HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-08-18, Page 6°° -- .- a !BROKEN iIEALTH
BRINGS WRINKLES A Chubby Little Boy who Rules Over
Chinas 400,000,000 People.
FOLKS ---A round, eleibby, fat little Chineseboy rules china's 100.000.000 people.
Of moxas phi bid/ tot 183110
t 3 Il (oe3 t
„ b 1
..1 tic
�00000000o Hoi, All Woman Call F tho ediMs from the peacock throne,
Icor w lett the vermilion pencil. Never-
11o31th and (;0011 Looks. thele: , this tiny youngster sits on
Nat, had a very exciting story to
Sell to Nell all abdut how ho had Too many women and girls look oI,)golddo�t'Iacpurrilnnrlgrepre nets
been (town in the lower field and had c!<1 lung before they should. In thn supreme power of the empire. tete• _
t een it fox, and how the fox had :nue eases out of ten it is a matteri j- rarity vested in his father, 1'rinco Imperishable.
cantered off and disappeared in the of health. 11'ork, worry, confine- (ham, the Regent. when he nseeteb "De }'et) think it n wise thins to
ground. ' ment indoors and lack 1•f exercise ca the throne in Dceember, 1901, he send a boy away to college, Rinks?"
"1 found the hole,.. said Nat, T cause (he health to run duel*. was not quite three years old. so that asked Itippletun.
eagerly. "ell' we'll get, the hired 'then fuses beculue thin fwd pale ; in the naUlrll enter ut thing& h13 "(►h, yea," replied !)inks. "Teaches
b 6 lines umd wrinkles appear, thrty, n•irn ,unlet be a long ono, Itis title hint tie ependeuce,"
span to, a'• with us to night and dig t, I:11,prror Wotan -tun, Sip -
"But doesn't he get out of much
out the little onto; : It's just tinto are headaches, back& hcsand a, It little Ilsuan•tung achieves hie with home influences?" persisted Rip -
so w f.•1 the little foxes to ho in the ct.nstant feeling of tiredness. majority and actually connee into his p leton.
nests, 11x. 1 unumins says." j Women and girls who feel well thorns, it will be dun to the great "Not altogether," said Kinks. "Ila
The I, ,, -' father had told them look well. Therefore improve your principle of filial piety and love that gets away from tho home influences,
t{ a :.it'•r gone fox he u.ed to have health and you will look better. It 14, after all. the real power that holds but the 'touch' goes on forever."
is a fact that• thousands of l'un:idi- the empire together. The first tenet .
♦'l. It he was a Loy, and ever since 811 women and girls uw'e the i, t list of !ilial leve is loyalty to the ern- 1 Prc•bibly True.
Vat told Ned had)), ode, wild to get 1,•n,r, oho is absolutely looked upon A Yew 1ri�hul:► shipped ns one of
a baby fox to "1. lug ❑p•„ j health they enjoy t� 1)r. \1'illiaN►s „the lather and mother of his pent the crew en a rev' zine cruiser. Itis
the hided man agreed to -Ilk 1 Ills. They feel well and en 11+.. ' for he and only ho may inter• turn at the et enol• retina, nr'1
Jackson, g oy lift) as onl • a healthy' I . n
;.• with them that evening when his 1 ) !" ....le for them at the throne of Heaven otter a sent..rrhl+t errentril• 4. �?len in
Werk was dont,, ;ere! seven o'c!eek olio, :•'4d only he rosy receive direct toes- the piluthea-e he found 14r+lrelf Ow
The simple reason for this i• -:+ges •
front the Divine One. butt of no little humor b, new,
loitnd th..rr, ' Sn" hole in the field. that Dr. Williams' fink Pills make Under the unwritten laws of the "Ilegorrah," he growled at last.
twuc of :h. m, -a\\' 0 pair of sharp t.' w, rich, red blood, which t:rnpire of Chinn this baby is en also- "and yr needn't talk. 1 bet i done
eyes watching from the bushes. tato despot --a paternal despot. how- more sterno' in tin minutes '11 ye
It „as hard work digging in the 'lit' lgthens all the vital organ. , ver, for the whole system of Govern• dune in yer howl watch!"
attar. -•• 1, and, dear etc! when the • brings brightness to the eye, a glowreset is based upon the patriarchal
+t to the end of the little tunnel €f health to the check, and bracing )tort e.f t1,r' laws of the home and The Outlook.
�it the ground there was a great d;s s *ength to every part of the body. 1 .nl t- bend /rt n family 14 "You were very cold last evening•"
appointment r.>inuucnl it) store for Nat and Mis. Warren Wright, Una, Sink., ti„• ' '4. ' ' r. hi4 11ouSe. so the Ian- ,honed the young Iran to the girl ho
{ 1} I iccl that 1 owe A debt e{ I'erur ut r '.I 1 t':'• ".lesprnt" of Lis llnd culled on. Then he added aux.
Neal floes wore- t1u tuxes there' gratitude to lh. Williams' {'alk entitle. I u•• t •s Toaster and intlsly. "What's
the outlouk for tee
The Ower f r re Idle sharp eyes stole r Iti entitled to the >, r \,, es of h14 40n night: ,
•0fi!) art,. mod if she had any 1":IIs that nothing 1 can :"ty in aryl his family r , long as he lives. "Pair and wanner to -night," came
thoughts .1 poi the subject, and I'm their favor will fully repay. 1 was i.ittlu 1't) \'i, therefor., becomes the the answer promptly.
quite sure she did, this is what so reduced in health and strength sire, the father of all the Sons of
that I was hardly able to walk at Ilan. as the Chinese call thein -elves.
they were: "What t• stupid folks t•' :l'I, and could do no work what -
authority is n Divine right, and
pe to all that trouble without find- ever. \I blood was cotitin and hr is the "source of law and the tune-
top out befurehand something about Y tainhcnd of authority, and the owner
eatery that my lips and finger tips by Divine right of every foot vl land
the habits of foxes! Then they' resembled those of a corpse. 1 ha(I
would have known that e.• :,'''', ty 1 Hurl every dollar's worth of property
«r babies an(1 Ec•anl ,. r , lir ,„ ; !most constant headaches, and the in the empire." His empire has no
lake v I cniallest• exertion would set my *411)0 dal debt- What is needed for
Vole number two as soon a (:+•'1 • !,cart ) a1pitatIng violently, and of- revenue 11e (otlect4, ter all the wealth
that somebody has diseov..rca L ten 1 would drop in 0 faint. Nothing of the empire i his, and the services
number one. That is our prole+' of all h;s 4u'jects (between the ages
lien." I dill scented to help me in the lrnat of 16 and GO) Le may claim. Ile is
__ ! nod I felt so far gone that I never the servant of the Divine Being ant
ON TIIE BRIDGE. !expected to recover my health. I all his subjects are his servants; so it
was in this critical cen(litiun when comes ['bout that the religion of Lis by the student in tobacco, and it is so to -day. ,Medicine will prolong
"\\'ho was it thuutcht aloof. build ' 1 read in a newspaper 01 a cure in empire is Lased ripen filial iety, it tales years of study. life, but be sura u[ the qualities ut BIG JOB.
Ing this i'' asked Tvd, as he looked a ewer like mine through the use of is taught in every household and
d'n+n from the ear -window as the 11x• Williams' Pink fills and 1 dr every school et the tan.1, and the re- Even atter the leaf has been well the modeles. Life is prolonged by Mrs. Microbe -"What shall we
tial:* crept out over the bigbridge. (•ided to try them. I t.•t. n half ward; that conte to ('hine'o subjects re -
selected it can be spoiled in the }:,riling the body free from disease. rt:nlc the babies i"
i 6 nm ba ed upx,n rscrptivual act4 nI tranipulation. Two manufacturers, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil used in- Mike Microbe --"Well, tho first
"It 1� hard to SOV w"ITU thought de,.en boxes and before 1 used lheii* {Ilial Prety, wbHil are InYIIrlably 9;Inllarly equipped, may select 0 ter:rally will cure coughs and colds, thousand I named Clarence and
ale.ut t!1+' first bridge,'' said his fa- a'l there was a great ellen 111 n►y brought 4, the Clltp,cref's altmltlum' . Vega" of Havana tehaeco that is eradicate asthma, overcome croup \.,u named the rest of them Mabel.
th..r. "1 suppose the first time :► rrliditiun. my appetite retun►rtl, and title and distingul4hmrnt err met-
bruise was made some one threw' the color began to conte back to In,, ed out to those who are versed in the very fine, one of them will will take and give strength to tho respire- and I think it's up to you fru:u
wen,. great st.•ne% into the water p;1,s and fare, and m) strength way encred edicts of t)io ancient en,p"lees, all the odd numbers and the other tory organs. Give it a trial. crnv on."
alio walked over on them ; or they it)( rcasin •. I continued the use of or who by their piers nest rznmplra all the even numbers, they will'
ti chew marked virtues of l+.v:rpt_: to tile make the same shape, weight and! TRUE LIBERALITY.
hn,kr down a tree and laid it, across the Pills for some tinge longer and emperor to lather and m, :.• r. The style, but the cigars will be entire- ?,tlnard'. Liniment Co., limited.
Ibe space 811(1 crawled across to the they restOred ill. tU tllr p311k of purr- sayings'
of Confucius ('4 4I '."' 1110 ly different ill taste, because (me ''Ile was always thought," said
Gentlemen. In June 98. 1 had my hand
other side.'' 'fact health. 11'hite usinit tIte fills theology of filial wily, :+ 1 1 - u>•- and :net bitten and badly man¢trd by a
► gens And even ❑earls ',r•• - •'fled I:1: not exercised the snnie care 111 Uncle Ethan, reflectingly, "to bo viriOUa borax. 1 muflen•d greatly lar hP\'-
":1ud then what 2" asked Teal, ; I gained twenty pounds in weight, q
ryin the 4lnrmuxr by n quotation from the law'+ t the the dipping of the tobacco in the: one of the charitablest poen int o oral until youral days and ta,crhe tont)i eimr ts refused
who always wanted the entire t 1!v cure was made I1 I p whole few n, and I ifne4s he v\a1.
fn¢e. Only the rmlKrer's tan. an. writer, has stri 1 1rd it too t trickly. HiNARb'A LiVi)fE\'i, which I iK•Ran
and sometimes more. of IN(►9, and I :un now enjoying Lel I till''- 1 no.
FI('forC.'• I felntlyrf preys (•nlalle. net allow leg it to properly Al1RUrb, "TIC always owned a plug hat,:using. The Pent 1 1. 4.1.11al: in ihr
-Next they probably heap d the ;ter health than ever 1 L111ty ell other rank: ore 'le ..",ate`i and draw through, has dried it too , for one thing, and I never knew him i weeks the pain
� unds Lads (om1p.lei �y healedi
Stones so they could pass over 1)'. 11'illiarnti' Pink fills will (i.r by nchteveitents in th.' cin= or ouukl), has datnp.rn((I it too touch' to refuse to lend to anybody• land my hand and ane were as well a-
decp,cr •
venter, au(I the54 butuul tun (..y other weak an(l worn women nntAblr nee, of piety. Thr rmpare of epee.
(rel 1) midis together.'' just what the} (till for \Ira. \C right, ('hind i• the nw-t perfect model el a
localise some of it berates too (Ir}', ore fresh Tours trate,
-And then of they are Riven a fair trial. Sued Fr•19a11.11C body in ihr world and the has given it to his workmen when It i4 useless providing p A E. ge
L'arnage Yo►rr.
\1vII, and then they kept,il(Iriillg I'\• alt m(d:clne dealers er by mail most imperfect in it. antral ',metier,
V. was either too dry. or too 4"ft Inilk for yollr chil(Iren, anti then Ft. Antoine, P.Q.
atones or boughs and putting then) at 50 cents a box or six bite• for for Z.iraey and crime is rampant. and ano has eventually turned out rt rllowing diseased. germ -hearing
infu.to•e and extortion are in evidence poor cigar from a good piece et Oie4 to contaminate it. l•se 11il-
W 11.\'T '1'111: Fox THOUGHT.
Breaking It Gently.
Fimpkins itleays was s dt•hearted,
and when it devolved upon hint to
break the news gently of Jones'
drowning to the bereaved Mrs. Jones
+ per.
N•r. ink
1111 1
much I
him 1 l
it cost llm IT t I
'Oration before he sent the follow1IIC•
"Dear Mrs. Jones --Your hu4bun t
cannot come home today because his
bathing suit ons washed away.
"1'.S.-- Pour Jones wits imide the
O\'I'.IHIO (7.t1\S.
Impetus to the Industrial Develop-
ment of the Ih'uyince.
The urgwri•oitieu of the Canada
Machinery ('"rporativn 11118 more
than usual interest from an On-
tario standpoint, inasmuch as al!
tho co111pa11105 included have grown
with the country front +'c1'� small
beginnings to the point where they
are the largest concerns of their
kind, net only in Ontario, but in
!1 a ++Mole of Canada.
The town of (;a11 has been the
pleat centre in Canada for the
manufacture of woodworking ma-
chinery and tools, and the growth
of the industry there and in neigh-
l•c•ring towns has been of the sleudi-
c,t and soundest character. Ever
since the woodworking machinery
1'u-iness in Ca«ad.t was big enough
to be known, the name of Mr. It.
'MacGregor has been closely associ-
ated with it, and it was under his
"Tilt FRYI'It MAN," nitl•1,a1 MON
t),1 woe I +aces et fa'-'ory price&
wale 1:a b•,,.►let. AJJ.aa., •t uroutu.
Grevil!e & Co.
Stocks, Bonds and Debentures
43 Scott Street, Toronto. Main 2189•
111.NS ON '10 '1'lil`•Ilt JOBB.
"Pardon me," said the lady on a
marketing expedition, "but are
tnese eg'.ts fresh laid t"
"Absolutely, madam," replied
the grocer, promptly. "flee
(/ANCER, Tumors. Lumps, oto. 1o.ernat
IL/ and external, uun-d without psln by
our Loin•' try:+lrurnt. writ.. us before too
late Dr li..11m:u. Medical Co., Limited,
(•.pingwood. Ont.
n SPLENDID 1 (44 4' I'4 htlDOI.0'(t:x
•h n x 1
.•r hu a r
♦' I , f tl\ A
comity 1•,r
sail, r r,t E
nue '•1 the IA,wr is :.audy h,:un and the
,ober k clay loato. Both lare,(oa1 Luddi"g* uo
them The Weetera 1tN1 K.t.J• lsachangi,
l •,Thn ..- . I r -t sou l r..nr .v n 4 1•. 44,4
I:,mak 1 r agent in ►'•ur flown, ur ....rill .411e t.
11.,ntreal, Toronto. O.law,+, I,luohe;.
Ontario Veterinary College
.tfliii•t(-I a ITh the Cut,erhityy of T.i•.r.1-, and
un ler the I'unlrol 4.1 tile nepartrueei of
Arn'•allure '•1 e.,'•rio.
former I purchased those eggs from Infirmary for Sick Animals at the College
won't allow his hens to lay them
trey other way." N.B.-Cultndur un dipi,liru,L,n.
__. K. a. A. 014A\UIS, V.44, M v.
'l'hc Best Liver Pill.—The action 1'44. H. + 4,44,., ..1.
of the liver is easily disarranged. A e
sudden chill, undue exposure to the Is Your Hearing Cood 1).
(t!'. 311Cnts, aver -indulgence ;11 sol,:,.
The BEAR 0 PHONE will Rlvo you (h1
firl,.tllO food, excess 1n drinkin'-. Oen'lit• ul good heanr•g Send for tree
d.l'Cl'11u11 that the leading contort'. LI10 a few of the causes. But \clot' bo.,Slet, giving patU•u'ars and name&
irs included in the cunsul;tIItion be r+er nlay be the cause, 1'IIrle•'' Or .at,,Nd users. Alen
tonne known by the lines. of machin- 'Vegetable Pills can be relied t)1 • r: •paelal 08,r for a Membra Home Trlat,
cl ; they manufactured from one a+: the best corrective that can 1 ' 33; spading Avenue, Toronto•
rr•1 of Canada to the other. Laken. They are the leading h\' 1
Mr. MacGregor, as well as all the bills and they have no superiul:
ether men who have had practical' among such preparations. 1
experience in' the different co►npan- ----
ies included in the consolidation are
being identified with the Canada "So the bride and groom especi -'
Machinery Corp., and as the re -or- idly requested their friends not to,
g:;nization plan provides for ample throw rice" after thenl1" 1
w(. rking capital of the new coin- oyes. They asked us to hand the 1
pruly, the development of the wood rice over in a package so that it.
I )• , working machinery and tool maim-
ann ,,,,ul(1 be used when they got to
lecturing of Canada should be nate i Luusekeeping•" Root is worth $7.00 per pound.
I\I)ICID['.\I.1'fY IN CIGAR' grouter than it has ever been at any
�1.1N1'F.1C"fl'111NG, previous period. __ Anyone can grow it. Write us for
1:yrry really good article iv inti- nursery roots and seeds.
1'o many people the word Ha- '�� taped by unscrupulous people. who
cutin, as applied to cigars, means IF THEY 11.IU' I tryto sell their goods on the repo- I. E. Sleek & Co., Waterford, Ont.
something line to Fnroke, They If men had fur women would have ;talion of others. Our readers are t
would hardly believe that there aro a lot, of fun rubbing it the wrong
..-,0.000 bales of UPI/MTV on the Island w -A • reminded that there is only our oP
The Heart of a Plano la the
Action. Insist on 'ho
Plano Action
of Yuba to day that is practically fly pad, that i5 11 il5un's. insii•t (►n
t'risateable. I "Ry Medicine Life May be Pro- getting the genuine, and avoid dis• • • MART, lepton fJnf, ravaurhS
The selection of the proper leaf longed." ----So wrote Shakespeare appointment. wadi./
i•t a science that is ac.luired Only clearly three hundred years ago. It -
together in better fashion until the Q•0.50 from The 1)r. Williams' Me -
tone wherever dominate carne when they could bu;ld deine Co., Brockville, Ont. , whek awl the strished. The house n( "Payor of Granby" sen." 1'ly Pails. and keep )lir
aitch a bridge as this, or the great i Pemex l'hun, the &robe, i• n man
+ et)+ora n eery enviable reputation 1408,40 free from the 1111)13 insect:+.
)Horth Bridge that you rend about,
or I'unteen Bridge in Calcutta. I 1'a- "\1'orldl I
' Oh, ;t is just making them bet•' A pCIfect knu
e sign rs
tc and better- just fr''nl n little 1' ;')•
Paid Ted, taking hi- tint lesson in
the progress of structore.
"Yes. that is the way' great things
Free great men tr , t•' make the
thine, \••e need and make theta bet-
Comfort for the v sp,rpt.c 1::'1't an industrious fellow.
Famous Women as Vegeta,ians. T! ailment nt so harassing 1 and are stock I ' w, Beers -"No, 11e isn't industrious,
The Countess of Warwick !s one of ! h•t stn g as dyspepsia ahteli Stationer.
c► 'r' from c r ((toe arts. n ( 1 } t 1 11
fact and is preparing for the iec+it-
ber ladyship has felealle•ed 1l•+', 1•, .1 somach and liver, and the victim n( bit K called "Lords O} 1 it. ill," replied the note result."
much t.. do with 'farming AA hat "atA• „f Canada," that goes over tb.. . ,tical friend. "It seems pretty' 1\e; "what de you wenn L;
to order to preserve the 4up,4•rb lines •'•f it is to be pitied. Yet ho ran lionary." The original stationer,, or ,
of her figure. Lady Warwick was Rep fold 'early relief in P0rmrlrc's 1'c ' \tatienririi, were 4t) called be
cnu•r they •cooter at ten cents straight that t. ugh.' J , tact '
ifng very !.eat before he ade1•te•! a ►•, 1 I'r Pill., a preparation that e01.1 their books upon stalls or "stn• i, winning n great reputation for: 11'..s \1'6y, i mean that Sniith
vegetarian diet. Sieve then her sur- 'a, ..•tablisllcd Itself by years of, 11011•" in 1...11'len round about 01(1 St. Itr genoreus Flee and exgllisitel The transition from winter's cold
is cola•ging his llutlae tU IIIake rUlrltl
phis fat lips melt(�i away. , {{,.,•tiyr use. Chore are pills that Paul's f'nthrdrr►1, in some ra4r• t;, .te, bringing repeat 04(10(5, al -ate summer's heat frequently puts for the young m311.''
'Jim,. Sarah Bernhardt renounce! ' :Ire 1+I11C154 A/l+( rtlard as the great- , self. t 111e walls of file cathedral he tl, eel' uw'mg to its cost to manta; a strain upon the !system that- itroej
flesh foal for the reason that sir) it-
self. Thi• i. one of many trade. the ! \1'ITII 11 11 NOT A GOOSE. 11
tolled a yegf lnrinn dirt was COndu- +" el 1.1* compounded, but not one
i names of whirl have no direct alba- ;facture ne InUnry is being spent un dll('rS Inlf•inal CUtll IiiCAl1U11E al-
rive ta, a more youthful appearance. i• • f them eau rank in yulue with a(Iccrtial. it. ways painful and often Periuus. )1 1
awn t.. the instance,
Fold. "(ire• I g cenlnlun fano of disenlcr is dy4cn i A nide with a bundle thrust, his
She now CAIS nothing but unenok('! perm/ lee's. eerie.' 1'•r in•tanrr, were so called rid ,• _ +1• 11"1(1 end then his intro an 0f
1(10(1! Vegetables are grated raw and ; — - er bee/ruse they x•1'1 "en ems." whole-
Dry, to which many me pomp inhotly
made into deL..ious eombinnti•me et a a n ume' about 11, ,'. fIIC fotlUwlllg d1all guc t11P11
Mao. of I.eeatl•P they acre "morn. A• ' A hist lege Toast i+e .•,• s I the spring and summer. '1110 yrl \ t. "k 111tu'c :
salads for l' r. She rat, r.►w p, dont.+toe- mouepK,lit('rf.--T.onJon Citron- . twelve gallons of eater per mile. j best medicine h, use in snLwIuui,;
awl unrnok'•.I r4 rents end rivei.l+ 1 "T1.r11'a jllSt like a man."
isle. _ this • ninhll ailment is i)r. J. I I. !'cr brought Idle• t l' t}:. f. I
wines 1111.1 1111 other alcuhelic '• r- ( �'1 a to per'''. said t,'e •',i
\t' i1 i You'll never get t'. ti' trent byKellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It is
ages. \. hungry except on the Candied Flowers. Ihr mon nett /leer Say'4 �' ,+ :t
A standard remedy, sold every
Among, r do well known V114114 fl L luwillq the peer. ".' o. i htld nt p14 . ul( 'i .t -.
stretaruul• nr'• Ow ('yarir'a ul 101••1'1 1,.1.1,1 '..!4.11 I have a picked -up Rn„rbodn boiled ill sui;nr Rad marls wl.c'o.
Into n preserve ore rnt(n l.v fir. t.I:n1• ''Wdl,' •'i 4 the• ••e. ii oiiit . ! 1':r
)'rtes r•-- lIeorge ..1 (iter..”. (•i1•, 'ir •1 i r "' r :.
INr►rpi •. liars t'er..11, aril Mille )f :'e while in ('hien enrolled ►, ! ' i i'.r i W sir'. p1rA•nnt. and rffee• In ('Minn a father cannot leave! ethee, •'li:•' 'eve lie r I ;.t.
Jethro k If it i. mil 11 ikon'••, it is net a &amine Hewer+ ,.r• c" t:'. r . t wenn killer, Mother (craves' to" (nly this isn't n tailor's 4110))- it's
Thn common yell' •
+ ►nr re pn.{tcrty t.• one son than t
tt , m F•°enninat" ; "thing c t other • all must have an equal a lawyer's efiice.
n marshes and 1"' i- • stella It. PfUCUry' 71 bottle affil '._
the Turks n4 the n,:nn torr' ! t share'
• a• •
Are v..ry sen:rn"•1 in leder" .--- hp A(lmini+Treed by Litt r 1, ie • Say , p;a, w hatis
preoum wltheut fear of
'o nil bowel complaints it to --
a mire specific. Avoid substitutes, thee• if
but one - Painkiller ' - Perry Davie 25c. Minaret's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta
GENI:Ii:11.L\'. '
of n'ility amp rnmmnn+lint p�rr•rnrp. . -. i
When people ask for advice it is
Worldly wi'dnm, my sen, ;s lie to highly educated and is not {• r their indi+;dual;ty in their el- I generally fur the purpose uf dec•id-
PASSE 1.31 THEM l'i . S1.7s A GALLON
wlydge of the failings Averse G• aioptinK the ways of for- tsars for the uniform blend and ;:,g what not to do,.
I r 11 inn. hr wh+, ons sent in tr.'te and the exquisite workmen- young W flow -"Have you read ( so c. A QUART
our 1(Ighburs.I Sees T•vr IaeM Aenet nen t eipenuene wms as
i Germany to ApKde,(;tr to the Kaiser "Ill, a•+ Ile 4f11U1(Pr of their aye of tit. Ito' II"\e.s'' WM. COOPER jt MEPnEWS
for the niurd,-r of Baron e'en Ket- toiauewa bot get tL• g•nnroe lbs o k L'
1 hnra•,h"' cigar has e% er found Tl►e li:,. sine(+ Ihr ,,,.t'"1 P►a.N.. a •one. D•,1. • t..r.'t.,
Some men aro loved for the me 1 flex, the German nnlbnss,vlur, who -e
ore that drew hard. • first of Ile• year 1 L•.••• been trying) cv•Inal•r'' TORONTO.
haler they have made, Lot more are I drnth armies
hated the advance of the t' 1, ad a Letter til• ---•
allied armies upon Pekin at the time All ..t the employees in J. Bruce Cil:'fflN(i liF.:1h\'. I
toyed for the dollars they have in of the Boxer revelutien and the &lege ' Payne, Limited.- factory Ila • KCNDALIS
hcrilcd• et the legation. in 1PNln. Prince Chun learned their trade in the fact. r Minard's LInimen-1=-:Cres Cargo, In Coats I,,, �uling L+,afller, who la
1•, Uler.lere, the Duly Inen who ever their forerun Saye been Promr ;. 1 ,ng to marry Smith's daughter,'
-.p.- Dv wiel/1e.1 imperial power in China who from the ranks of the cigar nlak• I I:II \111.Y ('RITII lr1i.
There ;s no ' has traveled abroad. I (• holders in the bus.
1' 1 t tis lode
and exhausting n , +a .1 ke(1 rho terse carpent, 1 and South evidently realizes the
the latest converts to rn vegetarian 1 f , , { tl r The tat over. K
They boys rrcr'ntly intrcw[trced n ••. th fur high brow.
diet. tine i, inclir,,•,1 t'. 'obey& that "fitationerT" .n• a ymo eglcp A• w i h grade
line ca e( " ,on 4 1, guess w'
atospercu 0. LOS
re ; into th• "GRIM"
r�) P4E11'a1Os11.
Lae n" tf batt get
Al3:.04 • ttI. et
�,, tsAr. spot
L1Sl-:E* and prevent
pneumonia. or euro It
if •tread tnanifeet
wpdt is tl'• Unt•fLeg
Hunsehntt R• tidy
tor Coughs. Cold a.
""Grip.. Bronchitis.I'neurnnia aad
Pains of all kln.ii
Positively pro-
tects horses,
cattle, and all
live stock from
horn -flies,
blow' -flies,
gad - flies,
lice, mites,
a,..1 ai1 U,r•r in.r.1c -which worry them
almost to death in the hot weather.
Your co'wwill Rite 1i more milk. \our
home+t will work better, your s
be healthi.•r, if you use FLY KNOCK(
Quickly, easily aad economically a
plied with a *prayer. One gallon will
protect rt cow'.. for two wept..., at a coot
of less than ens cent a day each.
------------ - n) pod. liter) packet 0t the c1 nn- i t 1 1 t ' ' ' I
As Others ,P Her. Tl•r SA' +•the.. rt The 'I• un -t 'ttlr in.. N il�nn'� I•ly I'adr i- guarani' • 11 ti, Cr,•"nlrl c• n , r+•• ('nn'' •! . ". t.,ke It home.
weriain in all the ',)'.ell. In kill more Ilio4 Than three bendiest PERFECTLY HARMLE!!t and vet pfln T t 1 \1 '1 "
M"+h.•r 11 4h.• would only regard -' , of •tick) paper. 1 t aid lull•
%A 11110 in I; ,u'.': 1'i t n►..1 Itnl_an:t sIIE s1'!'N.iEt Pi101)! . e ,1 l ainkillrr m.tr , ,,.
la. \ ,M.Puctd p vrerlu 154 w 1311u 111 .
ttny wi-les moo.. ninny (new, rs ate a'".) for flavoring. ! ar.111pn1 For
l:ether ?`'1'9 cost ero•o.•1i t0 bring Isabella :111d di -satisfaction. y ':\byw"ay, &napped ,[r`. NIIttgf•
nP. )till ------ Strategy. Iw, who w14a &(phot; ihr short. end and ;jenny.
Itrvtlier ` , -',I he alt r t '' t+,4 rnnducl' r , ut Iii head through',f theArptumrnt,' ny take n 1ittlr 1111(1.•4) 11,1111 t• L(l(rr than tette&'1'rnl•Ttll}IUfire(►tinli-t '(hulk lu•n.• a f•'r I'11t 1;1•n \1 h• n 1 bruae1* , „ n to the front a "1'tn Burr it is, mr dent,' rr1 1r•t M11ren "1'ca. my (i'., r
6• '4)0 di -missed rd the f land's arca i• ,' __.
Ling 411.•11 a Iorool1 • f• ,11 f.. art .c ,,,�, t , , p(•• r• f<' irf.• !llr f+•pllt1Lu11 of bClllg ., ,
earth' Int i, • 1,:•:i, wally inqutrcd. p•1,ed Nniticsh), calmly. (llr
' a 1•r•I "Impossible!" n clear vu;re calle.l licc of lite cetupanions snppli: