HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-09-29, Page 81 • 2• •• 2• • 22 S• •• 2• • ♦• Z • • • • Z• • • •• ••• ♦ • o• •• 0 • 0 •• e •• • 2 • • • •• • • • ♦• • • ♦ • ♦ • ♦• • • •• •• ♦• ♦• ♦• ♦ • •• 1 • •• •• •• ♦• •• •2 •• • • 2• • •• 2 • 1 • • . •• . • • • ♦• •• ♦• J. A_ STEV\TARi2' ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • tete•• •••••••• A T'S PHONE 16 12• MILLINERY till Our show rooms are again tilled with eves ything that is new ill MILLINERY'. Y'. Mitis -tweet is in charge of this Depa rttuent and till ureters left with her will be. carefully looked after. NVe extend a cordial invitation to the Ladies of Exeter and Vicinity to Conte find see our Display. • New Clothing NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS We are showing a Targe range of the very latest styles, both in cloth and materials. Those coats are all Tailor-made• We would he pleased to have you call and see them whetheras a prospective buyer or not. Come anyway and see them. Our clothing for men and boys is now in stock. They .• er;lrrise the liewest cuts in - 1 end over coats. Ask to • -or special range of boys ,.< :Ind odd pints They will •-•aret•ise you. New Boots and Shoes New fall shoes for Men W omen and boys are opened a finer lot wo never saw. We sell "Miss Canada" shoes for women and Beresford shoes for men every pair is guaran- teed by the maker and again hacked by our own. $2.50 to $5.111 China and Crockery Nen Monet seta, Toilet seta and fancy dishes. All imported dir- , . r flora t • tteries in England thus saving Middle mans profit t\ have n.. Special values in dinner sets at $7.00 to $21 All kinds of Produce Wanted 22 2• •• • 2; • • • • • 2. 2♦'II t2l 221 ••• •2 •• ••, 22 • • •• ••• •2 22 • • 2 •• •• 22 22 •• • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• •• •• •• •• •• • • •• • •• •• •• •• •2 • • •• •• •• ♦• • • ♦• •• •• 1'; • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••♦•••••••••e'• ••••••••••••••••o•••e••••• •••••••••••••♦•••••••••••• i THE LATEST THING •• 1N CLOTH ♦ • • ♦ ♦ • I to be found at this Tailoring Establishment. • t „ 4 I ail'•i' et ate looking for one. give us a call. • • Style andFit Guaranteed. Prices Right. W. JOHNS. • • • •• `1r_r, t 1' t ,r Exeter, Ontario • •♦•••.••o. oe 1•e••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • Z • • • • • • • • • • • AYAL'S STONE ROOF COMPOUND EXPELS URIC ACID FROM THE SYSTEM A RELIABLE SPECIFIC FOR K1 UN EMS BLADDER AND LIVE F Dont Forget We Carry a corn. plete stock of reliable Pianos!! ILarger and a better assortent than we m 'P ever shown certainly a go. d remedy." 1 American 1)i.•penrntory, one 1 ghr,a .authorities in ; t medical t of StoneRnt "for Kidney' der disease*," Stone (toot ie; cipial ingredient. in Nyal's' of ('oulpoand, which retire - ie full medicinal value of the otobined scientifically'vith oth• • tried remedies. , stupe Root Cottonton(' is not ulenta1 discovery- it is the re - 1 , i expert scientific knowledge. , i re and etd 4'itt'r affections nA of alt Bran and Shorts sold Yy yield to its curative power, It five the kidneys to healthy nc- the Ton ails in 5eltioving and prevents . formation nnd [Ines for this' 1 h 1 dy twhatagrt'tl cleansingWheat taken in exchange for •,e,li,i does for the liver And Flour and Oats taken in y it- It tonkes you feel S. MARTIN & SON our & Feed All Good Kinds of FLOUR and FEED kept on HIand exchange for Oatmeal. ti OW EY, Pim B., yv Rivers 1 hrtni,t and ihuggi.•t ONTARIO, EX IiT1I H. -- ONTARIO 8 SEPTEMBER 20th 1;110 BOY LOS' Perhaps you haven't lost a boy. but ie you've lost SOMETHING; ELSE put an ad. in this paper and WE'LL HELP YOU TO FIND IT. Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets. cor- : •ct:d up to R pt. 29th. Vi heat. Standard. t'Oe. 1t trtey 45e. `•\"h"•at Standard $!c. rets 30 to 02 shorts 622 Bran 019 Model Flo•:r 62.75 Fred Flour $1.50 Il ty Cele. h:1; gi 20c Butter 20e Creamery Nutter 25c l'otatocs 50 to 60 Hoe, Liv -w••ieht. $11.60 Choice export cattt•• $6,40 to $11.50 `.Tedium export ciftle $5.75"to 6.00 Butcher's heifers $5.00 to 5.75 Cows $3.50 to 4.70 Sheep 61.7.0 1.. m b 65.90 to 61.10 ••••••••••••••N•••••••••: • • • LOCALS • •••••••• •tete••• T,-- \ •.:n,' Quante. 'lent a couple f •1,ys in AiLsa Creig la.t week. ve no. :tonne of that Model flour i had last lime. 11's al' whir. :.1r. John llobkirk. of Se ifort h. 1, t+ been engaged by \Ir. I) lt,:x-eat, I !at ktmith. '•I r. Jo.. McFarlane vane) daughter Ililda, of Calgary. visited friends in own last week. Mils'• Ida Rowe t ft on Saturday for London whet- • •h • u ill attend t he Normal school. The Times nnd Weekly Globe will be rent to new subricribera for the balance of the year for 25 cents. Mr. T. E. Handford .'hipped 1 r1r- load of horse. to th • w -at la••t Thur. day. 01r. I.. ('olent in accompanied them. Th • Cumin's rectory are about through this year'.' crop anti in the cola••• of e f w tiny. will cert.. down for the winter. The Ladies Aid th • l'awen Pres- byterian church hay • -'.0 d etak hook of choice tested reoipee and ire .,tiling theta at 35 cent', For 1h•• ',!Linc' of th• year we r•• e11add 11 to offer the Exeter fins lob tie. `Family Herald and '•Ve.•kty St ir or the• Exeter Tiniest n ! th'• W. klv \11i1 an/ Etn1i to for 25 e. nt•. 9`ik edt•,tntage of • tri' offer et otic •, Mr. and Mrs. '1\••Ihert Martin r - i irn''1 Nom•• Biturday 'after fleet Wedel.., .• tour. and 'hay • t ik •n up rtesi .•eidetic.. in 'the neatly turn - .....mot over 1)r. Ilrown'.nit's .1r•;.; :tote. It• t• ,11. flicks. of Cr'rlilou: will the s rt•ic s in the Main 1• fhn-ti-r ehnrels next Stin- e v. 1-. .' i. :'owed will conduct .3 , . , s for -Mt. (lick. Utedilum. The %urirh 11 •r ill r ,es. • imigin,• an editor haw 1. h eifie • towel stolen from t h r'.n1 - lin•. This 14 is 11 .t bet i n I i l:, ,, N• elands. of th lent 1,7 r. The any rro{te - w1)• 10 If:. , urea nK off• ire• t• well is to et oil it up ngein.t the 1 irk fence. Any editor who - •1 ;f•trd to own a clothe. bit, o ..-. • 50 be rohb, d at very oppor- teni, y..• 'sir. T .0, 8ontheott was in Lon - ton Tiiesd:it• attending Jh• marriage of hi- roue t4 We. Mime, Honlhcott. 1 iutrliter of Mr. and airs. 'Hobert f outhcott, to Mr. 'Phomas L. The ceremony w is p. rfornied by the Rev. Mr. Graham, pe•lor of the Welling- ton et reel M, 1hodist church. NI se Sour licott has visited to town on t'- -ral ncca.inax and has many fr:e ii 1 r•• who will ' x5, nil eont:r1t11011 on, Mr. Chas. M. Miner.% son of Mr. '•\'m, Min •r•, of town. who r, c lit 1)' left here for ultatoaii. 8i.rk., was joined In Winnie -g 'on Thursday fe•{,- temhrr Nth.. by, Nti,•a F,rume Ilall, of London. and they were quietly mor - .1 at a M -thod •el p' renting., by (Its 11, v. Mr. Cotton y. They left iy for their new horn • in Si-kat/Ion where itlr. Min •rs ',s do- inc :i good put=tee*s ns contractor nn•1 10,11.1. r. ('har • is held in the high -.1 .t•1...'i t•) Its ninny friends in town who w:eh the toting couple sit;eh happiness and proyierity. Ur. Chas •Harvey visited its Lon- tion last Thursday, Mr, Will Knight, of Londuti vi,it- in town Saturday awl Sunday. el r. IA 1lewat of Crediton, Nie'' Sunday with friends in town. Mr. slue. Sharks visited at h:+ home in Ilensall ':a,( Thursday, Mrs, Boy! •, of IV .0tr tIie, vial 'd her son Frank Stere last week. Miss W, Howard 'was in London Friday to hear 'Sladame Elba sing. Mr. Latae lee hick visited at bis hove in St.vim-ill last Thursday, and Friday, Mrs, Rev Fear. of Forcnt was hero Gist week visiting her daughter Mrs \\'o., llutv,•y, Quite 41 number our citizens atI(nit o t •(1 /onch 1 aiofr and r:•port a good exhibit. Waisted--Firstclnas genera s errant $21) a month. Apply Mrs, J.N. Wood 207 %Voifo street, London. Farmers and stockuien call and e . . Harvey Meir, about ,your supply of flour. r11or18 and bran. Mr and Mr'se itobt. lliggiasu of Hensel]. t•isit,•d .Mr. iliggins's moth- er bete 141.1 week. Mr, Wili J. White, of Ottawa, vis- ited his tuothet„ Mrs. J. .White, in tots n on 'Monday, Me. !ferry 11;irri•, of London. vi.i- it.••1 _\t .,'Phil .holden for a few days the 1.1•1 week, `•1, • Mars Ann (Capp and Mks. .loon Welsh are ..•xpeelerl horn., this week from the West. The Truster Board of the (Main ntret•t Methodi,t church are having their h, ds , r eiosed. 1' 1 'r e. •1 that the Anni\'cr= 'r\ •1 11 connection with '.t,o chok' e itl be held on Sunday •'ctober 23rd,. susses Mlary and (Mabel 'row, of Goderich, visited their grandparents Mr. and Mee .1. Toni, in town on taturday- Mrs ,J. Collingtt•ood and children returned to Hamilton last week ni- ter visiting for irvc•ral weeks with relatives in town. Mr. and 51r. Joseph 1111,1 r and two children. of lirooko,I 1 , lied for a few drays last tc k 33it11 Mr. Jame.. Gould, Huron me :t. . Wednesday, October 12 -Farm stock and Imrpleittent•+, the property of P. Kilgallin, Lot 3, Cor. 11, Stephen. Hale at 1 o'clock. Jas, Stably, Auct,ra lar. Voila..., our woe v: t' rinary who i': occupying A Ittmeay's old office, ha- moved into the ree:dence soeth of Connor tiros. machin^ shop 5 utiipkin. Wanted -good ripe pullet kin: wanted at the canning factory f.,,• o Well $3 .50 per ton will b' paid 1' ' them at once• -S. M. gander., y1 r. Alex Hues -ell. who h::ns b • n working with :Mr, David Rosy I1. blackmithinK. for the past res we •k . left Hat urday for his home in Loudon: M. •srs. L. Blatchford end Tho+. 5 )n. e who recently were ••n(rv:.' I tt fir h I he Bell Telephoto gar•-, hat .r 1 tottitiuna OA Phgineera in \\'I r. 1-01, \rtes.. Ida Ai met rong, ,of town, If, 1i t ;Mel/ougsll, of .Ilurondale and 51 , .'1 ('.,tarda of ':\'inehelsca left Ih.- u • k to attend the London Nor - 111 .1. • 1 have 1 ried p nomb.•r of kindsa of flour and find nothing equal to Model." If you want to know who expressed themselves thus. enquire at Harvey Bros, The lirld day of the Exeter school will b .It''d Sept. 30111. 1910 at 9,30 :t, ares hams at it be school grounds: at 1 1 151. 0t the ogricultura( utu.r 1 , A general program of ;'or t!t. Inst end of ennva•seuu i hi( ye ir a silver collection will be taken at 111'• .,tate ...tell time. Tito W. C. IT. 1'. It Id ra social .•st'''ag it. th• Cteen I'resb)t t.,n church on W. dne•tlav evening of I-+ -t ue•k in eel of t h • leimberrnen F:r.1 ,1 good erogre i of tiding'. coral an,1 555' 11 11lfl'lii *5 music wits Kiv •51 after at hich r••h••shma•nt a wee. serv- ed. A frr.-will offering 'was taken up. Sunday het w .s 'ub,ervrd a. pally 11ty ,n the :it.r,iay schools of 1h 1wo Methodist church -A in town. In both church•+ in th moor ng *p i;il *(•anon+ twere preen':'•1 to the children, wlt:l, in t afternoon stiecial rally day progi..u, t r e r- 11 I r. 1 Mit u the .L • •V lie (i. I ow 9 'it 1 ire. Q ..irk 11- 1 • -9 (!ave n•blr <s r.• Th.• foliow in•' a a, c.,;•; . '1 from th St. NI try. it tee. 'It v R. A. ('r0 -ton. 11. .\, ti i:s':: ch'rrch. 1..0,71,r -ton. at:1 fern. riy •if Crorn- .irty. in SItat for I 1 redo is, now ..1115 •I ' Hath •r." not .wiser, tic.] PT,. Imo 1. 1.1.1 •y th tf •-ru- t.itinn of a to fen Feeley, Sell, 16 The moth •r a is loon- rly. Mi,• .le in• est.• Marlin. of Exeter, d,uighter of itev. W. NIertiii. 11. 1),. now living in London," ill oeikane ut,r i , .rl ni the Einvort h 1... .i • root in toe' a. the I rill District hal•! at M ad • I• woo, we mule that (Mr. .I, 11. I.:'.ton.; n former Ext.( •r bay, who •1 .t. ter 11' early life ma's. fii s home 44111i '•1r.-. O. 11nrnwell. ere'iil• •I at the ni' t hi: ink r •.'tn•1. 4 to Vi • address of wel- come. '111 • repot t rays; ' In a few well .bees n ".,r 1. Pr. silent'. - ton reseal I .1, • xprexaing aptree a- rum 0, . 5, . ;'t n. 1e01t1 • arcor•9.(1 and voie:ng the hope that the stay of the r h I.garc� hero and the work and the inspiration of the conventidn would bear fault in bel ter time and more effect et u:il League it or k throughout the district:" One the notes of the sont•cntion r•a)-. !\1r. Luxton makes an excellent pre- siding officer. and bis reelection w as n des'rvrcI compliment. LO YBARH lieEPEI((BMCR OF AN OLi) NUMB. Mtn. Winslow's Soothing Syrup i1 the prescription of nae of the best female physicians and nuts, s In the I nited States, and has been used for fifty years with never-fllline Auccess by millianA of mothers for their children. it relieve the child from pain. curse diarrhoea, R riping in t he bowels and wind colic. Ily ,giving pea:th to the ehild. it reale the mother. Twenty-five cent!' a bottle. Church Directory ) JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev, Richard Hobbs, Pastor Sunday Publio Worship -10.30 a.tni. and 7 pan. Class Service -Sunday 0.30 a.m. and after Morning 8.•rvioe and Wednes- day night. ' ouag Mus. Clea. and astasyuutsns 6uadsy at t peas. Sunday Sohool and More Cannes t.30 {t. nb. Epworth League -Tuesday at P. p.m Prayer Meeting-Tburtsdaa• at 8 Heim. Sept. 4th -The Pastor will preach morning and eveningt Evening service at seven. • Thrcshlog Goal Save your wood by getting lit,: Coal for your threshing, You can get any quantity you want. Cement Blue Lake Brand We have the above brand of cetnent always on hand, fresh from the manu- facturers. The Blue Lake is consider- ed the best cement. A. J. GLfTWOKIHY (MRANTON, -- ONTA1.10 New Fall Suits andiOvercoats When in Town call and in.pect our stock. A gl eat many pat- terns to choose from. W. W .TAMAN ;Merchant Tailor. EXETER ONTARIO GRAND TRUNK SYs EM A ('l1AN('E TO SEE 'TIIE NOH'1'l1 C'OUN'TRY AT SMALL COST in order to give the Farmers and Residents of Ontario an Opportunity of seeing the great possiibilities of the North Country, Specal excur.ions will he run October :ird and Itis at the following low rates front:- ExI•:TEIt AND RETURN Cochrane $ 15.(1) Englehart $ 12.15 Dailey bury $ 11•1O New Liskeard $ 11.55 Propprotionate rates to other points The Tensis#aming Ifoard of Trade will show visitors the Farms etc• luirt IIS 1.15117' OCT. 15, 1910 HUNTING TiME Is drawing near. Ask nearest Grand Ti nnk Agent about the hunter • . x curnions. Hacnre tickets And full part it ill its from J. J. ti Nit; II•r, 1 .' tot Agent. 4••rHot a .4ed-111 :r me t- int of 11, coney oration of Cav n 1r.-byleriau church hi ld on Monday , s ihilt' 11 nal I ceded to {tierces • 1h• .dart• of th Min?at•r. "Rev, .4. I ' 1. r;• It I) to $1100, a rare of • " '11 Sharp c 150to Ea t r i n l -i n^ t hen tit, no. .I heart. of hi. tong, .. r ion 1.1 p'i'p t oratory an 1 I aridly to r : .4 uitiai I i t has e•t ib - I, • 1 • t 1 : on for h. rd 'cork • hich hi; 1• t .1 •n a large !nee. „t rr t'aw a'Horeb 14 to • I on It wing 4-14(11 a !,1:t) on their 1 in t . (;t their 'per CI 14 .,n I art of II nIt .I 1:.):01 o1 I • t,.ul, p! .r in I" -barn,' on Tb ., ! c '.fa 15)„01. of 113.-1 o• k. ,'.Ir. 1 ,'.,, n th victim of- •1. , no a , t I .n I ,1 :n I ist 1,11 • . n h n h . t;• ,, '•• JS •r-! 1. Ai 1 ,Itlin Tii 1,11 1 f I Itooi :0 It •r ((„1.1 '.t ht: • • 5 gas •1 .1 • ren.' 1 h n 1 • tf , -44 1 nn , i. 1 tin 4.1 \lr. It n \\'41..1414 • 111 r e .en of 1 •I, to . Mr. Tat tor- h b, 1 Ir i. t' 1. 1. it in (ell.5 4i ;•. 44• 1.. ,. r 5 1 401.• n .0 1 brad nnd 1 le 1.1,11y hi44i•' •1 :041 a it, h•• n•'18 I:n- corl-cite:• for • eel hours rift , 1 h ' nec.•l nl :.nl r•meine(1 in .'1111-(011 .1,•: r,,n'l,tion until th n l r it:, 1deceased twax boot in I 5,e, n • 't'ntt nship, •nn1li of \V,n.1, t - n I n ,, a .on of Mr. Wrn'1'.t 't t:, ill. mother .d...1 w• h it 9 n Inf int an t h•• w ,- r. 1 1,w lis i,n'Iparent )ir :11111 51r•, .In,' .tomos. About e.n v ars ago lie i:.• tnlrried to N1 . Mit Ea- rl .:1 of 11 o' ti'. Th w r'.i 1.11 '1, II•n . fill wit •n 1h.v .' too 0 and took it I14 i.1 ue on \\'iliiarn street, 11 ; ! hi 1 r ,teed n .low, Iwo song. 1 51 en 1 :, 3. at r 'p rtiveiy :.re P.', In tltn..rn rh^ loses of a kin•! •,n'I 'n• Int -I. n I and father. 9'9 1 110.1 til Nalurriny the int -.,meat 'ak- in4 ''Lire in Ex •5 •r, e• Met.•ty \lI 1'.'. or :Ind children ! ft min di:t1.•ly :efrer the funsral for 11.1e... whir they will mak- th• r (.;sure home with Mr.. Tavinr's f ith r. Mr. ('hr f ig•, Encrett. 'l'h • h•-reav•• I h'c th • 'empathy of Ih.• en!ir.• rnnin.nay. BALL IS HERE Just take a look through your fall and winter wear, and gee if you are in need of anything for the cold weather, Now is the time t• buy and get your choice before it is all picked over. Nice Rangy Dress 6000s in Greys, Browns, Greens. Reds & Navy Blues to supply you with a nice fall suit. We have a line of Flannelettes in stripes and plain, a full yar wide at the Old Price Only 12 1.2 c per yard ALL WOOL BLANKETS ranging from pair. 3.50 to 6.50 per Only a few Ladies WHITE WAISTS and UNDER SKIRTS to clear at cost. When You Meed a nice Tie for your fall suit drop in and see our new rangc of Ties for fall something New and Natty. Fine wool Sox in Grey, Brown and Green shades Something you need for fall and winter. Astoria Shoes We carry the (ASTORIA SII(* which is second t3 none price ranging from $4 to *6 Poultry Taken Alive or Dressed. Hghest prices paid or Produce. W.J. CARLING CHINA! CHINA! A large shipn'ent of Austrian, Japanese. Bavarian, Nippon and German China !UST ARRIVED and will he on sale this weak. See the Specials at 5c, B't• and 15c. 1'.;c and up to $5, It will page you first to look through our store its the values will surprise you. It's wcndetful to see bow far a little money- will go here. Bring your friends. China Shower, Wedding Gift Goods All Kind* vete low Prices. :f -piece reaSets, Sugar and Creamers., Cups and Sam ere, Cocoa Jugs, Bon Bon Dishes: Fancy Tea Puts, Pin 'trays. Hat I'in Mulder*, Jardir.eres tall rizc*1, Fein Pots, Biscuit Jars, Berry Sete, Fancy Pitchers, dozens of other articles at at•tonishing Low Prices. OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT 141 hull of the best Toilet Preparations, Talcum Powders. Soaps .Ind Per- fumery. Cold Cure, Gough ('sndy, Flavoring*, Etc., Combs. Brushes, Etc. Our Pout Pard Department is brimful of the I1er1 producti(.n*of famous Art lett And printers. School Goods -leen) end Slate Pencils. Scribblers, plain and railed 7 for 2.i cent.*. School !lags 111c, ('rayons and Paints. inks and Muci- lage. Mt,r..•n. r4 Pads tend Envelopes. Conker, ismer'%, Fruits, itc. Cat .13 , 1 • .lel. w. Ilanniu.i' Oranges i,ettlntll, Musk Melons, ('Plety Plumes N: 1 . Niece, ('igare, Pipes, Etc. Good Assortment Flower Pots. ('Drop ..totsnd. Yon toe �1'el('orne, Send the little folk, we will seers O. n I' • lr Day to ill be a big d•ty nt the ilezaar. !Windily Special l 1'r. • 1 Motet Plate free with each Ulk putchnse in our drug ela,•„ BAZAAR FREE TO YOU -MY SISTER Pais TO YOU AND EY[RY SISTER SUFFER. ONO FROM WOMEN'S AILMENT,. I am a .,roman. 1 know woolao's snRerings, baso found Ih," euro. 11 wW mail, tete of any chsto tiny my hsere'rest. Meat wilt• rill ttutructnt to to sufferer from w omen's ailments. 1 n not to (di sal Women abou0 this cure- you, my .,.tick.,, for yourself, sotort., (laughter, your mother. or tont alstcr. 1 want t0 tell you how to .,Uro your -elf at Lome without, rho help of *doctor. Men cannot understand wo (1'e ionicring.4. What wo women know from ex• parlenee n o know better Than any dos tor. I know t L.tt my home tr cattl t nt is n safe and Fa rr rofol Leucorrboraor Whitish discharge, I lcerstioa,Dls. pI.cementorF•Illn`i tttew'omb,Prefuse,Scsaty nr Pslntul Periods, l'setae nr O•erlen Tuttaotaoe (Irowth•. nl o pelns In the head, back end bowel*. beeringdeo nfeeling•• nervnu.nrss, creepingfN1. Ina up the spine. melancholy. desire to cry, kit flashes. weariness, kidney and bladder troubles where caused by weakness pecuiler to Ot;r Bel. want to se no yn,i a complete to dsv s'trestmest • `442 eatlrely free to prow," to you that )tell can curs nrwrlf at home, ea-tly,r niekly and surely. itcmember, that will cost you not meg to Rive he teen' ment n cotnpletotrial; and if you slimed wish to continue. It will co -t you onlyabout,S winotin r erowith your worker ant o V a t 11 M f r ac ion. r A wee rn the a cent flay. 1 rat a kora t t rnT 0 o np me t sat •r i t •. t rind 1 wit dahs send y how you rc t yon w i t 1 sen you loot.. dme•yournem•sndaddrest tcll) f lrcatment for your ea'.sent irely tree. InIain wrapper, by moult road. 1 wIII also send yon Ire• etsost,toybook --'•WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADmoultISER"with explanatory illustratioa,* -how Ing why woolen sufier, rind how lheyceneasily curethemselvrsathome. Every woman should Live it and learn to think for herself. Thcnwhenthodoctorsays-"Youmusthateanopente Ilion." you con decide for y(nir'elf. Thou winds of women havoeatett themselves with nlyhome remedy. itcures all, old or young. To Mothers of Daughters, 1 will explain n.intp1i hours trentment which spaMity nee effectually cure., Leucorrheas, ttrcen t(icknew and Painful or Ili alar Menstruation in Young ladle•. Plumpness and health nl ways result from 118 545(0 „'herecer you live, i can refer). 111 to ledit's of your own locality who know and will glad!, tell any sufferer that this PI owe Treat men* really tures:0i women's dl*esee.anti makes wnme• Well. strong, !lamp and robuot Just send me year addr•oe.,inel thefrco ton daya"treattuentU yours. nL•o the book. Write today• n t you wey not we this • tier.galn. Addreel • MRS. M. BUMMERS. Box ,11 • WINDSOR, ONT. Th. I,m.s attrl \V.• 1.'3 1:.ube will 1 e t• n• t i u w subset iberA for th • ' ! hllanc of :h , r:' tar zi Fats. t!" h, li: • o: .'i • ,I•• .1;: I.' .1 I,h' 1 4 ' 5 1' 1'' r 1 11 . . .I . i -t 11 1 k w '1.i!' eta 1 1•:u.: r` a - • . It , 'f t: , 'wap. 1(4• t I . Cfc S'TOR I A Fe: ;nfants and Children. fhe Kiri You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of