HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-08-18, Page 7Iffa lOn, 000,000 FAIR EST1ATETIIE t'ORL1fl��IAl�tif.f5� The Immigration Inspector's Report of Western Wheat. A despatch from Ott i\•.. I ate the crop of Central .iIberta are "From what 1 have seen since 1 ' Heal, \\ itfl an obvious purpose, and wiled ten days ago 1 4111 convey. 1.- at7. mien shuukl he paid to ed that Inv evtimat. of st yield of 1 have travelled broad :I,, i ts•lin north, east until 'west of itl:i'0CfS 1'11011 1IiI: i.I:.tI)1.\U TRADE (1: \ 1111::'. Price. of (riffle. creel. ('t.ees° arta Other Dairy Produce at Houle and .thread. 1;111:.11)STr1. 1'-, Toronto, Aug. 16- Ontario Wheat -0e1 N. _ reinter, $1.05 to $1.06 outsell.; I4tt, Hi/Willa! at Pee to 100.000,000 bushels of wheat for tho li<;ru„nturs, and 1 have ne%.•r• sett, $1.0 1 Ilut,:tle• three provhices will be found a better stands of wheat, oat, ;eel Manitoba Wheat- - Nominal. No. fai'• ane." Thus telegraphs Wil•I bet ley. It will be found that the 1 "111"11. $1.13; No. northern, lion: Cl. White, immigration inslcron- y:1l.!' lhttoat0h tushisel+ oertifwuu »ill runti1.I0•- ; N. 3 northern, $1.07 at t ,r of the department here, f1„u 20" 3bhheat stud ' Inks ports f..r immediate shipment. Wednesday night. fr.+nt 50 to 70 bushels of oats." ('urn .'It WI' an No. 2 yellow, \Ir. White has been en a tour of In Southern Alberta Mr. White 7:3' , t.. ;le; Nu. 3 yellow, 72ijc to t: Manitoba, Sttr.katc•hew: ii and retorts l:arti.11 failure,, hut inn- 1.t"nt" freights. t'1 erta wheat fields, i.. I1 iiuly to mates that the extent of tle•e has{ ;1,+t, l'anadu western, No. 2, note the condition of the crop, and le en exaggerated 01141saes lle ; •1,3, .c : N o. :3 Canada western, 42,'•. c the progress of settlement. 11'iring f„uud the people quite c,uttl•ntee1 at lake ports for immediate ship- frc.m Lethbridge. he a1s from with even u meagre crop after live '"teat ; Ontario No. 2 white, 40e to Lethbridge. thele: - "Aar attempts t., depreei years of abundant harvest. lie outside; No. 3 white, Sec to 39c outside; 43c to lie on track, To- ronto. Barley -No. 2, 51c W 52e; No. 3 extra, 49e to 50e; No. 3, 46c to 47c outiide; Manitoba, No. 4, 401/lc on track, lake, Peas --No. 2, 71c to 72e. Manitoba Flour -Quotations at Toronto are :-first patents, $0,20; second patents, $5.70; ; strong bak- ers'. *5.50; 90 per cent., Glasgow trwighte, 25s. te• California, is engaging tin, 01 wry miles, front Blackpool, Eng- Ontario Flour -New winter wheal ficial attention of the United State. . ,rill, to 1•landiulne, on the coast flour, for future delivery, $3.75 to Consul-(Ieneral. Some of ilii. , • 4 \girth Wales. Loraine had al- ' .el, attracted some attention by$3.e5,°t th-e mills. who are turning thrix faces to»•aI•I- a 3ft1[tllfeed-Manitoba bran, $20 per the new world, are taking ti•.., .1.1 ne; exploits in the air, and last ton ; shorts, *22 per ton, truck, '!u- fanlilies wit -!t thine but the vie t'• ' • It. ut 1 an, fell fron► aheight r„oto. Ontario bran, $20 per ton insulter belong t•_t the ti,ilt . c ' ' tier y feet and was ,ainfull - in 'den Grove, mar St. John, N. B. 1 ) se • 1 t s, $32 per ton OD track, To- cnstes. and are nude'. the imp,. ,1,(I. In July he attempted r :lad of sixteen was sentenced to cion that they eau get on the .\ 'u an Iluurn0m"ut(I to the I..r.to duce yelrs in the penitentiary fur eriran police lone. Thr}' ore c•al \ 'e i , and return, when he was stealing 86.7.5 at Hamilton. &dent that they can at leasteseeure l (,gly a storm and i. -t i, , I.,• i► COUNTRY PIt01)CCE• T}+(, lass through hail in the un posts as watchmen. The (unsul- i lugs. He nearly missed tit• 1-•••• .i 11 ,tt:•r t'reanler-y prints, 2:Ic t„ Leamington district will amount to General said on Wednesday that 11 fight altogether, and was a ii, '.•' et,. -.•paral•+r prints, 20c to 21e: hundred, of thousands of dollars. probably the immigrants '+•,I.i•l out Siuth of the Needles lightship, mei dairy paints (choice). 39c to 211,•: Surd ors have been sentout on he perm:ttott to land in the United; heading over the open sen, when du.. tubs, 1'+c inferior tubs, 16c to t'.e preliminary work on the pro - et less. lie expect. that Washing.! by a Iueky chance he caught sigflt 17e. p••-+•il electric road into Porcupine. t e »ilt n Ake r- .ie ent trim, uu' of the cliffs, and by skillful money Eggs--iDc per dozen. Mrs. :Albert Holmes of Cardinal, tits ,ub1,', t. i ie ring effected a landing. Wee.- l'heese--11! C per pound fir 1 t'tt., whose husband is accused of . + i uestlay's feat was avcolnplishcd large and 11',v per pound for murdering Nathan Bolton, i, dead st f f ,and t !1(111 RS Is 11.1,1:11 R1• 'TI{OOI'S.1 without a hit, h. ! twins. tet a broken heart. ca aver. The seleanis of the wu- i '"- Beans -*2 to *2.10 per bushel for; chief Tremhiny o[ the M' 1,1rrat IIICII attracted the attention of ►•-cu1w -4i 111 {'role t t;;,,eis, tt%..t.' 1111.1' MIAMI N. ON SI1)I i t1 he primes and at $2.15 to $2.25 for; fire brigade mentions forty -live per- tho'e in -ssome other small yachts 1'l ler "t I 1. 41 1NT '1'O BE POLICEMEN. j-t('IIOSS '18i: 111(51( SEA. lieniarLabll• Movement of Indians' .%clot- 1 flitter 1l'eunllalishes a to United State's. I:rr.1 Flight. A despateh from Calcutta says: -\ de -patch from Lon.!"n says: 1 remarkable emigration of Pun- Robert Loraine, the actor, qualified jab,i, Mohammedans and Sikhs wit,' , - a star aviator ea 11e,ln.•scluy by aro leaving for Hong Kong with el,Iking a splendid flight aero:.s the Cie avowed intention of proceeding Irish ,Sea, a distance of more than -1 h+4ADE iN CANADA 11. YAL YEAST CAKES MOST PERFECT MWf Used to Canadian homes to produce delicious horne•lnade bread, and a sup• ply is always included in Sportsmens' and Campers' Outfits. Decline all imitations. They never give satisfaction and ccst just as much. E. W. CILLETT CO. LTD. tVinn,poa Turunto, Ont. Montreal .1o,urJsd A+1A+,r honors at all N.• r:• ipo,irlan.r. -=s °„'L,'t° `t';'''�:'"'FERRY RUNS DOWN YACHT Ut!'l'LNINCS FROM ALL O1'l:lt 1111: t:I.out:. Telegraphic Brlefs From Our and Other Countries of Recent Everts. SI re. merath, day. Work has begun en the new G. T. 11. round -house at Belleville. Ono day's receipts at the Toron- to Custom House totalled $97,000. Two boys were drowned at (;ot- t:. N111). . Own S. It. Ash, a bride of a died a: London, on Thurs- Party of Fifteen Thrown Into Waters of Toronto Bay ---One Drowned. :1 dt spatcll from Toronto says: '1'!:•• sailing yacht Director was struck by the ferry steamer May- llu»er just as the steamer was leav- ing ('entre Island duck about 9.30 4111 Thursday night. Robert Rtrrn- ney. the owner of the yacht, was at the helot, and just as the ves- sel got abreast of the entrance to Bic ferry duck at Island i'ark the leery steamer Mayflower began to move. Itunlncy thought he had suf- ficient time to get clear of the bow of the Mayflower, hitt as the wind was very light and the small craft se:. and the party on board were all %t": saluted by all the shipping in was loaded nearly to the water's friends of Mr. )hrnmey and his the harbor. edge, rhe almost came to a stand- family. They had enjoyed the sail! It is stated that Major H. 0. stir: and in a few seconds the fi[ immensely. + Lowther, 13. S. 0., of the Scot* leer, people were struggling in the lutense t xeitrrnent ,roar. the mo:,('•'aids• is to accompany the !lake water. rnent the disaster occurred, and the' c.f ('unnaught to South Africa in The little craft had been struck screams ..f those thrown into the th'' autumn as military aide -de - The eel [tom the how urn water adde d to the terror of the' camp. scene. It was a pitiful sight, said Owing to a large number of tin eye-wiU►ess. 13uats oaf all de deaths in the River Medway at seriptiuns were around in rnon►ent Tonbridge, the local council has hand picked. 'ions en account of special bravery %+hien were sailing in the L•igoon, a:rd every possible human effort was constructed a swimming bath, in eh., lt:ol been holding Miss Mar- garet Jaffray and Miss Scully above water, succeeded in assisting them into a boat which came along, and took them to a boat house ou the Island shore. Subsequently all the others except Pearce were res- .Mr. 1 cued and taken to different eottag- Dir. Hobert'�lills, of Ox[urd, near es on the Island. Early on Friday Bishop's Stortford, who, until re-- es it was learned that Miss cetltly, practised as a surgeon, 00- Scu11► and )!lits Margaret Jaffray, lebrated his hundredth birthday alio were missing, lord been taken th,1 other day, t., a cottage on the Island. England has just had a "Jap” ,11 r. Robert ltununy, the owner of invasion, the warship Ikoma visit- thu yacht, was in charge. of the yes- the FaLnouth last week, where she IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NL11•S 111 11.111. .111017' JOHN 1111.1. .1 \ D 1115 PEOPLE. Occurrence-, in the laud I1►at Reigns tinprerne in the t'unt. inertia) N•ut•Id. Two jurymen tit a Bethnal Green inquest recently were unable to write their names. Birmingham's dentlt rate of 8M per 1,000, last week, is the lowest on record in the history of the city. Lieut. -Col. E. W. ('urdock, of the Lawn, Jtyde. has given $5.000 to t', Royal Isle of Wight County 11. spitstl. Mr. Robert Mills, who was burn at Brumfield on July 10th, 1810, ce- lc(ratcd his 100th birthday at Ox- ford. The Prince of Wales competed recently in the tug-of•war for ca- dets at Osborne Naval College as- sault-nt-amts. Lord Strathcona recently laid the foundation stone of the new laonte of the Royal Academy of Music in Marylebone road. Lord Roberts presented colors al Croydon recently to the 4th ('terri- torial) Battalion, the Queen's lt•,yal Nest Surrey Regiment. Owing to the incursions of the sea a lightkeoper's iron house at Peke - field near Losestoft, has been bed - removed further inland on wheels. s. )lonlreo) Taking the ('riri, i -n, of Potatoes- $1 to $1.10 per bushel. is his report on Ilie Herald fire. ala! in a few 1111110"several gasp- made to insure the safety of ever:: - , tact that the Inhabitants may bo 4;e+lr•,L. i1 ,,, !tome say.4: 1'isilory to Heart. — Albert 1tochua, who uncoupled a lin' !winches cause to the rescue of one. but the darkness and the t,m• taar;ht life saving- !', r rioters „t:•• killed and mere I'R(�\'I�IONR. lutometive from ,t (;.'1'. 1t. !mason- the people struggling in the water. fusion were responsible for the (Of- •\t Southampton on Saturday. teen 100 wounded on Wednesday \ drapatch from M"atria! 1 _ ger train at M,mtreal during the 111 the meantime Arthur Jaffray, ficulties of the rescuers. (l i slulher Partnnn, described as b% beteg fired upon by fro„1s at It was stat'(1 an Wednesday al ii:' \1h„., ntr quotations: strike, »as sent to jail t••r six a lithographer, was fined $75 or a Bari, wh:eh is 6J miles n"rth•we,t City Hall that \I, ntr, al will ths• leo!: leirt tut. $:t0 to *30,50 tnunths. - - - -- month's imprisonment for being a IUE 111.111':ST N 11)1 1 N. 1'.11'!!:it )iII.Li 1•'011 QUEBEC'. stuwnany un the Edinburgh Castle of Brindisi. A meeting had been summer spend seer $5011.0of) ou per p ' hare''. ; sot.., 7327,:,0 to $24.1 Negutintiuna are ging on Lr• called to tlroteit against the high: nianent. sidewalks an nn alower t•1 Lard 1.."..e•-. 11 e•: tubs, 11 ,<, hymn the Canadian 1'u ifie and C', !flab, 1'aailln 11';1. Roru in a Ilnl• `" [rout Capetown. prices of food, and A great eru„tt th-, criticisms of visitors t?r.t! the fa '-. i •• • -hitt(, st.•.1,.l. \ .t radian Northern which 11,.ay result garinn 'forts in 17s1. lmrrirnu )lun11faelurer'( Enter 10- 1:1 roan who appeared in the assembled. Itrt-„ltitl.rtlary spl•eel►- heel pavement; spoil the effect of `+'1. k'••1 :,nil I)n . .1 t 1 .Ir t iu an agreement by which the ('n- to Negotiations. t nndswurth County Court to an - es were made and when the (Avers 1•+^ fine buil,lIttt., Thi, uall reran I • '.1 : :11' baron, t els anti cases, nadinn Northern will neo the C. P. The claim of Frau Dutkio„iti of s»ern judgment summons, said he rerlhe utub to disperse they; considerably leer., than tecei‘ 1-' e• to lee; backs (plain). 21c to 1{. ,1s�en cr terminals in :hunt I'.5.11 barn nn 1•hntian .I, i7'iC,, •\ desp;,t,'l1 fele \I -faecal says : hod walked from Peterborough taw nt;ely attacked the earhineers, r+lilt, 4)1 !x•,«la«ent sidewalks, in- =1',e: hails (pea -meals, _I'I,e to l g to he the 44ii'st 11„nuul in the 1.141.►. Jnlcy 1.lard, .Minister of 1ltfrnd the Jienring, and had been eluding.2c ; rhuulder hams, Ile to 1. 1,4e, teal' world, is n"w cauU .te(1 by \Irv. ('raw n Land<, „'as i« the city 011 1 iti d tys wt the toad. W !lad been sent to pre erve or I lS,INx) s•Iuarr yards of flag- '1'hurscta). !n a« interview. he der. The troops fired twits, when 1 sltnes, 40,455) e;Irda •.f ,•!halt, and I;o1!s, smoked, 1,'C to 15,11c; mc- i UNITED ST.1TI .. 11:11•:1 Ca ,ik i • Who was ),„nl in ).caking at the jubilee of a Dover :.,1.000 square !arils "t cent ut. Very ln:m -soul light haw-. I ,c to I,+c ;' Stn:, 17e1. in the little Bnlgali:rl said that he had tete i%ed excellent bre»ery firm, th(r chairman raft! the riotere ee..rttered, lea%ing the 1 ' ' dear! and wounded behind Strong' little is being spent un the anti heavy, 1'i to i-' e: I,ucon, 19c t” \falter lintel; in- the at inter, �ilLtge ..f ftayelsk". %l herr she hag re arts /tons the .lbitihi, and that that iethe bottles of beer sold by t„' quitted w”"d• II Walk., i t,)•' »n; a riuti•( melted at _\-bur) ti%e.l .ter since, says the London tut surveying party thnt he has sent then! last Year were placed end to rcinfereenients have been and t s, ex- i eat that rr tl,•: town, lig further t 1i,'.• is1 Pel tett that these sI Ili altog,•ther (;teen meat- tut .1 pickle, tc less' Park, N. J. S: ilii ,,.1 '1'1.,• ret•"rd of her birth glen will surrey more etel th0y maul.! he five hundred and feared. di appear as •eon as those esist-' that! sitz„ked. 111 express tl.un -.truck an mut.'• r l.:e :r t,tghburtng to'n• 14 t_: than may he !Si/7141%1/3a settlers fifty treiles in Irngth. i..-, are »ern out. 1 -- - l nr.bile Hear l ape Mny, N. J., null' eatery . ! ,+!h"d„x Greek htilh, f1•r many %4 its. eet,'' said •(',,1.,401 F. J. filcher, n Territor- -3. �. I 'lite ,c'. ,Ir »'Pre killed. + the \i sister, "we oil; he in a u, __..-_ . _ l)l'tilNl:ice IN \II)N'fRl:.\L. 1 I Baha Vs - the daughter of a I ial officer, was committed for lila! 11i+, 1 1)111 (!illi' 1\ SII:FII O. I - '- lei attt, .1: .1 :..eked 1►crs•1 ea a sitien to gise free lots. for the eel: at Ilow street on Saturday on a __ )10\ 1'lil: tl. I� !t 11ti1 I t'. ` Montreal, .tog. 1(1.1 0at,No. s UI:N1a{.1i hea,ant up : ., , „mplrati%elt re- in;{, and the Ian41 will be the hest ,•barge .•f [urging a %%ill by whielt !'I, u1 in fir ianv I..tlel) Famine r a11ndian Western, L to 1'2),e; X„. for agricultural purposes, 'file I A 1 ('aald Merl No Debt rod I . !►y :t. Int to les Itn11t No. I. 5:1 'I'll,• pruposnl to Lase a confer (.cot Matt I ►,• than n hon- JLini,t0r u[ ('ro%%'n Lando also said ,•t Bray. turalrl Maidenhead, denhend.te Miss l left her Stricken. 1'ne. of ililti 11 ...ill C"o`er\'+111'ii has tired \,•:1. \ u elke,t to I 1,eRa1 lcliun 13;nin,1 I1, t•. 51e; N". •1, 19 to SIM. Fleur Litefield,, a rifle t.• ri:e , !•,ut Nutt hr „n• llens:d t., male that l.r"t,r•:tv to !tial. 1 .1 . r-tLrh Item 11• �.• e ! :t 1' \lauit ,b;t Sitting wheat !,,tents, been aband•.t(I' '` !i - ll•• 'ail II( 1c';1, be-`in4in to 1 1 d.(.41(th fr.0 \ientti ' t. , The lntauelis e,t ' (11(1"n ship of her r"natty, where ... . •t aro 1' 1, g \!r. 1Cilliant Jamie, of west • , • 'I he Nat .it'll .agrieeltural' • li, •t•, ?I.;, ;0; (L,-. seconds. $5.4+i; I f E... tit. "f Montreal has tin r•-ene l'. ern N"va i; 41r\c11 tl,tys u%erdue 4It (11"yea in ,111 sort, "f nu :' , ,! , s•41114• ,.t Ihe clfects of the prohi- Dean. Chichester, with whore King Lass t,•1 • :•eel trop reports' 11'i't• r wheat patrols. 85.30; 11) b,•; 11 heti she was burn 1,•1 t! 1 t • , 1':1:"n "f 11"' "Port of p111PWoutl, Edward frequently stayed for ' item, and in its ire•e11l contrition , a; Capt. T"„n. ,i:oaing um? 1 '.1 of c.•r« I 1.:1 bit strong linkers', /15.60; 1 :1( he could 41,41 :1 mer:csn ,a 1 ronliles to 1.•• that, fol, !t u�d 11t(11 no debt incurred b)• a ,1rti 1 t rollers, $:,.25; airtight 14 1 -- - was merely a pro'*ine.• .,f th,• '1' :r{ I h,,„ting, has promised k:10,000 tn- ha%, l ,1 k I nctivu !tint4 in fav"r of a , , , l'lllll,l:it 1 Sf''581 I\ 1.1 It 11 1N 1 li i'rru,,•r,•, and the entire 1,„14.4:;4. i per n►anufnctule, Nhn air now lie %;aids the 520,000 required for the imam. years, To • , ,••1•• 1 111 bags. $:.SII to $L,ti' extras. •-- guttatitig for the 4'.1ab1itlttne11t "f •str'I1.-;,,11 Of the 4 hiehevter Infirill- n cr 1«041 under the t% Joie „f aimmlant all 1 -.etre; lL, I,':iirrtifi. T!1't( an attachment til I, t•, 781.1:,. P(rd Untaru , ,. 11 1 f., rna,l, , n 110 ('itr flail "r lulhuriliry are 'Eakin! I \1r, 111.• t. • 1 .Il;iah rulers. !aper twills in the Province. :,'. a memorial to the late King. teat' and bum ,el 1• I'- .11.• in ,re- K_t 11 1{rner4! Booth 1 I elan, 1.511 to $.I : Or,tariu mid w:Iryth commenced . f 1 ,,, , ,•,ttr4 is „ I,4j•'11 I'rteei 11ions, 1..1- -.on tunnn” I a1, peel in several etes whc.,• tee 1 ,Pinus, e22: Manitoba bran, *20; •• 1.1' n<, t:, 1 1 ,.,.i afro- - �, k of the Sul%atiuu Army, Toru fanatic .1 111 the 1;1 r \ ' • 1 ,, •i '' • .` . t •.11145• Celled r"I!.•).y, ' • r ••r "11 11'41111 -(lay lnor•linx tianit"La Otero,. $1'l; pure grain \ de.palch lion! It ,'a1 po' ,.cl .1 :,, an,l ...lilical 111{1 1%110I1011S R11 ''1 I'1'1 II �, 1 ran the inscription on 1"6111, bas t•t 1 ; snffermg• tm'011ie. :!:1:1 to *34; mixefl moa ,I.i7 1 ti the r, '1'15 (1)11• nr 'rho 11('41111 altth"1'141,.•, are • , .:11,j 1 1 --- , t;.• [ 1 .1! u rpm ...teethe- elle 1• leer, N:I 1 p:`rt 110 Nhich was laid I'Iantela are 4 %pr• - :ny the fear ire.. �'; to s!::►. ('Leese-\1'0stern 'estrnunlinary preen a;,,ulst f , t • e 11:Ikin� 1're' i.ion tar 1 all anti! ,I••.cntl' en the spot. •.n \tile 1?nd that theft` may be an ofer pied:,• 1'' 11 "t1- hail l'ee" exp 1"1"1. blit J 1 11 t., II' and eastern at 10�t to f ,, tutttne„ (•lent, that halt 1 :"tt "f torn and a •'err- h,I1,111, !lid: f l.rlll (111' t,IXe'` 111 :11 x'711+. 111 •,`, -11/, 111111,1"1► „ l i,•r'1:1 t1\ l\ a !1"Itrd. 1,• Led al the (`11.1 "f (lie 1`Igh(ePlllh 1 ails 111'(.'1', a !• , which (ten, t:►I Booth in t +G 1•' !furl• r _ lu :'' ('"nlpn'it : 41 ere: that bad 41 crtury 1111,! the lieginning " . the Sakatiun Army, stem!) in pri;ea, t„!%nig a 5114, ..f >i::INl,r,l51, he 1•� I ctt Seleite,l stuck, 21 K R [the \ .l -Iran,, fr.n 1l i ,r any.: pe 1,•,1 l,• Cid fell su11icient a11r1`. I"t►t. been 1rtt.141 I 1. the }u a11}' Iltil Tenth century: in fact the ''''Peg 'i' it t.lti"n to the teser%r f,:r,.l t ..!le, and straight recelpta ;it tee „fil, were per „t„ rffe, t on r \. nt, „f her earlier lift u1 1 , the 1\, 11. + -sari•.**, \I,+ „ r of the 7'111: lil\1.'s 1'f/11(IN.1'1'lll\. ,\ S1'zfl'/Tlll:TIC `lllllil:. I �. d"zml. yecon,lgrade l''"" '*!,outlay Mena I 1.1.1-1 in frit! 'tete „hers she attained the age of 1►'•nkholor ,,1104% at \'en•gin, 1'i %ince eggs at 1'' 'to I1' j1 Per 1. ,. Ihe• b'1u'll•-.I :roll felt% --Pe. iil% ti;I•k.. "n \1c,lrle,4la1, cvmpletcll 11'orknun un tis+kulrl11•s'.111 I',:1- 1 1117. \1. 1111':1(\ 51.1.1 I.I 1; e r):l. nr• (.Ir rn„t•• tIt 111 ctl} trlr- J •/, t:. ,,,,,,i ,.,' , • 1 1. \%01,' ..'111 t” 11- the putchitsr ..f stll,plit, for the t.rnint. l on the n,iud than s % hip - !lament (.,.I. n>• for the fall and early win linthline ...Ito.. i1 'u••.—.- 1„1-.1,0 til, ,; rnitnr% w'nteh. Ii:trot•»1 Ilufblin,s 11'11.1•'441!1. of the !nst f•rrt\ ,i� teal•. . tier aunt t-1..•.1 her , UNITED "'1'.111''. JI.11{k1•:•1' !At! !arae,, I1.t. :171.1 timber corn 11u:1a \':,sill., ?Isr.l thr„Ih till t1)I• t. e, the t"ttl0111!,\' brit! 11(00,fu5t. \11%r that the 1. ', c"ronntion ^,' It LIl 11`a 1'11„1 ti, ., .I IS ! rag /te%%11 1ln 1'. ' t 1,1\er, :1- Nell ! ( iarst.ff tilts!!•, lila1 e'ii.- 111 tht• !lin:, N• . Aug. 1+;. Whe,,t e I I,es "1 her nateee tout now te- 1 It11 4< to ,,ell \%11!14!." was N \•„, September. $I. ; a: all %%Mei daft 41.1 the 1{rser, j„:,,,,; t„ know that Itutgarin 14 1111 1)o11khuhor •ell?I sr.otit'. sir,. turning 1 . • ! ',bk. 11 i -r k, seal : Warta. aro being examined seta 1 out 11►tte11 1, tier tis,' eat, r�lpeele.l, r 1141. ».1144* t• ? , e „ el Ite4,• fuel( pendent kingdom. \I \ : - t,;. \\'heat el, self . Extreme pree:lu(i"ns are � if.•r soli Fodor, follo»itig the fate- and that people me „till sat i!-11(-41 be ng taken in reference t.. the tine. Ii Ill tra(liti"n, has also worked in the with the outlook f•,r winter. .11 giants and agricultural l:a)1'rers� fsr!ds a+ a peasant Hent)}' 1111 hit (ern H. •i;tit l'ul:Intl „h" are (•1411 life, hut h,• hlt•s also taken 11:Irt in i4,-1 i• ,1• l;••l71:1s5. to 11s<i-1 in the, t'ari"n, stars and tehelli.,ns in the n. ;.I.. I, .7 i, • bar\r•t• TLP (;„\ernmcnl ((el, Balkan Penlnsithe ll, leo •1 ' 1 ” I that the sate!% 11-•t "1115 of !ler s.' fresh an,1 \,14"r.1:- 1- I.' 111. 14'• .., ;11' :,). in the hn!thin� ., ) ( 1 ----• lk, Earl 1 ly, the IlIlkr .•f \"rfu as Oicreito„ hal o :111 o west,•I1 11''1 Illti.o'K 1 ht I< 'tlll ,:t'.,i� , .: ,I 1nt.•re-1in� Iliseorrry )lade hs \�•' Marshal, will br nt the Lead of lhia -- --- \. :r ..lot,.. 1'4' ,e : \.. t\ hoe, oeher,l leurepr (lcpentls ulun flu :, ,toe(I d l} work. fit+ u`.I• 1 r-' ,1 - .11 le l.1 "( the Slllllta r%' lu,.l� •JI Nelnall in the N.,l I,1 1� .a,.l 1.• 111, 11.1111111111.1'•l'tic'f. i (•1;tllllllttee. The procedure %%sll Ile i i !t I1.. :au herd( r. , Je fairly gctul Pyesight surd s:••,,,1 i t l („r►•idetnhly • • • I simplified, b,•ran•r of } ] (1 , r•I,arril r„s« SL !..aril. s:a1< , f� t U * r , e tI ween! •lll'si plifi , at ca ti►o a"� 1 ,-\ _` ` / it`:rl'Iilg 1111(1 she I, 111de t" wit t. 1 Niel NI:!Ili,' lil,•Illlilll, a`lt"'"'i' ••ssi LL TO l V'J LI � v' I I l 1.(1.1 1. of King 'v crW- 1�� '1) S "I .. ( II I 1 ► Edward's act, . i •n h I.tt I: l (Iv J.1.11h1.I !tit ( +%.them ',tippet t. K �,• _. nn • 41u e, \ • 141 ,1 n IIs•arl •!,alit,! l v0r, it was other» ise, rind matters mien!, .\'ti 101, C;OVP', :1 to fihc lice: „n it pension t•.,••, on th• son. Th.. .,1,,,! is e,ti• h •K ,+!, 1,1 1” +!, 411 per I• n 1).'Irnyr'1• 1,1,11nelre11 IIPre )iIy br illan\ •.1 her tllllllerltls .1• , ,•:1,1 of C','tent4,tlta) 1<)' ( 1111115 and core- rind n1atP411 by Father lilt „,tan to I•e In I:n land. nuttier) were so saunrl, In derstoed Cities ,'4".1...1•,' a /lulu, elle number mote than 1fNt. 1 r . , u nn : ,II,eeU a' e to ::�,e 111.1' flip! ,-01.000 to 70,01)0 miles in wldtlr' ' 11141, as will be remembered. it wall People Ileelrl fitoill Russian Glues �plcavi , I. ••o, I,:,•Ir �,::.,' to s-,: .t,.•'t.., I I She is naturally quite atclehrity in s f!. • fol. -t sop in flit wotle i• 11 is surrounded by (uurtrr.n mai 1 nec'essur} for a/'Dort of 1 !aims to •-I!. I.I •.' Ir tri .",1, , !” tee •'1' •1 ►•.. • • Suitt. launched Ie i 1t."' (llt•tt 1111/.1, 41141 111743 1•"014• le: spot... four .1f which are large` I , :1 ":•i,i�r :r• t.. .. li.,. i1 r , feat (bst'nees t„ et .1 t:',n, ..( .1 !111(1 11114'tit,atC the titles t(1 • ntiv ,It I urtvnwulh. h:nl(Inn(I. great g iii et Fife. 'file el11sler 1.4 about mid Yat 41715 rights and privileges which t" t , c,1111„„n. 7•. 1' {'hls ship. Which is of 1,k(40 tens di, f a, wffilderf'1 N,r'''1” a ,I'• w•n7 between the rim of the sun and g 1 K 1':, 1.'accmcnt, hart a slr0ecl e�,eed;I,K li••.1 the rn%ng•'. ,•. :1111, 1.•I ., t matinee, ns the cxe tisise lna- {'-”„ate, I,;. Tb. Ie s\a, •''11- 'e: teed re. .\ ,'” A' 'In `! 1' •:rr,1l11rK • lin` '+piea,t of the 41: P.,-,` fes the"tt111te• a bti,k d.rrnand for stockers ' tory and a 1111:111 1 •"'1. Those knotty points hav- ens 1i. tietate, "t the rural districts, • sing 1" the great' awl feeders, sesteill loads ,If Mn -_ ,.�._y 10x11 bellied less than tett years �a} • . la •,...there will hardly he nit) nee - t..!%. refe••l •,1 „111,•1+ Ihe (;n%.'nlllllhel' of I-• t ,Ir hem the teem- I171t"btl .teekl`I's of tlleditint quality 1 t!y alio ha.. 11.41 f, -.,n 1h,• eines! selling freely at 111.50 to $1.!10. crnu1(u1 IctN sent t" lie. 1►on min 't., their .1,l h -.ales. In tri- wal.;Tlrcre eery a fee choice export. The English admiralty had al- ;Tint: - j'11,1 district, Nhcre t:. , . I 1 i a • ,. t his' -• tart 441 Illy :'.f.•, t1.,,1. I stet re nn(I <'•'f.•,'a which s")(( at t in the de- e. e- 11 hi1P ♦%\„ 1iu:. ready realized :31 knots 1..,•:, ,1:11; it (,•+Iltil1 to, •, -.A.. "I i... : I,n,:tlilll!t Igner'atice „1 the' ,eq.....e, to al1.71 '.et4rtl•11 11114(11ers' ',nosey,.('"1114 and Piper, One .•1 \ , ,, 1 +. 1 1••116, 1„',. 1 11.11;,.,1 1'' - •' •• ',.1 , elttts(•(1 it feeling „f in , ,"1.; i , to ae..,u lett ..lie general q .,, ',\ •.eels , I th, se e\ees ive tun boats broke ill ,, lu• n . it, 1' .;, ,' 1• • . 4 t I I •n. 1r• - , .. t" 111",Iet'll In, 111.•41.4 • :,Y, 1,1 e 1 butcher'. ' !1+. • rt f•.1' K"”, It•,• niu.n a wave net long after sh0+ \l - I. ,• het.'/ 7t, •L . 1 , 4 ( . ,7..I II : (In- t: ' I"i:,,l1..14. 111111 11.4 71 result the' ft. In 74:,,141 le 71.,.!5), with tie't •;, tt tri 1 , , 1 I 110 1; i h, r L, feral , ", .,,. , , .•f . r1. •.m. r1,.4 f . 1St' 1111•( „Irl, ,111'", in -':1, 1 1•,141 1'4 x'1.((1 CIA%r. 1111.1 11. 1111' 1111,xl,rlll,n a)•`rd "1 i 1 f the • (,tile 1,1(114,•41 7 , 1.ot in,l , 1:'/u n 7 , ) Ihe f fin .4 7144,.e'I:rble 11 (1(11') UI tis 11i( t .rie•1 according fV ,ltlulily tr.•.1 i iet',it torile(I" heals l{Yrrages,.h,' Na, rllvin_ i .14.11' 1 cult. • : ;.,. •.:., teen, le, -,;', is to ch eh the match .4 the dile:lse. i,t•; t•, $,i.d'1. labu't ..1 L;i.,::• i I,,ip •'outd lc ,.:t+.: 71 A. Prcp:,rali•,ns Int \e%( 1 car's ( I.I'1•ul"nial. \ desp,ttelt frees 1:. ,• 1:1 The brie': t I - .n ort Ihe 1'.:: .i•:. v •tit on chilli• • •l • ; , t' , tlrni is 111 •... 1 111 „1 al, t.1 . After 11,nrrying fur money re ,: marl wishes he I:.. \ ,t I \ h, 'It \•,. ba•l beer! 1,h•:,�!,t +'• :,l. to Murk fur a li�inq. 11 1 ' - 1 . 1 • .1 11 Nob :, ' 4' I„ ,.• , N". 1 t•„111. t:f; ie. a't !ta k, through bile 1)a,. '% »•I iI ';14.1 plan "FI• I ' : J. I been fixed 1. 1 June of next at, mien( inter. -1 is beinv, taken i i the arrangements fee the ecre- 1e, 11%, One of the lira steps to b0 t:,k •rt. kiss 'fisc L,•nd.•n Daily (;ra- 1'.leitin wheat will average twenty- 11•;c, still be the n1,1"iutinent •,f foto bushels to the acre. :1 t','1. nation 1'otnmittee, which will t._-�--� ' CV1111nr?ICC nt all early date to straw ! 01' suggestions for the turnnge- III 111I -ell 11'1.11 SPOT I►\ SI'N.Inlelts for the fen. tin. Prestnttnb- the Disease. 35 knots an hour. Her fairs ore (,e1 Ise petroleum. The turbines give l0 000 horsepower tli%•:ded weenie four serewe. 511.11.1.1)111 t) I \i."I III III. ' 1 1(11)1 1'1,1111115 I\ .111' 1 \ :1 . fur :1 court of clnirnr, t is 111111,•1 111I• ..i !lfed ! ' 1 ' ,i flint the genera) nr- and trait} i,i%c• I.o-l. t -:"•'0•11 1s „ill be on the lines of • which governed the corona f ••u "f King E•lward and Queen \'. ea1.114 .\t flint time 4(1110 .d t'. • 1 • i els su reigns supplied :t •;. .1 t 1.011 %Yhich file arrange .4 I..• modified. rind it. wart 1. I. t ', 1 5o bat•k 111 the corona ' - 11 !limn and Mary. lhcmn11 wile 511•111,Iu•,i 1•, 11,•:111, .11 '- 114 --- 1,1..,,1 , '1hn11,,I' 1 ,I :1,, , i I •1 i . 1- �'1�:.1•. 11:1,.', :1t: