Exter Times, 1910-09-08, Page 7,rf
pi,,io C'. U tl t3
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
Hints for Busy Housekeepers.
Recipes and Other Valuable Information
el Particular Interest to Women Polka.
1baking powder. Mix and bake in
a quick oven for three-quarters of
an hour. Serve with sauce or
instead of tacking linoleum at
edges and whore widths are joined
together use prepared glue on
wrong side. It nut only Iuuks bel
ter, but w•)un taking it tip it doesrl.t
lea%,• any holes and n., hugs can Lesson X1. The kings ma:riage
slake a hiding place under edge.
111:.1TS\\'bn washing flannels-- Shake Peas!, Matt. 22. I-1 I. liolden
Till: 1..11"\!)lith. thein well before putting them in ,•:
Luncheon Dish.-- F.11 I* pound put The Walsh Tub- Did you ever try the water to remove all dust. Text, 11:111. _ . II.
rta•t, cut up suet and tiring to paraffin for mending a leaky wash Squeeze them well in a lather made Verse 1. Jesus ai swered Hie re -
brown, cut up an uuien, celery, and , tub ' When ours epruug a leak of boiled soap and water, with a spouse to their attempt to lay hold
parsley with it. '!hake piece of 1 sunte time ago we emptied it, dried little ammoniu added. Rinse thor- on hila was to give the third of the
meat, dint it % 1111 ea and pep- it well with a cloth, awd poured c.uglily and then squeeze dry ; parable : en judgment.
per, and rub in flour. Sear raw melted paraffin around the cracks. shake again vigorously, and hang
edges of meat thoroughly. Put in It has been in constant use ever up to dry in a cool, airy place, 2. A certain kingC.rdl. Other
kettle and rower with told water, .ince without leaking. When the Fur apple food, peel, core and passages may be compared with
adding a tablespoonful of salt to washing is done the tub should be cut up one pound of good cookie profit (Matt. 8. ll; 25. 10; (hors
Z�s�/�4/--2721°r� ono quart of water., Add one bay put upside down on the basement apples ; stew them with some sugar, I1. 2; Bev. 19. 7; 21. 2). Tho mar -
leaf, peppercorns, or parsley, told flour, a little water oared over the K rinse feast was the most import -
one grated Nutmeg- and a little water, nut social event in the life of a
one fourth teaspoonful of paprika. bottom, and they never will dry and when quite done rub them family, and where wealth permit of Good Hope to the Atlas muuntnlus
Boil slowly three to four hour; out and fall to pieces. through a sieve, add to the tel
Ye:, ensu sad as ou'r Spanish Beef Steak. --Lay a slice The pulp ted was a most elaborate affair. and from southern China to the iSluck
tolalu'asaa;nar.Wash ay, w --When putting half a pint of cream which has According to New Testament sym- sea. where It Is aotnetlniea met with to
of supper round steak two inches the boiler away, Wipe it as dry as been well whisked, and pour into holism, this would be the marriage the Caucasus.
CARTER4SIFORHEADACHE. thick, two and one half peutui , en pu.'iblu and always place it upside custard glasses before serving. of ('heist and the ether, though
FIn DIZZINESS. a large tun or spider, acid one cup down. III this way it will last fur For custard tie whip the yolks of Any one who has frequented the zoo
K ! I 1
ITTLF. Fen DILIOJSNES. fol of hot. water. nn<t haste every 1cars. This (lint was given me. by three eggs light, adding' as you der the bride is not mentioned, and for any time must have uotited the
1V•EPi FOR TORPID LIVER. ton minutes for thirty minute-. If,•• an old boiler mender and I never fou►• tablespoonfuls of powdered theonst is n introduced ced apparentl}
In size and color between
FOR CONSTIPATION. • move from overt, sprinkle with tea have had to have my boiler re- sugar. Then add slowly two cu only toctrl len Ito the lavish spiel',leopards from ditTerent parts of the
PI LLS. FOR SALLGC/ SKIM, spoonful of salt, one-half s14..„nfu1 paired since. fats of Soiling milk, stirring eon- dor of'the feast. world. On some the ground color 4
FCR TtiECONtPLEXfON , "f Pepper• a layer of shred „hien,3. Them that were bidden -The
e ! To Wash Clothes Lines. --.1 good stately and flavoring with vanilla. Jews would not come to the least, almost white. In others a clear nut
a:avr•ara...n'.... , duet over with salt and pepper. and way to wash clothes lines is to wind Line a pie dish with puff paste, even though participation in it, brown. Others are Jet black.
s 1Pnr.Iy Vd •marl. • •y hake fifteen minutes. 'fake out of Them en a long hoard and scrub brush over the inside with white Wherever the leopards '� oven, cover with layer of sliced to- there with a scrhbbin. brush. You of ane generous bounty was tho sum of all y lice leo are eat-
6gg, then pour in custard and gond. This is the amazing feature tie thieves, sheep thieves, dog thieves
mutoes, and return to oven for will find that in this way you keep bake.
_ fifteen minutes n,rr. Take from than from getting of the parable, that men should re- and human being thieves. Though not
g [, tangled. It is . , fuse what God has graciously done forullduhle In appearance, they aro lw-
L, • gran and put two tablespoonfuls of so hard to wind them when you XOT T1JE 1)EADIA KINI). for their highest wt.. -being. There cnensety strong. and It is not unusual
nisi: \11111 '1'111. '1 N. grated cheese and a little salt ,li wash them in the tub. J. 1).
kings ;tad Emperors 1)un't T11rlt at, then return to oven just longi Fading is caused by too hot irons. Mrs. Churns was a young house- is a clima>E in their refusal First, for them to turn mat eater. Both in
1 enough to met/. keeper and naturally s( n,itiwe they are unwilling; then. they treat India and In Africa they have been
The fading of colored articles is dor p known to act up in this lino as dehb•
(twee and Sleep Again. ! ('Sicken comets. -Boil chicken often not. to the washing, but the about her cooking. One ••%,ring tho incitation disdainfully; finally, ,
Fur generation; past, and to ata., slowly until tender. Boil one sweee ironing. Too hot irons are 11.,•C she put the bread to rise, but with some stoop to abuse and murder. erately as any tiger. They have four
bread by itself. When ddwkc<! put afar,, fly on the material and this unreasonable perversity it failed 4. Other servants --The first or Are young at a birth- The cubs can
lb,• drowned heads „f Li/r„pc h,,'... !
I. ,:. :end are, early ri-, r, it away to cool, then grind the will fade delicate colors more than le too any such thing. Laity ire the group (;r), possibly representing the be kept lame for some time and are
1 redrrick the (:,rats all4ae lea. '1'..etbread and chicken after it is ;,11y amount of washing. The of 00.1 ming she slipped out into the prophets, simply summoned those amusing pets, but it is extremely den
ut u(( from bones. Keepchicken Ki,a-tore and dug a hole. She placed who were already invited. These gerous to have then about.
Fan his day at fee. end .utak; the feet i. even worse than strung sun- r In Hongkong an Englishman had a
la -t f,•,4 r•;. „tt, - r r:.r to his death hares for soup. Grind ane grecs light. Be sure that the article is thus stubborn dough in it, and care.: later servants are, perhaps, the,
e g 6
to 1 er, one stalk of celery, one lolly covered it with earth and apostles. The patievu'e and genet- tante leopard. It was brought Into the
}.., 1'r , (.,,., r . had to !,ring ' ! ! P evenly dampened and that the iron d sad Ieares. ! ositv of the king are in keeping dining room by a coolie to be exhibit -
him their rep• :• at four in the te'`asieenfut of union juice, mix all 1, «Illy hot enough to smooth the r
re -
together, her, then add one cu t of cream Later in the day, when she Blanc- !with the character of God as re- to the owner's guests. Lrclte,. by
The Emperor 11"illiam I. was at; sauce, salt and )tapper. ! !loll into %%ritikles properly by firm, even' ,,,1 froht tiit winds , 5140 saw a hay • veutcd in his dealings with Israel. ,the smell of foal, the leopard refused
1 t ou l,rr and you will have no mere P ;)o.toting Until men have finally and deliber- to go out when one of the women, who
Ili; d,.,_k every nVi1Ii 11-initial
at as at "'1"1 g-. flour and fry steels until trouble from fading.Skirt, n; , t ("3r the s tit mall curiously did not like his coolooks,ie
asked that It be
44 110,. MIs grand...n, the• pr4•.,nt frown. Serve with graly fren1 the nicer hr leaned across the gore. 't the ground. 1•'inally h, took a slaty spurned his fa%ors, be con- declared. Tho orotic took hold1 oits
chiokl n benill, thickened. \did „n,• I.1 k and begun poking and digging , t' lie; to seek them out, saying. •
4411)1" , r, ;1,.,, a:.1:. - t; h'f•,ro Suit np and down ; otherwise the collar and began to haul It out. It
'e1.•n. Du:. 4, a, a sew. 10 ti i.tl t„ ('lith „f canned peas, one cup of fit of the garment is t wined. ahollt (urns' seized Elm by the neck. bit It through
Prince lienliii k, eh.) !meet t„ Inushr,„sats. shier :Ie with chopped Soon some one else came along • All things are ready -There i. nu
t•• 11aisle,.Manan nerd far which God has not and re a minute the coolie was dyfrig,
::(tend n) conference on his and stopped to look. !n time quite covered with blood, on the dining
Italian Veal --Fr}- a teal stcnk. it a little cr•ow41 lathered. They all trade rich and fitting provision. room door.
I ••1 • rr n at eight in 16. n,„ruing seemed so interested, and were L. They made light of it --- The
1'1, till midnight the Iron 1 !tared- Eating been cut in small pieces, to 1.SEI 'I, III\TS.1 The Chinese leopard ranges as far
_etieralle- had a s::l•L• r ng of a nice brow'rr Over this put n
talking matters over so rarllrstly, tragedy of human life is, that it can north ns the Siberian tiger and, like
d u ,Ful .f 'est _
Orange juice with cracked ice can that 11 rs yarns, unable to restrain I"'1'„ate se absorbed in the term the utter, seems to ),Taw !artier the
',.• Polite , - t hire, cooked teed,•• I til nIitelii has
often be taken l,y a pat rept who ean her (u)i„•sty sty Integer. went nut and merchandise as to become 1111- farther north It 1s found. The color
t'„•:: i,•• 1'..:1'kcd till
f• ut, :roti .I,•,t retain nothingelse.
t:l1 1 t'„• following ln„rniirq 11141-i,r•oo111- s.... ,.r, with Sall and i.ro the lot to see for herself t'('h'rtlydl with matters of higher of these northern leopards Is eery pale,
••` \ . .
n. . -
1,.1if 1 e •
SEPT. 11.
Sre roc-Slmlle w'ral'per below.
Her BabyNea[Iy'Died,
He is a Cattle Thief and Even a
Human Being Thief. •,
Seizes Its Prey by the Throat and
Clings With Its Claws Until It
Breaks the Spine of Its Victim or
Strangles 1t.
1.08.s in size, but even more ferocious,
the leopard has n worse character than
the tiger or note Living nlnluly In
trees and very nocturnal, this tierce
and dangerous beast Is less often seen
than far rarer animals. It Is widely
spread over the world from the Cape
i !4. pepper. .\d.1 a .mall amount of If nervous women weak' only 11 hat. was her surpric•e to find a '.alue• the spots are large and the fur Is eery
4 i,lie • .)4')ol4. water, )11 -1 crl,•,,;;h to make liquor '.rink more N1 ate r thee %could net l;,ob. r.,unded, puffy mass slrirlk r; Treated there shamefully-- It i.. long.
' 1. ' his lied ewer} J be se nervous, says a trained nurse. , led „'-,•r with earth sure) dent! character Vitt(' of the man elle ire- ; The natives of all countries are unser-
e', serest imes even at ' over all. 'I'hi4 I, delirious.
;.. _- For bleeding of Ito' mouth , ;,.1%r;. She did ani asp I„ng t„ g"off b, Ignoring with an air of su Imous In derlarfnl; that the leopard is
i , :111 ..Lt tongue n wash in cold water in' o -'l lrler. for she gee„unir.ed tier res ;wrier iudiffere•ace the claims .1 re mora danL•erous than the lion or tiger.
were • ,: 1. e,: ::al : , e..es. anti "n'4 BRE..1U. Which alum has been dissolved is Collimate loaf, risen at last : but ligion that he ends by treating the They have no fear of the lion, provided
hI 1. ad the only c„tract I,;;;al;r. very cffcctise.
lie, tL ,r'; cap in the entire .\n (luick \"• ,st fir,•;Id. -eft supper 11,1- i. the remark •h. heard one 1114 . Tiger of rrligi„n with sullen they are not buntlnt, far It, ter It will
strain :array. le, work. until six ; time inn-': .e g .' 1 -lied boiled )r - l''omn)nn :►Iain melted ill an iron
{M{unn sulking to :u)„t her anger. IIa%u'g refused God s not attack unless provoked, but a
-JI 444 .,'.,r h„t .„:t1 (nr1)1'. an ex 1 (; r: r, e, ,f hurt- els ,rile and 't;r'. leopard Is never to be trusted.
title.. ether herr, 1, he a „•; to led tate iu crawl el,, .eel „n, half cups "(►h, that s u,thinit I hale ! P
srery night at eight.
of lukewarlu w•et• 1 4,4.4 „r., tea_(e••diuo:!} tr•,n;.• 1,1111,111 fur jotnnlg heard) .,f placers in the \1"e -t where 111' 44111 Into rehellnen to Int%e tile In Africa a number of natives were
Preserving the Buffalo.
T)ow11 44. ( ,ray year- ae" :1 buffalo
Rtanipe,l4' was I (II' 111 the tl,:t,_- e.•rl•It•
0(1 a= 3 hazard by ir:rweler. ill prn,r:e
schooner- nor•,-- 4)0 plain..
. w•ho ('1411 revs:l eat.: 4l3 tl,• R. ,,1 will
1330(301• r hi- •1.•-,•rt13'!i .i ti,•• ,lit iu•
(MA ,lou 1 .,1 1u -t or, r};,• fir h• 1iz• rt
whirl) a)1.,a I•,..:une 3 living
n,.;l!!, •.+},.,.,• h,.ut:•l!rn \'..'J1.! 111••
of ,4.. tr•1,11.1 an 1 Levan,•
tray -.• r,4 • i
11',lh:n lit:!, i'•-. than a -•••n.', , •I
from the tiro,. tit, ",r•:.! 1,,c 1! 1,
1!,, hull,:' 1.31 '.:i :-1 , l fr ':i
111- ,t„irt..l },:('l! e- (•nlv h% hl- ,1..
pa. -'are In r•..• . r, I 1 airs it.!•, 11,..
!a-tne•r-,- •-•f t!„• .1,-, it .tn. 11' al,l,•
to 8:iv. 11:w- !f fr,•tn , 4•1n -t4 •4: I1,.
had 1''. , )nr_n .,l :rn 1 -!,, . .1,•'", r••-
1,.111!,•-.:'.. nu I twl.:1' rl,.• f. ••• r „1
hoof tt,,- '•u. It .t:'- ail' Its ,,,,nl l 1,1
to saw.• h.- a.,
were a1tt, lel I. r,.• 1 . 1:191 t!. 1
were pick.-} nl, at 1'o'rt!, h,
roan. new I.eeorn,• 4'101.1, n!, at:d ['r
.-1 r
lhir'. , ,n r
1.114 ' 4 954%.,1.• 1111141 444 •1- out
I.v t .•
I. r.•:Ir.
I . •,I, .n (':,n:, II mil
• 1 -'It, - ''1 1.', : 5r
1:1 n •
I.. f _'at 4, : f,...
fh•• 4 , r ,+ 111, r• ' _ e.11;1.i!Iv
an -1 tl,, ; rt. -r.,, 1: a I • 44 ia4, art 11i,;
}treat .: • .,:.1 1' _• r'.. t • , , , `,i: lre:e
of eon, u, t't:;.,i, 111:Iy I:n r,i1
nlireet :,- ,, in -ise a= tri„,, 1.1,i,11
tier,• •, • . •l •'r fnnrlly 1•. th,.
rl 11 I • r it, t', • lay "1 the
1uak;nx t•f t.,e 11. -t
sl,onuful „f saga, :,1,u .I •' a -t 141°s`' el, u:( • 1 hrcakagd• of any Inushreones grow ulueli larger that, i11' I1:1t1„n (rr•s.d. 041ng the reeds along n stream, One of
cake, which ha- h••, :, u....,1„ ,1 1 :`' i that." ; The kung was wrot!, :\n rl.i- ,them. a boy. Lein;; tblt•sty and hot.
.\(14 11our to make a thin hatter bet '-' will rem„ •• tar, vat _,I, d• nc.+ that in the bee of Geri is a atoopdrd down to drink. ile carts Immo
arid! keep in a warm place ower o, -I, :11:,1. Sher like 4, '811'0 frim _ fire which blazes forth at last dlattie hewzid by a dianeal. The bay's
night Iti the nu:ling add to this t'`" h,n,t 11(1 Bill Ill• ,:"c wale F.\('T :1\D F'1\('1'. :against persis1en1. unch:1100.i1,11, brother, with anudmlrableaim, hurled
u: -i. 1 ,, ,), "s rcfu,al t„ bate the gracious bone his spear at the leopard while the boy
Heetur, :1 taldtispi.tifnl of lard and ()tile the wact:mated may '.etc 111 . was In his jawvs. The palet separated
one of -,.t, together with a quart \ .l,i-h 0f vinegar a a .1 1" Ih": Norway. tits of that I.14e. rho armee It.
1 "i,1,',..1, in which a RK+ 41!' r 4 ',1;g"..' mai I e 'the Il••ulans who horned the vertebrae of the neck, nod the
„f hits warm water, and 1,• .r.\ tnnrali t Is a p,t-cn who is u,
. n .1;;,! mix stiff Let erne 11, o.,• " e much to 1.reer1a 1'.• ' (•aura about attire 14c •pie's mor- their cite. are rolled his because rouilnrd fell stone dyad. But the boy
breaking in the (seeking!, rnotd not recover. 'I'be leopard's fangs
:1!and 1:, ,.., into (our 10114(.4.; let For the troth nothing is ter a Pr„%utentlallc used h} him tg bring End torn open hie chert and Injured the
'!' - , • .• well before baking. I( g \ m:rn'N eharartl r 4:u1 Le acini- art end to the nnlydrn,us rulers tf lungs. The latter were eft ,used to
flora fide .re .s of Ietnrin lure Io 4►
il„ 1 careful!} f„II„red! 1 J 3t• I'. tnhl bw bi= h41141%1r11ing. c, Jerusalem.
I;las...1 water it will regrow,. the Pd' view throuyi the rncity. of the ribs.
i•re .1 "e• •1 '.• • 0 ••1 the o%. 11 by visits whin his hes. letters sue read s His >..teants- 'file first Chris pe died dant the nl ht.
13rlar and sw,•"ten the heath. g R
ii ., •r, ;,r -.t �.,,�. r.•,(4 rest:.f wr1I11, out rat e'llft. .(lail pl'e3eher-, who wellt faith to Lcopnndx are essentially tree tieing
In packing nw:a} hitt- see that,In old stork's wet. built un the the parting. o1 the highways (9), and nocturnal animals. Sleeping In
\'''••• • 11 , I;rra'l Thee i.,,,,,/they are not d'tllst,e(l in anv wad, roof of the eath(dral of 1'etmar, In '4 here the reads from the (lentil.. trees or caves by day, They are seldom
'.,11,•i .r -:4 ,. 'u, al,'ahsa}104.1} :Ind pack plenty ..f t: -sur pal . • Northern Fiance. becalm ilislo,lge4! 1'•,1lnrry Irdl into the city. and theredlsturbe•d. They do nu tncredJbte
• --curial to stake %led. wi,eal a'' m1)1 thrill 1'• i' (1 .ri'• any l' .luring the winter and threatened found 'hill bad and gaud (104, sig• amount of mischief among cattle,
Bread .lice. -.fel. Torr cupful- of -,1'e .til -t „r liy:i,t t,. fall into the street. It rneasur easing that, in the matte) of Unit- eaivet(, sheep and doge. being especial•
thele wheat flour, two tab!. •p.„I,• ''''''I driers "1, '1 li'.er, oil :,' fd•,•t :!crus, raid it say f.,n' loft. there is t., I•,• nu disrrinlinu- ly fond of Oiling nod eating the latter.
',,,e.; l• f c er, en1, I, ,•n•,lul Stir , 4 stir rr aha ('441, f. , t L,ch Ir w••Ighed I,:IIN► gonad, tu,n. They seine their prey by the throat
i '1,1,14""11 '1 , eety. The, shn11141 he f1 nil , r 11,.sal%,• gn''►► and 1 as shill a „nn44ucl rias. tial II fhr kink rn►n• in 1.. Lel„)d uul cling with their claws until they
o•'..• • r three time' a day, (lirectf) 1e dietres It pu ks hail to be usr.l the gee -4 - This is a► -retie of succeed In breni ug the opine or in
•� . • ,.. ;n hie: ,' of ..f %tarn,
•ill, i f"a.l
• ,r ,,, '1 dal0, -1.. +fol el bat ' In the nes/ eel.' („111141 reyer,teell •(,1.•I:iN pnl,,n • •!t ft is not enough atr,lngling the victim. They have n
. . 'I ;Ir(I, n• ,ivart „(` t hlldr'l underskirts should al st„eking-, fete fur . ape the sl4(4I to L 1 • I•• , .•, .I and t„ ha4e• habit of feeding on putrid flesh. This
• stir I'•, , ,1 n:l\' 1., w4); be bung tip Ly the stn,11elders tf a -111, blouse, a large piece of tn:l•l,• f . lea. 1, , , {.lane,' 1'hrre, makes wounds IuAlrtevl by their leech
and ru1n11 skirt• toy the w:u-t leather .t'd L,ur metal buttal► still re;l,,e,,- ' in, •,•s,l,;ible• sera- Or claws 1131.10 to blood poisoning.
:,',,e N a '.1,,. ,l, 1, Nothlu
h1111.) 11 s""'"1,•;4)1110 She I:Ice '1'111• fnlbbll, '.4)11 h grrYr1I11; .111 t111'. 1,1 tier 1\,u.: Ti ,111.•'.Ilnll ..f e In the any of prey comes
eith a r.,„ 1 with the .I„the. ,tars
1 „1 i , • . : ,,, I -1' 4113, 1184 almost rnua1,d 3 ci%II 11111•••., is not 1.14,4 4 , d b'.• ',ism amine to them, from 11 cows In the ;nee
1'urpl•aline msx'41 wish Garb, I4• "al In the least certain .lusts- bershlp in the I i,ur1 h. lure to a fowl up al roust.
In th• Ileo •.. . . 4 . ,4 t,.• •, ., In the great mountain ranges of Mn•
II end k. pl in •open %(- -ala ishan, lines made cnloss3t fortunes b, ex. A Iran who !,.,,I ,,, • a wed
1,„ ,, I .. n f• 1 ,:id 1:I putIrnl Asia the beautiful snow leopard Is
„1„ut:ll i er' , „I L1.:,•I 1.1 half , th• to„hi '.%ill gr0atla Ie•s1 n th, p„IUng millions „( rtbhils ehieh
r, thou garment T..- .( n ,solation found, it l♦ n large creature. with
" (,t 11 els• 0 t .. k „f ' lIt4)a41v1 in '(11.It .'•'., r. th,•w .ecure,I f••r n"thin¢ I.'rntu of the n ttnlatl•'n- of the feast, anal
4 ` Ic„)lrherul. Sud kin.lrr41 )Ii').1 - thick, woolly cent and a Ione Intl like
1. ' f "14'Pl.: 1 .t„ a IN, •1' 4,(!. i sill, Ihe11)r11. it Lr,3r11, r;rr',"17, • l ,(f,110' T„ he in 1111-
1 I'•• tn3ke o..l•'rc sandwich, •. , !. tar tie „rrnn)ent to tin•! .1 h.•I,..",!.1,-11:11‘..;:111.;r11:,a f11: Iron. the color 1. white. clouded
•„rn. In lifl,•••n nlil,nl••s cher. th" I K' nof n fe-111e o•111.1m with beautiful I r••:Irl i4 !lively browned to lop hr 11 line elle rlr\lix'witi1 •('114441 h,.1 1 ''•45 ter m.ete,: of exterminating Ilea de .,f su,1 Impertan.e war der, sleet Augora cat. J'hr anises ofe hat of an
thecl ud-
• if the Kis 'elv. r and hake inn 14 111 0r(•-•• (I 8441411' a ,less ;,1, l -n u,ti'.e sentare, l•'r 11 threaten 1,. the king. The man war -14r„ h Ings and spots are darkest with black
este' fur the rest ('1 an hour. The t.i I 1 ,ruin the country \ law ea- Its+ illi n4rlstnurh as then was no
,•4cot tnay1,1111111,1• rlr.•°•1118 ' 1..• or darker r3 the e'en are ver
010, Insist never be knrn.l,•11 he 1,.1•.,,1 antlr•.r:•:,ry fall, • • 1•, 44„1 rerun,• fur ...ening un ore pared As gray. ! y
is '• ! •' and all brand: of (lour
ten 44r"pert,.„u the r.,I.l ;•TiK 1 t Iarge, bluish gray or smoke colored,
f tablet in the parable of the %n'Rin lime It Hyes on the wild sheep. Ibex nod
Tn make strong butter:bele: --' 'expert,. , ..rr •.l, : . put toil
., I l' n : timkc palatnhle le ad1 if , . i I 1 ( t as allowed to pr„e tole oil. het, other mountain animate. In captivity
14.0 a true j'''' o1 nnrslin'r lien "( bu•tne... thew :, new fiel,t There must h:1,e Sera ;WTI, ..or
iv! • ;n chi• war. But 111•• floor 11tel••rneath :1,,• hilt tenh„►e :Ind inti for a rr• real „f Ihr ,"i -aria_ I nail% t„ dies- ,1 I„ 1 1) It ly fen the tnmr,t and i(0nticst of the
• I n, .I Kill make dcli.iuns k it the Ime a• n•n31 1Ch,n tan d I 1 flu• large cnrnlvor•,t, not etcepting the pu-
••arrneat. Ihr n, r, -f, I - r•. r:. . 1.0r ma. teilike the latter. It is a !Sleepy.
i' :111 410,1,, •1 ant awns the tun• StIARpI�1f! (j ` .,. • .rwhich a n,:, 1 , I, -, t,' ' 4' • 'quiet animal, like a domestic.
In 1'1: (4, 1r4 4 414.rI\[�II EllpAiNs
m M•h 1' a •• 1 .••(f' • ;, V[ „'I „r ba(1. Ta br .1 ..l ,.l:,l,t The\\'e't(Ncan1copu,1kin1et tr„o Ik nl .„.d wit, rnC 'he Kin¢ s well 111 chi, 1nat11•r 1.- n Hi 1 . It Ih;rn tl►e Aslntlr, tb0
4.'14 rpn,••r!f .11 Ilii sill, .f thee, e.. - mints Seim; very distinct end clear. I10
couples -
I.. -t. th•1, 1',.' Ole stain n'.eI :1 ;j
1 ,-4. :1 w1 r le ' Would Go Through Heart es•htlt1n •r 1i,.11•It;14 teriee•t the :r: and she -they usually go In couples-
! , si.s 1t'tt, 4 Iare fond of hunting canloltnents and
through 11. I -Hine' I'„• 1, . kettle
1 _--- 1:: 'i1„ re shall L, the ",•.•Lille around native towns, where they pick
1.1' i•i
Suitered Feld Years ir�',il Pail t I:r:r:'r.\l I f-: rlr:r•P`.
I( 1','0 I'f.: Ili the f„l;„1t
n •! ha Sick and Head;Chis, „t tiers' 1• r TI i 1 t t', pea, have a lielletou-
•' rl. k. !, t< •t•, 1 !l... I 1• ,e r. 1. 11(•Io114 than ('ail lo,
:1,. .i,..,•11 1,...
. :c,d ,rt ,., , 1.•,• .4 1 tip. ordinary 111e110 i
! ,, 1' ro , , ,1,,,., 1'. for• r 4 1 , f , • •I, alts \\"a,h the 441441: .are
- k., ,' 1 Ire 1,1,1i.: ;144•his,r•• ',, Iv 1,;11•. :11141 11,1'1% thm be
ealta lling
1., • 4 , 111 '•
I ,, 1 ,t. rf 0'1111:• wits If.. rook. The pods ‘t ill hreak
r.1 . ' i 1 ..:,,!, .. 1:'1).1,1.1:1. tin, arid the 1;,:i rook and fall 4e the
le; , 1 i , r., '4 ., .,rt',rl,t,
Ili' 1 r,. • I4 r Lott„n1 of 14:1n ':'otn pod- \\"Er n
I. l:.,, Ii'!e„ `f peas are thoroughly rook. 44. skim
11,. I.:, .► I' vire.
1'),'r, '' ' . 1 I 1 . alit„, 4 1 h:.sr• off the p".I-, drain and prepare the
lea4 (.r the tahlo as usual.
('111„as. 'Pill,' 0 paper hslc
1411144' 114 41Rh to comfortably woi 1:
.•,. awl After 4ln4o,ing the rod -1'
Iit,g of the oni•,n-, insert hand-.
• 'lie?). and '11:111 lal int hoif,' ;n
Lilt, 311„1 4-111.1• without we. )1tris:
! I . r dir.<l onions h..141 the twit.
• Lille fall% in the (1111111 of I. fi
..: ,i. . then (•111, rl,et 11, 111!1. ,,
,'.r :'" •-• tint n• ,it••. tlr•iti4lt, ill 4 air.
le psi ;•.)
4'r"-• ,'I;'_1,,., scout ('11• f„;'t•tll ..1
4 , el . an ire I. gene i, Iseeping r',, ene g in
T!; • • •11,. e rel !1:•:: • lir•inc :4-
4' ! \t',..••••• (.,il- i:, rub.•. t'-.• 11, -;In.••
... - / !14 40..1 II, (f 1', ii', po1at.,0., or nt.r,h•s,
%II11„lit OW ►•;t^
18 I ,•
1.• , u,
, 1
11 v-., • Il'e'a.,•
, •(111 I, n,: est (11.01
I I• '.:,111 111',
I 4;t, -1
• 1 1 ••I '1
at a h• it ht t•• e 4s01 0,' '11u, 1- ...,1 III. 11„t Ly Ow k„ • 1.. flys
11}.,•44 Ion -1 r:.: Spent In ;111 open 1.,toi•n^.,ls (4f 400411' 14 • ,,ut 11:r'r • r'r%alit • lin this r;1-., the WILCO' l
14.1 n, 4,. 1 :1 , 1, ..•, w11111, m11••1111 ('14,111 11a1! ' y..rk 1.1 ihr %ergo 01,1 ,:n :0•,1 ,. t
WWII la% o4 rt thy• fop t( the rue;tf . flus, : 1..;1r.: it
4,04 L, 1 1„ a -t 4,, I(4• hearer- 1.1 a:av
it •.(ill k' ep front getUn)r Said anal 1:-,......,• '5'r• in n while n pain will Fr'''!.t '.f c,! .1e •1.' ,, . I11 1he outee dark ,fleet. 8s was their custom, were sitting
do,. 111,1 intra' . L:,sting s„ „(Ica. ' t.' r.i....1 through the heart but iiti. 1:• I h• , • ( L. r, ernes• nl:u'k, d !sheet a great tire 8akine Iny carnrnn
»n,1 tee meat 1- ranch Hirer r. ,n i+ paid t.r it 1t the Inge. red it I"' .,4111'!. '..r ,.1 forth, an 0'. Iden..• all sorts of gnestiom, for th0 Atrlcan
4: only whea t %iotrol shack cellos; teat "f the• 4 ,,,n' •• "1ur11 11181,''' 8ll%nge 1e the trrea4twt 14(4x81(1 In the
'1••• slake apple snow, (11 a t 4p r.f ti,e veakncss of the heart is:1(:ucr:t, the d„••'n 11';•isr aorhl, yurldenlr n rhihl'. cry inn/
'1•I n'1 .,1141.' .aur4' aryl Ihr nn- There i. only one eller and that is 1,1. N11111) art (0111.41, bur f.•wX001, followed by n :!real clamor, Noah•
1..:It•11 t• lite- of tae iota• and ,u- MILB'JRR'3IiEART AND NERVE PiLLS rha<0n ".111 11,0 I Ing out fo diSeo%er Iho cause of ntnrm,
':;11 t„ to Ileal Iha1d with an A1M. ,1, i'. Mud). Itiver•i0w. ('n4 . 4;(.414 lr= wrrc44.!14114;(4311.:"1:11:11::,10:11,11 fro 1I wns lufortneel that a Ie0p8rd 1111(1
1,tg h,•:11,1 (•r tliell? y m'renteS; write, --Two yearn aro I suRrrr(1 with „1 the former,' rind not all 1•f 1l„' 141(040). from the darkness and quick ns
1144.11 1411'' .t, a .11illod 11:1s•• di,11 A 10(1 pain ,retied my heart. At inter a 11a.h (1341 hrobhec) a four-year-old
nasi •11•e al once. it w(wlld almost stop lrntinR and then. }a,Icr. were 111oe0n It Is (;ad,
a she p k11ile-I;kc , ‘0,,, h,, ), tai!. and fin1111} cheese.. (child and m8de eR which It. The child
! Nd 1 ILL'm. Inay be n1ad, Ip, leek ; n 1 aro would terse to ' W:ts waled In the nti•tst of the grown
:1- e„•.d as 1";": be w:1 -lung (hent in gg° ihro:r;th it. :1e 1 hail lined \lill.urn's;I Put ,+11 1: ruin Sus his destiny in
l.eart and \,r%4 1 tib of re n grand 1 h1, own keeping. I men Anil women. The latter could
• I .I and r„rrinit thorn just he r011.0< for the hetet, 1 Fret snit gut : only lament their Toss. They knew It
_' , dr} . .\ pit ce of linen tiro LO+,eN of then. :mil olon I L1,1 Only ....-4. I w'ns h8014"8 lo fry 10 pursue file bent
1 I..• placed eser them before ; used i. Lot and a Haff 1 ane entirely free " Into the dense hush.
I., . ':.1 the iron which shonid n.'t ' fra:n p.tin•' The leopard is so hold th8( even In
4 . 1 I:• I ower. ! '':!' tea', 1i. +r: a+•'1 \rnr Till ere TRAVEL idaylight he wet w'nnder Alrnnt n tow'11
1 e • • 1• (:(•' pud(ling a g'(,'h le- '.•:' • '' a L, ,: dor $t.'.;, :ee ell 1 EVA le Et -h 1 11 hat air
,.,I, I ae,}r4 , •t •11 I ,i',•'! ,lin•: , to ,reel , l., oil' or n w hltO m n's premises. It 14 not
! tq, one cup , f ;nr, l i t •'anon r plans of All urn •n31 10 rl n Herr) Nhr. nt n
„11i• , ii1, f Intik, force 11: ' of•hotlr, a, )r'.n i.'• )'int i, �;,Ildllrl (-J. fehlhed, R R .t
I I s t cr %l ,1, t:nt, B1„ Fish "1 shall get 114441) a- 100)4)441 front n bungalow veranda of
and 0o, and a half teaspna11fuls of ti -rials" 'a mud but doer.-i'Ittsburg 1)14palc4.
up n gout reel now and then n baby.
One night I WAY camped In a native
frown and atter 1 had retired the 11n -
Mrs, Chas. Farrell, Oakland, !4!an.,
writes: -"My dear baby was taken sick
last fall, and we got the doctor and he
said she had dysentery. She nearly died
with it, but two or three dosses of Dr,
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
completely cured her.
"My two little boys got a bad case of
diarrhoea and two doses trade a wonder-
ful change and they were completely
cured also. I would not be without
such a grand medicine at Dr, Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry if it were
twice the price, as I consider it a wonder-
ful medicine, and I cannot recommend
it too highly."
Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw.
berry has been on the market for over
sixty-five years. so you are not experi-
menting when you use this old and tried
Do not accept any of the many sub.
stitutes for this sterling medicine, but ask
for 1)r. Fowler's and insist on getting
what you ask for. Price 35 cents.
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
11It S1"MI'.1TIIIES,
The Old .1fgh:u, Was Not Particu.
lar \\ tin Won.
The '-new-caught, sullen peo-
ples," except when menaced by mi-
litary power, see no reason to pre-
fer one breed of white man to an-
other. I)r. T. L. Pennell, in his
bt,ok, "Among the Wild Tribes of
the .Afghan Frontier,'• tells a story
4.. illustrate their indifference. A
British „(fiver in the Kuram valley
„arc asked an old Afridi where the
interli les of his people were as
t seen England and Russia.
'Now tell me," said the (officer,,
,f there were to be war -which
1;..d forbid -between Russia and
1.:,gtand, what part would you and
nu people take l \\'hum would you
I'•• •, .. isle me to tell you %bat
•i t' •1 "u 04 to tell you the
,: 1I1h was the naive reply.
1 adjure you to tell me what is
.•• %thite
1 urn,'" said the old graybeard,
would just sit up here on our
oi..iintaintops watching you both
tight, until we saw one ur the other
defeated. Then we would come
.Iowa and loot the vanquished till
th.• last rade. (:ed is great ' What.
a tune that we114•1 be for tis "'
['lull( 11\ 1:\1.1.1"11 \ 111f:Y.
ea eon, \,rlllan and \ear -Not man
are "I he).
.\n 1•:ngh,li enter has been etas-
. sifying old families in a 1>ublication
• deleted 10 hnraldy. The King. it.
appear;. has the ('!cleat pedigree,
but it i• wholly German. Ilii
Majesty is descended from 1Citte-
kindl. first Duke of yaeony, alio
died in en" .\hong the most fanl-
„ns patrician names of England,
\shhul 0118111. Carew and Wolseley
ere Saxe!): Begot. Blount. (lrltyc-
a,"r. Stanlr.y and Ta111,1 .:ane over
with William the ('enqus•rer, and -
11..•alta at r te4
ccs 1
.11,41 1l"wards crane• •'..•r a little Int-
er This gencaroUI't h.l`a not heard
of alt, little girl IA 11.. claimed de
VII int (rule (,wren Ii.,ad,een Mho
was rat a
Carew, a Tailed or a
11eu. i.1 1►It' family is pretty,
good, you knew,' Nile Said, "fur
m"sf p'r'pI• can't go back farther
than the ('anquesl.'.
''1 i.t, l'•I in Ih, 't• r' we
ed to day 4''.'I)('41) N:1. crawdrdj
around) the perfnnu•r) counter.'.
'That 11.1 surprising."Why
net ' • Oughtn't perfumer eater -
ally he a seelltcr of attractiunt"
There are few people who ]tare never
et{rricnecd a sick headache, and those
who hate not may be considered very,
lucky, as it 18 one of the most aggravat-
ing headaches a person can have, There
is only one 03,v to prevent diene horrible
headaches ar1(1 that ia, 10 Ret rill of the
a ill do this for you.
Mine M. Denney, 1''l11.4nton, Alta,,
write= "I wish 10 ante yon of your
splendid remedy, Milhnrn'. Lata -bluer
1 ill+ .5 t1 erre for Sick ffeadacile. 1 hese
Leon clearly mad with Reattaches for
nights together, and have not been able
to close my eyes, 1 was working at it
lady's h tu'e and she tolls me of your
i.1►xa•1,iver Pill.. i took four vials of
them and I have not peon Imolded with is
headache for clout six menthe."
Milburn'N 1.nxa-Liver Pin, Are 2:6 a
vial or a tints for $1.(51, at rill dealer., nil
will be trailed direct by The ?'. Milbur*
Co., Limited, Toronto, OL;,