HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-08-11, Page 8.ti r; la X 1 L it T 1 DIR i S AUGUST llth IU1O •••••••o''••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••o•••••••••• t•••••••e000s••••••••'••eoo••••••••••••••••••♦••••••• 1.1 • • • • •• to • 2 •• •• • • • • •• ♦• • , 22 • • • • • • • • ' � O •i ••• • • • • • i2 2 • • •• • • • • 4 • • c! i2 • • • • ♦ • rt STEWA%2T'S PliON14: 16 %,47 t11TE WAISTS _„._„. We have ,aveanother extraordinary offering of Ladies Lawn \Pais• • -or this are••k. Only tel waists in the lot. One of each .tyle 1, 11r size. So come early and get first choice. Prices 98c. $1,25 $1.50 $2.00 Hosiery 1) t not oris. the uppnrtunit y of g. ling ;•ane of the hose we .0 r *:•11,1g they cattle in tan. ti i ' 1 As tin all , zes a3,1 4; \1: 1'.11111• :tt 2 pelt for 25c, Kaybro Petticoats I1 • ...at - •eo 1It,• lift yl•r,. . •Its.' They .11 ( 1.eknoaa'- 1, • ; .11 he lit.• most pt., Iect tt.tt:n4 petticoat on the ntark- e 111awstrings Adjust .3 t• necessary only once call 111 •e thein h..- $1,50, 2:,•1, $3 to $1.50 13&1 CORSETS are what. we sell and we have llt••ni in ny size to fit any fi: 1•• l'hevcannot be ex. r ••,1 t. t lit (tont and grace - I.• LION BRAND NICKERS noUBEE for boy's arc unbeatable They have double seats and knees, arc doubts sewn and arc cut full making thcfn the best and strongest pant in the trade Prices GSc, 75c. LION BRAND $1.00$1.25 %-_d A_ srEWAR t •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1•••••••••••••••••••••••••♦ ••••••••••••••••••••••♦•t•♦ i4 ♦ 2♦ i 2 • 22 is • • • •• • .2 • • • • • t • • 2♦ ••i ••. ••• II •• s• •• •• •• ••• ••• 2• • 2• •• 2 • •• • • • • 4-• •• •• O • •• ♦ • •• O • •• • ♦ • • •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• •• ••♦ •• •♦ • •• •4 •d • • • •• •• •• ♦• ..• ••••••••••••♦•••••••♦••••• Farm Laborers 41 Wanted FOR WORK IN WESTERN CANADA 13000 r1'0 WINNIPEG AND 1'0IN1%i:.f<S1 OF' MOON!. .1.‘11 11,11I9 Friday, August 12th, and Tuesday, AuLust 16th From KINGSTON, SIIARROT LAKE AND ,1LI. .S1,1110N01 WEST IN ON (Akio i •, to ,nr,tt u r (i„cr n, .r t i.11 m a 1 i; pr..n'at rr i•tmerl. .y,yototirl by the r s o . ,ravel at w mrnpes. - 1 ree tr:in.pnrt item will be furnished at Winnipeg to pante on C 1'. 1*. $her,• n••r.L•d. rho of %loose Jaw, including blanches, and a1 use tens a mile each was 11•c.t rt.•r.of in :'s1►.1.-hewap and Alberta. A •• • 'oat. is Porn .h.d with earls ticket. rind this certificate n t,.•n rvootted 1,r farmer •wft that I.'-'r••t hart wr r►e.l thirty 4tyi or more. will 1.• h•,nor.•.I from that r.. a ..Rind etam ticket bark to starting pointe in Ontsrw, a1 1114.00, ph•.r :. Noy. 30th, 1919 k•t• .r. tired'otn¢ only on 1peristl Farm 1aborers' trains and will hc i, .ao 1 to women ,, art 11 as to 111.•10 11•1. ..in not be isx-1-1 at 031 1 fare t1, eb•Mr. ti for full parllcutara ser nearest (:.P.R. a/eat. or wile N. 1.. IHOMPSON. U.P.A., C.P.R., i0110`,1Q 7 IV. J. CARI.ING, Agent, Exeter. •••♦•♦•••••••♦•O•t »O.O••♦ ••••••♦••••••••••••••••••• •• • • THE LATEST THING ••• • I IN CLOTH A 2 2 1 A I,1VA YS to be found at this Tailoring Establishment. IS you haven't a 1nilor:and rite looking for one, give lei a call. Style and Fit Guaranteed. Prices Right. W. JOHNS. Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontario • • O T • •• ♦ • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••00 •••••••••O•••••••••••••••• The Times and, Weekly Globe from now Until an. 1911 for 35c ••••••••••••••••♦••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Times Want Column As 1111 advertising Medium th1' Iaeter 'fiats•, cluutot be sur• , , pasv.i<1. )lose 1t occur to y0► that an advertisement may change 1 he whole care,•r of an individual. and may material- ly air et the advertiser's lot in :if: f A real estate ad. wi:l by our t,nbscribcM and others who are inter- ...NA nter- ,.n d in real estate. If you Irl'..• .onr•ihing to disport. of ar.• wantinq ,help, or have something to bring before the pu11,''c use the columns of the I' nts as your advertising nt d u n1. The cost is trifling. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••♦•••••••••••••••••• \1 .1 L. t Report. -'rhe following is 911•• r• last of Exeter markets, cor- ! +• to August 4th. �`• 1 Standard $1.00 to 37 cts. ti 41ie. t - $21.00 I:t , $20.00 7111 7•i;,•1 ' flour $3.00 1', d 'our $1.50 ii Sr. to $10 t : I tats. U.;1 r 1`c. rut i tr., :0 to 60 , u :t ctttle $0.25 to 6.50 citta' S5.75 to 6.00 ra r' $5.25 to 5.50 00 1 o7,00 '0 to 1.09 •••••••••••••••••••••••♦•• • • • e••••••• • • • • •••••••• Mr. Moly- Mr. omsMr. J. \'• holt. • in , LOCALS ty in town. . tit 'Imlay :it his • 11 Lima: I. t- sor, of Zurich. •1 l'har1 L wit-nti:id. \l r. Alfr•:•d \Vey of Woodstock is vi-it.ng Mr. Nelson Nestle. Itirde Iloyl • k v%sitiatg in St. Thom- . • t hi. ave '•Ir. W. 110)1 is taking tt'_s holidays t hi. Ice k. Mr. Itri.c. And, thy at hi, !.:•ane in God.rich. \\'ood i.tya at Grand 111'm1. Mr. J. M. flout hcott is rt.••vt.ip..:- tnv it Gra:: 1 Ilend this we( k. 'Tr Gower of Crediton wart a gut'a- of " -. May Armstrong over Sunday. • 1:. J. J. 'Sterner of 'Zurich. vis - Charley Lind n(ield over Nue. t'.'fED TO 1tt:\'1'-A ,nrt)I but 1-tbI' house, centrally located • :it Timca. t+ -441t, - '1' M. White. of \Vindsur, was 6 . . • of Mrs. John White for 4 i• 1 1 -vs 1 hi< week. 1! Mr. Y.-Il:u►d wilt preach at I .• h r • in tit- Main Street " •' • . ..rch on Sunday net. Henry 1)illing. who has been vi.it t.. )c r (taught: r. Mr!. S. Milts of tit. '•!.rys, rot ern,d home Friday . 3• tin_' has r.•'':rtte34 from -1n1 r port. • iw; roe • t h health of h r l,tt:0 r.1 . Ertl: Glaain who Ins 1 11 •1 on tip' 0 T 11 ::t dt. 1try. •unLer of y ars 111,11e. oft -1w - to frtw- to itlelton and made r,•ction .It 1i '.liners. who r e1 ntly 1 1 !1 , i h • London Nonlal ( . ,• ill 1 .:10 tier duties sir ,r \1. 5 t•sborn' en I .. 3t Int . 1 h 1 r , •s a, .ltd 1 . la vI' 1n:1- . ,n felt i nt r i ek- r 1, inti • h • tt:.t • r 11 • . 1, , .t (I;i f crllfy. l ., received from '41 Tho:, :rty who tt 1' , 1 • in it . '.1 t r...,, 1 r njoy. u1� t h• n.•ut .. (41'I'i1. !. . It 1. -1 Ihna (;n'il' f.1 •1 .,I • , ,r, 041 ' • r19•• Itntn t'• . II: \v ,- 11 1. 1 91. • ...•1 t!e re ar.• I1 ft. 'll rity flow Company of Brant- ford flounced extensions for tour depar' fits of their local works of n lot .: outlay of $40,000 for build- ings • nd rnachinorq. The present :100 i Inds will he inereaaod by 200 al hen cztentions aro completed. In looking over the list of candidates who were successful in the examinit ions for entrance into the faeulr . n( education we dote the nam:' of 1'. ,nd•'rs end J. N. McMahop, Loon of 7.1r. •!ohn McMahon of ilay who pass- ed with honors i1+ a graduate of aur chnol. Mr. McMahon ht•1nan fri •nds 1n :4034 around town who w't•r1u 3 d 11 learn of hi•-•trct•sa, t YEARS F;XI'F:KIM:\CI•: 01? AN 01.1) NI ILSE. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup 1s the prescription of one of the best female physicians an/1 nurses 'in the United Staten, and has been used for fifty years with n.rr•er-failing aflseees by millions of mothers for their chir.dren. it relirtes the eltfld frotn pain. cures diarrhoea. griping In tit inw'i•!s wad i itul colic. Ily ,living h.a!th to the child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five (cats n bottle. '11.- M:.11.t Schlott of Ingersoll \col • 11 in town over Sunday. \1, • 1 1 V[It. Q.ance is v!riting Mi.- I;- - ry at t h• Ilend. Mrs. Itrod rick is visiting relatives itt London. 1Ir. and Mrs. Will Hilmar', of Lu- c1tl. spout Sunday i t town. \1rs, I'ItiIt(roa' i- �.-:ting Iltr. l'h trllun. I1 .1u -1111t Johns left 1 w.el: tut 1 trip to the west. • , .1 s- Itevcrly's advert twat- tt w1 tt •. Mi,- '•I ri „i•• 11 •irnes, of ingersol!. .1-.1111 1 .'•1 • (:l'u'st Il ta•i<. '1r Harry `t -it ham of ,'tclun was a tau.•st of J. N. lloward over Sunday, Miss Ies'ie Cochrane of 11 •rain i- 31-iting at Mr. harry (could-. t- • visiting 'miss Arno Dow is a1.t g h•r 001 sin Miss McIntyre in icullarton Miss May Jewell leaves ittat 111.1 1'. to vi -it Ju Ilensall and vicinity \li,• ('t rile Acott of Cromarty vis- it d Iter I:rather Mr. John tl. Scott Ia.,t '.s ek. Mr. and Mas. Thor Grieve of Sea - fort h were guests of Mr. and Mrs 1S 'o McLeod on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gidley. of Myth :-:t.-d Mr. and Mrs. Richard (iidl -v e, r Saudaa'. Ale Pearl Johns of Alvinstolt it 1 -it it.. ,t the home of her grand- ( tt It••i '.tr. 'William Miners. !lir 'Vary Passmore is wit .0:r Iter broth •r. Thos I'a'stuure of t h.• Thames Roast. Brandon, of tit. Thoma. ; t• - .I -,t the org.lta in jaw,. 't• Al hodist church last !Sunday. Mr. Clarence \V bit by has resumed his duties at the bank of Commere: atter holidaying (or tw'o weeks. Mrs. Jas. Cullinewoad awl thre:. children of Hamilton. are v1'siting .cit It Mr. and Mrs. 11 .Harney. 't':• Loft boys. of .St. Marys. cam - 0% -1 in their auto fri aids in town. Miss 11.'atrico Quick. of hondon. is •isiting for a month with \V. II, Dearing. Mr. Frank Donne, of l'orent0, spent Sunday in toren with h - ;tar - ems. ts. Mrs Mary 03 It. nt-•r -Ai 1 son finder \ iwi-t It. of Cr (titan. are visiting '.1 \V, 11. 0-.1ring a few days. ! n•i titre. \u.•,:- Mctenzi.'. of ▪ not: •\.. 1, t It, sts of Mr. • i,.l 7,1 r John \'. '1' i 3;or. ! 1 - v•) E. ti I',,u I. i t i-:t- iII ti lel. a 0.1 7 • 1.111, • 111 I1. Park. `tr.:old Mrs. P, nt. (.1 i. g, of Chat It- attl and Mrl'. \V, Grigg, of Calgary spent a few• da. t bisIreek wit h I:riga• Mrs Aquilla She're who has been visiting Mrs A Sheer,• returned to 7, -r home in Lansing ?tech. last Thur d.4y. 11. Dearing - .•. •-:: 01'• w'a attending a itt^et. r g 0! tar nd Lodge of the tons of England 11 n t 0. at Society. 7!1- I i•Idicot1 and daughter, of Lon don. nr •i•iting Mr. Samuel Tory. !,-• M. Foster, of I'igcon. Mich. 1• ::• -tin:• \1 -- ltrod••rlch. 11: -.nd \', t:.. CudlnOre and child •!t on .'•1t.ud .t to visit In harrow fol t 1- n• dao, b fore returning to Ian::. • in C: v-1 ti City, 'fan. I s.rs. ,I. G. St anbory, S. itow•e. Fray'n•• and It. Davis attended t0• 1n•,•tin:r of th-• (:r•tnd Lodg•' I t). O, F. 11 Toronto this week. Mrs. .1. G. St.• tibnry and sons Stn - art an 41:enneth :ire vit.itina Ntanbury's Parents 1/r. and '\!r- 1-,stwood at \Vhitby this we -k. Mrs. Walter Andrew, of 01110:7 accompanied by M' -' r tlto;:l• Drowning. ton, of Pr. \'• . 1' Itrow•i1- 39•. of Caledonia -Ilia: . r in relitivi':t in town illi- ,. k` \ti_- }laud T.iylor who h•.- 1- • n n London for the pt•t f'tt• } ar T,: .rl ,y tn'rninat for 11'inni$n•,r r -h•• 01 •••e•tred a goo34 posi- t toll \I t - I Irak 1)r.\I n. 0! ('.borne on Th.1-'1.1 I1 -t 4evidently in a n •1•• in; ti til• ;Alm of her hand. '•t '•7r.9o' 1 • ', • went to London • :, 1, :0 ). •:p of the X itay lc • it •••II .1 3. '..cit •1 and removed. '1'h•• i n; • I1•t • f,,: :11.• 1:-• ter Air - , Sar it- ..r t. t, flirt anti tr h it; • 'l,'tr f. tt• d l -y the secre- ty. \1r 1. t:, 11•:.•r. Among th' 1••i •et ions .e. 1 L • tl Luck- •. I r .'•.,-. In to 72 -1ror._' • : . \111i . .itn.11 !a',a•e r.n the I1•t o 110. '•1r• John ,•i .f 1 -Fant 11.•1 t • ,gran• t 1 1: t 0. 1•. . and ''• 1• 1 to al, r •.nd on I•, 13. of ! . 1 1'i, $:r i. -up- I if) It • • from I he chiet- i; The •• • • • h1•avy as or •ri ! 17. • .•tIy $500 in- .ne • all I r , 11.,• eont••uia or hire: a • 1 fh•• 1 r , o, 11. ,.• 1.'•1, ; • forth ' .. '1' . -•1 ' on t !. bti •trn• .s- tric 1 tt .i• i t -11w' , T11 : t'•, hand!. for •4'17: a:•,•:t.' 'he. • r into contract with the hydro -c•1••.:... -_-ion. for 361: 1.'1 le: 47: Tn 1.•11.1. for the issue r, I .! . 1 t' n t and ei;3.3t for . :3• ti 51, 7.11 I' , '•1 1'L • 111.1 SOO •.! 1 , . w L , • n' t, . 1.0111,• .100111- • • 113 „• 1: 1'.1.,1•, ! 1.1 ., •.k ,t .�. (111 .' i ' '.1 in ,:t 1 A17,-. 1 ! .7 !i I' M• .. cru; f Ia't e., .1!,•1311 11, ill• eo13t.1;. .n •:i; •,• :h 1. A Ieactjowl: y storm p rind is inrt trtl on to 1310, Ilth an l I:.tit '1•h i Mercury infhtences 1()get h r with the '.loon's first quarter and apo; on flys 12th will bring a marked iu- ereise of stoma conditions a.rly in liti• per7od. \Ve do not think n general s'tffit•ncy of r tinfoil is to be expected this inont 0, or rhtritig 1111. anlnnt-1 Lot (food toe il i:aitt this summer. but good loo 11 r:tis: will be natural In tnany seat I. r;i;g section; in e nllatl to nor uteri' stale:.. during the thret' storms ler- Jails wittt'n 7111' mercury brace up to .ltvust 15th. Violent to dangcrn : storms will hit some localifi.n. I:ut always after ample warnings hove nppynred to all who are looking for t hem. Sunday 10 visit. Church Directory JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor BIG SALE Sunday Publio Worship -10.30 a,mb 1 OIi and 7 p.m. ( :tss fscrvicc-Sunday 0,30 a,m• +tad atter Morning Hevvi•e and Wednes- d'ty flight. 1ouulf lien's Class Gott UIateabetneas Sunday at 1 p•ea. Sunday $ohool and Mote Claea••a !.10 Epworth League -Tuesday at 8. p.tn Prayer Meeting-Tpurs:due et 8 van.' '''J��- J 'tly :41-1tt v. -1. J. Kt-stk. 31. 1 I, L'." morning and evening. D66idI XXL; CEDAR SHINGLES at $2.10 per Square! Now is your opportunity if you require any cellar shingles Do not delay your order. Ladies Waists -r- Regular $3.25 now $2.69 3.00 " 2.58 tt 2.50 `t 1.98 2.25 1.89 2.00 r` 1.69 1.75 1.59 (( t4 4( fl.�. GLflTWORI HY Ladies Underskirts.. GRAN MN. ONTAhtO GRAND TRUNK SYs EM S1'ENI) YOUR VACATION AT TIIE SEASIDE 'file low rate ezcurs' ns •ia h � the Grand Trunk Railway System to:- ('arotlna, flue„ Charlottetown. 1'. E. 1.. 4fali(a', N. 5„ I- t•nnt•hunkport, Me • Murray Itav, (tile., North Sydney N. S., 01d Orchard i(le., Portland, Me, St. Jnht1, N, It, sc. John's Nfld.. Syd- ney N. S., will anablo you to do so at small cost. Tickets Good Going August 8, 0, 10, 11. Return Limit August :40 th, 1010. SAILINGS OI' PASSEN- GER STEA11E1tS From Sarnia to sm., fort Arthur :and Duluth. 'tailings front Coiling - wood 1,30 11. tn. and ()wen Sound 11. a1) p. in. Mondays, \1'ednesdays and So! •1'.',.. - for Soo and Georgian Bay ports, Mailings from l'enetang :i. 15 p. in. to Parry Sound and way ports d:tilp except Svnday. Men's Suits -AT- $20.00 • After all it's the Tailor who makes n suit a Sl;!'CESS or it >•.►II.uItE. '4'he most fascin- ating style would he a fizzle if there were not careful needle work underneath. That 1s the reason our Suits at tt-'1) are better than the suit yon buy in town for more money 'i'hev are perfect in every way if not you can have your money back. W. W .TAMAN Merchant Tailor. i:XETER ON 1'Alt10 ++++++++++++-:••:-:••:••:-.).•)•++++++4( ▪ \'I I\ 10l,Elt:\111,1: ITCIt. t 1'.1: 1:1' S1.1\ DISE .1SF.. 7 Ji uo c r1 c t prompt r• 11. ., Ly t,-1rr ',3 tr. Fri un 0111t- ''' n1r, I 1 1111011t\y t And al's • i , Lotion during th•• t; 13OWELL'S BAZAR i` Successor to Dearing's. Rain!►m!tnrnrmrt►nnmtnmtmmn►MmntMtntrmtt Regular $4.50 now $ 3.89 3.75 " 3.10 2.75 It 2.10 2.50 " 1.98 tt :',25 " 1,89 1.50 `t 1.19 1.00 " 89 A few Suits in Light Weight small sizes. To Clear at a BARGAIN PRICE. This Store will close every Thursday After- noon during July and August. W.J. CARLING Ugh est prices paid for Produce. - NNO UN C EM E NT Ilav' nq bought the stock and goodwill of Dearing's Bazaar, 1 desire to an- nounce t•( the people of Ezeters and vicinity that I purpose carrying on the same business itt the same stand together with the Phonograph and goods bold by Tut{ I'Oa1T3'. Watch North \Vindow for 14arf$tins. 1 thank n,v many cus- tomers for their valued patronage at The Purity in titles past and 1 trust 1 will met it a cow in 'lance of aauu'. My Aim will he to sup- ,►ly flood Wares at Low Prices THIS SATURDAY the will 0ave:a 5c and IOc BARGAIN COUNTER wit h Values nnheatd of Before. Saturday will bcour [3argain Day t always: 4. Try a 25c (crab flag every thing Immaginable in them. 111:1 .1 i1I. A few of cur lines: TI1 (' 11: onfectionerv, fruits, etc. Nancy Chinatan,1 Glassware. Toilet prepara- tions. Perftanes, Flavorings, Talcum and Face Powders, Stationery, School Supplies of evet•y,descriptton, i'honograph., etc. etc. '1.1, y 1 .• 1111 It lesseell. tin 1. of 111 - ;Ail not only f..• \ 1 1 aentually cure 11 1 I • ,- 1 •al i• c u 11 e. • 1• 1 I. ,:.•mem stops 111v fi tel ill:ows yon to .1 1'11 Lot ion t•1 more �1t 1c ecu ring 4h•• tiny. 1 von •1:-i•. el your blood t1,. :ts 11ur' :1- it should h . , i. \, tl'• 1130-.11 Purifier. '1'1 t niter 1 • !cat for t 1 ,::tin iodic it,-rl. \'. • 'n null not reeomm 191 t h e.. if .. • did not kno'.'.- tonnnla. .r W. S. NOW[Y, Pin. B. -1' r,. .1. • 4'heuliat k lipilic:ln E • I:\ I.11•:11, -- ONT. A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To 11l1 Women t I will send free, with full instru.'tions, my J.ome treat- ment which positively curev Leucorr. boil, 1•Iternlion, 1)ispincements, Fall. Ing of the Womb, I'winfsl or Irregular Periods, Uterine, and Ovarian Tumors or growths, nlse liot Flashes, Nerv. oesneas, Melancholy, Nina in tho Serol, flack, Ilow•els. Kidney and Bladder troubles where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You can continuo treatment at home at a 'oat of only about 1:1 coots a week. My hook, 't Wommn'e Own Medical Adviser,"• also sent. free on request, • Trico to -day,. Address Mrs. Mn, mire, Bo* 8 , f3ts 1 Wiadsora OLIt, WESTERN FAIR LONDON, CANADA - Sept. 9th to 17th, 1910 $25,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions OPEN TO ALL The Great Live Stock Exhibition Speed i:vents Dog Show Athletic Day iivery I)ay Cat Show Monday Music by the_ 91st Highlanders and 7th Fusiliers A'I" TI2AC•i'IONS DON'T 1'IRF WORKS Better Than Ever' MISS IT Each Night Reduced Rates over all Roads VISIT LONDON'S EXI iBITION Prize Lists, Entry Forms and nN Inform:. ion from W. J. REID, Pres. A. 11. HUNT, Sec.