HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-09-08, Page 4FALL
When troubled with fall
rasnes, eczema, or any skin
disease apply Zam-Buk!
Surprising how quickly it eases
the smarting and stinging/ Also
cures cuts, burns. sores and piles.
Znm-Flak is ;uncle ffora pure her-
bal esscuces. No animal a fats- no
mineral poisons. Finest healer!
Urgputson4.:4070 t:rayl iitrt.
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalogues Free
lJ. Vt'. Westervelt, ). W. Nk'estervelt. Jr.. C.A.,
Principe'. Vice-P,incapal.
\1.7?tit1f)1•: THE CO\i(NG LEAD-
l:n ina,,est amides- to ib.•
• 1 1.•.0:!..:r of Busy f•iat'.
••r.0 t,..•1. initis t0 be fon;..
•• s• fee; tit pre;e t •cy about t h • f'.,'.:
of 1 h • Ilon. 1::fh u'd ltclfri i
les t u: L'ri;j,h Columbia. le.-. sl
t h .: r• erdirl n v likeness h• l:e:,r -
to ;1, er• ;"!icic=tf leader
• - • hese n. a are I1,•njaul:n 1)i -
ra ,lotto ... \1:•cdonald. and
1. .:. 1. 'l•11 •• 7crik
s.i.•-., . est out clearly
• 1 ' men w'hieh
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1lcilri• : i.
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1. .0 01'.l.11' 1011 .If 11.• .701 .1
,u •711, jraprovee,, "t and d.velo: oto sat
of s h • industry a. a whole.
Mew a Skunk Captures Yellow Jacket
• With His Tail.
Ad agree that the skunk is the
natural enemy of insects, and it is tot
this retasou that the fanners in a great • House for Sale
agricultural districts have so 1 A house and two lot» on Simco/ tit,
but legs 1ut.jou for his protection I The boos;: is a comfortable frame
but did you ever thick ictal i gonti!tenets 1 dwelling, one story, t 1 rooms. For
icy is employed by the r Ifni/ tenets / particulars apply to John Southeottt
In the like the
of his proyP Dues lit 1 grand trend, or to T. u. St, thcott,
charm like the suako? Das Ito L.
in wail, or does he provoke theta t. Exeter.
assaelt1 It is the latter. A skulli
can, catch any insect that be can gel
to fight •h
tilt n. On
one occasion i w0n1
to the Woo(13 in quest. of squirre.l.e
It w•aa n warm, cloudy after -mem ie
September. While standing :I n low
waiting for a squirrel 1 sae s 1:77. -
object moving through the t+• ,!
ward 1110, which 1 first told/ r.. t.• ,1
Frey fox. I est -.',1 thy 1718 1171(7 pr.. -.
Pared to shout, but Its the animal a l-
vanced 1 noticed that it was not a f. ‘
but a skunk. the largest 1 ha.1 '•vei
aced, his color being much lik•• "
of a gray fox. %Viten lie tint s:.+. 11,
he was about teem). step:; nw'a:.. t, ,1
instead n l of making an 0ff,1t t.. r, •:. 1
he rose on his eses, tltlff,',1 Ill, ;
.hair and tail and jump.'d Ill• • .. I
three times, alighting: oe the e• -,I,•:,1
stiff legged, after the faahiva et :1
sheep on the entry of a dog to the
barn lot, as n shad house eat will d,/
I kept hint covered all the time with
my gun.
In a few minutes h:; anger seemed GENUINE
to subside. Ile then walked a few
feet atony, and with his left paw he
tnade a few quick dig.. in the leaves( :',
and then, turning around, began to l .
slowly switelt his tail over the place 1
where he had scratched. :1t each `'
movement I became more and more
interested, and watching. 1 sae :7
swarm of yellow jackets tonere!: d
from the ground. Ifot and furious I
they darted at the little fellow's tail, , m s
which W8,: kept constantly in motion, f �Q Kind ■ n>I� Have Always Bought Flour Feed
each one sticking tight to the lung fu:
and doing no damage. 1 never shah
forget his keen black eyes as ile 1•••.I
ed at me, as if to say: "Watch 0; - I
have done it before."
With a tail covered teids jacket-.
like :e many burs, he walked a few
feet away and began to pick theta .eft
and eat thorn as n hungry boy lees'.!
so many berries. This act repo..• i
once more, the little yellow wars,• r.• FALL FA IRS I,ucknowSept. irL, 23 the Ton.
were gone. and their home, left Ailsa Craig ... Sept. 21. 's-' Mitchell Sept. 20. 21
fenn•levs and rle.olnle, wni dug .,sat ilIyth Oct. f.., New Hamburg( Sept. is. 76 Wheat taken in exchange for
and carried away by the visitor, wh•: Rrigfden •...Oct. 4 Ottawa Sept. 0-17 Flour and Oats taken in
lett apparently withnn) Icor that Rrueaels Oct. Il, 7 Parkhill Oct. 4, 6
1 would en him harm. And I, then a Dungannon Oct. 8, 7 RipelySept• 27, 2R exchange for Oatmeal.
boy, acne grown to m:u,h•,••,1, :u„ I';unlra Sept. 27. :7I St. Marys. Sept. ''7. •R
.Glad that 1 did not shoot. . Fon•t and h -X lsTF,lt Sept. W. '..41 Seafortti Sept. ':'L, 23
Stream. Eonitvith. Oct. 1 ;'rnvistock "(e It. 19, 21)
Ooderich .Sept. 11), '..0. 21 ' Wellesley ......... ...Sept. 13, 14
Itxmilton Sept. 1-1. I-7 tVinghaut Sept, 2(I, Sp
liirkton Oct, (1, WoodSept. 21, l3, 2:1
Listowe.. .. Nept. _ .........
.. 21 - Znribh...... . Sept. 21, 2'2
Touching Scene When the Brave Cap•
twin Left the Olympia.
On the morn!ng of the battle of ala -
sea Bay Captain Gridley wag ft0 111
that ills little commodore offered to
excuse hint from duty, but gallantly,
as Js characteristic of the man, he re-
plied, "'1'I1ank you, Commodore Dewey,
but she 1y my ship, and I will fight
her." .ind he did. although, figurative-
ly speaking. ile vas a dead clan before
he went on the bridge, and days had
strung themselves into but fete weeks
when he was ordered liotne on sick
leave. He coma up out of his cabin
dressed In civilian clothes and was met
by the rear admiral, who extended him i
n nnut cordial hand. .A. look of trou-
bled dtsappolutmeut flitted across the
captain's brow, but vanished when he
stepped to the head of the gangway •
nud, looking over, saw, not the launch.
but rt twelve oared cutter manned en-
tirety by officers of the Olympia. There 1
were men in that boat who had not
pulled a stroke for a quarter of n cen-
tury. The stars and stripes were nt
thq stern qna a captain's silken coach
whip ill' the bow, and when Captain
Gridley, beloved alike by officers and
men, entered the boat 1 was "VP
oars?' and all that, frust as though they
.were common sailors that were to row
Wm over to the Eaflro. When be sat
down upon the handsome boat cloth
at was spread for Wm he bowed his
and his hands hid his face as
First Lieutenant Meese, acting cock -
main, ordered: "Shore off! Ont oars)
Give nwayr-St. Nicholas.
Its Wonders as Revealed In Tales of
Mount Etna has furnished more ma-
terial for travelers' tales than any
other mountain on the earth. Aston-
ished Englishmen of n century ago
who fell into the fashionable habit of
climbing to its hightst peak -and some
did so, to the atnazement of the Sicil-
ians, even In the dead of winter -have
left on record fn the exuberant Ian.
guago of their day the emotions that
thrilled their soul. "The man who
treads Mount Etna," wroto one of
these, "Is n man above the world.
Iwvery river on the island can be traced i
from its mouth to its source.
"The characters," the sante writer 1
continues, "of aii tho climates of the i
hearth can bo detected -the frigid close •
Times Want Column
The Klnd Tett IIav'o Always Bought, and tshu'lt has been
in Use for over :10 a'eatrs, has borne the ).iguaturo uY
and r .
1 I sly made 1
t t .alt under i►,•; per-
- -: Sound t:ur
pcci;iou wince its infancy.
Allow no one todeceit ti you in thin.
A11 Counterfeits, Imitations and 'ttlll't-sas-g 1" are but
Experiments that trifle with 871(1 endanger the health off
Infants and Children-1•aperience itguittst Experiment.
Castorlas i'( A harmless substitute fur Castor Oil, I'are-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. 11 is Pleasant, It
Contains neither Opium, 111orphisto nor other Narcotic
siubstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It ticstr.►yx AVornla
sand allays Feverislutess. It Corey 1)iarrito•a well Wind
Colic. It relieves 'Teething Troubles, Cures Constipation
mud Flatulency. It assimilates the Foods, regulator the
fitment/al and illowel., giting healthy anal natural steels.
The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
7- I5-^-t-ll 3ylopsis t el Ilie Cooudie North va'
Iron Posts
In order to close out our Stock
of Iron Posts we have reduced
the price from 25 cents to
IS Cents
Iron Pipe Braces all lengths at
5 Cents a Foot
We will take in Exchange 1lorse-
hair, Rubbers, Iron, Copper,
Brass & ‘Voo) Pickings
for which we will
the Highest
In Use For Over 30 Years.
[oY..N• . Ns.; von' [try.
All Good Kinds of
kept on Hand
Bran and Shorts sold by
How to Clean Straw.
A good straw taste a long time if
properly cared for, and when trim-
mings aro so very reasonable in pr s•
every woman can have stylish 11,11
t she knows the ()leaning trick. 1'..
clean a white milan or a split strafe
crub with toothbrush or nailbrush
dipped in a weak solution of oxalic
around one, the temperate with its belt
7pf trees just underneath and tbo trop-
ical at the baso of tbo wonntaln, with a
its vineyards and luxuriant groves. a
Tho great ocean around, with the Is. ' 1
lands of Lipari, Panarl, Alteudl, Strom-
boli and Volcano, with their smoking W
summits, appears under your Leet, and a
pin Jerk down upon the whole of t
Sicily as upon n loop." C
10 addition to all the etiolate,, Etna , e
1. re;'„rt.' i to 11:170 tn•cs that 'fent the t
••t 1 • ,tif.,it:ia lakes that never a
:1'••., • .•re% and 'a1n1,1e e
• + , , ••f , .. .i•. 71.771 I.lo!io1 1
,.I,, or .7 t:., .7 .
cid ant water, then with clean water,
lot wetting more than necessary.
Then scatter precipitate of sulphur
sad lay in the sun. Brush off with
clean brush When dry, nud your
!at will be clean and white. A black
milan, hemp braid or horsehair, clean
ith nap side of velvet dipped in
Icohol rued rubbed thoroughly with
he tips of the fingers. Black chip,
ive a coat of bottle shoeblacking.
°lore(' hats, clean with gasoline and
piece of velvet Faded hats can bo
tritest with a dye spade of oil paints
n.1 gasoline. The only retnedy for
hip hats That are sunburned or faded
s to give them n coat of polish or take
hem to n professional. White. color-
! ani! black lane or net hats can be
leaned by dipping the hate without
he trimming in clean gasoline and
eying outside
fi!i. !:\gCl i11 I. it ".
I ,. •.'
- •1 ' 1,
.11 . 1.10 7t- ,1: 11. .: • 1'.; „t
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I 1.' •!l '•'. .. 17 .::: ',I: ,. .:.
, 7. .1 ,1 , - 7 t
+.: !r.'i 1.1 ,.n .. , thus
I , ., ::. 71 !: ., , 1- !t
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,') 1- 171 1.lo', it n',o•1. :1 ,,d i- 11
. .1 I ft 7 71 ..7 r , 0 ii ..: 'lc t
.n 1•. .cis •• . ri, ! . In '• n
It 111 '1•1 n: 1h' 01 •I.,r,; to . . ,;+•
t Ie ,1-t,n;•'dr: 1
1.• •r r. u: 1 n .i it
'1h .'ttbur .11 - 1. t!; ?': • •h 1.. • . r.
i,.. : ,h.. -n' I , fl .u,l' . or •t
• n • /. 11 ..:O.7. 171 1 n, b.
. +: ,,: e . r:,. • ..0 77
...Sept. it 17
W. Rivers
Any per:oa who is the sole head
of a fatuity, or any male over 11
eeotoni of available J)Omlnaoll laud la
Manitoba, eaekatobewan, or Alberts,
The applicant roust appear in person
at the Dominion Lands Ageuoy •r
Sub-agenoy for the diatriot. Entry la
proxy may be bad at the ageaoy, os
Certain conditions, by father, mother
son, daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Dutice:-Six Mouths residenoe two*
and cultivation of the land its cask
of three years. A homesteader may
live within nine miles of his hem*,
stead on a dam of at least eft acres
solely owned and occupied by him or
bis father, mother, eon, deug litdar.
brother or sister.
In certain diatriots a homeateaJes
in good standing may pre-empt a
quarter section alongside his homes
stead.. Prion $3. per acre. Duties -v.
Must reside six months ineaoh of ata
years from date of homestead entry
(including the time required to earn
homestead patent) and oultivtas
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot ob.,
tain a pre-emption may take a pore
phased homestead in certain districts
Price $3. per acre. Duties. -Muss
reside six months in each of three
Years, cultivate fifty acres and ereel
a house worth $300.00r
Deputy of the Minister of the n1eHO,
N. B, -Unauthorised pnbllcauon oh!
went will not be paid for
TD. CARLING, life, Accident. Fire and slater
Glass Insurance, also Collecting Aec•ounts
and Auclioneeriug,
1,. D. 8. : D. D. 8.'
Honor graduate of Toronto:University
OFFICE: -Over i)ickson h Carling'e
Law Offices, Exeter.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8„ D
D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Madman de Stanbury
Main street-F.x1tTKR,
of n Aga.in
tV RS., Gra J (ti D„ M,v' P• H•• Gradate Victoria U
A GREAT ENTERPRISE.er•Itr. office and re,ldeneuce. Domlobo
Laboratory. I.serer
Better titan ever prepared to attend Associate Coroner of Huron.
0 TO EXETER the acid of on many customers R. Bright, rM.a Dts Mor P.t and
atter having; been shut dov71 for re• �•8„ Honor Graduals Toronto L'u-
pnire. Turning nut 70070 of that iversity. Two
anl ddyyears resident physician
dtresiden e,r)r.oAutos' old stand
W. S.Cole Makes an Important Connection With theIViodel"Andrew Street, Exeter.
Largest Co -Operative Corporation in America, Backed I thl',r•.\uttytFlat made sodnluChModelehas MISS DELIGIIT H BBO g,
by Men Doin• an Annual Business Amounting to I ald.
l wheat shoutt ti 's treat ttl iresese ed "foog Violin
Instructor, James Street Par
:•, r. \C S. Col r, of this town. h,s ,7..1.11 coat u tnanuf ;cturei. plus
r,r1 ri-lie en:••r;•r! •. d • -1 sin,L• retail profit.
l abilitl to k p w,•:I Cn• noticeable fea117ro of 1 hie
•.7.. ., •.: 771'7.: , itne.et h1 runm•et'1, hu,in-•.A... and a very commendable
h •1•- to..h th,' I.tr,ro-t druggist on•. ,. tn'Ir 710 one reined)' manufact.
r,,,;, . ,;:c,n ir1 :1nr'ric•7. II;M• 1117(1 ,.r ,1 by chi•' co,ti ,ins i• 1' 'crlrc-
Nowt Incident In Lords.i. to, • 'd «,t b t h • eat• r-1750 del •, _•• 71' eh on • 0t t h • :100 (7ifterent
Lord Morley did not enter the -,ray h l.:n''-< .,etre.• ,vine ov r r toediee i.. a known aryl dependable
louse of Lords in the orthodox way. ••:•OQ,i.rlurt, which "-II . elellt.ie•-• •• e.iic for a e'sl,'17. ailment.
)n the very threshold of his now u•;n•I 7(7 ,:7l i'. 741 ,1 Th confidence of rt. (7711 Rif in -
1t u:s I• !lou• ,11 1 ' ,.i •Ir , +/ iin-
enreer he came in conflict with the. r -; •d in this er, ; • r,r••
radition:l of that august assembly. 1'• It. I n;: d sociis drrnuo• l y This
The onlookers present during the 11 I u . I. I I " 1 •. • r•1 's/ •I • n' vl. 1, , I
°+ , c.,- ,•,.•r ,. •,n ram )an.
d1•rernony of swearing in notices! a ! t• 7 : : „ t f 1 U tore
olden break in the order '.1 pro- h ; .1r11,- u0h: , lin' ('o.. I..! f, •. i 7'. 1; . ,Il 'torr
....lines. The new peer addressed
r :14111,1",;):!'''..,,, h,rh r!, ti i, n illi 1 ., . ,:I r',:Ir►y1t00
to rending clerk, who wits nbserved '''''-'1 1. I1.„' .r,• 7
'71"r "it • • 11 i• ,,,: ;-,•. • ••• do
�n :!1 ',r q•10 1.1171.•.4 in r
, shake his (lead vigornusly ill the t 1, ...e t0 ill• rt,,r 111^re you
(Tat IVO. A hurried consultation 1 ., . h ,t Ind I1i7 cues money it b0-
n.+k place between the reading clerk ' r-e.n,1 r'1•':, .1.171•. The form•;(: - ',,,.'. 171 you. awl we want you to
ltd i.or(7 feel, who, with Lnnf l:.+h0r, :01'11- t n, •f, - a t„•. "
tdxl,f spll-or for the new peer. Tho ter. ,n • 777',.111'
'r> on .1.1.0e: :t.h.'''•'1:17.1'.."'_ 't't, ,II... e'-rlaill• rill innovation and
Ieelent arose upon Lord Motley's - ,11-7 r7.' ''.171 i.'o, (.. • 1071 11111 ,pp al to the loop'''. of I:x,•ter.
• fres:►l to take the anti, he insisting
:' •1hf,,l.) .7,.r,ib .I 771 Ili' 1. :7)',7r.•. 1•,ft,•y and n.l1isfletion b•-
1 making an nflirmation. There • 1, I . h , c. e • -', 1 0 1I t, , - ' -o.11 nth n local drug 1. who
i - ;nc, .;n I r -t ,7,77,8 •: ih, R'
'frig no prce,•.Ient for much objer'- . .,, tt 1' Itnvte a .Ind h 17noe:n0,y re97ert-
on, there 0.4 o form of afi'rm:aloft ': • I' •I 0 t :n,r ch Ic • 1 r.c • i;; • .11••Is- .; .1. „ . !. C:,1i n:•et 7•d With
.:1.1• i ' 101. .1 .-: ,0 c,t
noel•. The form of oath, however, ..' .n. , 1 i,• :.'1!..:11'.! h . on n
171775 slightly varied, and the incident " ch. 1 til t° h red t
(-hoed le MIMI', its significnnee being 1. - r in '•1.• • n 1 the 7. r" frank
guessed ley- the onlookers. The rest t'n ,hon 1 u 7 did f. deo: farts :. , •- ..N u Itch he t . ke. t h•- pop:.•
•f the ceremony watt unimpeachably 1 1.,rn d ..1,)r to h • tomes ft.' i ••t 1 , , r .71'0 hi- C•1r,f,'h•tic• in1710.
:inr•,•.!•i i, ie.! .••li•cled b,•c•1:: „ 1 'nr the..
:h d•crou75' t , .7 .n l : roved v-1lu'• ;n:l ' : I nJ r 11 . be
•'.' h •'1 n •,,,•'..ton gained ih....' - 1 , Oho ►ns
h11 ..1 ,!, } .., t':.••'
1 , •f•,.,
.1 -
t ) flu ti •
i'e e,.
1 .eat r,
:.1 '7 th
t f 1.01 1 1 ,1,- 1. 1+ 711
nt -
•. , I .„tCd 11, 1.°r h .0.,•.
I L t 1, .. ,• . • ,' ',•+ •.
74 • 71.7 !i , • , .e•
t• .; h- 't • 1 , . -71
r 7, 1 : 71 • I.•''; .,. i 1 f.
• t
111 them. If 7l'•.• ,.,,
• +:• • • t • 7-11'-1. e•.1
1 71 1; .1 • $ 1'1'• d tee i.
• .I ter ,- ,.
, 1,. •. -r, .
Cinildren Cry
. : -•Mar. rev...
• r •S1• ..fie ' V,[! tf.'^e»t1'.
of Ajc0ho.
What i.i a "101)1.2"? .'1 ;;'j a:t;no f - ,' ; :rcases the :strength
or tone. of the sv!-'11• sy.it'i ;1 t
/l medicine VIA i '1; :•., or ( . , • «`t '. 1i on
hc;+itis', • • �- •- +�' ;r' •..illy ;).:iio11 to
ll ,i1. Nam.: Ill I)::.' --I,-• - 1 •_1!r •ra,:•.'."7
.I . ; ".i "ii'8 7);il.t, the only Sarsapariii.e ..::.-.'y :.... ht..::
;tics :'1. .\::k your own do; r : " -!•glut D. Never take a
int,':,'.1: (oars.; cai1Jl')l en;'. . r a
Witted•ol(.oilya.h.nlofth.tb°we.a1,•r"r,7, sent ', •'^ar-l'y!I1)•
1 : •1; ill' :Ile,•
tr:l;lul • 1.1/n•J, hd. lu ..:cs„ he...laa:IC. As'..)..... .l
,/ ,.,. 7.
., 1 '11 077 •:1 • •t,l I'ir.
A Mark of Respect. 1,1 n d ,,r: I •ticc„i:fol 1..'• by
Andrew ('17rrleein was ontortairwng j 7, • n: of... -ic lr1-.
a Montenegrin (1717ce. at Skits.) eats- j 1 r a •,rch con,rei,t.',• of expert
th•. The rn,•rrl,n0 after the prince's• 71 -7 • ,nd eh,e•ici:ula rio it' 17 nefo
arrival n party of guests set out in a i ' •,: ,. •h and •'th'lua1•• 1 , - o;'•:Ich
huge motor car for a long run, and f •, r.' h ••. • d..1 • t h1 .- ::: I S r -env.
as they wlur.ze(7 past an inn it great .,,,I ,h , n IIS . f, I :!. sur
cr,,w,I of highlanders; rose from the
benches tnef•'ro the inn and saluted.
The prime! seemed amazed at the
'tightens! .tress.
"Why," !le asked, "do these men
go bare legged?"
"it is a local custom," said Mr.
Cnrne(ie, "n mark of reaped for you,
Air. In some pinee., people take off
their hate to show honor to distin-
guished visitors; here they take off
their trousers."
heti tied 7, Is siree i h verbs,
:n1 0, • , 1.t1•, 71•111, • I.1 11er1 71
c,t r:.•nc •. e lc!) :or . h • • scat-
:•71.1 car• of , ; 11:.1' It til.
1 r•'• Il,nlr•1 11•111'.7 4.r ii
mann; ,r, •1r "1 h. , h • ('11111 I (7.7' i
,.' i- kn,..n `
. h 1 fiit•d :Jt It•.
1 1* .. Il, -••.o '1 ,. .. 71 7 LW; I 77 .. a. r 7,1 ....rated or th'V Y 7. 1
7, . • 1'',.. 1,.:... 1 To • nn!•,. Gina 11,, rl:.• 71'11 •.
• . 1:rr, . r , : 1 1,t 101 heat1t 'a,I7 11. -2,7- T01 i ; • 11 • 011
11;1'•f I'll u
,r,;c.•:r sell 1'bor•Iof .h i:1 •.f -!. 111: ' I,.nit''11•-
1 .. I , 'I • . t,!..,. :1 t• .iur.•1 :e ,1
A Hen Hunt. 1 •'77 7) 7 • '+11,011 . 7:7 1 . :. 1 ++ iv. 1 -1 It
10 1'1)glish papier says that the hat rl'1 t, . ono 1011 . 1 .:1 11, 1,r 11,1: ,.,7'
71.1 711 tr 1 n , , , ,:, ,, 1 , 1 or d.,p •1 - f::, 1•I n',, ti. -11 • 7 70,
•t e•0rt.nitl shortsighted Infester at r- • t, h ., 1' .' I' n, •1v ++ h 71 h v
' 1 hlcw off one day 1711(7 PS he .0 I. I (plot .' ,',II C. . 7r -•7 h •7 . .NI r,'. I ,n i 1 1.'1.-
• 1.1; r. ,I ids p711.ait n Mork hen flee/lett 1 •+ •, 1 es: I 7.
out of the gnt.'wny. The nehonlmns- , „ 1 ;, •. , , h1 t , t
ter env/ the hen and thought it was!
his hat, and nil Eton tans c'loctrifie.l , • ' rest
1 , I.i h„is++:1 ,, , n -,) se' -,1': I r •I• lung; the
by the .•'per•tnele of n tlntle-,,75 and . , , 'e s Ale e .7, 1 I ,, 1 ,-1 •I .• • et I7 : :.ccl•,3 for hip, ',
ire,ifWr.,a reverend titan hunting a e - : 7, it . is 1: in •1 , nor! he
black hen •11011071 from one end of the 11 ,• I lir. , .., . I • I Iris .1r - I, ' .1 . , k 1 1 i 1': 11„
stroot to the other. r.,1,• 1 , 11 „ 71 • II, 1 , , 7 7 ::i"1 11; 7.
4 . ,,. 'l'?I '. 1,,,. ,I,• :1' •.l1n a.. 11 1 7,7 • , i I , t
No Stickler. 'I. it is imptroible for th, Ir +t •.! • - +t h r r. ' h • :1777
}:nicker Vppurtunily knocks at the I.. I I, 1) 171 d 'teriato. there are se 1 e"'! en
door. • ' '' - •1's nr iohhor's profits Mr, S , ;, 1 ,r is 1• .!, , , 7: ',.
Boekei -$ut poverty walks right in. 1' Ito th•ir rn.•g. ')//t1the 'III 'Remedies, l:nlerprt`t• of this
r :l•I:e •
sin o'11ain these products at .o:: should h, encouraged..
, i.
11 711 .
! . ',1•.•
.i.1 •
,.• e 1, lint,.
.II fitly lo 16.•
Thos• tcle) h tv;• 1 : , . •Ir refused
t1, 1.1. pr',; • ! • .. - F. •elite.
fh'P• 117. II• •• 7. . • 1r linin!(
. 71 e in 'r, di,•n: e. c 111 nu„ , .'•h l%i)
!!•t.!! is 1,1.7),,'• (71• form
11.', e71 1I1 cin hie. for I1,
II ,,d , i h• . :ere 1.7,1 i by • r..',.• r„
r on illy known to you 111,1 1'.e 17 1 the 1)11
!1• it •r•• irl oil r own lu++,l. R (l',
fruit' ill. • .i,.; then •t re 0, .•erre'
Manllfaettifed by
Harvey Bros.
Manure Litters
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and litter Carrier;
( )vet ht•,.d 7'onveyots.
Bt'taty' Bros.' Steel
Stalls & Stanchions
can h0 inetnlled as cheap
:sat Iurnher and lata forever.
Beatty pros. Load
Thee*. three (h.1 t,. ale groan
labor -savers for farmers and
necessities (11 a farm
For aisle by
W. T. Gillespie
1'71111e al,
l:eeter•. Oi,
Physicieon and Ac•
couches.. (Aliceti Dr. Rollin's old office
on Main Street. Residence -Corner
James and Albert Street, opposite
James Street Methodist Parsonage,
Exeter, Out,
'We have unlimited private fund. for tenses
out nom. tarn) or village imports at tones
r.te.. of Interest.
Barrf,ter,, Roiicttors Notaries.. 1 union7iseas
Corr,mlv.l nets, (oltciton, rot the M0lson,
Ilene. tete.
boner to t.oen et seelot rate. of Interest.
orrice :_1sA1\ 8TNI' I. K (I1' et.
a. CARLING R. a, M O. D,oaaC/
Yin na,e a large amount of prltsae fund.
oven 0,, farm and vIllagcpruperties at Iowrsss
n.rrt.ter, Solicitor.. 51 en et. Kayseri'
I Shorthorn Bulls
My piese•nt',Meligt is lour choice
young hulls toady for service. gut by
Cet'.T SYI.t',t.l:e (u(illI) aid cul of
good milking Dame. All n•gai1tered,
Apply to JOHN i?1,1)1:1{, Henaall i'•
to Rent 0., or onl,(ItIII, Con. 3,Hay.
.' per Month and U1).
li months rent allowed on
!'Chase of a new Piano.
•1?verybody now admits•'
Zam•Btik best for these.
Let. it. give YOU ease
and comfort.
4.1.1 1!..rr HI"h aero
Toe Usborne anti Nlbbert
Farnner'S Mutual Fire Incur -
allce ompalij
Head Office, Farquhar, ant.
1'n•.•.jdent. .1. F, 111: SS. F. LI.
\' ice -1't e.s.. t\' M. 1101f
01 KE ITO Rs,
(MDT. Milt ItIN. Mat fa,
T11(Ir(, ItYA. Dubin.
\1' 11. 1111.0eli, 1`. inchetsea.
11,0137, (;AIt1)1XEft, Far tuber.
I Jolla 118AN.ItY, Esher.
7'lt.ortle' Ind Itidiulph.
I 01.1V /At HARRIS, Monro. avast
for Hibbert, lrullirton aid Logan.
Socv.Treaa, Farquhar
•,, .;.N• •1 At, r., )it • -'sore
*,11.111 1M
,11)iIN CA 111'gtl•:LL
1 Il, v•' 710 '1.1 s prompt a
11,1" fills
fits a r
1 IM ill
o ,
111, t- v'
11 11 fells . I i
1 1 lull i:, 11
, in the
site, and ell liver troubles. Cartot'i(
7.71 tie 1.iver i'ilJa, Try them, - 1ae