HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-09-08, Page 1Once Used , ALWAYS IN FA\ 0 U' COLE'S BAKING POWDER --TRY �- .►1:r•rn. THIRTY-Sb;\'ENTIAWAR- Q, 1925 Huron & Middlesex Gazette "QETTHE HAB1T1! Buy your Drug Supplies at Cole's Drug Store It's a Habit that Pays ••••••••••••••••N••••••••,•••••••••••••••4�•• ...•••••••••••••.••••••�t••!!�'`••••••••••••4'••• Y S EXETER, ONT ; CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER st h 1 �► l o. JONE PN '.t !12 Unequalled BIW. of =Beautiful FALL, D .: G000s The complete drep\s goods steIcks are here and we have ;newer had a showing to compare with them for beautiful weaves col- ors No woman with an eye for the beautiful in dress Fabrics will want to miss seeing this display. It will tic?, fashion study for you besides if you care to purchase you will- find the price very reasonable Dingo fl Suiting tone of alt `\sweat Which• - wei were very rtunatein.>fe curing in all the llfadiug col. ors. Thay are sea and will be very much itsand as one of the best. P n es 5oc I 7c k CAM • SAN TOY This is very new and natty • It is a lovely weave for dres- sea or shirt waist suits and • comes in a variety of new shades. rr- Hew Cools Just opened up a full range of Ladies Misses and Child - rens Winter coats, The smart- est, we have ever shown Every coat a beauty you must see thew, Black Petticoats A very large range of I31aek Underskirts in movie Satin ate gal Taffetas and silk come trirnnied with embroieered flounces $1 to $5 Hoopsack Suiting One of the strikingly • New Fabrices fbCtel11 and winter suits. A nice range of Hea- ther mixed shades are shown in these goods which wear like iron Prices 50 to 75c Staple Wears We are showing a very large range of Merges Vona - tins Poplins Broad cloth Sat- in Cloths. Plaids. and Checks in the New Colors. lathes SEM Coals A nice range of those ever pipular and useful garments for early fall .k full range of colors and styles to choose front ani different lentrthe, Nel rad Silk waists Something new in waists are always being shown here Net waists in Cres and at is Cream n 1 P:cru shades and colored Silks are very popular Gents' Furnishings for Fall Here is it list of the New (foods : New Shirts New Collars New Furs New Sox New Underwear New Suiting Jones & New hate New ('aps New Suite may Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • zs JF 1 WEltl: A VOICE if 11yere a-voiee—a persuasive voice Tlcould travel the wide world ough, 1 w fly on the meting light A.•ak to the men with a gentle night. And tell them to be true. •I'd to, 1'd fly. o'er the land and • \'h.vever• a human heart might he. ifTwill* a tale or pinging a song pedis.. of he right—in blame of brains of the i si •• • • • • • • is �j • 2• • .S• 'f ''='!'f:I1lmIt(tltt`'I.TIPIDi(I 'IIS: .::A �. sl,. 1. . • t �},,,,,���,,(�:., le.J tr• .ariu.ii a�:1f...i "tiiiitiiliii:T: ei. i' Fi I'' I. 1 \\ a Sell the STANDARD Sewing Machine. The Standard V,►tery the finest Sewing Machine Produced. A STORE THAT KEEPS GOOD FURNITURE + Ought to be a :.nod i'lace to go to when there is Furniture to be hengllt. Tit AT SIKHS REASONABLE DOESN'T I'1'; SO IT 18. We have confidence enough in our Stock to unhesitating ty invite YOU to give it a Critical Examination. We know that we offer you the pick of the Finest Furniture produced In this Country. NOTHING MORE. NOTHING LESS And the beauty of it is that you are not asked to pay more here for undoubted Values than gods, Not as (food sometimes coot at other places. That's 1 he T1 gilt that we would 1iKe to have lteml'Ili Bred. 1. Jas. Beverly, LEADING to UN1►gRT.2K)•:It ANU Fr xi -:n t f)Itti-3•7.ON B:X1.TI t?. ONT, .., �A : :: EE i= t I• J�• ter, i..t "rel � t•+ � 1..aYt. .....11i111111111' I,• I,� .�c .Z; L: I e e i s • 60 YEARS• EXPERIENCR PATENTS TRAnc MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIOurs 4c. Anemometer( kliIfreinlely rrerternparo Wbet her (ntentl,,n Npt 1, Its pat of alae r,..munew. bene slrlctlrrnnedentlet. 14ANOB8011 e n P11.1081 fent Frew ('I tot *loner tur.r, wire` patrra*. 1•atrnt, taken trough Mui A Cu. fecetIM Wena! n.•tfre, wH h•,ut Ct+arre, !nth* Scientific Rtnerlcan. A hen4e;moi) tiluetrated weekly. r.rar.t c1r• t�tn1Utb•n 1.l, Rnr 1. 'entitle 3oernel. lentis for t'ene4e.t'�S 5 ren potato pre1.*1d. enil by 511 new•de Irr MUNN & Io,' ,1 B^ . New n.CorkI. 4 7.1A\ B1•: I'(- i:LE Some medical authorities )• that it is po•:!ibl.• for n person 10 stif- fer from Itheumetism witho:.t having Uric Arid in 1 he blood. Mit we never bcnrd it stated th a t'••rson could hat • vrie Arid in the blood and I. !r !•• ••. 1(11 . n - tihrn. I'rie Acid develop+ a k, n t h/ nos, Madder and 1..2, r 1. i to tin their duty and do not t;rnp •riy rift• r the iSleocl. removing waste product • and is)pnritirs. wl):r, th^.e orp:a n, refits.• to do their work yo,t will fOil Nyal's (atone (toot Coinpovnd r, flood corrective. Ii etrrngthens weakened or impair- ed Kirin' y' stimulat,'• the PI:older and :.nes itp the torpid Liver. 1t will ebeck conditions thst might re- sult in Wright'+ i►ieeasee t'rtee $1.00, a f 1 W. S. HOWEY, Phm, B. Chemist and Druggist 1 he wrong. If Y were ice-aaonsoling voice— I'd fly onwings, of the air: Tho homes,{ sorrow and guilt I'd sock, And calm and truthful words I'd i(MalC To ray t 1 hem from despair. I'd fly, l'd fly o'er the crowdtown And drop like the happy sunlight, down into the hearts of suffering men And teach them to rejoice again. Tf 1 were a voice—a convincing voice— I'd travel with the wind; And when ever 1 paw .the nations torn Ily warfare, ;jealousy or scorn, Or hatred of their kind, I'd fly 1'd fly, on the thunder crash, And into their blinded bosoms flash, And all their evil, tboughta sub - If 1 were a voice—a pervading voice— I'd seek .he kings of earth. dued, I'd teach theta Christian brother- hood. I'd find them alone on their beds at night. And whisper words that should guide theta right. Lessons of priceless worth. 1'd fly more swift than the swiftest. bird. And tell thew things they never heard. Truths which the ages for :lye re- lent, Unknown to the statesmen .it their feet. If I were a voice—an immortal voice— I'd speak in the people's car ; And whenever they shouted "Liberty" Without deserving to be free, I'd snake their mission clear. I'd fly. 1'd fly. on th.• wings of the day. Rebuking wrong on u.; world-wide way.. And in all tit,: melt) : Joicc— I(1 were a voice—en immortal voice, CIi ABLE.; MACKEY COLONiST RATE'S, 1-3Ri'T, 151h TFO OCT. 15th. Via ::rand 'trunk Beltway System to Nelson. Vancouver. Victoria. West- minster, 11, C. Spokane. Scat tle Taco a, Walsh, and Portland, Ore also Ban Francisco, 1.0'2. Angelos. Kau I)i••goi Ccs 1, and ;ilexican City. October 1st to 25th full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agents or adds e •: .1. 1). McDonald. Metric!. I',oyrngeers Agent Toronto. Ont. BOWLING A rink of Crediton bowlers earn,• out see Friday and played 1bre. g'rn• - „ ,b the Exeter bowler,. Tho sr.., 1, as follows: t ni Exeter W. iI. Lovett 1'. 1'.1. It. Carling Mr. llarrsion .1. 11,11114 skip ii. E.Jher. 7.1 i 2 I(luet1 I Fr. Corr, .2,'r tikilr 1.i Dr. '\IrCit • C. It. Snell 11, Either, '1. 1'. 1' It. N. Creech C. Rarest t 1V, \V, 'l i,ii to Fr. Forrester Itev. Collins t9kilr 9$kip Dr. :McCn •It. �. Creech 11. Either. M. 1'. 1 J. I)vis C. 11111.1t V. (1. Cl,rk. Fr. )'ores rtes W. W. Taman .ski:' 11 Ski:, 1'1 r s off howlers w Three rink Exeter how 1 eat to Seaforth Labor Day and played several gauzes of bowies. The boys report a Nplendid time and ipeak very highly of the enfalnrnent given by the 8. aforth howlers. Following was the testa of the playing: alefnetla Exeter Me lti7g,tll e'tip 12 Taylor skip 13 Willis. skip 11 ('lark, skip 9 l'ol.Wilann, skip :32 Heitman, skip 9 Ilays. skip 13 Snell, skip 11 Wright, Sr• skip 21 Taman, Ail. IR Bright. skip 21 Creech.h skip 11 itichardson. skip 11 Anderson skip 11 (bilge. skip 15 1'ollin, sk'1 e' 11 $1.c0 per year In advance LOCALS Miss Myrtle Denney visited in Park- hill for a few days this week. Mr. Lorne I'ethick spent the holiday at, his home in Seaforth. Mr. Sant Essery, of London. visited in town on Monday. Mr. Ed. 1Villis, our local barber, caught a fine 30 inch pike last week. Mr. and Mre. Norman Keddy, of Detroit, visited at Hnrondale over the holiday. Mrs. Monroe leaves in a few dare for a trip to England and expects to be away until spring. Miss Birdie Boyle returned Saturday from 12 nonth4 visit with friends in St. Thomas and London. MissiMarjory and Jean Beldon have returned from their extended visit at Ingersoll. Mr. (Robertson, of the Loreto!! Life, London, lens in town on business this Week. Miss fitments, of Strathroy. was the guest of Miss (Hive (could for .t few dav6. Mrs. Vanetone. of London, is visit- ing friends around Exeter for a few weeks. Mr. Bert Passmore, who was visit- ing his parents on the Thames Road, has returned to hie home at the Soo. Miss May Parch. 'of the Thames Road. has gone to the Son to reeds where she will attend school. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior and family visited in Toronto a few days this week. lti55 ltamsay and Miss Ilene Dodds Spent Labor Day with relatives at !1 ere eon 1)r. 'W. 11. Racy .of Aberdeen. !l, D.. is visiting his parents, Mr. and :lira D. A. Ross. Hist Ethel Sweet has charge of Mr J. A. Stewart's millinery depart- ment.. Mra. Jefferson, who has been visit- ing friends here for the mummer re. turned to her home itt Hamilton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Iiodgroan and Mr. R ilei!. of 0611awa, tva' Lere attend- ing the funeral1 u f t he late Mrs. Hedgeon. Mrs. Gourley and daughter ida of Windsor ryturoed home Monday •r visiting ter , few days with r. and Mrs. T). .1 Mrs John Ilawksbaw returned from Toronto on 8aturdny last ;accom- panied by her little Crandsoh.. Harry Ilnwk�haw. Miss !Alen Boyle, who has been visiting in Marlette, Miele, returned Mnnday. She Wan accompanied by Miss Violet Willis. who will visit Mende around Exeter and Seaforth. !ifr. E. Ueidem'in narrowly escatx•d slobs tweeter.: Lahor Day at the depot, ile was stepping off s movin.r train onto the elatliortn when he serried. hi, foot going tinier the train close to the rail.. Th•' many friends here of Mr and Mrs David ltowcliffe scmpat hire Coit h then) in the 10%. of tle•ir bright little laugh( • r Fr•edn .Marie, aged 5 years 3 motif t and 112 dare whieh occur - ed it its r home in Grentnn 011 Stin- t e "h.. '1 • lit: • rf had Ir • . 1-,• „ • 1 • • r t.•,1 ,n 111.• • .•try of Chia Scheer • e r.;..a, a rnornintr anti 2l, t., . ! •1 r.• back again 1' 111 :, , :el '1 r v will go on 122 2, 1, „ .•I , te„ a stn work- ed h:l•t a' l • • •,in1 1 tett oth- ers n'il! e, • 1 1+ h 2 .h , 1 rn:•d again wit! :: ' j -! „h it /hr .t n Int Scholar. •I,„. ,1 •h• ,1 e vela their solidi. t •h I k of them until ;1 ("2e , e. eneeetdon•. 1'1, t ., i) . I h , 1 r n1 will h.. '1V \V t, tilt owner. It .2. Principal, 4i• \ \11oin-r211. M1.0, 1t01111, 11 \' , • / 'di''. K rs- 22),1). :\iia4 11 .I ,'. '1.;. 11022 ird, 1114 1lis• At •'•Ire! • -- 1:\ETER Cot;NCIi; (test, skip 121 Taman, skip I 1 The council of the Village of Exeter met its the town hall en Tee iday Sept. 2nd, all the members were present. The ntinates of the meetings August 111th and 21111 were read and approved Correspondence was teed es follow from The London Foundry Co, and 'The Smart Turner Co. Air. Fernconab lasing present explained the agree. merit with "1'h•• Swart Turner Co The following at eounf s were read and approved: --Exeter Electric Light.. ing ('o„ street lighting, $11t1On; the Bell Telephoto. 1'11, mes4age, 255; C. 'r. :rooks express on wagon spring, S1►e: The Queen City Oil Co. gasoline. $K ICs; Thos. Elliott labor at gravel, $11 se; Then. 1Valper drawing gravel, $:H; This. itrock sr. !allot at ,navel. $10.'25; Sidney Sander•+ do , SI`iAI; (iso. At- kinson the, $.'i 75: Reba. (Mlles draw- ing giavrl, *1; Win. Ciillienpie dn., WE IH)N" I' IIAVE 71) i'I:SiI $I41; rhos, Ilart.noll labor at gravel, Slied{. $21; Time. holden, d0., $1; i1. ('. Snow Drift fluor, 11 pusher 1) ,, For wherever It becnutes known it Sly ill,, *121213;Wm. iV Ise li'esteott do.. Omits into immediate favor. House. ; ees keepers who try it once, "Fe it ii , ('resN putt salary. qty►; r.11 ,1. regurarly thereafter. Bissett purl sAlnry, g:Ci; shit. Ilenl ,fen two weeks Ntreet watering qts;; A. Ti)I' REASON (SNOW DRI:"f) Q )lobier labor water %Yorks Account changed to JOS. 1,aw5O1) $Iii 34); F. W. Farr c emb cerlificete No. :1, water- works, $1)6); Amounting to $517.511, 1.i01'it make, friends can he ease ily learned by trying a sack of it. Order one (relay and you'll need no urgingto order anther whom the fleet paered on motion of Levett—tlentnan. ie enl sty. Ask your (heir dealer for (.arrird. it. WPwant to buy your wheat. Atljoarnrel. Joe. SI•:Niolt, Clerk :lest prier )4. --� H. Cook, Sons Si Co, Children Cry Hensall FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mr. N, Dyer Hurtle!) wan in Loniten en Wednesday. Mt', and Mrs ,las, Jeckell and child visited relatives iu town this week. Mr. Thos. Hakin- h e It'1e,nnvl home after a trip through the west, yl„v. Effi.- Taylor visited at ''Lion Mr. 11'. .l. Monsey visited in Blyth 'Monday. Mr. John McMahon has moved bis feroily back to Seaforth after spend. the past couple of months on his farm in Hay. "Mr .Prank Johns is holidaying in Toronto this week. 'Mrs. G. 8atntt'e1l is visiting wit relatives in Ingersoll. Jirs. L. Da)- and two children vis- ited for a few days in London fast week. Mr. and Mrs. R. McDonatd and family have returned home tatter spending a week in Toronto. 11r. and Mrs. Ssunby, and daughter of London, vixiled Mr. and Mrs. Am- brose Cottle Labor Day. Miss I):Iniel. of Detroit. visited her brother Richard Daniel in town last week. Mrs. 1l,. Axt, of Exeter. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr:►. lid. Axt. this week.—Zurich Ilerald. Mr. Gilbert:Stewart. of Carlc_!e, Eng. is t'isitiing hi,, sister, Mr-. .J II. I3larkham. Mrs Mitchell, of Cromarty. has rented the house oo Main street re- e,ntl)' vacated by `'- Devitt Mussell MI2, L. Itobint•en 3.e .719 1.): pscs- •d the junior exa)u. 01 111 Toronto Conservatory of Jlusic. Miss Bertha 'Mack. of Toronto is 'I':nding a month's holidays with t.:•r parents. .Mr. and Mrs. D. Mack: Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Holman of E g- mondville, visited 31r. and Mrs. \Van. Drew a few days last week. Herrn EIloitt WWI off work several d•lys last week owing to a sprained thumb. Messrs Alt and .las. \Valt'ra last '.'.. k attended the funeral of their another at Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. John Isscry and son, Will. of Eden. are visiting for a week in Tor- onto and Cobourg. Mr. M. F. Salter and son Charlie are holidaying in Toronto this neck. Mrs. "Salter and daughter Meta are visiting in London. Ale. Clarence \Vhitby, of the bank of Commerce returned to town Fri- day last after relieving in Crediton for Iwo week'. Airs Floyd returned bore on Thur_ - .11v la -t from Kalamazoo.'l.ch.3he Was accornpained home by h r son .fohrt. obit visited for 't few days. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Handford and family returned hone on Saturday. from I1,•aumeri5, Muskoka where then hay • ►: •en summering for th • past mint h. In pr.:Ming tate Excl. r prize I:!'l in ,error teas mad.. in .Ione', ,Sc ?lay's •5I5'Cial prize. 11 should have tread , for th larges' on • dozen leen egg., o •n ty Among tilos.: who spent f..ahor 1)3)' not ..' town w2r: lir. C. Whitby at Paris L. Davis at litnstll, 11. Stecre it 'Bldg town. A-llewat at ltoc:;wood St :nt,'y Fisher at Dundas, +lies Maud Vtiri-h :rho has been visiting to shill sidle!). for th • feast tee months rI turned to her home in 1 - x on W. dnesdae. accompanied Et her cousin Airs. J. !larding and ! .:'lacer Ina a: `•!r ;tl,t 112 - ith.vi SAN r. of I , n:' n 11 erh,,t �' . h visited lir. •2 ; ''1, .1,:110 2 .1 1 1 f. et' 21125 1 h.. i. '2! J fait. i.1 Eo - '1' _ •t t. 1 it ,- the 1 • e i, 1 . !i 1 1. 111 to:r t 11 1 n 11 )' ,r-. HAlt) WANTED—Competent to do l of 'e work Wain I 11� f vin (!noting and general work. Small fancily, Will pity good wages to proper pet son. who will h the a good 1 0. °ernru) Girl des- ired Apply personally or hy letter to Sirs J. J. ('allaglltn, t11:3 Wellington street London, MARRIED SWEIT,.F,lt — FINkIRAINER — A► I Cr de, n nn Tu. e',2 Sept fent.. r fah M,- 11,nn•Ih 1'Snkh ener to 31r. Swe•itzer. of Tali -tock. tl \•, E: •; , TC•:'1"I'-111.. 1 ItN- fu Toron- tn. 0n \V. ilii' - 113 Angv•t 71.1. i '•t A.i.;i Ilet'hurn, rlauahter of \It .11.1 \1r-. John ilephurn, of St n, to tar. Georg.' It. \Vest- ,. t, of 1 -barn •. (TOHN ('I DM 011E. ---t 11) the London • IiovS Took •Istn:th. on A,;cult 25th. to l,•1 r. ,.nl Mr-. Ed. Cudmor.•, s Cl OT��l�j/l d,ughter. V ■ til 1t:1\I)l:I1$—In Ex,•er on Saturday • v •p1. 3rd. to Mr. •,n l Mrs. hobo 1 nd 1'.5, a :On. use P54 ) A Oarbo Magnetic Razor For a Nice Easy Shave 30 Days Trial $2.00 Gillettes Safety Razor t t Blades per Dozen Ever Ready Razors $5.00 1.00 1.00 Regular Razors 75c to 1.50 BRUSHES, SOAPS and STROPS LET US FIGURE ON YOUR Plu robing & Heatlrig HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE pri+'!+±��(! €}�!�}(!•e s telt r--; ++'d e+e!rTT1+; cot to t .i: a{ztiaca:ii:ii:"ri=tttii: �.wtiu u .:n i1;.. --,u E3ar-gairns PEOPLE about to a. i1 ►n3e•keeptng should call at ROW R & ATKiNS(N'4 Furniture Store and see how easily and Cheaply you( to f orrie.h your home. A Walk Through Our Store Will show you. dere you wi11 find the largest and beat assorte Stock of Furniture in the (:aunty, comprising Tables, Chairs, Parlor and Bed - Room Stites, Kitchen and Dining -Room Furniture, It, fact e.erythind to be found in a first-class Furniture Store at each Low Prices that defy Competition, We have a huge number of Lawn nd Veranda Chairs wnirh we are selling at remarkably Low Prices. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnielters and Funeral Dist < ; IS ' IMI P2P "r rayR 'tIItmr . _S oDv� TnO E WHO TOIL ► Ai<NESTL% P ,moo WITFI SUCCESS Will BE SATISFIE. . LY WITH THE BEST OVERHAUL THAT ClAPBE MANUFACTURED. EAInII ER tall~ •r erre ± \7N\� gptlt.PC� AMERICAN STYLE WORK CLOTHES. smolt.) oouett 516 4940 6(2 (R0us 1' 1AKtS'AOM 4l, 1044 WADS 10 MAN[ A D07[N),MAvt sort WW1 recant) BUCKLES AND But TOSS MKT WONT M r CONE Of 1 11 n � t C A h .[l S OEfAC B E SOS{•[ LEA.[ 1001( FOA TMt. TAN COMM TRADE MAOK ON YOUR O:'f RMItS 1NE I f A'"f r I ABEL. WE ARE iHEAGENTS FOR LEA1t1ER LABEL OVERALLS. j S Ili c.137 Bowden -:= AN I) =:= In JStJIN'(iS '('11AliK—A1 1h•' Fa11h1e Line. Ilay On A„gnet ''':th to \Ir. awl tel il• my Schade. a son. 1)11:1) (.1 \111 -.r)n ,11;rn•1 al't. at •.be residenee• of her brother, .1, Il, t;undb. 1to'''Ilt 'Toronto. fate, eIdes! dnsight er of It .v. .1. R. (lune di. fl), t►.. brie .• Church, Ch. Thom,+. ut)\\'C1.11'1'1:-1n Granton en I I) ;i. pt ;the 1'rcede 11 , '112 r o.' Mr. .nd SL •. It 1 " If • 3 5 ::•ars. .3 tire, • II l 2.. 11' 1 ,..'"' , I.\ 2 I. nn ` ';'t . 1111. .1 !!n 1 y t 1 tears 211,1 2i 1111)3. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. rhe Kind You Have Always Borsht Boars the Slgnat*rl' of Cariadian National Exhiiiion ----- AUGUST 27th to SEPTEMBER 12th, 1910 mmodimilb Improved Grounds, New Buildings, international Live 'h 1w, Ezitibitb by nil the Provinces, Magnificent Art Loan i.xlubit BY PERMISSION OF HIS MAJESTY BAND OF THE GRENADIER GUARDS KING Groue;E'S H:,USEHOLD BAND M,s1eI Military Camp. rafts, • vete,' night. 1,000 :•;veryrl,i:, r• w in attraction,. PERFORMERS litonrerfel Firework Spectacles. 400 MUSICIANS THE NAVAL REVIEW AT SPITHEAD BATTLE BETWEEN DREADNOUGHT AND AIRSHIP WATCH POR REDUCED RAIFS Aril) t:)< EVAN For all information write Manager, J. 0. ORR, City hall, Toronto