thanksgiyi„gA CHANCE 7'O SEF. TILE services of ibeJarmo Street.51,•,leoliet 1 NORTH ('O17N•r TRY church were heli Sunday and l[orl- vV lI 11111 for the ;for the Ito and Mr. •1. e(rrlgre4 atllina and the pastor Rev. It. Stanhur Slur the ReAj►ontient and for the 'township of Osborne. Yells preached two excellent ser - Hey. R. links, of Creditor) !reached mons' in harmony with the occasion. excellent sermons in the Main Street The chord► WAS leant ;folly decorated Methodist chart h on Sunday last. e and the choir furnirhett special music. the evening his text woe taken from he Mondaya(evenitea-meeting the Ladbasement. Aid held ales -meeting in the hasemenbof the church And the ladies kept up their repot ation for providing an ex• cellent supper. After tea a program wag given laid fl inthe t 1 1 0 Kf the church 7 i .oke 7 and IiI Anil ,John World 21; the question of John the Baptist "Art 'Ilion he that should come or look we for an ,trier?" and also the collie quest- ion le asked y the Jew% ••If Thou he AddreFarm were delivered i r U'.•t,. S, , the Christ. tell u% plainly" The speak. It Sharp ant i), %V. (',.IIm4. 51wmes 1 roflrotionate rates to other points er explained the motives that protege ft qts% k 1 1 1 Y rolling The Testi isitning Bonld of Trade how the solo., lll•s Delight Hobbs Batt a 00. will show viaitot•tt Ise• bursts etc. ""1( t had come because h. was grin solo and the choir sang several in sympathy with hint, hoot the ,Mews Anthern4. All (he nflnitrrm were well I HUNTING TiME did not believe hint anti could not received and the nudienre was defile'. Is drawing near. Ask nearest ( road nn.drrstand his doctrine. At the tell with the excellent elderIainrnent. i frank Agent about the Hunters v>t• 1irur tf John's ,mprisonment be On 'Tuesday evening a nodal WAR held. thought the Worl0 was not gelling The proceeds amounted to over 41210. better , but Cdlriat in him 'mower show- e.l slim that. the lams walked, the a:eaf ' -1' 1NTFIIEST '1'0 WEST 11CO8N. heard. the blind received their eight' T„,41,01,. ;-Cin account of iunnvnid. mid (ne poor h:(.) the gospel preactledi In Ile 71 in order to give the Fainters and Residents of Ont at it an Opp( rtunity of seeing the Brent poesiihilities of th• North Country. Spero! coeureions will be inn Oct ()her :(rd and 4th at the following low rales Prem: - EX i•:'I'1:n AND RETURN Cochrane kt 15.(14) Englehart $ 172.15 Hr.ileyl'tlry $ 1 I • til New .'e 11 kc ( art $ 11.:>•, ted the questions ane! showed Imr ' ` en res i 14411 N. At lag sang two (vete va»tly different.. John be- lin solo. Mr. It. Phillip gave nil or -I RETURN LIMIT ()CT, 15, jn10 tieved Christ , 1 111. This 1,4111iFfjed Johtt that Teacher.' Imo itute IA 110811400 -j (lois( hod come. To -d j isle circumanne.:% 111' ,1Ve.t hares ay many have one week from (Oct. 6t h and 7th to the Fame opinion that the world to the 13t h and 14th. An earnest ,•f - mit getting letter, but the sante work fort is being toad^ to have house 1» toting n 00 f argreater thosI t wAa at _ Inrmb^r of the fats((, of one of, oho l ('hrist'm time Tt dAy therit ar= ;thole ail over the IAt1(1 for the vale of tit work of 4 he in.tittih., ,t, 11. Lowery, I'renident, W. ll. Johnston, flecretiry. • Normal School. present to assist in tha sick and the gospel is being prep. ched on every Band And sin and Bears the coranona. Secnre ti. kets and full particulars from .1. J. h Nif)II'r, Depot Agent. CASTOR IA Por Infants and Children. tM KMd Yor Mon Always Mild crimes are being exposed. Signataro of