HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-08-25, Page 8'1' D2 r: S A U G U5't' 25th 1 1 o •••••••o;••••••••••••••••o•••••••••••••••••• 1•••••••••s•••••••••••:,v . •••• ♦•••o••••••••••••• • l• • • • • •• 2Z • •• 2t 2♦ •• •• it • • 2 Z • • • • • • • •2 .• •• •• 1 • 2• •• 2 2 • • • • • •• 2• • • • • • •• •• 1: •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • 2 •• •• •• • • • 2 •• • 22 .• • • 2• s2• A• S'"FIE W A 'r' S 1'lI O ti E Iii FALL DRESS GOODS Oar first shit/merit of 1 wpm tel )tress (ioi ds for the fall sea- son Is in stock and ready fol your inspection. All th.• \ew• \\'ea%. - end colo,sare sl►o%vn, We tv.tpt 141sell you Y01'It Ni:1V 111(1•:-- •Itis season and the ale sure you will he pleased ,.whet) you .,c )yeII Itt•surted stock. Diagonal Serges '1'I, 4 is one of f t.l,iim's fav - ori).. for this ,season. We hate till the New Shades in i this lovely cloth. It is 11 ine'tes wide and is a 75c i leader at per yard Black Dress oods 1(1.1ee11111et' wy0110 ,l w' eat ry St big 1•anite „f tins, 6 [hest; (1•Ioils. Ewei y new 01'+1ye is 10111111 in this dep:uIntent. Early buyers should not miss seeing thecal at per yard :dies 75c, at1 $1.2.1 NEW SIZ,KS otic New Black Silks are herr. These are guaranteed by the maker and again backed by our own. We have 11 Very Special h13.t ing of yard wide Taffetas for Ladies ('mate and Dresses at iter yard $1, 1.10, 1.25 to 1.50 W I-31rIOEc Remember all 1Vhitewear t be cleared nut to tuake 1,•,••„ for Fall (i nig discosnter on all White 1Vaists, Cor- •• (- .vers and Nig ,wits, See Our Waists for 9S Cents. 36 in. FLANNEL 11 in. PLAN\1:1,"Zfl�� in a gond range of Light and Dark c•olore. Regular price 11 cents or 10 yards for $Lilt►. ;-')'his make is very , suitable for under ' wear. It is a very strong cloth and is worth today II cents, Our price 12 I.2 cents :31 in. FLANNEi, 'This is a very tine English Flannel and the colors are guaranteed fast at per yard 15 cents PICKLING SEASON Pickling Season is here, so do not forget. us when buying your Spices, Our spices are I'ure and our XXX \Vliite Wine Vinegar is the best money can buy. MI Kinds oif Produce Wanted 3 A_ S'TEWAR r •• 2• • 22 22 22 •• 22 2• •2 •2 2• 2I •2 2 •• •• • •• •• 22 ••• 22 22 •• •• 22 2' •• O2 •• • • t2 •• •• ♦ • •• • •• • • ♦ • •• • • • •• •• •• • • • •• 22 2 •• 22 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• s♦ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••r• r-- $10T0WINNIPEG FROM Att. CANADIAN PACIFIC STATIONS IN ONTARIO ADDITIONAL FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS TUESDAY, AUGUST 30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Free transporlat;nn was 1, furntsfie,1 n!• w•nnipea to rs "s on C.tead an Pac 'r where laborer% n requred, Fast of f#0010Jaw, Inclo.t.n( b-anchea, •n•1 at 0,1 y t',ereof In tent ) SPECIAL TRAINS FROMTORONTO TOr WINNIPEG ON ABOVE DATES. ASK ANY CANADIAN PACIFIC AGENT FOR PARTICULARS W. J. CARLIN(i, Agent, Exeter. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • 2 • • • •• 2 • • !♦• THE LATEST TH i N(i IN CLOTH Is ALWAYS to he found at this Tailoring Establishment. you haven't a Tailor:and are looking for one, give us a call. Style and Fit Guaranteed. Prices Right. W. JOHNS. • • • • •• e • • • • • • •2 • • • • Merchant Tailor • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Exeter, Ontario The Tines andliWeekly Globe from now until an. 1911 for 35c Wbt9z4he Mffiremance Between stationery and sta- tionary ? A difference of one letter. But it your stationery is well printed. up to date and businesslike. such as we can supply ;Jou, your trade will not be stationary. Good Stat ionery,Letter Heilds, Billheads, Statements, Circu- lars, Etc., Keep Business ON THE MOVE. That's the kind we print. Markel Retort.—'111.7 folluwill 4 is the report of Exeter markets. cur- rec.ed up to August 25; h. \Cheet Standard 97c. Oats 35 to 37 eta. Barley 15 to 18e. 'Shorts $24,00 Bran $20,00 Peas 65 to 70e. Model flour $3.00 Feed Flour $1.50 iiay $R to $10 Eggs 17c Rutter 16c. Creamery butter 25c Potatoes 50 to 60 1!11•. sago sort cattle 5'4,25 to (:00d • port cattle :'3.25 to 1.50 t-hu:e butcher's 'heifers 4'.4 to t: ••h ,' cows 1:3.50 to 4.50. • , '•.00 • -:4.50 to ,+4.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • LOCALS • • •••••••• •••••••• .,+ '.1 )Mitts (lush is t•isititllr 1)ch3 'Thornton Fnar. of Mists. is visit:n,- .own. Miss Hazel Bissett is visiting in Toronto. ! 'Tillie Ilalktt•iil, of llatniltort, %riling relatives in town. M Mildred Evans. of Ailsa Craig -,tint; lin; t •. .\Ijld . d (:jlI .t.. of Ailsa Crain + visiting '.Miss Stella Gillis in town. Mr. and 'lrs, G. tiaw•den, of Luean, visited . relatives in town on Sunday. Fred Mall tt has returinal home ,iter holid sing in London. r . • t \frs. J. 1L ).Scott vi-ited ford over annd11y. ravish, of Shakespeare. is ,11,1 6••r pa;,•nt'4. Mr. and lire. (uhn 'Paytor. Miss Levet t. of Parkhill, presided ,t the organ of the Jame. eitr'et 1 hotbed church on Sete! ) ' I r. and .firs 1•:.1 T1 1•; and Fon I. ...I returned Monday alter holitfny• 1•• for a few w. As at ):rand Ren& rh. c:nuvrt walks on William Pt. rhat were refused by the i:xeter Council are being relaid. '.1 .\. E. Esser) and daughl •r. t. ,. of Palmerston. are %•i•;t- '1, and Mrs. A. Hastings. 1 Mr'. J. llardinzi of Ede n, '•t i Parish. of Ex:ex. ' -- ! 1 , • r,)) Hunloy. nd \1 r - (' .[sued have re- • • • I hon, . I • 7 visiting relative. Pontiac. '•i, t, ►.: Oh;... • . • .. ! •1J- 1 ' Tl ' r' 1. •• •f 1: • 1 r;f I.;rio- tn • 1 :,1 -, r I'1,1i.e1. `•I.•• \ 1„ 1 l'i,h••r i. 1 ,,.n,: h r - r. .l:- It to 111vis. of Ilantiltne. lr• 11,%,_ 4• 111 with pneumonia. • d Mr-. i1, M•1ret17 of 1► - -i1.'1 r-Iativ, s In town F,:- 1 aan 1.1y. :oho ltoweliffe. of the Lori - 1 north. who has he •n so 7- . 1. atr!e to ft..• around a1run. t• t'. How,. of Fhlshirrrr. Mich.. .• the lino. • of b:s aunt .,1 ..r. '1r. and Mr& John 13taund Mrs. .\I. 1101.ett anti daughter .1 la. of Brantford. nr.• visiting the •rrn'•r'e t•ar. tits. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 11 ' 1. ivitt, of the Victor - t, 1 • s \ :rs ••. of Toronto, i! :1, r Mr, W, Leavitt 1.1 1111 Ii lel 1)r. an (IND, MtC'allums of Cryst- line .Ohio, ar • % •: t ng Mr.. E, Mor - lock and oth •r relatives in and around town. '.11r. and firs .Will Verity awl rhildr• •1. of Brantford. are viritinS \1t.: eri4y's mother. Mrs. it. Pick - '1 'Alexander. of forest, has 1 ngaged to tench in one of the •.• of the public school iii place of '.t.•e Rtoct11. ieAii•nrd. Lrlhor 1) '1r '; 11,1• • \Ionday September 5th, 111'1••rson is visiting at d Oikwilbl, and will 't ('o:rt of th•• 1. 1), 1•'. 11 ,e t I •.11 us Hero. \'ictor and !i .1.. :•,. . Harry ('.trlin•t, Frank Bnel 114.71 Torn f'• lard, . r.• camp- : (:rand Bend. They ire siting tool: I after by Tont•,(:l rf in 1, nit Friday last at the Exeter dr- . Gordon Toy for received an ugly -h 014 t1 • 1 p of 1ti• (lead c 1 hoard f tiling on him. 1: r.•- • .1 Ir)!) stitch :•' ,to close tit .• 1. LOST --Near Dash wend, dark brown Cocker Spaniel with long tail and brass studded collar with short string attached. Answers to tile% name of "i'AT' Howard on return or 1nforniatian to'F. 11. Me1'allum Exeter or H. Hoffman, 7)ashwond, !tfr. Paul MaJge returned to Alber- t a Monthly e%t•ning, lir. .1. G. btanbury stent Sunday his parents at IJay(icld. \I•. - flouting. of Windsor. is visit- . :1 Mr. Cha... 114 rney'r. MI. La Itu.•, of Port Arthur is vis - ting friends around here. Miss Fiukbeiner, of London, visit - 1 h.•r ststera here lost week. Mr. M101:4,• \1-.•xler js hack rr.,i:1 after 0 rt+•it In London, >1r. I)a%i,1 lt1;•,r1l is ft1033nr; in:u the 1•uus• recently vacated by Dr. Itond. :�lescrs• It. Phillips a1td '11. 1:, Itroa u, of London, c :I:• (1 in 11,14 4 hat 1•'riday. Mrs. Win. Brown -:1,d f =unify. u, 1•:tt•ter \ ort h, are %. ,ti4a relatives at \', into. Mr:,. Fred lie1►ul.,•Il, of Ilenra11, visited her father ND-. John Hawk- -haw h •r • 11-7 ueek. Mrs. E. Harrison, is visiting her daught, r. Mr+, Francis near Kirk - ton. 'Air. Wm. Ilalkwill returned home on4 1, 1ty la;. after visiting in Lon- don. 11 :rniltne gem Niagara, • „.,:.t, from here attend- . .1 th. 6. t t II n t ionic to Grand 1 1:d , r :rdf1:1" ::nd r -1+ort a bit' 1 111)1•. 11t -r. and %lrs, John Hatch! (v. .,1 chi,. 01. %,-i1 d .lir. Thos. Bussell Lb t• L. :, .1„ t o their removal to %I1 J. C. Abet(. of Toronto, an•1 Mrs. 1'. E. 1(amlii,. of i:incardine. (sited 11r. 1n4 '1i . J. W. Pow, -7: :t few da). 11.; w‘.•'..;.. Mr. and `\1,,. \. \ :,1,d i1,. h it .1 aid 'reek •y. of Sarnia: who 4.- 1 ..1 i 1, • funnel .s d,ughter; \Ir• 1 1W. Pori• 11. left on Saturday to %. i i„ 1:11,. i r,t i,•' \i r. ! '.1 r.. John Cahwcll o 1,•,1 . - r. 1 't r_ and Mrs. John Cal ( :. : ilia, left last Saturday .11 • tt.nded trip through th 'I1 s, 1' \1 ,Ilett •underwent a reit- '; r ,•1 1,u 'l'huraday of !,-t 1 note doin:t as '' ► 11. :isms Tho (,pet,) ..0 ,•. :1,11111A l 4)t.••. Bron , , •,. ! ' 1 r -I't d Luton{ of Eden. has .1 phased t le- brick residence on ndr•iw at r. --r from Mr. Phil. Boo - eliffo, the price being `41400. Mr. I•uxton will stove into his new home n about a month. lira. John Taylor has returned home from St. Johns. llich„ when. Ole was called owing to the es•riolls :Bores of her mother, Mrs. Skinn• r. \(rs Skinner is 1101 improv.•( a1 health. Stew ,11r. 'Aikens,, Field Secretary! of Templ.rar,r.• and Moral 4ft•forn,, conducted thy• sereic,• in the Jnnle) 't .Methodit church on Sunday riling list :10.1 the Main street in r t4. evening, Yr. Aikens is a force- ' .f • • •,ker and his addresses avert. 11,''•c1. ppreciat ed. Ti, most popular piaci in town ! .r:r the pat few weeks bas been -t at the r:ver,w'h•.r• many of th ytr 4"1 boys, and older, ones too, 11.% • •..eo ed a dip. The place stakes t.1r1 class swtmming pond. bot whit is Heeded badly is a dressing room. The boss should b • car, f :I about running any risks. 1)r. \Y. R. Henderson. of pet r1,. r , wig n pleasant caller at • The Timex" office ort Saturday last. Th • Dr, in company w:th others was going throw's by auto and &topped over in town for n few bo'urs. 11.' was on his sway to Zurich and Godcrich.. At ,t• time the 1)r. was 2•.•ch0yl teach- • ll,y ,n l ., , corr,-pond.•' ,r 't.6 1 • P. i• looking 11 h :r- \•. auto ,rc.dent took place just .,. of Sodom on Saturday evening t.1t, Dr .11cArthnr's auto of London • t•!t •d by relining into a )fog. I t r 1/41/4 ,•ro two ^,•utlem'n and two 7,11-s s i•, the auto at the rim•• going • 1:rmlah from Landon to t;r,n-t tread don 1171 ;n front of it. The - t :r . J ;fly(' tht• ditch ante • 1, . • • • it r t brown out. The? i 1 • . • .ries 4.171 %seri .!. 1r..- 1 •odshaken up. Th• , t 1 , town by another 1 ,, r f 1 y Conuor tiros ' : • • t 1, 111.411 ,r siurna or. "" •I:. 1 • % , 4• u.r1;t of lit,: w..•k 1lr, I • : r' 1.1 • % n • of Th ,,4.-s 1(011.1 a Its • •, .eR 1 I.:rhtMoir and rendered un- 4*o1,-ce, :, fur •1 t .w moments. Mr. 1'rayn • was in t h •t of closing 1 he 'r' a hn h 1' ij herd shut by ,:...l) 461.11 t%6 n lightning struck 4 tall I•ophir tr :n front of the hems-. rh • lightning ran down i : r... Nero•. :t 7177• clothes %%h;ch was conn c. J with I 1 Ind ,struck the cht.p. ND. 1't..% rec.•iwieg the shock. If- who 43rr•'1 into the 110,1+; hi• 100 anus 1:1111 - somewhat paral)zctls but were r stored after two hours rnbbin•r. H. wis laid up for i few days in con• Ito •11c but is :i^:iin able to b^ army A Regular Store) Period 14 rentr.il on the Alst. covering the last three Bass of August and culminating in the op•hing days of September. It is proper that we timid(' actin call attention to the (nel that ifee earth's autumnal equinox, or time of per- t orbatIon r- turbatlnn growing out of the Sun's appruhch I.1 th • 1'tl•:\tor always ted sometimes, severely. felt dur- ing the last half of Alive,. Th•• shifting of oar summer 7400)7777:, Id and the encroachment of the autumn northward[ bring on :in electric and magnetic est rain nit ny•r the globe, and ter• ,t fgeinoctial .-.orrn• often result 1• k. It -fore t he !Sun passes over i1 •1'1'1nr .,t )'.-14110)er Some of 1 is • •; . t 1 • v • , ,11111. 041111 h„r rte ,Ir • fi • , 1 rik a our Rout hero rt•a• and rte. . j,(, •at. the month' of A'u'-,. '1 1, re are nn marked indications of t t.,11 storm t his motif h. (Locals continued on 7 • Fivr•1 L0 \'EARN EXIT:1t1E\Y'F: OF AN OLI) NI' ItNE. Mrs. 1t'instotv's Soothin,t H,rop to the prescription 0f one of lh host female physicians end nor.. • in the United States, and has been turd for fifty tears with nevor-f11ilin,t .nesseas by rnillinos of mothers for their ehi!dren. 1t relieves the child from /,line cores diarrhoea. 17' ri pin in th•• bowel• and hind colic. 1ty ,riving heath to the child, 0 rests the rn•thOr Twenty4ive rents n bottle. a Church I)irectory JAMES STREET METl1OIisT cliuRCri Roy. Richard Hobbs, Pastor Sunday Public Worship -10.30 a.m.. and 7 p.m. Class Servie..-•Sunday 0.:10 n.tu. sod after Morning Hervie1 and Wednes- day night. '1oun4f 111eu'r Clue And G►tssbuua•aa T Bunds, at !t tat Sends) s.rhoul and H1nle CI1+ft1a L..(1 11. na. Epworth League—Tuesday at R. t,.ln I'raycr Meeting—T7urr41ar at 8 u.r:(.I Sunday A,1gusr :.''4th, ltev. 11. Ilui,t,a morning and . ct-uinti. thrchUi[Gojf wh• EXTENSIVE SALE ummer Goods SALL --- o make Room for the Fall Goods that are Arriving every Day Have your worm bnetting' W • ••• 7 out• ('oat for you' threshing, Vol' ran gel any tlttaha tity you wst. Reginal' (( Cement Blue Lake Brand 11'e 11ave then:Ibut.• Francs of cement ►I ways on hand, fresh from the ulanu- fact ttrers. The Blue Lake i4 consider- ed tale best cement. fl. J. GLflTWOR1 HY GRA\'1'ON, O\TA}.iO GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Ys EM 140W RATES to TORONTO A('(•(111(47 (If Canadian Nation - d Exhibition $3:S5 RETURN August 27 to Septelll}1er 1t) - � $2.85 Return As we have only a few of each of these (t .( 14 14 ti t, 1 1 1 00 50 '25 00 75 50 00 for for for for for for for for for $j 1 1 1 1 39 19 4s 19 18 �9 70 LADIES'UND[RSIIRTS Regular it it u a( :$*-1 50 3 75 •_' 75 2 5C 2 00 l 50 l 04' for for foe for for for for for $3 4S 2 79 1 c-,9 1 79 1 00 1 :i!3 1 07� ;Ladies' Black and Tan Lace Hose Regular 5Oc tor 42c La(1iei and Children' Plaid Black an(1 Tan Ilose Regular 35c for 27c " 25c for 20c 20e for laic 15c for 2 for .4 (t 250 Ladies' White Biose Plain Only 25c for 19c 20cfor 143c Only a few of Ladies and Childi•ens Vests ranging from 8c to 25c to go at reduced prices. -ill Gents Cotton Half Meese roust go at reduced prices. Regular 511c for 31)c Inc for Sic, '25c for 19c :Sic for 1:k. Aug. :70111, Sept. 1st, (Its, rind `4th. Return lit,';) Toesday Sept. 13th. items don shall have to call early before they Labor Day are all sold. Return tickets at single fare be- tween all stations in Canada, good going Sept. 2nd, :3rd, 11)7. .111., re_urn litni• S i t. 701. Roman Catholic Eucharis- tic Congress Singlet Fare (plus 25c► to Montreal For Round Trip. (food going Sept. :3rd to 10th inclusive from stations west of Kingston and Renfrew in Canada. Return limit September 15th. Secure tickets and full information from J. ,1. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. Men's Suits 1'1'- After all it's the Tailor who makes a suit a SUCCESS or a FAllt'itls, The most fascin• sting style would be a fizzle if there were not careful needle work underneath. That. ,s the reason our Suits tit $1.11 are better than the suit you tiny in town for nutre money They are perfect in every way if not you can have your money i,ack. W. W .TAMAN Merchant •i-.*ilor. 1{X 1•: i'i-:It (►\TAIt1O P4YAEs. STONE ROOT COMPOUND EXPEL 11121(. ACID FROM Tilt -SYSTEM A RFI IARI F SPECIFIC F O 14 K1 [)N EYIS ESLADIDER A'DLIN/ER if you were e xamined for Itfe incur once von no1r(•ed 11130' 1'41efully you Were examined for symptoms of kid- ney d !ewes, ')'here are t cots ins. It you have any symptoms of kidney (iisease. roach 08 (tallt in the (lack. frtr• fluent, scanty or painful urination. do j)ot let it flit, 141t° a chronic condition. Nyat'sSton/' Root (1on11 '1 is corre(•tive for all cotms of kidney die - route. 1V. do t ot, claim it will cure "Brig[, s Insert...," but aP do (blit.)) that if I aseii t„ time it will cheek the tint/1tint* that. might resod, in the dreaded "Bright's 47111•.''1•istfny (•enl 4„,1 11„11,41. 11 1(1)es tVe are agents fur Yyal'i Family Iteeledie., nothing else is 'I''''.• so It 11111, .list Received Fr, •h Supply W. S. Howey, Phm. B. Chemist PI h.] Opt iri l.• Ask 10 sem Nyal's T.01 nu,, 11. .11 colored. Something new. Poultry Taken Alive or Dressed. Hghest prices paid for Produce. W. J. CARLING PAI a MUGS -1 Of the old stock has ileen moved during the past two weeks at the Bazaar and New Goode are daily arriving. Lots of good snaps left yet on our 5c and lne tables. it will pity you to Cotne gnu Inok through our stock anyway. See oar stock of Edison Phonographs as well as our Fancy China, Glassware. SBTURDfY SPEGIRL :40 pairs 25c Stockings to 8o at 2 for 25c. I0 pairs 75c Ladies Leather Purses at 25c each. 211 bottles Lime .l nice to clear' for 38c. I Water Seta. at. reduced prices. FXFX'j'RA One pretty dread and Butter Plate IiItEE, with each Dollar TRA purchase. (Phonographs and Fruits escepted) Our Post Card Department is brim full of all the latest in Comic, Artistic, and Birthday views of Exeter. cards. \V,. :also shlw 11 New stock of Fancy Chocolates, Candies, Popcorn, Peanuts. Oranges and Lemons. just in. Try a annul order of these good,. School Supplies. Send the children here, POWELL'S BAZAAR I, wes•4'r 1„ t'4' (rieg'8. Ilmm mmnr+tn►nnttm+“mmmrmmitrmmntrm WESTERN FAIR LONDON, CANADA Sept. 9th to 17th, 1910 $25,000.0() in Prizes and Attractions OPEN TO ALL _ 'The great Live Stock Exhibition Speed Events Dog Show ! Athletic Day Every Day Cat Show , Monday Music by the 91st Nighlanders and Tth Fusiliers ATTRAC'FIONS1)ON''i' FIREWORKS Better Than Ever( MISS I'i' ! Each Night Reduced Rates over all Roads ViSIT LONDON'S EX1 IBI,TION Prlic Lists, 1:n11) forms and all Informr ton from W. J. REID, Pres• A M. HUNT, Sec. � uuuttiil�ut t�ll�uuuliitu�u uu��ui�l i�urt j j jJ,;; �,��