HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-10-06, Page 2m, 1 am44.4mrs
Her Lover's Prowess;
Or, A little Matrimonial ilmant
• :! \ 1"11.1t V. enttli stir/hood 1,,, to, ; . !hidings.'
And as f!,.. • sie •
111audo o,. no bile •• (if h#6„V
eXehli1/1• :1 1 !turbo leant upon the mantelpicsff and
looked musingly int,. t1,44
,k •iering about the room
Of course!" retorted C-harlie.
, • •••,- not, hnewiting what.
"Parents and guardsins as ides do
is do u himself, which titer° that sort of thing. 1103 a capital
Ssine ii..•Ser anything to kill nur old fellow. But veil and 1 batas
ears,o• aleays produced itt him. always ,„tstsa mesh or each either,
siv what I think, and I say never had occasion to
a • ! .od the other day," retorteel elate. if emember," cowl:tu-
t; Hireling round from her
ed Charlie -you r, as lie settled himeelf
1. ie.., "that you are banns' .so cointertably In alt arm -chair. ••I
li to US as you might he
"Excuse me," he replied pettish-
ly and pausing in his %talk, "I and
always 'mast deferential to ladies.
W11% 111.,q p rape r! v sy
when sett0 rote to me at Eton to
an/winesthe death of that, bull-
finch xt !itch afforded such att eXf
(14M t expect 4111e 10 copy 4,11.(-1 ample to all Scotland ---hie never•
Philip's hy-gone mannero ht lopt,44,4
priggish bows and courtly attitu- ••tron't, be, absurd." bing than 31r. Charles Williainifon.
dinising 1"
"lbln't talk nonsense, Cliarlie. "Come! I like that. It was a Charlie, wrapped in his theory
specimen of English composition, that. Sir Phillip wart only t pleas -
Sir Phillip is no prig. A "m" who
t hat, letter. I recollect it
led the field as he did the other slay now• ant elderly gentleman, bad yet to
scare° merits that appellation. If 'Dear Maude. I'm awfully sorry to discover that he had a cutting
as sou assert his manner is a. little hear of Millie's death. and 1 got tongue at need, and all that cool re-
bs -gone. I ell11 telly say, pity it to tit -tatty -five riots at cricket yestcr- solute determination which usually
day, and Harris Senior says 1 shall is Part and raresa of a maw, char_
such manners sh"uid ha' o g"" be in the eleven some day if I look actor who has mad, a tette, it
Tommili MS
61111Sli10 "iiiJ1I-4-TheLS"
.11 A N STR t NI: T I.ES 01"I II II
' - •
.1 N.191 1N 111:sf.
:4 • •
Stratford Ceatre, Wolfe Co., Que.
"1 have been completely cured of a
frightful condition of my latomach
through the won& 'III fruit medicine
'Fruit -a -fives'. I could not eat anything
but what I suffered awfal pant from
Illy head ached incessantly.
tuts told to try 'Fruit-a-tives' and
sent fur six boxes. Now I ant entirely
well, can eat any ordinary food and
Dever have a Ileadactle."
soc. a b -x, 6 for Sees or trial box,
25c. At all dealers or from eautt-a-
lives Limited, Ottawa.
011e Menthe'. of Pre -:peeling Party
Predieled His 01111 1) 1'301
by Drott Ong.
Many a eurious tale has been told
las arlsenturotis tratele.rs when in
pie ,ett lenient days they penetrat-
ed t tie \ it 'it solitudes of prairie,
fo1c=1 or mountain N'alley, writes
W. J. Barclay, in Chambers' Jour-
nal. JO t110 Summer of Ialei there
waa a great rush in the re.ely dis-
eovered gold mines of Car 1..,... A
ers from Ontario and Qs. 1wade
party of over a hundrea g. (1 -eek-
t110 iaiirney overland via St. Paul,
Fort Garry, the prairies, and
across the Rockies by tho Leather-
head 11/1:01. Descending the Fraser .
tot rafts and in canoes, they found teration they' were lottd .in expres- that nearest him, when he seemed
their greatest trials in its tumultio mon. of their regret, while the old to be ,.if 1 -offended with
oils waters, more than one life be- medicine men declared its removal A BLAZE 01 LIGHTNING,
ing lost in the rapids of the Grand would be followed by war, disease and the crash of thunder stunned
Catlett. The circumstances intent,- , ,
1 and the disappearance of the bid-
ing the death of a Toronto:1Jan olio. It is curious as a coincidence him and caused him to fall from the
that in the foBowing year the shock. A large tree was struck nut
named Carpenter were singular far off; Ito could hear the rending
His party consisted of three other plague of smaliPox sl+el)t, over the of wood. It was several minutes
men from the sante eity--Measrs. haF,hateliely"".""nt,r-v, with fearful before Ito ons able to look around.
Fletcher, Handtafek and Alexander. violence, leaving wnow camps ot But, to his unutterable astonish -
When t hey arrived at tho rapids
they explored the canon, it being
agreed by lot that Fletcher and
Handeock should portage the out-
fit, while Carpenter and Alexander
ran the rapids in the canoe. In
midstream, the canoe struck a rock
a 'fp
• • • •
Is Me tarnIng.poini to economy
In weer and tear of wagons. Try
a box. Every dealer everywhere.
The Imperial 011 Co.,Ltd.
Oularl• heals: Nees coo OA C.. La
A ealralive VW/ the woo ay Itasca or Tater)).
atcldlog colrIso. a &Mesa wriry it uwalsoai
Iir rtaufnas spamtIatral wirer lu • +AN riga
§zaa rreap surf thee Mov'elpctivlaitt)
watts. if nut ua4 fol 2 tas. LOAN 401
'edit., book. (Swaim te Bassi!..
in weight so that no smithe man visilde, 20 yards away, with a band
could curry it. It is little wonder ea horses grazing un Hie farther
that Indian stew, Alison was stir- side, the gleam eof fires shining
red by ties atone. It, was not. of through the open entrances of tho
lodges. was surprising, as the
Indians do not. move about tho
wet, if they an help it, and their
ledges are kept closed tlormigh an tho year 1809 the missionary of perstitiiiiis fear of the thunder.
Victoria, a small settlement north- Capt. Denny stood for a few. see-
ralit of Edmonton, caused the stone onds watching the scene, consider -
to bo brought in to the mission. ing which lotig.. to make for. Ho
When the Indians heard erf the deses f.a.1 mar ie or two
this world; it had fallen from hea-
ven. It. was, in fact,
victims (t rot unburied on the
plains. 'lite plague was accompani-
ed by the afflictions of tribal war,
carried on, in spite of the disease,
'tient and terror, the camp had dis-
appeared. Where a large Indian
camp bad stood in full view, tho
voices of its inhabitants distinctly
with uliParalleled 4.11uellYi while a audible, nothing remained in sight
few short years sufficed for the ex -
but an empty glade surrounded hy
termination of the countless but -
storm -tossed trees. Little wonder
falo herds The stone was after -I was, am know later on • - 1' f and up:iet. Alexander was a strong • •that the captain, before he could
• •You may say what you like," :fliadrr.' ' ) ' • ' hie 'I'i - ''ll• William' Na, ai no -e ;limier, and managed to reach the
added Charlie musingly pains to ceuecal his di hurn.,r and gather his WAS together, turned
wards shipped to Toronto, where
retorted her COUSill AS 1 A perched -- ' • ' ' -
, . it , the curious can now see it in the
and ran, dropping his gun in his
course. When lack of breath caus-
ed him to sit down on the bank
of tho river, a quarter of a mile
away, lie determined to leave his
%) 111t a Rao% ilarruw gave us
Indulged in a tirade :wait's( tho , 1014. in aafety, but Carpenter up -
himself on the arm of an easy-elialr.
that sear at Lord's!" peared stunned, and
• • If fit t he trandisoniati era has . road, the country, the neighbor -
Yes made Ito twenty-five hol, andall , . SANK IMMEDI.1TELY.
de•parted - died with the minuet, 1 oe., oftees rilill ell able till '
Auppose. ruffs et' that eceasien. I remelt, they reached IL I • ••
I •
her. rejoined \I 111(14 mockingly. pained leok on I ia e el •• Id ii, it a expwring tho cauon his
"And gt•nnine courte-s- to our . i . 4 :41111 1 1 11,4 Companions had noticed t'arpenter near its banks. that it reposed so
N ,- r t f- I • . 1 , • •
, . un MI lir no ong t it lin(' te improve matters, as it 4ill'iy boat and walk to the fort rather months later through the intro -
sea is a thing of the pa -t, ' said fir4 inyling and 1),,wit, r
mi hit Pre- mutely reminded hint that h. '‘ a than approach the spot again The duetion of police dews, there were
mak:tig ramie memoranda in his long as a menthe of the red man.
Ilaude. a- It fingers wif 14.1..:.'41 i4 Ey , i, .1%. ti . ''' '„ . . , . . 4- • • • 11.44-1)41,417k, AA 111411 I14, replaced in an
t . if ani, st ore, tee second - making himself disagreeable, I A 'lra"fget adx`e"ti"4';', 1".1 .,1: ( ."1'1, hfteen miles mole a hard journey, I no burglarten, and the aninisla
Oter /tie 1.:e.y., ..f the instreel, t.: ,
• • ill my pad. ' os,'•• einer peeket of his coat and left on - Denny, (u tt'ice'ortii-"' '1 '1' :11'i'''' i t 11 • . . ' -d about midni h -t 1 were moved out towards the sub -
"Libel : rank libel: ' ert...4 t :,11 a. 11."11." '
• .A shooter off yeeir Pad I" Phdlip's, whielt, bat for Mends -
one or tee caustic remarks of :-.: , ; .• Lank before entering the tai '0 Pollee, in the otimmei. of Is75. Irma <ii.d arTt, 7,1 tg
et:1 urbs whore fruit is hugely grewur
II-. "leo ee haven't time 7. • ./ , ,,, , • , Il• a rowing coliii,a0,,,iis bnind . the fert on 014 Man River he took tagg e a11(1 `11-n °lit . le 5 4).: .1 'Sr
day., 1;0. „,1 tin. 14,,,iiii.. an‘i .,, .;4.;:•u alattere won a peal 411f 1a1101- appealing glancei, 41011141 Is, , is :, • .. , , • t, 0, 7,.. as,s,,,,t at i a trip to the foot -hills of the moun- told to Itis brother officers next , MO t .1.)ell anl, shrubs affording wel-
ing (4f 1 1;4. i i.4114(ii,44411 r.:',1 \\ . . .. a . Ineuh•nes repeat themseltes considerably sharper •/... ' , • . . 1 : i 411044, 4 1,4 , L., , ,,,,)11. ati,1 tains. about -10 miles distant, le
for tl inorning at the breakfast table i come tarter for undentrables, and
II1 p#111 1 i• pe,t 11.11111 11:111pened to 11111aMell 111S 1% 1 ail./ .1 ' 4 •••! !! . • 4 4 '11141 Caused roily laughter and chaff as at this had the effect of lowering a
o fa -t. 01,1v look. itt : •. o. -! - purpose of fishing and <leer -hunt- f ., .. . • .
• ,. ,11 the tither day, my peor (liar- !enamels .1rre.s.1 at Ilse:be-1. • 1 a the enagteatiere But Ow . moldier of thefts in the most sur -
11.14y, W.•...... two hero. 1: 1 -11,1-'. '. , ,. ., ... „0.2.i .f `,-.1t,,,, ,0„„. lug. He was aciumpanied hy an
they ha% e t lean all tise. : ..is. a ial
• 1 1 ' . Charlie anneninfasi is- .r.tention captam was firmly convinced ef the !prising manner. The report of the
•.• t , s tra:,onot ;ea.- .4 Indian guide• The htint WI" "le' • • 1". • f .1 -- • IL. was • inspeeter states that not only have
. • led 1.:1 I.) t te experience.
museum of Victoria Uniter:aty. It
is also of interest to note that Iron
Creek, Alberta, derives its name
from this historic stone, for it was
Largeal Cities and Tunas ie VU.
rope Find That Police Dogs
at•e Invaluable.
It is now many years since Con-
tinental nations i ealized the ad'aut-
ages to be gained by employing 'legs
in ordinary police work. As the
subject in all its different branch -
ea is one of which 1 have made a
lifelong study. I may be aliowedil
perhaps to speak with some degree
of authority on the valuable work
which these sagacious animals aro
doing throughout, practically, tho
whole of Europe, writes a London
Borne eighteen months ago I went
abroad and made a careful study of
the systems at the training estab-
lishments in Germany, France and
Belgium, and I came away con-
vinced that the effect of dogs with
the pollee is to decrease or
In Paris, Berlin and Brussels,
well as Aix hundred other towns eli
tho Continent, the authorities tes-
tify to the fact that crime has de-
creased by no leas than thirty-five
per cent gine° tho introduction of
police dogs. So pleased aro the
municipal atithoritien of Berlin that
only a few weeks ago they voted
n sum of 27,000 nutrks (86,730) fur
the increase of the training estab-
Bailment in that city.
nunaLAnws CEASE.
In Itrueselek, during the month
of Jemmies, f903, there were thir-
teen burglaries, in February twelve
and in March and April seven, Nino
4 p i .',..e. t •• net looking into the elute., 'Ins Hie?. 1 ,ilitig form. li , ..,2. :: , ,:i, , . It , 111t)l the captain and his ,
veer -roust i !set., the etening •411,-, ';'' 'I ; . ;.. 1.4•14O .••'1 her 1,41/Y1,1- fur the town. though it ceuld haf.i tis ts- • ..- - near leo ',ex.', hi s• •• eaelo killing a deer. Ile sent the ucternitued to proceed to the •,pot . the number of crimes against pro -
begin. T- •• 1 ir01011,0f1 1n.•11 .....1'.., : • 1 1 i. 1.•• .!I:. ' 10. t."ofin111`.1. 1. chitin to tioses, a regular estal,- : ..1 1 .• .-• . _ ,!: liewuti ii rain . : to, -
Indians back to the fort 'aid' the again am! bring back his boat azoiti , 1.,ert.ag• ,elire:innisslcottalu,t bount„tailesop,ttca..et
st,,,,•.: a 7 ar. 1 41 tf eek and 011: (t • i•le 1..- appear- 1 1,1inient of that sort, hail a read- ' steitieill. d• -tended upon a vamp el • horses loaded edit the venisun
I, - • • , a -1. ...Is...* • : ss. mg (lay take., a ng ro..In awl hilliartlareeti to whi 'If ' t•ree Indians awl burned eL-erything while he inflated fent interpreti.r he returned that have Id( 11(21 disappeared.
1 .. u. • .. ‘.... ]••••-• ,1 ! 1., ii
. : •-:. 1 1 ..,L; through, Lies- a is . t , f tho gentlemen in Oa, litag 1- !anetirel them. Thirty•two C rees A 111 BBER 110.LT . ,, ,.4,1 4 .-- MEI)It'M 811E11 1.)065.
day, finding ref rlitlictills i 0 locating ,
t 4
ei da so a • • ; . s see I. p,,ri-hed in ti,t• thirtie. 'flie ground brought for the purpose, in which out !..ign of any recent i . : p , •• •
i, • ,, ,I it the dace • Lott t w•
cro--, -1 l.Il ••.. ttl tile 11:.. IC 14 • I l'' ;• l' , ..","I. 1 ' 1; li".•• 1.N ! :". 111111.110 :11141 Mande made tie %as hurnati dseply fer a consider- he purposed returning to the fort, rings of stones ()vela, ,, ,... themselves. '1'lle char/tete,:
wnrel or t wo now about tho
t4 id Mr. 1Villiattieui !" •, te•• •
-Here • Ern net 41 I. , - es , 1 4 ' • -,,:.! It , .0.. :,,,;11 2;turlaci 1, 1, , ‘ vp,, so iiiii 1,1 this prope-al. It i= aide distance. and 4,111v oue er two fishing cm the %%ay. During tile. ,grassi_sleeted where 1111 . „ ..,:f. 1,
i ...t.L.: .i 1.• t' ;:f ' s,-arcely lik.,1y, %%hen finial! is mak of the party eh,' -.toed near a fleet) morning be made • ed by the diffe.tent breeds is
.... 4: ,it , y. defined by Nature lierself
Is - I•1 ..1)14' U110 write t.4),,iii, 4,1 41., . inch. , , r , iii- '•, )ii??f ti,• -ii,, Alt: iiiiii-.4-.1 di- 1,141-.•,•rtliN. te the hest slough wero aide to sate them- doer] the river. . .104. reen many yea, i. •
. . hst ei embody the necessary traits
all efents to nie. getieralls tilt , n4.,,,, 1 ,
.!": ' •.' ' sf Li- aiiii:•:•. that the tit, (74 ' seltes Ifs- jumping into the stater. trettlite at a ritth:.'rn11.1‘af:;4,44-eeraphiat;,iliiigi if11,1‘411iasneripPs17‘,"4./(1 aitt:4'1‘‘ :r.', 1.' , ; a 1" """ animal .44146 nt tirgt 110 ea'Y
;Hanes er something 1 }mien 1 g..f. , 101 \ , r, , .. 1 •...11 c .1 4' t 1,:. geing : and a was It ea- era a flash of lightning het the middle of which he stuck on a eatrip ef Urres at 1 . • -1.• t. and matt -c• VerY large 811(1 VerY lin"
1....•.•11 ‘. 114'11 1 /111. 11•411 1 OW', # \ 7.,,, '
4 II , ., •
1 • ' •'..'' 1 1' 4.4 Ir' '1 1 ?.• , .711•1111•1 eat; fes Louaa rain of lite 11-itt Li • i et for some flat stone, and wits upset in getting two hisset,4.41 satire.
t .• 1, .4 ,• • • ,.. 1 ,4 o fs as out ' moments. I :.. 4,1 among 1 thigs were put out of the running
1111-11, 1 -. Letter el:thug s an a A.- . off. Ile got a thorough wetting he- .1 St. liernarde and New
fill bele."
••%1 hat : an,wering letters from , t
1 4.•.: . • . ; •
II. .•\ Ill. 1.4•111;1; 1,•••1 II,' letien,•,, 8, mit „1 ti ha. t i,, .) , 1,s,„ is .thotit neon the weather began te — umulands Itate_tet• much a'ettlit
1 1,, _,1,. t , ,,,,,, ehat fie ,„ ; II", „4,„ , „ } ., ' •I•'.. -OM- fore he caught his boat nand'. store.
rot. grass were evitlent proof uf the 1"...!!ee-
r -.ate sett (etre :Mont I e • 1 .•• i. • hale.- i •i he and Nlaiule 44(11 1441 Haar 44 t\ lieta••en 1,.• ‘c• I 0 ;. T.i ". :-•, '-sik threatening, heavy banks cif e(Lfimtiht fe,fr.a4‘ttai-1110 to curs.sinwry to b La
'. •,' 111, iir •. 1' '•''!. '''. 414.4411 OW 11i ii St 4 I. . I . t111 I ' I" l". ' . I :. ..1 1... ••4 . '.• ,,is gathering in the north. The , Home
4, . •ned Mamie edit same slas.I•I I g.•1 lir hal 1 4.,„444.., , . . , „ , „i 3 4 .oldrifiptible intirmov that %I -et It was a ins , ss sere - ' - ' e , DYEING l'er saving life in the water
sa•tatteit 4,1 bier 4-.•hrow-. :Lander s.orms along the mountain- \' 11 ef L.ourse. is mitten-
: Paa. I ta•‘• i get 1.•!1"1' (1 1111 la little fre,11 air. 1 in - se ••I
/ t hilt . . It it 14: .1,. ,, .4 L„ i I : A / .• . •: ...• ' IIIr SASH Illillanalt.iili your it,- ' Mg virtue (11 .0 the It ..1 -1'. •••.'1 It are'
.itstialls of short diou,ion, lett • i. but this qualificatien is bard!),
to • '••• 1 r are ae,"(It ; that 1` 1" benefit your 11) 1111 ... .4 1..1 — at a Last territort No 14,11.,1 • f t :. • - l ..1 V SeVI'te Uhl!, they last. Wheil14 the 460 6. 1.,
I Le business of the erdinars• pelice
a Ins in't Ile hard on char- 1 111.1ckfeet or Saret•es won'. 1 es . - », • • . ..tornt breke the captain sought ‘,..,ti.,14z.,,k Saveroney
deg. Great 1/aites are in borne way
i • , ' .. tiltch• Of rout -c f like to ing ttat;41,. trti,p,of „, . . . ts . ,.,..fl ,. :-..r 1'4, 'T." 13•10;. 44 14 14.. viri . Ise %lentos- without payirig a ii•••• ....lter in a dlitil, of thither on the
1.• •V, Cleirlo. Totteadtain 1...• ••ss it sista, sit 1,1,111.1,, -Ili/ II.1 ,14i...10.:.. r."...%• 7./,../ , let exception to the rule, as they
7 • t.,..; . n in 1.eic,..tershite, and htilt , t4 1. ..t_tirts it L.,,,41 , .,. 1.1,y... 1. 44 „tidy fl :.4 4, ..,,,i,, hut
ila• 1., .•.0- Illfbe, Ila-ar ' taa tin. great ttledlellie 'bit f•a lay -efith bank. alai during a hill if) ers y '11. E_) r e s s W ell
are beth powerful and active. altar)
f• • 4,141 Jack lbeilt.fil 1-• demi; - r
, Haim his easy efutir. -ft %%111 4111 ti • 4110 \ ' I I II IIIIY 111 tt 1 -1 Vd1.• 11 tho mt -1,• • 4; /fewer, de e!ling heat ing in an lr .1 an ( amp. .g. , :itiyialilintriln,g1.14pea<fre without aullieient,
their offeiliw upon it to propmate it, fury lie i ' 1:f... heard the drs l
'e. S111210 is Wathing
•;.•.-4 ti ,a riava,alit- Hi Naarf,a1K :.2111 go , 41 alsede am/ I hate 1,,sal , .,, :, sok a t , 1 .a las • . • • timer • • oat, - • , Ante. T rier 04 re ton.41 tit arcompanyme 11. ; , iniiig!i it .
born her., iiivrriipte.1 Ilawle, ;.,..,..1( a. i ..ine all clay he's slife• to ti; it tipppar.. " .. • • ; .. • - ottiy ahlt‘ i tied. It,, made his way triune, • wits
I sp:irring f.,r the last hour. That s i., .1... it - .1 -,re pr.:, I.1 IT ; 1 {, 4 r • • • . . ; . • I. ••• '1 1114 till,/ St 411144. 1 1% ids 01(4 /.0111114.1. 1..1•W, mg lii , • •
,....,1 1.1a.,e 3011 Heat alias- : the es, st 4,f 41 fell.rw finding hull H, it.ai IA panit..*. -••• I • :a .; 4 .„.. 1.'41 11111141 nit -lined to go after
tiettert, pointers, and greyhound:,
• 4r.1 : l' • I.'''. .: . I I ;• IV ing Itearrl )(keen up on the shore and • ,•
s11et,"•141 t sou like to hear fruits:c4„ • 4,.f „it!' the µ.,„„en. pi , 1 ,1 ff t ft, i.,,,. Nil .,,,.; i.., is. 41 .
' • . • .• -• i• •• .. It ,*I grown 11,011 1141. The storm came .1 •-ft 4,
-0i tear -42 I should.-
1 had:. : piailbled with 11ande. 1 ., .., . 4 „.4, ,,,, t ! 0 .! ,-(,„11 n., , 1 0 4.)..4, than ever, and the lightn-
antes, • t should havehall a tiff 4,4114 141 1,,
. .‘111/ .1 Oa W1•1114.1 era fitiel 611Se ; •,,, 441. .\ 4 .,. Atargarct. Th,. m3te _Ii.r.,, iiiiii.„.41, b,„ i..,„
, ,it..„It I,' 4111-.1%,,r4 W•01141 , 1 , .4! ,I•• 1 4 quirt -4 at reee
ng xreise girl Vill lie.,tly . • 11
r .4 :o(f as she naked the totes- • s - p him amiable, don't you make up his mind 1,, • 'u41 r'
:••,11 t is ea; .'ked ateadfitatls into , 11,,„t, ,„ .4"
, •.• i • • ••
enot 1100 an opening it au) serf .. 4-,11 faire ion se rerporesmething la him get11)1 epeettilifrs.I'I'l. rpial lista
4 to (lo; some weak oldigatery to yon Will see 111111 Pagel 144 a 44.
1 '-'t ' 1 '111111111 111111k 1101. 1 111111 111 t111•4 I% 101141, to, preVeilt, his himself of it"
11:1 :1/, • 1% rr.
r • .4 ., lea la len . :laark(a.! 11;1,1)04 1 laa)..41 ale eit Ione' ' reefined S; r .r.d4.11.%it.riteel the baronet g's'd hum"'
ste Ileitele - t.,% 4.- a• I.Ile Il.1111..ell le,r Phillip tartly.
" 1
I ttl •••1 . Pi .11:, ' ot.e4.111 1 Ilg it ('111140 1.) Ill Illhelf 11 1141 ..M.11. 1.. my (sada., week,
'What an 'di prig it is - In . • 'i “fillt yeti will interest ,veui - •
•%Vhat row., 4,..4• let,,rtet1 t'llarlie. -flow frightfully i.,1,ill hi, behalf
I itar',.,1 . a- he r..-.. 114141 ...iiiiiieneeil ,,,.it,,,, ,,,,,,i 2,„,,,,,Tif,,,,,, th,„e 111, 11 , I 1 love written in 14,
paciii" 1 lie loom. "Hots eau I tell 1 e he hate se, eereled are III .. 44 I
1 1
ell, 1 :.II 1•1114..-1
ATI-VI4 I a P. OW IIIII•A 0411 • tea ask- yeeing ere- eh- liaten't started . 1 1-,.11141 1.
4. (,'t' him. leit, timid me. me
r t ra '4' i t ' . 1.1
W4111114". "lel le‘i. le' t'•)I "II S11(111 4411 1,4•5111 at the human ef the lad-
".1nd 11 I didn't ask tiny!" heal in his .),,titt, 1 should like WI .1. r ;mai f:.i •• taa I rai A 04mat•••4•1‘1•1
-1 Ili ' ., 0 414111 N% iiIt 141 k111111.
1.41 '41 i'll'11 1 ,,,i 11 01111111.1 1% late."
I 1 '•4 1 ;, i' '.•. 14 :al the alt •.f a 111811
eernmorily te see him undeigo Io s • rhe I', - ! 1 , al ,,iieu
Iv scre 1 f 4
44peril 1 14111 111414 . ; 1. .4 1,, , r t• 4 ' 1, ,1 • I • ti the fie t
lit 11011 . :111110 entered the (441,1'1 1#T \ ,,'.` 4 ',III,'44 ;it. 7'' a 111,4t1101411 ;
61 1 •• 4 ;1'. VA at hist 44.11 to the, in her hat end Lir., and le -r fire- I want „7144. 147ati„4#4,1• "
b.#114,a) • 1 a difficult pod/lens -eta,. ell, the sietial for n 'tall, er
• 1,,,, 47 44, at#1 1.4# k114#114 „boll? 1 1,1, 4....'1. 4- II •,11 1 '11:1 die trade fair te sheer (le lie reaffirmed ,
y_—a ene n a
ttiet all 4'%011144'%01114her it la a, not oliiy w .0114'11 _
ran .\ ,ai not rant.% a , odd not 1 on With on these is( 11()01.111 11-5 at! \ 1Z I it )1,T
IT 1, hear sone thoes mole tliall ii iiig 11, 34.
that tie. mail tit, prefes-es, T14.• ;a '. a
in al '.a.\\ •aa•at .
1" l"" I I (idled ill:
CH 1 P•11:11 1' I. exatrflitiiilii.:1111yeti.,.s,,
' Ilt esoiro. ' I keg Sir Phillip and allot& would le•ie t•.11 1114•,.• aliked the .4„
)."111 Valdes. 111' 414' I I V 1'41.•4 I thittlith- their tramp 11'.44 \"! would he likely la II:11'
did') - tall;1 • . Iti•• • 1 IMO 11 ill, I hat( 114' 1 11111' 1014141` Mt the .1 rk ''•
the stotatt iasite-11‘ \-4' .1 they hi1e.; (1111,1,,'!( batI'i('.(lSir* 11" wad b-11,1 said
ails 1 -11. 11141 14.1 1t.• .411 .•, . '1. I unfort tom 7. • , het 14 ete ae(.4#111. 'OW
11111. 7114» 11111 - , ;rallied let Cleo It, elle was ‘1• t es. lie might," admitted
I suppese.- in a twist irritalili. rind captielis 1". 1 -
lel Lou dare sou ens • Harm, eif ;Mud. Ile ma- a little l'" s snollfsr ler.. 1, Ilett
thing the kind, sit- , 1 10441 angry at Nlatitle•s concludiug re- A4 ' " ' 1 4 11.1111
111atielis eith affeeted ineligiees•ii, marks. but lie was literally 1.‘ • .1'.'1 •:"s• a -kcil t.. 'Peak
s„1,. tee 1,, it though die to, la ing uith wrath ngainst Sir -,4141 . treadle' fish
e,altain 7,, / ill...II/14.1We, as tioW till it ill v.'
\ 1 3 our paolori. Its his emit mind. The harenet had1Vliat makes you thirds se?"
1.1 eleirse seat knew t (14,n't %Litt' inteetion; lie thought a 4,14 the 111`1"ss1:0:•
mean that,- s?amini.i-cel the !tickle-, 1, wet4 treating time that it vas Ilcs811"' ""/ 1,111 1*'"
11011111111'111 .• 1 1 14l,,7144177,114'hinted the sanitise time v."1 111' "11 lb° .‘rk•-
tvritt 11141' letters like t that (I....Huy of MOH in this
fellea s de to their wites aml 1 s,..1111 ea. net altegother remoras-
heal t-
• •1 tio4 ,- days a week, ,s1,74',. -Tint:-' 17:(..11,..7(..7,..
• S.; un((' lu ilie, child that fea !mutter poecruttel Leith hest
es I sot- 1., (''gin \title all these .'ver notch uneears and assiduity
30111 1 ea» is India seetie te 4' .2 net alteauther 11 11•011'. n 1111
eomprel.ond 11,,,rottglI13 ii,, 1 as had arrit ed 01 ties c,,m.-lusien, mere -
goes mg a
ldft er; Ili- bile's eteetesed as ever. that theie ) ming iilpoh;fs Cult)
goaa e!se -4,eural le Ai alha, r fiterIlletlata 'III ill he more ,t,, ..,wthi
P14 .'5r1- (1).111 C11 1 Ill le.)..d 10, 1)ro% 41 lit t!e ilq1C`.,01111C Oita) 1 a r 1411.041 nut 11141. • • ••
• 41,1,v-,
! ing ss blinding a, he made his a i,:
Uri" through t In. timber. In an C glade the Indian camp (If about
448 stvps ‘,4-11 /ad v. b''.1 to434 ism
41,s• • • ...: 1 teul..1
ONE on fc.All. KINDS
Ily•eoW ' •n. •!.•.d Good) P/Ifftill:
v. I% far • chance 01 lflh,t.5.. 1 4.‘
3 • .1 1%, 3,10 11
11. 464 nd toe (.-#1.441# 1 ..4141,1).-110
-0%, 76
11, lot.r.son. 1,, • • •44.rz .• , 11,16.4, AI #,-.4.,4,44
4114•••••••••••=00.4111• ••••=4•••••1•Mmal••••11•M•110.•••01.,..
(Which is Your Choke ?
Sloppy, leaky wooden froni;11;;,
or clean, durable Concrete ?
Wooden (Milking troughs are about
as reliable as the weather.
They are short-lived and require re-
placing every few years—not to mention
continual patching to keep them in repair.
The best of wood cannot withstand.
for long, constant dampness and soaking.
Its tendency to rapid decay soon shows
itself in leaks and stagnant pools of
water around trough. • -'",•1
Contrast with this the durability;
cleanliness and well -ordered appearance
of Concrete.
The dampness which destroys lumber
only intensifies the strength and hardness
of Concrete.
You can impair a wooden trough with
comparatively little use; but it takes a
powerful explosive to put a Concrete water
tank out of business.
is your choice--expense-producing W4,
or money -saving Concrete?
We'd be glad to send a copy of our
book, -What the Farmer Can Do With
Concrete,"----Free—if you'll ask for it.
It tells the many uses of Concrete in plain,
simple language—tells how to make
Dipping Tanks
Fence Posts
reading Flaars
Hent' Neste
Hitching Posts
Poultry II 'uses
Root eolitrs
Shelter Walla
Well Curbs
Canada Cement Co.
Nitilsmat Hank Hoilf1;itg. Moutren1
game, bi111414egs are useless, 11(1 e4
4111141 4017)0 41.41111 10 /11(7 ehsep deg
and Airedale The latter is u.sed
emelt in Frartee, (fertnany, and Ati
-tria, while the former cannot be
'genres!, as he 1).)5144w,se., %cry aharp
-entee and will not attack eitheut
1-4 mom. its little training a sheep
d4g ean track a fresh lino of i-citt-
• 1'
„,'1 wonderful hearing. and
is 'war a :Matra.' to say he is de-
void of "tioae.”
The hest pinto% dogs, fiewever,
are rt mixture of sheep dog. Atre-
dale and retrieter, and well-train-
ed animals 4 if thiL kiI1(1 bp ob-
tained for from (bite, to five
In England efferts to induce Scot-
Iatiel Yard to try police (logs few!
+e'en unavailing. but •'while thsre'a
.Jfe !here's hope.' and we testy yet.
-"0 these animals enitibeed
in I.:twined edit the same measurer
141 suceess as thes ale abisiad.
.t1 PLIS.
Both Men and ttannen !lase Taken
F'aaey 7,, Them.
The ',wilt a• -•-taut, in 0
certain 1,../p1.4p &At •w hp 111'
made a pet of 11 UMW g....,e„ wilt '11
follow., hint ahem like 0 11,.g. 11 114 1
seettp• 1'' take the greatest mire
est 111 nits emoer,Ittain its owl et
may hate with another (101 0)11.
nori1.. one of 111. butcher
)111, .4 tee little !deck ;eel seht
low,. Anti 1.4. 1 .1 41
his 1111.1ek 11)87 %%111ft' tWiw-, 11 1114
called %Ilene
A spinster lady of Eppiog. Vie
ever, was net content t,, keep a
little pig as a pet. Nothing hut.
heavy porkers would satist's her
She had two, 'Tony and Jaek.
she allowed (Li have the run of lIie
1)0)1140 until tile atithnritie "darter
ed in the enure of health. I'ig
pets are net usiknewn In eoelelY
circles. amongst Hutt see(he) III the
elite which is eter in search of new
0(14(11 jt'* and sensatiffita. while
Fiume titne ago a well known .tmeri-
can actress toek he: sue %%ith
her during a sbcpyring excursiou in
New York.