HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-09-29, Page 3CARTEL
1 e'TLE
r r1 s
Rack n. at .1 rr:,• • n alt Litt, trimibtatt Wet-
dr.•t t • •., ua nG'n!••( L..o ayatutu.. ach a.
It:,. • ,,,!,sew, 11,11w4,',e& , 11is1r as after
'n,:. 44:44 , . ! 11.1 1-1 t.• a.. 11•1,;lo tlu•ir must
Itr.311-141,14.1.'",:.2•••1 Lae 11.e.4 abowu tactual
►!,•4, )., • t t ,.to, • i.,c,•e rine aro
.. .. ,,a Ilse -
•1 r ,u 1be
1.,. .,f!,., I.�., ,
Anhetbey i •. r1, i i e alri•. •• prierlos..tl, thnaewh0
tuthr from .4u.h.7eto:a,; a ou,).:a7nt: bat rartti-
t ate!;, ,t.eh 10(.119 •.•lr:'i nt.t era 1rn..ar•,1 t!)oei
n .4
,oho •.cutry then, 111 tend these Iitnt• Pili! rale•
4bkoin.a,ruxnr up., 1thatt4•.7r will oat bu wit.
it vg toavc.!LWa.:, •1, !;taft,:rsltalcihca4
ihebtztt of s • ;:.•:1y 1!v••a ttlet l la tyl:e1111
woto.l,n our ten a►lw:t t.. Voir 1:,U.eu,u11 uh,!e
oth•:r do not.
Cart.•.'s Lillto Liver rill• aro very •rc•li sod
yeti 144.'y to tale. °Leet'1,:.0 villa moles. dote.
7bay aroatrlaly vel tl.hte n'ol do ant ,tripe or
pu1$1.. bat i,p the!r g^11:1,: ecti.,u pleake all to.o
,o ►bete.
Ciri r a waning a .. 11E1'.' 7:1T.
Ey V. LIZ la, ball Fria,
I ROFL$' OU KIT 1)11:s .tt',:.
11, e!s in Cage lo (:4.•l oil Speaking
1'4.•, 4.u, 4.l itll 1:ut Mat".
"" w-,:�. - - :,�y�� iq napccially use (l.l treatment for
'-_... -- -� 1Irh t1 the last. for the ou ht to
_,�.___..._.. fingermarks on a door 11•IIF S.S.LFSSaN! , Y 1; I HAD T�I�I� !!1.►a,ni� r::CD'.E" FGi�
{{ l� S hu:,c (•111>:,(,eretl That the Ulurc}rnul•
�l/��15 ftl (j �iO�)y`i�(;L Lt•�e (r 171• stain c<rl„Icd l;r:,alp can wo,kl he tislce}i u1. auc:il tut !„•,4.r,
Y bo rrmtr'.0d if at once treated with
and that the bridegroom N"11!(1 C�: dS '�'I TiO�'3
a r ,,,ii 4.t: w rmlg out in cult) water. }tut r runic tun! gone.
` 1'Itt('c the damaged I01It 1u a cicua 1\ 1'1:1(\'.1'1'111\ 11. I.{:��IIN,
- 'ire. door was shut- l ,r 4.h• -•• -
cluih (n oc(t a basil!, Poul keep
111 "t, :,
that were really this 111.: 11 scout I FOIlIS s KEJ:6L. i C' ��UAf,
on I hanging the water ill 114he 1 'aver ity and the dclil;htu ..f ti„ marl I
444••••••• ..__se
of 1 , r -it t lar intc��;t to Women 1'�!lkt.'_� till the coffee has };uue' a e fens,. It�iibif: 1','s Lax:'•Liivell' 1Pi::s
t;• rubbing brushy Should ucver K ht r !beau w! u4. re n"t
l,2' left rultking in the water even I,ei:Mot► 1. The \I ise and Foolish l ir. really it meant t lailIsi., : t ,414,1 --
T t\I \T.'. •: sr'.,•nl1 main!•'- !"1.w,•1 Thi, fur a fete minutes, its Ihir:. 1.,•.•:,•ns Kinn, Moll. 2). 1-15. Gulden 11. l.ur41 upc11 to u. -Their Prevalent atroul les rho bit nail rramvis
!1,e 1•11,114'S:uul makes then) soft. }'r\!. I,ukr 1.'. •10, 3)4(4 <t, then, is '1st m },ciiI all- snl,ject to, an 1 is oho greatest caw iti
Stuffed 'I', i:.. ala:.r. 1'.eo ,,No4 !1.:111 '1••;,•,%••,1
l :1 pi1.1e of 4..4,• houltl 1be (fa 1.1....),(.1
K' many of out ally''c„ta. K.tep the Basalt
r:: plum}) t: 1: ` , It Bre: - TWo rim (4 i'( f tented to th(1 414141. }'hero ore
off (runt t.h1 r1. ,t, 414.•1 141! t, 1nr 011 1ne-14(44 cups of f•`,,tl,utl•lun he•ht1117, II 1e :111414 till '15((1 1'er,e 1. 1;,. !, li &III 1 ng the, noun_: people who 1.411.! lit get to op�ir end you will ve y seldom be sic!.
., : *I:.!I, o';,• tnlf 4..11 k } 1 u e d ,;••w ,,,i1:i e f 1 r'. 1. fill, 9431 118111,4 : t., 1'1n-
tltr heart 41:4.3 , � ; <)r.:,I oif 1 p of .chide 1 !:::'able. Jesus heaven, Lea they ulukl '.1ry mea- crnlvrr,li,l'„ wntea:-"1 had tried manv
to dr:un.
juice and • ! , : 1 .• 1•ull, . •I1, :1 i , •'(Ipm /f Wbn. II„u r,• has u t ani -I • ,t cakili , f the ger t►1 ua•ation. fur it.
I ! K } F 1'111 II,ue Perualfesfor ('orlst{patfonand never found
tutu ulashla wiz with !heal oar I"14'11 of ..alt, 1,•ur tea- d' • - coming of the n 1f man in judg- who i. 1;1.nttinl;y'. and a"1 aper any 4.w satisfactory as your D141turn'a
fourth ..f a cupful of butter, t:,,, f baking powder, u*Ir !air LLe-i?`.1 ++ r�e[[�� (( pj r nleul. At 4.l 11 time events will liliully, a fr1 ut1 ..f the IS. i11*'roo„I; Luxor -Liver Pills,
t:,l!c'l+uluf1114 of tatlg7tr, our :11:•1 I••4. fear. 1234; out- (MLA l�I,.'lUl, 01• t l,�`j� tock(• },liar ,•ribed iii 11th pit•- tl•ill pay gladly Nll,tt ,t 1•.,,:. I•r he 111::1)v13 1('eplher�fntlrehouse a•
011(1 I cupfuls of bread (ru,1;4, ,1 after flour and hal, i titre un(I ti,4 enc following, really' to mutt 11 3)8 and n.•4. (1111(1 wv�uhlrottoon'ithalttt:0111.
and with this mixture,! 1111 the t,, . have been sifted four t c•lamur'41I t recommended theta to n neighbor
The kingdom 4..f heaven Consul g at the gate when n !t is and she is highly enthusiastic about them,
nmt.ws ; put on the tops and all tnttether, put in NI 1 t. t• ill( 1: \ f I,1 1 1,11 1 NO Its• crud both 1 as a pr. --col and a future tau lute. as her's is a verydif leult cane, and she
r11n.e in a baking pail and 4444!, ! •” :+aur !c4.• moderate
• tIc(4.(14 reullty. the t.., r ins rr urserlt lY. I know you n('t 1111 arc nut expected no good results from !tem.
n u1u<ler 1113 urea 1 L ! '.t 1.( f1:U \ t:1 ft H.'►1:l`F:. those who :uc n r tl!,.h.. 12' the ku,K- told w i t! ...r t! 1u114;h '.14 ins ub You may imagine her surprise and
forty lice minutes. nitifier,tiun when s!!e found that they
(.':.mod 443 14j a Tomatoes, I
to forty minutes. dew 415 it ill the visible LI3,:1,1 111, 4r ur whether 111c K Y
lrrt. u!14inun sized sliced lomat tilt• el:achy, chnr114 a‘1‘1141 ,.14i::, L 4131 ti„ arfor. con I;r:1!• r, ,,,!7 ry „ ntcd and opened cornptetclt, cured her,,,
1'11is is :t nice Nill Il•iillite Ilio }}1•:1111 iuirl(•rti of 11!11:111-: f: 1 membership ,14 the ! Iltihunii 1•aoa-Liver fills are ler per
}11.11 them wifuUut scalding, pat '. •, 1' •! i .'� t ! !„ •!1 ', 1:11 •': But this sulen(ra vial, or b vials for 514130, at all dealrrv, or
jars, fill the jars; Will water ",er dark breads, and international Court /►f kinr,,lonr 4.41,ieu 1 to be, in ;"'' `I '' :r,ifJ', !1411 !l1. he- /4i111>"uulile•f direct un rrce4rt of price by
place Ih. cover- on loosely. ikt, '' • •111 "•
yooll for !1444 who :unlit n • . ti!, arc all tri. i'(is iti ": i'l t" t, . u1r sit us l0 1(.•k The '1'. Aliihulrr Co., Lirritetl, 'Toronta�
I1,, rc( air'' 1„•r than '.ct•:tt At•hifralion, i.• i (, �,;,
� : :•, all <,, 111 un :► asbestos t fluor the hl :(fe)!rtt(•ul uu: ucl•er,••ful. Uat.
_i; !, 1.""Id. ; , iir- „f 1 i.i7• hon ht '1' 1, too it tamp-. 0, 3('3,1:4! •A• I. 4'4„ , ,.,-i, ; d'''l''/ the ki1114-
ut .. .,.,r 1,:111 U[ bet N'iltel'. I ! 4 fri 4444 7 t
!1!4.4 ri;•• o'.en 11nd let tht• water4rr y:1:111. .- I In t1,•• ,"nu4L ,,t 4.l,• 1,1:a11ifu1 I 1 1 ---
f:.r it , I, •l, !,�.• t :,•'tit. : 1,.I c4.1:n ti,1 Pct ucsf to be•
little '414'„, t:, 4.•,.4' 4.41'1.1.4 'I'hl• ding, iisu344 ' 41 aft.•! • • ' :uloN(,i 4.1 cutl•1, 12' litttc lv just an insi nifici.nt, l'uxleSt little
'vat( a hail. I;et theta �imluer t" :•Stir ,. 41 ..nt,r 1,44! b - l K
t"'one ..f the ,luu'1 wl ic•atul• t •t, llur)d in 4.!u gleam II:( (1 ,:r4 u:} 1.11. Nltl•IC 1 1 „i,:'•4. the )reb(rlll(d conditions U (ar►1 of a million
4.,.,1 rninut4•. 4; . , . •',r ,!r- 2',.,,,t It%••nty rtltnill . ./1441 i.. , Illie ! . n••,'r,•siun, %heti the frit .,i- ! f 6
ld it t• 1:4.0 1,411 ted unci . ,:'t !'• :: J1nea I uu- 1 ,. )) million of suns. '1'o the provincially
the ,.ten, lig!„. . , „: N:u'm a:-4u11n4n a(Iumr.44o }rive lo per- ) J
' 4444 nA, (' �::Ill,}u,otllr oh the forth to meet the hridr-'Kruurn anti ” Iniudrd it.
14. array' 111 it l'Uo1' ion I;, read .p•n1t; t'; ,y41•I I„ list ,,• hall r.tl'llt ly n4. glcl'l4(1 Ile :, lire t0 1)141\ x(:1414 :t 4415t(•x palls r.4
!' i1:,' r . , !I,•,L,r.d, `JfoO tn<•n ar• e at :Irinwpany hitn 1(r ihr hu0�r of the t1s o1 u child w1rl imu inn.; the top of
(11)11', )ay in a (l:: 1 .,1 : , ell}) Illt,lil.:-• .:';e , 1:%, ,.,! r. :,IId bride', 1'lrr'iit� 411 wC :Ire :111(1 n•t a -i we !;
I. ,'.tit 4,.•. :lurk i,u4ldul7 ter•• I .1!41, (t•,•tt1•,., 1 • 111 4.4.• (iltails arc, the till rine near los hem
irmo purr •, 1,::t loth ,., alt ;• make ourse1'. ; . ,,aro and f e r aches
which un IIS 11(11 Ill t:on 111 1'(I:: "t ('•arse, not. lapabl•: of luterpre : 1 1 P
1 I • lulttli:.c us us II., 04.4.11 4y 4.)u)• to the sky, 1)4 (y bet 11(14.1 his little
star di,... , ... I ,`!: 1•• -1 • h' - ..1 1,••, 4.l •tu',•'.1 r taflun. 'I le linmh( ,• ire E,talltllll
1 Witt bcrume. the headquarl(•r !i:.' l' .•!::,Ian brain in 4.l childish contemplation
jar.. 4'. it, •t: 4444•, this +lift with 1nternatioual Court of AtintI:1l ft 4•,r"'Mid"en1'., iStheenureulun K itis culnint;. [ tion
s,•r.;'' , t ;. :, !lour. let 441.•1, 411.1 Put into Peace „ L, r ..f 4.h•.:, K11.r wake a}r !141!1. ,.v 13. K' ate)► therefor Uur 1„41.1 of the size of moth,•4 earth. But
fur 4413'. .4.:,,i 4. ,,.t 14 fin 1 Glace of will, if ! new full u'l) font. Cllr '1 •'1.1 it •'4.' n now in ills dawn of 4.•h< tW1n-
j:a ' j, rare av:un and fSaFc elle 3414 141!.1 el•Iu<'h lntrvlr� the Jews• 1od,t.,t l'arnegil•'s dream , lit, 41 11, :II :' r,tnr but uuc '.a.4.
for Cps.• Thi:; wi,l make 4, lir one t. r 4444 t t 111 lnitlly u'.cukc n y. !hero is
toot. The I,,,ndon Ua41c 1• a uti :184.1 a eougregation. The 1'
h:. i tutu. that "e�poctalu'y 4.t„ut,i L„t,l fx,,...144,t....,1,4...11.%ti. o the land -luting 6u-
fStood[!, (:1!411}). 111p1• Il!((•, I'4.: i, 1,•l 1444!!C•5. I.::r: : 'i', 1"r Utll W)ll(I ,a'U•
peer•, f„• the future a 1(1 1 5 !nag
I } 1,414!;: :4111(1 411(11►• burn low. "lint 1,,,::. [
i.rs41 :o:ca!t,. with a damp tl�th, of all nations, and here in its lea f'--'41 . f 1!•„a.,, r'••nllers. 'ro 1
S well 1,,r yut•b ns carry ill tlregr , al! 1. a (7111', who lives
t 4.t.• cores, ant! put 4.!,.:m in nificent eutmc•il chawber the great- . 141) 1,1 a 1•:tnp 1 1.• al,,,"uncr to rho
!; ",Il” a deep spring of faith and , n 1I.(' ...older of the 1'.:o•,• River
ext iritertiational jurists will arbi 4.t”' •'4 n definite par}:,,:,• to be coin, ;Ind, "It• n the cry i, raked r'4.' 1' i' t gild he ha t,;t4.4i11d this
!rale on the quarrels of4.'•2 unlone Ow fri-•11(1 of t'hri t,
,. the 1ct•r1tl. ! ,.: „:.,:„1;1,4. :•1 • n with lata ,: -lilt) crossways, lite shwa •8, and
• Towards this happy cad the An, 4., it” 14 .•'1"'' t '' !•r„!,!•r•. , F+ '� y
, I I f, 1.1. • 1 'roll! h fled thruergh• Ne is mem
er4cau Steel kir has luulribtal II The 1:, d' 4 . not "1- t , •1 4 1. r ..f {':lrlixenent there. the untie
•LSO c►,(4u1 lit assist in the erection 1".'", ,,1. I l 4 , 4',,'1 1 1 -' .- .. ••a• — e
in t lie wise and whir •. , :. -3 710'! having but one r('pretscl►ta-
ntt(1 maintenance of the building, l ' lC 1 :1 2'e• weeks ago this :12' r.
l'►4.e U. 1(. f' \, t PFACE Ri t' l,i1 Dl.. TR:G !
"believing.- as the deed of irtt-t 4 ',4.:; ( c,u►ized an expedition
of (1/4.„h1r lbtr3, puts It that 1•.11). but ..npro%ident and cart
Recipes and other V 81u,I;)le Infortnatton
I'r"f I:. 1. Garner, 1),. !man .,110
4.4' ;4.n 'c Scc-
,•4al , _ 1, 4, tht t , ,.•(1 411
.! <, :1 444.4. 4141447 i;, the : ',lace over the 'L�:1K1:.
range Itott.•r 1'411.1.-12' all tlirecti. n4. in
tilt and poor 4.4.. , !!Seto :(i„ 4.,t thr11.
11,1 I., ., .•7• f the 7111
!•int, 1.( n it, 1 . 1' r• 11, r 1 large I re,.a,'.1 to beating told cumbt•ting of
11,1-4 4 4, . ,;.-1 1,',u'nc(! to }:aurlfitl- of tri l f
•r.• , f. 1,, t%' .. t..► ten r c1t*'r,als alt. followed, this coke
fist'. 1 . 1 ,1 trma. _
"r twcl;e 1,4!, , . :►!lots cut. Nhetl finished is simil:u• to poohO
11,11,11•...,, •. •;1 : 4„ : rinlar.. I:r.e 1l'rit oath 4.!,•1 t"ol7ttoes arc cake Ingredients; Uur-hall• col,-
'" tibio 4 ,• ..I =. :•. •! •• I,; n 1':' ha- 1 -
! 1 ti..1,1. which still t '}.c alluut two fol of butter, ono and unc-half
• Ire; then strain throng!, x cc arse i•t fill: of sugar, thrt'e eggs. inie
.•I ,4'.r. pour the liquid hall. agni' , ;1.4.:1 !9,4k, jt44ee .4 1 oe-half le -
• ' •.;” k:'tt1e, ad(1 a gall,., 1 t v•'r,l ti:. :r 4' , • • • ,! three tea
wit,. :: 1 .''1 ,.;, .1 ,, .. ,' 4.:g doter vinegar, 1:a • • ,'4.':(1. t
1:1111; 118.
!344)1. 1 1 •1 1,;. 4.444 1:11. 4'4." ' '111"•:' 414' granfnll •r' It,,: It!4
1)1 r 1).• 4•. a , a •pr( " t l,laek WTI rr. ., ., ,. ,
• r, `)c *I'll 11. 1r 4'act•. f • • . • r•I, either . .. , 1 31 .
- • a- '14 ,te(et 4, • • • r and • 111 Sift Ian • lrr41 h,,. r:t r 1,e, lit I, II. tit i !
„!u ,,1.,1 !,.,4.l..' all ,i. l
" :, :, placed n t !' 4 r• v,•1► f ,, , ' ' S•
ILO ue:1r Lake Fe lino, \ ., •Ti,.. _t• •'(1 1 • 1'. two 4;4.4. 1 ,4)••• 1, ' :r 1,11•. •. r' •'11.-1.11 41! 4.t, 1413.11, r•, p••..r r', a• 1l r'4.: :u N.0 n. _.,. ,!'i• ..(, l:lulic, or len 1 :u4. t;r111 {. reps, n' (1 rver'.thinF in
41, ..1 cake which Ins n n ,,;0, I:ir;t
t:••• i., 4 nil f light I• 1 an,) 1,:14,1'(1 'N<Ir•ranti IIIt1St *Ii . 1,:. ,-h Nae, 4(11,1 a1,' a (44)444:,:0' :!'1•r ,rho 114 .r 4.l„ r I.4. 4 1l, nave just returned.
t„ • \1'.• -1 55 hen 141- 1, 1r. ,• itr41 4 ,'r'., .' :1!'.
t•! ,• :i111 i,. 1' ! t„ .. I 11 ,:11:.. f the 1'. 1 t.:, 11 rrticc will stvrl l :1,_ '! t, .,, i. .\,4;
alt,- ., 111 the 11: ., r, [ria('•• - t4. :! .. r:• r:i,:.uul wl/•t(
4 - - 1• ' . • - 414(4 i' . •,.' ):• . ' 1 .11('11 144-') 4.N., , .� , ,5 it, 4!•411, i. ,t ,. . .I balk.,
!441:)1. , , '1 i „ '1 ,,, 911.!171 1, 4, , .. , ..r 1.: •t Thi,. •,•; 1•:...1 . .1 41.,
I. , t. 11,• '' , 1 1' • . ,• the rat-' t' . •41 rake Take 1 :1, .I
4' ..• , „ .. 4.44 1 r4!:,.'. '1 4 , ., .; 1 ) 1'•94. t', y •.. 4 4 ' • 'I 1, ,.lid pal '.'t.
1 It. :-it,d : 4.••. ., • f'1) 1 ......... , ..
1' .., . 1....: 111 a: (a! 1. o4.!, t,:1\ ! 1.1 '• 4•., 1:• .43 tl•e, 3014, .a' 41
5,., 4.4 ;i' ,.. .. , .. I1,) ( :11•• 4.t,.• Ili 1 • k,. •!, .1! ,4 • 1 ,. - 4':11:141?i 'I'o
, 1'• Ice. '}'4, , r1',•i1,1. 1,,'l- i*.' n n- ! v. ' •i •.1 :!. 'f
' -ug,,r ante
f, .•a r. • rn4, 1!.1• 1,-. 1• pl. 411.4,41•`,•,1 1 11 1, 1 ! .' • • . ' 4 .
'I14, 1.•.I' t', a, 1 ., . ' f lt•,u. !, :. ..i .x 11(1,1
1;1.•• 1 11.i,1 i4„ \i:1 . .' 4 )..• ..44 1, ,( .r • ..: . :',ft I'•..
1 , S , ( ,. •1, , ,4.l•.., !.: 1. •, i 4!•411', • 1 ,,. 1. f, oder %1111
. . 5r '•.1• t...vn4) ••f 4,!:•71)'4 ' :V) , !' ..i a •Ii' - (•4 fl,•,)'
, ••4' 4,.'.43)(1 r:(':-''1 -ilk- p,' (1114! 411 r- 1 !1114'1 1,4144 .i.,.i ...4,4 ,.11alllalt\ (1
' ., t .. • t:,(,!,•-1, ..41fi1'• ,;ro•I,•1l the til -t I•!4 141• .!t all the
,.an:1n, tate !air!( .1111,nf.(! ,t,,,,,,...; t 'ftlllc 4,.• r. f , 1 ', t,:•• rtifrl•. 4ea
'I ',Milieu. 1'11' 1r•'l' .. 4 11(111 4I't1 ).l. '• I.,.; '
4.',•r. 144!4 cup au• t. 1,414 4up 1,1 114'41 "WI I!' "•! 1'.11-'1.- ;.41' tine .
<•:.!11', ono ,111•2'111 t 411• 4111. I'b. !. 1.1::urh*'d ::431.4.044 • ..' 4'.. t„ , .,f r
1411)44t"Its 1111.4(il•r•ill. l'':( 1,1: ,, 411:•1 1,1!1.4'1' 1111(111'V :11 14 11 4.4 !.
1 Id N0;e1 and Mill;; to .4 ., I 1'1.1141 lily 114,1(.. 42':,. . „3.• r
14.4') 411:4.,.1 At;:''1 cot. r •• ' : ' 4 table, 4.n') 4-upful• . f ,..:, .3,.4'.4
4.4 ;Our. 14. ir:'' 1'. .. .e:' Id a „ 4,,.r . -(4!'44r. Hui; I,ut14•1 it .,7'.4.: :,I
'J'4.'•14 fah,. t"lmat(u••, ,.4 tight a*I41 4,c.11ny. 1h:1• .4.44...1
r:" 1`. . 1. : Lgai• :1'. • 4 ' .,, _1 "•1/ e: 141!1.. 1}rrer• , :1(.1111- . 1 '1,1•.IIt
1-' k o44 ' 11. .1(!d (((i(4.. .11 _.:i while 1! 1411. 1lig: 4c.. 4.', 1,.: ,
:14 .1 .4.'1. •'-.1 let con:'' to a 1. 11. fu!-, of bak,1IL r1.11,i'- ' (4,4-. •., n :)''
2':'4. „t \': , jat'a. iit'. r( -*it:.' t•xtta.f .,f peach anti a 2'.•w •I,,.,,-
1u.:i.4' 1•• . - .:111 • • 41. r than '•f 4 acl:tl 3 ' 4 r'..-.•. .if1 4.14.1 41.
11:1111• .t 'I!1 , • .. 'Al 4 !. thl'4• ' ter'(4'• It. 44.1'/ In rn•'l r:t,-
(:I(.(111 'I'. • . 1' "lit'!' 11,4• .14d41 wit t.. r,2' 01411(, last I
t'lua144.:' 11 • 1, _ ' 4-• , 1e an,1 2'w•, 141..1 VIII/,( ,Jll( ii'' • 4 1 ,
')rink). :tits Pall \I 1 :14,,,, , . .1 1 .• , . 1,4, 4i,.,) [,41.,.,4-!.•• ,
ire r''Pt 0,4•rniu1 (haat lit„ Mimi- •1• r' 1 1, o4.f . f , , • 4444' ,
!i O t"1.4114111.- awl in lilting the )11444 with t)'' 4, 1••..:1; al ,i
1 . .4i.l, ,•,'.el' r4( 143 Airy '.11111 :, holt 111111 .1 14,--:..,1. 1,' t dnkl
.. ,''3 1a 11•,' • h.'••, 11,4•14 a 'Timn1, cool of; .4..i . 41, t: 3,• 1, r,
1,,( 1f lemon 44 *'''' 1111(1 sugar. 44111 you 4•,.4 .• I••-4 t.. • �t It.- 'a .. • 31,14,
' Iyer, 1iu,- sing in the •art'• on 4, !, • 3 11., ...Et'. Ile N,tl, (',.at
' •look 111 oil ". ;11, there 7 Peace Itleer magazine
country by
the ( tahllshrncnt n( 4.t Permanent „11 yn,4"Ill• :,II It•,14. i ►nw.'••. 1 1\!1 I:I (;1)1.1!(:\ Sl \sIlf\:•nand magazine %Pit-
• . !!' Ir, 1 c - ('ollrl. 1f Arl,itratu'n by the trl.,ty
r, liuch of , 1 ,n the !:f,• :1„ ! V. •, i • + 1 •r• }, spent nearly twenty
! 1 11f .I11,y' Ito. IWt. It: the 1\l4. I I:!!I'( �1: �'L(;1.1111l;'4. •t tvunlrr. paddling,
11 , ( bu1u r, �1(INT )'l'(4)4((5 T STI•:1' ((.J+' N I
14., . , I. :sit into ,1 4.10 ;14.•, ,, — •'ting and tracking ra-
.1 then l I► • Leonard D. \ ' -
• : t' in the oven, investi-
:1:4'11 '' , fo(v lit (4 "4 a w. 14(24.51.!. faun:at:itar 4 t „'tic,•
auci 1. "tograp,ing rivers,
Inr414er, 4..1.1. • ! • 1 ,(.l' (t that 11,.• 4.11."•. 4 77, k :t , 1.',-• , f
• di , pr. s„ 47 and heifer -skul-
l! 11'11'. 1. roti• 1 11••11 /f 11 1!, •„ f •1 ,rui(1:t 1, - , 4 t:. 4. , ter•' . 4'. ..4th a pori, is a fel-
14- 1I,.,r-. a•,! stir 4.'•r. ^I •• It .+_ 12'Ilul, I err .,•,1 ,,, „444,.,'::1. 4444. t•., •''11 you 111 etn'.er-
1.;1:•.1:, . f 114,. .4!. n '111,1! ••• . 11141 41 • .:1, , a r,•c 1-110.:. I•t�,,,.• 1 - -,,,,,11 „ ,; ! 14. is 411 sic
• . 11 ! t'.,'. • • f 1', at 1 in. •!., ,n , t ! . 4 •413_ 2, 1 l i,4.•- •' ,t( it' Ili. I ll,ht.I , t. • r• while Old Ido; 4,.,1.
1,.:411' 4 ., . . . , . .: 1 . •, ra b"4, .. 1 ",4 •a 11 a ('ity hditor f•
... ,1i, 1'(', hath : 1• , .4,. ',11.1 auto '
1 41 144 the I)ut14: . en• v, 4143.1 !tate 1,1. :, r'.'1. . 4 • ..ng it in print.
tin,' j glut 1 1
t; : 1 r ,t , 4. . • f t':,' 411111. ' •1 to < (If 11.. 1:. +'- • • r •, i.• 11t 1 . ''.t - .ill.. .4 1 , . 1,
-e men ...toy, "It • a
1 , • !, 4,. '.ca• %144 haft no 11 t :7 t ! ,11 •.. 1 irl,•t'itd (,f )ten,' .
.. .,) r: , •44 9'llr
v:1,14 to, ,.,4 .:r t' . ,,•l: • r t •-u 1 , •• Iii JUFhlt 1'•• ,.7'
t• - • • r I - 14 Thr 4.tlr,). 4134( },r. I .,i1y !„ I1' ;u .rl 1,,. (" from the 1,;•,,,•1 ,'
4.1 it L,1 INI. rot 1, w! ,t. (+ . rlbt 11114 ••t • ,.• 1 .. C: • ,•1'} 111.,,•, ),t i.:" I., .r. '1
I. I ..'i ..1!: .' :1 t • - wr 1!'I .l •1 ' 1,• (4 with e 1, t •u 1, ! 1 , 1 drlrl ht fir, j ,,.
(, . .I. 1 • .. of i1aal 4.•10, 3, - 1 • - 'I'1 t , • .,' ... N. ,4.,t h ,! ., , • f 4141 rt: !. .
r• 4 : • r. 1.11• • 1 Tl,e plans pr., "o,` a 188811t '',1 ! 4.1,• . 1':4) " 4.4, '(!,I ! , 1 4.143•t' :.:::Iii'''t:18!..
' !:111.1 !,4131 h t: •1 4 .
r a 14th:ti:r4 • ,•4 11fit1. and +111,,1 4o 1.e r. .:: r, . ttIt 1i! 4;..4 .1 MI tuba' f+re'
�1• •r. 11 •i1 1. f Irfll, 11'1.1.}, 4!..141 t',• 1.1(44- (. !, ,I .r 3• I 44 i.-11 1!':1! N. 1!• •1 "„ '1!'14. •( 7l eoet.:•• 12' 414 ,111
•.I. iia! 1•', 1. 4.1141' 1;211111 •1 for that t' . 1!: , 1: 111,4 ,:: :1! 3.r'fn 1•!, , ,, 4.11,1 .• •411', 312. 2'(34 1'• :!11'1 thirsts. plea-
. t .r.4 t ir. 2' v p ea -
4 I • ! . ei :1 ' , 1•. , :147111.11,►! 1f i'1 nourished t.•. 4.l • Si .. 11. c • iblr ur.t•I ben 1,• -14.
:1• fir ! 1:
1 t 4..• ••1•1 l:••1.., of ha!I' w 111 he ll(1.t for 4.0 , r, , , ,t• ,I .4 ! I ! 1 �1, ,;I:,pr . ti,. I.
• loan pat( of t4,• i .,,,• I+.th. .14) that 41,•• fume.• •' •,4,. „:. • ., 41%, ...4t trry (.alt o1. !3r .1 • ,rt ti'nc when the 1'1.7(.”
'1141 11.•• r 'i', ' 4 !It r.inlr is at, :, '1'11 1,, ,J• '_ t„ , •.., 1 ! ' :4,' P. 14,• i;, 4 r 11.•:41(q. it 1441- 14.. • 1 hest knot,n in
„ ,• ir"11 In • AI 4-''' 1 t 1..r ti 4'41 ',I a r :4• 111 tt,lvtvvl, 7111,4 i',. • .. 4.n• 9 (':111 o1 the world r
1' !4:11,1 11 ail o•
!.• ,t magniti(-nt- 1, • I.e.. .)!, :Ming 'I'1(' oar' li'.4'(! • • 11,(' N.•u';• • . rs runl'e( col 4...V1'.12
'('. it
1,1, i:! ben h/tr rhnld
• !. ...7 het '14!' 1' , 1 1 . it ,t tower thea h 11i', 4.'1,11'( 1•:.45 114: 1.1.'"1:11 1 N- r•(1 \',', 43
K!1141! 411,4 "stn ,. .,• ue; ..f (,ulli. tion ttr110.`, hitt l;ohden
I t • a 1,1,4.,- . - :n t.. t T. ,• an 1,4.4:r • 4.t•: • t, 1 , .• I 1:141 to -'.(r'' 1)11'.11:4, of .'• 4.14141 band similar'' 1,.t' int ❑. Ie-- tl:t• heavenr nuwat4h-
'•n:41 41 •..4.r,► , e1 "1!ur• !t,, where` Xau.141 ln'1cd him ,A 3, ,'I (, 1••, the e)11•5 of a hand4ul
-1, i„•1 i, 111:, .'1i . 714..41 ' ,11 --r . , .I 4', ;I, v..• 1 a::(1 ! through I', 111e 1r,)/1 -t, north, ..,. ' 7 • . 4:11(1 at few thullsa11(1
• !,,_4t Ti r.I . ,.4111' un e,:, t . It n,: •.11, and in the i *hull. itch1% 4a'.agt• Lawlor '•44)434 1':•'• .0 t','! %oo<I(•rful country.
fa „• t4,r,•1. 1y 1!:.r 1.,. .,.•,,,:1 ,ala''1 mer 4041 "11,1. 4,• 1 of the 354)141.•' ,,,,,)„10,,•41'1'- and wane,: and
I,11'(t~IN4; 1: \1 1.1'1:11'. ',4414 •, _ • •, t' h'u4.en veal!- the frt•r.•1 411•'u!lt•lin peak. in Ti - I' (• t., '.N - II1s 4.1=t tht'
,.,I,, t t •4 . (•-. •, • 13,,, 111• 1• ,- '".;,r ' •,I.I,' for *'realllr•'ti • 1111. No "n•' dreamed . 4 g.,1t1e:, 4. • •.i ' 14 141 ce:.r•'1lt' a 1t.uut!ht
!..4' a' . , .4 '•, l.'4,,„, :`
, nw
, h :1 • .• ...r.' to k1' I, 1.111 relit:- -,it.hLt(
:e. .11l:1(11t! I'4.4•..i.•. pr',f11'-•' 4'4 1:-” '.,e! loose' !and w 4.1
!thin •
1 4444 , , ( 74 ,1•. 1,1.• alway • at 9,71:11 pre••.nrr ;n'.eg01ato'u. •,:(1 :1 !,•.iti , !:r. '144!1• a tiro' 12' till soh-areile, but
,1 ,:ti, 1)!114 r• look upon the fi;:in, a: the neo• •)a1c qu441(13 4,:, 1 1,:1 ;t !lith a elimat1. that i. a perpetual
4.:1 .. ., :,I 14... •1. n ' t.• , tialii4(•alt,n,4 the Pelt..(• na 1:41111, I, "'•e • 44.'1*14114flit 114,14(•011 arm ,, -11 ,, r, :Ili delight In the spring and 'nllnnle r,
-,•..'1 1 •r,,,4 i1:, 441-e rent. 1nnfi,le iter' in 4 4 ) ll11:1• ;,,f which i141 l'ra,'( di,,, r (44,11 art . 1,:•1. lacks the severity of countries,
• , 4.4,• 4.4•.t. 1,1. ,• , 1,r 1 , 4 4.1,/ 4 1444 :.1) Ne 1 (Io i• t.• wait, ::r.(1.• ::r; ),(J.4, of, equally its far north. in other part,:
i'• • : .- ink.:, 14 I:4. 1' 4'• 4:: „ r,,,, ,f all is in a(lnes-. i! is 11111 ' 1:1 f••1ty 111 fifty mile, north of 1 o the '1rld, in the wintertime.
, . .Ilion I, . n - )1411 the •':11' 4-• . ' f t1,. l.••!..11 i- .t 1-.11't,,•uton :old the donate 1. 'tire) t -- .-,----'--..
a '.a-: uulp
21'•!71,11. •111,111x, 11,1(1 1411E < 1••1nt Th• ;,t !,. 1 flour ,.t 1.40';':'
t'v (4(4 4'',4. 111- to that of 4 Iii'n:.toll It• r 't Mains on white flannel are (lard
1^'� �1e�(' Tri sir) l,ln,•t• nrl t,•lr ,rn•t. ! q - -- :,1 ;' r the 11(,01, 14. tt,r .\drin �•. At nit(llul I t 171 • r, 1,1'1'11 1.• 44114. •real, but it 1 to rrnwte. The best way 4.m lit oris
i..,11• .•;71 Fl�rr LN !' .:111 a' :Istel` I':1. :i- 4.l , Jl I 1'211 �1:� 11r'li Ili lt.�i) }'.1, ,.I!. t (' :11: ,! :I r,•1 11ti• 11 1 f• 1 1 - 4 t t{ t t' • r !11 :1:..1r! lily ''(tial parts of the yolks of egg.. and
' \\ ' pe111,An. tili.,1) 11, ( r •N'•'. 1 r ',4. ,. 1 1 we8f h.': It
1. !'toots '1114t11111, t -I t!Iv• a .,1 ' 1111. '•!4 ,,, „ ' 444(4 4. r ill• NItl1 ;.lr th0 r •'411!','' '.i''1 . I 4, .. ,t!, ti'At of 111, 1!ltrerillr, apply it to 1118 stains.
! 1 1•rI ): 1! 141,rnt I.2' ti
3:411311 :thine 4.t 111,,' 14:1,"1' ► 171,4,1 1,1;1,11 .,(,!, ,,•, ! < ,, t •I. '1 r ,1r•, (!H'(1 4.l t.• ' '1,!1.••1` •41, :11:41 allow it t4'
1 g , 4 • 1 r, 1111,„.1 u' • tier (.4 11 1 1 g soak for half an
!1,r • :,,I.•.! :11 ,0!41 4.•.I:.l•. :lett •o,4..
1' 11,. I• ion.: !,,:'•
.. • • ,.: rl l fl (! )' !;4-,
t I nhd , , • f hoar 1 n
(II. 'i lir .1 II t'. 144. 4.e , 7111 r'i::1 74. ,, .',4.7,, ., 1, 1 r T SI, left,rr t•hr aTt it l` IS
(34.1'11 .1 11 1e , t1111:1.4;1:i1111„ wished.
, 4 In►, !� 1 I I ' H 4.•I. 1111;1.1 fault 114 . t , ( (: 441`4 ,,4�,1 lir •,11 '_ ,( + 1!1(•!1 1 , n.,•
r r �. # j Q 4 4444. Y 741E • Itlh � •,
ti 1 1 t rl 1' a• rQJEE 2'°1 1 .,p -(„1'. :n 4.1 1,1. 11 4!..1'1 4 \!1:'I : I •)!, 3' 4 n' ' • 1 mature, n,• 4' ..1! I t, 9'4., In l{.c (,I,4. !t„w. ry !1343 w'4 rr
1�:.� �} f•j �i ��;5 ,% li li 1'..111. fall, .II 111 141'1'. lilt nllijll %1111'14 I.e,•
11 ..,••ej kJ t Ili/ 4Iii Visit S.1 I th(re 1 1 a
, t 4.t
l: t } 3!444 _,41 li,.acl. 4.'1,• ra.t \1'11.'., 1:I 14.,4 ,1. 11••.4 ,„ t1,., l„:141114g %411 I.u:t• fol p„ 1•nlatl• a sae !• • en •• lack ih1 . 1 , : n, in 5• : •tllntnlr ( h
For t, r•,r;n- lake 144 .t ;14 l4i(1 a' r, ;,..„‘..(;11,,,•,,,,.,......,,,,.
!,,•I n ,1, r,, 11,, 4 '"1.4. : 4131! ).. 4',r•3,1a) 1,whet, palar,• 1' 114.:4.1,4,...,.4. • ,70•., :J1! .44.,' !,1( iv • . , IA 1111. in I11* ..,1, . - 4. I, , , v. 4'• I1. 1.4,•41 •f I1ni-
Fc ,,:e� S 444 4, 4. n Yogi's w ...at. , ,,,: .:4;4‘4.4(.4.40'411,;
, j ,t('r((1 r t 11 1 . • . , flowr'rs over
4. f', I:.II (ort 11 t. nu`ct 1 r y .ars , 1
} 1 111!! 1 1 714. 4! �,+4 t•,, 11,4 11,:4, 1.4 I e•• ,2' t.4.. 1!11 ,Ilg};, a 4.:4 .1 linr,:u (1• • ,111 . art)1, .i .1I•.I.Ihat ti,e• t•r„p' ate ,•4 '.,4,1•- ,1: .n that :4.0 ), :al ,Mut guile
Tf)k .l' \' il':<Y, r' 4 •
• 4' r "4 wax • .:•17 14. wit,„ r it, lend !..; 4..n 4 ' '
• f • 1 1:.r. f ,{ ”: i u' o,,, I. 4.4 •Irn11!c• .f. 1'orNant ;,11 „ 1110.4r tool r i;"In tet" 1:.•41 K yirtd 143407,• .tad .. da r, p, t ! /! I, 4!11 "lin line .0
X14 . .. i.( .1 1 motel t:(1 1,4: s,II,14. , 1i , :1 a .101. 11 1114 r1 41 C. '
7 ESC. , 1, : „0,411 of -9118. an•• I.." 4ea t a. r, ', (r met 2'r 1 1111 in 1 ro,nrrc ,1 rr ,4 .1..1 1., 1414 , country 4r► an It rrc• • n4.' 4.1 1. 1 11,11'. 41, :.•,II
r u,l• n,al 4.h . a little ll linin ,i V. 1 , ' 1 ,1- 111 toe ,,rlfasi.•n. Anil 111'•, ! :'I ..r, 1 • t , v 1 , 1!. ;17( 114. 1 !Ley w12I 4..,-k
i• n . . .••4.' 411 41(,,11 all tool •. ,: .4: - 1 41 •-11'111. %411 Ilton 414.1 ' eu'w�r..tw••....•... .„...._-..•.., jnrt nlut uI'i
4.!r t '•• W4,•ox••r„ 4. .1 ,:,1,1", 4' ', t Elle'.. 111 Il.. ' 1 ! -,•..w- end Lot 11411 4141 It • L• :1 12'. 2'U •I )u•4. 11 1, , r ., ,, , .. .. 'r'
1 u ►ltl1•:n he4)utlini,5 I 1 ..wwv
f �+{'(�f {ry� Q t r���a ' b4.• t:,-,l1('ful . 1411 1 _0 4 e •'t, a ' ompartiality .
I , ,.� f • 1.. s•• ., , ,•',1,. \• 1 lett r•ilt :, kn,f!' ,• .• 1:7714 ih.n:t n11f4 a clean 1 !•4th iU11�Ced t/n, l HBfat � G' \1. Pro' -.1.1 n• . t. few 711 4..•
ma ilU• -•4.1,' :11..1 11, 1.11 fl 11,( r ,,• I 1.1112red ! 1111rt11t1 I)1'JI}+ (' .. :Ile
:i 1\(•1 .r:.a- •' K ;'4 1 ,r, the •.putt, /It!, them ;Len , ':„, , • ,
a+ 1I• 'a:Ll" 1. ,., It ,. I' I;:, ! 4.1 •fl•• to:•day ��� FACE ��eu NECK 4:'C:�:�
i , are. sad filo •! }r1, ./•4.1,. ' u1r- In tl1 ell.,, •. ; !I t. it!. a rlr.lu • ham, ' !ratio r. and R (� `'f�Q jr ,7j!�}r^ ; ,
/ , .•1 •'!1 ,.. 91 149'1!:. •'r 4• Pont* 1!.• lamer 411(1 1.111. l' "1' . 1:1 •14th.•.• .t•1i1'S f :n 711! a11d �Yrr a�Jl{ys$ far six 1 4.j {^,4.l J ,, 1! t • ,. , 4.,r. ., 41!:4 1 44' . II"'le . .•7,•' 1, 124- • y
• 1:1• 1 ! t P I'• ,1 . ' „ ! ' l: 4•, 4.:1 r„ COVERED WITH PIMPLES
4.4 ,IRi1. I' i ,• to 1'4 u( • r4'al.^.t• n ,, 11.:!4,1 a Int t•1r a :he y1!k*LostAlitj d*'nt r I 4.l.
err. Desireg, t i t , I. ! 4. 1.
` ); 1'!.: r."1. p',:! Let rl-• 44,4.1 hake 'P o, w ill r 4444 , cg •4.•.l 1!1•I el 1154, ,4 , .1.11 ,1,.v To L/1•• 4 1 14.• 1 ru";,I 1 1 4.l,'• ;111.1, '1 ) ; i'3:,1',::, 1 1',; rr c1I11SC(I .
f WAS fiI4IA[,LY CURED of 1 4.: i
t , 4.4!1 l' •J 'I'll,• 414'11141. ., r'i 1 516 :,\, 111:11 1 . 1' :11 1•., r, -1'" ', •• ;n
t. , , •' ,• • , T kept 1. . , 11' N 1! If t. •1' II• t` .1 OF MiLT 4.1 T.Y 7fIF.,, , „ y too t,. r . a •,• •< 11711 471 a lt�er •4',.. ' e w ►N are ti slid i f t! ..n
a11r, n' n iron on 4 U!filar• ,. or11
RiY'3 NEARi AND mol ',u1, : i :r, , 41,1 't ! t •' g'- ,1
1 ' i :, l v • ,r :. h root. t )iP.VI: P41.t t, I. a I)nu ul ,tin h11,••••• ..1.( 11 4.h. 11,1 } so% I , i ,l1, t6r ,r,l of the t
: n . I f 4.'1.• '.4.n , •4.• 4.:4 , ., t ' t h1 n ,• '• ud t, lial!i tat,< 1 111 4144
I , 1' Alt. 1 rp,;r 1acr.P, ., . orrl. y(.. „nnn)n, r',nul(1 1• !'l.. 1'714 1111111;1 -r :
I o III '144 3) 714 e t •, 110 r , 1 :<' ,icer ('( rlr� 4 ! I •. ,' I. t'• ,'1 !litter. 1. . t ••1 : r
). I .' sot rix tear?, •,t lraa, 1 ,antro•, fro ,.! 'd'hrre w. ! n"4. 1•r 1•I 11.01 419' 81,9' t'1i 141.14411 rl 11, . ,• ,r„•,• : vea.v, n 1 : J '(,�
... (84•(4 (3,141:. 4.1:11- 411111 1: ''I',...: 111.344 p.t`t• well. 1!4'•11 4•drt fro(1'•1•:tr(i hrrl`011•np)a %'hir•i, i ..,i< 1 • and yon --III 14431 (lay 411 III:NI 4 :(1' ,-t:1 11 i 1:! ,,,1li(1 •1 4.,,1•'. 'i
l••a.}'•)un .144.4, '1 , .111. - 11')141, ,111 ".r 11111,,►n19IL<trflM2'onrrr,a•„!Stento I -rl„ 1', '
1 ! !144'4 :!1 t •ate snore than enough for 7.” n:1rr3., :11,(1 i it 1
i• . 1 ' nful malt, one on the t. 1 . and '0' will t),'y 4.141 "11'44'11 1 foand n,'..('!2' !n thiscnn, ition I i ..4.c. 9 !. , b1
,•, 7 ,••1 di-.ol'.e,1 cc.,1h"ardl. K 12' toms f And, rt 11► if h( 5111'1114, ante in 11;111.,. err 111,•11 Solo u•i•,:
and r" t, %vtr.• ( lrAi; ton n41(nrine
ihr ,'„ a }ler li!,cd for m0 Loi Pitts(.: 1 4 Noutl! Lr unabl: fl 1lmmnuirfl((1 cnpnti• n. 111 „,:,')oot I• a t, ,
( , t : r Oat /n '.calm. 7111(1 fat I. 4. i41*')zr1) from pi4k'ir' .its if is. n or holo' -4.1:11*'r •`t- ' ' ' 4.-1:•I,1u41, f' 1:1.
,;;t It to another, i'.:Its 111:111 11111.1 111(I 4,11. oUf ,1 lonely )
,•4, lay I t' f: ped
4 1 „1 t, I•, a t11ur to tnal;r shirk :1 1!•''fu! a(1•litiun t/ tonrty •tllinga. . c nin1; 1 w', rr:.(iin� Ihr rtter
for billy -elf 1'1,' }„ r,unal exp! ri- t ^xiatvn c. :,not 411 uul. ..f the time G,t1 '.•_ t! ,••4 with Orr; \ (c,• 2''. • ( • •oral a::rn r,.l •! ••4 I .et r 11D1• : w hell � x, 1 a iv .r r 1 rr; ke
• :i.. 5, •1 , , Tors 4...1 .,,i„ . 1 1 Q The '. 441 14,11' from walnuts greatly when 1 *1141 your x•14.1 40 eat it UL's 8((1 •.;)''r' 4'2' (-hint ', ware e 1s . 4)15, for the lush 451)) el'!411 n1 10:1e` 4)naht - u1.I 11 , .. '1'. L:pt' nttr!i, *ue
1 I!, ,. •. , • n,lr% !i ••4- 4i,' ' 1,'.1: it thoroughly int 1110 Impends Ila=hex and stews that 1314' next rtay 11 cot to the ,Iniggi,t ant; 41, ,.e w•ho are w*iIing to pay the for a rr..7.I4nt it will not 4 ,un. 1 could '•1 ;,4, •: . •t i 4!3414311 Ir!I^f I
• 1: •:.r3 , •7!,::•,•r ' ; "• ire, r 33x4(!!(• : ()fie cupful from nlixec1 pi1k1(•s Inn be 1141(10(1 to
procured a sato and vnre that time r.:: }Pier, ant) 12' 4441 %14111}I when 1b• 4 ,'u .t Ire! 4.h''.:-'!' •' !': •!, • i. ('(4(1 1:)Itrla
1,: '- 443 a .1. one -Ira)( cupful int- pickle,1 n)a(440)44 and 1 rri:ig crr'.0 sn ryrtent Lata htea in L•ricct )/1- 11'hi!e they went ntfny' to hay !3411, 111 1', S. otr-h, [:u 41pr;:4, ' •
".•411 deci•i• ' • • , 4111^.
\\.• Ig.,, -, In tpful c,.rnnu al. scald-
candle dolls ill n jar nater 1.1 i i• if that men pal off, fill at 44.4 and lfrirs,n.a ''. 4447 "After 1 rrfk! Ras d(hr 'Rm
tic es.rrr/d, gcr,ltrm0n, that ! N!,I
1!11:. - t ,!•„- '1 Ut 1 4,41 bulling '.tater, Inc rutting off any Iilaekr11r.1 wi''k, nod occur L4' without Mi)hutll"t If4':1tt Er„i ':" ! .' + f ., r, 4 Ill•UI 11 11'1.4111 .4444) l'„11:,1!!•111 1” 1 1'',. 4.41 "'rl P, c0 I v(:•
R Il It. 1' '
ers , t,r•!,r' 1 1• • , 4 4 1 'Ili of salt, tw1 fen co; vi wif11 tarpcnlims. tut Ilireo 1lietve ['Ills for t!•rt gate Int• Sift:Mb to 't. !'1• Icing that ill• 1' ran do do Pelee (lltr r di,trilt n1,(: i:.1,•. 1 +,: w L;lvc 1
1.441:' r Ile. 4.,'»4,' ,1 . 1 , ,,, mt)!a'•ree, line (})4,41154. s 4,4411' 4)11(1 n•e a- • NHI(41 R'n:k :'4!d !N4(,:4.'t• •1 ' t .)I ally II)ulllt•et : hole' 4.9 4.
mp mother, who Is nu 110 torr y• n by the 4.c r• :Ir,l r1 . ! 2'1 w Cil
.t'! 4 i,1=, r::. ' 1"14:3 , .,-.t , ••1 1.41-.L •. anti 4.11(1,1811 ill re polish. The best ,‘,ax 'trunk Ci11:014 :,11.4 of whin!) 1 ata 1,r 4'n''. :,t, 1rl1(•, tad 1.4.1nee8 41x1 14arnitlg se71(1. 12' .l, ,a -. ,),•.•p., *Ilii .. ' ''' 1444 'i all 4+•7 ..4•41
2'I ' . .i,i. .'4''11„7,;•' .4, .- .1. , 11..., . 441,:h' :1 Stiff Ilan till prove excellent and 11,11",11,<'al. ii11e[,11!4.'• , • 1, 4111(1 (ell• 411(11:)1 1.11111 it, (; of 1111"-4.,414.• ill .1 y1.1r ""•1” •4.r ' t 'tl,t :1441
C.:._ 2'••7 I`,li :1,:., ttIll 4.'('a=('• Pons „ 1ilblJtll f i.larf an<I �Ette ['413! trP , 1 1 ft.o, 7,;• ' '..12'.:
( . 44 4 4 i , 1`4. ik
R t I For cleaning light paint rub well 11ritl4'urluni hal i i•. not. 1 nal 1l•. ,t. •.f 1 ! , 111) t
t q t! fine, SOc p^r 444. yr .' snare for , r,,,, at :,i! i I t N Irl
'4. • I.:•' (• rt.aunt:xtun•r1 vv!}• !4 411,41 ••• ',o' n '...;,1 1441! info 417 nor "3111 a damp cl„ 1 (!1 ),rd inti � enol •.: •.: 4 t *'trra' 4144.,.
J P 11 dt+nlrtrl or ni•ilr,1 din rt r:, rrr(i t .• Igo to Ihr Ln 111 fur•lnunitc, 1;,: ,,.
?It,• '1 \;i4'.' -'1 CO,. I.i:rfted, "iorooto, f'•1 0.11 111:1•"!1'•: fern turn (town oat.menl. Wipe with a dam), cloth. I Nhiel th1r1' lir, leen not 1:e tin(' writ) nn! Iii • t1i, 141, i•.• • ! ,1 : ,
1 ! stile lr 'i he T. Alilburn ('o l.iutitr, 1 ( (
G m. 4,.4.1 :I."..,. fire 2'w' a :I, 14. (44(44) and leave kr and, 1ast1)'1 4,14(1 a dry. (Irl to This 1'4:0nty, (Tato 1' Eitel' ! 4(1)10. 'I he c li,e at r. fool- 1 ill the world. .1 ft.. t all IL•: *'.:, ill ,u j t:•. - 1 .. 4..• , t,...
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:111 4. : r N.',•. t,r1•:u h :.
' • '311.!. --,MA. Ile.. 1111(11*,:' :,rt• to
1.1..11. .14. '1 1 ,1'(' 11,i./- 7111' (till 114
111111, + Lal((. '111 ,•hlll•Q- 8111,011114
-•1' •oat•! ..Irl 4,''.--44'•« 4 le.. 11rf1r1•
' "t 4•'. ,tile slat thing like clean.
1 !! .8. . , ;t, hr r'.. ;,2••rl 11y s!4'rpi:,r
41ai'•' ,4••11141{:11 in "titer ill
,• 141.'1, ,• -:z'-:'i (::11'k,'t Ir( salt 4
! t: 14,.,4 '1161. ,alt bring, 5I'
.e ,( 4,4:33.41!t
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;1,4. urn