HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-09-01, Page 2, N A NEPIGON FUNERAL LACK OF PURE BLOOD girds That Test the Skill of the Beet DIFFICULT TO SHOOT. Marksmen. \'o often bear the question as to ! which is the most difficult bird lar this world to shoot. The answer Is usually. given In favor of the pheasant do. scolding with closed wings from a higher level of Might. though n few give the preference to the second bnry rel shot at teal scared by the discharge of a first barrel end darting upward and In tiny direction but that which Is expected. A bird which we have never seen mentioned and w•Itich yet !night take a llels place In the category Is the sand grouse. It Is out to be rated as an English bird of sport, but Is familiar 0 ens! Is shot to shooters In the , where It as It conies lighting to writer holes to drink. Its fight Is something Ilke that of a pigeon, wills very swift curves and undulations. and In Its case again, as In that of the Virginian mosquito hawk. It is said that those who have acquired the knack con kill It with a comparative certainty which Is the do spair of the novice. After all perhaps our pheasant aero - pinning downward must Atitl be given the highest marks for difficulty. for Wo hear of no one who presumes to say he has discovered any infalliNO knock by which this 'nest perplexing and yet npparently simple shot can be brought off with any great assur- ance.—Country Life. • CRUDE ROMAN CATHOLIC CERE• MONY MARKS LAST SCENE. 'Cody Is Taken by Canoe Across the :\n illness caused by lack of Ba to the 7ky Cemeter Where d will be benefited and cured Y y course t t treatment with Dr. the Relatives of the Deceased Fol. , .1111s' i'jnk ('ills. These Pills low as Best They May the Catholic I;•, , t,o the red matter in the Burial Service—Roof of Birch Bark 1, , , .1 and enable it to carry to 1s Placed Over the Grave, i totes. organ and tissue an increas .i supply of oxygt n, the great sus - The cfid neat was dying. The Great ,,, Iter of all eugenic life. This has I%Vhite Plague had hint in its grasp, hero proved by cures in thousands taking another to make up its an- of a axes out only to Canada but in mull toll from the rapidly -diminish- aft parts of the w)urttl. More !•t'i• i' Ing at the of the Indian people. He ,Ie to -day owe health and hal,pi lay at oho I+tr sido of a bark tepee on , } a couch raised a foot from tho De -s to 1)r. Williams' Pink fills t1...0 to any other medicine. One rat ti.t •e is Mr. James Starr, of 011ls- 1.3(i, Altai., who says : "A few years ago I became ill and very weak. Some days 1 would have a Est dry fever and on others would L• hlathcd in a cold sweat. 1 grew %,carer :in.' weaker until I could ;lo 110 kind of work and was final - 1, a„nlintd to my bed. 1 tried sev- eral doctors. who cost me consid- ei able money, but did me no gold, at, 1 was still getting weaker and v.eaker. 1 :,-keel the last doctor elle Mt:tided me (a) tell me frank- ly if he could cure me, and he told arae arty case was 50 complicated that Itss did not think he could help me. ' I told him I had heard a great deal al out i)r. 'Williams' Pink Pills and Preparing a New Peer For His Seat In a -ked if he thought they would help House of Lords. One. His reply was: 'Wells. they . Numerous formalities have to be wi n't de you any harm and they gone through before any new peer Is (nay help you.' 1 sent for a half entitled to take bis sent In the house dozen boxes at once and began talo of lords. So- them. After taking three boxesOne of the most Important matters there was no doubt they were help.- Is the preparation of the patent, a long int{ me. and I continued using tht ria strip of parchment. to the end of which is affixed the wax seal, the color f• r some time Leger. 1Vith the result that I am now as strung and whichof varies. ies. accordr. `n fo the or Item k hearty and can do as good it day's of new the robe, made of scarlet cloth with work as any man in my neighbor .three douhlings of ermine. the number neighbor- hood.” of bars varying according to rank. T hese Pills are sold by all methThos a duke has four bars In front Cale dealers or may be had by mail - nfld the same number behind, a mar - at 50 cents a box or six boxes fee guts one (CAA, And no on. !2.50 frt•in The 1)r. Williams Me- dieine Co.. Brockville, Ont. Then there are prepnrations in re- gent to making or changing coats of i.p I arms, In conner'liun with whichfirs to Arthur E. McFarlane. the extent of about GO guineas are paid Arthur E. McFarlane is a Canadian; by the recipient of a summons to the just as much as that tither Arthur, house of lords. crony of his yelept Stringer, with Altogether the financlnl disbur'se- whorn he fried pancakes in New York ments nmount In the case of a new many a month; yes, with Can:ohne earl to between 11(X) and f700, some of which finds Its way to the chancel- lor of the exchequer and some to tho crown as represented by the college of arms. A considerable • Rortlun of this expenditure Is. of course. Incurred In the purchase of the coroueL—Lon- don News. Tho Cave of Most 111ness—Th3 Cure, Enrich the Blood Supply. ground. Under the couch were flat Moneta heated in the fire. Although It was July, a rabbit skin robe, the warmest of all furs. was wrapped about the emaciated figure. Over the coverlet the faee showed sharply, the features bearing the unmistak- able signs of death. Close to the sloping walls sot the squaws and the papooses. their heeds bowed, their pbawls closely drawn, silent, motion- less, awaiting the col. Near by burned the camp -fire of four • bit.' men—two of thein fire rangers, the third a prospector, and the fourth a French "squaw -man." The evening meal was past; pipe were lit, and the four gazed silently down into the glowing embers ---each building for himself there air castles, which new, trembled, crumbled, and tell into the ii hes. The sun had gone e behind a mountain, and }already long shadows daneed and trembled on the bosom of the lake. where another shadow. more sinister, hovered over the bark tepee. hesitated. and de- Scended—the Shadow of Death. A eight cry came trr.m the direction of the tepee; then the quick patter of inoccasined feet. "Ole loan. dead—is died just now !" The next day preparations were made for the funeral. The village eoffinmaker brought boards. talked and gesticulated with the men. con- e! !.:ed apart from then!. and finally manufactured a rough box. Canoes were drawn up on the beach; the dogs were silent. and whispered soft- ly to themselves. nett- ed to come to the bury ed Kow-tash, son of the deceased, of oho white men, who accepted the invitation. because the law of the frontier gave them no option. The corpse was borne out of the tepee by four stalwart Indians and placed gently in the cane€. "Very big man become small—not much now, 1 guess," remarked }Cow - LORDLY FORMALITIES. bash.- llarvey O'iliggins. tow. They were n The canoe con,tnining the engin jolly, brainy but impecunious three; started from the shore, followed )'y said of thein that once in those batch• a second canoe, In which were the ing years one of them at last. sold a four white men and an Indian. To- story. The three adjourned to a gild- gether they moved toward the grave- cal restaurant, took a table at the rear yard. a quarter of a mile distant end and looked critically over the bill across the bay. in a few momenta of, fare. as if any one of them could the bows grated on the sandy beach, have bought out the entire menu. and the Indians immediately held 1s , "What are you going to have?" sail consultation regarding the choice of cath to each. a suitable location for the grave. In , impossible to decide. the meantime the birch bark canoe ' "Oh --guess we'll take fried eggs," containing the equnws put out from ' said one of the Arthurs. the village and followed. Finally tame Chief Outwin, dexterously pad- dling in the kern of his canoe fin spite of his seventy years), while a small grandson, grotesque in a black fedora hat three sizes too large. pad- dled in the bow. An aged squaw, the wife of the deceased. knelt with bow - td head by the side of the corpse. while her daughter stood telling a string of beads and softly murmur- ing the rosary. Chief Outwin sat smoking in the shade. brushing aside the mosquitoes and black flies with a balsam bough, Throwing down their spades, the bearers took up the coffin and lowered it into the grave. The daughter advanced and sprinkled the (-elfin with water, in imitation of the Roman Catholic eerenony, of which she had the crude knowledge which comes of observance. The remaining netnews, almost pic- turesque in plaid shawls and colored head -clothes. showed no sign of in• terest or grief. The men stood lean- ing nn their shovels; one removed bis ha'. "Poor ole man have hard time, you bet," amid Kow-tach, ns the grave was being filled. "Plenty fnmilee, not much fish no. winter him long, tall snow; him hungaree /wine time; cold all time, I guess." On the mound of fresh earth n wooden cross was planted, hearing the name of the dea(1 xylan carved in rough letters. The grave was cover- ed with a quilt of birch bark. strips Pawn together, to be replaced later by a wooden covering ai,nilnr to the roof of a house. As the Lark of the birch protected the dead flan from "kanlewun" (rain) during his life. time, the members of the tribe will net believe that it can lose its vir- tue* after d.•ath. Formerly, in paenn ' i'„r many years the pnssengcr times, ailhin the grove -roofs, the ' 1rnffir from the Itrootniclaw to the How She Caught Them. arrows, place,) n -knife tomahawk, bow and et pular water ,laces has bce'n in a .. arrows, n hunting -knife 81141 pip”, Po 1' 1 i trove (IId you happen to het int that tl,, disembodied spirit. return- Iarguishing condition. A great flume ns many letters ng 1 dill 7" an ing from the happy Hunting change, however, has taken place, one washerwoman who had advertise Grounds to visit its native haunts, :utd there are indications that ti„, for work by the day to another sal might learn that the dead are not sail down the river is fast regain had ndvertl'.d for the mane thing. forgotten by the living.t,g its lust popularity. "Wound tip my 'advertisement The funeral over, all turned to- Saying 1 w'PA of. 11 diet," said the Inc word the canoes, except the agesMlnard'a Liniment Cures Distemper. one. "'Iiia( 'oar n diet' notice g squaw, who paused at the grave to _- --- wipe away furtively a few tears shed 11 r. A. Bell, who died nt Peeblesright to the heart of stingy souls w ,for the warrant who lay so quietly recently, in, his7•Ith year, wa„ bre trying to cut down expenses. Th moundbeneath the little mound of sand on hate to figure on n washerwoman the edge of the forest.—J. T. Stlrrett pretnincnt amongst. Scottish ea:,oleate and lump nt the chance of g managers for many years. As mail •ting one who doesn't Ont.—New Yo Sun. That was long before either Arthur E. McFarlane or Arthur Stringer be- came a top -liner in the ("Hated States periodicals. A census o1 the really big stories and articles in the lending United States mnenzines woul.l show a large percentage due to the Canadian colony in New York of whore McFar- lane is one et the brightest. He wet born near Stratford. Ont.; has travel- ed a good Lit; written a great variety of gond things; is an omnivorous worker; lives most of his time at hired. Clift, near Toronto. Just at premed he is on a sheepnck jaunt to the Pence River, ineldentnlly picking up some good things anti at hunk•times when the rest of the gang is nslecp pegging away at n novel he must deliver in the early tall. --Canadian Courier. Ilse t experiment with linsalisfae- 1o1•y substitutes. Wilson's Fly Pads are the beet fly killers made and will kill many times more flies than i Ian)' other article. James Drummond, keeper of Til- I licoultry Town Hall and town's boli -ringer, was found dead by his' solo suspended by the role of the bell in the tower of the clock, Stop That L ainp change that llu,ping, useless, horse into a wunJ, healthy horse, willing :,sed eager to do a Loud day's woo):. ison'l let n Spavin, Cutts, 5;4101. tipraia, Riurlwna or any other 1,8111r- ues% keep your bone Ill the stable. one it with Spivi;rfi Cure It tures without leaving a scar, tdoe, r — because Llemi.h or whitehairs- not blister. Port }tills, R.C., June 14th t:m '•Ilave here using your Liniment f.r years sed find it all that yon represent. Hare nut been without 1t (Of 10 years." .:honed, CORDON. $1. • bottle --6 for $5. Excellent for household use. Sold by all dealers. ALL far fret Look "A Treatise Ou The (forst " or write us Or copy 55 Da. 8 r. hafl.il.lIce. Caesbard falls, Vt. THEIR VOTES ARE PRIZED. In New Zealand Women Are More Than Welcome to the Fran, ltise. 'fl+e statute extending t1+e fraiwea-0 to New Zealand women was passed in 1893. Since then there have been fix Parliaments elected by the joint voted of the men and women of New Zea- land, In all of these elections, says the North American Review. the wo- men of the country have taken their full share. The proportion of women who vot- ed at cruet election compared with those whose names were on the rolls have been almost exactly the same as that of the reale voters. There are not at present in New Zealand as many women as men, and the actual vot- ing power of the women is nearly 10 per cent. less than that of the men. Practically, however, all who can do so vote at each election. The fears expressed at the time the franchise was given them that the re- sult would be either that the women would vote just as their husbands and fathers told them to vote or that the new privilege would mean dissension in families and the practical degrada- tion of the women have not been jus- tified by the experiences. Tho women of New Zealand vote at elections as a matter of course just as they partake of their meals or do any other ordinary duty of everyday life. The principal change protluced by the new order of things. as far as the family life of the people is con• cermet, would seem to be that what may be called political questions have becorne matters of general interest in- stead of being as formerly matters 1 which were trecitly presumed to be A Time for Everything.—The the sphere of one-half the lane ily. time for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil In the matter of the extended Iran- is when croupy symptoms appear in t'►•e children; when rheumatic pains beset the old ; when lumbago, asth- ma, coughs, colds. catarrh or ear- n. he attack either young or old; when burns, scalds, abrasions, emi- t us ions or sprains come to any tucniber of the family. In any of these ailments it will give relief and work a cure. A Left Handed Man. "1 never realized how unpopular a left handed mon can be until 1 joined n fishing club." paid the man who can- not loo much with his right hand. "So- cially 1 was nil right, but when we be- gan to fish the rest of the fellows couldn't get for enough nwny from me. There wns another left handed man In the party, and we were shunted upstream, away beyond the best fish- ing holes. 1 am a good fisherman. When alone 1 can manage rod and line art skillfully as the next man, but when 1 go netting wits it lot of right handed Ilshervtie•n our lines tangle and we get Into a regular muss. I have tried to learn to mannge my pole with my right hand, but i haven't made touch hendwey at it; ago 1 have no- ticed that right handed persons who tried to become nmlrldextrons could (earn to do everything with their lett bond better than to Ash."—New York Times. The Antiquity of the Benet. Strictly defined. the ballet Is proper ly n theatrical exhibition of the art o dancing In its highest perfection, con plyiog generully with the rules of tb drama as to its composition and tore It was In existence In Italy as fair bac as A. D. 1500. the court of Turin I that day tnnking especial use of It an the roynl family and nobles tnkln part In It. 'f he bullet wns first Intro Minaret's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. duced In France In the reign of Lou Dundee's income next year is X111., And both stmt monarch an estimated at 4:53M51, , Louts XIV. ocenslounlly took part 1 Its dunces. About the year 1700 wot en made their first appearance In th ballet. which up to (hut time had bee perfortn(rl escltusively by men, ns wa the case also with pinys and opera but no woman ballet dancer of an Dote appeared until 1710. • t 1• e 1, k • n d g is d n 0 n 9 at. y There i. melting equal le Nfolher Graves' Worm Exterminale•r for dc- . bf reclllg wor11174. NO article of kind has given such satisfaction. 18 Irl '(d 10 by ky oes ho ey '0 et• rk A Glasgow naturalist has an Alt 1, str:than love•bird, which, in add ' lien to whistling, can speak dib t:a,-tly over fifty words. Tho rate of wages and the e. 'k- ing agreement in oho building 11.ole in Paisley will be the wine next year as in past 12 months. Hope for tho Chronic Dyspeptic. —'through lack of consideration of the body's needs many persons al- low disorders of the digestive ap- paratus to endure until they be- come chronic, filling days and nights with suffering. To these a course of Parmelee'a Vegetable Pills is recommended as a sure and speedy way to regain health. Theso pill= are sp'c:ally compounded to combat dyspepsia and the many ills that follow in its train, and they aro successful always. Bowling is growing in popular- ity among ladies in Glasgow. 'I'hc other clay ten of them took part in games on the Corporation greens at Alexandra Park. The destruction of the house fly Is a public duly. Almost all Boards of Health are now carrying on a crusade ngain'+t it. A bulletin re. .maty i.sued by (he Dominion Gov- ernment states that no house Ay is free from disease germs. I'se Wil- son's Fly Pads freely and persist- ently. and do your shate towards exterminating this menace to (he public health. ___^ do The Saturday (Globe. eget nt Dalkeith lie did much to p(• Rickshaws For West Coast ptullirizo the use of oil in gaa-ntak- Thr sight of business mon gninf' to Often the Cass• and from places of business and of ing' "Too can pretty safely bet," began women making their shopping rounds Revive tho Judea Condition. -- tt,n mon who thought he knew, "that jilt the Jnpancrickshaw may not %Viten energy y flag s and the cares of any woman who doesn't gush over a •be a novel onee in Vancouver if the ' ,plans of n local company for import- l•usiness become irksome ; when the pretty baby le n confirmed oleo mnhL" ing a number of the rickshaws for whole system is out of Ports and "Not always,' replied the real wise. hire materialize. Thera are a num- ' there is general depression. try acre. "She may be mother who has a baby ahs thinks is prctller.e—Cath• otic Standard and 'times. Truthful. Angry Ferber ion tont-Toe never maw me getting Into is while Ilse ,tint when I was a boy. FII{.{.ant thou—No, dad, 1 never did.—lezebauge. lter es in the 'twill f.lnpaneseined rdlistrict andickshaw it is the l'armelec's Vegetable Pills. They [intention of the promoters of the will regulate the action of a de. reompnny to have these men, clad in 1 ranged stomach and a disordered !suitable uniforms, for their work. I liter, end make you feel like • new mon. No one need suffer a day i The Dominion's Cows. from debilitated digestion when so I There are 2,114.10 11:11. h (•.,w•, bb *bit,. starer cattle, in the Dominion. f simple and effective a pill can 1H got at any drug stove. A whale, 25 feet long, was cap- tured in the Tay_ near Newport. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. A New Head In 30 Minutes Cx, hints that whirr, tIrol:h , c, suffer inc. muddled head for a clear, cool, comlortabie coo ty tau•C' NA -DRU -CO Headac"% Wafer 25c. a Los al your druccis,s' w ty WWW hum 28 National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada. limited. Montreal. C.ARari ,PET ning. Tian. UeDYEIN(a' sperielty with the British American Dyeing 00' Bend partlrulsis by post awl we ars sure to satiety. Address no■ 16a, Montreal. There is a proposal on foot to in- -• 1 lite a festivity week at Min- i .:rgh University to commemorate the founding of the institution. Your Dramatist Will Tell You ?.lotto. 1:yu ItemeJy ite•Ilesea Bore Kyea, 5,4 ngtheioi Weak Eye'. Doesn't Smart, Soot Me 1 -;ye I'aln, and Re4L•r for Son. Try 10R1: n,e in Your )'ye. and to Ilaby's Eye: for 9c -sly Eyelids and Granulation. Tho Soul ufl a Plano letho Action, Inalst on tho s•OTTO HIGEL" Piano no Action tiorl The members of the Stirling Ty- pt,graphieal Association are peti- tioning for an increaso in wages and a reduction in working hours. TRADING on a gocd name and derelving the public is wbat the Imitators of the well-known -The Ir A L. ' Menthol Plaster are doing. Don t be fooled, insist on the gcuuu,e, "The D. A L. a AiNGER, Tumors. Lumps, Oto. Internal i and external. cured without pain by our bonne treatment. Write us before too late lir. Hellman Medical Co., Limited. Collingswood. Ont. Is Your Hearing Cood? The DEAR O-PRONR will glee you the ernehts of good bestiary fend for free booklet, giving particular' and names of satisfied u,ters. Mao Special Offer for a Month's Hems Trial. *Mt /RAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED. 13: Spadlna Avenue, Toronto. 0 •asp 11N'tN'1'teN'vts i like hungry ..-Oros FISHWILL BITE AUTUMN TERm, at a'l Masons If ), u Ills YI511 LVR,t Keeps you bury put. Pu„ thorn out. write today and set n h -x 1 , help Introduce. Atant. wsnt, I Mlohlxan belt Ce.. Dept. 20, Port Moron. Mich. Ontario Veterinary College AfGllated with the under 11.. Control of the tDy of tand epartmentul Agriculture of Ontario. Infirmaryfor Sick Animals at the College COLLEGE REOPENS SEPT. 30th, 1/10 N.Q.--Culen<Iar on application. A. A. GRANGE, V Dept. it. K' 4 �iucipaL p The largest salmon of the season, which weighed 32 pounds, was tak- en from the Tweed at Berwick, re- cently. The change of dietary that coUtes with spring and summer has the ef- fee'. in weak stomachs of setting up inflammation. resulting in dysen- tery and cholera morbus. The ab- nonnalecondition will continue if nc t attended to and will cause an exhaustive drain on the system. The best available medicine is Dr. J. 1). Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It. clears the stomach and bowels et" irritants, counteacts the inflamma- tion and restores oho organs to healthy action. Leith Deck Commissioners aro proposing to build a breakwater be- tween Newhaven and Leith West Pier. This la to certify that r have need MINI year 92 boys left oho Mars Alms neidmraer it the beet Irioimeo'tron the training ship 8t Dundee for ser- market 1 have found It excellent for horse 0eeh. rinse. therefore, it was not theory but prarticnl experience that won the day. It war; not because women were • tlunlnn beings as much as leen; it , was not even b'eauso they were in- telligent linrnan being to whom men were reedy le entrust the ease of their homes anal families; it was because they believed on the evidence of ex- • }.enence that women If they could vote w•(,u:ti take an intelligent interest • an public questions anti would by their sot,- forward the Ix•st interests '.1 the country and its people. Another Notion Swatted. Sir Frederick Treves, One of the eminent ph}'sirians in England, has attacked what he calls the "old elves' theory" that persons catch colds In (trattorias. He recommends draughts as excellent things ler the health and as preventive of colds "The ilea is absurd," said lie. "No cold ever land push an origin. Coble are the result net rd draughts but o1 stuffy rooms. Don't mind sitting in Edinburgh is thinking of going in for a perfect net -work of new tram routes on the overhead wire system. Minaret's Liniment Cures Carpet In Cows. Dalmellington Iron Co. are erect - in . 40 workmen's houses near the lfusp`.tal. ilulloway's Corn Cure is the me- dicine to remove all kinds of corns nr.•I worts, and only coats the small n dra arid. it will do yeti good. In . -lmn of twenty five cents. 4. this age, when women lire clamor ng , Cured of Resigning. for p••rnething to 11(, surely it wotini i D. McNichol!, vice-president of the not be amiss for them to take up nuest the (1 P.R., once land an irrasclble, though scourge ct� of consumption." Anolher very capable G.P.A. at an important e eyer physician, emm�lentine on this spin. point(iA erne to t It w itth thei'vi ecpresli• inn, soda. "hy rebreathing the nit of ,lent, which was not infrequent, he a stuffy room the germs of n cold are would write his re:jignntimr to the likely In Le taken into the system, vie•e-president Mr. McNieholl, with especially if there it another person true Smelt imperturbability. atowed in the room who has a enl,l. hart the resignation away in his desk ant introduce a draught in the room and •in rousse of time had quite a roller- Pit in the draught, and, no !natter , tion of them. how many fw•reen' with colds are in By and bye the (1.P.A. got cross with some other official rind !}red in a resignation to that gentleman. It took considerable dielornney on Mr. Mc. Nicholl'P part to get the molter into his hands for adjusttnent, but he fia- t ally succeeded- 'then he wrote aha 0.I' A. and asked loin in future to send his resignations direct to the viee.resident where they wnultl he properly denit with. it is said that broke the ti.P.A. of the resignation habit. Anyway ho in ,till in the come pany'a service. the roc tn. if you breathe the pure nir in the draught yeti will not inhale the cold germ, nod you will be all right. 1, for my port, know of 110 disease that is due to a draught." INatural Gas Near Cookeville, While drilling for water on the form 1 of Harrison Iliay. two miles north of • ('ooksville, recently. natural gas was struck at a depth of Sift feet. That night the well was lighted and burn- ' cd frorn A to 10 feet shove the pipe. The light was vied& for mile around. i1 is the intention to drill faultier, with the intention of sup{.I)'• ing the whole countryside with fuel. ISSUE NO. 35 10. aligned) w R. PINED. "Woodlands," Middleton, N H. Opens August a 1h In .I1 Departments of the Central Musings" College, Toronto. We Invite requests for our new catalogue. Write W. 11. Shaw, Principal. wonge and O d Sta., Toronto. i e1int11110N111111• per ,i CO MO rrro P.avar It'JkeitM ALLanon ' oro' ineetse When soar Is 'skill 4 'nrouah,- ar ifen from j(lleum5t3° 1'. n; ere L„rpltnyr, Tonto anA6 � i n+wl:Lu i o ii tx Ya tste.lu woaxa3)00 of Igo �Nro 016:Av11210 as. w sere lltdr�/es• Ctnm4r• et !•otos uS a+.y k,nd, ear aa,iwar'• Kends Sells/. 190 s q Flies on Your Stock At Broughty Ferry the price ( f ga has been reduced a penny. Montrose Suspension Bridge is said to be in an unsafe condition. SUCCESS FOR SIXTY YEARS. This Is the record of ferry naris Paanl.eller. A sure euro for diarrhoea. dysentery, and all bowel cornplalnls. Avoid substitutes. there is but one '• Painkiller '•- Perry naves' tic. and 50c. By the death of Mr. Robert Har- die, 63 years of age. clothier, Sel- kirk has lost one of its most re - !peeled and most prominent inha- bitants. England's Army of Unemployed. Despite the $P0.100,000 annually spent by Great Britain to relieve dis- tress, there are to -day 7,000,000 people in that country in actual want hem lack of work. it is this vast army of unemployed that constitute Eng- land's emigrants. and in the Inst four years the Salvation Array alone hltl started over 50.000 of thein on their way to Cannata. The general worldliness Ill tills rises Is testified to by the fact that of all those emigrate ing under the auspices of the tiniest - heti Arany, less then one per cent. tailed to make good. Balt Cut His Throat. A peculiar fal•ilily occurred nt \Varrenheip. Victoria, lately, a farmer named Patterson being the victim. Ile was feeding n maize cutting mill when lie wns caught in the machinery Intel drnwn n;ainst the ',harp cage of the driving belt, which cut his throat, severing the windpipe fud causing_histeut depth. DECREASE THE MILK YIELD. COOPER'S FLY KNOCKER .111 keep cows free from files a1 a cost or less than one cent a day. $1.75 GALLON QUART Ask your Hardware Dealer, or WM. COOPER & NEPHEWS It every housekeeper w(oold ave i''ilson's Fly fads freely during the summer month', the house Ay peril ti(•uld soon be greatly diminincud. The War Office has supplied the history of each of the cannon in1 the Narious parks of Glasgow. The. history will bo printed and affixed to each guts. 7.1 Ie e fr: Ate.-� j •r -- i- , r � . i :- SAYED TBABYF Mrs. ti. Rarr•t1, , 1N M„rt, i 1t., t` klontr+al, say.: ���� "A h. •.1 rash same out all over my baty's'a e at: l ;spread until It bele—eery coveted his seelp. It was Irl !sting and painful, anti carried the little one h ears of euffeling. We Wel •.nape and powders enol salves, hit he rot w t.etter. Ile request his food, got quite ihln and wnrn, and watt reclvecd to a very setinus conate:1n. I was advised to ray /am•fluk, and did en. 1t was worelerLJ how it seemed to cowl and cave the chill's leaning, painful skin. /.,n, link from the very commencement seemed to go tight b+ the spot, and tie pimples and sorcaand the irritation grew lets and less. Within a few weeks tel baby's akin was healed completely. lie has now act a trace of rash, or eruptfny or eczema, or burning 5010. Not only so, but covert of the toe i meriting akin Rouble, he has improved in general health.'' Zara 11.1r is soil at all own aryl medicine *en. 1 •re, qac a boa, or. pn.t 1'.. rre,a 7.am-11nk f-'rnnln,f.rpec.•6Ge,tsb.rt,to Aretaintura ( - .01 a' -n .,•J\,- t ., 1.,•t^,, •t•-., t..d (nt 1 rs. TORONTO. An Old Saw Says "Procrastination is the thief of time." In the case of life insurance it is the thief of Tamil y protection. !low. about YOUR family If you have not yet pro- vided for them after you have gene 1)O I•f NOW. (;et particulars of the NATIONAL LIFE plans. Pro haps you could sell insurance. If you think YOU 1•unld, write us. We want good men a1 all unrepresented points. The NATIONAL LIFE Assurance Company V.Head Office of Cannda, Toronto WORLD'S GREATEST SEPARATOR "STANDARD" WELCOME To Our Exhibit TORONTO, LONDON, OTTAWA Fairs 11/1 'rills Name "STANDARD" EVCRVdO9y INVITED If you ce:s't come, erne for Free Cntalogee t•) Tho Ronirow Machinery Go., Ltd., • !'l..nfrcvi, Ont • 4,