HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-09-08, Page 6Her Lover's Prowess ;
Or, A Little Matrimoniai Dream
1.'IIAi TER 1.- (Cuut.d)
"Such an uuprescntablo old ruf-
fian, 1 don't kuow what wo aro to
du with him. Ile looks a thorough
owing to what! That Mr. Ashby
Urawlor had been ta) much vexed at
tho idea of a 110ted hunting -box
in his country haying fallen into
tho stands of a nen hunting lady,
oup; that. ho could out control the delight
"No, Charlie, you're wr
there, that is just tate one thins; 1"' felt upon finding hill>41f n1i4-
he's certainly not. Wo women are
taken. l'h;1 .]gong Lodge not fur-
judges than on tilt cushing 1; complement, of scarlet
point, believe. uw•" ;tt• flu► co14 r side was to Ashby
"Aute yet I've heard ladies pro-' IilaLxhal1I'e equivalent of tlrawiIig
itonnce a man all he should be v1 hen at t Dur,( blank. 'The ono had
No. 111 l:.u.^•e •-t., ;:ural, Que.
"For seven years 1 suffered from
womb disease and dr.:u':ul torturing
)pains, and I had constant Dyspepsia atel
Chronic Constipation -the latter so bad
that sometimes 1 went ten day without
action of the bowels. Six different doc-
tors treated the and ter a year 1 was in
bed, constantly facing death. Then
his mala acquaintance would ha.e alu:Iys held a hunting man as cure 1 my husband coaxed me to try "Fruit-
s -lives" and this medicine, and nothing
else. cured me and sated my Life."
(Signed) Mute. j(S1;1 II LI
eoc. box -6 for Soso -or trial Lox
250. -at dealers or from Frust -a -lives
Limited, Ottawa.
unanimously dubbed him by that
the. other had a fox.
tithe." . 1f Aunt Margaret and Maude
"I srtldo ladies, my dear Cha, 1:,•
didn't know all the' partieuhlrs of
like yea! fri ladies,
the Mr:11i.t,,.. that. day's sport it was from no
whose boaster] Jlighland ret teem.° on the part of the narr:a-
eonm4nce(1 same twenty-five ye,um fur• who never scented to tire. of
age ata blttlell shop in Glasgow.
(If the achievements of hitn-
"You need not be always floating' self and old Champion. "Not. many
the Me:llisters in my face,,, rcjui(e'. cflrtin(ren •lmont st them, fil:uidc,h,
cal her cousin, somewhat. sulkily. ! ed, after expatiating on
"No ; Ili admit them+ is no his own deeds of prowess for some-
thing They it that for them- thing like an hour: "I didn't see
selves quit° slrfFre•icntly.,, anyOl►n out. today that 1 couldn't.,
Charlie 11 illiamsnn jumped sap to •say the Iccist of it, hold nay ow•u
j Iu'( with."
and paced the rnnm angrily. AI -
though sworn allies, if not some. "lint you know, Charlie. you can
thing more, as we shall ser further ride," interposed Miss Williamson
on, yet they had not only often tiffs, "a1141 it's just' possible you didn't
but occasionally battles royal. Sub- meet quile their best men to -day."
miesio11, sad to say, on such ossa- "Oli, dear, yes; one of their
si<Ins. usually came from the nobler, crack 'meets --everybody there who
sex; but once appeased, Maude meas anybctily. They talked about
was wondrrn cten- a young fellow- a farmer. or hah-
derncss withhll whiichthe shetasoottheandd his crdasher, or something of the sort.
amour prop., and 110 one more who was unlucky and came to grief
thoroughly comprehended Charlie's early -as 'wing a. wonderfully goer]
vanity than she did.
When Sir Phiilp was taking his
departure next day at a. very early
hour. ho was n'tonishcd nt
Maude's gliding out of the dining -
room dor,r.
"haat-morning," she said: "I
Cilli hardly expert sneh nn inveter-
ate old campaigner to try plc cof-
fee, i know. but at. all events e. u
aluln't go without wishing me geed -
"11'e11, thank you. \fatale ; I've
lead my coffee, hut it really is very u . act hay p "tel
va ]°dues, wall be glad In
good of you to !wave your %]144'1] "Of cuuree, ho n joined t. -til} reetrauted hitns.•It had 1. tried, but I4aru that an inventive genius has
nest to bid your guardian (loft but you must wait till 1 krh,..t :L h" utas somewhat piqued at the , cultic to their assistance. Tho de-
specd. I meet bring sou something little mire about it. 111114' , ... ry' quiet way in xhirh the baronet •'rico is
wen pretty from tuan. as a re- ,g°°" lady's meet, for in-;.,(,,. '" k it al! he pas nut to beI
ward for the attention." rood 1.11 mood
watli..ut ane, i, l.1' eLt. to any (hitch of er►thuei- A UE('R:1Xll'.\L (1(lA'I',
"Sir Phillip. don't misunderstand 'cha"ce of a run, you kite.,. 4.., Diet. ''''u 'o11cernir(g 4)1 her 11144 grey which can bo put in the closet ti hen
inc in that say." cried til° girl, 1 61;t111111.. IT able to lix,k utter ;ala, 10'rse or the the.tnut mare; on thoi nut heeded; that requires nu feed -
aghast. at. such an interprctntion (It)' 1 daresay James w• ,1L1 I... 4 111ler}, his ansxers, though i rag, and practically no care. Also
hems placed upon her early rising. icp.ti.te suQiricnt," retorted 111: , \l it r 1 "r 10•,us, acre .short. and h• It may be handfed by its keeps r
"\o. Lilo<le; I understand you , lrams(•rc with some ]attic :a -lei.;}. 4411.,11'.1 1isibh, 41i-incliIlalien 1.• without fear of tousequencCS. This
the guardian has been trot to has a lady out hunting no one 111:t had net plenty to say, f. 1 1 r tripod xhich rune on three wheals,
b tnik.d ..f L.s hfe an ]11411.4, of wh.rt tie
trust, in your eyes at !cast, far a gl't"ire to lase "barge of la e, • waif going on fust Hee :)h 1,"tlti.,li, front one being louaehy pivoted.
away as he has been all these replied Charlie warmly•. 1 1.:u,dlc an the rear is fur the put -
"Then it behoves you to takes 4 il`(4•ncd to the leer . .4, 044111,' 1 . • . i ,tis ung ►t.
bye. ' that burtheu upon youown stem: if of telife rho..]. , t. .'h .• ,1L Tee 4amladiste. blindfolde.l led
Yes. he might be withered, wild di tee my sweet cui." rrtur)1,.1 od inset. -t. f ..t Lor•, • ,,; .1 the side of the anon.]]. I , n
11:tnde laughing. Int !''' t lent!• , sold nt placing in his attire, as the weird sisters. glean'. "I dna t pr,.f. w,.nld :., t folk :141 r it hu takes 11114 scat. ,lacin
but lee's .r CO111 in stirrups on cithel ode.
ality in ether matters, yott will find
hint gite you is mount sometimes:
but 1e. gist. up two horses (o you
entirely i; expecting a good deal,
'Yes. I suppose it is; and I
should never thin►: of such a thing
if they wero lik.I.. to he half -rid-
den. hut til. n. .•1 course, they
1NV'1:NTIONs RY M1:('l1AN1('.t1I.
]fat N hi, h Raises Itself When
11 cac4r lions --Secret Soil.
elie1' Goat.
Some curi•u1, inventions for which
patents hu.0 14011 granted at
11 ashinglon reel et ly form the sub-
ject of an article ul 'rho New York
'Tunes. A 1)t' Mettles wan has ob-
tained a patent ter a self -tipping
hat, which is de-igned to save tho
popular person from the fatiguing
labor of removing his bat every
time he moots one of the fair sex
with whom ho is ace uaiuted.
"'loch valuable Miergy is util-
ized in tipping the hat repealed-
ly," say's the inventor, "and my
device well relieve one of it and at
once cause the hat to bo lift.ed
from rho head in a natural man-
ner." It is a novel del ice, ill other
words, "for effecting pulite saluta-
tions by the elevation and relation
of the' hat on tho head of rho sa-
luting party, when i,aid person
bows to the person saluted, tho
actuation of the hat being produced
by mechanism within it, and with-
out the use of the Lauds 4I: any
No truly rural person could ever
have been responsible for the in-
vention of
which 14.144 protected by l'nited
wont Le•" States patents recently. The glans -
A letter fr„rn Sir Phillip u4ct is caro modelled much after the
day :o.nuune',l his return .at 11411 fashion of grandput's 'specs,' the
end .•f the work. Ile :►roved after '1u,so rest being enlarged to go oter
elle (lressing-belt had rung far 0111. the rhieken's head, while the ear
arr. mid wile, eon.e.luenth•, •o i. h....ks are joined in the back.
seen by anyone tiff he entered the \e claim is made that the t•hick-
draling-r(4,nl just as that meal len ,: eyesight is poor, or that meg-
announced 119 served. Maude and ;'ethers ever aro needed that it may
Charlie sere real]} not a little the better utsruycr the reluctant
man , but•, of course, 1 didn't.Fee put- t(, it t" 'unreal their astonish- worm or the elusive bug, but the in -
him. When a man's !torso falls assn(. ('ould tl►is Io rho wild Items' docs say that the glasses
a•it•h him, it's usually tl►o man's warrior, as they had irreverently I "aro designed to prevent clut•keus
farrlt," 4.hirstened hire. of ten clays ag(.---,peeking out each other's ryes. '
Maude said nothing, yet she this quiet gentlemanly (nal, titan , Tho inventor's attempt to enforce
thought she had heard cousin shaved all but his trite moustache. ; all chickens to wear tho device by
Chat lie. holt] different sentiments clad in orthodox and well -fitting ! legislative action in Kansas did not
;mid a fall at the commencemc•rg evening dress 1 He looked its least "atace•ecd.
of a run --something to rho 'Elect ton %ears younger than when bo} Members of secret rocictiea, eh.,
of its being a piece of had luck no had first arrived. That (.hnrlier<,mrti►acs may be put to n.
man mold always guard against N'itlielmsun, his surprise+ duly over- . trouble to ~cram as sut)icientle u
come, should launch forth in cu- as, iblc• goat for the purpose of ini- 1
loot' of Sir Phillip's stud wa4 a niat- tinting new members in their re -
ter of nec•esrrity' Ile • f t o F ,ret•
"Ane] ynu'll take me u.►n0 day to
see therti throw off, w'on't you I"
mho remarked at length.
perfectly. You wish to show that i Nut at all; I rant bear to te,. he 1 the . uh'.. ! It w 94 net t it mechanical gout is muuutrd on a
1 been a kind, true and
Int. you kuux, but 1 du 1114:111
courteous gentltmnn t.. his ward in to 17" (Vern throw off lox 1 h of c' .) tt„ old buff, nrvs L,:;tt Is pusLcd about tl
then.' and net,,•'.:: 41..•ut 11 really,' ti,,.ucht
all shapes p.0.i'Io, arm 8r(;o g, • .•nt a scrm, of +,het Is and l ,l
recognized fully that it was ee, "(If course, .•f .°arse 1 11 t.lk�.i ('harlle. I suppers<• ht tlunk,c •at
the r1, 1.' ""ng to do n•aw Irr'. in g' •Ire4t t•• the %lhrels VD phi. h
__ _ yon oil. ur.er v. a J.ke, .•tilt' 4 a• run.• rearar><•m the .
yo.Eilidi,lid \I rel. 1 suppose tt •s all an►ntal to buil.
('llal''ff.Jl Ii. ) h t tLe ,;alt,,• t.. ;ru :(. the L.It• r and in a fearful mann(':
114.11:. ). all(( It rn:lk.. a,l the .l:f f''1' mo in the Ioiig rut,
There ea., seine little ontitell} f' r. lo .• 111., n ween•.. - rev ee, but
of g.1 t •- k"'Ling the randulat4 u) contiuunl
I, nu danger o
ea eked t1 - one meriting at the i make- a s. rt 'a f' II"" 111,1,-,,,
111'. m. cf 'ours', 'ut it'; a (.... K f 'ting stuakeu off The Daimler Motor Co.,p
f r. put:11.1 1 (. 1 ;,ite Hein;; to think of a lleeidente of Kansas and C (1904) Limited,
Fade •�( 1:'••xi..lan (:or.c by the up- riding., he'm nrtt,:ra1F. 1.• *1111(1 t•..,,, prmlu,I, a S '
huntu,R waw,n pith a felh,w who, tate.. in the reclaim belt, e COVENTRY,
prar:us • f a =t r:Ir1f;• r e,n :1 w.,r'k 11/11 11. ►Chat 414.1 - it j t,: ier to . oa rno 1 tyre 1:Ilk 14'0]11 ENGLAND,
mnnhkc, brown hers' :► i(4wwl 1.w,Jt whrthrr at c c. ed meat or .t h; r1.' If d to retire fl• •:,"t: t.
Ing young fella(( in mr.t orthodox one 1" "f i'h, rr w . ens (huts that t 4 'r.
Is the turning -point to economy
In year and tear of wagons. Try
a box. Every dealer everywhere,
The Imperial 011 Co. ,Ltd.
Oeterte &pats: The Qaaea CYT 0.► Ce., LLL
Hudson Bay Is the Only Ass WWch Is
Bordered By But One reaunrry.
V1'• peg 'Town Topics, a wc. k -end
(,1414•', euys:
Hudson Bay is destined to figure in
world polities, in :nlditiui to lieurir.g
in Canadian polities.
The United isles Covernm s/ pro -
clone cellars and (11411 orgl,iIizc• old (eaten umbrella, green with age ti ter to
1(1e41l states
tight over '11tha-
Iwm('s)I whenng that storm has passed, asl,�jr and minus st vrrxl ribs, and one boxly o! salt •water.
P , flounced his intention of walking It has been e'jdont tar surae time
will be pleased with the intention hump with his young pupil to get that this matter would come up for
til<' air• c.,n-iderution.
It was raining slightly, and tho' The position of Hudson Bay is •
young Ulan mired his umbrella, :L unique.
new anti h:Ludsom" one, holelie • it ' It 1s the only large 44.41► having con -
humbly over the nu11;iciun's shabby !Helton with the ocean that to sur -
hat. They were brought so near ruun((c41 ort all sides by laud under
t}I(• Fa IIIc 11711:'.
together that. he atrunmered out: I 'fhe entrance to the bay being more
"Ulf --if I ---if you would only than sixty miles wide, in the ntrrow-
i aphut at, its centre, and turns give na+ sumo lilt]° rencetnbraneo of est part, it cannot bo said that tliii
'Jad on a circular tack. y<)tu•aclf and these days -no matter connection is by way of waters thate
Tails aro common ruongh • on }'"w 4411+14]] !„ are territorial, as the tors is general -
windmills and weather vale', but 'I'Lo great main looked ut him i ly underrsttwd.
hero is probably the first time that keenly, then rn at filo umbrella
Tho Rallis Sen is a large Ludy of
the ides line been adopted to resi- 1 water with a narrow entrance, bat its
spread over his head. IIo thrust shores licking to three nation=.
(fences. Tho wind -breaking end of his old cotton umbrella into the The Mediterranean has a narrow en.
e1' Iver, or says, is re -
man's free hand. 1 trance from the ocean. but its shores
'Certainly, my dear young' aro owned by several countries.
friend,,, he said. "We will ex- ' Behring Sea is inn way enclosed by
change) umbrellas. I bl.att be de- ! land, but its entrance from tiie ocean
is wide, and the shores are owned by
tWo) tt(,unt ries.
The Sea of Japan is nearly all en-
closed by land. although there are see -
oral entrances Irian the ocean, but Its
shores are owned by two nations.
I1F.,tC�NKS i`1) 111 41.1>FH' oc- ce,
b the itsledshore- also ben has a elong to twoarrow lna-
The same it true of the Black Sea.
1fudson Bay is landlocked all Lut at
the entrance, whit}► is (10 miles wide,
ALL SIZES 1 and no question }las ever been raised
that the land all along its shore line.
KNOCK DOWN FRAMES {which roust pleasure :1,000 miles, be.
lent•= (n Canada.
HULLS furnished complete or in 1, i1c question is one which, if rain •
P rd, will probably go to The Hogue Tri -
This is built in the shape of a sub-
marine, or a dirigible balloon.
From ono end there is a '14110 or
fall, which is designed to keep the
house pointing in tl►o direction of
the wind, the house being mounted
house, tho it t
enforced and windowless, au:d the
door opens on a fright. of steps
wheeled at, the bottoul, which fol-
low a ericular path, that tenants lighted to do it.
may always have a placo upon --
which to descend. Tho inventor ���qh
says his idea is particularly appli- 7.�Y
cable to hospitals, and that by an- ������ Bros,
choring it can be arranged to per-
mit of continuous sunlight.
A story in told of a famous musi-
cian who was almost as noted for
his parsimony as for the genius
which gate many fine Compositions
to the world. Among his admirers
was a young man who was deter-
mined, if pw4mible, to secure soma
memento of his dates of study with
the roaster.
The !net day had come anti he
was etill without his token, when
he 811ddrnly plucke(1 up courage.
Tito great, nuhsician had taken his
any stage of completion.
LAUNCHES, with Engines in-
stalled, ready to run, in stock.
Send stamps for catalogue.
Foot of Bay Street
.MAPLEINEj Sri area the .awe 5* ]tarn or warm],,
II/1 ill• tt'1f ar.aalrer/ row 114 tarn anal
e C 114 ry.ynt a 44)`ion• tyjp I• a,4J,4d pJ
a arra r 14.aa slap`.• Mallclra i• •.. 6
er`- •re. 11 aalt rad tot u} butth. ens
recap• heck. Cre•45 ( RAt4 C.., 14'•111.. W,,
Canadian Appreciation
Longhorn Hotel, London.
Gentlemen, -I wish to expresa my appreciation of the 38
h r. Daimler which yon hare delivered to me. Before ship
ping the. car to Canada 1 made a three weeks' trial of it. c.•v
snag some 1,200 miles. The car ran perfectly, and 1 114.•
had the slightest trouble of any kind, and 1 think it quite lives
up to the tnany claims you mako fur it. The silence, smooth
ness of running, and power of acceleration on hills is really
My petrol consumption was 10 miles to the gallon, includ
ing a great deal of driving in traffic. The tyres show no ap
preciable signs of wear, and 1 think it wall prove light on tyres.
I am really delighted with the car. Yours sincerely,
(Signed) C. A. BOONF, of Toronto, Canada
"The Most
C4r of the
• • Kemp - pink 4 ri•.a ,m .h t • !!.> i, • „Jus \label,• el,. I:' h. r
1 I t till• : 14f 1 I 1 (.teams] . f!
.•u1r w is s newly
eo l e v gr, i lake hmi ; L. 4( 41.1 4. • s 1
fresh, but• he L:, 1. , ',.. .1 t" see ple"t, . f 1 f f •
roan x'110. ,,p• t• : 1 }i•• 1, .4.1• . Patti rimy y' 1-" i Ic i•re �. ill. o..1•11,—...•f :L 1•% elle
huh pi- t, :4%. Urn .,iig age all ia01
and t( hen :1f'. r a -harp I,.• ...1 '1e o -day as \teiela) : but I want %%1111. 1'•,t 1e whit It In>1.1. lied
forty 111111111. the hounds r. ,;•.I t• t.. 1r her on til„ SI 4)114 wL4n r nrrdh.
111cic fox over on the downs, the ro}..'•, and all the world is Ile to ]alto beta 1,4for..:tar Phillip'. time
114.14 0.,1)1.•1• was there to see it. t.• 1. ' • I don't. :i!", Ti„.truth a rel �„ L( ;I 1,
care aLr1,t .11 h:ul .,
Especially enri(,ns ..n the 401.ie(:1 l•ff nip] • ,.r ,, 1 ` 1) 1-'1 en(•h 14!)11:• rh
t, s t , r..r. h4,14 .I ., 1,•.nI m 111^ youth hr. 1111.1 t a
was Mr. Ashby' (''141414,'. Ile x1444 \lig, 1CIlla,,m'o11, with a si.:-+ ; ;,
inquisitiy° by nature, r►ttel more 4 ••f lir r head t'(' at deal rf his time :l • r . ,• , ,,
particularly so regarding anything V wtrl; I,,,s ,;,,1 1 in. • 4,1.1 It•gifirnot family ole. 1 ed (•.:
In ant• teat' c4,nn•'• 14 Il U11 11 his 1 1'1111.(, d, pnrtlnc, , ' 111 the.' ',•near w1..:, 141,.
fat, r t,• lea 14 . :144 I:. 1 Ihkrly 11111,:1411• •'r4•'• f), le:(111,44 4'1111, t..
n is 111'°4' :the i.• ..I ,
that he w. ••'.1 sacrifice 111 ,I i;nity beet .f relented:,.11 1 ti •, 414•,, aff,;r. 1411,] 1''••1 +' I., at
all('(' ••( (. 114 e ',11 ..,. I1..re( t.•.ol. 1'1,•• . f iii.. .
i.....el I... t 1 •.,t, t•. 1,1:;, 1.14444.4 (allele - that. enlrr
at wiry cover -back. and it , • 1, 1. ,,
grooms at ('hitt:l 1 IS nen, rsitr, would hale •rat (loan 111
f" na: 1..,I:. , ,ilk•- :ane] ruffles tr. the neaten chop
Charlie i4 no1 4lullo t1.e .i,4t1'.l.4 ahilll the faithful ''rtitor, villi.
on h"rselle-h he 'insigne • 1•.4' • .f. declined to leave them. aitrld hate'
still he 14 31141!,•4. en"ufrh t., knew ' »' mimed with all his 807;en1
(hurt, four hu:t.•re 11114 t have vest. p,.ru;.. ,tv. Net. flint Sir Phillip's
a stflisll S11tn et motley, awl that If r( (ato•r19 were 1n straits of !lint
they are anything like as x'0(41 as' sett. f r, in teed truth. they sere
they 1(.<•k, Sir l'Iullip ...II h.• as cc di t,. .f.•. but hi: 1411111,1141' nil!'
x4.11 mounted as any mat. in the
as a roast. r of fox-hourrd� with
harriers it might have h.-• n done -
(4) sr•rnpr nrrpiniutln 1„Ih a
'granger, how ('Ver eon, 't his ap-
pearance, however st,.1;Olt• he
might. ride: hut, he did 14i-11 heartily
that somebody would find 4u11 oho
the got4l looking young fellow on
the vettnint ()rout) horse was. Not
mllr't •�iflic ulfy about that. ('hnrlie
11'illiai,ison, Hemel' a little eon-
r('il( 1 was frank and free ns a
gent 1r 14lati (night be, and in re-
spon'e fn the civil overtures made
to le rt• t'y several to inl'rs of the
hunt, gaily intr.•<ln/e l hitneelf ns
Ihe n• phew of firs. ltainharn, the
Indy why. I,a•l taken Chittagong
1..L. Se delighted ea- Mr. ('raw -
ler unnn illi=envering that a hunting
Ulan was still ('onner•tce( with that
residence. lie insisted upon (wing
introduced to flirt at once, and was
"fly Jove,” he muttered i 1,1
. ,, • . .1.1 n• . , luted fur
`•' 1 , . , l,. r1 I., •t 1,1,1 rnthcr
would one .i ' ' ,",1 mann. ,
y let me ride idem, ' \
I'd show biro if he 4•t little that tl,. ..'.ti, ••:.;,o,]
not." they could go or C(lIItleR1' welled poral r {.,, 1 , f ;reef
smelThat evening he was very full I trent an eminent .4, . ,1', , t lite
of these horses, and expatiated to 'Iml racy .. i ('rrsi't
Maude, at some length, upon the 1 1 1Vizzing nmv11 to And to t. •,',1 r . t resist
cruel irony of fat!• which gave an I 'flint young lady. ,i:Ith'nlght. l the er affect. -
old fellow like Sir Phillip such a i
magnificent stud, whilst Ito 1185 left 1 ted t. stand up for her g Charlie's n,
to scramble along with one horse •oto.,, ;jI ie Ti,(.'l '(flq were
txlremely cornplin'entary concern -las Iles( he might. "Anything sotto i,er ' 111144 The Philip,
►s were
Ing the performances of both the i lynnld do for an old chap at Ids. very merry ]ill Sir Philip, clu%Oh
known horse nor] his rifler. lfonied time of life t'. potter rlroppinrr his ronlpr'n}ion with
1 tt about on. lfrs, f1ninhatn, asked Mande for
Inttcry this to a yosnu man of Tx•o out of the four would ser him s„
(wenly two making he: debut ..iib through all he'll care about this too music.
bound,- in a strange teen! n•. ('her- I season, but a fellow who really (To 1"' continued.)
lie, only Inn inclined naturally to tides as 1 d4• of ('nurse requires --"1`
hny4' n high opin'on of his non en-, more. if he gate me the riding of, it's nlwnys a rave of the survival
pnbilities. r.411 Irene with the idea awn. with that. and my own, 1 might ('f the fattest. Aro yon it 1
line 1)44 hnd nst'+nished the 1,11111, t just scrape along. i)n you think Rome men 1401ild work if given
and of ranee taken rani( with their 'tae %till!'' n ehnnr•e, but• there are others who
5rst flik:j.t. loco•-gil of which was, "I daresay, judging by his liber- refaiw to take (114nces.
t• 6
I ,tf )'Ilett'(.'
Best Material
• • •
••.Lbs v►l„IAA%
—from et cry standpoint—where
N.ith to build things about the farm. This recently -published
"What the Farmer Con Do With Concrete," will prove
to you the superiority and "in -the -long -run" economy oft
"CONCH 11:Tf " ISH 11 Building Material
You, as a progressive farmer. owe it to yourself to read this book before
you attempt any further improvements.
The retail price of the hook i< 1(! c^11144
free, to any farmer who will fill out and 'end to us the couutlla�pn(1 it, nhsolutcly
I n l>rlutyr
30-35 Ynliun41 li,ntk Ilnild;nf. 1lontrenl
You may reed me a (�
wY o1 ynnr book,
"11 hat the i'srn.(-t• tan 11 , With ('anente."
A rtdr.r,
1bursal for settlement.
1 It is highly important that the jur-
iscfiction of Canada over these waters
should be maintained. if it can be tin -
:der the principles of international law
and the interpretati••ns of tr,alies.
A Reformed Horse -Thief.
Years ago, wtee. here -stealing was
7. common pa-t4lne in !intario, 'Joe"
Rogers, now $uperint• +,•lent of the On-
tario Provincial Pollee. tracked and
•''rralled a brawny boron -thief up in
t.•,• environs of a little town near Geor-
gian Bay. This man was rapidly mak-
ing a record for The Police Gazette.
'When Rogers got hold of him lie pu'.
4141 out a knife and sunk it in the
detective's shoulder -not, however, be-
fore he had got a life scar from Rog-
ers, with whish he was retired to
Kingston Penitentiary for seven
Some years afterwards Rogers went
up to a northern town in Ontario for
a hunt. Ile 'net a doctor who pro-
posed an expedition to an outpost
where there was good moose and ono
sale inhabitant; a little-known char- ...
atter who had gone quietly in, built
n ]house, taken up land, married and
]hag gat a family and was fairly well
known to hunters in the fall.
Mention of the man's name and the
description convinced Roger.. "Why,
i guess (lint's the horse-thi41 1 iult in
the penitentiary after he had knifed
IMP. ihat's exactly who he ie." •
"iimm!" sai•I the doctor. "Well,
for heaven's sake not a word about
that round here. There isn't a soul
that suspects hue."
Years welt by before up in that
(tame town doing Governrnent &tec-
tive work following a circus for crooks,
.lee mooched round among the canvas
find saw near the f,•nee a man with a
woman and several children -who the
moment he got sight of him came
"Say, 1 (MCA:, you're Detective Reg-
. r4 ••
►' ' - ale, ray friend. Do 1 know
I guess yea i knifed you
1.•s, 1'rn farming rviw. (lot a
1 ! ••.•e of land up north here.
my wife and family.-
I'm glad ur hear It,"
tt elute es -horse -thief is now a
w•..tl,y (11)141.
Us'd Rum and Money Too.
The 01111'11''. find Counter -charges of
l.olitien) 44,r►npri.•n a11ietl were repent.
y vuirp,l 1.I rous.•.tu,r) with the \)ntii•
1,4.1 1,r••, '4 ' : ,' . iecUon4 11/4 1/0 1041 eer-
' 111 the Maritime Pro-
. • t.' 1..1.11 n pt.hlicul incident
el 1' saet• li•iwar( lslan(1 several years
Annolant supporter of one of the
Island's wv l'oknown public men came
to him dural(; a campaign. in erent
(r44tr,w= of mind. ",'Nr .----," he env'.
"them Ton••+ are using ruts ni-1
money in this light. Yeo, sir, ruts
and money.
The careleinte 1.11= appropriately
shoeked. "I inn hardly believe that
such precticee are Ming pursued." ho
said. "are you quite sure;"
".Int 1 sere % Why. look here. \Ir.
1 14.44 :asking .1(51111 Snot', 111-t
night 1.• vete for you. hat 1 c,•n) Irl'(
tel nuell sate:fa• t;en frees him 1
offer •d hire S2 and stall he woul•I11't
pron.l-e. 'Ilion (in 0 whi;per 4. I phi,.
lpc,' .1 little 1.,•111.• into his p...•ket ail 1
a• ,4111(1 Ihe moot,] runt(• b,lek n11
Inc later. And I w'ateh••d bane g •,e,•,
'tern.* the street to the Torr none.
and he never came hack. 1'414. sit,
the Tories are noting rum and money,
Anil it ought to be -lopped."
Beautiful Buildings.
Tl, etch°lectern! beauty spot of
S ,•lalel,e•w:,1t. itnwv•ver. 1111.1 inlred
'i.e. %Le& of the l'rairie Provinces,
, Le the Ilea i.(•gislative Buildings.
I. „ nearing enmph tion. They will
• • ;!-ou! $2.(00,(•4O, and some say
••clip st. even the beautiful
1 • • • Buildings nt Victoria. H.C.
'1 ... ,t• red is grey stone, and ilio
cel:•i 4..ppet ((01110 nb..Ve the 1014 et'
will reach 185 feet from the ground.
The site is south of the pre.('nt out•
skirls of the city nr►d faces "n tha
long narrow• winding holly nt 1atcr
known as \i'ascann r.nke, whir), can
easily be dredged out and run,h• flat
cant', of n beautilttl park -cher'° It
t•t pr. tent ntlords facilities fur 10.al:uf
and bnthind.