Exter Times, 1910-08-11, Page 6fir.
011-1-1.M4 ++14.1-11.1-1-11-1+1-11-1•11
M l Ii tse 4.4.
il-t-1-1-1-.ti..+-1-1-•ii-i•1•'ht' 1••1-111
SEEN IN 1'•lltls `111)1'5.
Immense hatpins are still used -
Pink linen is extremely fasbiun-
The girdle is a pronounced fea-
tu f the l t
Ethics of the Process as Defined by
Inspector Byrnes.
"Tho 'third degree,'" said Inspector
Byrnes, the former chief of detectives.
"should be a psychic rattler than n
physical pro.ess. 1t Is nut remorse
brought about by continual thought
upon the heinuusuess of his crus that
drives a guilty man to confessiuu. It
Is the nervous strain involved In a long
effort to maintain his pretense of in-
noceuce, while he is In constant fear
that ilio police uro !n possession of evl-
(Lowe that may prove his guilt. Sotue-
fe o :e Ic gowns.
thleg like n parallel case would bo
Pans are so huge that they ars that of n prizefighter who should sur -
roost nokoard. mise that tais antagonist was playing
the now neckwear shoos ilio with him In tho ring while capable of
sending In n knockout blow nt any
ef!, , : of the frill. hale he telt so Inellul•d. Apprehension
'I' •• kimono to or below th ..1-160c lie ons dealing with conditions of
o. !.•::cls all others in 4••'. the nature of which he was unaware
'1''.' 1,.141 :inti grr'•n c( -'11'"'"c' 'ns would eventually %%Taken the than In
( f tallie . fleet are t opular. ' that case. 'felt n suspected Ulan who
1 , . aftcrnuvu gow!ls crepe .'.•' Is guilty that you have evidence of his
!)sine-tussur is occupyit:g rile 111:guilt nad that he will get nothing to
place. eat or will not bo perutited to sleep
All the blurs are popu'.ur ep to until tie confesses, and 11n:es4 be Is
f tiutest slid(' :\ntotil(tte tint. a particularly stupid follow he will
1 ot colored satin i t.bons art le know that you have no proof against
is escttes uro a fad of the it o- him and are only trying to get it. For
1: 1i Wtanee, show him ostentatiously the
most favored fans are of ::.t weapon with which he niny have killed
1: a::•( a V with c.\tio'holy •o rg a nein and tell him that yon know nil
I. :. i• nbout the crime and he would better
confess It. Ile will say to himself.
'They haven't got sutlictent evidence
to convict me and are trying to Mika
nos furnish 1t. for if they had the evi-
dence they wouldn't Baro whether 1
confessed or not,' and thus he will bo
encouraged to hold out. Also. if he
(054 confess under duress, he makes
:. false confession, which he knows It
will be impossible to corroborate.
"Now, a guilty man In ninety -Moo
case., out of n hundred Is not sure that
he has covered every trace of his crime,
and he may readily be put into tete
etate of mind of the man in Pee's
story ct 'The Telltale heart; wherein
he can't help believing that proof of
his guilt has been discovered and tlrst
his cross examiners aro mocking hien
by pretending wit to be aware of it.
I.et the guilty man catch sight of nn
Implement with which his crime Is ns-
stxlatel In the possession of the po-
lice. which he believes has been un-
intentionally left where lie sees It, and
It throws hint Into n pante. because Ito
does not know how they came by 1tau
Neap, a nor what else they may have
discovered demonstrating his guilt In
getting bold of It. Perhaps •s lie bas con.
coete,i a story In his mini which the
dlscuvery of thea weapon renders itn-
piausible, and he Mentally puts to-
gether and rejects one sequined of lies
after another, wondering whether It
Is safe to tate chances on this bit of
information or that be'.ng not In tllo
possession of the police. Then rte Is
overwheilnesi every few moments by
the thought that everything Is known
and all has efforts are useless. 'Teo
guilty roan In tall condition is 110 lung-
er normal, and his collapse I: only n
matter of time." - Fran'e aInrsha11
11'hite In Harper's 1Vt•eLty.
• 'OA s are genuinely
F . •. ..,.:Iter l'\' !'171!',"4'•.
rt4.L'k114�:: ale
d::.; a-' • if id colors U11 111-
atr11 .1: •
•1 :1 11 chiffon makes
to: • .5i:t -no(!In or V0It-
11 ..
t1 -4 • • •,
ell• r
t,, • 4.1 11.
1' 77. •t • :7'9 i9 11111(11
B la .:' I - trikins; to
d• t•, i .1,k.
l:.' r :de r..o t1 gowns are
mad, over i...• . •, n : black user
White is s.-'• '•, • • :•art.
l i ick t . ' 1 'k cats. (;site
to t.:..i with . .• .,::.i are (.(pular
with 1111(1111,• :. . •I o.. !hen.
\•,w custom •.:. .. any wotilatl
t, 1•, :.• n1 the fa .. be. o::li.tt to
15 ,:, r :.ick for every waking
1•'l !.• . lar= tcso, • •,;
i 'r, to t• 11.• 1 • • •.
1411'1•-i(,n are i!1 izrcat d• !. ,..
1'- iris ale to the f .
• arill 1'•11 bar, str.,...- ..
tilt. ad on a ..i Fan:, i.
•`f• are fa -;1.. I„.1
(1.4 1'• :-.., 1 h• r<tere•l chuff,
Inarqui-• s, CUllibaled w7ti4
sal :1.
.' new green. (lark and deep. g, by the ',lotto wino, of -.:it-oho'.
land i. 14141 ur.'.il c tho tone of the
a.11:ti:15 nen).
In etubroidktrd grown, fl' •.t''r •' •
aignt predominate. but so. Is (ff. •
Ai wheat and ('.in ,:•t'.1 a"' ..•..„.
and etch fruit 141:''t1.' ate 17 1 1.1.-
1:1„ wn.
Many of the new 11:11• h 11:.41 r
Are of lace, w •til jabot, r t •i• ;,i•:•
Stole attached. (hie prt•t ty 1.1..-
lii'leas the jabot ft:-tencd to the ,n:Ia1e
by oeaet of largo a 1
tons. so that it 1,.:t::= a v. -t elf, t•
Never have the natal.] 1;•
n l•
>tlttut,•r and (1711''•1.(•; t,•at"
fascinating a: this y•. :tr. 'fl.e t'•i,, it
es (.1 151:1, k alai! f iv:.1 r, • r u ' .I f' '
(beings pr it:ells¢". (I„ tun, 17 1,2 11.;.•
14144:d144.1 air t., 11)4,1(1 (,.foal FA:
114. 11'
pheasants. pc•a(-c' ks.
I;, • •Ir•fs.
and other birds are make up 111 gold
arid silver, or with a plating 4.1
;):ecions metal. for the (haliteser
let . try. The birds arc usually
f(:'.11•red to 1.11(-11 ori.ameuts as
1.1otehes, pendants. 15u. -k11•', scarf
pins. teil and hat pins. purse', and
Meth bags and 4 titer article;.
;I: heti for
.,,.., :...'•i a me -
IO their knees
• ..broidcred stos•kiegs
Yreecii frocks of
r are short mouth
used this
have the
11 \111'1 11 S'f11].
' Iia . \, ,
11,. 1. r 11:. 1.
111.. .••• . 1 • , 1 • I.. •., .
111...1 1.' :1 r f • 1 t ,t • 1.'
1 n• t,•. :la oo,
pbt. 11 1..1..• 1• ,.. • L• ..
1 t • 1 , ,1 . .1 t• i1 I.
1 • •.;1 It.' , .. -1'
1, •. .-•1 the 1.1. -1:,,'i•• • jib•. I• 1
t h o'. I (',...:.t, if Ow 45• a 1.I 1.I
7, . . 4i !r•:.1' 1., •. .1 1.11
Vi • .71118
His Had Reformed.
A young 1lau itis tc,15 1111 cnthust-
41stic lover of nature west to the sea-
side for a holiday and, approaching a
Opieat II:,ilerinstn, said:
".1h. my (Co 1111, how well you must
know the f:u e of mature and know it
In 113 litany Inn411+' Ilatu you ever
seen the sial slukl:,;; In such n glare 4/1
tory that it sw:1C,1ws up ' the horizon
with tire": ll.ite y•'11 77'1 se.71 the tl.ist
gLdiu; dowa the shrinking hlllsi,lu
111.,.. 1 I r .
.11:d. f cry es/ !tc.l and throwing nut
hist ern:'s, he cent initial:
"Mae you never seen. my man, the
moon strug'tling to sialic off the rug-
ged. ragged storm eloml'?"
The fisherman replied. "\•'. I:Ir; I
have not since 1 algucd the pledge."-
I'carson's Weekly.
r1111Ns11,ce tufa t StnNstala
A Little Ambiguous.
The Ihgreli..111♦ stern entertaining
t1va friend:; at dinner. After 31r. lu-
graham Iia:) helped them to roast beef
he happened t0 glance at the ether end
of the table, where ids wife Fat, and
observed, lo his horror. that the sugar
both was the old ate. with boli inn•
dies broken ofr, that usually grace(' the
dining fable on wash days.
In vain he endeavored by nlyelerlous
nods and winks to direct Mrs. Ingnt-
hsnl's attention to It, She either (lid
not awe or 74•.11'41 not see the mutilated
piece of queensware, nod his patienro
gate way at Ia't•
"Cornelia." be 1141'1, with some ahnrp•
Eei1, "do you think we ought to 1190 a
tlal;ar bowl when we have company
without ears our -Youth's Cutnpnn-
Every mother must know
low fatal the summer !Malt': •4
aro to small children. Chol-
era lutetium, diarrhoea, dy-
sentery and stomach 1ruUble'1
aro all common at this tine•
and many a precious life is
snuffed out after only a IVs
11o111s illness. As a safeguar.l
mothers should keep Baby'•-.
What Social Eminence -Costs the Com-
moner In England.
My father was a laborer, mud 1 am
a lard.
When education was reserved for the
rich They do nut seer( to have availed
themselves greatly of 'Ito odruutage,
fur many of the important discover-
ies, tu1eut buns anti 1111pru►•elneuti We
owe 10 the nuns of the poor. and few
of the celebrate) writers, musicians or
artists were sons of the rich.
The education 1 received at the put.
Ile exp51150 enabled 110 Io obtain ern'
Ow•n Tablets in the house, An ploymeot which tifforiled opportunities
occasional dose of the Tablet:. to for advancement, and eventuality 1
will prevent stomach and H amassed a vast fortune.
bowel troubles, cr if the -society,. bus Itis scouts. They are
trouble cool^`l on sioldenlso the connecting links between the Unita -
will bring tho little ore orient rich and the Lnpe'c•uuluue
through bafely. Mrs. B. I 6 ••great•"
Sat:fold, Inver:try, 11:.' . u The wife of n fashionable artist
tt'r ' "My baby ons 51ei. ! sought our nequulnlnnee. Uy por-
1•N`1E)1: 1N1,1fit M\'I'Iti`. AIl(11'I' A li1:1•s:f(►N TASK.
t'Ii1AII:i " 'I'I,a• IN', • .1 1.. t..1.' lust after u
When ,7 on • 1141, 1b, I .,...1 4.11 1.•41 • r.••••.1 ,. ' 1 1. • ,. i . "1 de
1'1'4111, 11,0.1 1.,111 141411. 11 .,,,.f •I . . . ..•• ••. 1-•':1 . ,1 14:111,011 1
14 ::11111)' blit I•:1, 1•. ,o • ., , 1 1•. u 1 , , .l.lr • I,,,1 rib,./
lb:44r, it i 111'8Ml1Ut Retie 14' I,..1, , •.. - ' •'
t4' 1'011 Us 501,11 di Ilio 14.4 1.1, ' It• .,. .1 1„ '.Mer
1':.'11 to the ell.' of tl..• • �.•1 .,,. t .t t •1,, •1 l.,• r well,
II •• eigar is it "1'llot.l••lt
Abide twin 11. low coat, POWDR PAINT
rndcalr 1t.clf to thy harm 411..1 (!bels because
11.11 work (f nosing and applying 4 an be duns
14Y h.l.i rr any 1,:.(Jy pension at old times
Without Paying out 7ent for wartsh•Ip.
A4.41 their a•( w 14.411 places s hr,e Pow ►
p•oI( Noll Lo (f the rreattet 1141,•,41 .0 w(rlh
U,u'. ll will 1.47 rtery termer Lend.oniely to
Wok rl.o.:,, and bind"' Its u.es carefully.
14 uo (5.1.41 way (as • few dollars be Ii:reatr•
act to I:I"Ptybly ar 11, lip 41)1n this ren arkabls
wr,.!hel7,rouf, rl•p1.4,1 no, sanitary taint.
e•.i.unu5) until you 1:1, .•,,' , „1.. 1 :..{ .• ,.f I,• + 11,11
'1 Lu • o.t 1• ('.!y u 114411, but you will improv•
(1.:S W away flat ss•'. l 4 I •1 1 .• 1.•! r.• a „ •• . 41 ' f ,'• 1,.' ,. 11141 •pu•ara'.• a (f your property many
Lid it et'ur (Weill t., 7.:11 1.• '••' I, 1 1.
!• I fo•4 •n•f •atu.ny add hundreds or dollars
, ub •.nr"•b.'_ value. hu, It furm..t.o as
tit., amount of study 111.1 1•.:: 1. 1. • 1 ' 1 •+ 1 ,• : , • ' 1,.• 4' , • • v , +,n rey'ic.t to
1s•ary to produce at good e' -'iii 1'..• ,. 11. •,.I
wtuld advise you to visit a 1,1"m:- sato t 1,' 1.'.
il'tnt factory the next time y•.lt- �I.sn, 457 I:',r 1l' 1•2 14(7.
have an opportunity Lind Nali•11 '.lit Ilei. .1 ! • • t ': • 1:'' '1 ( •. 1.'r • ,,, A 1'-1 '7 .• 1 ,,,t
"modus operandi." ,•• , .I 51 , .1,, ! {
1-..1,. 1 , 1,2 41411.11'.011 an
.,1.:. .. ' lilt. rl.. :, '.: vs,. sto.t., roost
rs .•t
nr ,lee•
V" fa
•,1 ., I Y
b1l'•• s
111 1110 basement l
l nt you will find:,• + . .
f,•,nl defcct8 int -
ol ;gine! bales or cases u'. ti. 1 ,.:, , • riote /.r L....rt. A•blr•4I, J'urusto.
6 ti; b•.cy. '1 i, , are „ ,,I I,
eoine from foreign c'r:int. .>, 1,•;1,1,•, , and ultr.i0111. i, 1. • 1. .ANGER, Tumors. Lumps, etc. Internal
, • 1411.11411 cuter) without ala 7
where the bales aro' ' ! ! 11, r, .r 1, ne tre. m
u ,•, ;Ir'd f• , t ,. I, u!.' • I; for. 1t.•Ilrr,au ltednail Co., Limited,
lot aero Cased, or d'!. • xnld, first
1 m�1 141'.1'• 4-ff• t. ,I. I t• r a'
I .. •
• 1,• .:-' •1 ti.ltn 1%IIll:, 1. ,•t..,,.4
1, ,. ',i1,..e aro .J:I. 1 . ' r, ,4: hf' t (`LEAN INC LADIES'
:1! •I by tu•tti11g prude's-' wALF:IkC UR OUTI?IC SUITS
1'- ?,a►•n a h. n, f10 :.i cls' t upo11 the ry„ , ,• .• , .f. ,, 1. , 04 to
Er:t'sh Amorloi'i Uyaing Co.
alouo4 .. , 1 . ll ,.,11.41 :.1411 hal.. 7 0C.
'Then they go to ti, • l' 141 1 , l.. n. 11'• ,,• 1:•., • • . . 2.2.•1 pp b
•,t cat. 'trite u. be .-we
l; ' .r over a week frit'.' •, tti trill, tvthich her husband painted. cost w'l.lch requires ane .:
no..11 and bowel trouh ' : (1 1' :' v... but 111 their house we fu- if Lou Hindi rr•, . ! .
4 1 1 night and (lay, I - g iI t•t the pccress 10 whose not disinter- very absorbent tobs;:cc,
la ': - 41 her till I begun : . • esteel negotiations 1 owo tuy knight- (113 well; 1111(1 if w"tk, •1
1. i Baby's Own 'Tablets, loo • bovd• i I a cigar rho c::•
'''hat step up the social ladder cost i 1, su lh .t .:. { .,.Ia' aro eliiii
t:. 6rlpwll her ri::h( awe: w 1 hard and go roil w.,,.•• .-o ,.;.1!.;. I: iaatcd.
some 120,0410. act enough tater is used on a dl).
A philanthropicduchess came for -type, the t,I-•bacco does not a Ctel„t'
ward nest toowweblcome us on the way. i,. be -t flavor; will break C11. I.
bier public benefactions and her prb tlsus .. .•
a••.? now• silo is is 1. ; health.
e• ! with flee ro •
1Ise Tablet; are -1:
wv:uderfill ,; :It f l r, oa
tato bills relieved me of a further r a n'l g•,t ((Ludy to welcome us no-
s% t1.• 1rl t.' !�
The class of tobacco that fora. -
who have lit.' •
"It's tough to be a tramp. 11 'o
:,r;;e amount, but to (•nmpin$f10 for•-crc,,,
!Hs w•o were Introduced to "society." the inside of the cigar is now ra. 1 .
then." Noll by medico. ' 1 t. ,4 4114410d4114410d to several club*. cud "libbers" and is sent to the dr... = 1ott's all right, pard. \\e ain't
dealers or by mail at "`a e•'!'' 1,•11, her* for tho "royal Inebosure" wero 1'1`•.111 where It 13 placed on c;•' ,:, Ito co!ast1ll1Cllls t0 faC0.
a box front 'fl.e U:. 1\ . ) trt.,ulh tluors, spreading it about (i
corded to a*.
Medicine Co.,, elle flus that are no►t in ynnr
( 114 impecunious but Important poll- i. < 1103 thick, turning it twice a .i:",'
(1111- x 1!:'Ian later procured for Inc a baron- takes three to tare days. -.:.
�eeseeBe eesCor� zoo aw 1 I for a consideration, part ut u:anl:facturrrs dry on •ebbe(• n,
w heti wn* for the purposes of the gov- a few hours very dry, and th.•::
1 eminent and Part be retalned fur him- spray, dump in a Lux, and let it
self. lie Is nu inveterate opponent of draw back.
Cw nt!olyn-"1)1' yon know that ' corruption In municipal corporations. 1'11;: no claims that quick evapora
Mr. Fefthead actually asked n:,,
last. night whether I could mut 1eotn
l., leve hint "
1•iulctta - "Why shouldn't 1.e
('ne is never tau old to learn."
Faultless in ''reparation.--- ['nlik(•
al`; other stomach regulator, Par -
melee's Vegetable ''ills aro the
r( stilt of long study of vegetable
Compounds calculated t• ti:•'l.'' 11e
:Ito stomachic functions :Hot !1:14.),
thin them at the normal .. :aloOon.
1• ars . f use hate t:r• .I,1 their
f.. ;le-- character and • .,-llc•1
t .r /•'.• :• et r'po' .••:,. .11,1
r1•! 11:0.. n they i a1Is 111111
•.7 • i f. r '. • ars and will continue
to 1:5 :. for these pills most
1:1111'., .•. , at the head of the list
4,1 ttar.tia1.1 !.reparations.
IS 1'I' ON 1'1'.' FEET At: AIN 1
11'ond••r if the Standard (111
('u:llpsins has Iteoter'•d yet fre:m
that twenty -mine Mil's ,n dollar fine,
', hall it didn't pad 1
'1 hree packet* of 1liloon's Fly
I'8dr 111.1 tai en1)-11ae rent's, and
will hill more flies than (mini) -Ilse
d'•!l:tl.' worth of stick) paper.
1• '1 n' t be worth while f, r
,1 1 any substantial fraud
.4. !.. 7,• t . '
I'' •1 f• 11 can Fee t•,c• e111";1.,.tl 0 11.21i41'.1 U1= word•"
1'. 1011 (1.1 111• do "
"1!�• 11:.11; 11fattuut'9 A ill 41.,A
♦..nr 1)rnit_ 1.1 74 111 Poll ton
1 - 1 . , .'
1. .7 ... , . A
1 11'' 11 '
(llnlilli)) 11 • 7al5 b••
11 the mind (;Ire, Ali•- `'
\i .. N' !'1st
wl1' n the (11re
w.,tk un.'.
It your children mean rind arel
ts•tle.. (lunula shep.'"opted, when
., a i.e. With .5 ! 4•- „( al !•• I:Ie, pa i.•
•,,, 77:17.•, ! king f ;he nose,
' . f'a :I,1f '1''1'7.1 '47''7 it tl,.it
t'. 1 :1h,1 I% 4.,1 f
1.. 1', yl• ri 1• •., \', .! . 1 \
1. 1nl:,.al' r • ff.. t,..5. I. 14.•,1,
fest-, at once relic\ lug the
, little sufferers.
' e 1': •) t1..1'1'!O�.
(tnraninul;, ) `Ves
Lai taUn•IIIin It 144
1. 1.4 • r was
1• It • I• n tune
It 4 - r .
Mlnard's Llnlmenl Cures Dt7hlherla.
"Let me show you 'Love T,ettere of
11'1,0 alert,'" said the clerk In the hook
".11e they signed?" a.tked the (at1•
2 .':•4 b•'0k ttortll.
"Yes. Indeed, every one of tlletn."
%I.! I ! " s ; .! 4 . ! .s "Then they must he forgeries. \1'190
men never sign their narnes to love let-
, ,,: , : ter+."- ('hlcagu News.
! ;1 `'Ir
I.. 4 t 4 •11- '1 Th• High Water Mark.
oil i .'i r' :I) ' Mrs. Cohins0n -.11:'1 were 7011 tip the
Milne? Mrs. lie Jobei (Just reltiraell
i from n continental trip► -1 ahoalld
iul, d "s Ihluk so, right to Iho very top. What
i t I a splendid slew there 1:; from Ilse sum-
mit: New York %World.
7.an thinks the tin ------
-_ _.--
, ;• 1 nlarryillg is the An Unwelcome Discovery.
•1. Post -I discovered today that Parker
and 1 biro a common ancestor. alis.
:511t;.•174 to aC Post (a Colonial Dame) -rot goodness'
ot1.• rs are to sake don't tell any one!-Itrooklyn
)ate t ttsr,') their child,. u
111 ti•^ sa.tso Fhoaid go by hir
In the hands of twiny wealth is !'ke
n harp to tho hoofs of an ns::. --Martin
'fill: 1.1111.`+.
' Thal •, r %I r. I14)e4i11es
.1414:,,'4) f\-.1'4 11. " t?:144• 11;44',•..
• \Cc'1 a ( halt'. I;uil, yo;i
110 SUBSTITUTE bon • Th •
•4; •1 1•!' •• r, 4•. M1rr1n41•,d bt• every
'14 • el"r.'y rte Glade by
Ira.. A I,,•a., i, 50.
\ •!'I, !I.1:11 1 (111 1•011'4.
11... • i.• • 1. t 1;1) had jilted
1' ILr if into a
111 • f ub s' and w::- ,:r.rct:ell. This
o. hat room r; o1 15._i44g shirk up.
iI ira't dirien:t 14, 1,!(•41'1 1'(ople
oohs k11. '7 • let (114 y ff ,blit.
T'i S1,1:n Ihcre are more hunch-
h::•kK 1114114 a.Iy where (1,e.
(in'. >• :n'• t•!••)) rope enough an/1
tic• will r' 1:r }• ;1 111.
('h-rr up! It wi:1 he rr:',1cr 1n
There appears to be no Inclllatlon tom runs away with too much •.f
to Interfere with free trade In titles. 1I•e aroma and gum, and induces a
for subsegorutly I was offered. and 1 tI:•tness to the taste, and if dried
accepted. a peerage In return for n b; steam or near a fire a ''smokes" ' of the human rare. Wilson's 1'I)'
iemstautfnl coutribullun to the funds taste develop., and the cigar is apt
of the party.
Ablaty, Industry and enterprise made
the rich. bribery has wade tne re-
Without fees to the fashionable I
should be still but n local celebrity. so-
verely Ignored by the neighboring tang -
nates. iilre•tly au! lndiret'tly It hili
cost me Fume (2(50.000 to attain social
respeetabllity.-London Truth.
!.i'elien and dining room were pro.
11 :1)1) feasting on some indesi i'ih-
:4hle nastiness less than an hour
:too. and as a single fly carries
many thousands of disease germs
1711110,1 to its hairy body, it Is lir
11nly of every housekeeper to
in exterminating this worst eneull.
A Custom S .•, ewhat Compton Among
the Yellow Races.
A Prezio!' savant. \I. 1•nnIrlongoe, to
n cominuulcdtlun to the Parti Acad-
emy of Sciences nulfutalns that among
the yellow races, the Chinese. the Jap -
nurse Hud the Malays, the foot Ls used
as an orgnn of prehension. Tike the
14:111, to for greater extent than is
generally supposed. Ile says that tripe
1n Tokyo tie sow a young man sliting
la n theater hos ;;rasping the rail with
his feet Just a.4 though they were handl,
ever anti anon using his right foot to
scratch his left thigh. The fact that
the Japanese usually sit on their heels
at Ineiils 011.1 In 1 Iie house develops
extremo sus pleaese and mobility to
the feet and toe's, end the prehenstt-e
function is *1111 further encouraged by
the fact I1191 the Japanese who adhere
to rho ancient customs wear forked
stockings end dispense with the Inflex-
ible Hud constralufng European sloe.
Chinese I•ostmen oat igate their boat/
lying down, stecrtng with their bomb;
n1 g
me rust( with their
feet. The tar
1t held between the big too and the
others. 'the natives frequently oto
their feet to collect and to pick up
smolt objets lying on the groom!. and
sometimes even catch nit.•e with (heir
toes. fl. l.lunt'tuuane holds that 11)0
y 441101 meet. n hu are able to use their
fMet a0fltew tint a• 111e elellh:lia n"e1
Ili+ trenk or the mn,nf.•'y 1114 t:111, enjoy
n very .entldera;,le ad':nitnge 1:1 tho
eterlatting atru;;gte for exlstetlro over
the less remotion, (.iIucailan., who are
able to employ (be!r fe't only for loco.
motion purposes.-l'hiladelphla Ledger.
IiutTrnnn, the li.rnlnn phyetcltt, at-
rlrt'd in lilnsgow lute one Saturday
night and on Sunday mortlbo': 0s'81 to
cull on Lord Rt -h tn. The doorbell was
answered by n woman +err e5, whom
Hoffman asked 1f t'llr l%bliIarn was at
'file servant answered. "Sir, he most
certainly Is not."
Huffman then a'ske'1, "Could you fell
me where 1 could I1u41 biinT'
'Sir," she nnswcrcd, "you will find
him at church, n here you ought to bei''
She Did Hate Smokirg.
Henry 31. Stanley once Hili nn ex-
perh•nte w bleb shows haw a hatred of
tobacco Is not to swamp the liner feels
Ing4. It. Poll, when slaying at Itrook•
lye. N. 1'., he notes In hit di.try7
"Boarding with Judge N. .111dgo
drams:. 'fried to kill lila wife with
hatchet. Attempted three times. I held
him down a!1 might, Next teeming
estuni+ted, 11ghlcd cigar in parlor.
11'Ife crone down awl Ihm it:rd :Ind
resell at me for smoking In her !.,use."
For a Rainy Day.
"in your pursuit of pleasure." sold
the ss'rluu3 citizen, "yen should not
neglect to lay something by for a
rainy day."
"Of course," repilool the light hearted
man. "Nearly every member of our
Aeling club briu,s n'ong n peck of
eards."-1Vn•l►Ington Star.
His Condition.
Pother -Now. 'l'onunp, promise me
that yoo will ninny* const n hundred
before you hit another Ilny, Tommy -
Teo. I will If Ihertem any one around to
hold Itte outer boy whllo 1 count. -o
llnrper's ilnzar.
to burn the tongue. Pods hill flies in such litimerre
Eventually the tillers are given quanlitis" as cannot be approached
• •••r to the cigar mak(rs, and hero by any other fly killer.
cigar can bo easily spoiled, - -
: crally by the workman placing 'FESS C1'.
1415 picees crosswise, or by roll-
too tightly, because the finest
• Largo of cr placed in a cigar will
•• that if the cigar (lues not pull
,1. 11r' or' Paine, Limited,
r du, 44 a very high
•11.1._ ' cigar lltt-
I ,, .I. i. •r,l- f ('anada,"
•._,lr , unit the quali-
t. oat tab.; ti. • !.:.'' a: any von-
t,.:seur will 11(.1:4.,1 a:t r having
bt:rvked ono.
1 '•L\ 1\ r'I•.\ V 1:1) N E.
11 ;.a1 :t. lh• dinner so late to -
('ay ; ' asks the guest t,f the little
Fon of the landlady 4,1 the summer - -
I,:ardirtg hone whish t•.cr'.•• 1; ue AIlTIS'fl('.tI,i. I'I:Ithla '1'.
1:'It ionic-gr•,wn vegetables 147;.1 '
f, 1:1'. "Ala 1-,t the cats -ore,,.:, ' I{ ac . nr r' w sillage band
grit:::: . n with its rehearsal, .
1, the .'t; t:allati.'n.
'•1Ve dont have rehcar.al-: we
Ontario Veterinary College
At1liate-i o . t •, - '1•2 ,:t al.d
under tl.,'•4 ••,:' 11 ... 1 111,. ; •wits(* ,t ••f
Infirmary for SickAnirals et the Collins
.`'.11.-C•ulend"r wl .yq'ti
E. A. A. e111A \.:1:, t , t1 +..
Dept. 11. i•t iia ipal
I1ri'.:•• Thomas. Iiiernart, who died In
New 1',•.k t :•' :,!,cut zo year. aim, and
w•ho71' 7 o .u04('an 1,t41y) with her
child:ea retuiout1 to t' 4 -..da soon a ter
his death, will bear • --him! to their
'rdvantage by writing t b.. Wyman,
!.,.•'err, .t. 131 Lati., . . Chicago,
1 ,
Is Your Hearing Cood
The DEAR ()PHONE will glee you use
Benefits of gond bearing. fiend for tree
booklet. frr.ag particulars and names
of saUbfied users. Also
Special Offer for a Month's Home Trial.
i.4 ipadlna Avenue. Toronto.
I'd like to bo the pup these clay's ! A GREAT DEMAND FOR
With nothing else to do
nut lie around the live long da
Now, honest, wouldn't you f
fright n horse will' a euprocedle
curable ringbone for $ :e. Gored '
will. AI.00 wotit' of 31!N %ICU's I .
5IF.\T and cold h' :or Sh3.eo. 1'1.,..
on Liniment $;4.00.
Hotel Keeper, St. i'billipp,•, Cue.
-- startr(I right in Firing band •
The '..lime of 811 i111'.'.linal 1r01144 ca its."
biro io the common Iloilo'. 11) : him
buil i'. the Iir•t '.)mpinm of 1y. .\ Merry Ilea rt (:'•(•9 ail the 1)a!:
Omit!. V. ilson's 1.1) I'.is are 111(• Litt "n(• cannot have a 111(•11
only ilia( kill them tell, i.. art if h. ha' a pain in Cllr
•'r a c":(1 with a racking (•.moi.
- be !miry (.110 must be well and is. •
''herr nrr ':71) actio'` f„lcau, c: iu f!. m a• hes nntl pains. 1)r. Th•
tf •rl
eheal t
w l cut uf l
.,_ ul d t
fy 1 n•licce a
I: •;t,' 1:r:rctlic UII 1
,1)1811. w i i0 ,n nrllscula►• or otherwise. all,.
,.. w
I1,,e the Spred)' treatment of cold
(1111: • co
and to inf t t, alai coughs It is n splendid met'.
demonstrates stt-
I c -' rt• r Ors the inte�linr9
a ' t •Ilse 1!' • ;:� a':-ny time limine.
1,1:ug:ti4 d:letoer''t14 condi- wan is des ('ndrd from four differ -
Gots i118: • •i' ail,. 1)r. J. cot kinds of monkeys. .I
1'. Kellog;;, 1+,. -'',a. i C Cordial fl' to what one si es sicca :; I :
(-!ears the intestinal canals of tb1 tuvie 1111(1111 ca'il_; Lc about fifty
germs that cause the inflatnniat inn, scf en f 411tH•'`•`
;111,1 by prutwrling the timing from IN HOT COUNTRIES Painkiller fad.
11.11 her ravages restores them to many u.r•. 1'1411.•, 11:(1.1!, dfarrheea and
)leanly condition. Those subject all .urh trouble. rradiiy Rice w•7 In 11.
m-.•. 15 41", ono• tea•p'N.nful, 111 hot water.
t4, llv�entery shl'ti,d not he with. At,.td •u)s11ut,' , 01.45' /e but nae ••Pita•
.1.1 this simple '.e( powerful rem -
1'errY bras' - sod Sac.
FOR('E OP PRA('TI('l:.
Jt-DGI\C ia• A1'I'E.11t.1X('1:s.
(ir•i 111a11 professor contend. that
Alakr the most of your .,pporttuli• ''1114 (tang, acquit himself w• 11
t'es end they will make the ul•••t oI it the festive occasion 1'
'.are he did. lie's used to ne-
nuitt:ng, he's served on se many
jarie-'." .--
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Corset In Cosa.
UNITE 1•1,I1.1 SAYS:
%Vaili:t' fur 41en(1 111011'51 shoes is
a 11;s1 rate way to git on )(our up-
no -
), 11.
Msnard's Liniment Cures DIslemner,
SOUND .11)ViC1:.
x1081 = word their
ala ice 1.. ihtir 1)41(11 Ills "• that the)'
w ill not take effi't'sw. .\ man once
cl'lled •'n a ph.sirian to 'e,' if he
v 1;1(1 111tH some remedy for a re(1
Also Rags. Iron. Metall. Rubbers. Ete.
EPULLAN Ad•Ialde and Mead Sts,.
• 1 Taranto, Ont.
Phone for Darttcultrs- Maio Vs
1:811wsy's it a Y1/0•I,''
.•are* the ve 141 putrid :1.
tl•Hrl 11' y to t4440'•
mtonte& For flee!
%oho ls.:k or Her •
,,'1a), Tooth*al 7.F.
'4..sralefs. 11 h o u
n,atl•.m, Ltmlbego,
; vas In the back,
4t,.ne or kidneys.
Pins around Lite
(icer, pleurisy,
swelling. of the Joints, sol
ratns :,r ad kin is. nae
RADNf.Y'4 READY 171! 1e
Flies on. Your
orcrtreo.f THI re15( 7 7ID,
1 E
wIli hers coats fret fre-t (!:'t a1 a cast cr
less than one cert a day.
"1►„rlor,'' h/ said. "what shall NI Cling 10•.1, nn.rc ugly than to
1 tats. to remove the re(lursc 411 111y ser :► err-' 14 As how harts are coo-
n, ('11(1 ••'. 5' with wart'. Why have
• 1',Ik•• n•,Ihin: c-peci:411f be II s'•" di'll411r:':7etlts on your 1lrrso.I
t•., , 11:0111,th" 4....t. 1 :}• ,%(rsd. 1,1,• . :t 'are tem,''\er of :(11 warts,: --
t•,.yos, err., ran 1.' fulnttl in H.•11'.
.� 1 v:a}•s 1 orrl 1'nre. .
\',i '1:1 bei' ,0 :1 e1"ri. 1'.•(tt
Ask ycur Hardware De 'ler, or
IN '1'111': I(L(:,)I►,
John It. it'•, kefeller says he
77.••114.1 11',' 1 . ..4• all religiuue de-
r r :oat'. 1 .:. 1 • .11 1'' ele John
-1,'1 - •. • i1,• able to get away
1': 1.1 1 „ ..+ .lir idea.
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto.
C 1:N 1:1tOCS.
"Joseph." said his mother, re-
provingly. "1 Fhou! ! think you'd
nshzm^c1 to be in 11.e :'a1110 class
v ah boys so touch smaller than
"11'111. mother." replied inc. "I
look up'•u the 11:atter in a different
way alt•,1t• th, r. It (lakes Inc feel
1.u 14. see Low pr:u(1 the small
b.,•. s vie 1 1 • in the sante stabs
'1 111 :1 1,14, b, l i'},0 111''
,\ 1'•.\ l'.'i S 11.\ I.I..
' 4
ISS 1' L M1. 32 10.
-.. ., ,.
ll' l'Ilr'4anria 11 t i s I •� , L n o t
lisle, shell 114•
71 th"'
r._. i.•
n t „ hi. 1• •:1. .:ns britt<t
1.. : 1 '141 1;14 i! ,• 1 .:• lt.
I'..• ,„•I i I ' be 111
. t1. Car.
r•' :' 111 ! '!• k•'. i:,
1 . • ..• .'! ...at • f 11 1
1.11.• .- 11.••.•
t ,.•1 0 Ion, „
it 1,•''01,gs."
!''(••ryllorly noir 41'•.41.•,
7 )•1; 1•.tk there.
rl'; d YOU ease
S • ,a