HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-09-22, Page 8'l' .ti h, 6 X !j 1 L R 'L' 1 Dd 6 S SEPTEMBER •2•'ud lit10
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Our show tot
usarea•RinYllei withh
evrt othin
that tt r
s new
in MILLENARY. Miss4weet ie in charge f
this Department
and all orders left with her will be carefully looked after. We
extend a r tial invitation to the Ladies of Exeter and Vicinity
to Cone and see our Display.
Nei* Clothing
\Ve • re showing a huge range et
the very latest styles. both in cloth
and all materials. These coats are all
'tailor-made We would be pleased to
have you call and see theta whether as
a prospective buyer or not. Como
anyway and see theta.
Our clothing for men and I
Lops is now in stock. They
enntrise ell the newest cuts ;n
suits and over coag Ask to
see our special range of boys
suits and odd pantsThey will '
,n!•rise you.
New B oots and
Neth fall shoes for New
Women and boys are opened
a finer lot we never saw. We
sell "Miss Canada" shoes for
women and Beresford shoes
for men every pair is garunt-
eed by the maker and again
backed by our own $2.50 to
China and Crockery
New Dinner sets, Toilet sets and fancy dishes. All imported dir-
ect from patterns in England thus saying Middle loans profit
\Ve have some Special values in dinner sets at $1.00 to $21
All Kinds of Produce Wanted
J_ A_ S'T-NTTAR'2'
• •
•.Oo..0••00000•40(•0•••410•♦• •...........••••••••••••1'•
♦ •
• ! \ , 't .t YS to be found at this Tailoring Establishment.
• f f. •. ('I 't a "lailnr;nnd are looking for one, give ns a call.
Stylc andFit Guaranteed. Prices Right.
Merchant Tanta--- Exeter, Ontario
♦ •
•••••••••O.0 J•••••••••••• ••............•0••••••••••
We write you these few lines to let
you know that you can end all you
baking trouble if you will
"We know this because so many good
housekeepers say our their hakes bet-
ter and goes farther than ally other
brand they have tried. We shall be
gl;d1 to have you order a sack and feel
sure you will thank tie for the suggest-
ion after you ha e tried our flour.
(1st a sack of
'Dont Forget
Mom. and compete tar our special at
the Fair.
Manufactored by
Harvey Bros.
1(r tele
1 "I' "1' 111!
Larger and a better a-sertment than
we have ever show!).
Mr. Time. Oki, of London, spent
fair day in town.
Mrs. l; Iloward, of London. visit•
ed in town this week,
Miss \Vesttand, of \\ pouting, is
visiting Miss ilyndnian.
Mr. herb Axt was in Neafnrth on
Hector Heywood, of London,
visited at his home here this week,
Mr. John Elliot, of Vancouver, 11.
(`., ib visiting Ills mother, Mrs. 8, V.
Nru. W. Thomas and daughter,
Lillie, of London, visited at the home
of Mr. .1. Grigg, Sunday.
Mr. John Sonthcolt. who has been
visiting in London, was in town Mon-
day and Tuesday on his way to Grand
ts• rt Weed It'I I;,•iiall°1' . 1010 Mr. Henry • Harlon, of Albion
t• ,. with ihr other ingredients Mich„ is yisitireg his brother, Mr. Thos.
•• I s The brat porous plasters.
Hereon. It to 3.K year.. ago since Mr.
n, I. t'artrr'. S. W. & Il. I1aekieh' Itartnn left here and he is now think -
Fleet is the beet in the market.. of returning to locate.
Pee: 25 cent(... r ---
Perhsps You haven't lost OY,
out If youa'b
've lost SOMETHING
ELSE put an ad. in this piper and
Market lteport.-'The following ill
the report of Exeter markets. oor-
• ' to b•pt•'mber 22tele 1910.
', t:• .it, Standard, e0c.
Berke- 45c.
Gets. 32 and 33e.
`shorts *22
Bran Al9
rens 65 to 70e.
Model Flour 52;85
Feed Flour $1.50
Ilay eel0.
Eggs, ICir.
!' :tter, 19 cents.
t'ieemery butter 25e
!•„tatoes 50 to 60
!! • t:veweieht. $8.60
('buss• export cattle * -'6.15
Good export cattle 15.65 to Se.00
Medium export cattle.'$5.65 to $5.80
Choice butcher's cattle 85.60 to 5.80
Good butcher's (tittle $5.60 to 5 80
Cows `1.00 to 65.50
Lamb x.',5.00
Mb' ft'l50 to 11.00
•••♦•••• .•00000•
100 plat • ....' vote on local option
in January.
Mrs. Saylor. of Stenet. is vis it hie
with relatives in town.
Mr. Peter Gardner, of Illy! lie.
was in town this week.
.lire. Robert. Alexander is visiting
her sister, Mrs. -Choi. Kernick.
• Rev. Ilimphrey Graham. of
L. e !,rn, was the guest of Mrs John
�'• r • for a couple of days this week.
W. Ralkw•ill, Sr. has returned
li i(ti r sh••nding the past week
it• ; recon.
• Sarah Clement of New York
City accompained by h••r s'st •r, Mria
Winer. tient a f• w day. in London,
List week.
ti•tut Lay ( pt, 21th, Auction sale
wood erre ine and tunny at:tkine out-
fits on Ann street Ex ter at 1 o'-
clock .1 (i Stnai!acombe, prop. 11.
14 1'hillip'-t Anet.
V. t•. It. Birks, of London. tete
., appointed president of the Len-
der' conference of the 'Methodist
Church in the place of Rev. It. Mil' -
r, deceaseds
c. F: A Fear, former pastor of
the Main titre t Methodist chureh,hak
been tran-f'rred from Myth to
Fore., owing In the d ••ash of flee
Rev. It 1lillyar 1.
She Arthur (', Waring. of Lucas. a
former clerk in the store of J •s .t;
May, esteem \%ednesday September
Slyt united in marriage to .Mise learesa
RiulclilTe, daughter of Mrs 8. itadc•IiITo
of Blanchard.
Don't forget the entertainment in
11K Main street Methodist church on
Prieek Sept. 23rd when the pastor
e ill r hew 150 lime light view•rpcom
ie rent irnAnlel. patriotic Bible
,erica rind illustrated songs and
hymn.. adtuiseion 10 and 15c. Pro-
gram at 8 o'clock.
Alia. D. Crittenden; of Myth, vis;l' Church Directory
ueain tM
tun 'TFee: day.
Alt•. (leu, Palmer, of London, spent
the forepart of the week in town.
\Vented 1 itstcl.ass general atv vent.
$2(1 a meet h. Apply Mt's, .I. N. ‘Vaud
‘Visile street, 1.,,ndun,
711rs. W. W. Taman returned
11ud,ty afitvr• visiting in 'Toronto and
elr. '1'. 1l. Phillipa, of Avl mete
visited bibpare•Pts, Al r. and Mr s. 11,
M. Phillips iu town lust week.
Millinery openings were lin Id its
town on Salina at'', Monday and Tues-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. lfiesett anti
daughter levet*, of Loudon, spent
Tuesday witlSir►r iu town.
Mr. 11. smith.. who showed several
of his t4horthorn cattle at (he Lon-
don fair last week. was nucceeafte
in winning three first prizes4, on••
thin 1 prize and a champion ribbon.
A Harvest Home Featival will be
held October 2nd and 3rd iu the James
street Methodist church. Tea served
frost (i to R ci cltt.k after which an ex
rellent ltrogtatn of speeches, vocal and
instrumental urhIsie will he rendered.
The Truetees of the Janes street
51°010dirt, church on 'Thursday night.
Tact petered a very hearty vote of
of (hanks to the unknown donor of a
lovely Individual Communion Service,
also to Mr. '1'. to Hobbs. of London,
for presenting a beautiful hall window
for the James street parsonage.
Rev. Jasper `Wilson, died at Leam-
ington on Wednesday of last week
fol!.,wing a --t rake of paralysis on
t1. . r;•vion :riday. The funeral
• was h ' 1 at Leamington on
I': ! ai noon and on
!lay II; t .,dy was taken to
1 lion, • ! thence to the little
... .•i 11•, :i v where interment
: • It '•1, \\-icon who was its
th :1ttX11. •,.ar was a roan very
yti - : te • 1 end loved by n11 who
knew Mut. 11e has held many pro-
minent positions in the church and
was at one time president of the Lon-
don Conference.. Ile was born in
Woodhouse Township, County of Nor-
folk in 1851 and was ordained ire 1879
Ile is survived by his wife, two sons
•end three daughters. Rev. !Mr. Wil-
son was at one time pastor of the.
•Main street Methodist church in
town and since that time has been
stationed at liingsvillee litrathroy,
Goderich, Ridgetown. Leamington and
Ilevp..l r. Mrs. Wilson is at present
its a very sick condition.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
Mac.. in the ,Main street Method.st
church on \\'cdnesclay tnorning, B. is -
(ember 21st. at 8 o'clock when Mire
Ali 'M .iloward, daughter of Mrsc
.Iloward, became the bride of
\'.. ! c t :Martin. The ceremony was
•1 by the new. E. G. Powell
eres.•nee of the immediate
- and friends of the contract-
e.- ter tles. The bride; was given
.‘ t y h. r brother-in-law. Mr. Ed.
I• n end eels married in her tray-
.- . :et of navy blue diagonal
th picture hat to match:
r•e unetttended. After con -
ens Mr. and Mrs. Martin
r; t h • 8.15 train for Toronto and
1 (.lac,-. Th. bride was the re-
rit of many useful and beauti-
t wedding presents and during the
-t few days hal been honored on
ferent occasions by her many
Ing lady friends who hold her in
h: highest esteem. Wib is an Exeter
t •,v of the firin of S. Martin & Son and
rye popular among the young peo-
f town. ten their return they
, ; Ake up their residence over
!t, I:rowning's drug store. Their
• friends Join with the Timcs in
,ng th.rn a happy and prosper-
tet- ttcdit d Its
hlesaers. Walter Connor aid Luther
i'enhed'. returned Saturday after a
very successful demonstration with
the air cooled "Priemier" gasoline en•
gine at the London Fair. In the gaso-
line engine exhibit the "Prettier" wits
the centre of attraction, et of the
engines exhibited Tieing water cooled
engines. The Connor engine way ex-
amined by gas engine men and they
said it had every thing (scat in an
air cooled engine Their two horse
power engine wan exhibited sawing
wood and one fernier told them they
were working it tan haul. Ile had ie
seven horse power engine lint his
would not do what theirs war doing.
The e•xhihit was a good :ultertise-
meat for Exeter and the tnanufecturee
should he enrournged l.y the town.
This was tie• only exhibit c f anything
manufac•tnted in our town at the
Western hair and the boys did not fail
to stake note that it was merle
here as they had it on a large banner
in front of their exhibit. and because
of phis on different. occasions they
were asked "Where is Exeter;'' The
boys also had their engines exhibited
at the I:xetea fc.ir. Air cooled engines
are way ahead of the water cooled
engines, and we are having cne of the
best lines ntaniil,n toted In fur town
by wide awake nnchinists rind the
town should help them as they have
already had good offers to locate in
other places.
Mr. E•nest Crossley Hunter, son of
Evan.... ist .1. E. flouter, preached In
the ata n Street Methodist church on
Sundae morning last ,and addressed a
meeting for yotng lien in the same
church in the afternoon. In the morn-
ing the church was crowded and Mr.
Hunter preached an excellent sermon.
in the nRernoen a large number of
young nen were present. included in
which was Mr, J. (1. .tone's Young
Men's Bible clava from Junes street
who attended in a body. Not only
were the young nen pt•esettt hu1, also
a number of the older ones who wish•
ed to find out for themselves if the
son could take the place of his father
and all returned the sane verdict that
if he continued as he had begun, tide
would soon he nccotnplished. Mr.
Hunter is a young mon of ex-
ceptional promise w hese heat t is
in his work. His address was a
straight talk to the;yotutg sten when
he impressed the importance of actUVP
('tw•istinn work. It was Roll of inspire
ation and those who Merril hire were
delighted with hie remarks. Mr. 11.
O. Motttcot1 sattg a sett,. Me, 11,
}lick. Foreceeta-A regular Storm
Period. extending from the 20 to
the 26th. will most likely take up
intesify nn1 prolong the deiturbane,li
originating at 'the reaehionary im-
mediate!! preceding, Thin whole per-
iod of vast probabitilirs may bring
nothing out of the ordinary. and
no one sane ehoutd lost hit head
in anticipation of rlr.nger; at the
fume time, %%leo btud••nte of these
force iste, nnd the principes upon
which they ore tined, ore not go-
ing to be caught unawares by wild
equinoetial dorms. Watch all in-
dications and warning on sea, land
and Iake.I
7,0 YEA If# 1:Xl'Ei{IEWOE OF A'i
01.11 NI ItSE.
Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
11'ins;oa Syrup 15
the prerar•ription the brat
female ehy`isi:itis and nitro. s in the
(-sited Staten, and his b'en used for
fifty years with never-ftilin,t euceesa
by ra;ll;.lira at mother. for their
Steers presided at the organ. Mr," children. It relitsea the child from
Bunter left to take part in the I pain, cures dinrrhnea, griping in
evening service at Perk hill, where Ile i the towels Fred wind colic. By giving
and Mr. ('roseley are conductingevan• b.alth to Ibe child. it rests the
Relistic meetings. mother. Twenty-five cents to bottle.
of oa• of
Sunday Public Worship -10.30 semi,
and 7 pen.
CIi.s Servih•-Sunday 0.30 a.m. and
after Morning 8,•rvioe and Wednea-
e ty. night.
Young deco'• Diss. mud aatasbuntteas
Sunday at 1 p.m -
Sunday Sebool and Alble Dlaenc•a l.10
Epworth League -Tuesday at P. p.m
Prayer Meeting-Tburedaa int 8 vel.
Sept. 4th -The Pastor wi11 preach
morning and evenings Evening
service at seven.
Threshing 60d1
Save your wood by getting our foal
for your threshing, You can get any
quantity you want.
Blue Lake Brand
\Ve have the ;thrive brand' of cement
always nn hand, fresh from the menu-.
lecturers. The Blue Lake is consider- I
ed the best content.
Just take a look through your fat( and winter wear, and sec if you
are in need of anything for the cold weather, Now is the time to
buy and get your choice before it is all picked over.
e Dress Gootls
in Greys, Browns, Greens, Reds & Navy Blues to supply you with
a nice fall suit.
We have a line of Flannelettes in stripes and plain, a full yard
wide at the
Old Price Only 12 I=2 c per yard
ALI, WOOL BLANKETS ranging from
-- ONTAhiO
Spokane. Wash.
Nelson, B. C.
Vancouver 13. C.
Victoria B. C.
\Vestntinster, B. C•
Seattle, Wash.
Tacoma, Wash.
Portland, Ore.
Sept. 15 to Oct. 13 alt.
San lerancis,('all,
Los AngeleC Ca.
San Diego. al,
Me-: len Cit v, Mex.
Cct. lat. to 1, th.
Secnre tickets and full infnrutation
J. J. 1C NIGHT, 1117'• Depot Agent.
3.50 to 6.50
to dear at cost.
When You Beed a nice Tie for your fall suit drop in and see our
new range of Ties for fall something New and Natty.
Fine wool Sox in Grey, Brown and Green shades Something you
need for fall and winter.
Astoria Shoes
We carry the (ASTORIA SHOE which is second t3 none price
ranging from $4 to $6
Poultry Taken Alive or Dressed.
Hghest pri ces paid or Produce.
Fall Suits -_
and Overcoats
When visiting our Fair
next week (10 not fail to
call and i1L pect our
s tock. A peat many pat-
terns to choose from.
A 1 •rge shipment of Austrian, Japanese. Bavarian, Nippon and German
China Jt'ST ARRIVED and will be on sale this weak. See the Specials at
Sc. 10c and ISc, 25e and up to $5, It will pay you first to look through our
store am the values will surpri':r you. it's wcnderfnl to ace how far ;a little
tuoney will go (tete. Tiring your friends.
China Shower, Wedding Gift Goods
All K iuds vet v low Prices. 3 -piece lea Sets, Sugar and ('reamers, Cups
and Maucere, Cocoa ,lugs. Bon Bon Dishes; Fancy Tea Tote, I'in Trays, Hat
Pin Holders, Jardineres (all size.), fern Pots, Biscuit Jars, Berry Sete, Fan",
Pitchers, dozens of other articles at astonishing Low Prices.
W. W .TAMAN i Is fall of the hest'1'reilet I'teparntlon., Talcum Powders. Soaps and Per -
Tailor, Our Post Carl Department is brimful of the best productions of fatnous
()SIAM() 'artiste and printers, School Goods -Lead and Slate Pencils, Scrihblets, plain
and ruled 7 for :3 cents, School Bags iOc, ('rayons and Paint.. inks and Muni-
------- Inge, Stationery fads and Envelopes.
Miss Melton of Lend on visited
mother on Tuesday.
Iter Confectioner, Fruits, Etc,
Mr. W. Bowman. of London was in
town Monday and Tuesday.
Mr, 8 Willey. of Edmonton is visit-
ing with relatives in town.
Rev. and Mrs. Hobbs visited a few
diva (his week in Toronto.
Mr. Harry Howson of the Molson's
hank branch at Clinton has been tran•
fered to the coast,
Miss Thema Welsh. of London
is visiting her father, Mr. John \Velsb
of London road.
Dr Quackenbush has installed tel-
ephones in his nflice and residence
the number will he 3114 and ash.
Mr. Hairy Parente, of London,
spent the forepart of the week at his
home )fere.
Miss i.aura Hobbs returned home
Monday evening after spending the
past few months at Essex
Mee, Geo. Anders in returned hone
Seturtlay evening after a week's visit
with her daughter in Itarrishurg.
/Mr. and Mrs. lienee .and child re-
turned to Buffalo Monday after visit-
ing with relatives in town.
Mr. i.loyd Godwin, of Parkhill,
visited Mr. T. E. 11 .ndford a few days
this week.
Mr. tV. M. Cole has fixed tip one of
his windows very attractively, He
t• o n e
•11 form f several
r telin
has t
mud turtles. They are arlvertieing they, were working. gave way parttc-
the Retell remedies each turtle hay• ;patine their to the gr d. Mr. 11.
ing one letter of the word "RexalI' '1asylot received a compound ft acture
They have attracted the attention of of his left leg het ween the knee and
et large number.
The ?Iain gtr••1 Methodist choir
.fere very pleasantly entertained at
the home of Mr. 1).A. itrt's on Mon-
• t• evening. Th' occeinn was to hid
fit ewe!! to on, 0f ifs es1retne:l kid condition. 1 h other gentlemen
members (Mise Mit- • Wows rd). hh' eecslaed serious in.jnrv, Mr Krlaake
cess made the ,'sips. nt of s hand- receiving is sprained ankle and a scalp
some silver hake dish. fern bowl wound, white Mr. 'i'reibnet received
runt case by the members rt' of the• choir ankh•. Much sympathy is
and friends. A dainty lunsh^on weir felt for Mr, T.tvlor. Mr T*s-h r sal•
served after which all took ids in Mill at {•reTe•tt.
an ofd -fashioned spy'ling rnetotk.
('ands, Chocolates. Bananas, Oranges Lemons, Musk Melons, celery
Plums, Etc., Tobacco, Cigars, Pipet', etc. (food Assortment Flower Pots,
('otne in and look aroutnd. You are \Vcicome. Send the little folk, we will
serve them well. Fair Day will hese legibly at the Bazaar. Saturday Special
--1 Pretty Bread and littler Plate free with each 50c purchase in our drug
Mr. Al. Moore, of I,•utdon, .{ .•nt
Tuesday in town.
Mr. itoy Leathern, spent Fair Day!
(firs Ida 13awden, of Luray, ;- vis,t
ing in town.
Mrs. \Vnt. Welsh visited in Londe I
this week.
Mr. Chas, Baines, of Granton called I
on friends in town this week,
Mr.:tlf Taylor spent Sunday in lien.
Mr, \Vin. Fletcher hag returned
from hit two month's trip to the west
looking hale and hearty. Ile hne a
good opinion of the \Vest, but a bet-
ter one of Ontario.
A serious accident took place on
Monday on the farm of Mr. Ben \Vit•
71h concession of t'shorne,
when Mes'ers Hy, Taylor, .1. Treibner
nnd Geo. Kerslake were engaged its
plaelerisg a Rile. 'fhey were about 30
feet tip when the scaffold on which
the hip, the bone protruding through
the flesh. Hie left wrist was broken
and he ens also rut nnd bruised about
the face, requiting *lichee in several
places. He teas timeneeious for AM,
PTA' butt,(1 still it et present its R et it-
Use the best FLOUR
if von expect the hest results, T2
make sure .•f getting it, always �I
tisk tor toe hat Flour
The. Warne
SI AWN for the best purest
and cleanest It„ur milled. The first
bread, cake or pastry you make from
it will cottv'nce you on that point.
H. Coo':, Sons & Co.
'•lottday .4ept. 16th. M:ot ioa stile
rel eine( r:,iptemnets and house holds
furniture on Lot 3. exm.•'+.ion , 1.
8.ephen at one o'clock sharp. Peale
lively n1 reserve. Richer•l dieks.
proprietor; Jas. Stanley. aitstioneer