HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-10-06, Page 4snissmssiaA LONDON. ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJ£C rs Resident and Mail Courses Catalogues Fr.o :1• W. Wee/arr./ft. J. W. Westervelt, Jr.. C.A., I'nnc•cal. \'u.•YriaripaL A NATIONAL NF.IVSPAI'1l:It The Glob.. h,ts ,tried during t111 Its history not Ito lose night of the fact that a pew piper can play an important p:trt ,n nation tin 1 empir • building. 11 • way in %%hick tLi- his been ft• ct:vely practised I y lee. t,:ng trained member-: of its .t tff constantly "on the a sig' in t -'arch of useful and interesting infortuations. Wherever important national work or world events in tyhich ('luadians were concerned we(• 1 .king plac.t. of where pioneer d, t lui•utrnt was in progress. there ale (.lobe commivioners have been reporting with intelligent eliscer- nment fur the ,bcnifit of then coun- try. '1'h . .1t 1. tu. t) w t , ...Al:of the centenary u! : blic.ut government is twins e 1 upon This return he will cont 11+ : ' :1 serious of sketches on th::! r ,t:1:, country, n country ho• • r •:(tion- to Canada aro be- eettetl_ t ry r u` •. (' (. .I'1 r tc F. it on. 1'cpr•.c.•11t••tl 1'11 t;tob.• witn th• Q. U it in England. the only exclusive press cor- r.-eon,' -tit on th.• trip. J .f• ff,•r=. another ;nem. b r .•i : h' :•t , ft of The Globe. is at l,r nt on ; ; ionrring trip in t tiolvgan 1 .. 1C: k. iL 1k •. and the far north re .:. : , tat r. Jeffers is czc •ptionally ,1 t r r:uch .+n exp ':,tion iI tA,,••cal y . r. in t h t,.. of nt ri- ce .11 I •-e. Mr. M > I ;; I. !, i:ditor of the lllu-t, e I _ Section of The ('1 1, , 1 • . r g Jet tens on the 3-1,',1 r,l .,tion in the United St .r - l ., a! be con- tinurd durin.: ;t . .: 1-w weeki ;\!r. Ilammon•J', an 't r3:c.ions being to tr:iv-'I IIhere. ,•r good "copy" front Canadi in viewpoint can be secured It fro,.- witho:t eayinit that Lot in fifty yeaz s has to touch interest been taking by Ctuadians in Unit.d Brat,. loll: -- - 1. rhe• case at the pre- •ni tir❑ . Th • Gfob-• i t r y•n,; to live u1, to its record in th • lu,tter of keeping its r•1i• r' pasted. aide ::itogeth -r frorn the ordinary itources of local and t r.1:1ic n n has rangy, if ever rally 1,ractis'(1 than I ' •' the Managing f.. ,.,ha Dr. .J A :11ae• !•xeo. ...hero a three District Atool or last w •.k a thigh 1 ••. Two h•d I r 1/11 I i, . 1: . of ltibb.•rt fracturing t of Teea33'atcr e :or haying Iiplior Mr. ani Mrs. \. .fey it:llfonr and (moor .•1 I:•, hat•• mot• d to '.p•, t now oeeopy fag a boo. r ..,t. I'r ,• (' ndeboy. , W:14 r• - c tit 3 . i y ' I, i, n up by being t hent. • • i..1r. :, 1 , .gv and alight - 1 1. . 1 I Ili 1 1, • 11. •. •, i. ,11, 'rat 1,7e- •. •u, r ; • r ;,ft r :ginning - If. training in th' 'I h 1in-p ct d and . •r lir t I • ' h \ti . rib •r.• • i :I•, n• - t'h 3, I fe i r ! hrok ri • ". !til 'I':::.-•1 ,y of .1 week the death took r•; le- of ,tics.. oflfy ,on of Mrs Mich. 1 Dunn. of IJuh!113. 11'= n •• • u ,s of short luration, but (hoist) , y rya hong p•o•: ibl•.• tt a:, done to •'I ,•',ic h .-u(f.,ring. 13:1 w l:. no ac,i it, l,t•11Ic put an end 10p.ln 31 hell y31)3-• til e• 1-'.1 for the •.or - rowing Riot liar. t)Iie n !Mary I. consented to a iv .a II•l•tir ft from th • rot. • worn -•1 of 3.I 3.aui on r h b- • ' of I he h all•hip isotopy al on by motor traffic. Th • p • • 7.rill) r 10,200. Ind Ili y .•r- 1, ' on tau h ,r q :. nt -1 'I 1. y complain that r► 'ft 11. i' tn -.•table by :.tlt0m0- h ns' :.st• /ndang-rir(;; ihr 'dren and ruining h it ,th dust, : tt r'itpor) b • reti,tir- hrn , th vi111gt'.. r - he greatest • tr : h r complaint. i....: r east ti e r 1 d. ., nn eta. t' ui 111plan• 1 i• ,, ,,; r. ('„nil ins. Th - t '1 • lir)? 131)033-11 1 r 1of Ih. 1 ' •.n.. torus ,1 n e • n'^ oelc. A earl he • , y . 1 .t a+ h'oW- ' • ,. I t ; . . 1 . e: •,» ,e . Ihr ..r II--.• 1:..1 tt • d 33. 1 31 (II I n 1.: to I t 111 i;• 13 r . •/Id .•. 1 ht. 1• : :: • t• 'I•I, (,.: to th, f +r- t' 1 n .r I ,n th n ighhur- 1 e 3 r ran,vuo %.111 good Do lir- hi •1. •1111 tit.!• UV. h .- I ..1 ro. d by fire. I ,i.'1 L. r 1... ut f1I , •�.ra..wr -, (Uit h:1Ll)HEADS t tt11011 That (7:)-1 • IRA 11111,•,f !1 it tails. We want you do try three large I:ot ties of Itexall ."93" (lair Tonic on our per -oust Ruarant • that the trail will not cost you any .thing of it dory amt give you absoilit:(y :r i'factian. That's proof of Our 113th :n this ,remedy, and it i+hould iietot ulably demonstrate a that Iva THE EXEU t'R T1MES, OCTOBER OthIJIO. No. 3., IiTEI'}IEN The following is the report for l oel No. 3 litephen, for th • month beginning Aug% 15th, The • m.lrka are bas,,./ uu attend:%lee, behaviour, Niel general preparation of lesions sr. 1V-It&gin Parson, 080, Atym.r \Cilli, 21"•, Merl. \\'1111, 2,1, Victor Bogart ti 187, -Sr, 111 -Lela tdaunders, 265, Charlie Tri: bn •r C'65, Garfield, 331111 We ar•• t:►Ikin!- abm,t etantak••. 130, Jr. 111 -Thos tt'illia, t L u we, ay 'that 'Re•zall "113" Hair Tonle llllti , Schroeder 273, Lila Sand- 3) will grow )11ir on bald heads ere 2e1, ('owing l'ar'orts 2.3, tiril'f etc pt where baldness bee been u( !Levi I 1•r:•szc.ltur 26U, \'••t.la flux 2'19 •11.13 tong duration the, the root., Marie Triebn •r 247, Percy Saunders of the hair fire entirely dead( lb,. 2311, Lloyd t;hrueder 227, Verna }'res- foltiedo closed and grown or •r and Ilse 1ca1p is glazed. Item 1111 r we •r.• basing our .ta3en1 tits (31)01 what ]las already 1 .l n bed t i t ruse tps h t tis of Bee ;1 •-93•' flair (run:- :III1 u'e have Barth 213-,.l'rimer-Charlotto Willis th •-right to assume that what it bas Olt Lloyd Pomona 225. Norman dun.' for thousands of other it fedi Saunders 200, Ethel l'reecator 212, do for you. If any event you can- not doee anything by giving it a trial '' on our liberal guarantee. Two size', 50e. and Ir1.00 Remember. you can obtain I{esall ItenO.l<llt•s 1st 4 community only at our etore- cotter 215, Lawrence (hill 149, Jr. 11 I III111•• Ifugarth 2671, IAwy Shipton '211, 'Ruby I'1rsons 218, First Clasp Eddie I'reseator 265, Eddie 8itanlake �- n. ., - d• Lt t3 2. s r c 0 ., •� S h o d r -3 Vivian 110- . •W C T (r CON VFIN'II,ON TI 13thN, Annual Conv,•ntion of the Won, •n') Christian iretoperince onion. was he1-1 to the Evangelical 13 it 1.111 Drug Store W 8 Cole.. church Zurich Tuesday and N'cdn.i; 41,--- day September 27 .and 28th De - THE IMPRESSIVE a111PLICI'TY OF KINU EDWAitD'S FUNERAL. The coffin, slightly raised Was standing at one end of the room :,tin t 1 altar behinl it with two silver candy 1 W0Vlnoutl president Mrs. MaKcx sticks; a crass and vases and wreath.a presided at 1110 convention. Tuesday of flowers. There were no flower% afternoon, session was Wrier! %vitt'. on the coffin, two syr. -it hs. one on i °coalition! rxerciil•s led by the each side. resting a,; lint it. The County Evangelistic ,`Supt. Mrs. coffin was covered with a white pall Davidson of Godericho Alias Foto.,\V o Eich had been used for Queen Vic- illiauts in a few well shoe. a Word= toria's funeral and bad been em- (•xten1a 33'.•lcome to the dotcgat, broidered! by the ladies of the Royal speakers ara.i visitors, and 31rs, A. School of Art of Old Kensington. It T Cooper of Clinton, ably respond - WAS altnost hidden by ,the `ltoyd1 > ed. The reports from the Depart. mental 8uperint: udauts were received which were the most encouragins and contained many good suggestions for th ecoming years .lir C Hey. of Bail Axe Mich. gave a short but very inter..::ng address telling; of the 0, Itis Company of the Serenadior success of County Local Option and Guard at the foot. At each corner the teaching of Scientific Temperance e. .he euf.iu ntoo•1 a Grenadier in in the public 1:chools. Tuesday even- 1 full uniform, facing outward. Sire ing the meting opened with devot- Charles told us it was an old English tonal exert.- Nes ably Ted by Sirs 1 ea -tom: the soldiers were supposed Follick, of Exeter Ora. C llevroek ' Ella panni. and Elizabeth Itanni,• sang a trio -with tine czprersions A tlplended addr.'3 was given by Mrs. McKee of Barrie making a strong plea to save th.a youths of !ego ..es were in at3,•n•I I,e • !tont Goderieb, 'Clinton. 11:y th. I1rues)l31 and Exeter. In the absence of the County p resident, .hiss diurr:ly the .Standard draped over it. On the top was the iron crown (the crown of England) from the Tower. On a cushion. lower down, was tbe Tower o: the Ding's Itoyat diaman crown garter, sceptre. and orb. The flag to guard the coffin from any attack or discretion. They stood per- : • et ly motionless -their heads bow - 1 over their muskets as if in -it•nt prayer. Two officers, also In full uniforma stood on each old.. c•:r 1 Lind from the rvils of inter - of the room at a little distanc • tor:ine-'. Iler remnrks (eft a very :1 on the coffin. They Were relieved '1•e p uupr t...on. Miss ,Vere • 1:e3 ,•r K •ry half -Flour; th•y began by' of II. I,. ill contributed a recitation ei 1n•ling an hour but could not i trh:ch •.,,. Much i•njoyed Rev. Mr continue it. 1 can't imagine hon titter- of Hrucefield delivered an t hey could even for halt an hour. chop) id address. The b3313 of ilia They are bo perfectly atria 1:I;e remarks were. The :foe we fight statues, 1 strong drink. the w -apons w' see the It was a wonderful sight - the object at which we noloui the nucce•ss Nimplicity of it -so beautiful. No itchiev:A." A phasing Octette Was decoration, no black draperies nor them noel -red after which the raper:;, nor tnnss:•s of flowers—nosh- meeting was dismissed. Wenner:41y The Kind Ica Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, Las borne the signature of and has been made under Lis per- elfi'lie‘t: son:tl supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you'll this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and (eJust-its-good's are but'. I•:x,terimen t.v that tritlo \t'IUh and endanger the health of infants anti Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA ('astori.t is a ltarntle:;a substitute for Castor 011, Pare. l uric, i)roI»t nod Soothing. Sy'rn,►x. It IS Pleasant. It out:lin; neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic :•u11>:aurr. It t ap;e 1-3 Sts guarantee.It destroys Worms tint( :tli;t, t'l•teri.l,ttrs.. it curet I)iarrhouts tont Wind ('olir, 1 t relieves Teething; Trouble, cures Constipation hoot I'IlItHieuey. it t1-'' 'l:tte,l 1110 Fool, regulates the Stomach :11rl itotrel-., t;it ing healthy and natural bleep. The (.'hill eon's I'unuce:l--The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Rage always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. V,•r r.N,.Un roe.•,r,. Tr n[M Vona corr. Notice to Creditors 111 3110 111311 : of the F-• of John- athan Bhi r late of th • Township of Unborn . �n the County of Boron ni ('raven, • of Ontario. Gentleman d••ceaacd, Notice fa hereby given pursuant to Chapter 129 of the. Revised rl3tat- utes of Ontario 111597 and nmendinents thereto. that all persons having claims against the Estate of Johna- i than Shier late of the Township of Inst but the coffin with its ft1„s and ntcrrning the reports of the depart' U.rhonle in the bounty of ]futon crowns. The great King lying there i nt••nts wet-' continued, followed by and Province he �Jountyot ario of Huron p.•ac^folly in his last skate, (;carded the • 1 coon of officers which re- and n� d who died ns or about the by his faithful Grenadiers. It was ! snit '(1 as follows ;-Pres. 3lrs Foil- Fth day of July A. D. 19(0 al the 'ell-ry quiet : no one but our•selvett ' irk. F:z, t.•r. V.c -•fres.. Mrs Hey. ,'tid Town+hip of Ushorne are he on^ or two English(, and an 'Indian ruck.. Zurich. 13-'c. Sec.. Mr. Ado- 1.3),' ed 33tsend 1 post paid or t - p rine-•, 1'h^ corps (liplomatign • had I eon, l:oderieh•. Cor -Sec. ll:es Murry (1'lir. to 3, d by p . Solicitor o foo d:41 p•rd before the cortin eariier •in • Ex' ter. teas, Mr= (Boyd Sharp. E. t- the Estate at t;1, Marys Ontario on th day. r W do sday afternoon Mrs Mc- or before th•115th day of October A. .\• we calor out we met the relieve re.• conducted 1 moot hrl f l int( .qua•1 coming in, in 'lowly, their arms reversed and with tha. peculiar heavy tread of the English slow• rnlrcb. We met more peopl' all in deep mourning coming up the stairs and across the co'lrl, goin:; evidently, t0 have a tact look at the King. :it the Itivcru g e Gath r' of the (,aid the•aaed ams:.: :1, • I ir- We 33ent to Marlborough Mensa tie•• - ntit1 •I thereto. thaw : • : • :•1 r p u con- ,► 1910 their enamel addresses and reel* Itiun .+;rt .c•, Sb.• also '1lf's 111•scriptlon.l and a full statement of a very interesting and instructive ! particulars of their claims and the talk on the World's W C T U ! moire of the security. igf ens. hold convention held at Glasgow 41-01 n,I , by then, duly %erified, :Ind that af- 'Thc business was tresnmed• and to the said flat• th • unrltri y•n 11 the convention was brought to s %•ill proceed to IlIMtribut^ t1'• ,::ern t11,(o with sin in• "Phan `V b••for' w• • citral 11011.1 to write our —T_ - n tool,. NEWSPAPER OFFER From "An Impression of the 1:i,ng's Thr wom •n'.+ fate of The Toronto t'nneral.'' by Modem. Waddington. in News fa one of th • c11,1(311, of t h•• Uctob •r ticribn •r. I1HE::NlA'I'IsM ('('IREI) /..m-iluk %Vitt 6130 You Re11.11 \\ h••11 you have tiny d •r,seated, contribute regularly to 'this 11:. ;•tin in the Joint%. Ib • tack, tb • wrist i'artrnen( Th • Inquirers' Corn r, :n •r vow -h. -re, place •, :,best m-uppgy which answers are given daily to of %aulHltk on flu' lingers or on thl tit Fort+ of q'1•stion•, to n feature : 1!::I of the hand and rub it in. The of this Mag. The News titan makes :riting power of 'Ibis "eutbro- 1 st.t'ciat f attire of its fashions plates .an balm” is very great, it kills and provid-•, a daily menus which . •n and removes l:tif(n-s•, Mrs; hail proccrl an invaluable suggestion • - nci. \Vyattt or 115 Guy Avenu • in (bo homes of thouasnds of the atre.at, rays; 1 have foun 1 %arts- readcr4 of this paper. The \Vomen''t most soothing 'and valuable in Department covers rill the 'Social , 3. ry bad rase of rheum -diem. and News of Canada and the Sews of the , for stiffness of joints and Women'. World. A particularly . ele:'. 1 Suffered long and acute- strong featur in it.s elater•lay from rheumatism• and tried on • issue (.s maintained utnd-r the title nient after another ,in vain. 1 of Furbelows and Fancies which is •, took tnt•dicipes internal:v. but erowde.l with taluable suggest nn on 0: I. d for /,am•I3•tk to effect shopping and where avoid.shoppin't 1 ie grin applying this halo(•l s could be most economically and lee- r i flet "(rho achesand pain• l 1 . In , r I -I11 corning ou or fello. I steely dun,', o: the stiff:, "s, Th:, y In addition to !this The N^Ws elf-- %'1s ties excluaiv • Telegrephic 4 •tyle••( truly wonderful. %am-huk 31 - loci! Continental ,and Imp'rial. and world• • • ; n trot • to (the very 5 it of wide in stop', ::, I .,n•, driving '1hem comp! tel)* We ha; • Jost .enmplate•1 an err. ,•:r, :• til i Sim now quite cured." • engem -r1t wh •rphy we can of PO 111 my of the ordinary embro- Times end Ho- \; WA for $2.:r,r The .aortos and liniments tit • -in.p t • n splend^d (• .hh!ng off •r. (cctly preptr,•d and not ant --::, , , Inc .1 to I- tot 11•• '•3 1) 311 - r h lets the underlinir.z 1 Y is 1k i- totally deft . - Notice to Creditors I, .... •-,1 r; (,t, ,Ig and ... on t • a - ,r .. COnren:I . . h •• Iti 1 h matt• - r of th.: es tote Of that great Metropolitan tow, - paper. Soma of tbe most capable ,women jourralists in (Canada are members of Tb • News staff and '.% Ti' I .1, ,I lu:It th• 0. Lydia s ) al r �, •oh late 1 ' nett u K . t 1 n t1' .1 (. Of 1. o- . r. � . I h( voting. -I! et i_ t -.1'y . 1 t)• ;e:; of Exeter' in th,• County of flu- land roller. 1 lar;;• 2 -furrow plot.. if r•:hh•i on to th• ch••I n I ron, widow deceased. 1 set iron harrows tone seetio. 1 ►.. ' .t n the lhnuldc 3) in c.- ( No' ice is hereby Riven pursuant to fanning mi.'', .1 root q'alper, wagon 111 r..11 oil ins eh••;, %:dna-I,l: ..!t• a'. U., 1149;, chant. 129. that all rack. Rratrl (03). J -•t 3i-timingfeta • r 1 of, AI•art from .1 et('dl!nr9 and 0(310331 loving el.lims harm., nearly n •►r. 2 s •t working an embrocation, %nm-T3uk, vt i. f against the (state of the late Lydia til ' r•.r for ill orvl,n,rt („ern. Ilodg'one who died on or abobt the Iain •d •e1 , { 4th day of Sept/mb:t;•, 1110 1r•• (Intl' 1(1 t,J10 elnim+ of wh ch ,11 shall 1 h, n hey • / •ceive'I 7301.' . JOIiNATIiAN WESLEY SiliEit, ADAM M. 1)Oti 1'F. RICHARD WESLEY SW1'T'l:lt. Executors. Clearing Sale -nf- FARM STOCK AND' �iPLEJtENTS Thos, Cameron (tae rev -is -Pa Inst ruc- (10n3 to se11 by public Auction on Lot 21b conce..sion 11, too -noir', pf Umberto., on Thursday, October 201 ti tit one o'clock rher;r eh•-' following v,alnnb:e property,. Mortes -1 brood mare. a years old 'tgricult+lral ; 1 brood roar' 9 year. LI.', nuricuitural ; 1 brood mare car- riage: I gelding 4 years old, agricul- 1,rat : 1 gelding 3 years old, agrIcul- itural ; 1 gelding 2 years old. agri- cttfaural ; I filly I ye•►r old. car- ri:a e ; 1 Lily, sticker. carriage. 'Thoroughbred Cattto-1 cow' u,rh pedigr)•% due in April ; 1 heifer , .- eitible for r.. gotr..t.ou, 1 month,+ u: d. Grade Cattle -2 cows al tt y calved 2 cows due in Nov.: 4 cows due its Feb, .March aril April ; 1 savers 2 years old: 2 brit rs 2 y`•ars • o?d ; 3 steers 1 y••ar o.•t : •: l: rs 1 year old : ;1 selves. ho31-1 sow due 10 lit!' r; J s0W duo to lits, -r en Nov. Implements -1 3-4 :on1b r wagon. new ; 1 pair bob•:e,gn., r, w ; 1 7 -ft binder with truck,; ) ❑.ow:'r: 1 hor-e rak .1 h'iy i':r1'l• r, ,! Q• d dei 1 1 spring tooth 1-0.1vator. 1 rt e':: ••' rCZ •1n t, ra, hes, fit,...! 01:0, 'r•-•. •1 e rs. I. • • !• :e1,ed hand•, pile+, vat- cos. , y ,. e I• . born,. 1'310)„s. tc. Alt .!t tr • , n l . ,: it 5?c. or p' . • :1 (7'.•', %10,Itnk Ca, Toronto, f •r 1 r1 • - 11 i•1- h.•rn f::l irnirati-n-. Yet you may cough tornorro'v! Better be prepared for it when it ;:►alts, ,1s!>; your doctor about keeping Ayer's Cherry' 1'ectrral in the house. '('hen v..% `:1 Cu,' :ic�rrl cold or cough itizt appears you have a t it l('t t>r'S nl:l' .. ;'-e at hand. `.t,i.i- (? ' ,' r txtors approval .,f its iIL ,:•ill car.::nly st t ail tll)libt at rest. Do as he i He 1'.iuws. No alcohol in this :'(►:'!II) tned','ine. rir► 's., Lowell. Mass. wase alrellctvianIL ..•t!': arrau�t3t+ /f t� insisitr hof -tet 1•callh Is a 'teat ,•.tfc;•-lard against ..rt.oA. of boot ; • h con.ttination will d:s'roy the Lest of bottle Ask :'std LtuA -1I s;v, of 1 yu':; ,l tot about A;•:► t (do. R • l 1't (mired on or befog t h • Rt h day o ( . (tet,-, 1a1U, to Bend by past prepaid ♦r deliver to •lcssrs, Gladman & (itanbnry, solicitors for 1113 .been fur of the emote of the said deceased their chrislian and surnnrnen. Addressee and deo eriptions, the full particulars ed their chime, the ntateiro17 of their ac• rnum( 1(04 the 73:11 ale of the. ere• (ur)l iris, if any, held by then,. And (urther like pollee That after such' last mentioned data the 13:1i 1 1?xec11- tor will proceed lo distribute the assets of tho deceas'd amon; th( [Pauli•, Profiled Iheteln, hiving r3• 1; It 41 1.) the CI131114 0f whicl, tit -y. shall then 1331•.. notice and that the said ex, rotor W111 not be liable fur the •,.i: ..vers „• my part Ihere• 1h til 111 u'' ' .••„ ti' ,•0153)333 of iv hose A lien•, : i• i• • •1. •:I 131(3 hese Brett received by t!..:0 at the lime of Nuel. I distribution. (MADMAN & BTANiIiJitY Rolicitnr• int snit executor, ailed at I'., • '1'+ (' 3(3 dal' or pi ,nh r 1'•lo. harne•s nearly n. tv� d sap pen a11.1 4,1,31.•L a If of even buck is and anile•. 1 el •:1 121 - 312 l.or. J Dtsy churn, 1 heating .1•11.0. oat r trough frail,, forks, shovels hove etc. h• above implement. are• al nearly hew and are in first class condition f ceitivel7 no rr.1,rvr 93 the pro priel0I ha. Riven tip farm:ug. TEIt:L1 OF' .MALI: All aunts of 'b and fonder, "fish, oy er that !MINIM 1.2 (33931 h ' 11 i• 0 I be given on to rn`shine tip;,..;,, .! .3 :n n rt • • or a discount ,( J. p r ,; per Lnorn Irl ei�•n of lir) 64,4%. .tents it r a t\ IN, r l oprioter, Epochal Nodes . BETTER THAN>tBPANKINt , • • Ranking dope not 'eine children Of beds wetting. Thera is :1 eonstitntinnal 0AnM tot is tremble. Mrs. If. Humtners, 13oz • 1 «'indsnr, Ont., will bend free to an7 mother tir alt3ee431u1 home treatment, witb full nstruction(. F3ond no money,hut writs her in -day if year children trouble you in this way. Don't Nemo tile ehild, the chances as It can't help it. Tbls trost}as01 lotto elites adults and aged people troutlid with urine difficulties by day or night. Strayed Strayed on to the pr•rnises of Jas. Ilnxte4•Lot 11. con. 3. a pig on or about Oct 3rd. Own'r can have same by proving property Ind pay- ing '•ap^a:eit, .13rn-•' nectar. Monr••Sville, 10-6-Q.pd Residence for Sale One of t h • most comfortable, mod- er,t • t•r1• 1 Erick homes in Exeter It, 3 ; • 1 in our hands for sal'. Ii i+ .. 'I Si(tmated for r'chool and church•••. has good stable and garden', in all about 2 1-2 acres. Gladman & Stanhury 10.0-tf Farms for Sale 1Vest••riy 70 acres Lot 21 South Boundary of Stephen, Good brick hoots horn, rock well an•t wind -mill. First clan•+ property, convenient to SEALED TENDERS addressed to church and school. Also 50 acres the undersign :d. and •endorsed enol pasture farm! IW, -9( half Lot• Tenders for addilioas and ancra- nr• North Boundary Df McGiJlivary, resi Dons to ihr Public 1Cing, God... vernl Hetes in bush. \i.rich; Ont., will be -ved sabot Times Want Column STRAYED Front Lut 12 N. It. McGillivray, township about August 10th one tlehorned export steer weighing a- bout 1200 pounds, Any information It ading to his recovery tvi11 be liber- ally rewarded. Byron K. 1Iicks, Iron Posts In order to close out our Stock of Iron Posts we have reduced the price from 25 cents to IS Cents IRON BRACES Iron Pipe Braces all lengths at S Cents a Foot We will take in Exchange horse- hair, Rubbers, Iron, Copper, 13rass & Wool Pickings for which we will the highest fries. M. JACKSON'S MAIN ST. EXETER Manure Litters 1 Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers ()vet bend Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & stanchions can be installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty 131 . ri.' Load Binder These three things ate grea labor -savers for farmers and necessities ten fl form. For sale by east f W. T. Gillespie Phone 51, Exeter. Ont' r:4r. Cr*? t-9 • Apply at once Ito Gladman & Stanbury, Barristers. Exeter, it-29-tf Court of Revision olliceuntil 1.00 p.m. on :Monday. Oc- tober, 21, 1910, for th tt ork men- tioned. I tans, epccification and form of contrast can to seen and form- of tend. era obtained at this I) partalen(3 on Ilupild,ugoGoderich,lOn .rand atultbe office of 11 J Lamb tEsq, D:strict Engineer, London. lint ersons tendering tire notified the' t I. i 1. ,- u: h •t a Court 1 1.‘ Ontario (t'ndcre will not b;; considered un - \'..t 1 .,.i \,•^. Iy ilia honor the 1.7-9 made on the. printed forms mo 1 u[ : b Cu.:nty Court of thePlied and signed with tb dor actual I' •:'y of Huron at the• frown holt signatures hinting their occupations n the 11th day of October, 14110, a 11 ponces of Itesid,nce. In lho cast tt 10 o'clock n. IA, to hear and d,•- of firm., the actual signator, 'b,: termitic complaints of errors ;,n i nature o[ the occupation and place om?eliortte in th •Voter's Last of of nw• e Member of the the .Municipality of Exeter for 1910, fir►n rouidstrnabrof givenach. Dated this 19th clay of Merl •otber Each tender must be. accompanied J SFN10111, Clerk. by an accepted cheque on a charter- r'i bank, payable to the order of the honourable the Min!•ster of Clearing ,duction Sale 303Works orks .goal ten rent 11 . 0 r. c.) of the amount of tbetcnder which will be fort •iced it the person Of Farm Stock and ln,jrleraent3 Etr, tendering sitcue (0 rotor into on Lot 3, ,,n. I. 1'. ,ort•., on a contract when called upon to do TI'EsDA l', OCTOBER II, 11110, so, or fail to complete the work at 1 o'cl.re k .harp ihr following; sato• contracted for, !f the tender be not accepted C , tl NI propel!): d t ^ tc r, I •- t h_ cheque n r h( c r will t tl 1 q be )• return- _ lltlt3NN I lige i1 ullursl 1 3(•031 mare, cd.'.. 7 vesr4 n'.1: 1 s31tacultorat I.r o0 n►are. i he Department does not bind it- :. 3 no3 01,:: 1 3, 31(0)1lu,(1I l,Ivo,l 1 1 ,111e, .e•f tooccept I • lowed or any tend- I year. ( 1,1: 1 stonier', 3 yenta old, 0! ".1.• .rt i- ight irlapot3e13 cro sea, draft; 2,A• I by order, 1313311 oral gritty Ka. 2 !reel. old; 1 tuna -It. C. Desrochera rfill nrnl filly, 1 t•earroe; 1 n,rrirultviral ! Secretary.Department of P oily, asicker; 1 dr•t ing to 't' :1 year old, , UbliO %YOrkv_ r1,tl.t and rellehlr; 1 got •f work bore e: Ottawa, September 27, 1910 1 pt'n', ,mitt ,and r.'l's'•1,' Newspaper will not be paid for rt rn.x 1 r/'ws. 1,a.. , t :, 1, , (his advertisement if'they•ns r I M 1111 t ref. It without . 2 thou •, l authority 1 ell.', ,boril Apt t r ► heih•ts .,)(•arold:_.teera r t Om ,the b. - o partment, tId:1 ahem, I,Dorhom hall. lentos. sroopsis 01 Ide COMMdIUO MOM it HOMESTEAD REUULATIONs. Any leer/tun who is the sob head of a family, or ay male aver 11• seotoni of availab.) Lomiuion land is Manitoba, tiac,kato►lewan, or Alberta, The applicant mu t a s appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agape”. int Bub -agency for the district. Entry tor proxy may be had at the ageagy, eek' certain nonditioue, by father, mother 80n, daughter, brother, sr sister ll intending homoot.eader. Duties :-Six months residence Upon• and cultivation of the land in sastr of three years. A hornesteader maJ live within nine miler of his bashed stead on a dorm of at leant 80 soros• solely owned and occupied by him tis hie father, mother, ew, lisoefhtsr, brother or tooter, 1n certain dL4trle(3 a hotnestea•dsls in good standing may pre-empt a• quarter ecotion alongside tits hsltattsf, stead:. Price $3. per acre. Duties- i Must reside six month! ineaoh of Ma years from date of Louteetead entry' (inoluding the tilos required to ears' homestead patent, and onitivtao' fifty acres extra. A ho m-atea(er w10 11ns exhausted' his homestead right and cannot obi tain a pre-emption may take a plots chased homestead in certain dietrist/ Prone S3. per sore. Duties,.-•'Mcid reside six months u 4'aoh of tbrstl years, cultivate fifty acres and ere. s house worth g300.0� W, W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of We attic, N. B.-Cnwtlioriud pnb1l,stion ohs meat sonnet oe paid fol TIt. CARI.ING, Life, Accident, fire and Flab• . Glass Insurance, Cleo ('otteeting Accrounb• and Auclionetring. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, 1., 1). S. ; D. D. 8.' Honor graduate of Toronto University DENTIST OFFICE: -Over Dickson h Carling's- Law Offices, Exeter. PHONES. 01. . •) W ,\ • ' , U9F.t E 1 . F.SI I AY AFTERNOONS' DR- A, R. KINSMAN, I.. D. 8., D D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Mtanbur'y Main street -EXI1TRH, T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0 • P. H„ Graduate Victoria U versltr. (Aloe and reeldenenoe. nonunion t boratory, Exeter Associate Coroner of Mores. Tr R. alright, M. D., M.C. P. and A -L•8., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- iversity. Two years resident physician }loyal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Oflseo and residence; .14. Athos' old stand Andrew Street, Exet�F MISS DELIGHT xt� ., Violin instructor, Ja111eo Street Psi* sonago, Exeter. DR (1U ACKEN BUSH, Physician and Surgeon and Ac. cuucher. tithe- Dr. ltollin's old oe1Cf on Main Street. Residence -Corner James and Albert titreet, opposite James Street Methodist Parsonage. Exeter, Ont. Phones -Office ::.I1t, Residence 39b• DR. C. A. 11OL'ZE, V. S. Gradual,' of Ontario Vet. (Yolleget Meniller of Ontario Vett rivary Medi- cal Society. 'Treats all Diseases r.f lh,mesticated Animal. on lateat Scientific principle.. All calls day or night promptly at- tended too. Ofllre, Main 8114'jet, Xie - 'ter, Itamsey's Ohl St and. • HONEY 'l'() LO.keN We has ennlhnitadprlsere fend. for taste's end upon 3arm or vlllalrr t mperty at towns, r te. of lotere..t. DICKSON t t A}:LINtI Kaaba DICKSON & CARLING, Burl -'ere, eolleltore Norerlen, l'Mve saoedl Commin,.b•nees, tlolieltor- km 1 aMORs Hina, Etc. roger to Lowe at lows.! twee ef tkssr.,ra, OIIrICk,--MAna NII.rr.T, sltrr•su L casrase n A. L M. stotNrr (°'O�NEY '1'O !MAN. W. have a largo *,noun; of private toodtt can On faro, mud vla,.t(3 t•r•.:•,-r14 a1'owrtf� to esre+l, Ul•AI'M.3N a sl *NPR Harrl.'er+ aullrl•ur- 3I.rn .-t- }"x -otter Shorthorn Bulls 2 %. •h old, 3 weer, (1(1(1 heifers t year oltl. H, one- 1 brood sow and litter. h j As 1 enter into the fall and winter ttrtole with 1'2 pule bred (fulls i will 13?l•I.I•.,I -rp, 3.1111,I,e•r•1t•'l3,•1t. ilal•k "Inc U8W rnl) and nib n„,,,,„, 3'. ii.„..„.1 .•.,n ly m•%: open i 11ttg3, pair, Inhslt•i3h Iliv/1IY (1ew: Farmer's Mutual Fire Inslir- cnl ler. 1,,,..... . rneva 11• new: tmrser. hay rake. s, .der 11, 1 (11 ill, iliac.1 33ante notUe's o'king plowd s, 2 ratio plow., 2 set nu fru a tut rntv9, lat.,l t'•.I er, .,'3111',• Put' Ler. alto K n1,:1, "I'''•n 11" rack. pea Head Office. Farquhar,'Ont pert •t Yeah r, g1 al3 el hex, Set doohle liar- Farquhar,: tie'.+. r.e.ol3/ 14's1; 2 rets (cork h arnes4, President. ,t, F. ItlrtiN}.LL been used; •(t, single hornets, 1'1(.3111 \ ice-1're-.. \\ JI, !my se{,.tretlor. stet/.• boat, grind 81011e, inrk., (Itov33•, hoe.. Whirl a, etc. AI-' so tot „1 (h-, • la 4.. 111:1113.•1d9. a '1111(13 31 t• of hay to 31 1:r loads of 1111n3ari,(n Itult'p, \t Rims. groes well saved l'••riliv'lle no ae-' I'lltlti, IRYA\ -• eve :1+ the II. 111eietor is giving upl '3,.1111.1.11111t,(3)(3:0113).1 f111111037 • 4�1.1!. : Toll 3? , - All autos of 1t:, and under, 01311; over Ilial amount 1'2 month's! AOFtNIy, cledit will 1 e lover) on torniehing air proved joint me vs. aper rent nRfor' I1►I1\ •,,,j .ltl h.ge,q,, Cath feel 1 311111 •It1.•tlfits. i 1 -f(,r •.•• .n.1 It„lult,n. JAS. 11•lNn1'oIu), T. CAMI:ItON.I :II.i\'lelt Il,\ltttPe M,41,. 43. a i'r.lpr. et (II` Ailt•l ioneer •• t.y • tr••et -- -- - I H'}IrM•I f I. 11 I,I1.1„ ,I"I {,.'.f.ll. DIRECTORS. Staffs, 1) h ill. 1 \S ,-(3r:eel. r,•tav' no reasonable offer. They are good 01.es of the bl"cky typpee and mostly ger by ticoil 11 firey 71 1 2. He toy herd nod is • of the best t,. 1.• had. All vs ill be registered in D. II. H. Apply to JOHN ELi>F:R, Henna!! P. O., or on Left 10, Coo 2, Hoy. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTs I. 1r t:ihar. TRADE IMAMS OEStcrts Corvnronrs Ac. Aeons emoting it like? eh and Ar(3r erten 11737 %nIekl 31131(aln our eelnlen freerwhether err Invention on ,e emhahly get/mt./WA (•,4nmuna's. tInnsotrictlyeonodeat3*t. )ANOI001 MI totems Sent free vilest seems to[Ie••. nrinepatenta, Patent' taken tl<,rl n e) MuLri A (p metro r+ ecWnn(ks. without ch'rge, In the Scleattik BIN •.r• tit to, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OA8.TOR1A JOH\ CAM111I•:1.1, A benisnroett imotrntnt weekly. Amen ass 80C y. Troia S. F a r U 1.11 A p j '33nn tit arty:Lif n tie }(In►nai. T rgf ada,�! ;S 3 feu pelt.,.. t•repaht s'aa st D::a\ A :1dik i1OML Du14s11.4tlj Mt iiis~tewjl