HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-09-01, Page 1Neter H URON&M1DDL ESEX GAZET1 dimrs. rIIIItTY-SEVENTII YEAR -No 192I EXETER, ONT 1 CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1st 1910. • •NN•••NNN•N•N•••N• A♦N♦N•NNN••••• MA •♦•♦•••••JONES &SN•N•N•• Phone No. 32. Unequalled Display of Beautiful FALL DRESS GOODS The complete dress Roods stocks are here and we have never had a showing to compare with them for beautiful weaves col- ors No woman with an eye for the beentiful in dress Fabrics will want to miss seeing this display. It will be a fashion study for you besides if you caro to purchase you will find the price very reasonable Diagonal Suiting One of the Newest which we were very fortunate in se- curing in all the leading col- ors. Thay are scarce and will be very much in demand as one of the best. Prices 5oc 75c & $LOO SAN TOY This is very new and natty It is n lovely weave for dres- ses or shirt waist suits anti comes in a variety of ne w shades. New Wleler Cools Just opened up a full range of !Julies Misses and Child - rens Winter coats. The smart- est we have ever shown Every coat a beauty you must see them. Black Petticoats A very liege rangea ofBlack Underskirts in movie Satin Be gal Taffetta and silk sotne triturated with embroidered Bounces 1111 to $5 Hopsack Juiting One of the strikingly New Fabrices for fall and winter suits. A nice range of Hea- ther mixed shades are shown in these goods which wear like iron Prices all to 75c Staple Wears We are showing a very large range of Serges Venit- ans Poplins Broad cloth Sat- in Cloths, Plaids. and ('hacks in the New Colors. Nates sweoler Cools A nice range of those ever )pular and useful garments for early fall A full range of colors and styles to choose from ani different lengths, Nei BO Silk Woisis e new in waists Something t t are t R always being shown here Net waists in Cream and Ecru shades and colored Silks are very popular Gents' Furnishings for Fall Here is a list of the New Goods : New Shirte New Sox New Hats New Collars New Underwear New Cape New Furs New Suiting New Suits i Jones & May Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoos and wall paper - *•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THESE DAYtt say 1 Let's forget it! Let's put it aside! Life le so large and the world is FO wide. (Days are so short and there's ro touch to do, What if it was false -there. bi FO touch that's true! Say 1 1. is forget it t Let's brush it away Now end forever -so, what ilo you ease :ill of the bitter words said shall be praise. One of these days Say 1 Let's forgive it 1 Let's wip:' off the slate) Find something better to cherish than hate. There's ao touch good in the world, that we've had Let's strike a balance and cross oft the bad. I ey 1 Let's forgive it, whatever it be ; Let's not b,' slaves when we ought to be free. We shall ha )walking in Sunshiny ways One of these days ! I.rt':; not mind it ! Let's smile it away ! Bring not a withered rose from yes- terday. i♦ Flowers are so fresh by the wayside • and wood. ♦ Sorrows and blessings but held un- derstood. • • Say 1 Let's not mind it, hot. ,v, r it cents • • • Dope is eo sweet and holds so many • dreams. All of the sere fields with blossoms shall blaze One of these days ••Sly I Let's not take it so sorely to • • heart : j Il arc � s may be friendships just drifted :apart : Failure t:' genius not quite under - s t ood. t♦ \We could all help folki so much if Ave would! 2♦Say l Le st's get closer to somebody'r' • • i See n•hdea, t hie dreams are and know how he's tried : Learn if our ecoldings would l;iv.• way to praise One of these d .vs 2t •ss .i :i u ii ii :•i• :s ••• 2: a2' t' .i�`>'�-'` ..,,......'i1 h'•1 ii..: a.ui1.4:ialiitni.i.,►t'1'.01illin i A STORE THAT KEEPS + G000 FURNITURE + Ought to be a (loots Place to go to when there is Furniture to be 1 ght. TiIAT SEEMS REASONABLE DOESN'T IT? SO IT 18. We have confidence enough in our Stock to unhesitating• ly invite 1.011 to give it a Critical Examination. 1Ve know that we offer you the pick of the Finest Furniture produced in this Country. NOTHING M01tE, NOTHING LESS And the beauty of it iia that you aro no asked to pay more here for undoubted Values than Roods, Not as flood sometimes cost at other places. That's the Thought that ae would like to have Remembered. We Sell the STANDARi) Sewing ,Machine. The Standard Itotary the finest Sewing Machine Produced. Jas. Beverly, LI,. %DIM; UN;IKIITAKEit ANti FrNF:RAL DIItEI Tolt f:XE1'1;12, t31NT. 1 iJ rue ,l i i.�i'':'I. �:rJ' ala '0444-.44144W' UMW....., ..N. ��j ti .N N.! .. •. jj..N (iii 114:1 FIli lits i.ii2iiji' ...,• 5. s MAY Itf: P(' Sllrf.E Some medical authorities say that it is ;ossihl• for :t ierson to suf- fer trout Rheumatism without having Uric Acid in the blood. But we never heard it stated that LI 'remit could have Frit Arid in the blood and h: free from It hi- itt- f IncfAcid develops when the Kid- ney.. Bladder and Liver fait to do their duty and do not properly filter the blood. removing waste products and impurities. Yerun these orgene refit. • to do their work you will find cNya1.. Stone Boot Compound n good corrective. I, strenal hens weakened or impafr- •d Kidneys. etint•lales the Bladder and toreri tip the. torpid Liver. 1t will check condition. that. might r.. sell in Bright's (►i+apo. Prt•e *1.00. • W. S. HOWEY, Plans. B. Chetnint are•' Druggist i• .e• 4 Thamos Road Quite a Targe number of folks frsyn herr went to the lake Saturday, some remaining over Sunday. ,%Ir. Albert Passmore, is borne for a few days, Mr. !terve, Borland, of Saskatoon, is visiting under the petrental roof. Mian !tickle of fort (lope, is visiting friends in this neighborhood. Mt, T. Aden and wife spent a few clays in the vicinity of Seeforth last week. Me. Clarence (Iowan was a week end visitor at Mr. Oro. Monteiths. The weather being ideal for faant work quite a number of farmers have their fall wheat anwn. Miss Anna Allison was a visitor at , Miss Myrtle Bunking last Sabbath. --�•- Have no rental as4 a prompt and pfhkive corn fbr 'irk headache, bil- ltousrran, cons.,ipntiorb pain in tile site, and all liver troubled. Garter's Little Liver, Tills. Try art'tn. ,it Fay! Let's not withcrt Let'- branch out and rise out of the byways and nearer the ekieN ; Let's spread some shade that's rc- treshing and deep. where 'tome tired traveller may lie •town and Bleep. ' Let's not tarry./ Let's do it right now 1 So much to do if we just find out how. 1 we may not Its there to help folks or praise One of them days. 1)i$TIt1CT NE VS (.oderico tax rate has been tiled r twenty five mills. ltev.. Crossley & Hunter will eom- ntenee special services in Parkhill on Sunday. Sept. 11th. lir. E. G. Showers and esteemed citizen of St. 'Marys diets on teunday August 21.1in hi•+ 7:*d, year, Do not Puff. r from sick headache n moment longer. It fa not neces- sary. Carter's Little Liver Pill', will cure youdose. one fitt fe pill. lima)) price. Small nose. Small I'i11. During :1 fierce electrical !form dining the early part of last week t h.• barn b.•Ionging t o John McGee n short distance north of Mayfield, we struck by lightning and totally d•.•.troyetl, along with the seasons crop and seme vnluahl • hogs. A (newt but lastly tweddin•t was solemnized at the home of i%I,. :end Mrs. I.. 11. !terser, tat. Marys. wh••'i their only daughter. !Else EIIn Vele was united in itemises with lir. .f, R• Stanley. of Kt. Marys. A roan never realizes the sup.•r- iority of a woman Po much as when h•' is leaving on n button without a thimble, pushing the noddle against the well to get it half way through, nod pulling it through the other half by hanniltg 10 if with his teeth. air. Win. (tuners of Iiarnos. Jtrn•. white threshing at J. 0. McDonald's I:a.rt �Villinm•, was cantrht In the b.•It of the separator and thrown under the machine. fart of bis clot hints vas torn from his person. Ile n•tis 'unconscious when found but recovered P0o11 afterwards, Ur. Emerson Ilod'ins. who for t h' past e tier )tints has been, n. nt London. Eng.. to get the finishing touches, and who hneveeticd in gel ting his F Jt CM arrived home Tvesdny of Inst week. nccompeoied by FIFA wife. and are guests of bis parente illy. andMita Thomas (lodging of leican. Waltb) `ieho!son. aged 12. run. of Mr. Wnt. Nicholson. of Wing - ham. was drowned in tb.' Maitland river Inst week. it is believed that the .ause of the bny'rt dent nes ae- eidetitai and that he was 11erh:,ps )walking on the slippery apron of the dam and felt in. no one being near to go to his resent), - ---T- B1(1 SALE OF BANKRUPT STOCK OF ROOTS AND SHOES. it t he Exeter Ilargeiu shore begin- rtThursday Hept. 1st. Nhot't for ev- enyone from baby to Grandpa. Don't mitts itis elle as this ie a splendid stock and will he cleared at slaugh- ter prices. The Feti.•r Blargain tore, II. W. F. HEAVERS. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S A TORI LOCALS alis, Paulin:: Elliott. of Norwich. is visiting in Lowe Miss Pet hick. of oenfort1*, vi:+itcd her brother in tower Monday. Miss Kelly, of Lucan, visited town on Tuesday. 1,1 Bowling Tournament at Mt. Carmel The Social held et Mt Carmel Tues- day was a big success. A large crowd was present. The London Harpers furnished the music. Speeches and song were a part of the open air con- cert. Athletic sports were held but Miss Bengough, of Ilensall.. is vis- I the great event of the day was the fling Mr. and Mt:i. G. M;tn6tk. f bowling tournament. C. Bluett's rink of Crediton carried oft the prize. Fol- lowing were the results: First Round Miss Katie Gentle r visited ler parents in Dashwood o:t Sunday. 'Mr. V. 1'. May. of Mitchell. visit- ed in town a couple days/ this week The milliners have returned (rpm Toronto and have commenced work. Diaster Kenneth Box. of London visite) at 'Mr. Chas. )limey's last week. Miss Nettie Gardiner. of the Thames )toad, has gone to Detroit to train for a nurse. alis 7tatinnu Kinsman has return- ed home after visiting in Toronto and London. Mrs. Brown and child, of Sarnia, arc visiting 'Mr. and Mrs. John tensile Miss Lela C,.ibert, of Iowan. visit- ed Miss E. Whiteford' i few clays last week. -air. and Mts. lest; .Case of Dor- •heater, are visiting the former's father, Mr. Thos. Case. Miss Nino Kingman, wbo.bis been holidaying at Trout Lake, Parry Sound returned home last week. Master itet and Mau, \ tt rgaret Kinsman. of Sarnia. are visiting tho 31isses Kinsman. 'Miss M. Steer.. returned to Ridge* town `Monday ftcr visiting Miss, Jes- sie 'Mattison. The 'susses Smith, of St. Thomas, tailed in town Monday on t heir )way horns from Grand fiend Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sweet visited at Mr. 'ply, isnac'e, Greenway. last Thursday and Friday. Miss Thompson of Ilenaall, has been engaged to teach in the school a mile tit SI of Exeter. '.Ir. 'W'rn Ilia;rs has moved into Sia new brick residence and Mr. G. W. Davis has moved into the horse vacated by Mr. Rivers. Mrs, It. H. Crocker, and eon Willie. left Fridayevening and n iter spend- ing n few days in. London, returned to their home in Toronto 'Mr. John teeeeknian has returned f .nt his trip to the Maritime Prov- .ces where he 11:1. on business in sonnectinn with hi..'eter's death. Mr. C. P. flow,. who has been vis. iting friends in and around hero lett Tuesday for his home in Flush- ing \rich. Itev. 'air. and Mrs. Sawyer, of Lucks now. visited Rev. E. G. Powell here on Monday nn their way borne from Grand fiend. 'Meagre. Geo. Antietam, and John Willie heve t-.'terned from Hamilton ton whore they were attending the 1. 0. F. Grnnd Longo. Mr. Alden Johns, who left here recently for the vest. is 111 in the 743.1k31 (Kin ho•i',tti with a mild •nt- tack t r typhted f.`1* r tifast r (i .rtv (' ,i 1.;I. .out of Mr. T I: l' rr ,. to -day (Thnrs- .1t) for Ili t 'told. where be will at ten 1 t h • (' institute, Mr. John 1 11 1 r t i c mel from Wheeler on Fr .1 .y h re he hos been owing to th• it:ns•- of his brother t: orge who cont -ring. slowly, Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin (nee Mies Olive Willis) ?eft :Months. for Web- ster, N. Y. where they twill make their hotnc in filaria M.•s.rs. Alf. and .ins. W'altetn r. - ceded word Wednesday of the death of th. it mother at Slaalt Ate. Marie About three weeks nee they visited at the Soo. 1)r. Quackenbush and family have arrived in town from Iltenheitn end have taken tap their residence in the house recently pnrehast•d from 11r. Arnold We welcome the Dr. and hit family to town Mr. and Mr•, C:.eiworthy. Meg. Evans, Miss Stonehouse and 31r. Brown !pent Sunday twitb Mrs. B, Qua ne They were accompanied limit. by tMi.-.•s Mu 601 and .ilildred Ey 1114 who o,'re visiting here during tha pint two weeks. Mr. Simon Campbell mel with an tci•l ell on Friday of last week while driving Meng Thnm s (toad in com- pany with his daughter. Miss Vera. The horse ehird inti ran into the ditch and bot it aver' thrown out. Mr. Campbell ree •ived 1 wo broken ribe while 'Miss Crttt(ereil s•sen(6d unhurt. Urs. 11. Keine. of Main itrr.•1 has a novelly in the forst of it be antis fat blooming metes. Th, pinnt has three hods. The floe .•r 1 ('est and round with in'i'nts,l • ! .nd is tII• MIif(ner+ of chin •t.ft,,,r.l. The centre is raised and 1 he ..hiding is very beautiful. Three rinks of 1 \ 1.•1 howlers af. tended the 'Mt. 1', ,nee picnic Tit (..!1. day. 'Mr. Fined 1 .kung F01tle out in the auto. Shortly after arriving Hoerr a number were surprised to .• their wive-. on the scene, 1 h i.,die• tinting chart -•red a epeciel '1'11e Anniv••rsate and Harvest '1'h •nk-)zivinu • t t ie.'.; in connect ion wit h th • Tri' it i Memorial Church will hr held it wt 1.nrday.:Sept. bah. the mo1ning -•r vice will be of no anniversary ch•trneter and in 1 h .ening it eel: emphasize the ne. rl of hart e. ihank.giving. Th.• n t:1.1- ren's service will be held at 3 o'e eek in the afternoon. Holy Como ,pion n•ilI be selebreted at K a in. awl at Ih morning se'rviee. The )Nestor, Itay. 1), V. Cortins. tt'ili preach at all three serve r.•!. '1'h • church wits be tastefully d'carateel snit special music will b provided by Ib.• ehoir nseisied by ringers from other places. ' I the (feting trill be•Itlrfl. Dash wood Mcisaac D. Tiernan E. Tiernan Bartleib skip Crediton Parker Morlock Brown Brown, skip Grand Bend Ward Hedy Boesenberry Dickson, skip Crediton Morlock Clarke McCue Bluett, skip Lucan Hawkshan• ,.k. 7 Exeter Sweet Clsrke Snell 10 Taman skip) 11 Exeter Levett Burdon Harrison 12 Seaman. skip 18 Exeter Bowden Davis Collins 8 Creech, skip 0 Dashwood Brokenshire Zimmer 11 Edigholter, sk, 11 Parkhill Stewart, sk. 17 Second Bound Bluett drew a bye Grand Bend Exeter Dickson, sk. 'Taman, ak. U) Parkhill Exeter Stewart sk. 3 Beaman, sk. 11 Henri Finals !Ictunan drew a bye. Crediton Exeter Bluett, ak, Ill Taman, sk. 0 Finals Crediton Exeter Bluett, sk, 10 Beaman, ek. 0 BASEBALL 'chs• Crediton ' i4 -.,r . • cam: 0'11 on alondas night and played tit return game of baseball defeating our boys by the. score of 10 to 4 The largest crowd this summer was on the grounds to see the game. A number were prtfent from Crediton and Dashwood. including a number of Creditor's fair eex. The game was good but the hour( boy .i vete a little off rotor. Thsy were shut out the firs: five innings. Dr. 'McCue of Crediton gave good satisfaction' as imipit a Following was t he .core Crediton F. Broavn. o A. Boltzmann. '_ad 11. F:tbner, of F. tin •11, 1st G. Deaver, 3rd !:. Fahnsr, it • 1). Brown. r f It. Fahn.r. c f 1'. Herr, 1 b Exeter F. Boyle. c T. Carling, a) C. Uupfnn. u. 11. Duplan. r f C. P. Roo • •, I f H G. t r C�n,2a d .1. Npan1lisn:r, 3rd R. ;at:ere. ltd el. Ito+kin. c t Crediton 1 0 :I o .1 I' AB IC II J: 4 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 4 2 2 0 :1 1' 1 :t 1 i 0• 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 .1 t :1 0 0 0 0 0 a 3 0 0 3 1 0 n 1 1 1 O o n 0 11 2 1 0 O P '28 1 d 0 :t 0 0-10 ter 0 0 0 0 0 21 0-- 4 'fit • Exeter It,rebal! boss went to (' tit r' lit on T sday and defeated th Centralia t• em by the ecor'- of 7 to 0. lloskee and Elliott wore the Exeter 1„ii.•ry. Mr. J. . owa basin .•. trip to Toronto\VP,ell is on Mr. :end Mrs. \Vm. Taylor return- ed home Inst week after visiting for a month at Zion. Mr. 1.loyd 1).avis has rci.unied 1,,s d,,t r• s at t he Molsone Bank after holidaying for two weeks. Mrs. :`Blas Madge. who has been visiting friends around here all sum- mer. lei. on Saturday for bar home in ('ilitnrnin. etrt. W', 1'. Chat,/ end el ler t1i.s II erre. of Cleveland. (thio spent n few drays last week visiting their :.n.. Mrs. Ilewkins, Albert street. LOST -A young man's cont was lost sem • weeks a•'o. Finder stilt be suitably rewarded by leaving same et W. .1. Carlirtg'4 Mors. 'Mrs. Might was trifled to Inger- soll 'Alonda owing to the death of her nem. Nil: Williams, Her uncle Ur. Williams. di .1 t weeks ngo. The e•'rt•irr: in 111.1 311411.'4 Ft rest !(el)to(liit church will continence at ( •w'•n o'clock next Monday evening it 1 el of 7.30 as they have during it, • s limner months. 1)t .1, 11. ltivrrs. wife and two ch Wen. of Itaymond. Alta., arc ex - I. (esti x•I•cted here this (W.dnesday) even- ing to visit Mr. nod MI.. G. )dentis Dr. Biv,•r.' t•aa formerly of Crediton. area Mead \V item. danghtet of It t .1 terse W'ilsnn. :1 former pas- tor •il t he i'I iitt st nee •iftlehody'st c'te.reh hats necep1ed a position as trwch'r in the Itt. M•ir)s Co11egia;e ln•tittit st o ealsry of :1.000. V,11 )talus)•. son oL Dr. dlainsny, nt 01 Ito and grandson of Mrs. .13:1. It tilt-.,,. of tow. n, F,.eure(fl first-class honnts i1: ('ii•rics and second -cls_: in Mod. in Languages 11 the Craver - sit) .xantinatimes This entitles him to a scholar:hip %rottb ; divided !SO in cash nad tw• yw•rs' tuition fee.. 1)1 ED lE.1•:W IS --At Clandeboy., •n hug. 21t b. lira. Menriaiut Lewis, spell 13 $1.00 per year in advance BARN DOOR IIANGERS LOUDEN, MEYERS and RELIABLE ROUND TRACK Barn Door Hangers from 60c to $1.25 a pair PAROID, .AMATITE ANDQUALITY ROOFING --- ---- $2.25 to $3,35 per Square Gasoline & Oil Stoves 75c to 1 1 PLUMBING AND HEATING E tiinates Cheerfully Given. SEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE ET N.}�}� {R) -+i t );:-"#+ f � 4 ifiii_ tt rllif)S! ;!�!t'_'1.e.i}'!i}3}��f�r,1i t -t iiiii.liw fiii-.ifl i.-iinura ulc nhin1..i.ijui..i.fiiiiiE��ii Bargairis PEOPLE about toga (louse -keeping should call et ROW iv ATKINSON'S Furniture Store and see how easily and Cheaply you can furnish your home. A Walk Through Our Store Will show voe1. }fare you will find the largest and teat assorts Stock of Furniture in the (county, comprising Tables, Chairs, Parlor and Bed - Room Suites, Kitchen and Dining -Room Furniture, in ft e.erything to be found in a tirit-class Furniture Store at '.itch F. tw Prices that defy Competition, We have a large nurnler of Lswn and Veranda Chairs wnich e •u a gelling at rernark,tbly Low Prices. RO W E & ATKINSON The Leading Horne Furnishers Anti Funeral Directors. :;►.::ilii :(i . • ti �....11"itlJitJttii•i'11.1.... '3 qO° THOSE_WHO TOiL EARNESTLY arv� WiTIA SUCCESS WILLABE+SATISFIEC ;;NLP WITH THE BEST OVER -HAUL THAT -C:.', BE '•"ANUFACTUREO. ER, 11. D AMERICAN STYLE. WORK CLOTHES: trier Pre D t Siit(NID tt4RO4gGi4OoT. bis AND (.pats : i (1T TAKES FROM 4213 44 woosTC. r&KC A 102tN),HA f( Stvty /tCRPTS •11tInta 81,Cnits AV) ButitI$S 11147 WANT It14( Off,(tAStiC O(TACKAdtt St.SPttOttlS,ETC LOOK FOR THE UNCOLORED TRACE MARK CNYOUR OV(RA1t,.TNE IIATnf R IABEL. WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR1!ATf1ER [ABEL OVERALLS. Sanuy Sawdeii CLOTtiIN(i AND =:. FURNISHINGS IIOitN JEFFIti:' Ai Ste .• Line. Stanley. 21st iri t., to Mr, :ind Mrs. Geo. Jeffrey. a dangh. r. C.\1ITElt-111 Metal iwray, Monday. %ugus lit to Ut and Sire GenrfT•• daugh, r. NORTH -Grand It tel. l'ridny. Aug. 5th, to air nod Nl, s 1'1ank Norah' a son. t)EVINE-Stephen. `outlay. August, 7th to Mr and Mrs John D. -villa a :1011 itIRIlA1tTk)N--An :(hipka, Wednes- day Angled )7th to Mr and 'I.i Stewart Richardson, a son. KAltN-1•, Ln+tan. on Aug. 20111. to net 'Mrs. Ed. Karn, a da nein 1 r. ete'l11,1..1N-At Chis-lhnr,;t, on IIt 20th fust.. to Mr. and iMrs.. Dan )Teefillen. n son. !MOW Nein Foliar:on, on the els) Inst., to Mr, and Mrs. Win. Mown, n dtaghter. '.i lI1i:l1:ll 1,1 1, A. 1h ) .;ukase '1. 'f, 11. lcnnh.nk. 8: Mar)! August '2_,. ' i rt •w. .l(. Stew - 11 l 1 I 11 .110, 61. to itis 1... I: of.1lei • i:1 iso u I ± i 1. !. eT \ e 1.1.) 1:1 1:801b-11) St. 1l 6r)s. y. 1. • \.:. 21t1). le. Bev. .1. 1 1.. • 1:. Miss le:iwt Vida, .1 he 1 01 Ur. mei ;Mrs, L. II It - .r. to i)r. •►. 1t. 81 ,aley. of el. U,rc?. TIED CIiO%.iFat-ln Illanshard. 9,in•l ty. August. 21. 7lnnnah Gray. wife of Mr. 'Wm. Crest r. or 1),•r ;It le )ear. LAEE-ft, '-' i. Morse "t,tnday. A11,1, 21. the infant son of Mr. and 11r1'. Gurdon Lek... !1(1(:uNNI:1.i.-. s McCoon •11. °.- a♦ and Prod„ 3)1.1)1i'ElIM Aug. 2 13rd •