HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-09-08, Page 8'1.1 li 1<; h l E 'r 1 M Lei S SEPTEMBER sth 1910 •.•♦•••••♦••••♦••••♦••••••.♦•••••......••.•♦•••••••• iN.♦•••••••••••••♦••• •'a�••♦••••♦••.•••♦•••••••••••• 1 STEWART'S Pl1.)NE 111 2 • 2• =22 I: ii=I • • • • • • l• i • • • • • • • i• 1• 2• S2 For Several Days We have been . ery busy opening anti flunking our New Fall blonde. We bay they are a fine Lot, 'VOL' would Yourself. We want 'tau to see them. You will always (ie made "At Route" in this Store. (Dress (roods •rhe I . • t Assortment 01 Dress (lends u, newest Fall Shades in Plain and Earll•y weaves at Per Yard 50 to $1,25 Linens Just received a sample lot of Inn Table Clothes sizes 2 yards by 21 yards. This is a v.•, v special lot and was bought, away below regular Price e2 25 $1.00 $4.50 to $8.50 •2 22 22 22 22 Silks :t •• 22 • ♦ Our new Paillette Silks for Dresses and odd waists will interest you at, Per Yard *le Fancy Art Sateens Direct from the makers, a finer assortment of patterns and colors we never had at Per Yard 211 to 25c - Fall Mantles . - We have a reputation for keeping the Finest Range of Lad- ies and Children's Coats in this part of the country. They In- clude such makes as Continental, Rodgers and M. Pollan & Sone Our first shipment has arrived. We will he pleased to show you thecal. Japanese Rugs Another shipment of Jap nnese Malting Rugs in new Patterns. Just the thing for bedrooms Size 30- by 00, Etch Stec. Beresford Shoes For Styfe Fit and Comfort our new shoes cannot he ex- celled. Prices $4.II0 and $SMI) All kinds Ends Tapestry Carpet Just 32 ends in the assort merit. These are travellers samples and aro worth in re- gular way $1.50. See south window 75c each. King Hats Summer i, nearly gone and you will need a new derby. we can give you a becoming shapes for $2 25 MI kinds of Produce Wanted J. A_ STEW ART 22 .2 •2 .. 22 • • 2 22 .. • • • • •• ♦• • • •• • • •• • • • • •• •• • • •• •• • • •• • ••• •• ••• •• • •• •• •• •2 ••. ••2 •• • ., • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• $1OTOW ►ROM <LL CANADIAN PACIFIC STATIQN9 IN ONTARIO ADDITIONAL FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS TUESDAY, AUGUST 30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 reef 1Pneportahon w'.II be f rr',hed .t Winn,owg t0 Moose J•w. Irein', on Canad'an Patine one centperm�le each way We't thereof ast ,n easkatche«an andel' be baanchee, end at e SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO TO WINNIPEG ON ABOVE DATES. ASK ANY CANADIAN PACIFIC AGENT FOR PARTICULARS W. J. C,ARLING, Agent, Exeter. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • THE LATEST THING • 2 1N CLOTH • 2 2 • Style andFit Guaranteed. Prices Right. • • •• W. JOHNS. • • Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontario IS ALNVAVS to b.' found nt this Tailoring 1?slablishment• you haven't a tailor:and tine looking for one. give ne a cell. • • • . • • . • • 2 • 2 . • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •.•.•.•••♦•••••••••••••••• The Times antt•Weekly Globe from now until an, 1911 for 35c INYOUR AND IT A man 1s known by the com- pany he keeps -- likewise by his Business Cards. Circulars and Stationery. Let us print them and they will BE A CREDIT TO YOU. Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter market.. cote t , I 1, 10 Sepu•ulb•r eth. • \'. t• ,; Standard '15c. i' r iry' 45c. 1, '11 to 35 1.00 h r , u i,..!00 1 • :1s 1; • n, 70e. '.1o(11•I Flour $2.85 I . d 1;tour $1.50 11.y $8 to $10 F:gqy 11k. Butter 1Pc. Creamery but ter 25e Potatoes 50 to 60 (logs livcweight $P.40 Choice export c•tttle $6.15 Good export cattle t$5.65 to $6.00 Medimrn export cattle45.65 to $5.80 Cho:e•• telt cheer's cat tie 85.60 to 5.80 Good butch.r'b cattie 55.60 to 5120 Cows $4.00 to 65 50 T. • 1J Vi.nn to ¶(t.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOCALS 2 ••••.••• .•�••••• \Ir. John Hunter 111, Lett for a trip to the west. Mrs Murray Miller vieited in Toxon to a few days during the past week. Mrs W. W. Taman left Toesay to visit in Toronto and \Voodetock. Mr. Thos. E. !landlord was in Lon- don Labor !)ay. Mr. Ray {Weston. of London spent Labor Day in town. Miss Fltl'eie Taylor, of London, spent Labor Day at her home here. Mre. A. Q Bolder is visiting in LOw11. Mr. John Dignan, Andrew a treet. left this week for Margins, Sask. Master Gerald i'itton is able to he out after his recent illness. N11 F.d. :Sn. n of Londuit. vilest, .1. loon s he ulI 1 t . and Mrs.I).AISl i. Amos. 1Iay- !Heed. Alta.. V•iail;•:1 friends in Ito'. rt t week. \1r. I1. Hi tiouthcott. as soloist. n! - ,'t •d .at Ih'• Sylvan ,lnuivereary near Parkhill on Libor 1).y, Mr. Victor Sawyer. of London, who ie visiting at Winchelsea, spent Tue- sday with Mr. and Mrs.J. (1. Jones. Mr. John i1. Scott was in Toronto this week attending a butter makers convention. Miss Cynthia McTaggart of Whi- t horst, Sask., is visiting her parents 51i. and Mrs. AIL McTaggart. Miss Laura .leckell has returned to 4'xbridge after visiting her parents London Road North. Miss Ar.nie Sanders has accepted a position in .larvis. for which place she leaves to•d.ty (Thursday). Mr. Fred Smith hal returned to Acton after vihitng for a few weeks with *Ir. and Mrs W. J, Statham. Miss Tillie Bnikwdl after holidaying with relevatives in town for two weeks returned to Hamilton Monday. Mrs. Paul Madge and son left Mon- day to join Mr. Madge at Milk River, Alta. ttie Davis, of Londou.ia Mr. and Mrs. T. 1:1►iott. lit v. E. Jones, of Soutbra. visited in town a couple of days last week. M .r, Davis. of London. vis- ited lel- i' 'ti nts• here Labor 1)a). ,r,..c Acheson Icas taken a pu.;- IIUII at the ,talion. ',1,- Yost. r has 1eturned tome aft r spending several weeks in Tur- cntu. Messrs. Wit) Martin and J. D. At- hirtson w.., re in 1)t'troit a couple of Hiss \Virus:. d Huston has gone to Hamilton It here sine has secured a position as millitter. Miss Maud itartleib, of Dashwood. vkited her brother 1)an. in town for ;t 1 w dugs. Miss ;Edna Folick rang two solo° at the /.ion Annisersurery cervie ,•s Last Sunday .evening. Miss honor Moir is visiting relri- liv - in Toronto. 1, -. J :s .Murray is visiting h, r d..•: 'ht r. Mi-. Jordon. in London. 1. Lirzi Gillespie, of Detroit • e• riding her vacation at her home here. blr. and Mrs. Gould, of London and Miss \-iv'iau, or Mitchell._ were gue.,te of Mrs (neo. Brooks over the holiday, Mrs. (Dr.) Quackenbush and datigLt tern will be at home on Tuesday after- noon Sept. 13tH. and afterwards the first Friday of each month. M;s, D; Tight Hobbs returned home 5.ittlyday evr:l II after spending the 51111ritcr months on Georgian Bay. `.1 I s. Itar1n, r. of London. visited . t It •r home here Labor Day. '•1 - Vert and Ethel Cobbtrdick ,1; r • .:ins for the irn•t two months .y:t h 1:1 rids in the cast. left here '1'n -.11, morning for t heir home in Calgary. Alta. Mr and Mrs. John Taylor attended tit- (00era1 of the latter's mother Mr- Skinner, at St. Johns. Mich. nu 5aIurday. last. They returned 11011tr1.• :Monday. )eys A. E. Johns, M. A. who II ,> been appointed a tnissionery to China will address a union meeting of the Mein Street and ;bunco etc. t Epworth Leagues in Main street on 'Thursday evening. lir. L. L. slid Mr... 1'oliick of St. Marys visited in town Sunday and Monday. 'Mrs. Follick sang a solo in Main Street church Sunday evening and ler• singing was much appreciated. Labor Day passed off very quietly in town It rained off and on during tho day,- A game of ball ;was played between Centralia and Exeter result - in a victory for the home team, the score being 10.0. Mr. J. G. Stanbury secured third iprize for his gladioli at Tot onto Exhib tion, the only ones beating hint being H. 11. Groff of Simcoe. who grows five acres of these dowers and a (salt flor- ist who grows some 50,000 bulbs. Don't forget the entertainment In the Main St. Methodist Church on Friday evening. Sept. ZIr•tl when the Pentair .. ill show 150 lime light views cootie, sentimental, patriotic. Bible scenes and illustrated songs and hymns, Admission in and 15 cents. :Mr. Ern Rivers. who has been sr••ndutit his holidays with his par - ;n town. left Wednesday morning for Itullaco and after spending a seek there will go to Troy wher rh a ;I! r, Some ills ,ell ill"s as civil 1•lu' n ••t, >1r. liar ry flm;t11 .who took Fomc of Shorthorn cattle to the Torun+.,. • y- bibition v,':t.1 a.t:trded the fo: t v prizes. hn11 2 ).• Ir. old. 3rd . 1.,.!1 calf. F •n,or. 1st . hull calf. junior• championship under two years old Cow. a ti ars old and over. 2nd. Among those who took in the Tor- onta exhibition this week and last were Mr, and Mrs S. Martin and Lula, Miss N. Crewe. Mr. aril Mrs. I1. Smith and children. Mrs. A. Sheere. Mt.,. 11. Oke• Dr. Kinsman. Percy Gillis, '1'. H. Carling. Ed. ('atnpbell, T. 11. McCallum , Will Sweet. Mr. and Mrs fly, EIlworthy,Jas Hero. Th • r III I;DS of the lite Mi•s I: ,r ho died at 1 be (tome of h : /trot beer. J. 11. Untidy. nosed Toron.o, on Wed:: 'day. August s1 1 were brought to town on Friday m'ening last and litcrred in 111. Exe- c 1 cemetery. -N1 Gandy wag th,• eld, st danght.•t of Re'. J. It. Candy I► 1).. of Gr ;t• Church. St. Thnm- :1'. end , fnru, r plstor of the 'Main St r t \1. , h edit church. 'fi 1.. Ii:•Ige look place in Toronto •;•; -•1 i y of Inst week of t\IiFe • ' 11 e' •,rII. daui'bter of Mr. and \11 John Hepburn of the 4th. con - •,n of Stephen. to Mr. Georg.. ft t. son of 4r and Mrs. AVm. •'.f t h' 3rd. concession of • S'r00n1 is having i:, -I residence erecteen `borne d and as erten .e I t 11• swung Couple t..1 I c k . t. r residence Ihetc. Their to iov f r. will join with the Tine - in ey1: 1 nq eongrat plat ions. \ uular Storm 1'. rand central •1 ••en's first quarter on the Itth, .he itch to ih Ilth.. Tha nt tn•tgnt t lc. crises .•.eery 1 :shout the 8th to the 15th of .v of ember. V•, y thr•;,telong and ofl,en dangerous storms appear dor• ing shot annual crisis. Auroral and oth• r matrnetie manifestations. .•.uch ,e4 1 Its dieturhane•' of 1 he t';ompa!s tremor+. and (.`tettraphie l ronlle by currents over the whey 1r Luong t he things common at 111 , ting. No reader need be eur- I r • ,1 if egiintorial, or west India storms (!treater' the era and Coast .n the regione of the gulf at this per- iod. 111 pi 11i* storm.. will come out of the nort hwest and join ili,- turbancos (rola the Bout or n enh•• fluent September etnrin period. bringing a decided change to eol.l r with frost over nolhrrn to c•nt1ll r`rionQ. Church Directory JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rov. Richard Hobbs, Pastor Sundry l'ublio Worship-10.30Imola, acid 7 p.tu. Class Service -Sunday 11.30 a.m. and after Morning Service and \Vednea- d ty ni}tht. Young Men's Dian seed aatashuutens Sunday at 1 p.m. Sunday Febool and 1414)1*• Chasse 1.10 p. ns. Epworth League -Tuesday at P. p.m Prayer Meeting-Thur4ae qt 8 petit 5 pt. Ith-The 1'a -tor a ill breach, morning god rvenue!: Evening service at i,even. Thrcshlnu GodI get ting one• Coal Itegtllar You can get any 't ti ,t Save your wood by for your threshing, quantity you .want. EXTENSIVE SALE ---01' ALL Summer. Goods To make Room for the Fall Goods that are Arriving every Day White WaistsLadies' Black and Tan Lace Nose Regular 50c for 42c Ladies and Children' Plain Black and Tan hose iL Cement Blue Lake Brand We have the above brand of cement always on hand, fresh front the manu- facturers. The Blue Lake is consider- ed the best cement. fl. J. GLflTWOK1t1Y Git:1NTON, --- ONTALtt) Miss Charlotte Drink water of Lan- don vi-ited her sister Mrs S. T. itchier in toot] on Lalior Day. Mrs Vrooman, and child of Harris- burg. who have been visiting Mr. anti Mre (I, Anderson returned to their home title week. Mr. \Vallace Fisher returned to Lon- don Monday after spending his hon- cho's with his parents. Mr. and Mre. \\'n). F. Fisher. Mr, 1'. Neil of Aisle ('ralg, and Miss Agnes Whittingham, of Clinton visit- ed Mise Verne quance Sunday and Monday. Mr. Herbert Scott, who has been operator at the station. has been moved to Hyde Park as night operat- or. Mr Angeles has been moved from Hamilton here, itev Peter Nicol of Detnoretsville, father of Mrs. (Rev•1 Sheep, who with Mrs. Nicol is visiting her daughter, will preach in raven Church on Sun- day n'orning, Messer*. fireenway and ('udmore, of Crystal ('ity, Man., brought down five car load of rattle frost the west last week and have pltt therm out to pas- ture on farms in this district. GRAND TRUNK SY's EM Annual Western Excursion Sept.15, 16, 11, Flow EXETER 1'o: Port Iluron,Ilich. Detroit Mich. Chicago 111. Bay City Mich. Cleveland O ( via Buffalo 1 and C. and B. Cleveland. O. via Detroit { and i), and C. (.rand Rapids, Mich. Saginaw Mich. St, Paul or I All rail Minneapolis SI. 1',u.. or 1 Via Sam '.a and Minneapolis j N, N, ('o. RETURN LiMIT MONDAY, OCT. 3rd :,0 1 I:AI;S EXPERIENCE OF AN 04.11 NUR'E. ,Mrs. \Vins,ao's Soothln? etyrup la the prescription of one of the beet female phyaieiins and nurse. in the United Stater, and has been used for fifty yearn with never -failing suersenn by millions of moth( rs for their children. it relieves the child from pain, sures diarrhoea, griping in the bowels and wind colic. 117 giving health Ib the child• it reefs the. mother. Twenty-five cents n bottle. Return 8'2 tit ) $1 :i+l $111 1'I $5 al $7 all $705 1510 $28 45 $31 00 Western Fair LONDON Return Tickets will be issued at EXEl'ER To LONDON as follows 95c Sept.l0-11--1.2-11 and 10. 90c Sept. 13 and 15th, Return I' 't Sept. 19th. tiecure tickets and full information (1.•(ri .1..1. is N IG ifT, Depot Agent. tl /t 11 /. $3 25 3 00 2 50 2 25 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 0:) 1 00 for for for for for for for for for ••1 1 1 1 1 1 39 19 48 29 19 18 s9 79 LAD1ES' w�omamts Regular 4. U t 1 '4 ., $-1 50 3 75 0 75 2 5c 2 25 2 00 1 50 1 Ot1 for for for for for for for for $3 48 2 79 1 89 1 79 1 09 1 38 1 08 79 Regular 35c for 27a - 1 " 25c for 20c 20c for 16c 15c for 2 for 25e ,t It Ladies' White hose Plain Only 25c for 19c 20c for 16c Only a few of Ladies and Childrens Vests ranging from Sc to 25c to go at reduced prices. All Gents Cotton Half Hese must go at reduced prices. Regular 54)c for 39c 40c for Mc, 25c for 19c.1)c for 1:1c. -r y As we have only a ►ew of each of these items you shall have to call early before they are all sold. Poultry Taken Alive or Dressed. Hghest prices paid for Produce. W. J. CARLIN ANOTHER WEEK SOF BARGAINS We have gone and bought a Big Lot of Fancy China and Novelties and i n • order to display the new lot we must move the present lot, se, an'l'lil'ItS - M e n' s Stiits DAY this week we will conuuence. here's a Sample of Prices:-- 25c School Bags ltic, 40e. School Bags'Lic, sic Fancy Stationery 1r) c pnck- egi, 25c ('ups and Stowers 19c. - (1 T - $20.00 I' - $20,00 After all it's the Tutor who slakes a suit a SU'C'CESS or a FAILURE. The most fascin- ating style would he a fizzle if there were not careful needle work underneath. That is the reason our Sails at $211 are bet ler than the suit you buy in town for more money 'I'ltey aro perfect in every way if not you can have your money (rack. W. W .TAMAN j Merchant Tailor. 1►NTA"I" WtIti ftrt ►(1m m tttkMN! EXETER OUR PHONOGRAPH PARLORS Are now open and well stocked with the i.atest M a- chinea and Records, both Standard and Anlberol. Our Phonograph% aro the smoothest running that are on sale .anywhere. Anyone wanting the Best in a Phonograph ought to see and hear ours First. See See our No. 3 with Cygnet Horn at $35 cash or SDI down. $2 a week. Have the use of it while paying for it. 'Full Stock of Needles and Disc Records. Saturday will be a day with us. Ask to sec the STE('i AL SATURDAY BARGAIN. Come and See. See out Beautiful Post yards and Copper Jard- ineere at rear. 7 dandy Scribblers for POWELL'S BAZAAR 41' \\ DID i C'ATCIL THAT COLi) e triple tough. Probably got over- t) I d or eat in a draft -the cold 1 rloeed rip the pores of the skin -,1.1.1, my and locked up n lot of .. 1ste products of the blood in your hotly. Then yolrr cold begin!. Ns are Lnxaeold acts on the mu - rime nr.•nlbran.•. check. the catarrh to -0p •n. the pores of the skin. atim- .1.1t,•. the secretions --in short cnr r your cold in a day end a nicht Tit it (Mee - then Ili 0, st time y.•. I, r - re to r, nlenib •r f. bow r1. • ♦yoI'.. Laxtcold cured )'o... h'r rets for 35 doses. I: .1; a voted ster1: of Nat's I Holy' ILrmtedies. W. S. Howey, Phm. B. Chemist and Opt it inn An an advertising medium the Exeter Tines cannot nc sur• pass tel. 1)o.e it occur to yon that an ndvertisement may change the whole career of an individual, and ,nay material- ly affect the advcrtiacr'a lot in life( A real estate ad. will rs• rend by our hubscriberd and oth •re who are inter- ested in real estate. if you have something (o disi,rrs.• of : are wanting ,help. lir hove eom-thing to bring le for • r h Lpublic caw• the coltrtons of the Times an your advertising nitdiritn. gine .oat is trifling. WESTERN FAIR LONDON, CANADA Sept. 9th to 1 7th, 1910 $25,000.0() in Prizes and Attractions- OPEN ttractionsOPEN TO ALL The Great lire Stook Exhibition Speed Events Dog Show Athletic Day livery Day Cat Show Monday Music by the 91st Highlanders and 7th Fusiliers ATTRACTIONS DON'T FIREWORKS Better Than Ever MISS IT Each Night Reduced Rates over all Roads VISIT LONDON'S EX! IBITION Prize I.Ists, Entry Forma and all Inform': ion from W. J. REID, Pros. A. It HUNT, Sec. tllul 111 IIt11MMii