Exter Times, 1910-08-18, Page 2the biainoiid Crcscent Or, A MODERN RnMANCE. .ara•m..:: I'.1I1'I' 111. 4 ..' it change of all, but still Cll.%PTEIt III. i_ 1 • ••:d all tleial color in the The engine and truck; stopped �eh. st, , ..,,.01.' 1 ill with the bl4x,d. Cie Coen shouldered their tools 81,41 1,_, 1,:11:.4r „f the rest of the face, temblcd out, and we followed them. t ! . 11 was set in a look of surprise A few hundred paces in front of u, • .1i.i terror. She was altered be- • was a railway bridge. over which a t . ,IIsi i, 1,464,• should have been. She r )ad passed, and under whirl► the 1 is, k,•,i „vend years older. Rut it, •ail went at a sharp curve. Tho 1 %,:,- still .1 oidia. 'Chose little clow had (flitted heavily against ' i.:, 14441 11:11,41,, tightly clenched, .itc bridge w'':lt its high e:frth ens ,, re the shale 44 Hieb she had held benknu'nt, making manifest at a t• the library fire as we talked the "Fruit-a-tit•es" makes the stomach can nluke a vo)alle of srv.'n •rogues fiance the cause of the disaster. Itis} briar/; even the dress was the sweet and clean, insures sound dices -Ian hour. it is mode on the model The bridge was crow•ttd with hu- ` sante. .11as ! she had been in lou lion and regulates bowels, kidneys and', of n bird. The winks have n spr(•n:l 1 skin. of 42 (stet from tip to lip. The holly Lan figures, and on the line below g,4,ctt a hurry to change it before 50e a hoc, s for =4.50, 1,r ,4141 box, is made of pieeel of ran. The h fly nen were w.,rking in the drift, she left., or bar thin shoes. Pour, :5. —al all Beaiers, ffr [r.,,1, fruit -a• with pareliri, 1,t and feathers. The ,mid piles of debris and splinterc.l l:rtlr :\ateiia' .Ind taco -1 don't tiers, Limited. Otlaw.l. 1 wings are ..f ,:(trot and whalebone. '1'tto wracked train had all I:now how it was, Lot in another 1 In the body of the machine are 30 1 . , � o brass and • • c t' we hull. been slightly drapr(1 in snow ; the iii,:trent Ralph was kneeling by her, knew she w•onld have til' �' w•-1 wheel. with t 1.1 •k alun0, barely colo, lyi+IK }ending over be r. taking the stiff (1=! Then do yeti mean to say 1hera little chains, whihtt:alltn'rrhe rlatel1ly help black and grim, like surto alight, 4ll(d hand in his trembling clasp, . collusit41 between the este six bra4sup a lvleaa vet ssels with m4•rnhry, gient, foICCtlable in death. :1 sheet 111mploring the deaf cars t" hear the inspector glanced fIIII:\ely which run in channels. the machine of glassy ice near it shntt•td how' the hint, calling wilily to the pale bps, at Ralph, hut he had never .t rresl i4 maintained in the desired squill• holler had burst, Some of the• 11111- 1.1ach had dune with human speech, r raised his head since hl and lulu br 1 ► dermust carriages were still stand- ing, or had fallen comparatively to speak to hit«. uninjured; but others seemed to 1 could not bear it, and I turned awa • and looked out through 111„ have leaped ul)un their fclluw•s, and ploughed right through thein into o!'cn door at the snow falling. The th drift. it was well that it be- 1inspector came and stood beside I an to snow as we reached the spot. me• r liter, were traces of dismal smears In the 511e11CC which 1"1.1'''"'.(1 \+, (.)nld hear Charles speaking gent • 4.0 the white ground, which it V..41,1141 ould he s4 scot, to hide.burn thane to time; and when at Our friend in black went forward last we ioth turned toward; then, and asked :t few qu(•stion of the again, Ralph had thing alms.•' i man in charge, and presently re- down on an old bench at 1 - ,11':' t tluntd. erd of the outhouse, with t "Tho remainder of the passer- , tt'rntd towards us, his anis rest_ gers are at the farm.," he said, :1,q on a barrel, and his head tinting to a house at a little dis b. weed upon them. He neither sl oke nor In1)vel1. trine.• ; and, without further delay, we began to scramble up the steep Charles left hint and canoe 0"- 1 embankment, and clamber over the weld- us, and he and the inspec- st',io wall of the bridge into the t• r so,.ke apart fur a ul.hn.nt ; and way in militia the. child inhand :old A.! ,1,; .: -4. w,':' t, .}.'•r limn, -in,i- it road. ti.en the latter dropped on his a XII ale(' his breath, the d,.t•ter 44. lar:• . i„.„, - •n ti. -, 'i '4erihe d :tit 1 M • mince was full of ether things, ` knee, le -Sale the (10:141 woman, and 0.' a tended the treatieent t•4 other . or 1110 .44;14., • .. , except that I,. S ,;r.• ) ''.4• r , not Perm t•' i bat f remember still the number of atter '. ...king ,:ireful'% at a Balk l atients, among -t thele a clack the :. ► ,e , • ssembl,�(I on the bridge, stain 4.11 ,.1,e of the 44 rist4. turned whose lungs were nut as healthy as bear '. n It4.•• ! I.aa. it is likely people pie a that I•r::nal•l.. •1,a 1,• come Ph' -rt ► and how a man standing up in his buck the s'.r: e„. Urn -in..' (kelt til 111 gbt be. In rvcn case the result Iii::.' • ', it it will h•• .I,lli.•ult to get d1 nkey-cart to view the scene. It : to the found, white arm g"1411e 41 v as extremely beneficial. any' . t.. -lay to li ll• ;•• he flaw was Saturday, and there were quail- 1 ea n :thing bright. It was :(11 .'711-. '•Teac111II a child t.. breathe (ruin 1 :.t. to England r tities of village schuelboys sitting ('raid bracelet, which we both deeply and steadily i, very import ------ • ----- O a•.tride on the low wall, er perched kl,ew•. Charles cast a hn,ty glance ant." :said a well knae11 lung spe4•l . A Bath a Year. 4.41 a'.lj.teeut hurdles, evidently en- at Ralph; but he had net moved, alis, to the press tit I:ng!a1141 1:1-t The kith. i/ is said. is the rnensiire o j, ting the !spectacle, ji•stling, law- and lie drew Inc beside 111111, 4,4 as week, "and if the 4'111141 i• matt• t•, ed eivilizatien. 11e who bathes once ► ling. eating oranges, and throwing' tr•, !interpose our two figures Ie- d.. this while Wetting hobbles, uta- a day must be a better human being I g 1 than lie who bathes once a week, 1 Vat peel at the engine. Some. older toren bile and the inspector. The 414•obtrdly the tuna ; will b,, once n m,inth or, like tihe Ntexica0 I! p•.'4414/ touched their hats svmpa- I latter quietly' turned down the : 4!.'ngthen.sl ane1 nusde bealthi( r' i4104' 1 a. one•• n yell/. Thor is n he• It thetically, and one went and opened sleeve, and recon►posed the arm Let the child stand 111 n free. 11„f :u:, ::.1 th le••,rpte that to hath” 1 a gate for us into a field, through i "I knew she would have them Oen upright attitude', (1raw in 1(. is t" „••,r1sickness and death. There. t. ellich many feet sernletl to have 1•e r, if she hart then at a!1.' he breath deeply and steadily 11u'engll w I. h -..•k Is,y in a but where a come and gone; but, for the great 1 said, in a low t„i0•'. '11 need leek its nostrils, and then alt. -mitt t,. fro•:, 1 •1 chine 14t0p(4ed one day. and I �er, the 4 cent was evi.len'.!v 1 t(e' further at present. N, 1 "t!e will blow as big a bubble as possild.. ••,y tri, 1,,l otggevtrd to the father f er 11«111 t' ,r holt might cure flim. The regarded as a” :.t. 1, t;1,q %.iiiati •n he missing. They are all there.- in surf that the tants are :1' i ... ry(I.ty ' teas , 11!1' .l to their utmost ...tea. t .t+.• r i, 1 1 up his han,ls in orror. . i in the dull , flee gaie41 •lig ane\ .•erne• -tit at. ' t heath! Th:1t wmuld kill Iis. life, 1111. to 1' • it was, the els ad fa.'e, anti then to mot lir. for it. 1- the sleep inspirit.. ... t' 1,,. ••telairne•1 "i never bathed in • an tale,', 1'e 1 1'• ..! 1 e'er he suddenly unfastened the ht. i• so beneficial. my !If•'. ,., 4 rely children never bath. 1 Ralph and 4 i1.lr'•'. walked "u 441 1 t!e hat. 1 made an int'eltnlltly '.1110 the inhalation ,i1.... l al "41 and :I,• r will." 1 front. 1 e'.1•'oiug the track across way- Le 41ee 1 .1..11'1 let Ito to thaw f►own , /!:e Low ('„entries. how - 1 Inecou:ent a; i{ to stop 61111, hu( I 1 ever, Vet.. •t 4 bathe once a year. i the ft'' 1 1! was not particularly l Cl•:trle: laid nn iron grip upon lee 1:I the air ,1!li•klt and jon(:It. y' heavy .464':::41 after what we had' and metion('(I Inc t•, be still. The The l,l:,n •1 1111 ting a little glv Wild Zebras. ! had Pa' :••r 111 the clay, bttt ihI!I.Ih ....caller 11x11(1 quietly pu;hr'I ha' k 4. rine with the soap -water 1, i1 The rehra when will i+ n ferocious i t'un►h' ••I perpetually. and pre•-ent- the fair curls "peen the f"rchrad, ge 4x1 ant's for tl:en by the bubbles animal, an 1 an unwary hooter i. like 1; t•11.11'e, drew Lis 44,11 t11r. 'ay(h ' 1111(1 in another moment they fell will be i trungor 41141 will la•t l''"'ly to gaffer from its teeth nn l h„e t4 i h:.; u'•t0, and the tom went en ,•'- i still further ba.'k, showing a few g4't• Ruing the child time to ''',t •rhe author of "ale,',[ anJ 1►arru"" g.'th4/r, t11r puller in-l,e4'teC fell",v- 5rtort 1 eke 4,1 Balk hair bmeltll Hud 4' ,!4'11 ttIrm " s.lys that a )(o.'r in Cape ('oluuy had ing w:4h enc. I them. which so completely altrre J ^rice forced n zebra to the brink of t Iti a few minutes wo reached th.• (1l dead face that I could hardly' II i 1 1111 \ •I:\(:I.1 \ 1). n preripi'e, when the desperate crei. I Llnu, and entered the fann.ar,l. 111re turne.I u!elen flim, attarkrd him la cognize it a; belonging to the with 11a 4.0111 1111.1 actually lore one of v hula was the nearest wily to t} •• same person. The inspecto4 raised hiller 1%.11.1. awoken 14) 'ur;ran his fret from the I. %pother nether 111111"'. .' little knot e[ salves, en 1•L. head 111(1 !,• k'41 -'',in'fr"antly at t,ette•1'at i:tilt. . writes of a (e,141•4• sl.•' mounted a Iten4•Iled on a ne,un41 of straw 171 ('t!arle4. Tits,, i , (ir.•w haltelomrst,eated lets/, far creature, the centre 4.1 the yaiol, lowrl.4I4110": f ,/word the y. ;',,,,+ 11:1', ,•ter the 1 heu_r 1 r sorted furl)' niter making t!.. r,•" -t furious at. 1 heads, and looked askance at n- ,1s f,..e•h,•:1d :wain, replayed i!,,• hat, t' :11 the the aims, and Il:ltr seen tempt.+ to q••t ri'I ! 1 1, r. plunged i we Ca111(• 111, .4'441 a tarty 4!f 11 4 ' , r 11841, 11 411 '' , ••••r' llrlll, 1n the '•te•r 9 st'••.f• I,•I.,k 4., the river an'I i 1 i r ••e t.. his fret. t 1r 1,d o!.I ,- It cnlergel. 11'hile 1' ireat'oj ha -t : fl"111 •'I) t •! ' 1 _.'need appre11r4is1\clt a0 I' ,'i,h, w• -t 1 wort11 -i.u1q al, 1 hat.. , , • !: ! t•: :' '! -.tinned upon the 1 i.8th a ch: (.f 4.' „•r seen in any ietrt of the word. 4 and not rtirr •I croup r :•:4 ,,,ixtl]y� walked up to w11ile t Iain It f toy time er plaer, woin4l' so hitn :041 ic.t '.ft one III his car!. i, 1. a loo t -i .41 stet, , ( a barrel :It l't.'' i'' • '1,:l le tit, 1.1.1, a 1141041 ►:4 -•'4 '• .. .• •, 1 4 keel tet"11, +n hepel"-' a, 111.1\4• i a s0ri4; of g1i'!'I 1 { „( the /1.,•.r, •and orfs „•I • , e them in this (1,•trct. 1 e we The Bed In Sickness. t1,':. :I1,'Itt heathen races land ,:It a c},64'11, barking i% '' Few pont,. /,•Mize that for most E nhruptlt. It wav l'nrr. F• I , nn. i 1 tui net spare:) hit: It e t he steed in the &ere s . , fur ntries, awl call this 1;„41', db- ,1 h -I. x•1'1 it alone, is the .1n elderly moma4 , 4.' a l.i'I t test rare the I 1.• nndn( tit hi- ret •rested, horror ; 1 .0. i rl .. - nee hnvr et 1 n.et us at ihr door, .41..1. • 1, . .t :' . t ru. k, en the 41, 1.1 4411111.111, then This 4 u 1488, -t was made },v tier •Y 1 .•1 1;.'1'4'1-:11 Et:Ut a short. ti111e •1! r 1 • ,••• I (',,•site 1,z a pet from the 1111(4' .II•pe.4•,1. l” 4 41:11t.•e4 at 11s, free. 1. to . :1:-4'04.- (' ! ( f r k• i Pt.• i' sl•'.ok her bend, 11414 tb,•u. In -r! tor. who was com4.t eat lung hon. • ,11,4 11 l( 71-1lrreh :It the "4"1111111 1„ - , I 11„ si:d4 ,11 the 4xten ion of ('!alms 11 ,,. • ,u f v•.tel to n further whisper. 11,••141,''1 ,1 r} Ile wa' g„11(•' '.gone a 1•'41 O at 8111,41114'4 dee', .111. •1 1 „ - "lit 11 Hal, ( :I II Ile111,111%'. 1 a' ,I ! - ; til, P •1:'nll,I. Its t a- he 111141 c„core, u 114 wlftlt ns; bit from ml..l• 4 ha. I am no parso1, ' IP' ...i '' 1 tl :.11.1 grentr!t !tart avail.V )4 int„ the falling •Ileo•, [I,11mN 1 'peak 111 the (lame' ,.{ '„ of the ,'Ura of it ,'.e” I 1 • :beds ltv the wild balking of the dog. \Ielherho. (I is 4•t.'rt llunu 1 -- The :n l,e't„r ol.t Ih d lie '4 r 4 hatless w'ho had his back 1” the 44.,110111 1s suple:: . -a. 14.4 1 Visible Stars. • r 11:1.1 11,1':4. 1'•'! at''' • "t '' • ' ,; .,1. turned til tone t:. see Viol. woolen evert where thinking .11 sou, Ar...elms to the hes, nslrnnonters, \ II) II ' ' ' ha-!'• '.' . ' i ' , ,1 lot made a 411-b for the 41'."r• 1114 number 4f slats flat can be seen \'•! e, ! 1: + ), 1 i. .'. 1'•,.Iinsp., "t 11.'114P4. I 111•, ler saw it In any i'' 4 tit the insp ., for 1111114. hinl'elf r1, I' by n person of average eyesi.4 • is w i" '' „ " , 'u 1164.' 41 to u') l,; . way old held Ilan f„reil,ly. land as 111 Iatgl:uul, and i 114,4• been about '7!110. The nlunher N. • 4t• , i4, „ 1'• a',.'• 111 1.• 1 g 4111 over the world. 11'11411 ) the thretu4ll the tele•senpe has 1)„4.11 , -11• I.t.t 1114' K”' 4'r IIIc et :1( ti,gllll "f IIIutitC"ile,xl' The "Th'• el -ser "pen t d av ►nat„d toi between i5,900,OW and ( 4 ,1•i. I..: • Illi � hien, panted i:are .... ,truv�rltnu will (..1114 when un woulan %till he 80.000,X00. ., 1.'.' .:'. omtrnu4, It 14,!11, 1""! •1 f.,1uuslF• I - -- - 1•.111111 �t"III'±, 41 her, I."!' 1i 11',Apllied with drink. It Is like •'; :111111 (lo tiff slid: t11,1fg. sti Flexible. 1:`"• amt di%rr; 1uhr1. 4 I l„ hal,;,.. ling the password on the battle . ; .lo re geed, rim' might 4 1:- 4.4 ! In the lobby of the ftritt-h Ifni,-'• I 'I''''''. '1'11,•1•• 1' 1 ' ' 1. is arum•. and :too :14' amt : and 1• .114.1 cull ..1 it. 4\ :tocol, not be oter '4,•111„t!,•�,- If ':.w- ell 1.11.411 1w” _ ' l -. . i;, were pn4hcd. Be idr4, it f: It *111 , :11141 tarn 41e'\ 1,p 11 1,,.,•!' I t4 a 114,,4-' him 411! I;-s'ut 4'' 1•,1,' „ .4,',-! 111'' w.''l, %11'1 (li-:1ppe'•leil 1 et he 41,.1 not 41ff it 1f 1 hitt„ . ,•141 4!10 rafts:- 111 the Haid,'.' „ , 1411''I,:nit. 1e n, 't'Il„ 1 , •1 1,0te (4,' floor. lying 14 little ai..It, f, Hud it satin. If too /south( Ihie1 re iht(e fieurev with sheets 41%1'1 ;1 bemired times, yen have no bald t1„ 1,l. 1rl,titl'titely we felt that. ,en hint. i know him of old. - y, 1. ere in the presctice of den111. Yon' ' exclaimed l'harleq. 1 look,• I back at Charles and Ralph, "Yes; i have known him by sight slat afire still standing outside in I -'ng enough. 1i.' is not n new hand I', • falling snow. Charles was 1v any means- nor she either. as to %'.lrellradd. but Ralph was looking t utt, poor thing." absently in front of llim scrminelt' -nut who on earth brought him r... -cions of nothing. The insp'''' h, re ' tar made me a sign. Ile had 1:1i-411 ''ft . was waiting for news of tier rine of the A1(.01 4. 911,1 11'.W with in London most likely, and he (flew• it altogctIer. My heart know she would have the je•gels on s(enlyd In s18l(1 still• it was 1\11- IIrr, and cane clown wb)faa he got 14.11a t Atir.'i i, change,\ in the t-i,nd of the accident.'/ M.ISERA9LE VtITH ` A 20T11 CENTURY TRIUMPH. Ble.I01 May Not Have Been the First Min to Fly the Channel. DYSPE, S1� ISl. t t 'i,in hnM hest the first to fl 11..• , hulmel, 11111 wP have very tc•. 11ent 4, .4 hal 4 , 4In,•-t14111 11. '1'111• 111 4'111V •i '.f !! . ,4y 1.1 I'- rr:hno. In --- n. r41-.•rr► 1t,!\' r„Iltaiu a 1.-tt.'r writ- .lnuttler %Vonderrul (':140 11v Tli.:t t.'1, i'1 Lou'\ 1. 11ot01rr H. 1::,1, tell• 11 1 1111 Italian Ilaane•1 1 i 1 :nlldde, ' a. PEE! A eatori rulsdits .■ ue at heal.,, 41 444641:,t1'onderful fruit tedi(inu ' PN h„ re('lll `` le h:, t'' 114•'11 :,II till CPI,••1,r 42,8,1, Cs arrnuls'44/ e.4Gar 1a .eats/ sod ",''rail-a•II'4Ls ” . ;' -a•:�1r!aNs;1<Irr.4 de:Ici�uavrrur le meas4 .1: tar aviator. .\ Iranslete.n of the ry ,,•S.h aerr�ytN,,,r,1144 uu)�e. StsTa^ne ,rsoldb)J,'i1eC fuHn\\- IPrr..s.lru4Auo�S'cfor � a.L•dl:e11:1li„r• . ,e.141e book. Ctsa4aot Mfg C.., , Stall's, w• Mr. Mathias ilry, of 224. Church "Tlmr'c is a 1111111 of the most - - stre • ! 11!4,.•. ' 1.:• oda 14081ed for surprising talent that ever w•a. seen s• :: - i•'t[or. I'uon[ul 1))'s- iu the wffrl,1. Ifs says he is nn 1'(11111 11111 ItI: 1 1 1 1'. I .1 11111 11. 1911) ! 114.11 11'!1. t. I• I t. -p...141'"1:0 much nluney fur It•111811 monk, n uativ.• of ('ivitavec• .4•, !..l's I.:••lite:nes without getting chi,). mimed Andrea Crinlald•.. and rtes 11 rel:. 1 that he had about made h,' is :'11',111 50 tears .11,1. Ile spent 14461'ler 1.4 41,4 That II (:15 es I't't'fet•( Ile”' 011e 111' Queen flew::lll'8 1%41s up his ' d that his case was hope- t'1) iv•:,rs in trin•elin_ in eastern loads. less. oher.• h•' .1.•vete l Ihin1-,'lf fur 11 period Seeing "Fruit-a-tives" advertised, „[ 14 y• . r-. t„ e,)n•tru. til,_ 44'” 111044 Eat pork ! Such is the sage ail- I Au in,••:':ons method by which however. Mr. 1)ery thought lid would 141.144'„leu.i utachim• that 1,1.•4, 1ne• , \ of the latest tee(11111 up111101 t 11 io-date photographs play he se- intest 5oc hl a boY of thl•ye wonderful ' clla,ti. t and math.m11(ics 4 .11 ' 'b'• ' 1. the nlai(1 or nlatreu who desires cull d was alleged in the Chancery fruit Juice tablets. I `"i'"'• a complexion like u tie vl o ►entd 1),t ision in Lennon (England) dur- And this famous fruit medicine did , '•Thi+ Is a box of the const ,•hrious � 1 J'- 1 1 � )• Ro- tor fdr. I)ery what all the doctors. workmanship :ld build, which. by blush rose. i iso the recent hearing o1 a motion could not du—tt cured him. !mesas of certain clerk �prin s. 1;-ev "The reason why country maid- it the action Lafayette v. the Ito- Iic writes:—' Fruit -a -fives" posttive• ' ly cmred me o[ Pevero D)apepsia when in the air with such hottnesv and ens have such creamy skins,' a tory Photographic Company. physietana tailed to relieve me. 1 rapidity of force that in its flight it well-known doctor told the London 1 111 injunction was +,ked for to Mirror lately, "is because, in ad- restrain the Rotary t'umpany in- dition to their fresh air life, they flinging th't pl,.ititiff's copyright in eat so much bacon and pork. 1 a photograph of the Queen -mother, "Y.111 will find that girls who live' and to give the names of those to in •r near towns, and who, be -1 whom the photograph had been I .nging to the more or less leisured: sold. class, play all sorts of open-air1 For the plaintiff Mr. A. (.rant, spite h tit- alleged (efen ants games, have not, in pate of the 1 K. C , that the defendants most care, complexions one-tenth , induced a lady to sit, dressed in so clear and v.'ltet as the po4.1'•r nit urning,for a photograph. Then, girls ono sees in country villages 1'•• said, they cut out her face and and hamlets, i st.letittited that of the Queen-ulo- • inn. ''Now, bailed bacon is the staple t4 -,r. the copyright of which was it down on his clenched hands. "By means of the friction of n steel meat of the countryside, and there the plaintiff's. His wish was, if ' Thew are L„411 well known to wheel and a heavy piece of inarlstono. is only one flesh food that is bet • ' possible, to get the photograph off 1.e :aid at last, "1(1141 rile whole is I:,•pt in very regular ince tor for the skin—namely, roast the markets. 1t!!!!I,. L'''•• tion which lasts during an even and I think a pr, bible there was eel- gentle wind. hocnuse the maellitie pork, with not too touch Iran. Nits Walter. Ii.C., cuntendrd the lesion heft•, 11 them, c•,::..dc ring rennet fly .:tiler in a total calm or 1n addition to the beneficial ac- r iaintiff had no right to restrain they wet.' t: :1' and w:f in n I:i h ,411,1. tion with pork has on the diges- the defendants, but he undertook I' 1.e r••ntui'. ei I "Th,- i.r , l,::ulut machine is steered live • '44111 itself. it also affects the to withdraw the photograph, and ,, by n 1:1 : .• .••„ hands wide, which is skin more directly, for „ aids in r,•. that understanding the motion - att,,'1,. i 111."4 and ankles of the dcp,.-hien of a su1i' ' et supply was allnw•ed to stand ')ver. ! I.y stretching er r „i'v matter in that .4.•411. Ill 1111 Ill 14141 I 11)11 111 11 1 1!. to the right or st•---- r' r•lcea the rnu'hine in "Skin deficient in 1, i I, harsh 1 1,11dr4•u', I'ct 1utu;4ulenl a Lone- , and dry, and to reined' t•...• c••••• . - �1;R111-1 till II 111 R1:1..1R. r ,•t l•,1, he pleases. lit In 1 iing5, I . t remain in the air tic, have to he entitle.. •'d. 1' 1'4. -- - 1,,,.,..•;,10.141,r1,1,1..,:!,,,, beenrt 8,11.1 a break lists 41s a natural costive. J(ould \1,l heel; %lout 1114)11, Ilia Th. 1hble-b', rare w ' •14 .we':: 1 rnuM" a i -- ,_ M %musing .adventure. pre-, . .,••d 1'. .4 I - ndoll d „1 •a. Ittol 1411 T1s '. 1 ' 1 !. 1 ii�,r tt wo; i If 111.11".11' 1'0L1('1: I)0(.' . t'. h., -.4 :' a : 1 • ngagetl in this ever 1 ei th, . , . fascinating pastln::' '1t tau Cont•lus- • ',! 1' h.' I,• 1,!y ' 4' • v:: nlurr,l ! i•,1, of his evening t,ath. ft • eo, U. I this w.1- (r I,' Ilavr•r [., '' 74,1411111; -tune in -ruing he Struck by (114/ highly beneficial err.. ! , 1 - .• AXLE GREASE THE 0119E8 OF Mmt1'T. Tun 1)istiueuished 11on 1ppuil)led is the turning•p'int to economy 1 • lu 11 b} the hi11f;, car And tear of Wagons. Try a box. Evc'y dealer everywhere, 1 recent 1,e of The London Tho Imperial 011 Co.,Ltd. Gazette announces that the King 1+�•,•_ • Oularlo *4(014: Ile Q4rr4 (114 o (., ltd. had been pleased to aplwint Sir William ('ruekes, 1.11. S., and .1r. 'I'honlas Hardy to tho Orde: of Merit, Tho Order, which gas instituted 141 June, 14,0.2, has now been cen- t( t red on twenty-three distinguish- ed people. The membership is or two kinds --military and civil—anti .:t"lades Lord Morley, Lord Ray- le.gh, Lord Lister, Mr. Jarllea Bryce, Mist; 1' termer \ i�hlimgale, ttsu fun:eus •Japitncse 1' icl(l-Jlar- shuls, Prince 1'urnugala and Prince Oyuma, and Admiral Togo, and Lord Roberts, Lord Wolseley, Lord Kitchener, and Admiral Sir John Fisher. To the Order have now been ad- ded another distinguished scientist and a great novelist. Sir William (irookes, chemist, metallurgist, and expert in electrical engineering, is a Londoner, and was born in 14132 In 1ti61 he discovered a new metal lie element which he called thalli um, and in the following year the first piece of this new metal was shown at the great exhibition. Fol- lowing this came his discovery of th(, wonderful little instrument known as the radio -meter, the story of its birth being one of the ro- mances of chemistry. He is also tho inventor of the Crookes tube, which was employed by Professor 'tont- gen for the discovery of X-rays; and is responsible for the discovery of the sodium amalgamation process of separating gold and silver from their respective ores. M r. Thomas Hardy, Britain's grtatest living novelist, celebrated his seventieth birthday last month, when he was the recipient of world- wide congratulations. Mr. Hardy Y began his career as an ecclesiasti- cal artist, and Ito drew and mea - stared many of the lovely old Dorset churches which have since figured in his novels. A copy of one of his earliest books, "Under the Green- wood Trce," happened to bo pick- ed up by Mr. Frederick Green- wood, the editor of The Cornhill, in a second-hand bookshop. Tho accident of seeing his own naive in the title led him to buy the book, and his reading it led 111111 to order "Far From the Madding Crowd” i The ('urnhill. 1.1)1)11 (4\ 11.I. HO 11)S, aelcement 111.:48i din_ Railway 'Tickets in Ilritstir►. 1%orkiug arrangemeutb between leading British railways are ilit' r sent attracting public notice. Ta cost important of those now i practice is that of the London & Northwestern, the Midland, and the Lancashire b Yorkshire ('on►- panies, working a total of over 4,- Ct:'•) utiles, stretching from London to Carlisle in one direction, and from Liverpool t.., Goole in tho (ether, with extensive branches link- ing up nearly all the important u:anufacturing towns. This agreement it now seems, id to be extended so as to include in- creased facilities for Scottish triv- ei. The three companies have just • 1)114'eted on agreement. with two 4,' the three leading Scottish lines the ( .Iledonian and the (;Iasgow ': southwestern --by which return kets will be available over any t th^ lines concerned in the agree- ' 4' 444. Instead of being corm ellcvl to return by the .a111e route as the ',,.(ward one. the traveller is n1.16 t-• conte back by the trains of the frier:div companies as may snit his convenience, thus bring afforded a choice of two er three times as teeny train, as under unlimited contpet•ti •n. Tu the commercial than ‘t leo,. 1,t •10mcnt, are arranged •o as to anew the gr. atest a11u.unt o' time in the hu-iness centres (1111 a great ad%mltnge. . The Immo is not r,nfi..e(I to the buyer of ordinary tickets; it is open to he:d•i s '.f season and ''traded'' tick* 1s, 41,11 nigh the latter are is. -tied at exceedingly low rales. Tick- ets available by the route of 0ithes 'erl!plltly may le' b.rlig'It witltetlt cls- 4 ' . ' I !atgels, :t'elr:ls, d n11nlher Mice ,, 0)04 Cie trouble and • in. eatenience of boek,,'t at the 't:t• li• 11. is that,. il:e'idr'I. lnelh••r arrlingt'nll'tlt cettelu4lyd b. liar 'ams 4''eenp:t1)ie4 Ilret'1(Ir,t (44111 all five, i c„wish and Eng;isn4 e, ill 4.'64-e• (o ('11114.844. for thr.'ngh c. .l, 11.11110 iy the 11.'t em:e't 1 his nndel4tan,lieg Alone. it �,s said, will 511%1' thousands of p,u,1I3 etc":' yrs/. • l'o11lpir4ium, j Prodln•ed. hundred 111,, , sr] ea'cs , f ('1 (.001111011s a oertein polite, ' ' 4•+ . !.I'•!tv to chdir1 41'-44rt t4a9 brin(� di�cu+ae,l. ":111' ',t:4 .1111il1 inren 111,11.41 1 i--1341•14,01,41,1„,.:1 'ate444,e•'1, mrnllx•r, "hr's got no backbone.. ” 1'ea, he hna," n11+w.'re,l •ln 14 1.41,111, t . 1.:.11'•11 '1''e'n4!l(IIy Rnnhs, tan 1.41x)4 member of the 1';;14,l! a tar'e'I fel : and an writing of Japan net, "but it's made of tripe.” 1 1,:11' (.fled it 'the land of happy 4',1141101.' Rut the day is coming 8ampting when we !Alan be civilized.'' "What ate they citingIt. away over -----� — here?” Many a cook is n poor singer who "Come along, Jsrk. it's a demon - Many elation of face powder, of no interest make a point they'll make it, lo it bus men.'' has a good range. "Oh, I don't know. Let's oak for a taste." For obvious reasons very few p(epie die from brain fag. Horse Same as Man. ''0n" of man's host friends 1! the Did you ever hoar n married Iran horse." ccnx his wife to sing for 1►im9 "Yes," i' pnndet1 the 4114111 with t!,0 -- racetrack habit. "flat 414,1 you ever Dotice what s terrible faculty your Some people whe are out. for a good. best friends have of disappointing you good time haven's lime lo be g is au enrergonc),1' 1a an salt burglar story is re - 1 lo Regard all Not in l 1,i- 1 '"1 by n currespundent of the . I. /:don Daily News. A young girl form n, 111 wie`• II I laid gone up to bed. and on light - her in her candle saw in the looking 1 11 u ! • En ) 40,1 -. n sch(•:110' glass a man in a corner of the room }, ;f1 r 1:. , 11 formulated by obis h where he believed himself hidden : • 4,•,iee c, nstables of the Netth from observation. With great pres- I .: :••rt0 Railway on night duty wit! 4•ncc of mind she pretended to be 1' - a •, $(44•( by dogs. . unconscious of his presence. and to 11 is the ,Airedale bred that is emphasize this attitude lifted liar employed, and the experiment has;' arms in trent of the mirror, saying been attended with so much sneers al"cod, ''ll"hat beautiful arms I've that large kens( 1; have .been pr„- e t A minute or two after she v:(led and it is now proposed t 4 quietly left the room, and during augment the number of animals. her absence the burglar thought it Tramps scarcely ever sleep out on well to make his escape. S.otne time the docks now, but hold tho dogs inafter she was in a crowd, and a dr adly terror. I man whispered, "What beautiful Each dog undergoes n meet eta -1 arms l'te got:" She raised a cry, 1. lute training which centres and the clan was arrested, confess - v bully around one id•'a, that every ing later that the impulse of expos- p,•raon dressed in other than p.lien ing the girl's supposed vanity had ni.ifor►n iv nn 0110111y Thts is an been irresistible ; partieulariy as he important point, ant no person continued to believe he had escaped 44^4•'4441 111 ',lain clothes is allowed her notice on the occasion of his t , t. ',e44 ..r pet the 444:gs. 1 intended burglary. The t„'!:..••turn who tend theta I �_ __etr taus, •4n!, enter the kennels in uui- , 1...711 'T!1 • •I,;g= are taught to obey , When lowly people rise in tile .4 4, •!..'' u:811's whistle. which the % world they are apt to feel uppish. !4.14, for e :lired:ile ri.'rl , 1«411"1171,. Eacthh 4141,10411 tintelter-! 1t a fireman antagonizes you tell him (4) 4444 to 1)11174/5. les., strict and rigid training, and, -o far. the ll"gs have rendered rnost saltiable service. City air, scientists declare, eon- t:l•n. f,urtr"n (11114.4 ns many lni- (.44 hes as country air. ire ('hint, there are 1 J:1: walled lite s where there is neither a ler- elgli nor Chinese pastor. In some of the Sem-dish hotels e. men aro' charged halt rates he - (rinse they eat less _ than men.France imports 170 1411141 of Mi- •I:an hair every year, and the great- er part of it comes from ('mine. The hide of a e, a endures about thirty fi'.,' !, -en•i ' f lather, that ..f n hot -4• :16..1:1 .••1111te„li p"ands. Robert5on 13ros. t)r,lc liR4 AND Rl'Ii.nI±RS of MOTOR BOATS ALL SIZES KNOCK DOWN FRAMES HULLS furnished complete or in .t -,s ,'..,e of completion. LAUNCHES, with Engines in- st.tiled, ready to run, in stock. Send stamps for catal,.;,; Ie. Foot of Bay Street HAMILTON. CANADA MOTOR CARRIAGES AWARDED V.WAR TROPHY. The Dewar Chailener. 'l'r,pny is euardod yearly by the ROYAL AI"1'O1IURILE t'1.I_"14 fur the most inetitorious per• forninnce of the year under the general regulations for certi- fied trials. The New Daimler engine has now been in the hinds of tho public for nearly 19 months, quite long enough to prove its merit; owners are sending in testimonials by every post and we should like to forward to aur person or persons interest- ed a complete set of literature fully explaining this marvel- lous new motor. Send also for our new illustrated bo *klet, "The Dewar Trophy and how it wad won," a history of the Oreatest. i:ngine Test on Recor•I. The Daimler Motor Co., ono Limited, COVENTRY, ENGLAND. :► SENSIBLE WOMAN, .1 sen -dile w"than is cite who kii','.s that. her 11lsband has faults, but can't remember just shat they are when she has an opportunity to talk about t110m. The right car k generally larger 11 an the l(ft. 1.1id you ever notice Thew many (•'111 opinions you hear expressed every day 1 Tt takes a good cook to fix up anything to „a: so as a man can't t. 1! w lint it it.