HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-08-25, Page 4'FRE SE '1 (' R TIMES, AUGUST 25th 1910. •Immom 4110.11111111111 LONDON, ONTARIO Busmess & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catsloaw. Ft.) w._K'eelsrvea, J. W. \1'rae00.k, 1r.. C.A. Principal, \.42-1'nnc1pal. 1 c-4.;.:1: .,r 4'..\tt't!!4 A short I :n. • o 11 it 1 li 1:1 d drt'aduoutht 14 • !•:fit it was tliu..,rlR that the limit i . I h: size of bat t:. - bhips hal be:41 r. •,.. h 1. hitt «!x1.003 these tea mil:iutt dui' :1 1.•wiath:4rs arc ,onside red 0 t I, tcl• ii h,•r-. They displaced 17,00(x.. to -2 and ino1:114 '1 tett. 12 inch i".n Or: 4t 13riL- tiitt's I -Ir..:. ., \. ,�� .! the Lion '•ri.;ch tt •.• I ,'.10-11 .1 I .- 1 4. •,•k trill dist/lace 2(;`,',011 ton- L111 flit 9(io de Jan .r.o. whip t1 -t Itwiti'h Con•- par,y i.: i .,'Asst.- I„r t I;raziliart go- ct•rnu,: 411 44:!. I ti. • I•trc..•;t itt til.- uo, I I. `ii %1 .11 (11.11::,c'• 32000 tolls .1:1 44.!4 LI 1,•111 •\\,•Ir it -inch guru ..:1 th c,.: 44:11 I,' boort ...It million •i,ii.., - 'F14 • N; cr.•t:tr of th•.• 1112:1 d 4', 22 - \:twr 111- stated th'it It - ...-04 1 t :.4 11: sett ods to Luiltl fa:r :It.; • Li: : tit.• itr:tzi:i'in vcs:,1. !t I.:- h I, -.;a tttit .h' civ- iliz•-'t I, .4 4911- 4' .1 :•n on iner:asing exp,lul:t :r:- on 44:tr-hip: till they heroin • lr.nkr::p:t anti at the pr.s1.lt rate of 'going it wouId t=celu that Ill. end C 1111133 11: Very 114.411lit. 3( If�ti11 EIZS TO EN- 'rl•:I( 1;1;.\\D r;1.:\1► :.N1)OTIIFR 1,\i:I: IiI 110\ (.'UT -4 A in -it; r of d ;' snt.rt.st to 1' -.- 4t:•.-> n: n • 1. 1 o: 1! 'rs ,I! 04: r \C, ern (:4 r •, 4- c..::; :in 1 in t ..- nO 112 r., 1 1.. t la ' I lou. ' 1 r. 1'044 I: •r;:i 1 ti,•ek It, .; the go%,rur,. nt h l under consider- ation th' propos t! .0 111)0<itiz.• a lin,' of Ink.• st •:tr:1 •r- ;I) run a;ong the east sh•,ro 1 L::L-o !!tiro':. calling at all 1h-• v% it re th•r• wc•rt• b'tr- bur... I ;- : of th•• P] •rt to make this a pe•rn: r:, n' ..1,-. . 1 124 to continue it anti; s ; (1 1:2:, • :,- tit growth of th• co. r.. ...,,i1 4.,rrInt : 1141-• t,•i::_ ,:Itro. •.•,r;,'. I. \ ,r- ly cr ry ', • 4 !1 : + t .:1! 4'` •: 10,-1111 t 1... • hi- : tlor t4 Lich bas -tlor'_• 41- . !:_ th , 114:4:,1' r o: eln-,rt 1 , • . J 4 r1+. 11or. oy r. there tr 'r.t hrlrbors 441:1 1 .-'.n .r r v,ii : t'r r -: trod-. .r..,, 1-.111!4 tit r 111.24 1 121 . • •171 1 !'ort Fr ink-, cram, 1: r 1. t:0d r rte. knee:rdin , 1 1 Pot t _ tel 5t t ht 121;'1 un, ;1;1 o[ Which 130. 1 1- t t y 1' 11 fit t.-1 by a 2 t!'a'.. f ! • \ 111 - • ;' !Cr. '2! bol -'11y r - 41 - ;,: V.. rn 01.; Ir10 OS tt • 1 -., 1 . It 1•. 'fh• • :, • r 2x11 to i h ' . - ,• t 44 : - t:...! on the ore , -.,. - t . r.. ! . 1,: (h. Ito - 41)! or, t. - I .l.l.c %%tick- to I'or! 1.. .n 4t, 412xn•nt y.Icht S{' i I' - , 1, : b • r: on r4 tr:; , • t h- - ',,.,k i':' irltu th n 1.•r. h r. •,., c1. l 1; • r ..c l ...arra- .I 441'It th ;: 1.:,!•r hi: rte. at r,: • • Pot : I.!, :I, he proc • 1 , ''., :'. •t.r, ,,, .. 44 n:ch corm•! ! h - t'.vli- ort 1. ,k Jluron proper. \u'll. ANi) ('••.'dMI•.`T.9 \1' 11. „ .. 1 : - . 1 11 ' 12/4; tor, _ . . - 11(.:141 0 1 ,t.,• ' ,•It ,110:.1112- o! rh (.1r. a (11' 1,. 1 t4:1 • lit t .'1. 4.1414 11;4- .t . :I.1 011 .. •• r: --o 4 III II, 1 • c ry rc •I'uh:. h- ihty 44 11 t'1.r .4 11:.11.41 •112•• 1 t alms d . • 1 • , n - . (1: 4 1.1 211 .: 04 t y 1. r ut 4, I • 1,,4.1.\ 114 n t t IP. 1 is to I- to .1. 1 ,:4 i:. .112! ,1 • th•r• .- 1. 4h 70.011 thin v. think -111.11^.14., it chi i - ren. 1 h :011 0. 1,4,: '1 • t : • • n 0 fire -1:4 42:•1 - it• . '111 _t:--. 111.11 t, • •1 1 _' t41t11 11- • 1, ta; bt.411c:h t •; 1, 111 • I ;• tt 1. ih honk •'1• ,•1--,,- t • cart .,•1(1 to our • •. p'._ :la 4a. 4t (1tt % i•, 111, 121. '11, • r:;. •11rys Argus of 1`ast weeks 1 r: 1,11 111bcs, a young 4Yan :go iI•,titaa. NS., who claimed to \\ 1, ,• moss the eolith/let and ! -r, struck town Mun- i! t. I t ockrt full of rtt•wspa- • trout his t rAp and 'I 1 ''1 . t - skotving t hot 1110 1, : plazas 4.11 rootes Alt 1 , - +: N1 1Y01. Willard'. : L • 1 1 I to "touch 1111” .t . 2. 1,,, t .i•1 h• induced to „ t, . 1/2:.14 ::•4' .t half a dollar 2, . t4.1(1 . 124, a 0!) 1118 way II. ! Lon•lut. I'i .. I'ress It. l , -. -, t 3. t0 I.. tn.cath! at :. 4 I !, 1. 12 4 Ill {'. I1,. ytollday. '1'1 0 I ,0 44.ts ..•4244 bore t%co h.' t - t lu- • uppOs.•d d(•pa rturr. .1, t 4r.,- 4 u, 104, to board a train ,1.r London'. ti•'u. 2'' of 1 it Criminal Code was 1111r,telyd :.4 IIt 1 „sun 1)0- 1,7itn011 l'art.It11,•11i 4,1- 111,- insertion of of tit:' following : V. it n, 4,•r mein.; t L.' )'rest OCe of a 414(11 :,r ('.u' 044 t 11" 111;;11u -ay •a2i accident ha- occured to toy l., x.:1112 or to ally h(3t--.' or veh- 1 . I.. in ch:trti' of any. person', any c...1 son driving tit.• motor car shall be liable on summary convict opt to b.' .t not exceeding 411) and' cost or t0 itnpriseotunent for a'(( -Till not exs(•cd- n:; thitt days. if he fails to stop h: • e ,r. ;ul,l ui,111 intent to escape .21 her c:4il or criminal dr:% on without 1,•nd(•ring ossil;t- atI- and tri4in_ his tom: and adder" Th:• ('iIg:uy News recently {, :h- lishcd an account of the Insula;(,. of \li,.; I'lorrnc.• \l. Smith'. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mr., 1•:. I.. Smith, of 1424. 1 iiltr, to lir. \\'nt. ll. Vivid, of t h^ Alb:•ri:4 Thine Co., of Calgary. The 311:112_ col4pl.• !4211 on a trip for ' Hint f, Seattle, Spokane and utti• 1 coast cit i' . On Chest• r. turn tit. will tike ul, th it r4sid:•nco in Ca!-'• 41.141-, \ti•. .south 440, atll aridta f::lovably k'towit in J'.xrt.•t, 11,14! •' 'isit.••1 :.t 111 • 114,111-• of.lir. ,!5.11:1 1 " Th.' .fiat • juin; 44 11 h 14,•1 4 ' :'"' 11, 411V fri. this in .•xtendiu': congrat- e,f ' ' t' • .4. 1..1 4114:- ;, t4 1 h ,•n (11:111011•. bat anti rad being uuabl: to 1:1111 , juu1p`•.1 off the pier. Th. oto! wet-• itlt'lhl' to get himhimout. !(.•gins! 1 1111111 1111 I:n, li-1114, ., . %rut-kat:4 '.t it It :411.. John I: . about two miles fruu► I;t.0 badly gorc.1 by a buil on :Non,' t., last week. 'rhe animal 'auk,. louse ill the 511(4442 slid when tilt. matt \re•lit tiw to .: it up 111' as attacked. One of !smith'.'. le•r•t % as badly wnt slid his h. ad :1141) f:ic,• were cut an 11:: .11-- 4•11. tl'h.•r.• diva in 1'1/1E4 1'1un 1141 (t i:ht At: ;. 12 ni 111 • 110111 • of h,. 111." 1, 1 ,1011143-. .Nr. •1211 11.•111 ./1/1 • 1 041, - • 1 •. .• (1111. 11'11 .1 •r •11 x,-41 44 4.. 1 (,11. ,I, !.212:4! ('u 1.:4 conal,, It t.• t\ h 4 it • 4.:.- in 11,- t 11 1 t- huu'l. 11.• 4t ,. , 44. , ,,i1 ., tv.•,1 111•• (.44.1/11.1,!. 1:1 1 1: , 1 ,,,11 • .11 , 11 • •„tit ru',ntr. . 11 . 4• I1.4-4' C.- n : 1. I:'. 2, 112.4. •1 .': I ..'1. 4.! rl : . +:1• or .1 , 1.• -i e,: :2.t42r- ., ,. 140k 1 . .41 11,. 1'141,:.41011 rick .2 1 & Fon, wltu for the 4, : e, r 1 1 - , t • . , 1 J; • 4 1 420J4- d,a • 1 , n in 1+• 12.4. 1-.n I.. , i, t.1,^ !heir Stock I' ''1: •I fu: 14 4:' to triter. 211 ) 44 :. ,1 (1,1.4 111 ,I:1' • line of 1,11-.,, . 1 !. 11.,• tuutl,:ctcd 114 .11,t '' • 1 i 4. ! r • • 4: 110:., 4 • 111 4.1 •1 1 1 1' Ire I. ,. ,11 \t 422, \'. • -1 1,, .' t t 4. 1 t ,11 a . I.-'• 1 , I' 1; :. , 1 1,. . h, 1 ni %I t 1 .' 1 .'•11 '\ r' : t '.t i' !. t , .!I: 11 ! i• ( ,l, 14'. . I 1' .1 41-41 1 1.1 '1 , h h .'t, 1 of Ir 'r 111:.•1 1. .1 74 :4 444..,, ! 1 14,:11 an'• h 1 1• r 4 t„ 'I',., ante M:\111!,1 iorl weal 1 (:I•:N1•:1(.1I. CONFERENCE NOTES 1:. ! 2,12,,:1 • : • •.t :4 ho't1 1 trip to Scar- 1 Monday was quiet day in the gen- !' 11. 'Toronto'- �Gp e•ral assembly of tiro Alethodiat un th :',r- church the time being occupied in r: tow far.,.. t.- 40(1(1/1a work in committee. .1 io:, r r 10 I 1 .0.1 :.II I i, \•. - Interest centres particuhtrly in the :. t1. 1. ('!(•(•tion of rt general suporilitendent, 19! 11,1 .,.r - f ,, anti it is generally Leheved that 1)r. nnoc.-at .nterrtanon ,t Al, (ortolan the veteran head of the chu- t sd• as troth C ,21 y i - :. ! rch in (.'an Ada will be ro•elet•tt'd. The rOpolis of furl. h'' 1 „ ! impression that he has lost touch of t r,1 ,2, ,11. ,Iv, 1; •• •4 4.1 1 \\ 1' i• , , d1-1 - t1 . ec1 • . - '-- n • ,t:, ., . 1 • of i --f— \ea- 1 ot •, •t. »:nic 111110;r, !11.c t.I un \',11 \\'1:1'fl;li5 O\1 ('.\XASiiiAN hlldr.d (Alt:'r f - 'I' infinite v-tri421 4 : 44., , 11 '1.11, 2-12x..01 11: n; r,•cctttl, 111 Ike- tit• 110111• -- I': ...1 ,1'' !,. '1' I.: to 54(114 it. ...:.,,1 1 !hit the nn 1 it',:ckly. Each 44 k in 114` - . w,11• 1. ;. !i t.l:•'r, ;I:•• 1 (ul 111 rah - ,n'1 for exhibition o k< th.•- u( ,4I'c, hi 11 t raetio,.; willb:• ut .t t-; ti, ((4,,r, i.. t' • I. "'' , 0121 Ile..\n•I n•w 1 tliri11ind t; . script on, .netted , s rw t0 n ( .1. !..n 4%1(4•'x18 ar.- t ,.:.1 fII :- I• ip fur lif • freta 1L 1 4 I r "ro:uitiull t ,.4 t, 1144 troop., of Euro- j 4 11 Leo !. Ih. It c- •.%I.u:-:- .111 arra ;u,l.urt • h, 1 4nl+luc , , ,:h ay 1 '• ':: c0. -t from I. ;.' 'ind , 4 I r•.n •1-.x11:1',• 10 Arr. 1.•1 0'.1- c'' :I i'- .}, in of ih New TUrI, 11;..12 I • 4 IC, .1111 • 1 %t !.:7din I •!, ( 1 1 I i i I '1'0 . ...11 1!1-n 13- 4' 11 !4 , t. n: 40' `or t h ' d.. 1-ettt i ot, of 1 .I (•alt run.. T1:•• • 1• c•tric-4! .14sl-1 , t 110x11 1: . 111111 I.1..:, - 7 _rounds of 1,.. I, : has vigor is very rapidity dispelled t, 1 111 his action here. 110 is the busiest : 1, , ch- elan in the conference, luny is x ort h a..,••611,41 100,041'1 its- u . 1. c god. •c, tit ant 'rc 142:111 1.•111..! rr'.etj , ,, 12 I:ing Street • t't ctrl 7,411 dirt CI, r to tfr. (:rk and1 4• ('111 ex{,n••s 2 '.1 :42!•11 .11. 14, \,rise • i- 1 ic. n. 1'r''•• bind con. ,,, ,I- 4I, t „ 1 f , r: rt s ^ r 42.” 'u . •leo slit', SIOda,S 1 , 1 •h. ;r, 4. : net 17d••d, by i 24 'it's rt1(;pfflce:nt '1'14 :,• cone •rt band. I),, 144' . , - 11: ,74 11 .74,11 r. .01 N ,ll .1i, : to It- fru:a VGCtt OPPOItTI'N 'TY TO 1'IS1'r 44 • k to 4• ••.-k. For hist ane •, un TIIF: CANADIAN NATION- - \'o '--t 14th an; :41 • 1 An artteb• A1. EXHIBITION TUR b, Dr. \1•tc;(h tit. 4 121111(-d UNTO Lo• 'ply" And on the following; week Ur 1. steoek's first humorous sketch' Return tickets at. single fare will he If 4+ 4" 71, :!. rnjNwn dof11,1 :414. 1 issued via (lined Trunk Railway Sys. ' •1 1 1142 :1..4.1 articl.• of 111'• s••r-' tear from all stations in Canada west f •,r. n a ,•k IIf tupn•4, I of Cornwall and Ottawa, ,(cert! going .M h. 14 Ur. '•1 et•t'hiil, :11111 August 27th to Sept. loth inclusive t..! i • '• 4i"1! or h:rr,;•tr " Tru Return limit Sept. I:1 18!12, special • 4,12•41 of Ilr. I. •acock':, 1+ ent14- low rates will also be in effect on E'er- i •• 4. 11 r' t. 11 ;hat.• 1 tile•, ' .end twin days. 41,11 t, ('riot 1 in 'ftirun;o !4turday ! Buil pltrticolars and tkit et3 from \ ' ` 1 •1 •- .'r it. any (itan•1'I'r(ink Agent. ' ! 1 n .:'h to .t' Toronto , - , 4 1, "d .11 •74 •• I. \ ;,t 1' •1 1t,n a •il r• 1 4:1141)1. (- 411 01, 111 •.,t1•) •ct ; :11' • fi,rlitr• 1 'I'ii • hi, •h-il: 1 I • 1);x1'1:1(71- N I: i1',` 1 twit k t for 111 01 work, •, t. I •t • 4 , : las, 1-.44 o I 111 1 (',.7.4,:, n,.•• itis b -•n 1,3c. d (1-r fon-.'r i fro:1, N. 141':: 1 ('. I;. r`n w1- \yon byth. ,. MbMDk‘IN Tho Hind ICI1 IIavo Always Bought, and IN 11D•111 has been lin use for over ,10 year., 141114 borne the t:i;fnatul•o Of and 11:1,4 been outdo itl4(ler 1114 per- ,'�G 11(111711 supers e.itllt Since its infancy. •Allow no one todeceive you in this. All (, ottutertcit.i, Imitations told "Just -as -good ;Ica but Experiments that. trifle Milli and cualur;er the bralth of Intiutts and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoriti is a harmless rtubst1411(1• for Castor Oil, Pare- gorie, Drops ttntl Soothing Sy lords. It is I'ieasautt. It contains neither Opium, j 1iti'phine nor other Narto,tio rtibStautcc. IHS age is its guarantee. 1t destroys 1Vornls stud allays Feverishness. It cures 1)ittrrliceti ant Wind (Jolie. IL relieves 'seething '1'rouble,4, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilltte$ the T I, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The ('1liltlreu's 1'tutacea—Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Have always Boughs In Use For Over 30 Years. 1.44 CINta„• CO401.41•••, TT ,M ,••r., a•nttt. NEW YORK CITY. Pianos to Rent 50 -Acre Fa rmf or Sale South half Lot 17, Concession 4, L. 1. y., 'l'uckersniith. First-class land for pasture or grain, :1 acres 1,ush, never failing well, good frame I'ouse with stone cellar and cement floor, surrounded by wind -break of spruce trees, also an orchard of apples, pears plums and small fruits, 'large hank Mout h 1111(] Ul).barn with stone foundation. This choice property is situated (ire fi mouths relit allowed U" milers from Seaforth and three: Hiles from Kippen, convenient to school and the purchase :1 new churches. Possession in the fall. For :rl Pilu10. further particulars apply to Mr's. Win. Gordon Kip( -en, Ont. or to S. MARTIN & SON It X -1:!1.\1 1, •: 4 '' -r Ii,rr+• J : : h'' hoc I h t owl —0-- 4, 1- lel 110)1'• . For Yale Lot 8, Con. 12, 11. 11. 8. r I • . , ! , horn.: Tuckersmith. containing 400 acreq Better than ever prepared to attend ! 1 in 711.- :80 acres cleared and '10 acres said : "ft, 1 t ho only bush. Good spring creek runs across c,11 innln4 44 hack part of farm. It is well un - i .., 4':n. In the d.•rdraincd and in a splendid state 1 1 4.,',t trot /Air- of cultivation. Suitable either for -eh • • .. • ..or • ' to 3 in :.tock or grain, two wells, one in barye 17,C:. 1 • , . 1 • 1. . 'i,: h in- one at house, emelt orchard of good •'eh •e'•r 1 ,or • •:n 1 fruit trees, avenge of bpruc.• from i. a good con - • .`•1. h 44 tI,1+,r.�. 2 - 44 ('s scored r ni•nt farm hoia... h road to barn. Tile..I I.. frame with 4 • 1% r. 1414 r:. It o . . two own on wood shed rind summer kitch-•n at- 1,:- ,n1 x41 2 ..tr!k - ort hitt:'r 4ached, soft water cistern, phone 1'/.1'94, :..c- 44 ,- 111 - 1::: • u; . ' 1rich( in hone, bank barn rl x GO feet and .\. 1`.•1 'hut( •r 1. 11. I'i',.l 1, T. Worm 10 (t. cement silo. This is a tel oat 1. 1•.. is tit VI I, C. \t;•,,.•r 0. 1C, 'anis'• desira hie property for anyone wish- Manufactateci Ly ar Times Want Comma Nouse for Sale .1 huus•' and 4 a o tuts oa 161(11000 kit. The !rouse is .t comfortable frame duelling, one story. lit rooms. 1'or particuhtes apply to .10110 Southcott) Brand Bond, or to T. 0. Soothcot1, Exeter. 7-15/21-1, AUCTION SALE 044 'Ann street P:xet(•r, w1 H.•pteutber 30th, at 12.:10 1.m. Real Estate consisting of fac- tory and dwellingbou8e, horse, bug- gy, 1lar11eSs, robs'+, outttr, light wagon, automobile, Kates, roller,. wagon jacks, clothes reels, tray rasks whiffle -trees and neck yolk{: water troughs and a lot of other useful articles including household furni. tore. Ambrose Cottcl, Proprietor, II. S. Phillips, Auctioneer. Iron Posts In order to close out our Stock of Iron Posts we have reduced the price from 25 cents to IS Cents IRON BRACES Iron Pipe Braces all lengths at 5 Cents a Foot We will take in Exchange 11orse- hair, Rubbers, Iron, Copper, Brass & Wool Pickings for which we will the Ilighest Price, 111. JACKSON'S MAIN ST. EXETER Flour & feed All Good Kinds of . n FEED and I EEn k('pt on Hand Bran and Shorts sold by the Ton. Sloopsis of the COMM Norip w� HO4TFAI) REUI,ILATJON6, Any per13uq who is 11111 sole hoar of a family, or any male over 11 seotuni of available Dominion land he hlauitaba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta, The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agettoy sot Bub -agency for the district. Entry bis proxy may be had at the agency, of '\. man) conditions, by father, mother non, daughter, brother, or sister o1 intending homesteader. Duties :—Six ttwnths residence upon and cultivation of the laud in east pf three years. A homesteader ma, live within nine miles of .his home-. stead on a Yarm of at (east 80 sore* solely owned and occupied by him or his father, mother, sou, daug liter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteaded* in wood standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homes stead. Prieto $3. per acre. 1)utiee-,, Must reside 1311 tilotrths ineaoh of si.* years from date of homestead entry, (inoluding the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultists* fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob. tain a pre-emption may, take a purs oha.gt•d homestead in certain districts Price *3. per aore. Dutiea.—Must reside six months in each of three Years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00: w, w, CORY, Deputy of the Minlrter of the stator N. R.—Unauthorized publication oh! went will not be paid for Tit. CA RLINO, Lite, Accident, Fire et,d HAWMass insurance, also Collecting Account*. • and Auctioneering. DR. 0. F. ROULSTON, I.. I). 8. ; D. D. 8.' Honor graduate of TorontoiUnivereity DENTIST OFFICE:—Over Dickson; & Carling's Law Offices, Exeter. PHONE S. CLOSED WEDNESDAY AI-rERNO(r4d DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L I). ' 8., D D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Madman & Stanbury Main street- EXETER, Wheat taken in exchange for tT• W. BROWNJNO, M. D., M. 0 Flour and Oats taken 111 • 1'• S•, Graduate Victoria U vers!ty, office and rerldenenee. Dominica exchange for Oatmeal. Laboratory, Exeter Associate Coroner of Hume. Rivers H 21. Bright, 111.1)„ Itf.C, 1', and Thor. Cameron, Auctioneer, ��••S., Honor (.r13duat(• Toronto Un irargrlhar, Ont. EXETER. - ()MA 1210. Farm For Sale Going Again to the head of oto• many customers after having been shut down for re- pairs. 'turning out more of that "Model" flour. Bread wade from Alodel Itas the"Nutty Flavor" so much desired. It ii important thatthose sowing all 'heat shoulb treat, this seed for mutt, 11 1 a iversity. Two years resat* nt physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc, 071111h l and residence, Dr. Amor' old stand `J Andrew Street, Exeter, VIIONEY TO LOAN • We have unlimited private rands for terse, - ant urn farm or village Lroperlyai I0W : 1.11, 01lntere•.t, UICSILONIft CARLING _ _ tattier DICKSON at CARLING, II ssetates., nollclters Notaries, ConveyancersCoenn,ta,1.•oere, tlollclton• Por the Moises, Hang. ICto, Mosey to Loan at lows+t rates of Lbrsei. OrriCR1-11AIN aThr:l•;T, lills'f'l[lt. a- CARLINg A. A. G 81 DIM= II flONEIY TO LOAN. I, I. 11(1:1:41 1 1. 0. 1:. l — 2 C. 1.," r ing n comfortable fnrrn home. H:r- We have stele alnouut of prlvsb foods 0 I'xe• 2 : 1'. 140, i • 1, T. Cariin:: 0, . n and a half miles from Seaforlh, �", (11.A1/3IAN R aTANHUR? 1' 1►,; .. 1, 11, I1",(•. to 0. I' 1104x1' 0. :1 miles from I(ensnll. If not sold • �rrUten 8ollcnor•. AN 8L YaeNe f;, 11,o 1 •1 i, R. 1t;,.. • Ach- privately on or before the 20th day of August it will 1)0 sold by public. .nclion at n date to be fixed later. I'or farther terms and particulars . pply en t he premis'•s or to 0. i1. '•tel. ,n. ilox 11.1, llen•nit, or to I'ho-- ('.rneron. +\net.. Pnr.l'thnr. fan on farm an •!Unite properties at lovssa(ta a rvey Bros. tasererst. H 4„I1010z • I14141.11 "I I 1121 t •n h • . ht. i. f;x 1 publish - vs. 11, !1 ret .1, 1., .;t.'•12x. hr. le. 111(41! ',411,\1111:. ti 1•, 12.1!1,. I •1•. • •r 'rlv.l12(341 121 _;I ' 1•r,. '1.1. • .1(.'k. C1 .h :11.11 u 4, 1 0'11: - .4 .1, it. •e 414 ••. '1 (1. .1.,4.tiaa 1, i '2,11 • I, 1. ..'l ' 4 1'1,12.• 'rue:. h • \ • tt1 - Ir h,' -• t:. 1 .t (412.: 1 4, 1114 o9 All 110'to lilt, •, (lot; 11••'24 11; • r 1. fir • 2. r. 1.,44 : 1112•: race -trick L .,, 1 4 'r•.. ..1� rr , 4r o' n Toa,• Crit• • on asp: •-n(fe ! I. .11.1 ('!1441• •41'Ivis th• 41.16, f• x ry ,,1:, 11• ( e' 14" 1 7 'Tx, 142 I 1101. ti . t�fl 1 1 vnnnnl 1111 cont• •.,1t: h.•m or ritk.rg Ire - :h;- 4r • reps.••\,..1 wheth- .41 %•0'1122! 1t It ,-i' 1 1►u ) t' : .:• (i f.- o:r.1 to •4t n11rl:11• .14 t '.1•r.- r . 'r •• : 4.Ill ser b.. r..annn•a in 4\ )(irk 111,1 •a• the lair s ate x.111 I- of Ilrtic'fi I1, 01111 'rral11l•4 ,. I:or \nnn4 r• n. : 4'• Vr(1. n n,- :,1 \\ h .. lit 1••• ,.• o: I.. 1,11111 • (2111-• _ , r • •, .,, I:1phy is i h•• k.k•-).11 10 .• 64•' . - .\ n, 'Toronto 1 1114 r�it� 't sc'rr • of 1 to 3, •I : ! ,t, I:4:,'t •r w 14 C,rlin r1 I;•,, ••, I 1, r Cr.;1.I on L•rowrt 10;1 1'.011 1 IS\ •r 'r'r •d 1)11 run in 411. fsr-: ;n41,ti 1, 1., I h•• • 'Me 1 Cre !spurt •1.0 I :4% ,. In th • tft: r 1 1:\ : •r -cur- 1 , r .4tl:l• 4,1 •1.;,112 •.141•1 aaa :7,0: • .1, ,14 • 11'1 14, 4) deet f,n(rl1.,.J it: ' ,,aril, f.11- 111' -•I0.• 1)11 1r - r:41,,.: (1i •14rk41••. ft .• :'!rt' 44 is 111- 1 .,.: I h • •t 1 of : 41 h ;411.42.14 T II,•' • of 1... ..,x . i4 '.e'-'1'12, ,t. 1,:'1.42:, ..,,,;.11 (•1: 'S,• + .ch,, r,,.1 b. h, - ..-on ,121 ESTRAY WAFER Ntrnved on the premise. of the un- dersigned. 1, -t. In con. 0, l'rla,rne•, on or about ;day I4. Polo, ow 41174' can have same by pror44,q property and paying expenses 1•:1,42- lir:doom I+limville. ::1 Int. - r 1v1 14 • ••0(11 ..11.4.1,: '11 411 f • 11. • , I' R,« t a ' • r "1 t I►':. Stores Close Thursday' e or r f • I. ; :0 , 1 :n, R:• f•41.- , 1n••.1 :tor afternoon :11.2 I 111.,, s'h;ch r.-. ,'1 1,1r,., tit 4111 o, ticn n• • 444,12''1 hit b C, piton rom41. ' 1.1.1:111, 1,12: .n ••,. h,- :tool • ru.- • n 44ork in 41,11 •1•'411 '- ::' sf 11 't 1 !1' 11041 0•e '.4 10 : too rho,, - 1141 1.1111;.,, . ($�Ibnl p.•r nnnurn. tl'arrntq e•hauld ioltrr'boys 1(14 ire, tow7` 411 y\tar.•t 1e-' 11'e Ih undersigned 4:1su..•4•s mat t • .6411 t h •:r 41(1,5 24 that which they • ,„rw;4'4: of a good cro44 41, of 1{=ores ngr -e to clow our T.•' cc will prlclsc• a•h•11 they h:cont•• 1114-11 1'014,4% r^ 4x13 1hi, line up. tier 'places of burin:.+ during tht 'Th” h„ -:n • 44 or14) i" 4t.kin t .(r Cr • I:. n•1. I). Itro\ynil. 1:. I' 10 nor 1, y0u1,u: p..up' 0 44 ho 1114•.' 3 buniu,•:1' (; 11 - 14 •r 0• It, I'ahn.•: 0. 11. 1:,hn •r educlti0n. 11 r, Spot tone'. chain of !, {: t;,, • t 0. 1?, 1'01112 'r 1. IL l o 111» r comuu ncinit at one o'clock and to n1 Col!• _ . 11! t yrnr train d ow; r 'i', p• '1' .1;x944.1 1. 1',\ r, 1'. !purl'• 0. vertist• earn' during month of Jun ..' .4 hurt Ire 1 .slur! •nix at colt'•• • )• (t spin [ 1 . C, hu{ 112 1. 11. 1)12- I in f he local papers: ,12.1 by iloln-• Mt 41'1% .Any 4'oln: ,f,0 f� P. 12044• 0. :i, t:, li�al•, 0 1 Aldvocate I'rinting Company, .The 1' f.o11 n 'din's .('lwic • :1 • to the ad- C. y1 mnt'r 0.:i; 0. M. 110 k:n. 1. l 1%s• ter Times I'rinlinq Compnoy, !Lim- vantn re ,of 1 ('amrnere,31 1xajnjit f I ited; 1A', a, llenman, 11', ,1. 'leer, Alf. \11001.1 s! it • hint. --+'` • 1%alters, Jon'•q 4!t Mrty. 11. Spackin in. Feat 1 1 -.'Irl? c.n, • h, inr . h n- 11 {'r - 1.; H;• church i+ ui c lows\ 1... h ir.44' I.r': • colrzrar..t.('1 . r x.11 ( •of 1 n• . t h _ ,, ; 4,1, : , Ch•ltr , I la • cn: _ .:t,+t I, 44 1- -n drr;'1 1 t h •1 it 1% 11 1,11; Nn•-i4I 'r.'1 n('c 1 j 114 co'.r.r • It • VIII \ :• 2r - pront of -4\ , ••1'4 4% 4• 144 :. - $101'•0 '1120 11. . , t h 1, 111 • 1(1:1 - • le:111 .4'1, I't '1'h • hi•: 414 • r. th4• eh .1 eh et t• •1..i I--(1 1111 th 1' -- 1ie!,. !1.'• 014.•..1 4' CI,l 'I (Il • tray ::'t 1• n r ,1 I 1112,4 4 fat Ih chant . ,n 1 • . 11, 1,1••. -- ten: h,I 4107!: 1 v. • 1-. 1'11•,- 7- 0r of h In' ! 1••42474 4, . 1 i 4 •• ! w'• 2: :blur, ,; f,:n;lilrity 444th t4. so, "!'ng• I 1.•(77'1: wo4id r - .1 :4 , t., ,4, ' \t nt. Nlo:r. a h (or. Von411, k n, 1 1 1 s 10 .11 11)0.11'.- ••n, I. • I1 trothtot ,1Sy1111n 44--1- 42 4(. 1 n•. -,..:r 1,) ::f(t•1*wool - t,it .;01t nsn'' roil,- fr,!•1 \ • : 41 . ;' ,' y i • r 1 ti rc • 1, Alt h; 1 . ,-'1%, 1. 11. 14 1- .lurk• •0'_ 1 f ftni r 1ritil1 eno ugh ..1 . .!t ' 4. 111 .o 11 youlin,7. \ •(ro0l ;n: aces 1 •114 took idle • (:od •rich 11.1rbor Ort tinn•I•,y af• ( noun a h 41 1.•0x:42 Ossor-1, Of i I 4horo. to -t his lift•, 1\'1111 3 '. ,('1 o1 coml• inion-. h • 44.14; in ira:�4N Manure Litters Bratty I�ros•' Feed anll Litter Carriers Overhead conveyors. Beatty tiros.' Steel Stalls t� stanchions Carl he initialled as cheap as lumber and last forever. BL'atty tiros.' Load Binder These three !ilinge at1 4442(91 Inhur-sarer9 for farmers and necessities (14 a fartlt For sale by int; July' w. T. eillespie a- 1 t• . „ t n ut a r and August i 1'111212,• :,1, )•:\titer'. 1)nt• • 1 �f, . 4 ei' .... av0 7C -1 m0111hs of duly and ,\ugu9t, 1!110, 0! j Thursday afternoons of each tree) Shorthorn Bulls My present offering is four choice young bulls tend). for service, got by 1 CocN r Ss-Ls-'4Nu 1:IIIINN11 ami out of good milking Dares. All registered. Apply to JOAN ELDER, Mensal! 1'. 0., or on Lot 111, ('un, fftty. Tie Usborne and tllbbort r Farmers Mutual Fire Insur- ance ompanu Head Office, I'arquhar,.Unt. 1'1esidc41t, J. 1F, It l SMELL \ iced7cs„ 1\ 11. ROY DIRECTORS, 110111'. Nitltltis, Tilos, RYAN WM, BROCK. 110111', GAIRDI\EI(, AN EN'1'S. E4t *1 fa, Dublin. \1 inehcle••a. Ear pillar VOTER'S LIST •1011N '.ndEMERY. Exeter, agent fd t Osborne and )fiddul lir c Toter+ 1211!12 1!)112, Municipality of the OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, aerosol Township of 1•shoi-ne, (for Ribbert, Full mon aro( Logan. County of Huron, + FALi, FA 1118 �N. G. Itawden..Io'.. Monier, E. A. 1•'0l - Tho follorWinx 441. 114 tin from the Aslan cr,l g sil,r, ''I lick. W. Johns, J. Grigg. W. Statham (' Odor. 1••13(. 11.4,•..1 •'O:1 th(• leech Illrth .... ... (,. r 1, :,' \1 r.. 1'eo. If. W. T. !leavers, .1. A. of Angii'. I'i:✓i Mr ,\. Ilu•,per. the in- Rr;gdr'n 4(44- f ` 44 art. T. . Carling. ns & Pori, N\'. 1Y. morality man first 811441 the Ilght n/ 1,,.1). tis .T, Carlin1( 114111on Bros.. Hrn4 4421,1 (111 it i day near Exeter. , t. All his Isle 11,19 ))ur Mar- la ! IT ; 11, Hu E , Tro I'. J, I1, A. gall 1 1,, .,7 .,y ! n & Son. Ed. Trrbl.•, ,1, N. Oilman I.1. 111, :;4 ;. !'nn. 11'rsght A 'Atkinson, IiP1.1:. 1 5. !'ollick, \\'..1, Ntatlram Ind (17.1 :I. t „111 tiros. are closing a the AIL ot•Itto helped o 1 ",Itis 4•f ?4••(.t ID. 1, rl R P grosery m;lends )n In r•e,. x1212 ,, . , ,r,• him! 1t, I: department only. {1111 i 1•,12 , 1,r , ni PI PnI.' a t• n n•.e (•1 1,. - );'1"919 4.1 . • 1 •g hi. 6. rdo. -... f rhth.,. II . 1\ _,,, 11 h '(d 1,no 1 .., 4, 14 ,10y '. lnetnM' 1, -•, 42..4 ...,;(...pia n ,• N aril :•I• s -t•,1 fluue.t{ tU r 11 11 to 1,,,• :.,,,a .. "• 1'4 •''t 4 h ('11 44 r. .1In, bed a c 11 e) ••.. 141111 It \{,I, !,•(! Its special arrangement t4'+, aide pr••• was inrcnlled "Grandpa's P421, "' `' t'' "I • 1 •1 to make an except ion:rily low Net\ lla•ot•n 4{ is I It. ---�•---- ':I.: in news{riper clubin't to New Ottnw:* . brpt, 44 i ; ..1 1-,.rF. Frons now t i!1 t ir• end C It i. 1 (i 1. e 11 V 1• y Parkhill Oct. I. i, of 1, nlbcr w'• will 4214 t h' "Time=" I(ipe r '►Ppt. • SK Innd '!'croute We,•kly f; .1,.. for I FOR FLETCHER'S St. 'finer. Nt'I'f•'-i,'�4 ;r.tt ptlo0 Of 15 OCOta. 1'hr [,sic is CASTOR 1 A )seaf.•It r . Sept. 22, �1 away below the •Cost of p:'o(1n.lion. Fsr.a. rsrteewer lar nd1/1 moron �- . -.,.,.. u•e n /pelt'. i n 1111 . rvun.•' 1144' peat. Jae \Itihn r 41 with A. 1x11! runt• tt 11111th Is • 4 r,d 1pm- x1'1'1,: ��'il Years V0�11 i1 Si►1' 4T1 den! (•I 1' 11 t, n On \\ van' mbiS • Pt. I rich f i )• lio'L.nh have 1141(1 nearly seventy years Of experience with n I ii Vs 1. .til,r's Cherry Pectoral. That makes us have greilt con- a tidencc in it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak tti90, ts, , and weak it:i gs. Ask your own doctor vita' experi:;nce • he has had with it. He knows. Ile can advise you wisely. Keep in close touch %vith your family physio i ' , No alcohol i0 this cough I11C111C111('. /. (' .1 uer CO., l.mt:r ll, .l i( . , a......,..t�•�.. Re 44,11: 14c taunt; 1011 cannot if your bowels are constipated. 'I'hc best laxa!r..- is Ayer's rills, all vcgttablc. Ask your doctor if he agrees with us. 1)o as he says. --� AI 11 I - l,, '1 A IIOON TO NEW s.1't. •' 1 Sl!I3$CIIII1EI{S .101i'. CAMPBELL Socy.Treas, Farquhar Notice is hereby given thnt 1 have l)LAU11A"( .' HTANHIIRY. 44,Ileitof7 transmitted or delivered to (he per- t sons mentioned in section 9 of the 'Ontario Voten4'9 fist Act, the copies requited by raid sections In he trans - milted or delivered of the list, made pursuant 10 the said Act, of all per. sons appearing by the Inst ievi.ed As- sessment, (toll of the said municipality to be entitled to vole in the said m1n1- icipalily at F.Iertio113 for Members of the Legislative APPembly and :tt Mun• kips! 1•:Iecl101t', and 1111• said Gst was first posted up at my otllce at 1Vhnlen on 4)) 211th day of July, A.D. lop), and remains there put inspec•Ison. And 1 hereby call 11p:(11 all voters to lake immediate proceedings 11) have .toy errors or 1I111iaie,r19, ("or•rstted act'ot(ling 10141\x. FRANCIS 3101(1.1.:1', Clerk. i)afed nt SVhalen, 142( of Aug. IOW, 60 YEARN EXPERIENCE ATENTS TRAnE MARRS DE7IGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anoane sen4lrig A Plietc:) and dn.'r!Ml.,n may 47V011 alrerr/on 1'11421,4,11.1'•1 free 111,49141'f Mr Invnnelnn 14 pr'11111.17 pp t Int.htn (emmm.1na. 142,,,, 1:015111 Cnnthierar44, i4ANDBdOK x'!i 1'42421212•! Mut (7,41 111.10.l 110,1.4-1, inr .124 37404 420x421242•.. I'nt••r,1s tak(•tt ti.rnuch Munn ,! (:o. recolve 06'401 n»eke, Flt 0,31 charge, to t ho Scientific .Imes cane A hnn4snr..e:1 Ina aratea ace.l7, !.swell CM - 0p(4„ 7...n f Roy •r,e:,rias ).'3;1241. 'tevr•w V - ('.nnAa, t'.t•'• a Teat p.. -1\I10 I•r.•yabt, 11.441 b- new e CO SO t ,. Nevi • ti 1