HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-08-18, Page 81' .0 i' X .IJ l E 1, '1' 1 Al S AUGUST 11;tl 1u10 ••••••,...,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••,.,.•••••••40.4......04••••••••••••••••••••••• i1 1ITEYAT'S it • rates • • i,lioN E :• •• .. .. .. •. WFIITE _•• _ :: •. :• • :: WAISTS •=• • _ •• J♦ •- ••: - - - :: • \t , - for this week. Only !si waists in the lot, One of each our size. •t come ...kr! y and get tit•st choice. if • • • have another extraordinary offering of Ladies Lawn : • :: t •ti •• • • ♦ `, QQ.. Q �) a Prices 9Sc. $ 1.25 $1.50 $2.00 •• • r • : :• • • • Hosiery` :: sDo not u. • t } • , •pportunily !ee, :IN. � 1 ♦ „r ! the huge -..t t' •• •• 1 ♦ tt r .. t' e711re ill 1 _ ' tl alt sizes f l�l, •• •t • • t ;!u•• 1►L • • • % �,, Ft; ,f • • ! THAT IS THE WAY •• •• h•et > bi n Petri oats TO GET TRADE. • • ,„1 —.en tie Ii:.yt,tii• -.t • • ,,(Is. '1'ney ate ac•kt.ow- -1r. 1 �' ._.• 1 ;; ae • ! ,o be the most petted •-- nettic•oat on the (nark- •: uanstrings Adjust- ♦ �•• .•scary only once call • • , e e them • , -. .• 1,J'J, $2 59, $3 to $1.50 • • •♦ _-- • • •• "P5 -4'44C11 PA CI1 FIJR IfT e1 .tc".. • /SW I or' �yY 1 ••• • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • •• •• • • • • 4• ss • • • • •♦ ♦ • •♦ •• •• ♦ • •• •• •• •♦ •♦ •• •• • •• •• •• •• •• ••s •• ••• •• •• •• •• •• •, •• • • •• •• •• •• ♦• • 13 & 1 ('ORsr'rs •• nee what tee sell and we have : ;11-111 111 ut any size to fit any • • L _•11,- MeV cannot t'e e• ni: •- •: •♦ is • •• •• • • •• e • • • ♦ • •♦ • 2• • •• •• , 01"1,El! • • i' • • QCOBLE :s •• • LION BRAND 1 '1 i t'1 1' 9ze1 li. & I. t'ORSKrs. :• • LION BRAND KNICKERS for boys are unbeatable Th hare double seats and knees, arc double sewn and arc cut full making them the best and strongest pant in the trade Prices 65c. 75c. $1.00$1.25 J. -A- STEWART ••••••0•••••♦••.•o•••••••♦ •••••••••••••••••••••••♦t• Farm Laborers Waste Iti FOR %4ORK d %%MPR\ 111 11.1 rlyo `tirINNII'1i:G AND POi\15 1 %Si OF I (! N r,utr(. DATC.1 Fri (l oy, Atiattst 12th, ami tl Ttuesth, y, August 16th From Ktl`GS1'ON, SIIAR1SOI LAKE ANI) ALI. 51.1110\.S WET iN ONTARIO ' •, v :,1 ,:., r tarn •ri, appuint.•el Ly the G,n-ctamcnt, will meet and . air ,a,• laborers on ..,rival at 111nn,pcg. 11 re tran.portanon win be fun.i.hed at Winnipeg to points en t' P it ..6,re ral.orers are n•Pde.I. cast of .noose Jaw. including branches, and .1 oaa cent a ante each wy West t .',ere„ t in SARI:, trhewan snit Alberta. A e rbncats it furnaherf with each ticket, and this certificate when oareutrd by farmer showing that 1.0,,,rer hon worked thirty d,iy-s or tn.,re, will 1.. hotpored fropInt that point ler a second 'loot ticket bat: to starting point, in Oatar,o. at 1I18Au, prior to Nov.:ulth, 1910. Ticket. are worst going only no special Farm T-0,,-oer•• Ir,t.n..,,d a ,I1 1.e ..,MJ to women as well in Witten. hot will not be is,u'd • . f ! ,r•. • , For fall particulars a.,• n 1 C. P.R. •dr.e, o,• c write R. 1. 1tlOMP.%ON, f).1•..t., (..P.R.. tO*03,O • % . .1. CARLING, Ageiit, Exeter. ••••••••••••• •0••••♦••0•••• •••O•••••,.••••••••••••••• • • •TUE LATEST TH• ING ING • • IN cLoTH • • • • • • • • • Merchant Tailor • IS ALWAYS to be found at this Tailoring Establishment. you h (y'en'ta tailor and are looking for one, give us n call. • • • ••: ••• • Style and Fit Ouaranteed. Prices Right. W. JOHNS.• Exeter, Ontario • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••00•••••0••••••••••••• The Tilney and:Weekly Globe frolic now until an. 1911 for 35c To reach the people Who have the money "l o buy your goods You Must ADVERTISE '11.,rket Report. The following is !, r, port of I. ter rnarketa, eor- :r to \ lath St-. - • I:q Brae - Peas :c Model (lour $3.00 feed Flour $1.50 ifnv $i to $!U Eggs 16e. ltuttcr 111c. Potatoes 50 to 60 liogt $t4.90 Best export caste ¶3.25 to 65.7;, Good export cattle $3.23 to 4.50 Choice butcher's heifers $1 to S'1 Iluteber'. cons $3.50 to $1.75 L': m b Il.. It `1.711 to ••••••••••••O••••••0•••••• • • LOCALS • • ♦ •••••••• •••••••• Mr. Frank Sheere spent a few days this week in Sarnia. Me- Cotton. of Detroit, is visiting Mrs parley Sanders. Miss Lewis, of Landon, is visiting her sister. Mrs. T. Neil. Miss Norris. of StafTa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. N, Mitchell. Mr. W. Moncur of Guelph visited his parents here on Friday last. Miss Fleming. of Kincardine, re- turned home Monday after visiting flit Arnold. Mr. and Mrs David ('obbledirk of Exeter North, are visiting at the American Soo, Mr. Frank Tom. of Toledo. Ohio.. visited his parents Mr. and Mn: Jas. Tem. for a few days the past week. Mr. Seldon, of Ingersoll and cousin Mrs Seldon of England, visited Mrs 0, Saruwell over Sunday. Mrs. T. R. Cowley. Cleveland, and Mrs. .1. (lilison, London. were guests at Mr. J(.hn f'ssery's. Eden, hist week. Sits Yaeger Slims Tillie Yaeger and Miss Netter Walters returned horse last week after holidaying at (hand Bend, Mr and May Jas. Smith and family of Cleveland. Ohio. are visiting Mr. and Sirs Sant Smith. London road south. Sirs. Campbell and child, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. %VIilis Exeter North, returned (0 1Vinnipeg 11 ednesday, lira Neldnn l'ohllerlirk and children of Toronto, and Hiss Vera and Ether ('ohbledick. of Calgary, are visiting Mrs• S. (`obhledick. Mise Ruby Hicks and Mrs. Evans oetltrne•l home on Saturday last look- ing hale and hearty after spending four weeks visiting friends in north- ern Michigan, Hee, Mr. Aikens, Mec'y of Temper- ance anti Moral Reform, will conduct tete services in the James street Meth• odist church next Sunday morning, and in the ,Main street church in the evening. Mr and Sirs W. 1Voidenhammer and family returne,1 home on There. day 1i 1:o.t. after holidaying in Toronto and S•reetsville. While /sway Sir. Weill, ..loaulmer w'lls engaged ne ex- aminer in connection with the recent ,•xttllli lotions, Mr and Mrs Nelson Sheers who have been visiting relatives in town for the past few weeks. left 1Vednee• .i,ty for Elicit home in Fort William. They were accompanied horse by MIs, Lillie Billings, The party took the bout at fl lrttia, LOST ---Near Dashwood, dark 11 own Cocker Spaniel with long tail and brass studded collar with ahor'I string attached. Answers to the name of '•l'A7" Reward on return or information to 1'. 11. M•('allunl Exeter or 11. Hoffman, 1)as.hwood, ;0 1' f?:11ZY — OLD NI RSF,. Mrs. Winslow's Hoothintr Syrup M the prescription of one of the best female phynirians and nurses in the United States. and has been used for fifty years with neem-tai:Afx t,reneas by millions of mothers for theft children. It relieves the child from pain. cures diarrhoea. griping in the howe;s and mind co'ic. Icy ,riving health to the child, it rat., mother. Twenty-five cents n bottle. iods in Artgu•t. OP AN hlr. N, '1\'. Cr, ,•ch of Itt , lit tot d cisitrJ iu town last week. Mr, John Piper of Scaforth, , p, tit ,,,la). ill tutvu silk friend.,. 1;<, I'lith McKay. of heafurtb, i.. 0 111 fr • rids ;n tots 11. )ir'. and Mr-. ('hapman .+nd child t, n, u fllcnauli t. -;ted sirs., A. ..1 1'01,1 5:.nday. \t, . tltev.)1)unean ltttchanatt and 1:01•, of Jarvis, are visiting with .l it irr, i'( t 7711. \t: -. Il ,eek.• and daughter, Ada of I.., r. \I rb. nre visitii, Mr. and \I, . '1'. 11 „ y. I•:u1n: t Held •pilon return 1 Monday evening from 1lI4 , - •.•r\Etb•-i and Ida Arntstrung s• -i! •1 \li,' Eth •t Hunt, of 151cI(Mop k. Mr. and .11r•s. Geo. bung and Sort tit irlin,r, are visiting Mrs. Young's ; r• -. Mr. and 51r1 Jas. (icer. '•! , o. Ma ',tic 1111 purchased. .h house un John et feet '•11 \. E. Puke. ••1 _ 1,'„ Prior was the guest 04 '•1 \ •v Spearit► of H1. \tr,rya 1: . n. 1. 511.1 John :inel) has b,•en visiting her daughter. 'Mem. C. 71. Smith in tiger -oil. Miss Mis J ,1," .\rtd.•rson of St r• 1 1,•i11•• toil - is t. her sou -;n • :•1r,r.10. • in to'r'n. `e11. 11. Y Tomlinson and liar. re ' , r ! London nre vi -it ,1 t,•rtained his Weil iu t; 71077 to the Irene Ferguson is spending -7 f s• . ;. - London and Toronto t;n; 1t ' a.!s `,tis. Stella Sou'hcott is visitin••. 1.• r cousin, -Miss Eva t outhcott. 'rand Bend. !•Ir. and Mrs. C. Lindenficld and son Ned are holidayin;t in 1)etro;t and Cleveland. 'p!r. T. If. .McCallum and family' rcti.rn-•d 5londay after spending the summer rt "Pin, croft" Grand Mend. tVaNTEO '1'(1 1tE\T—A small bot eoutfortnble house. centrally located Apply at Times.-t:3t. Mrs ..1 T. 1• ;': ., and o b, ' ; ..t H ;, rc visidattflg 5t1 r.•r • 1 '1, . .! i! :on at Grand 1. '..rola: 113 de the r.:l rc•liab!•• for .4 oe grain. Hold cheaper this ,r than ever betters. Get ti at llot%et's if you sant the hest. '•1: '•le,rlock, Miss Lida Quante. Quant/•, and Miss (Hollins r (tile s'cek fur Toronto to take tee millinery openings. '•lrs !: ('rocker and son 1Wiliie and Trehl.. returned Saturday tfter r: ,f:ng a week nt Grand' '•! i. : ie Collins who bus t. • ,1, town for a few tt • ; :r .1 to Toronto Tucaday. s as-,reonl )anied horn • 51is. Kathleen Stewart, It Ai isit for u month. 1 • o be ttho The anniversary services of the 1t than). Methodist church will be held ::. xt Sunday. August 21st `? •rv:e - tt itt 11 • h•'t•t at 2.30 an .17.:30 I,. tn. and will be conducted by the Pest°, 1t, v. E. G. fort•, 11. 7•1r ",d Mrs Jas. Grier • and son l.:,tin1• r a1:.1 Master Clair Wood r turned bone. Tuesday atter t'pend.r.,• 1 couple of w-'ekd at Grand Bend. While there Latimer opened tip a photograph studio and hi- •tgene were much appreciated by th 1;: ,,,•1 !lend camp era. The -ehool• i.. Ito• country men oil \1 .1. 1 , . t inrn!nlr after a Fix w. 11. regia • 1077 • , r,,.1 r n until fit1,. 11, . t h • :..c(: 'chola,, f hr' a•neks hotidayr while (ri n•;s in the roan, ry are jus;;;u. hook-, iwee. i., the (',rlt. .ni' 1y Start/ of I. . 11,1L ty, 111.,, a, not ic? th 1' I I 'I'r• a- thick. , form•er Church Director i .LAMES STREET MI. i't1o1)ISt' CtURCti f;ov• HHlcharcf Hobbs, Pastor I riun777d71ay7 Public 11'ur'hip—IO.:IU 3.1114 p.rn. l'I t•r l'ers' rr•--(i•uld,y o.:IO a.m. •,nd tt,r Mur oin; (4.•rvioe and tl'ednes. d.,y nl;:ht. YtiutlX 91rn'• nolo r. •u4 c....buruens bund+) tt t p.d SU 'id ty School and Bible Ctaeaan t.30 t Elmorth League—Tuesday at N. yid 1'rtyer Atcetiny—Tkurtcdaa• s► 8 rill.' Ci -R EAT BIG SALE OF Thresh1n • g Goal , lSnre y„rlr• tW18,*1 11 •etti • Ladies Vials y getting get auk fat' you. threshing, You ran Kot any I Iltta1,1ity you want. Cement Blue Lake Brand Wei have the above brand: of cement always on hand, fresh from the mann- tacturers, The Blue Lake is consid/v- tlur best cement. fl. J. GUITWOR Ii Y (IRAN'1'O • f1N1'") I Ladies Underskirts Regular $3.25 now 3.00 2.50 9.25 2.00 1.75 't ft 11 :).58 1.98 /.�a7 1.69 1.59 GRAND TRUNK SYs EM LOW RATES to TORONTO Account of Canadian Nation- al Exhibit ion $3:S5 RETURN August to September 10 Return Limit Tuesday Sept. 13, 1010 Special train service from all principal points on cel tarn Dates. SAILINGS U1" P' SSEN-' • GER STEAMERS Ft•otu Sarnia to Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth every Monday, 1Vednes- will and Saturday at '1:30 p, 111., the This Store will close every Thursday Wednesday and Saturday steamers, r rough to Duluth. Railings from Collingwood 1:30 p. til, and Cwen Sound 11:30 p. ill. Monday, Wednesdays and Saturdays, for Soo and Georgian Bay porta. Sailings fru) Penetang 3:15 p. tn. to i'art•yceptSuSondayund and way ports daily ex- . Secnre tickets and full information from J..1, KNIGHT, depot Agent. Regular $-1.:,1► ,' 3.75 2.75 9.50 2.25 1.50 1.00 if If (r 11 now 4,3.89 " 3.19 2.19 1.98 1.89 1.19 89 tf 11 t( tr A few Suits in Light Weight small sizes. To Clear at a BARGAIN PRICE. Men's Suits --AT— $20,00 c1 T— X20,00 After all it's the Tailor who ' Snakes a suit a SUCCESS or a FAILt; RE. The most fascin- ating style would be a fizzle if these were not careful needle work underneath. That is the reason our Suit(( at Sal are letter 1114n the snit you buy in town for more stoney They are perfect in every way if not you can have your money 1 back. ,1 - • n (0 1111 • C.• t W, W .TAMAN ►Sines I tit • Itu1t: f II •rt;,II .t, 4', t h a Sion •• 7,r raw th,• 1 •ilk of 11•,r:., •, s, %7141 L,n, curttitl•: •1 -. Th• folios%inrr s 1 a Item th • 1313th Standard: ('p (': rk Tel Mrs. I)'1V111°ort. of `t r',. of 1t• t • ! `!r-. I' ,r, tl: i .,• r 1,- inrr 1), 11 •! ._111, r \It• 1 ,r'- Prr11- ,I n ,•io, rl, •h n f • .. ...II. it'. t T.. .!,' ;h c• 1 1, „. :e. 111' 1 frl t,•il t1 .I, tt •, I f 0 t r• :ri, - '•1 .717 1: • 1 t .11. of 1 li .I ., ar . tr i -h 1 . 'I • r,l n 11 •v. n,l .111,, 1 Thr I. I+ 70 loon. .111 under t �' 'r- '•. . : ), • %o'l ricre.nt nor Mar th 6 r. (',•fitly e 7:1 ;n•n .,•. ill 11, r 1,1 r:171 tf:1 • ! ,i, • ' ! • , tit .. \'.(. ll,, •I r 1,- , ,,.I t h y del not %rant anythin 1.1 r tl, 1, ',tut tip proprietor w(•ti, ' !. 6 - t, ork in another root 1I t r•1 co. fig rattling and 1 'r' •+ ' hat 1%as no. Tli k 1 ti r 17, ,r'II , :' cnl,p"rs In . ,. skit:! I,. I'Ir.ally oar w;,. I ' • erook.•,I and t h , a , • .a 0 hot; buyinu r.7 ,1 • A 11cflii 'r (Storm Period at th, entrant.. of Hart h`a •'Itumn,t cy- uinox,. falls on the lith to 23rd, central nn the 19(h and full Moon an Ow 20th. Thin is another period in a hien may be expected tome vio- I',.t midsurnm- r blusters black elottd, local rains and thunder. The 111e5 - tin, bl!• vain, of Poli. eomorr ,' rived !roll] a gond 11:11 through all these storm perio(s, never be told to omr who has proven the truth by personal ,- perience. Much a thing as being ,.;l- nri•.':l hr 11,•.i l'.,,'r i1 • • 1 11 it 4t .1 rcJiabl,• b:lromet.-r at hand and prop••rl) consult .1 i- ai 'olulely im- pw.ihle. Th: 1Fth to 21t h is a Ieis- t1►ic period in wh.eh earthgmal:• Ire Imre to be reported from tlrernos of the Barth. Watch pap- cr.s and clip telegraph reports. Dur- ilrtT the last half of August one or more equinoctial. or the West India storms will come up ant/ menace the Gulf roasts regionr.a Don't be off your guard in that section nt :tny one of the three last storms per- Merchant "Tailor. EXE'I'Elt 1IN 1'AIt10 Cod Liver Oompound ('o;l fiver 0.1 is prescribed •1 In trey people who cannot. •l. it berau,e It na,lteates them. When you pay $l m I for it targe holt(' of Nyal'r liver ('onlputiml you invest in a remedy that you can take. it is plea/tot to t11e taste and flu) he taken by anyone, at any season. 'i'hel'e is nothing 1 titter for those who do not prop- erly ns•i shote their Toad than N} at's Cod Liver Compound it 71u'(e)tde'e 7/14)1.4i47', 771)177 .33• Ve'slinn nod builds heftily tis- ,ues, giving health loud strength 10 wart o1T disease. The more you horde herr. the let ter yin'II hk,• I h'a •Ince W. S. HONEY, P1171. B. Chemist ,(, 111.. '1.11) E11:1301, ON1'. noon during July and August. After- . J. CARLING Nghest prices paid for Produce. LAST WEEK-.. was a big week at THE BA%AA 11, lett human not nre is never satisfied we want to make this week pan out. letter. Our 5 and 111c. tables are being loaded with fresh bargains. It will pay the people of this vicinity to visit this store often. Our aim is to cater to your wants, i%t e have a large stock of — Edison Phonographs and Records Columbia and Clarion Disces, and (i ( ramaphone Needles in stock we will 1 keep up-to-date in these as well as Other lines. MOAPs CASTILE' finest Freyele in bars'2eit' 4.. large cakes Sc Sc Fancy perfumed soaps in cakes :3 for '„'•ic, Nair Brushes Hand brushes 13at h bru- shes, Tooth Brushes Clo- thes brushes whisks, at reasonable prices. .t`..1SATURDAY SALE, -amu►. Jon line l line of Purses at lees (11a Il , half 'nice. 13argRnselots of s to clear Them, (`oncr, for e early,�lso t First come tint served No trouble 10 show goods, Our Post Cards are at the rear of the store Hundreds of new varieties, bananas, Oranges, Cucumbers, and Confectionery, a large stock always on hand. �raa� POWELL'S BAZAAR Succcstor to Dearing. ?mm??►t►►►n'►nmmrt+►nnt+nn►mmnnnmmmmmm WESTERN FAIR LONDON, CANADA Sept. 9th to I7th, 1910 $25,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions OPEN TO ALL The Great Lire Stock Exhibition Ii Speed Events Dog Show Day (.;very Day Cat Show • Monday Music by the 91st Highlanders and 7th Fusiliers AT rRAC'I'Iuti s . I)ON''1' 1=1Rt:WURKs Retter'1'hall Fvei• ,MSS I'(' i Each Night Reduced Rates over all Roads VISIT LONDON'S EXf IBITiON l'r.t,; Lists, Entry Forms and all Inform. ion from W. J. REID, Pres. A. M. HUNT, Fn. iiil�iiilillu11i111fIff+4111j11�11Jlllllii�u1111�1 ili1���11�tNuid j