HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-08-18, Page 51 x THE .1±; 'I'1MES, AUUUST 18th 1910 J s The lYlolsons Bank • Incorporated 1856 $3 500.000.00 , , .. a3.8so.000.00 Iias CAP TAL (Paid up) RESERVE FUND Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondent.; in all the Principal Cities in the World. General Banking Business Transacted, Savings Bank Department i.t all Branchess lut,•rebt allowed at highest current rate. Dlokson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HUH DON , Manager 14..••..•••••*•••••••••.•• ••••••••••N•••••••••••••. I� THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE UF,tD OFI'IC1:, TUHONt) 1.STAULISUEI, 1867 WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, 810.000.000 ANDER LAIRD, Gteeral Manager 1 Reserve Fund,- 6 COI. :.: 0 , Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers and others for the transaction of their kinking 1•:4.iness. Sales (lodes will he cashed or taken for collection. 13ANKING BY MAiL way with equal facility. Accounts may be opened by mail and (ponies deposited or withdrawn in this 122 Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager Branch also at Crediton. il.•i••i••:.,...,c.;..,..;.o,..(..;..i..� •:•.� •}•F•c-1••b-F'f"i..F.F $2,500 SALARY .. As Provincial 'ItlCla Manager 1 uta er now R two-ane}-a-nalf years ago hardware clerk at $8 per week. and who was a farmer's son, :.),3 years of age and with- outall Sea month's train- ing ealn-ing in one of out branches and two years faithful ser- vices to his company made the deference, The ditTeience between the big /nen and the little rneu, the successful •Ind the UnSUC cssful-is only a difference of training. We have trans. fared thousands of little men into big men. You may study partly at hotne and finish at college. FALL TERM OP1iNS AUG. 29 rate for patticultra Linton Business College + Crediton +t- :\lr, Albent Schmidt of Berlin is spending at few days with his aunt. Miss L. Oestricher• t• Mrs. W . Clark and son returned to their home in Granton, after spending ♦ a lets weeks in town visiting friends .a and relatives. A Mrs. D. Br,Se an and n l cKhs i Free I.izzi e Regulate the Bowels "I have been troubied with constipation for several years, and have tried a great many kinds of pills, as well as medicine from the doctor. Nothing seemed to help the until I be- gan taking Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver fills. I found the little pills very effective, and I ant thankful that at last I have a reliable remedy." MRS. F. M. DUNKIN, LeRoy, Ills. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills simply cause the bowels to move in a normal manner, and with- out the griping effects of catltar- t ics and purgatives. That's why they arc so universally used by women and children. The longer they are taken the less are needed Natural conditions gradually being restored. Price 25c at your druggist. He should supply you. 1f he does not. send price to us, we forward prepaid. DR, MILES MEDICAL. CO., Toronto, It. Iiro)vn 1'. Mei - is t'i irk G. She \. \I%rine!: J. Hai 1!vita C. hi, III4e11 D. Tiernan kip 19 skip 20 Evening gain it. llron•ii 1:. Tiem'an E. Point .1. Wambold B. Clarke \V, Miller C. K. niuett J. Roffman ekip 10 skip 13 0/1 Friday afternoon two rinks of 1':arter's bowlers ve•it.•1 our village and played t wo g i:.. . ,. it h I hebon 1 ors a four village resettinc; in, a t :eters. for Da tt• � s o d h o by H shot,. <. t•etu •t t ted homeTuesday after spend. :afternoon noon gam : ing it month with relatives in Mich.kx-'t,'r I),sn•o hod Mrs. Bert Clark is visiting a few 'h•• •r• K 1, •l..ti'tr weeks in Exeter with her p-tr••ut.d, 1f',) \t"atubold The Misses liertrands returned to Zimmer Detroit on NIondny after spending n ' Melo.' 1hrtI'lb month with their mother Mrs. S. skip iP skip 13 Bertrand. Sp Clfirk uian Si. b:rt The "Linger Longer" girls returned Clark. liellerz,l ,r,n home on Saturday after spending a "t ei't 'iciaaac few weeks at Grand Bend. They all llurdor, f dig hotter e-kil, 12 ekip 1!, l:veneo.: ,t1nt • Spicktnnri Ellien Ilurdoll Tie man (':. i k ]Beebe 31).• •t 1). Tiernan skill 12 Sheen. 1);ntop Nl;l,% %. r,, • Ilaci.= report having a good tine.. school reopened on Muoday with a $ good attendance. Ifugo Schink is learning harness * making with Francis ('lark, .f. tJr. 1. nudity of Sebesvaine is + spending a few weeks visiting at the house of Mr. and Mts. S. Brown, Mrs. 1). Link left for Toronto where 1i,3t.,s t: , she will attend millinery openings.' e,.1,4,: The young ladies art•und here will bei l i,r •: kept !may chasing up the styles. kit' 12 k,; 1 ; 11 r. ire Wow(' Furore Sat, Ur, Mdod-ty of this I ek of to.ie.d 1(••0.1 Cone•r- 1 .1f tit day. We are pleased to report that Misson their way to %urieh .r. 1 I 1, .l .{}• lien. Spottou, Principal. ',l, I.. Finkl•einer is doing nice) allot j :IIF 1:,1,f•`,d 1:;13:1 • ul howls tt 1 s h : 1,1 ♦ } an attack ..f pneumonia. 1%e hope our mit r r. , f)';.hnooll h::!l lip 1 3 4•+i :--1 a 1++++++-:•+++++•.+++ I for a sheerly recovery.1 3 pt) r.t -_ Mr. Webb of London. spent Sun-` lio.:•, rob try 11•articib fifty in town visiting friends. ti bei:'•r :Zimmer sir. and Moe F. �n.ith of IlRmil-1 11.-113 i., Tiernan tau ,;pent ti few flatflat--„. visiting hist ilio .1)l Elliot)offor !ton Mr.. Ilea y ((..tees. skit' Is :kg. :- 1 /'- CENTRAL !' ! GC STRATFORD, ONT. Fall Terni From Aug, 29tli= The largest and best prat• 1 icni training school in West- ern Ontario. There'•. no Metter in the Dominion. Oar courses nre thor uKh rood prate II RI our tPaChPI'!t are experienced and we Resist graduates to positions. We hove three de- partments. ('nmtnert i.11. ``ho, I lints l and Telegraph 1Vrite 1)l tiller for out free cn1"1'wue, D. A. Mel. \(t)ILAN. r , ` 1 -rot r t: Thames Road i 1 :: 1f3 itich,ud.3•n .ung Iyer sun Hoy are o: sir .. g ' eisitieg at Mrs Anllew Campbells. •1 • ! •.1. I. •!, ..I Vias Nettie Pas.nit,le is home trout • ; .r • h ' f: r• : 1, Toronto for it few days on holiday. • t .:1)1. m 'ori /0.-3/4 1 ':t ,.: r • !, Mr, and Miss (bow/ug were week end the• , tt r . g i ,, ,r t .:1 f 13 Vinit.ortl at Miss Jessie Monteith... • „, • I t of le +. .r- Mr. and Mrs. David (birdie ,e,{ • r 11,3• • : b • �:.r- (night h t • 1 children were visitors at John .. ,. • ••t!••7-. Incl Sabbath. • "`'letit: ! .u. Parkhill. �i; r., Master Sydney )lector apet'LSunl:.y • awn (h :rt) •.: u( \les s\.- with Itobett 1 es.runrr. • 111 .1 1 Mr. Paid , Madge , , and • . z: e . K Mr , i. Martin • In are (home fr h • ►I t rte b • 1' '• • '•IrNlurr,y. of London. ► tet expecte to M • •. ` turn again in few dans. 11 r. 'ledge. • . 1)1 ll.1./y in town vi%11It b s speaks well of the west aril say -s that • • h r. i although some of 1 h mot hos w 11 ant • 13 : : • e. 11 -roe::.. ntn : reap harvest Ihis yea' ow Mg to • •1 %- . o%,11 1h •: i•r• the diyweather ye', they nearly nil • • 1 '•1 t -. k. • . 11 ' evert tit take r,1) op:,.rustic' view of • '•1 - t iI, ,. .. , ;. , i 1):z a ;, n things A very nit nay to has,. yet • •.w. • I:. •: 1..;1 •r1. a 1 . , u l+• !even some of tea. old sell lr rs 1!rin'1 1'11,', pal. r scent to look at the thing in [lint light 0•••••••••••••••••••••••••:Mr. Orville (Mann ,s slowly recover- ; i)ASIIW(()I) ing from:his Mongol. Rev :.1111 Mts. L. K. Fal. rail , „) 'list Iint•leen Hob $tat•ted to tonsil at 1 the school Inst ,11.►nd+tw. - . ghr.l . • Aneroid tin 1e,I ord .y ettr t' rhe work of Irdrro;,,t 1Il the Presby • I Lisn. ,po., ,n .t..111 •Il I38 eke Wills friends at teflon Church so leo:: elrinyrd is at Moe- I e Lenham of the sled boot about to cataloger.. nod WC wish 1 4 •l'„}8 )1 -I' • ,I, New York, spent al it 1/181evertitterers. 1 few oat, w.ri, ft tends ill town. Irtge of these ice t Hard took Miss Nellie Graham of (loderich, has, charge hthe ser'! at It,ttha pester it born .-1131+¢ed a+ 1Prrchrr in the 1)'u., the absence ell a the no school of this place, P Hey. Powell Sunday heiug; Anon The Misses thi Splace, road Emma Tie- vereary the Hain St ('Morel• 1 mei e'en man, the :Wiese,IlatHien. M ,, Miss 8,.,. servicfurniee the selVirelet afternoon 'a•(,o. 11-arnhold,Wm. U. J. Donehey, and j \ . . Me.- 1 Gates W' I t • with her guests, Mittel 111, Ili pl .r • Il.•ntriee lilUr.• nulir•rnntl the liii..,, ' .r i, Ili,- . Th .r1, - 511 I. 11, Marie and Carolyn Kystnel• of Mehr• , ' ' i 1)r n. sir. 1 n 1 `.I : > 3 1 .3 ' : rt 31110 illi, returned on Monday front ; h r I, I . , b •r HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS 13) WESTERN CANADA iA LOW ROt ND1111P RATES GOING DAT/a Apr. 7., 19 J ine 11. 2!t Aq. 9, 23 Nay 3. 17, 31 fey 12,26 Sept. 6. 20 Timm tat .SP1CIAI TRAINS TON0YifO 10 111•01,1P70 'VII WFiT Leave Toronto 2.0(3 p.m. co above dors Through r rot3- and r„1)•t ('lass Col. hes, G,I.,nist and tourist :Irrprro. e Apr:v to a- ifMt C.l'.It. Agent or writ 11 I. J I. n , - �. D.r.A., Toronto. ASR -1 OR IUUS(ESfFRFRS' ?MUTT • (rand Bend, where they spent n (leek., nt lege Swastika Cottage.i •h: Ir,• Mr. and Nits. H, J. Uonehey return• ' . ed to them' home at I lounge, 1N. Mr. J. Ilewenaur and dauehtere of Port I: gin. •11.141 :►it.s. dal ,• et -Ming ,tt the lieu ,• I 1 NI I and ,11tat. 1V.l;hlers, Thr Mi-' ' ' Vele and Lulu Siebert, who have scent n few weeks at Plat - twilit.. returned home on Saturriny, Thr "Timer' and Toronto Weekly Globe to rtew subscribers from now til( Jan,. 1st, 1911 for 33 cent. HOW'I.1N(i Tit rinks of our howler. went 11 t liton last Tuesday an+1 ,'d ttt•o friendly grimes 1 1 tern, , i . .1 le. . ii , : 1 co•1 1'• Tor o• : r. 1. 1 1 e. •.} fr, 1,.i Juin 3%rt31 Ih• 'I.t:. ti hoer j le t . •t bright and fere o . , 1 1 I.' 1 .. •- w ho .. • 1 ri 1 r Jo:... --"1, 1 ,t (,1.101 t, it • 1. '•1i. a:, I '1r. '1 Mr. ars! Mt s. 3'• '- • 1 ' Lnf1 Beckt,, o. l• II 1101)1-1t mon, of '1'•.. I Thoth is owl 31,,, '335 I..i., `•Ir Than. . '.1•3.- -.1 ., ,r1•l 115 1b 01, ' h gyro rink. of Ih:tI Ton n oI Lo•. I"o . 'd, 1t, 1 `•I1 '.3 1 resulted in favor of bashwood nn 1 f 11,i; 3 4. of - ‘7 7 3 - I: I '.1 . r - i . 12 shots. The following Was t h, t Sh : 11. 1:. .1.. ,n I V ' . ' : %1'-31 1 1;r -1 M :i, -. 'and Alfa 1 I'} I. . . 1 1n' a r:- I' \fs, /noon g±am'. % 1 I I; ::.r: Credit 13l:hw0n•I. II• ":.gook E. Wtt. i Children Cry 1' I III; . ,l. lwambol•i i iI. 1. dor J. Hoffman ; FOR FLETCHER'S Dr. McCue 1V, Giller Pkip20 eki►'i CASTOR IA 1 3.\U :\l, Th. 3t . ,ttacr13 du\ring111'1ht- Past wec111 11 is b.• n ideal at the popular corn. 111' •r resort. We aro pleased to learn that Min. Clinger, who has been camping (111 the Parkhill bide and %oho took ser- iously ill and had to he removed to London, is considerably improvesii Mrs. W. C.'Southcott mien( 1`+und:,y at her home in London. She was ac- companied home by her mother, Mrs. Bartlett. who has b -•en visitiu!r3 un the London side for Borne ( fuer. The fishermen have taken in their nets for the season. A number of cau,p:•rs from St. Marys vacated the "We nre Seven" cot Digo this week. 'Linger Longer" which has been occupied by a jolly bunch of young Polies from Crediton, was vacated this week. The four young ladies from Lon- don. who visited Miss Eva Houtheott returned home last week. autos have been a common thing L re this sutntner. The best c•ir e:o ,',r to touch 111.• lh•rld IA NIr. Parson's if Cantratie. 5tr. W. Leavitt is making iniprovc• 3031)18 to somo of the cottages on the Exeter aide. Rev. 1.1. G. Powell, of Exeter. gave en illustrated lecture at the Audi- torium on Friday evening last. Dr. Ilolmes, of Chatham. accom• ponied by two others cane up by yacht on Friday last. Tticy wero accompanied back by E.,rl (Browning. - -�- -- s'rA r' r• a ,3:,,.ther old .•atter gassed eivay. •.•1 :nurn;n r ui I ,a w, : k,, Linn r.., tier .. ('h .r3 • ,Vord•in r•3 r. r' •3 11101113)•. I . .111 et lees, ailing a long time it • •reg; sutf,•r:••i from Parsee}as for a r..:.iter of year:, but as alw:,yi •,1 to be around until about a month ,% h• -n jib • became bedfast end y gr.' wors • 111/t11 r' -!a •v - h, 51„ -at h. Si,.- !caves behind to mourn her lows (we daughters and three von... 11••3 her band died% a number of years ago. The funeral took (dace last Tuesday to Staff:t cemetery and was largely attended, which is ample proof of the high esteem in which deceased was held in this place THE 1)1t.(.00N ('O11 LLION Horses and 'J- n in Vet' Dance Are ranged for Canadian National t:xhibi 1 :01). 11)ric,; 3b-• ea -3 f'•tv w••, ks the p -•old-' of (he ,•. ::tet= ,.o. ! r.• , v 1 u rt, h 1 , seen 1 h•• troop: rla of the Itoy'al Can- adian Dragoons on duty for the pre- servation of law and order at points affected by the Grand Trunk strike At tete coining Canadian National Ex- it11.i,l,ea the} wit' hive 5111 tppurinnity of ing theta in a more •.; : r le- i •c • raise when picked riders %%Oil • eat. in front of the [:rand stand • I, t. ..1 :and intricate figures of 't!:. to ,.:I,o•, Cotiffion". Thi: em - hr -ace, :all t jicture•q'u• 11114 cuw- 01e711e41 figures of the st ltlie.t vi ol,! fashion -•d inra• se A. the cotillion reaches its climax to move- ments attain a puxzline comp:.•xity out of which herses :1:d ri'1, r- a s - tricot(• themselves in ;t most r, •ee- fuI and pr.cise wanner. Th- - asle in daylight a. t 1, r 1 , g horsern •n t•erforin if. ttith et role••• . .1 1 Hutt, rile: in th' 1r . l It •. :-1.• o. !. 5, • •r 15 I .5.. 31 i' . • • , -.1 ,• it,'., t . 1 , . (' •1. .1. .11 '. :1:1,11 1'1h7'. : .,11 I:3 3 t' I. \'.1'.TLi:\• 3'1. 9-1 7. 1910, London. Ontario. I'•t'.•ry. . Dot t possible i. b •ing p . • forth by the rn'In.;gemerit of th 114 steal Fair, London. Ontnrio, 1 h - y.'ar. In the• arrangement of a pre -- gramme that wi11 be interest ng alt pleasing to the thousand; of t.:oot - that will be in :11 It-liri 1144. 'I'o l.'S- (,% 1ituus•rnd dollar. s in la . /.•s .1, 1 ,• r r ,t 1 WI.. :,p(t ' ' : 1' . . 1 Pre •1•3111,1 ) I.• . \..... .! g I, . I,- two -3 •t r r, I ,nn• II h 3' r•o of, ' f r.,rn ;•r, !1)r 1. 31 3 111. 1 '1 •. :.'5 1•.e • ,.11 1.1:.,'.•1 V'•1 '1 , 3 'Athol-lir 1)1,/ L•,:.:.:, 1- 1.•114.'Athol-lir1 runrr.hep--103 t+het. tI. 1.-.t• 1 (1.;,k u. (':ivad:► ha% kind:%31.1 -.t :: ,•d ;eh, s to 1)„II,:I 1 i'h• band 'h• 131st it .,•n n: 1':141(11111 11:•h - t.11 1-•r.. 011. to I t, 1114-I, ,I t r / ' I :•,1)+ of (Th; . i , o. ,. b T. ,: I'3 .t • 3;'- n• 1 1: th . %Wt.; ' t::. r!u� % .1 11•1 r!, - g'..-1• , rs 11-,•, ! : 3. ,., : , 'Ter' follow ire.' .11 ..' •;r lel /1/114 11)3 1 ' •.7, ' : , 1 t l ' If r . u 1 ' 7 tt 111.. ' 1I1. 1) '1 r: o1 1t, k,;,1 +I. 311.3:-1 Yh 1.1'tit? 1,1) „3,., i• • 11urn, 1„713 1..•1 in 1 I. • \4. 1..•3-• I r n. 5.11! t 1•.• 3 - 'l t.• 3 : -t '1 re -1. 1 Ile 43•. Irl l'',r11 • 33 I. 1' 1 ,':. Til 1' ,. i. '1 1 - 1:1•3• r-, .\crfit 1r- T+, 331 ,. :.ref the• :Seilo Ti of; . in tial 1cnn,.•d v..ct. it '1 n 3•-r 1•' forgot t• n. Th•- 1:sIton•, •it i••. acrobats. Iti'y L, Moth in le. r1)t 1 ie n autotnubi3 .1-5, ani ; h• w:1).. 1 •rDi1 European .1„n, ,' .et rAf - 31:1- • r• ' in which 3 it r r • '. Ili mule rr• int/ (13:r --I tt'of •.- • Hand's fir, n u: k-, , 1 rs:•r ,Inn:• of • - 3' :,r1) er.n:1)i:. 31.31. .(y .1.-- .!1,4 separate pi -e - • ..•14.11 .1 0 t h • sautotnobile t' , , Ti, E. sprint) of Moen. . ; Inforrn'IUon regar<t.l. i , ' 1. 3t i33 be promptly • I, • ion to 1he Secretors, A. N1 1.ondon. rn Buk tis (he ' - ,:, remedy known for : -engraft, heat. rashes, eczema sore feet, stings o b;isters. A skin fon ! Ali i•rttipt=rs and Stars -t1pt, liltl'CEIIIRLI) Miss Alic,' 'Itattci,bury has return- ed from visiting friends In 'Toronto. iL•arvesting is t►ow nearing con, - plc t ion. I Dr. Jas. Baird uud wife of Hcrn- minrffutd Quebec is visiting friend. it) uur village. 11 • will take up a Practice in Monty .al on bis ret urn i Ile is one of our 1:, ucefield boys who has done t.•11 Of hie chosen pro- fession. Rev. 'Air. '1'asl0:. Varus, assisted in the Pres1 ylly: ,u services on Sabbath evening Mrs ''Myers, London, is the guests of her broth:r 7tobt. Young. � t Cit0\IA IIT Y -Mr James Scott, who was laid up with quinsy ,has recovered 313.e Bessie Spee',• has returned from her vacation in Toronto after attending it few weeks at her home. Miss Lulu Godbolt. of 'Winchelsea was a recent visitor at her aunts Mrs. 1,, Miller's. ,tr. M..peari3, of Toronto is spend- ing bis holidays at the borne of his brother, Mr. Joseph Speare. The chimmey of Sir. Donald Mc fleeInca residence was at ruck by lightning; during the storm w rrk. .\Miss 1'iolet Allen is visiting relate iv,•, in llickson. The (marriage announcement of "•1_'t Agnes Me Lachlan of this will - :•e • to Mr. George ilamiltor►, of 1. 1)3•;••1r ,1 in the Toronto Globe eist is • k. '•11 email Miller mads a business :l 1- 1,. Toronto last week. 'dr It. White .nre delight •r, of ' liet1, I. rot a Lew days last w ••l( ,t 1. and Mr,. James \\•right. Zurich Mr John Fritz of Geelplr. is vis- iting his brother. Mr. H. Fritz. Mrs Hee. Anther of Waterloo Is It visiting at the horde of Mess Lydia Faust and relatives. Stiss Ida Lindsay of Clinton, is visiting at the home of Mr. C. Hart - leas 'Mrs. Dr. Campbell and two daught- er- - fie, ..pending; a'few days at Hoy- t. : ,. this w.•ek. tt, u. eery fr: •all• of Mrs James \'. bear 11,, • -I, 1 ,'v•.'• 11:. • frn:n her ili- a,. l3-J,. \I,: 1 l'. .5 5,, o , Ctuc.r;0 1 s • 1 1 ,.ul3, r :Mrs. 11. \Vurrn andt u t, r :r .fur ', (t t , t weeks. k+. ler II 1 r> i1 .•'11 rt of \ Haven. Mich. r 3l -.tin;( his u:'• 1: r Nl rr. Joh 1, U• ,c1i- rt, and of h : rids 31r• 1). Studer of Tav see. conlpainied by her two sou • .r ..1 trig her paronts. Mr. and Mr-. !lent')' I lio.•hlrr. I fltr :old Mrs. Ezra Smith of 1►. t 1t). ntlriced le•re in their auto( week, :led are visiting relat rt••.•- .I. friends for rt few weeks. B1:N3.\1.1. Mrs. 11. 11. (toss. of tlyrou, has be. 1, visiting relatives in I1cnsall a 1 vicinity. Mrs Hall and her sister, Miss 1..:. 1 uor;blutt, 'Ir+ h re vieitiilj 11. •:.t' ), it-. J. 1\". Ilonthron. Miss Caaie Dougall bas return. from Toronto. whet.• the has b `1'- n'I.na• :t number of ,. ee ks of 3101.• 1„v •1. .r .1 13 .. ;). -11 1c i11311 t . ....r ..: ,:.+ 1 • re. t t Ire 1:; • Glenn. •,' I.•:::,: ,. t.. I„•. 11 siting' Mr. it, 1 ;Mr- 1.. u C.-•. 31r. 'r. .1. lee ,y left iia u•• 'k for aur' ,1 trip to the old country - )1 •. • 1' (1 , f who hat b.•. t: . rI . t, \t ')'s -''1•{t .- 0•i fit. h r t' •e• e•' -. h r • lulled to re,• - I ruilin••I' at 1 11:. • 31 • . Or 11• lag, . of London :,1).1• d- .4..- 11 •'tie of p thitt 7 b tatweekvisit visiting ve-. ..n.1 fri••tlda. Mr. Douglas Neelnt3rt. yougest sun .t our ('itor, who has teen learning railroading rot the illation hetc with h,:• brother -}n -law, Mt. A, Kirov. ieft !hie week for Dundas. where he ha - s••cureil .' a 1 � t • O liio g in t I he 0.T IL .I.of- of f- u lir• t h - rc. Ntr .:Ind Mrs. Ai<'x Thompson an•! (117.;13. wtlo has' • h.,•; t.•st+lrnt5. of oar villa(• for Ih• p..t +:, y,ar< ur more left h 'r '•rt.= t he past tt•.•.•11 foto (herr s. home in Toronto. Th.•y +, r .7uu„ c,tez••ns it.1 will h:• Hach ! from our village. They are • .' t heir fine home here and go. • , Toronto in the intereits of t 0111 • Wbn are eugagr ;I In • 'ching and others desiring to t it. •'ivantage of tie- facilities for att.-rel stoma! school in the city. Mt 1• •• . • ore tit; be -s, .1 Rote :1, , .•,cit boar.' to whi,•)) he nag .1 ,t the last eic(•t:ote. )'irh there many friends „ „.•lu• .• t h• In progierity in their n. n home' '„ th• Oliver City. 31:- 31 Moir has moved into h 1%t ti roc at the nest 5ill.• of th,.t1 •I •'• r 1'• rot motile time in the cora, 1r� %% it t, r••lativ-.•s and friends, 1 11 !1 :•lp'trk• of Loudon. i= . t •1•t o': w .•k or rt'o With her par rot: 11 r•. 33r and Mrs. C A Menon+'ll and r.rnity ter-- in St. Mares recently. 'l•' 1)'l ie• , f. w days. 'dr. Arthur Dignan, tt ho hos been re r • for the past month or so vi:et- • hi• mother hos retnfner3. to le in Marquis Sack. G. nre • (Eck. aceotnpi; •-1 ).r e and cousin, th.• 01 and HAI, ore visiting I. . • . :if afort h. '• King, (grand Trunll agent, t. , I a few hndi,1 ,w) i.; Is r. !1 red hy Mr. A. L` -111.-w of Den- s,. '.1r If. Arnold Inelneg •r of the• Mo' - llaJilt. i' enjnyin3: bee :annual ho, I,'e. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. file Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the sog:n.ttur(• t)1 1 YOU PAY WHEN CUED Drs. KK. TAKE ALL RISKS Cured hy the New Method Treatment �'-• NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONI.,';; J_ NERVOUS DEBILiT y •1'l.rl.ands •.f voting owl a.id•J1e-age4 :nen are+ annually swept to a premature grave through Early Inti ens, Extra/re and Blood Diseases, If you have any of rho tel- Ivwing s ulptotos consult us before it is to late. Aro you nervous and weak, despoil. .fent and:gloomy, 1(8,14s before the eyes, with dark circles under them. (.oak back, kidneys lrritaLlu. I.:alpiuulen of the heart, bash/ al, drean,s nod lubes, sediu.rnt In urine. pimples oh the (nee, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn e'zpression, 3..r.r mernoryp, ).lcless, distrustful• lack energy and strength, tirnlorhlu••s, restless :tights, . hangeablu rneods, weak rn,ullnod, pre:in/ture decay, Lune pains, bait loose, bore ttt)•oat, eto. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our Now M.tbod 'treatment can cure you anti matron Ulan of you. l'u.lcr Its influ. once the bruin becomes act te•, the Wood purieed, so that all pimple.:, blotches and elvers disappear, the heroes beeemo strong as steel, a0 that nervousness, bashfulness and des. iw.n.3eney vanish, tho ey'u b.-oonle'•8 bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to tbo o.fy rmd tha mural, plir*icnl and a xual systems arc fnvlaorated; all drains cease- no m .r•, %tial waste frost) tel.•'yso-:,;. l,on't let quacks aria fakirs rob you of your hard earutd (odor•(. We (,ill cure you or ao pay. EVERYTHING PRIVATe AND CONFIDENTIAL READER, Nu matt•'r who has treated y '' write for an honest opinion Free of Charse. Books Freo "The Golden Monitor" 1;lnatrary ! . on Secret Di,eLae. of Men. QUESTION (-IST FOR ROME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DRS. KENNEDY& KENNE DY Cor. Michigan Ave.and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Viirommonseminsmos ?tient in NOTICE All lepers from Canada mug 1• eldressed to our Canadian Correspou.:, Depart - see 11 per -(mails call at our Medical Institute Windsor, Dtrrotit t. as ts,- , desire to no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Corre' .• . and treat I,ience aM,ratot}' for Canadian busiiiess only. Address all lettere- .. follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont, Write for our peltate a•ldreas. i e111Q1113, 5rdn, anUlour Allways On eland. 1.(''l\,' 1 t,llr ( :, 1 .11 ('all alt Pl R. G. SELDOM. 10. "20,000 Razors for Free Trial!' 1 t,'" ttclentlfi, dig. „very- :t seen t 1 1•an n•vulutl.nired the Mateo - 1 ' •r" .1 razors. Thls di+cu%'e•ty e14- 1,1,1cs un to offer you n blade of Carbo- steel-t,t,el plus carton/ --31.3)1, h you nut I..cn to hone or grind: a blade seal s slurp :.,ways. To prove 1t we will dtstriteite (''arbo- Magnetic I::.zeas e,1) 3, 3r.,c.+' 'cosi as - tete)). gree -thou 1s one herd for 3••U. This Razor is tempered hs- a secret electric pr..eeay at •111 :.b<.tlntrl)• even temperature of .,:OO degrees. The re- ei;I( Is the harrl.•st cutting edge known Di science. A blade of Ca ho -„teal that cn.• RU -.rant.••• for .. Irf.•ll •i.. ..t perte.1 8,ar. no honing -no grinding. W. J. HEAMAN, Wo scant 3 -nu t, i • • and enjoy the em. .I h shat i.:( ...rt soil u1t1 (Wain Only 11.1•'1,-;1, t • long sweep- ing dlagoo.,l 1troi:.• u( straight blade standard razor -the teese-111agnetic-- W)deh cuts the h.3iry • : only nitheut splitting them or turn:••g the ends 1•.Ir•k Into the skin to cause Irritation, punph•s. 14 1).3 (ten w,a: a troubles. s • ..r1)• In tachy and ret .1 Carbo-\I:i ;- ne 3,r Mazur un 3.1 Days' 1'reo Trial. LOCK /C 4 7ert3 TRADE MARK � , ar iowin icsee-,'" C-� Ghee/Bdea7ULdw L:'Pi k 1.X1.`. i -TER, ONT. Canadian National Exhibition -TORONTO - AUGUST 27th to SEPTEMBER 12th, 1910 unproved Grounds, New ituehlnlg ;, International Live Stock Show, Exhibits by all the Pi.•lrllr,••., M83!n:licerlt Art Loan Fxhibit. RY PERMISSION OF HIS MAJESTY BAND OF THE GRENADIER GUARDS KING GEORGE S HOUSEHOLD t3AND 1 400 MUSICiarin 1 Model Military Cantp. Tattoo every night. Everything r•rw in attraction Wonderful Firework Spectacles 1,000 PERFORMERS THE NAVAL REVIEW AT SPITHEAD BATTLE BETWEEN DREADNOUGHT AND AIRSHIP KArgil ga k kiCh U RAI i AND EXCURSION)CUkS lov . For all information write Manager, J. 0. ORR, City Hall, Toronto r NEW Il2EA FURNACES increase the value of any ho;:,e--sa\•e money because their Scientific construction means fuel economy --eliminates after costs, because built right by men who are Skilled in the science of heating. Secure our I'REE hook " New Idea hurnaces." It solves the heating problem to- ymen in a practical and economical way. It gives re is for "New Idea" superiority -explains exclusive to• t and tc119 just how:they make for furnace perfection. C - ,• for it. GURNEY, TILDEN & COMPANY, Limited %V, J• 11 I. A /l A "`"L°41:611:: as and Cookies N 66 Y.an EXE t'El;, 0 .,'l• WISUJ°N • ONTARIO SI