Exter Times, 1910-09-01, Page 3FJRE TOLL TWO HUNDRED The Official Report of' the National Forest Superintendent. A despatch from Spokane, 11'ash-1 •• hell' another party lust thirteen (ngton, says: forest ares have slain uu•n. more than two hnnlrete! pct :,,u:, 1 The lite rred b.a4lie; of twenty tits nearly all Ciro -fighters, !legs in Idaho, tire lighters were found 011 Tuesday. K ''n Netzer )'reek, in the tit. Joe ncrorilin g 10 fi •tire, oinn piled oil b b 1 , country Two severely srurch,x! \led,,,..day night fr"ui Tatra ,-,• plapanese draggtv1 themselves to ports. 1t,•r.v, Idaho, on Tuesday night, Superintendent 1Wriltrl, .f the ' ,Intl told of the death of ten of their tat;1!21111 11 s. 'TIII. 1 olve Mon, 44111- ('uur 11 .Ilene rational hore,t,.ifi• r l,l.,),•t•: of the l'llicaga, ,Milwaukee receiving many reports of disaster ( J'u> rt sound Railroad, hitd gone to various parties of his six hon- 1 out to fight tires. They were sur- dred employees, posted a bulletin rounded by flame;. and only tvvo un lWedne,al,ty night in his ofliee at THE WORLD'S MARKS lS 1t1:1'UIITs 1.12011 Tlli: Li:.viii ti 1f.1DC C1:\111'. Prices of Cattle. (;rain. Cher" aa'l Other Dairy Produce al Bottle and .broad. JiliE.11)STt'1 IS. Toronto, Aug. 30. - Ontario \I'heal•-Old No. 2 winter nominal at $1.02 outside; new, 95e to USc outside, according to location. Manitoba Wheat --No. 1 north- ern, $1.12; No. 2 northern, $1.101.,; No. 3 northern, $1.09 at lake party for immediate shipment. torn---,tn•rican No. 2 yellow, 09l,c to 70e, Toronto freights. Oats ---Canada Western, No. 2, 41%e; No. 3 Canada Western, 40e, m n ex (a x`t 1. 1WaBa(:c, anuouuciut; the dealt, •,f ) lhr, number of at lake ports, for ieunrdiatu ship - deaths 1 w , us I n 1 e - me 1 d nt• Ontario \ , ' ul uL tut,' 38c, 1 hunlre. o 1 and four ret net t 1 1 n. He reducedto three, at1 in the also eapiessed grave concern fpr P!!ii d'Oriellie Valley. near New - the safety of Hanger Joseph Ii. 0„,ie three victims, Airs. Halm and-ecenty-four wren, w•h" Ernest Reinhardt, wife of a ranch - Were surr.n1114011 lis fire Satnrda` , i• v on the 1 k night ill tiro f,,. '-t on ti,.' Big h.•rk uy woman ,ions to 1 -of the Cour i .11ene River, near 1, .en burned to drat! in any of the tires, 1'1'1' BY 111111'[:it Ir, NI 1' t: Youth `tuutblev %g:Bast Shutting 31aelline and Lo,c- Moth 1 yet, • A despatch from 11 '41(•1), :111x.• says: '4tt•aart lt..lorlsote aged tight, tiro sun of it farmer near has appeared for some time (occur- � Millfeed--3!anitoba bran, *20 per here, had both feet severed by the red at the farm of .1 .t !). 31r 'ton; shorts, $12 per ton, track, 10 knives of a mower driven by an 1ntsre, big stock raisers of Luba, ronto. Ontario bran, 890 per tan; older brother on 'Tuesday when he [there two fine cows ate already ,h„rte, .vc_,., per ton on track, To - stumbled in front of the mower ,lead told others are affected- The I"fit", and his legs were caught in the farm is a mile fruin that of 14.1 out -box. The brother stopped the1 l iinhell, t%hor, a horse died last! COUNTRY1 RODLC'E. bieeding by tying shoe laces around Vag. h freta r.ri,i• -. and eight peo- Butter Creamery prints, 23c to tho mangled limns, and although, 1,:•• It, t•• -•. • I•, the Pa -!cur In -;41c; separator prints, 20e to 21e; medical aid t ;till •• •' 1 ItAI111:S 1 \ 1111tt1, 39e outside; \o. 3 white, :;;c to 38c out .i,le, 41c to 42e on track, Toron- to, new oats, nominally, 35c to 30c. I.arley No. 2 Sic to 52c; No. 3 et , r-.1, 19c to 50e ; Nu. 3, 40c to 47e out ids. 1': ,t-. No. 2 ;lir to 78c. 31 tnituba Flour -Quotations at 1'or.,11to are: hr -4 patent,, 86.20; sr• •,n 1 patents, 85.70; strong bak- ers •" ''): 90 per cent., Glasgow Two ('ons Die of Disease and Others are !Ideated. I+t,ta1.0 1 :ut•---New winter wheat 1 despatch from 1-77.1011 says: !hair, for future delivery, $3.75 to The worst outbreak if rabies that 7:1.'3x►, at the mills. • 4.41? •r i. Y..419/181?r,.g� Nh T •• �a _ . •: ,inte.'r:,t•7afA+:r. w>•:1 •tHtaav6aL444:1CF:w-.,.1 "iAKt+>• ROYAL YEAST CAKES MOST PERFECT MADE We know and users of Royal Yeast Cakes know that these are the beat goods of the kind in the World. Bread made with Royal Yeast will keep moat and tiresh longerthan that made with ger'itlle st-- -there is Ino other "just as good." teat', mantises- Aware . w 111114,117T CO. LTD. Toronto, Celt. Mt honors at an Reposition• s. are►teroal any other. Do pDt , , aF, �I�rlr. „ No. •\ay. Cows and bulls were steady at from $50 to �o, afp w extra r t c !oleo costs selling t 1 �2 b ► to 4c. _., The c demand mule! for stockers and feeders is getting stronger. Several loads were sold at from $1 to $5.25. Sheep were steady. Landis, slow and 5Oe low- er. !logs - -Firm; selects were quot- ed at *'l.SO 14.) *Kee f.o.b. and $8.- 75 to $9 fed and watered, INDIANS AND BULLETS. A Sample of th• Strenuous Life In Kentucky Ir. 1777, In 1777, w•hlle Harrodsburg, Ey., was 1;o beset will) Judiuns that the Inhabitants were In straits for dally bread. n young mate'only sixteen years old, made himself extremely useful by venturing out of the fort before day- break and returning with a load of game after nightfall. Thla Intrepid youth was James flay, afterward Gen- eral Itay. One day In the year just mentioned Day and another young man were tc secured stouts for .1ur• nt It 1--„!•laoc_ ,lair' prints (choice), lfc to 20e; shooting at'a mark near the fort, when fot• several hours, the boy has aced 'McIntyre , .t. tt01•• ;ni ted da., tub,, lee; inferior tubs, 16c to the second roan was suddenly shot fair chance for recovery. in moue was frvn, :he r,• a -e 17e. down by the Ionians. itay looked In Eggs lar per d.•,en in vaso lots. the direction whence the 6hot had (1 .'• ”' ! ; !,• i pound for large come, saw the enemy and was on the 11111tS1: IIItOI'I'l:1) 111:.11). '• 11"'f i I '' 1'• r 1"'!'!:d for twins. 1)01114 of raising his rine when he was 1.1_ •-' t., .-'.I 4 per bushel f•,r set upon by another hand who had 1)194411 ,1 Peculiar Incident happened at 1"I''" - r:''i •” + , f •, !uttid-pie};. t, crnpt near hltn unseen. 11•,x4,•, fie t l,ie for strain(•(! ul 11e took to his hots sn1, Ielr,g a pound ti;,-; a 10 111 laounti c,u quick runner, reached the tort ainld a " to 10 ; \,• I .,.lab, �1.;:, t„ shower of bullets, but the gates were .1 :u • per d.',..n, N.,. 2, X1,50. shut, and the men inside were 50 11. .1: Potatoes, .:) t ' ;,'). per bag. frightened that they dared not open ---'f---- A t'1111.11) HERO. Pel -year-old Ito) Sales a ing t ump:luion. Ite11'•%ille. .1 despatch front 1\•iunipeg ..a.vs: .\ (1e.l,att-ti t!. t' ,tack ( Iawford, ,$til ttu, i; the Ir.•r•, of Winnipeg, follow in!; his 1 plucky action oh Tat -(11}' nit:ht ill \\41 . - 011 '1 junl pin into 1 r, 11:dt.•r H. umping g the fled Itiv4`r'.0„•r 1 d• SIX KILLED, TEN INJIIRED Wreck Horror on the Grand Trunk Rail- way in Michigan. -1 ,I",latch from 14ur:io i, Alicia., -Iv. ' IX (lead, ., ..'11 Ker:•,Ilsly in- ; .1..1, and th,, • „htly i; given Lcre on Thur a; iy night by tiro + • 1 .old Trunk Hallway ('umpuuy as tho official easuality list resulting from Wednesday night's rear -end collision between two east -bound t rains. 'rhe dead:-- Mfrs. Squires' residence i, 1lwtlght to be Chica- go, but this is uu• • • •., n. Master Squires, the ter, ., ,r :,ld sun of \!r- aottires, w:( •,r,hed and care of physicians at Durand. !1114. .4 11• .1'•' , ll ,• tivyard, en That there were nineteen passon gathered together and prayed that, 11he meant to slay then), tie would bring ' + . I'.'rt Huron , , gers in the telescoped i ullman wa, destruction on all together rather than i„u•nctl ab. tat the estahlishcd un Thursday afternoon. kill thein one by one, i• hair was scarcely -11l of these, say the railway-pc.Awhasxl was sor y for the grief be .1 1 r,��1 flame unknown, pie, have been accounted for. T ” f :, Ifo-nit,vl I a bad caused and offered as eompensa- Thomas house, Durand. Mrs. Les- lie 1)ochler, lavistotk, Ont., 41 years old, was taken to Flint Hos- pital with a fractured right leg and hip. 'Alia. F. S. Shelter:, Chica- go, tight arm fractured and suffer- ing from internal injuries, lies in int hospital. 1). 13. Mitchell of At the beginning • things, the !a- niline ('reek, engineer on No. 14, gond runs, the w•.,0 was peopled by cats and bruises. Geo. Dotlatdson 1 nodes only, - ne day the eat -5 god, of Hattie Creek, fireman on No. 4, Awbasst Nal, n:ipl•,'ued by accident to probably fatally scalded, now under k111 a womanon hearin!- this the rest RAINING CATS AND DOGS. , Various Explanations of the Origin sr This Expression. Many ex:atm: loue have boon given of the origin of the expression "raining cats and dogs." One la that It Is u per• version of the b'reucb "catadoupe,” a waterfall -"It is raining a cataduupes," or cataracts. Another esplanade') Is that the male blowouts of the willow tree, which are used on Palm Sunday, to represeut the branches of palm. were called "eats and dogs" to som• purls of England, where they Increase rapidly after a few earn) April show. ers, and the belief prevailed that the rain brought them. Others trace the saying to northern mythology, In which the cat la said to have great tufluence on the weather, and sailors still have a saying, "The cat has a gale of wind in her tall,' when she is unusually frisky. WItchee that rode upou the storms were said to assume the form of cant, and the ctoral northwest wind nd>scall called the rat's nose" In the liars mountains even at the preseut day. Theo the dog Is a symbol of wind, which In old ger- man pictures is figured as the head of a dog or wolf from which blasts issue. The cat therefore symbolizes a down- pour of rain; the dog, strong gusts of wind, which ate -oniony it, and so a rain "ot cats and dogs" is a heavy rata with wind. A NIGERIAN LEGEND. It Tells of the Origin of Man's Sub. lection to Women. There Is a quaint old Nigerian legend that relates the orlglo of mat's sub- jection to worsen. a L , C neap), -1ssl'tarrt Superintendent Fitzhugh tion to give them anything they should 1I t \t oodward, was at. 31ont real the Durand officials' choose out of all his possessions. They u chat 4 • .1 mass, '!r. wire([ that there were nineteen pati-' begged Wm to mention what be had to 11`''tg') arts also `'•rigor, in the Nebraska, of whom give and said that they would all cry 1..! r ro a crisp, and Mrs. 1:. Gil- -ix were killed and tne remains "1'es" when he named the thing they 5 Et. (tltI plata., Chiang°, identified. Five injured are in the cashed to bars • ailed and burned.husp,itnl at Durand, one of whom is (ring sl mentioned one by one n1t I'! lr,juarered :r : Mrs. F. fi. 11e- likely to die. Eight passengers con- Mss fruits, fowls and beasts, but at Ise::n, t'hirngo, right leg fractured, tinned their journey to 1:.sir des- each they shouted "No." At length Oak: n to flint Hospital; Albert ,;.. 4.on5 flaying I f the list was nearly ended -only ono Edmonton, :Uta„ face forward end of the car unin'uted them. Finding himself shut out, Bay It W'Itt ) I escaped from. the thing remained to offer. (; . r, 1( (1 hl I. It dncsduy . i'Rl)\' I It ►\ ti. threw himself sat on the ground In 1 •Irl !anti bl!,,el r d halls, but con- Engineer •" 111 you, then, take man?' asked '• •• stump. am here, perhaps (lithe: ion no . srrenl� • removed to is i Awbassl at last. "Yes!" they roared Who,. .tic quotations fryer. ,,ell four. who had 1 1), Herr Airtchcll of train I t fallen into III.' trea r it 4, ms (bort ht • 1 ane 1 a the rear of a t 1 lit not. in a great shout, and, catching hold ot ! morning 41 br• sight of h19 mother, he lay for four f • 9'1 'West St. Catherine street., man en N9, 4 is badly but not seri- one another danced for Joy at the and bot blot safely to iau i before' th •r of the dy, 1 hitched ••:4: ,I.. ( sight hum,, 19c to 19!Yr : hours, while the bullets of the Indians 1i'•':trcif. .1 son of Mrs. Wood- owl% bur (bought of the gift Awbassl was send - 1'',c to 1x•; bacon, lvc t(o t u the nt Aside from the loss f Ir•+1e• and dr t tl front f i ground 1 1e. u• damage o the ,�, m. !Defy. condition rave !' . 'Thus men became the servants of r) 1 h, lit t l11.11 -s01 r seven steps from the fort nod Runts 1 n Flint hospital sr. They to - t%hl•.h .h, - o, L •. used to Flint Hospital. Clinton -A. Davis lured but will recover. fire- fellow lisped up the dlov sin•.; etu('I rlrivc. if .. nupl:ed, ISc to I: ..c; uhc• _ other' help ' ,-.-r up t},� itc,a. c, had arrived. .1 n,ov ,•.,. o to run o :1- .rte, are p on either side of `1e1I'' . hurtled on all parts of the the (,r by fir tt t I las. 01l,r i) 11) 1) dv oIt fol t,• WI a father's house. v. the (lead hod, It HAmanP medal01 '1" ( rata. Pork .,bort cut, x.tu to $30 at) R les in the equipment will be slight. women and have to work for them to of 11 alter I;• •t •- t%;ta It il'q The At Inst he grew impatient and called f•, •� lit learned to semi this stun- t{ cr t,r+ barrel i� i r , 1-11(1 11,•1.. tub., 1; "For heareu's Sake, dig c hole tinder nr• ir.ol as. though he ••,•r:• '(' - I 1; ,, -t," },:.-,e.dd}. the cabin trail and take me MI" for someone •turd dropped .1 .t 1 ,1,-___ _ 1.• .h 470.4r .41 ,a, •,a. I- n, :1,:d 'a dlately. and the brave youug hunter Size of a Church Building. , > - 1.�t. Lu 1:, ; I.a.k. ,1',.144, t• was speedily sate Inside the fort b U1.1 ! 1.\1\GS 1'It0» AL1. OYER 1 !I t►! 1 1`1 IN 1'M'.11.1'. 1I'.,,; I,a,h„ ,pea a :., 11'-c 1„ A !a'}e c,otvd Fathered in the rat: GLOBE. r t• t 11' . horse 4. h.t,nr, t1 a f4 w 1 ur oke.) out to the garrison: - - --_-- _ - tbls day. 310 1 1:1) '1 Il 1: 1011 I: it. 4 141' 11 4 S1; NUN'S l e1.1 \ 0. i Wiled elates Capitalists 1,11er , %t�►,111411,1►011 1' 9 r 11, •:aoke.4 :u,d 1)rti �al1.41 .14.:,!- The rnen Inside set to work tonne. Belgian Mellott 01 Increasing the 1 CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS 1►1..ul,+I pickle,1 little villai,' of 114oholt on the itel- A d4' patch fr,•it 11• Astor Spreads 11'ilh (;recti meat, wit of 10 1t•sr FORTUNE 1JLAND. ! giau front ler to watch the unusual :1 gr.,.:!, • f \. 1 • 1 l' (:teat Rapidity. than smoked. The Story spectacle of a moving chart! tuw- delphia 4.8(4484:.;- - • •i ' ry of the honed Fr,ce of an , r. Some time ago it was decided 1 dr -pat, I f, n1 franc. Italy English Buccaneer. , million dollars t• : \.,:: _ f .,• •i..4t _•,,,; ltiii;tig ti" past 11 hours! 310S1'111-:.1 I, 3I.11(KEIS. + that the church should be enlarged tho foot of the Lachine Ra 1- 'Che e in English buc(aoeer, having looted its order to Ac•cummudate the in - 1' there have liven 0,14 new cases and Mlutitreal, ,lug. ;;0. Barley- ('ar and tlretf a rich prize, found biinselt [bland la owned by the S1,t.'r- of to clve deaths hit from cholera, at lots, ex store, No. 3, 53t t(, Sly - pursued in turn by a Spanish pirate ' i4 ;15ed dumber of people 111 the the Congregation, and they are Barletta, eight ,:i—,a and seven \L. •1, 41c to 50e. and In order 10 save Ills treasure sought `dingo -considering the offer. The island i. d(•atl1 , nt 3larghpitta Savein, live Corn -- American No. 2 }111.7••, some Isolated share on which to bury It belpg impossible to enlarge the required fur the rearing of kids, cases and two drat hs, at 511 11 F(•r_ ear lots, ex store, 71!,r; \o, .;; It until the Dare clime to divttte the !'Arch at the choir Ind it was de - whose skin is used in the montane- dinand,,, three cases and t,ne 3(•110w4 70!,c to 711', ' spoils with his followers. :lo tie ran ' "'Is" to lengthen iho nave. it tore of gloves. The island is large , death ; an•1 :It 'I'riaitapoli four cases Oats- tier Tuts, ex store, \0 2 Into the Itahame er•'up nnd,•laud.ug un 44as thought that this would involve .and is one of the beatify 'pots inand thr.•• 41 and the vicinity of the city. ..c. lelr;-zp'ic Briefs From Our Own aaJ Other Countries of !tray tit Events. (_.1\,1D.1, The cost of deepening the 1W. laud Canal is placed at e50,000 000. .1 rainbow• trout weighing ! Canada western, 41c to 4I' e: \(o. a low Tying 8Irlp of sand tied palm the dcmolitton of the tower, but to pouodx was caught in a uredge w 3, 391, to -1(k•. - trees, eneherl '. plunder and, naming this, however, the authorities were .�au1L Ste. Marie. Has --\a. 1, *ill .,•) 1•, K1:,: \,,, ! the place fortune Island. sailed away. ' fleeted, holding that tho tower the first shlptnc8t of new wheat 1:1.1:1.1.1'014 I'(IRIl:\t 1 \ 1,11.1 1.1t, 1' 11 \IIJr s IS 141 \1) IIi 41 1 1). ' extra, 813.5o t•, ell. \, i(1.2' He left a outrider r negro staves be. .a ;IS (of great historical value (lag- , _ has arrived at Pert Arthur from $11.50; elotel. 111154•,1, ail. air t•. ; hind to guard 'be buried treasure, and ing many centuries back, and to at. ,lgethre. Overalls, ('811rght ill 41Aehiller • -- \r11 },,,'k 11a\Ile I 41uI� Mile, t,•r. („ �! , Ibe present Inhabitants ore said t0 1,0 Chis opposition waltlan 4488 added 1118[ of 11 Archibald Orr was sentenced t Square Ili rl-. '!` ! 7n, Ootar1.•. 810.:,a descended from these slaves, The For- the villagers. who were against the four years in the pintientulrt Body Blocked the Wheels. t 1 ewl; n,.ddiings, tine Islaudrrs Imllrve the ord sea rover :;•!vale on sentimental ground. Montreal for gouging his wlfc's co l despatch) from \ew' 1 tic says never returnee for his chest and that A despatch from 1', : • \"that sirol( 31uu1 tn.!: was thrrrfnre (Iccldetl to PIT.; uul. rats: 1\'rn. Smith, Corer' ,•. The bullet wound in 31,i '•r liar pure grain, ItIs still bidden somewhere near the ,• tow'rr, w'iliehi is !10 fPct Joseph A. (laduuu, ('.\.11. statin f the , x annex at King's elevate . .. 1, kill- 1"''- s neck h„- healed on the oat •• ..., • \ I 9.4 1 , ?_,!) tin 'ere'. 11 is no uncommon eight '4 'lel, a(:d about 3,0(x) tuns in weight. agent at, huberdln i(!t rend the trr4tut!on of th•' tf !• , for tourists on the rore(xcnslons when u, (Incites., en e(1 on Wednesday lleslla\' ilflerlt ati 71 re ':1o`;e(1 ov r ( ' ` ' ' spring w heat . •Illi, enormous mass of stone Y.ab bent ftp all for a year er btealin salt of his overall- 1., i .• .4;');• in K : nul:It4.•n ,•n th• 4:,- , a steam r stops there to see some halt ) J Io -t- .,,::n; do.. sec -- (I'' p cul away at the foundation', and a salt -e. , ,• has c1Aa•d. '1'It1 sla�•'r rnl? !curl- �,!� „�naked black mansdl(;glnR In the sand. the inuhinery. \ ilv and i•4 now kirk to his rtlrnla,• '”, • vculter 44heat patents, (13.10 probably In obedience to a dream or a ;platform placed lieneirth it an Ont t1 the its omen attendants a ('(lent, and the I,. •i , '4 1 1 11!;,1 ,ire• ..f 11.1'''',`""r,'" Hi('ti" A .lay 1,' k.' :,ll `i:11!11' 1,:1 •Ir„rig linker-, other sign. rail¢. tilI4%41% and rAref:htt5 nlld 1I8m11tun r\bt111111 1. Said (v he 111 when other ernpl ,4'e-' .:ut.'4 11e r :rtloaccto tae a lilt,, yl,) • -4 rale!). r.'llrrs, it.•4.21) to The natives are ila:f elvlllrc•d,excced. with greet patience by the work- (ler surveillance in ('n tiectien wit the blockade wk. ', it eau •i II!! III OW 11, bit:►I c•orritlor. tram lot rollers to bags. ugly super+ti,totls and very poor and tarn engaged ill this 45tra"it111)814 Noir . e•tape, was ::24 ['t'at's of age, awl 1,,i\es a ' o ,.1 t., 1_ 4;n. 05(1'.1x, (•2.1 r t•• Itt'e mostly 9n fish and fruit. They tit.k the tower is lying all\it184d By 111e arrest of A man aim gal - wife and two children. 1 —•---- •F- 1 82 du not attempt 10 p1::At vegetables, pro. 114411 by inch. his nam(' as ,Sohn Bagley the T. Ilen: li• t y, ••r.lr:pry, 1:3' to tering to rely on Its t«••rnty f Its new place is thou, 4-• police .'' a nature. •• girds tanto believe they have 1 1n:. 1 .. 21' t„ y, as the :b.:. i! !alrrlrnnc. th:•t sweep iho in front ..f the old one, nt .( ! I. •1a a forger and thief. ' \1' -t' i•,. Ile to 11',c: ttnlnen:Is steal uproot and •lestruy gar- estitnntell that it will take t .1.4 e••nle• (,„m (�neh,•, that ow ca t , :r. 1„ ,e 4., i lr. / dt•ni.. '11.e little culuny 1s hvdd:ed 40. or 11 fortnight to reach the . t 11 .1 g t� p . 1 has mad- the • ren, eme.nr „f an in(•rras(` a1 'MOO 04 e the pre%lees year 111 The Sense of humor. A man has a scale of humor or be baa not. It ho has not be cannot ac- quire It; it be has 11 by birthright ba cannot lose 11 with the passing ot years. The only change as life• goes on la one who has this Inborn sense is that different things appeal to it trot» those that 01011 d amusement to youth, but in this It fa like other mental faculties. As judgment mel- lows and ripens, so the power of dis- covering those things that excite ,muss becomes more discriminating. 1- Ilumor is not a physical attribute to fade as the body loses its youthful elasticity, but purely mental. Sten 3i, w4o possess }t In goodly measuro have at been known to smite on their death- beds over the very comedy of life. - Indianapolis Star The Flax Plant. Linen Is obtatn(d (ruin the nag plant, at a small. delicate annual with a tiny blue sower. The plant la pulled by band In the summer, the seeds. known In commerce as linseed, being removed n and Ino straw subjected to various processes to separate the fibrous part g which constitutes the linen. First It Is steeped in water and then passed t through a drying and heating process 1- on revolving wheels until all foretell 11 matter Is removed. 11 la then ready for lnnnufacture. e� Net a Question of Etiquette. n Mrs. Hendricks Ube lnudtady4-Cao 1 help you to some more soup, Sir. Darnley? 31r. ltumtey-No, (Hanks, Airs. Hendricks (engagingly -Don't refuse, 31r. l)umlc+y, because it Isn't considered gond form to bo helped twice to soup. We're not particular people here. 3(r. 1)umtcy-Ob, etiquette has noth- ing to do with it, madam; It's the soup. - - -•t'--- j (1 Ill' 1 OR I, I if It l 1.11 11.11.I1'.1X 1%1\'fFII '11:11!i!I\ 11.: -- 11(rnrart Sliced Olt Ear of ”--al- Canadian Northern Steamer. Hill ! I.:Ilt%e llu.hand. ,) sto,k, 21c to 22(. ',ether Is n r.,ieetlnn of Sgn:%'Id huts which is in rrndi.Px., tor rcritif the Hake it Canadian fort. 1 .\ ,It -1•:.1,•11 f"o'u Nue Veil, ".:It-' d• : ;1; '- t1 a!(; lit re i pts 171 to that llrn t-'ow•n fleir away In near! .. ! 1 moving mass. 41'hi1P the operation A de'p at('fl (rem ila'.t•,\ a' Pea ^gal! h•'1' IIn•1.:.L41 tat); rt) 10•. lir (11)Z. . `rrollti 1x Y;m(le'. 12r to 1.';4 every !vele reel have to he bull n114'V. was 1• 11 Igo rens tilt behl� In the 1'1•y('tl lir of the 'row 1 g l n band ' h (ficial Announc.!� •.! !I it nr!eh :,s slip I. rt it. 31r.. Martin _ - The 10a 01 h woe :a1:,•.y Int,; and a IR•,artmr•nt. fcep,le were ringing 1•andly, n. 1 J1allf \ is to lu• 1)' \\ .LI• t' tel ( I, .ir,.•d off hl right p.lr all UNITED i'fl:1) `'1 .1'i ('.ti 31 11, 151. I'S (all,! (t,f,le of 1!.... lir,,, f 't part and Iles t1111I411 (n 'lanai rhe extraordinary mina1 of the I; •t .,l 1 tel:nn r- ll.due.rt,ly t%ith 1111111,117 . "Wes, i i 1ff, Lo(40' lrrg :.n 11•heat 110 titres n';rtbeast of Cuba. - New mutt it was about to make. Lon- 1'NITI:11-::T.1Ti'S. was r1c4 it ed on 1t .I : , • mora :,t off ! r, ng-1111-7,011 Ind of I Turk l'a'ss, >K I�irpMrnbel, !++',e; De•,n,l,• r, �I. (1.11 Standard' Dania¢•• estimated at unc nliflion ing by I . Stn.,n.;. I; Halifax It, •:,, i , [,•,;)1:111, when tarry:, ,._. ------• F._- 4 agent for the ('anadian \.,rthrrn c l 11• :.,::,. !.,,, rnlclr An(1 t1 .1t Aer •a.e fr Chin --' Ilam 44a• esus,^I hs a (018.14,., steamship., I: !Cal•', \na. ^n, 1Wilr;, p , Chine -e. (lo I7. jai.: a "Satre I`4. r.e," said an Amcriras T.1\li OI' \1111:1' !''ELL. in 311•IuN::n. •:! 1 !,L• wheat. N,,. 1 Nei Ile ill,ren•n, 11 rI::n, -lice ns louq as ------ Thr 11.1 ••f 11cnd 111 the forest fires' , I. "1, t r 14; \1'11114`1., \o. 2 iwer.ty }ger. 1!r China ant! never learn ('gashed 1'trough 1 '1'•lory Ceiling. in 11'•1,1:10.1 ,ind Idaho norms i , )tut hurl NO one. hlul(lrtet, 1:\ l'Ie ,41-11. it.,o,,evell pl.•I,," - to .\por(ooky.1 and grafting el- (icinl, in piddle life,• ,• The kidnapper who stole n foot - year•'1d hoc :It Kingston, N. \• , strangled 14.111 to 4lrnlh. ,1n antmuoI,de (•gashed into ., construction train at Queen'S 11.'t ongh, N. 1' , and Iwo persons w,•i• killed and nine injured. (;1',N171-', 11.. Thr ('*4(4''1111,1!1 IIIIII' \i.ig ('011' 1 to .1Apan h:ls Ie, n signed. Inert 11151 410 is to put leo f. of itrandon and Tiench, the alleged down firm)v an these foreign lin- 14111isll spies in (Jerntanc•, are to h• ports." And to show that he tried nt Leipzig. could practise Its well a5 preach,-..____t•_..._�., at that Homan( het put 1115 foot TI'e mak, 111,41 :'orrtf•.• the sol. i (lout, nn the skin of an imparted -1••,I ;oi41 i 1L-' tliu•r squirm, .. •1 •r t.;�' 1r • ,-'o 444 i 11 • , n. !i '"ails[ are bo 1 in ate butchers' same.; f- '! ;;. (:' •�, ,1 !1„ , len. 1 r tl jr• L'4 -- ! A .r•,,, 1. a %tate!.1't. ')1.•: he banana; and his (rime! %.111.' ill oil 1re !int the progeny begot roe text'! l' to • : •i , $5.65, mediuta nt .s4 Y!) t .. , . 41 , r .,:) 8:1 a't•),er'• ' distiller's worlu, I (. a.c`r•.e, B� the /t - ,..,i• • \o. 2 vthlte. !I '11. inure r'; :n n e10fen Chinese Pepres- Iivixlons. ta•:! 1:ct so my Ilftle girl. She DIS11-11ASF:i r, .de=pate 1fromhinustunss: f \:3('(•tit,/i1'1';(r. lIlsfnn'n'11^� eMhC ( i•� 1 .., _ .4', a!I on free_ 4ngot, 1, a Pn nR alttt 1 big tank full of wb1} ut. Ihr 11os- f( some rll•ty ('::':!eye expression which row cheese fat tort' crasll1'(l (loon . 1 4141- \„ hire, an' :e: She \' ":t' hId t-arae.l daring the day. Now. through the ceiling of the make \• 1 anile, the Chinese Ineetrnge, 111e the Jnpan• Cases proom oil (Wc4lnesday. The Slays Two (.�rS63 of Infa.ntile 1 j�4j ��' ls Haslift. 1: :1 to 54.• (:1O, Is full of hon0rInee. and I fondly holding up the lank kAve any. I'nr- ( �1 ' trayk, ('srin! Imnglucd one coening, when my little fragilely the cheese -maker, were Jnvalj 'l� fills Country. hr(!g),! \\ht:u to \ytt 1'.Ik, t',,. girt (reeled me with some entirely not 1n the roost when the accident e - y. --- • new espresslons, that 8110 was saying happened. -_ _ LtW I: S'f(u • K 31.1It h EIS. something like this: 'stere comes the --4---- )1 wised. Aug. :30. (elves, A'1 bonorobfe personage, my frill:er.' :1 '1y' 4,.,1,1), fr,•;,: \,•te'o.r 1 :,'' , country. Gertrude, the lath( to I'2; lite ho v, $9"To terIfy my guess 1 asked n Ilttle "What le must do," thundered K• 10 t�9.:.o pr`f the, polilicinn, walking rApsirNt tint :r, Infant, !• ••., t. ! :tr old daughter ..f (;rargr, 31 100 pt(nlnd.: xhrlp, f( tel 41+r Chinese hay to translate. At Grat he dn'. tt the. sil•eet wittlkc his bored in\ad,d i ty:t,l t ! , , 1-,•'. ,; i',tltle, the county ,\tt•,rney of pound; lambs, 8:3.246 to Z5: steers, was rather backwnnl, but 1 urged him kn•,n n I•, (; , . until lie finally said: acquniulance, "what ver 1':n%tli'lr r, i, i, 1. 4n \ :1-1 ('aunt'. and a p, lament chairs, 0c to 6 4' , goi(l, ,i ,r fo (ir: . 4 \iugnra Fall'. N 1'., js, middle, 5- to :,':c; fair, 4t4o 40 "'Your excclmes your daughter Hitt 1.1(1'; from the disease nt the! Set eomm(n, •I',r to 4' .r says, ' ITere cornea that old a some f ,:14i1y's summer home nt Moon Tol'ohto Aug0 t .,, headed bottle."' Yes, there are some • ) - tin •e r 1 stir prise,[ In Chinese." I. ;he. Ina Harlon, Tuttle's family i ed steers and hrifur- were !„omit! 1 • • ,ieinn, and 1)r. Mackenzie. To- for local killing at s., -• , to • TL.' -' --- 4-- - - -- 77 -- rt II :,•, •.,:t, , ' i 11,• 1 1Jil,t.:p ,f St ('nt',,, , - .--pri,., I. ,'• 't ,(.8 th. dr., 1 • She Leans, Too. There had been a family row. remarked the alleged head of the house, "a man learns n few things whet) he gets married. ]'es, Alr. a elan Ilres told learns." That will be," retorted the fe"ltntne half of the sketch, "hut the telex)! of experience doesn't bar co vda"-W'aats. ington Herald. Overcharged. • Cell -Did 1 understand 1"!) to 9.47 that rte dentist overthared you? Nell -Yes; ho gave me enough gna to imitate a bsi?oon.-Kansas city Jour. nal. ,r Not to Blame. The Elderly Lady -'they say his wife t:ns moory, The Younger-\Ceil, Ih^.t Isn't his fsnit. T►.ry've ouly beets married » short tlme. Otn',lienen lo not tsu;' Dieferesel l y :hr. testy of him v.P.ty (:•ctrl Is dle- eatis1e1.--Mandl -