HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-09-22, Page 1SOMETHING NEN ! SOON GOOD! For All who Talk or Sing ZGNOLE TROKEYS (For the Throat.) COLE'S DRUG STORE leter.4 Am, t•J, „ : � :. 'iii , ;► , ,� Huron & Middlesex Gazette SRIYE 1MITR COMFORT CARBO MAGNETIC RAZOR Guaranttetl-30 Days Trial THY ONE AT OUR EXPENSE rnIRTY-SI•:virNTII YEAR—No 1927 ♦♦••••♦••UNN•♦NNN1•N.♦NNNN►♦♦NN♦♦♦• • •♦•••••••••♦••••••••'s1••••• •N♦•••••••••••M•• JONES & MAY'S Phone No. 32. Big Display of Fall and Winter Goods The fall Trade is in full swing now and wo have 'undo prepar- ations for a Nothing fhummer I ter of a business, 1\othing has been left out of our Big Stock, We aro all complete in every departwentf or the biggest season we have ever had. Comm AND SICK T1ttt NEM' (mops, No TFtoLSLB ONLY A PLEASE/RV TO 81iOW Tit4:m. New Poll Dress Goods Our counters are filled up with the very best Dress Goods we have ever shown. All the New Fabrics in the latest shades. It will be to your benefit to see and study our styles. New Waisting Something In this line for everybody. Fancy silks Fancy and Stripped Delaines and French Flannels are shown in abundance, New Winter Coats 1''or Ladies hisses and cnildren \Ve are showing some very smart coats for this season. The very best that nt•a•y can buy in the new Military. Shaul and coat collar styles. Ilave a try on one. SWo00er SWeolef COOTS 1Ve made no mistake in stocking heavy in Ladies Sweater coats They are all the go for style and comfort all colors to choose from. Our Fall M1I1Jnrij Sflo1ng It is now open for the E=+rly Buyer The styles are simply stunning for this season. in no other season hsve we showed a more beautiful range of lovely hats The latest New York and Paris Creations are shown here in the prettiest tones of the season. Every Lady must see our new hats. House Furnishings for Fall The Fall House cleaning is about hero and you will need some- thing new for your home. Here are some of the New (foods just to hand. New Hoorn Mugs '• Carpets Liiioleuros New Lace Curtains New Roller Blinds " Tapestry " " Curtain Poles " Madras " " Oilcloths Jones & May Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EXETER, ONT, CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER :22nd 1910. LFF ;.1115 kE WW1) AT DOMEEXETER FALL FAIR Let roc be tf loved at hoot., and 111 not care. If alt unnoticed by the world 1 1 r°a ra Gate Receipt are Above Let little ones but room about my chair. Last Years. And smile because once more 1 am at home. The lixeter Fair was hold on Mon- a`• t. •t matters it to rue that great risen pa's me by. 'rlt,1 no ones walls to hear wbat.1 would say f ' :.: my loved eines smile. whcii I ant nigh, ' were oil the grounds with refresh - Unnoticed and uncheercd 1'1l go meats ant d do my way.busine.;s. A all sociis Kscentearoutoindo una gothde grounds was well {{patronized. Let me t. loved at horn -,That's In the Crystal Palace there were ail I ask. Many good exhibits. There was a 1 would not barter that for gold beautiful exhibit of rut Mowers in•lud- nor fame : ed in which was a large display of 1 are content to do some simpl.s.talsk, Gladioli by Mr J. (1. lvtanbury. A i do not wt -h the world 10 know notable fei'ure in this building was my name. the shortage .,f fruit, especially apples, 1 do not seek applausfrom t hu out- owing to the very pocr crop. There i idea was at good exhibit of fine arts. some Nor w•nnt my name a 1,) -word, Lir of the daawinfCs and paintings being and near :excellent work. In the ladies depart - If but my loved °nt's loot: at '1'. with anent there were many choice pieces pride, of fancy work, useful and ornamental. 1 am coolest. t ho+:gh no one a hen An excellent display was Blade by the may cheer school, showing some of the work of Let me be loved at home. Vora lett tiro st'hohrrs. There twere drawings. painting.•, writing and fancy things trade by little tote, all of twitch did tho scholars credit, The roots this year were excellent the turnips and nlangolds being excep- tionally large. In live stock the quality that is pro- duced in this section is the frineet to be seen anywhere and there wore some excellent animals on exhibition. One horse exhihit.,r made the remark that "One has to have a pretty good horse to stand a show in this corner." The Lucknow Pipers furnished nnt- aic throughout the day and added much to the occasion. A moving picture show was held in the Town Hall in the evening and was well patronized. Horses Ileavy Draught.—Brood marc as- companied by foal, It. Birch : foal, 11. Ilirch; ,1 year old J. Scott, Geo. Moir 2 year old* \V. Brock, W. Dinnen, B. Esst•ry : t••am. J. Scott. 1 _tear old, A. Buchanan, J. Homey,K, Elvers, Agricultural—Brood marc accom- panied by foal, it. I). dell. R. Coop•'rt i fool. It D Heil, R. Cooper, Jl E.r .sery : two year old. J. Morton. Thos. )larri-. it. Cooper: one year old. N. Raters & Sun: E. Troyer; t. nm. J. 11-rney, F. Ellerington. R. Sadler. day and Tuesday last the attendance being touch larger than last year. The wt•atber was all that could he de- sired arid front all around the people flocked in to see the fair. Many tents ♦ 1 me stay. My wife and babies happy round • • me kit(`• : •• 1f but they wilt mourn when 1 • • have passed away. ♦: That will be honor great enough • ♦ for Inc. ••What though to heights of fame 1 may not climb. •• And few sten know that I base been on earths ::1If loved at. home, I've nobly spent •♦ ! my tme. m 1 I'Il count y services on of itt I horwrt,tvorth. • ZS itEXETER COUNCIL ♦ Z 1 • 1 i • • .z i•� A meeting of the Council was held in the Town (fall on Friday, Sept. 16th, all the inemixrs being present The minutes of tit, last regu st meeting was rend and approved, J'cr Levett—Balkwill that 'the act- ion taken at the special fneetbag of the council, held Saturday, slept. 10th, in regards to serving a notice to the road commit• aner, Mr. W. J Bisset that his servic wouldtd not be required after one ui,nth from the 14th. inst be approved of. Au ammcndmcnt was mad•' la Coul1 eillor lfcaman seconded by ttValper that Mr. Bissett be warn: d that if uenerat 1 farpuae—Brood mare 'ae- services were not more satisfactory ,,nipartied by foot, firs. A. Hicks. W. to the council that he be given( one :-tephen.son; foal A. E. Andrew, .1. month's notice of dism:tat• `.ley ; 3 yea, old. J. Flannery, S. Sar - The itecve declared in favor of the ora•, Jarrott .2 year. Flannery, motion made by Councillor Levett, a mantras. 't e'f tt F trader t l'erllcaman—Levett that the bond as offer. '1 by air. liohier in regar•t to work performed in building the apron blow the dam be accepted and that the account for balance doe on labor and constructing the same a- mounting to $138.25 be paid.—carried Th.. statement of Thos. 31. Cultont accounts for the laying of water lu;,ins ant extra work p:•rformed, as given by lent engineer as rend and on motion of Il(aman Seconded, by Leve11, tbat 'lr. Cullon, ) . paid $575.25 and that Mr. Cullon be notified that th ! road b:d has not been put back into as good con- dition as he found 1.t and also that, his attention be called to a leakage in the hydrant situated at Jon, Raw•- ►moi a�♦ ,�,......•.,,t• .�.•w..,• ♦ft•y .•`' %.: i, T --•'H "i=Iiif t ail +==i' t' ! '' ` i (iso::, :=i%�I..i1►' den corner end that the balance of �•� ; •1- •! account will be paid on receivinghis 1r ii i ' ';'• '" I b ! for ttitesaf.ty of pipe ,lac.•cl 'i • tri th criver. t • = A STORE THAT KEEPS =• fmllnttilt: iecnnnt= wt.r.. read •• Liu3' G000 FURNITURE + `i i- _ Ought to be a (food Place to go to when there is For Bir+its to he bought. '1'IiAT SEEMS REASONABLE DOESN'T IT? SO IT 18. We have confidence enough in our Stock to unhesitating- ly invite YOU to give it a Critical Examination. We know that we offer you the pick of the Finest Furniture produced in this Country. NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS And the beauty of it ill that you aro no,. asked to pay inure here for undoubted Values than goods, Not as flood sotuetitnes cost at other places. That's the Thought that we twould like to have Remembered. We Sell the STANDARD Sewing Machine. The Standard Rotary the finest Sewing ,\Machitic Produced. Jas , BeYerir1 i•RAIrtN(a i;Nt,liltT.tKEtt ANI) Ft' V}:R.tI. Dint•;( roil EsXF?TF_tt. OI�iT, �/ ajr j••••••••••2 ! ! : iota, insurance Town Hall, 13.50 : i:. 1. .Seldon bailor- du • cement VII' i walks, 813.15: Queen City Oil Co., bar. .. S>'- J n g:i-oC;n•e 1, 12: David 'Russells Ip 11•teksmithing supplies, a0.'0: "Jai. t:-. 1, .•nen, bincksrnithing supplies, 11,25 !i':r I !, . ilirinoll. labor and dr.nring �.i i 1 1 i 1 1 1 _.: 1 1 •t 1 • i It t«..... :; a . av (•N,:=.1T1et 1 �!,• i..1. .+tui ii{iiif{ tinH{ia1 • eta iiiiii,ii(iiiisiiti11' • :r� arm Flour & Feed All Good Kinds of FLOUR and FEED kept on !land Bran and Shorts the Ton. 11A1 111•: P(ASvIL'LE Some medical authorities ear that it is possible for a person to suf- fer from Rheumatism without having Uric Acid in the blood. Rut we never heard it stated that a person could have Uric Acid in the blood and be free from !th••'arn:1- (4km. uric Acid develops when the 1:id- neys, Bladder and Liver faii to do sold by their duty and do not properly filter the blood, removing waste products and impurities. when these organs tern.. to do their work you will find Wheat taken in exchange for \t) ars Htone (toot Compound tt • good corrective. Flour and Olins taken in It atn'ngthens weakened or impair - exchange fir Oittnwtl, ed Kidneys. stknulatea the Madder and tones np Ilia forpi 1 Liver. it will cheek conditions thst rn!:'ht r •- soli in Bright's i)iss:ij •. rite • S1.00. W. Rivera LrXB•rb:R, — I1IONIA() W. S. HOWEV, Phnn B. Chemist and Druggist -1 ,vel, 25.75: henry Willett, team- ing gravel 20.00: Theo. Wnlp-•r team- ing gravel. 28.00: Silas Ilandford teaming gravel, 22,00: (;:o. Atkin.''on labor at gravel 10.25: Kid Handers. do 8.6:3; 'Waiter 'West cot do., 11,75; T. ,bock, ter,. do.. 12.78: ltd. Davis team- ing gravel. 22.80: J. Norry, isbor at grrvet. 12.00; John Hell, do., 12.00 1\'til, We1'I1. do.. 12.00: Thea. 11011i• den two w k. street watering 37.00 Paned on motion of Levett and Hatk- w'ill, 1'er Ilcaman and llalkwill (bit the commit le • place three hundred loads of gravel where mo=t needed and then the t :na ba called off. Moved in amendment by Levett. Wainer that th,• committee in charg,' complete their labor placing gravel where. 'n their opinion it was needed. Tho 11 •v • d. clar•d in favor of the n lin .nt. I'.•r Ilalkwill—Ilcaman that the Commissioner collect 50 cants per cement block from pa rti•_' e,ecurinet stone.—Carri.d ,J HENtOIte Clerk. i Mrs. 1''it>.uerald v and eon of . Ptt.Le, Wash., are visiting her patents Mr, and Mrs John delimit. Milia Clara Kellett, who has bo en in iondon for the pest few months haul returned to town. Mr. John Ilissetti, of London, tpellb a few days with friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Dearing, of (Irand Rend, visited at Mrs. W. Deal- ings on Tuesday. WANTED—Janitor r Ja11•e i1. 1lethodiit church, utiett to cout mence at once. e•aled trod res re- c,•ived up to 'clock 11ondty vven- inat Sep:. 211; . "lAitTt\. Sec'y. Children Cry COLE'S DRUG STORE 1!out try Golden Pencilled Homburgs, :W, Carter ; chicks, W. Carter ; lioudans W. Carter: 'hicks. W. Carter; Wbita crested black !'ullanda', chicks, W. Garter: Orphington•, 11. bsuder. J. lint tier Golden t'ollaud+, le, Prouty chicks C. 1I outy, J. Battler; any other variety l'ollands, (J. Prouty; shick.t C. Prouty 1 & 2; white Leg - honks. It. 'Sanders, J. Rattler ; chicks G. Handers. J. Battler :.Jlrown L,•g- hnrn;. .1. 'Battler, T. Brock, Jr; chick'. J. Battler: ,brown Leghorn% rose aoult', 1'. Daley & lion ; chicks, .1. dlaw-kinii 1'. Daley & Hon; huff Leghorn':, J. Taylor; .\lick Spanish, J. Battler ; chick., J. Battl •r : Black Minorcas, H, Sanders: chicks, Harvey ltros� H. hander''; Silver-.T.,aoclt \Vyandottes, 1'. Daley & Hon, J. W. Ortweint ; chiek.' P. Maley It. lion. J. W. Ortwein : White \Vyandoftest J. W. Ortwein : chick J. W. Ort- wein, Ilarvcy Bros.; Golden Wyan- dottc., P. Daley & hon 1 & 2: chicks 1'. Maley & 4otq 1 & 2; Buff \Vyan. dot t e -i J. 'W. Ortwein ; chicks. T. Battler: Partridge NVyandotte4 T. Brock, Jr.: chicks, fr. Brock. jr. 1 & 2 Iced Cap", 3. Battler: chicks. J. Rattler; fireman geese, 1Vm. Carter chicks, Win. Carter; Pekin ducks, J. 11. Armitage 1 & 2; Rouen ducks% W. Ctr• r: chicks, W. .Carter; Light ltruha masa, It. Handers: J. Battler: chick, '11. Sanders : Dark Hraham,{., .1. Bat tler:.chick,' J. Rattier: a)ar- r•• I 1llytnoutll 'Rocks, chicks, J, W. ()r tw cin : white Plymouth Rocks, J. W. Ortwein : chicks J. W. Ortwein : Duff Cochin*. chicks. J. llattler 1 & 2 l.angshans. J. Battler; .chicks, J. Battler 1 & 2: Silver Grey Dorking, J. Battler: Colored Dor kens, Wm. Carter : Duckwing Bantams, Wm. Carter; chick,. Wm. Carter: any other variety Bantams Jas. Grieve Win. Carter : :giver Spangled Ilam - berg., Wtn. Carter. H. Sanders: chicks W. Carter: Golden Spangled Itamburgs, Wm. Carter: chicks, W. ('tarter ; Silver Pencilled Itamburgst Carter; chick=. W. Carter: any oth- er variety% chicks, W, Carter. 7I. Brock., Br., pair any other variety. rabbits. It. Senders. Harvey Bron. Special by Jones & -Mary W. • 0. lli.se t t. Judge. Wm. McLeod. London. Horticultural Products Winter apples, any varl-ty-. E. Ra- der 1 r al! appletar' : v. E. . f a anya Rider np Rhode Island Grcenings, 11, E. Hus- ton, Jas. Sweet : Northern Spies, Jas. Sweet.. N. D. !Jordon; Roxboro Rus- sets. E. Rader; Hpitzcnburgs, A. El- cott : Baldwin., E. Rader; Snows, W. \Venda, Jas, weet ; Gra.verutteina, A. Steen : 111! Si ippifQ. A, E'cott; col- vcrts. Jas. Jet!kell, E. Rader; King of Torhpkins, A. Elcott : Alexanders, W. Gillespie : Canadian Red, A. El- . a as, - ( a er: cam'I colt, Jas. Rtw.et : 1Vugn�n, Robt, J. Deck'.! 1 Birch. E. Rid•r.1 Han4ert • Maiden's Ulu h. 1.. Bader: Judge—L. V;it .rtcton.Goldel, Plea-F.•t tea. 1'. Trlr•bn^r : On - Brood mare accompanied by foe{, 1 Viiia, A. Alcott : Wealthy. J. Gill. A. John May A., Elcott : Foal, foaled I McPherson; Blenheim Pippins, T. in 11410, Mrs. A. hicks. A. Eicott: ttrock. t4r. : Hpecial,A. Elcott. Filly or geldinthree years old: ll. i fears—Four varieties winter wartBrown, W. \V( ae1, \V, Wood.;; two ' A. Mel herson; Flemish Beauty, E. sirs old, 1), Si nell, T. N. Forsyth... ' Mader: Duchess Anjoulin i G. Ilog- 1 .Decker. jr:.one year-old. :firs. A.artb; Beers Slairgeau, Mrs. Mc- lticks; fair of Roadsters in harness, 1 herson, A. 'McPherson: Ciapp's Fav - and buggy, J, Geiger, \Vin. \\'its.'l mit••, A. Elcott : Vicar of Wingfield/ tingle carriage hors -•ti J. 1'r`ngle, .1, Gill, A. E!cott : Bell Lucrative. A. Dr. McLaughlin, J. Emery. s, Ur °cit t :eldn, ThB. jr. Road—Brood marc accompanie(d by ! Thu ttrock.Shase.: oBast lleurlrcos., rockA. ti, foal* T. N. Forsythe, .1. Drckrr, jr + 1),..,y;r : Lank Bonnie de Jerse3( T. .1. Weaver ; Font, N. airro• t, J. D: ck- Brock Hr.; Bur an de Anjou. 1. Arm- or( jr.. J. Horton ; Fitly or gelding ' strong, T. Carling. Jr.: Isar;tett. E. thrc,' y, .ars otdi A. Paul, D. Schnell. Rides. N. Eteatt : Sis•ciat. .1. Gill. Etliot1 Itros.: two y,••ir-al•I. .1. G(ig. Plums—Washington. A. Elcott. 1& er, 1'. ll'rn: on•• year old. T. Amo-, 2; }lull, •, I urpl,* H. E. Huston: J. D ck •r. jr.. \\'tn. Bawd, u; 1'a!r 1.0 .0, :1 ! I. 11. E. Huston. Mita. tDr.) Boa44ters in hr.rn.'< and hucgil 3. '-.% t nv nth -r vari,•ty. I. Artn- Deck'ri, sr.. \\'r.,. 11,•r, C. )Lobb<: -tr„Beta V'•'. Gillespie: Pond's fi.,ed- S;,i le Itoidst••r in hirrn•as and b;:T-- tan ! .. iI. 1 . Huston. A. Elcott ; 'Hein g31 T. Th y, F. hick.. it. Ilos•e•nb•rry ('I .1.1 •, \• 1!Icott. Sadd;e home, Dr. ,To.••., W. Oki: Ladv t;,-1.. __Niagara, F. Hogarth. Wm. driver, .1. ,'ring:•,. .1. D.ck,•r tr. W, r; I,; Concord, ,t, Vent t. A. 'Mc - Wood : hackney; — The.— year• ell, IS abw.e• r t n:n l. to1r)_. . 1^'waArewaig'anIl, oN."rDh.. I\lIurra- E. Christie ; : two y"ar old, T. Brock ,!ran : Roger's \\'•rimae. Thos. Ilus, i1 jr.: one year old, T. (frock. jr : !cal A. 11e1'hterson : iloger's Lindsiy, 11. \\'m, li.iw deep' i 1'.. •l1u-ton; A. s1ol'herron ; ilogery >;tecial<—NMnl.un':r (link carri)ge nr Niton, Thos, ilir•iaell, road team. J. 1)ek •r. sr ; \W..1. 11,•er, t caches—Early Crawford, E. Itad •r 11^:t ,<irtg! rt :rn1;;t. J. \'single•! Thi:. Ilrock. sr.: late Crawford, G. fRankall), ,to,fScott Com;m\M,•rrar•tin & h •ivylion drasuckiughngt >I tr. o<on: any other varioety. E. 'to- roth. It. Ilirch: David Russell. brut \li<rellan ou•—l'i'st Collection Cat l- heivy draught animal, \Vm. !frock : n:•,1 fruit. John neck •r, sr.; Mrs. A. lixet •r Advoc'at •, Agricultural brood McHlier'••n : enll ction hon •y. A. mire and foat. 11, 1). 'left Me!herson; honey In comb. A. Me- \' m. 'Mo aim .Judge. ''h 'r in. :Mrs. A. Mc1'h rson : honey Cattle in .t let . .1. Mc''heraon, A. sMc-e Shorthorns -11. Smith got alt in tQi'•r::7741.; I1 ctitn li ,i -mad'1'1;7, wines this class, Grade—A cd cow-, i .ars. %.' e her°en: c,nn d vegct- Coit „1, 11', 1\'el;tt, 1.1.c‘ t. .Shapt01) 'hl.• . Jahn 1)i 'k• r.: r., lire. A, 5fc- 'rwo )e:ir o!d h if r, ,1, W. 1V,'1sh.Q'. 'y"a un; Coates 3, W. 1C, Ish: on•' year o',1 int l'11' \Cm' i)•r.nc y. heifers O. Fsn,•ry, I'. Coates. T. ii. BA1R1' ('1is1 )UCTS Shiptun; Ileittr calf, A. Elcott. G,o. • five pnnn•l.a I.ntt r. .1, Moir, Robt. MTor; One jeer ell .Ky,1d t er: 1'. Coates. : ten pound- butter, Itoht. II h :l,.on, 2nd and 3rd : Steer lit(14, W. C. Neddy : pound rolls, R, c,15, .t. E.•ott. J. W. Wcl•h, Geo 1:v,11 1 '11rit• Siecial Most wetly Moir. Jersey—Best , cow, .3 Arm- • rr•,n. ' 1 (.1 It , 1'. l;saki. F. Ilogattb • t rung. T. Itrnrk. sr ; two year oil .. ,an r 1 : , r. .1. sent!. heif••r, J. Armstrong. T •Brock, Jr; ,Ttldge—t\”. G. M di. on clear old heifer, T. Brock, er.. 3. •trmstrong: Helfer calf, J. Arm• Arm•trong' i'!�F: :1iiT5 -tron:q T, Brock, sr.: Bull calf T. (til I'lir•! ns. laud c:al+e, Mints Al. -1a J. Itiillar: tinting ioil Cipt, T. Robson, Geo. Andrea •, f r dodges. ,atnr,. 31 - 1.'t nt;stoni J. C..n FOr- .1 1,11 1 '101 rag fruit or flowers, Sheep 11a 1•.c n: <t•an•, Mr 'tt ekwire: .v • r mina, '.n,t<cnpe, �MiM 11, ttrnt7111t7', .r. (.. Forrest • water col - fit• •. 'tai '. LirOzs(nn Maxef I:r.•tt ni!• • : v :,.r crier fr:it or flow - ,•r .1. (;. i'nrr, -5. 11,54 i.iv'ngst,n 1 i•iving•t.oM. G, 11,•wuu t: 1i .; n e•,:taty ,e n'rw. .1. Senior, Ili, 1 11:.ttni't,•; Pyrography, St a er• , ,I, t; Porn st . crayon r 1't^I'n. .r. (1, Porr^st, (•• .,.n p'nc:l ('k••tch, .1 (7 i r , 1117 1 !frowning; col - 1, el "m cf t h,.s ••,'rash'\ .1n.. Senior: :•In,lu,:r:; it:, 3. Senior, collection of ii,.tr'.^_r alehic views, J. G. Staub prat. .1, Senior : pen and ink s)r, te!•. 'Miss Livingstone. .1. G, \'ora t t ' i.•linting in nil on china or nett: Mis_ 1.ivn^stone. Antes Aleck Mi r•+•.:needs •+ .in , 0, Attel••rsna fist nd 2n.1 • (' a e:.:n of at :.l! , (1. An - ii 1• •' Cel!1c ion nr r,.ti+,•i11 (; 1o•I+sisoni, Jos.Uv,,Ior Mrs. \V. l:r•r•.r, .TadgC. Dorset iform•d—Chi• Ilarv.•y got 711 in this class except s.'cnnd for heading (we %%Inch was won by Cnlmorr, Lincolns — Geo. 1'en- II11e got all in This dn.a•, 1,•• t}1•t• r— Aged rani it. lar iI ; Sh••nriing rare It. hell. A E'cott ; Mini lamb H. ,Pell \. Elcott 2&3. else having rain .1 1 .nite•n J. i .•nhal , It. 11 :1; Sh• ::r• 'ins ewe; D. M. Mct.ir.•n. 11. 11.1', D. M. McLaren; Etre !mak It .11.1% I. 1leljf. A. E:rott. •rk'hir• —Rawson Tiros. got all in t to eli't'e 'rannvorth—Douglass iirols. got all k•b ret—il. Dire)) : Doer 17(t+ r. e1 n 1 ' 19, W. S. Sperling 1st and 2nd : -otty two tear+ 01.1. It. Ilirch, W. !twirling : g• w one year old R. Itireh r 1V, Sp:artin'•: Sow littcrcd in 17110, FOR FLETCHER'S it. fltrey. W. N. Snarling. CAST CA R 1 e4'► in i Richard Delbr;dgc .tndttus. $1.o0 per year in advance Shovel Prices. A splendid Chance to get a. New Shovel at little money. ONE WEEK ONLY 70c Long Handled Shovels at 50 cents 75c 60 cents 95c 75 cents Above Lot include JONES and BULLDOG Makes Ready Mixed Paint„ 15c Tins, One half Pint size for 10 cents ''5c Tins, One Pint siz!! for 15 cents 45c Tins, One Quart 30 cents 90e Tins One half Gallon size for 60 cents Above are all First Class Goods HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE •1 �•%a:.l::sis<1i1.ir t:si g a� lf '�� 11-�® Lef Bar • e ns EOPLE about to go house -keeping should call at ROWE & ATKINSON:S Furniture Store and see how easily and- __-�• ■ Cheaply you can furnish your home. A Walk Through Our Store \Vitt e- v.,u. here you will find the largest and best assorts ticuclt of Furniture in the Conuty, comprising • Tables, Chairs, Parlor and Bed Room Suites, Kitchen and Dining -Room Furniture, n fact e.erwr.iiiog to he found in a first-class Furniture Store at such [my Prices that defy Competition, We have a large number of Lawn and Veranda Chairs which WO are selling at remarkably Low Prices. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Form -'n.: e ,and F.a:>;•r:aa h;roctors. ...1 :Tl ,�,NN.Ntr f'i,•i• ►T s,er. `i3 'll :rii'lre .ii,... M' 111:1 •'••2i••I tJ• !••' 1 c N..,1. • .� � Ii Ni. •� ii; CLOTHINGIJ�. FOR YOUNG MEN t\DFOR -- M:n :'Vho Stay Yuong Our Clothe, are literally the highest type of RE AD V -TO. tVE.tR Clothes made. 1f You care for appearance—if You want to be in Style—if You want your Clothes to reflect your good taste— BUY YOUR FALL. CLOTHES FROM US, 1000 Samples of Cloth I)II Fi:RIiNT STYLES 0 SUITS (Saiiuy Bawden CLOT1ItN(; _ AND •:= FURNISHINGS S C (a le 110/. 1.. L. 1•,r ,- 1 ry, John Cott-To('.,t 1'lu:crrs ' 1; t..••! ;oat John Taylor t 1., 1 . n :, - Johr: c , : 1 , v . r- 1 ' 1 . 1 , .loltn Cottle. C. •:1 , .n (' ' ; 1. a,i:.S, .John f ;`.; 7. ; i1 .1' i ..a•. 1%h, G. Iiogarth t' tit,. , I: -i • , .. - n+ n! for Jinn t 1 r 1 r l squash, it, ble .1, tt', t! 't„nt •ith: C,, • !, : a : I: • . • •'•an of vegetables climb .\r• ' era C.att'.. • e,a1 \it 1 :n, T. Ilrock, Jr; \'earl flower! .i: ,:: l' 1i. \\'biting. i ,•t .s oy ; Thos. Ilrock. jr.. Ur. Swipe:, •I::u;;e, i 1;:;.; J•:» ire State. G. Grain and Seeds Timothy . e 1 E. I!,' t nt rchani's flour, Harvey tiro<., 1st and 21111. clover seed, E. Mader; Ilett collection grain in car. 11, N••I ' : En:=:aa,:e (-Jiro G, Plot; trtla E. Day. Vegetables Cot -men \r, 1, 0 .:1,;;::rah New Yorker, T. liruck jr., '1. \!reek •r.; Any variety pn:ato:•s. F .'1 r ;b- iter, John T::t'lnr: N•w sari (c ti:I!tit,t 1 . 'lI 11 •r, •lnlan 'h:a) + • r ubtpkin< It. Sand,•rs, H, Sand/S.s.s11n.t..l, rr ; :`tea• .1 '(',•:'nips f'. :Fr . 1' i!• r; t.,rui;ii any vIri l,•, .\.,trews, g, Andrews: •' • . C. . r?lel , .'• • •, '1 '5ii : F• ni^h en ora (1. 17i75: .. 17 . I.. , '1'1.. . i:ruck. ar.: Red Eie- rh uta ,,1•17 . .1. il. cker, jr. J. Ilrck,r. , 1 .: „i 1 c t hag', Thos. Pitt cat, jr, CI, . . I.irn. y ; fall Cab- b,ge, John Tis .r, 'Ihn=. Ilrock. Jr.; !Mood Herts, 0,0. Anderson, John CottiC: Globe Beets. John Cottle, Jas, sweet: Sugar b.'ets Tho,. 'Russell t Sugar beet magoldy Pant Coates, W, 11. 1 a' amnr:' : tong 'Mangold% It, Continued on page 1 CASTOR I A For Infante and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the i'I. H1K11»tor_• of (,���" 14