HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-09-08, Page 3-
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For making soap, softening water, removing old paint,
di.:infecting sinki, closets, drams and for many other
put yoses• A can equals 20 lbs. SAL SODA.
Useful for 500 our,wses--Sols EVerywhere.
W. (:n.t.r:rr tilitet%v LIM(rcp 14PMINTO, OeT,
Western Grain Is Turning Out Better
Than Expected.
A despatch from Winnipeg sass
Phe t'. P. R. weekly crop reps• et
thews that 75 per cent. of the crop
es branch lines north of the main
lies. has been cut and that, in the
stain, harvest weather is fairly fav-
orable. lu the northern parts of
all the este weseern Provinces
the thrashed crops show a larger
Field than estimated. and the grade
Is better than expected.
In southern Manitoba thrashing
Is practically finished. Recent
mows in Alberta. in tho Edmonton
district, and along branches in th.
!Crow's Nest Pass district have not
permanently injured the standing
crops. Straw was flattened, but,
with fasurable leenthcr, is rapidly
rese.e•ring. With the exception .f
half a dozen scattered district-
where heavy rains have retarded
harvesting and thrashing, the re-
port is decidedly satisfactory.
A despatch from Arcola, Sask.,
say's: A heavy rain and hail storm
on .Alouday afternoon ruined all the
standing crops left uncut. but as
90 per cent. of whet and h+0 per
rent. of oats are in stook the dam-
age is not very great.
114(: HER '1'1 1't: OE i )I M 11: RANT fiscal year ending on Wednesday
customs revenue had totalled $29, -
Mellish Settlers in 11 est 1 his Year 091.005, a betterment. of $5,7.17.994
the ile'.t , t, over the sanie period last year.
A despatch item \\ our i e r saes: : During :Augustalone collections to-
t ! b y taleel $x;,479,:t 5, a betterment of
Luring the period froni \larch 1 $1,139•:338.
to August. 1 of this year, when 41,-
452 men, w•omeu and children from S('It:NCA: NOTES.
England, Ireland tend Scotland ._
carne into Western Canada by way: Mei( the Scientists of the il'orld
of Winnipeg; 20,00J More than are Doing.passed through this city (luring
the game time last year. During The word "caloriculture" has
the carne perl.•.l this: year, 13.916 been coined to designate the new
in►tnigrants 1., u, Europe passed system of horticulture which is de -
through tt.e tV.rsnipeg immigration 'ig,.ud to replace the old French
office. "1 can say 4.f the Itritele 1.1 intensive fruit and veget-
RimItho came this sear.- said ti,.- ,.r;•• :'icing los soil cultivation.
4)oniinion 1r:speetor. J. Bruce Wel- 11 ;thin i,..• la.'st• two centuries
cr, "thae they hair been of :r' ei„ ,it fifty iii alshate been di.c•.•v-
higher type than any that eu .••.• r s.,.•.1 by chemist explorers, but use
handled before." "ln what re- has been found fur ouly a few of
*peel 1" was asked. "Physically, them.
tut utally, morally and financially. Only ;theta one out of every fif-
__ teen persons has both eyes in per-
fect (0n4111ion.
11011 F; ii:.11) ENTRIES. A rapid growth et the finger nails
- is . orit,idered to indicate geed
Ibis Year el s a Large Increase health.
in the Number. Pieper may be made a gold rlce-
A despatch Ii 'iii Ottawa says: i-ieal conductor by impregnating it
estead entries fur the ix with carbon.
snuntlts ending July 31, 1910, show A s(..ol dcvote•(1 exclusively to
an increase et 11,11.;2 over the semi- the study of motor boats has been
lar period of 1909, the eat i i rt, d at New Turk.
un -
numbering ::3,416. sur July al. I':,u has thirty tett miles of un -
there were 4,260 entries, of whi. ",incl railwayi and the con -
1,'24S were made 1.s 1 .I.�adiaes 1. n ••( twenty•thrco more
riding in Canada. tan:uli;ir,s u,•'• ha 1 , authorized.
1 , '•( ay to destroy Meektette-11111gtrue t!.• I •i e1 .
9511 by United st:,• 1. i throw it into eater
with the ex f alto •I•.u,g the saltpetre.
whole of •h•• :r' .• 1 'veru a .. 1 s. ;�c animal death rate
by purr. i,.. t, rt i:r fish I of the world. in time
and /turtle.,l I..,,. , :,n ceuutl;•• ' ! 1 1, ss than eine per hum-
in which th^
60v1I .n.t:.1 is tai:.'
ing un imrntg•;rt•on w( rk. Of t:,� \ spectrs (•f stiff gra' which
entries from tic l c ted SUtte; s'"'ii• ah•,cdantly in India ,`- used
i f. 1 ;. .. • .o a, ,I f , titre of
over one -hall won. reek by ppeu-
ple coming trite N1 ,th Daket;v 1'"?' h.c.. u, 'flat country.
and Minn4'•'i . Patents were ,- lh, use .,1 wall paps;, containing
&lied in July, i:•'(, I(► v- 8.223 net. • •l, signs in vertical lines will make
(.1 land, as a.:Iln`t • *r'.013 for tee a ieein in which it is used leek
corresponding mere', of 1909. I, '', larger and higher.
\11 experiment sone plant will
---'t - i • . -•8 1)ished nt Si. 1'eter"h(re to
PROTECTING FORT: 'I' . purity the city's eater supply,
_ -.- drawn from the }fiver Neva.
Penalties for Starling 1 ire Should One of the rno t ingenious aces -
Ing rrasled, tors is trying out a c"inbined dirig-
beisle balloon and nrreplaue. a cigar
A despatch from Ottawa r hared gas hag helping to raise and
Pays: 31r. James White, Sc( re- S;,pport the ma, j)!),..
tary of the Censervati)n
riun, hos returned from the we,t I1h1: l'. N. 11. 1 \li" 1(111N1:1).
morn thrtl► ever impressed with the - -
tleerl of preteet oil truth t••rest fu, 1'anlpany Blames \t i,,,,1p,•, 'Irik-
"l'orest fire'- and w•atI i p .a, r i cr,. for I ire.
have I. un tho t wo ehjecti 11.. w t.'. h \despatch from 1l innipeg says;
I paid '4,1111' atterltien during the I ite sox cars in the Canadian
time that f was in British ('alum Northern yards wire destroyed by
sin. Marty fires are unused by al, -
fire early en Wl,s sday morning,
settee carelessness, and the baa wilt and the company again claims that
hale 1., be made mere stringent if
Doe fire was ineentliarc, and that
fires are to be pr. tented. Ir M t:.,, striking carmen, elle are still
reran is caught end e••uvirtcrl u( set ,,,it. are the guilty persens. Thr
ting fire to n valuable (ecce ..f for uruon men truce• their denials. and
OF UON011 IN I'1'.
Duties of the Eight Ladies Who
Fill the iligh and Honorable
The ladies of Queen Mary's
household are divided into four
classes. First come the mistress
of the robes, then tho ladies .,f the
btrdehamber, usually sty Ice( ladles
in 54. it ing, women of the bedcham-
ber and (raids of honor. Queen
\'ietoria as a reigning sovereign
had eight ladies of each class in
her household, says the (:eutlewo-
. 1;ul.
The needier retained by a (Wert)
consort. h. „ eler vatic- accenting
to her pleasure and cotecnienee.
Queen !►lary has at prevent in her
service one lady in waiting, three
etxra ladies in waiting and four
women of the bedchamber. !Plaids
of honor had net been appointed
at the time of writing.
The (Alice of mistress of the robes
to a queen regnant. is a political
ono and changes with the (Govern-
ment: but that, of a queen consort
is in her own gift and may be held
for an indefinite period. The mis-
tress of the robes must always bo a
duehesi, whereas in case of a queen
cousurt• a widowed duchess may be
appointed if more convenient.
The duties of a mistress of the
robes arc limited to State (peens-
reas cultured beyond the average. •fihe
ion. This high ofcial iin the! likes books and reading, is fond of
royal toile at courrits, palace
ce bulls
and at the meeting of Parliament. music and when in town may often
At sect' times she stands behind he seen at the opera and at con-
certs both public and private. She
is a ge.nd hostess and rceeives many
parties at St. (liles's House, in
To w rite of jewels sounds hack-
neyed, but it may be said that Lady
tilafteshury has one most cherish-
ed ornament. This is the brooch
given her by Sir Thomas Lipton
when she christened his yacht
Shamrock 11). 1t shows OH. Sham-
rock's flag in emeralds and the flag
of tho Royal ulster Yacht Club in
enamel and sapphires, while be-
tween these are a shamrock and
the figure 1}1. in large diamonds.
Lady Shaftesb(.ry has two little
girls and a son and hair, Lord Ash.
Queen Mary has chosen Lady
Airlic, Lady Bradford and Lady
l,arnington as her extra ladies rn
waiting. Lady Airlic is sister to
Lord Arran, lady Esther Smith and
mitre style of dress is nut allow-
ed, and a maid of honor while on
duty may not play cards fur motley
or go out alone on foot in the
streets of London. She must ei-
ther be aceonlpanie•d by a friend or
bt• 50844 sort of duenna.
A maid .f honor is expected to
be clever and su•c•utnpliahed. She
must be a good linguist. talk well
and bo a practised reader aloud.
Also she slieuld he bright, quick
sled sbliging and possess that po•
liteness of is.ngs p unettiality. It
is also assiilisctI that her lips will
be sealed a:: regards the private af-
fairs of royalty and the ways and
manners of the hems. hold.
If a maid of honor ( helices to be
a peer's daughter she of course
bears the courtesy title of "hon-
orable," but if not she is invest(((
with Oho style and title immedi-
ately after her appointment. And
this she hears for life, whether
single or married. And she receives
a badge of effete, which takes
form of a miniature of the
In e%cry(Iay tiro this can be worn
as wished, but when its owner is
in waiting it must be attached to
the left side of the bodice and used
as a decoration. And tho badge
is retained for life and not given
up on marriage or when leaving
the royal service. The otlice if maid
of honor is highly esteemed, as it
gives much ",dial status and in the
end often leads to a successful mar-
Queen Mary has appointed Lally
Shaftesbury as her lady of the bed-
chamber. Lady Shaftesbury has
many charms and graces and as
Lady (lrosvenor's daughter it may
be guesseel that she is clever and
the Queen, and she walks behind
her royal mistress in any state pro-
cession. Also when it procession
drives through the street' the car-
riage• in which she is seat. d follows
next after the state carriage of the
!ler duties are runny at the time
of a coronation, and during the
ceremony she is in cl...e attendance
on her royal lady. When their Ma-
jesties are in London a mistress of
the robes resides in her own house
and is conveyed to and from the
scene of her duties in one of the
royal carriages. But. if the r•ourt
is at Windsor she remains under
the roof 4,f Windsor Castle.
The Duchess of Ilesonshire, who
has been eho=en to fill this high
post, is the cider daughter of Lord
and Lady Lansdowne. She is tall
and fair and dignified, fond of
Ilene. life and a devoted [nether to
hisappearans•c of the Millstone -
Bread -Making Remains the
The remarkable . hatiges of the
latter half of the oineteentll cen-
tury in the means (of c(ouununita•
teen and lrlu,'peit have enormously
altered eseminrr•i;ll and industrial
relations. IIspieseru•uts in nma-
ehin4ry and va-aly Increased cont -
petition have also n,.ut. a lasting
impression. Tho appearance of
railways, the post 011ier. tele-
phones, sounded the knell of small
and local enterprise's and prepared
the way for gigantic combined in-
dust ries.
A review of theso changes as they
affeet the preparation 4,1 foods and
food -stuffs has recently h,.•n made
by Prof- lindet of the National
Agronomic Institute of France.
Refs renee is chiefly to French in-
dustries, but some of the points,
says the British Medical Journal,
are of general interest. In the
manufacture of bread the old mill-
stone, which 111141 dono duty for
centuries, has since 188-1 rapidly
been replaced by moro cflicac•ious
and (-onornieal machinery. This
has cawed the disappearance of the
old country mills' and has insured
the production of
(rice, of Cattle. Crain, Cheese ud "
Other [lair) Produce at on' the Monied Institutions of
hiag Alfonso's Country '1'trs+-
Herne and Abroad.
act !lus+iness.
Iiltl:.�DS'1'UFF4• "It is curious how far front mod-
Torunts,, Sept. 6. -Ontario Wheat ern civilization you feel when you
-Old No. 2 winter nominal at *l.- get to some place in Spain," soya
02 outside; new, Sec to Dee outside, a traveller. "Especially is this
aecurdiug to )ocation. the cure if you attempt to do any
Manitoba Wheat- NO. 1 northernbanking in a town where they are
$1.13; No. 2 northern, $1.11 1-2; unused to our. methods.
No. 3 northern, $1.04. at lake ports "In Madrid one morning three
fur ilnnieeliute :1 .1 lIient. years ago 1 decided to go to 'ro-
:\no•ric8: , N. 2 yellow, Ledo. 1 needed about $100, but the
to 611 2c, Toronto
banks in
adrid opened,
left before the
69 ss• to ... \., vl•w, (81 2e train for
Cuts canticle h ec'tern No. '2, could nutget buck before they
401-2c; No. 3 Canada w. -tern,
39c closed. 1 looked at my letter of
at lake ports, for iuunudiate- Ship- credit and was overjoyed to find
ment; Ontario No. e white, :;;c to that it mentioned that Money could
38c• outside; No. :3 white, :sic to 37 • be drawn upon it at the Royal
outside, 40e to 41c on track, '1'o- hank of Spain in 'Toledo, so 1 do -
ceded this would solve the ques-
rento; new oats, nominally, 34c to
:;5e outside. tion.
Peas--- No. 2, 76c to 78c. "A little before 12 o'clock my.
Mrinitoba Flour ---Quotations at courier and 1 sought the Royal
Toronto aro:-hirst. patents, $8.20; . Bank of Spain. It was a huge.
second patents, $5.70; strong bak- four „•fury building, with a row of
res', $5.50; 90 per cent., Glasgow
eight windows on a floor and a big
freights, 25s. gilt sign arid all- sorts of armorial
Ontario Flour -- New winter bearings on the. face of it.; but to
wheat. flour, fur future delivery, I my astonishment the door was
$3.75 lo$3.5.5, "'at the mills. CLOSED AND LOCKED.
Millfced Manitoba bran, $20 per "I rang the bell, ane! after some
ton; short4l, $t2 per ton, track, To- delay there appeared ad man who
rento. Ontario bran, $20 per tot; looked like a clerk, wearing q,
lis tho actual ),:►king of bread shorts, $22 per ton on track, To bandage about his head as if bo
there has not been such a note- ronto, had toothache.
worthy change ; the necessity for - -P - " 'I want to get some money,' I
the early delivery of fresh bread COUNTRY PRODUCE. said to him through the courier.
every morning still enables the 1. 'Senor, it is impossible,' he re-
nal baker to maintain his la, liul:LDeal wholesale quuta-
liens are :-Creamer► tints 24e to Plied ; 'you will have to come back
Attempts at wider organization soil / ,prints, to -morrow and see the president.
cooperation hale rttil • been to a ` t 1 lc; separator prints, 21c to r
l y 22c ; dairy prints (choice), 20c to He is entertaining friends and
certain extent successful, but great- '. seines see you.'
21e ; do., tubs, 19e to 20c ; inferior
be xpeetes in this direction may, fuss, 185 to 194:'"1 explained that it was impos-
boexpected with the cheapening ofBible for me to wait, but it seemed
mMur cmnvcyane, i Eggs --2a' per dozen in case lots.
In the wine industry silnilnr
Cheese -111.2c per 11,. for largo to make. no impression. Well, it
changes have leen effected. Keen (chrrsr and at 11 3 4s. per Ib. slit took
an y courier
and me a ace that bunged
competition, bad v•:►rs. the ravages twins•
of vino pests and the introduction! ! Ilran, $' to >E2.I0 per bushel for °p attc nelant that I had to have
1 , su else n don and he at last dis-
primes and $2.15 fur hand-picked. something q e,
of many c•herni1(1 novelties liave� 1 appeared and came back aecom-
rendered the old family vintager, honey Strained honey is quoted p
famous for centuries in many ruses, at 9s. t., 10x• per Th. in 60 -pound
unable to keep abreast, of the terns 1 stols; 5 t1-2co 10 pound tins at 91-2s..n
an wearing a black frock coat and
panted by a pompous looking per-
with Iso usual result that they
., 10; No. 1 comb honey at. a white tic.
have brrn bought up to form pari' $1.75 to tat per dozen ; No. 2 at $l.- "My situation was explained
50 r dozen. volubly to him by the courier. Hu
of larger concerns. With large ea- p''
pital these have been able to meet Putatoc+s--70c to snot per bag. shook his head and said:
successfully various emr rgeucic's -' -' 'It is out of the question. I
am toe busy entertaining and 1
and to apply scientific methods to PIIOVISIONS. cannot attend to the matter to•
what has become a national indus Rdwlesalc quotations:- day.'
try. hulls-- Hmuke.1. 13c to 15 1-2c; MAT) ALi. THRUCOH.
DAIRY 1'RODI'CTS. medium and Light hauls, IOe to "When the courier repeated this
Of more interest to ns are the 19 1-2c ; heavy, 1: 1-•:(• to 14c ; ba- to me 1 lost ray good temper. I
her seven children. she hat the Lady Salisbury. She suffered a sad
fa, is with regard to milk, butter con, Its to lOc. a+ed a fix good English swear
grand manner and will no doubt be bereavement in the death ut her and . 1r. sl.. Tho growth of towns Turk --Short cut, $30 to *30.50 word,. which 1 d+, not think the
one of our leading hostesses; hut en husband, who was killed in the , has n. , , sitated bringing the larger per barrel ; mess, $27.50 to $'214. !courier attempted t. translate. but
account of mourning Devonshire Boer war, and she now resides with part - ' their milk supply from a Lard- Tierce:, 14 1-4s. ; tubs, i I reminded the I to -.dent that lie
House has not a, yet eind'r her her youthful son, the present Lord vented, !elite distance and has led ! 14 1-2e; pails, 1.13 4e ; stocks' was the accredited agent of an
reign been the scene of any soci• Airtie. At. t'urtaehy Castle in Scot to the . rent increase in milk traffic !steady. English hank and unaranteed to
ety entertainments. land. Iter still young and beauti ,,, I.,...., - Teo thirds of the Smoked and I►ry Halted Meats-- Rile tie the money 1 demanded up-
ttil fare is framed in a cloud of ,, e. ,, I of Paris is brought un . Long clear baron. tons and cases, '••8 its letter of credit. in any work -
A LADY OF TIIE BEDCHAMBER soft gray hair and she has a gentle , roil. 1 • :s has called for club -I 15( t.. 151 2c; backs (plaint, etc ing day. I prophesied all sorts of
to either a (,teem Regent tor a and most attractive personality ,•rat„ tis, 44•,.45 of keeping the milk' to 2) 1 _e; backs (pea -meal, 21 1-2c trouble for trim. and finally he be -
Quern ('onsets. elitist be a ps'eresa. Some time ago she went to Smithfess)) and pure. The establishment to sec. gat te see the point.
tier "wait' lanes from three Africa to visit the grave of her , f large milk cempanive has tend j Green meats out of pick le, lc '' '114w much duns the senor
weeks to a neon( h. according to the husband. as he was by his own will ...I large!) toward the standardiz- less: than smoked. meet 1' he asked.
Q05,5.118 convenscncc. And whether buried where he fell on 1)i:imund atiun r,f the intik supply for instead '•'1:erty pounds.' I replied.
she is at her Den house in London Hill. lady Airlic• is fond .•f flow- of recoiling the milk from one or MONTREAL M.1liKF.TS, "He thrix up his hauls and telt
or =laying at. \1'indsor Castle she ers and at her Se .on.r htwo rows t he customer obtains a back against the door pet as if
mutt nlr:sys hold herself In readi. , made a garden of frientc•hdshihp, ahrreas i uniform mixture from thousands of )(entreat. Sept. 0. (tats No. aghast. 1'••rty. pounds, 1.000 pee-
and wnlsider her time as (n ri.•ry flower has brrn planted by' cows. and he has the assurance that ('nnadlar, 1Vrste'rn, 413 4 to •t_(!; tas. it is impassible!' he cried.
tirely at her royal lady's dist., 1• ream) friend or a visitor of it w ill 81way• be pretty much of No. e, 40;1.4 to 401.2. Barley •}'flat cell require nt. least two or
Sho weight he in att.•ndan, t:,.n the same strength and quality. No. 1, 53 to bee; No. 2. 50c•. 1'14'11►' three days' notice.'
Quern at balls, dime Is, w• 't'-- -- Private butter making is giving - 51 an itoba Spring wheat patents, , ••1%ell. I got r 1, 11y lief under the
or any other formal cutertaurru.t,t 1 DESPERADO till1)1. y place to commercial enterprises on first':, *41:1O; d.., seconds. $5.110; collar. and wits+ the assistance of
and of course at all slate cereln•n; a large scale. Butter making has Winter wheat patents. $5.50: Ma- } the courier i said nine. very plain
ink. slimmed {'••lire I'ul Ilutl.•l Into become such a fine art• involving niteha strong bakers', $3.60; things to hila. Finally he promised
Extra 1*4les of the i.edel at„l,,-r Escaping Indian. so many compliealed protests. straight. rollers, $creed 23; de , in hags,' to see elms Isecreed d
eo, and took
aro appointed according to the' Ari, -patch from Prince .\ 1.1 rt, that the indi.sidua1 ha•: been unal,l,• *s1 511 to $_.00; extras, *2.15 to $•2.-' us into the hank.
royal pleasure, but they have no Sask., says: l'etcr Blacks:, •. an to afford tttc )nt"'1 irnprovc►nenl- 'l5. 1'erc! Onfarim bran, RsO..'i(1 lo? CI.I:iIK WENT ('ULT.1:('TINO.
salary and no fixed "vomit, lis nt Indian desperado, who sled 'n machinery. !Much the same ap $21; Ontario middlings, $22: Mani-+ "Waving us to scats thio vr- i-
tendanee. Ladi(s ss1' take .111.-" twee from she custody of the lilies t•• the, rnakinj; of cheeses, al -tuba bran, $20; )1lnnrt4,ba shorts,'dent, sated hit scif ut. his desk and
ns eouten e1 (he hcdch:ueber uwsl Maulit 4 Police after being sen though in both cases certain cit $2E: tare grain tnnuille, Pia to *31; wrote st•ler:cl letters elle 11 he
have rank but the • need not be, kneed to a year in ail for horse • i•utnserilr(dl localities and small rnlnd ineeillie, $26 to 1'`29. Cheese
y 1 1 dairies, with a well established re- i - \h. t1 r n rndcc, 11 to 11 1 rir Ravr to the factotum. The latter
peeresses. Their "waits" aro ar- stealing, had to bo shut by pus- ►' was gone about halt an hour, and
ranged in the same way a8 those Of seeing oflleers during his second at-
potation are ably 4s., maintain their altll •'.I'I• III, 10;)-fi tri 103-•t(, is
when he tame flack Flo had the
ladies in waiting. I tempt at escape before he would place on the market. ter 1 lieiecst creamery. 231 2Y`t.' greatest. bunch of paper and sitter
Maids of honor ale usually the surrender. Ile was within a few l(l'T'flat 5i f3sTlT1"I'I:S. 233 4s.. Eggs yelevted steel:.cAnd "'I/Per money 1 r+ver had ficin
i '
ladies youngest in age in the ,yards of hie rifle when "winged," The manufacturers of meter:lleue. No 1 stock, IDe straight receipts,' at ('tie time. 'They evruntrd it out
l'd k 1 t 13
Queen's household. They must ho his arm bring broken, He is a and other substitute, for butt, r, e, al"de. 'stocint 2 o c and it amounted to '210 siestas.
either the daught1 13 of V64'01u►t14 Holed rifle shot. am.l hnd boasted bns had an important (Iris t .n the i" 4b fieri' Then they dug into the bank's vault
.r barons, ar else the gran►delaugh- that if he got free 1,e •8•- il.l r.eier butter trade and has 1,11 to nine!' ( _-� and pulled out 500 pt'stas. 'It. is
II 1 N IT};i) STATEN M...1h ETS.
ters of peers. The daughters (if he enuuht alive Ile is now in Vie• legislation with the object of pro- nil the cash we had on hand,' the
dukes, marquises and earls are of t. ria Hospital here. closely guard- serving agricultural interests. In' litf ;tto, Sept. 6.- Wheel - Spring president assured me. 'No, Alfon-
too high rank for the position. ed night and day. France in 19051 the amount of but, f ; l 4 at. No 1. carloads store, I. so, bring your little each box,' he
Maids of boner de duty in cosi• ..-..___.__+.- ter suletitntes manufactured ens 15:;i t.,-1 1103 I; Winter,No. '2 Haid to the factotum. The latter
Ales. The time of waiting is four P111)11\('EM :1L1. 1N LINE. more than one-fifth . f the amount eIate, $1.041 torn --Nu. 3 Yellow, unlocked a drauer and brought lout
weeks. and each maid is in attend --- of butter. The production of su e'a:e; No. 1 ...flew, 03c; No. 3 corn, a cigar box filled nits matt sil.••r
/ince ter that period about three Every Vroviner is Exhibiting al the gar, unlike that of butter nue of 1 2s.; No. 4 corn, 621-2c. all on incl Copper (•.ins. she president
times in the course of twelve! 1'. N. E. This fear. cheese, has never been nn indrv, track, through billed. Oats --No. and Alfonso sleety counted tho
'months. When the court is 111 l.n p i,.r� 1,i,,vince in the Domini„rr dual business. it has ale ays in 4 white. 35c. Barley-- Malting, 73 contents of the cigar box. There
den the tnnids of honer reed. -
in , , sheeting at this ye•ar's Cnna.li volved costly plants Tel a late.'to 77e. Rye Na. 2 on track, 'Sc• was something like right pesetas
their own homes, and not ,It Ituck• an National Exhibition and the re- number of hands. Even here, 31rrule,.po.Iis, Sl pt. 8.- -Wheat-- R7 contemns.
salt is the greatest display sf the however. the tendency for busines, N.,. 1 Noitherli. September, 111.- "'1 mal afraid It'e Iwo, ee ran do
national resew( es et Canada ever to grow and for smaller ones 1.• 107 4: December. $1.133-4. is 14, ,(f' -r yon 750 pesetas, said
e merged in 1:11.111 is very marked.
placed en exhibition. it is a great In Is70 them e1 re in Franco 5201 1.1\'1; SSOI'li MARK F:TS, the president, toiling o8t his purse.
chance for Canadians as well ns sugar manufactories. .soh prudttc Atter what 1 Ilnd b., n t•irnnsth 1
risiters from other countries to see was glad to r•t that.•.•• (t', (,re
Ing nn average of 77o fon=t. To -day M(ontreai, Sept. 0.- ('gives, *5 to
jl►rt what, each (•84844 u( the Rrcnl $13; live hogs, $9.25 to $9.30 r•r slrlent em•rllr.1 .•.• r 11,4. 1 r,. •. 1 1:3
Dominion depends on for future it'. M are only half that. number, g' p erotini. • 1�.,.,- los ..•+n .511,• ti,..!;
p hilt their average production Is le)" lbs; sheep. 3;3-4 to 4c a it.; 1'
greatness. And the not result can lambs, 51-2 to Os. a It, : see! . 1 ssi•tne.l a tee. 1I•t and 1 w1 tl ..nt.
not fail to be a rlrnsnnt surprise f"lir times ns. great. i,it!, tilt 11r,1h,•, full .f paper. siker
p,Such is the movement ---gradual,' eb"iee. Os. to 61-44•; good. ;,:t 1. ;„
to ('anadinns as well as outsiders. ii, is true, but none 1hr less err Rc: middle, 5 1,4e to 5 1 •,, 8'•1I colo• r ..
-,p, - ---
ONE 4 „-•le to ,,c : common. 4 I ', to
train - which is creeping into our in
M.%N S WISDOM p g 1 r RULES THE 1t'AVP5.
duslrinl cnstom,, and which owes 4 '2e. Dressed hogs active, LI1;3 to
Ncweel--"i inserted an advertise. its initiation to the demand for bet 813.25 per 100 lt.s. The figures of the English Buie I
mint for a plain cook Inst week ter and cheaper production. Its of Trade show that in stilts of os r
and there wasn't a singly applicant future developments will be inter ' Tests made by army officers Melt s wfifty tons, the British mercanti!.•
showed up." esliust to eitnecs, and perhaps that projectiles fired from the 11131i/10 !res 14.2:10,0'41 tuns. This
Oldwed "How did you wore it'" may !eve to ser the, reatiinfirn of stnsiest guns when they pre rtrnte i• tele Ic '!,tee times the t4,nnagr .,f
Hewed "'1Vant.rll A plain 1(el.icln's facetious scheme for Imy• eonrete do 10 elranly, without else 1 -nit, -1 states. and four rule a
c""k ,� ine in fond supplies by roans of a- splinterylg or scattering it. half 11,1 ;he tonnage of Germany, 1
Oldwed "ilorb' No wonder your tube hum a great central kitchen. In connection with the cclebra- w -hi, i, , ',set - 1,:•te respec'tisely
advertisetneed didn't pith. Try , tion of the centennial of the indr- .; •:1-, -o 1 I.: -',7.1I ;•!.. Again, the
something 1'►se tin.: 'Wow"! .A penrlener of Venezuela this year n e.( r ;...flitlt:n:i nlrasrns 2,
there will be established national e' .,..,1,,,.._s
n� li^,sting :nbilis to
mein know• lint littl, if Flo tells military, nautical, and normal
eel- for ('nese Sam, and
miiesus all 4a knows. schools. �;.:1,e .. ter the lia:•c:►•.
inghatn Palace. buil as In 111•. case
et the other courtladies, n r + al
earringe is sent. 141 cetyey thorn to
and from the went of action.
does not, drive with the Queen or
Nit land thr••ugh carelessness he is ifs,•rr 544485 little prospect of p•,.,ef attend her Majesty at dinners, but
fiord *50. 1( he sets fire t4, a ,.ether wn she is (often on <Ih,;y at. the opera,
3,01150 worth!Seenhe is liable to be y• _.4. and an ail state occasions she
coniieted for risen. Tho fire -rang- - forms part of the suite or takes
ing system is nil right, but to pre- Sumner's Ready Reply. her rim o in the royal procession.
rent fires you mast go deeper than Charles sunnier "'ben In London When the court is at Windsor a
sues a system. 1f the punishment gave a ready reply. At a dinner given plaid of honor resides at the castle
for carelessness is not made more In Ills honor he spoke of "the f.el►ess•' of , and is in rather close attendance.
severe fire will not. Cu tettene<l." some dead hero "AMINO What Amer -One graceful dirty is to hand a
f _ tenn English'" ntdely broke 111 an Fang- 1,••urlurt of flowers lo her ro nl
('1 !1'1.011 Iti:t'1:1I'TM U1'. Lishman. "Dust you Wrenn, Ur. Sum-
ner. K'e don't horn our dead In this tasaes on its way to the dining
An Inereaae of Nearly sir Million,' country." "Yet." Instantly replied Mr.
Sumner, son;n courteous amIIr, "your morn.
in the Lost lite Months. Sumner, of honor receive much
poet (,ray tells n+ that '!:ren !n mor
.\ despatch from Ottawn 'a' nsl,ev live their wanted Ores."' Ten k'tulnss from their royal lady. hut
The growth of ('nnada's rcvrr,n" tn.rl,e.n was not criticised again that a' few wise rules are made which refined youn•• Indy to do plain
taken nt the customs houses tor. , evening. --Argonaut. t edless to say, are carefully re- cooking,' and you'll I ave n sun• A
tinues. For the five months of 160 1 spcctod. "Picture" hats and an dred r.ppiicnnts for the job." } the