HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-08-11, Page 5,;'rl•:1'tt i-;.', ('i0 \C(I.
'1'h • Council or the Township of ,
eiteph• tt count• red in the Town 11a11 I
Credituu. un .Monday the 1s, day of
August 1910 at 1 pen. All members ,
were preeeut The minutes of tie
previous meeting were tread and I
ANDERSON -LOVE "That By -Law 1
No. 107 being a 1'y Law to Levy the l
respective rates for taxes for the year
1910 having been read the third time
b • passed tine s: ;sed by the Reeve 1
std clerk eel th • Scat of the Corpo-
ration attained thereto" Carried
The following orders were passed.,
Express Company. Express on roll
etc., tOc: 1", 'tV. Isernconib, stet troy -
le Awurd,: $21,81 Melvin .11itche►!.
Concrete culvert fi. D. :S.50: Town-
ship. Coneret • til., :i. It, ete.20; Al•x,
:i• s per. Gravel runt rati,111k• 0. 8 .11.
e..5 C. lteg:,n. ('ommis-tomer. 11114.,
I. :4. IS, ..41,75; J. \1cLelt•tn. (travel ,
1 '10 1 .et ,lst S, Rd, :;12,50 lit Davey
core:: . skitter 1,t, S, Ind. tel. 25 C.
'i't i, t::, t. I't. Grays! acro' : e ; u)
i. \1, 1. ll:ut. grey t. 20.0- "cin
Em;.•,Item)' 1•',11; . "•'l; Arthur
flaks 1. li.4,1111e tee ed- and cement
67.50; F W. 1 , nicotnh • Inspecting 1
Exeter S. ltd. Midge $7,85,
ear, Council adjourned to 1 a -
gee' In the town Halt. Cred,t el. (el
Monday. the 5th, day of S:;
1910 at 1 11, 111,
JJenry Hither, 'Pp. cierk.
CttO n tT
'1'H.E EX1 1'1'1iK '.121D1!1S, AUGUST 11th 1410
•N•N••••••N•••NI►•N••••••••••••••••••••••••• p •
The Molsons Bank
CAP TAL n�����+ env .... .... .... ss soo�oo.00
Incorporated lira3
CAP TAL (paid up) • • • • • ... .... 53 600000.00 t
RESERVE FUN. $9•e6a000•oo ••
Has 72 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents iu all thu •
aims or
?� Cramps
Principal Cities in the World. •
General Banking Matinees Transacted. •
Savings Bank Department '
at all Branches. intereet allowed at highest current tate. :'
Dickson & Curling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager •
ViE631NN4N••N•••••••••••o•••••••••N••••♦♦•♦•••••• a
-,.,F WALKER, Presidsat Paid-up Capital, X10,000,000
iEL1fDER LAIRD, General ManagerI Reserve Fund, - 6 000.000
Branches throughout Canada, and In the United States ane
$5 and under 3 cents
Over $5 arid not exceeding $10 6 cents
" $10 " $30 10 cents
" $30 $SO 15 cents
These Orders are payable at par at every oNicc of a Chartered Bank in Canada
rt4cep t in the Yukon) and at the principal banking points in the United States. They
e 8 •otiable at $e.eo to the .4 sterling in Great Britain and Ireland.
e)• form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety
and small cost, and may be obtained without delay. 19I
Exeter Branch—G. W Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
As Provincial Manager now
two-and•a-nal( years ago
hardware clerk et $t; per
week. and who was a farmer's
son, .
age and with-
out put
1. Six month's train-
ing in our of our branches
and two years faithful ser-
vices to his company made
the difference.
The difference between the
big sten and the little men,
the successful and the ttneuc-
cssful-is only a difference of
training. We have trans -
(erect thousands of little men
into big ►nen.
You may study partly at
home and finish at college.
AU(i. 29
. 1Vrlte f„1' p ti tit 1.111 - t
I get :,round again.
Mr. 'Wesley Perkins spent a few
(days in London last week.
A reunion of the Appleton fautily I Miss I''ar! Anderson of L'ultarton
was held at Crediton East, at the spent Sunday with Mr. ]licks.
home of Mr. and Mrs. L Thos F. Ap-
p• Mr 1' hicks lost a valuable young
pleton, on Sunday, Aug. 7. cow last week with inflammation.
Those present were, Mr. Thos. Ap- ;try .Wm. Jacques ha+ built :1
l r••
leo . 'I
t n, sea of Mount ('+trtnel; Mr. and 6 silo which will make gnat
I 1
ppu r t••
airs Johnu c u •
► u nt
Appleton, l to 1�•
I r o n i t
Ura F. 13. v far r
Avery rt be't
P! ,tl .
I ri;�.
Mrs Susannah Johnstone, of alnline Prompt relict in tick headache
Mrs ]'hos (J, Thompson, of Toledo, 'lirzines:,• Muse. constipation. pain
Ohio: Mrs Manuel Clendenning• of De• i'I the aide, guaranteed to those using
troit, and Mr and Mrs J. 11. Astleford L'iter's l,it tl'
'Liver 1511s. one a
and son, of Toronto. dose. Smal; price. Small dose. Small
The sacrement of baptism was 918011411.
administered to the infant daughter]
Hilda Levena. of Ur, and Mrs. John I IIENSALL
Shouts, by Bev. Mr. (licks, 13.A A. of +
Crediton Methodist Church. \\ er • i !cased to notice from r -
etre. 1\"ilbcrt Carts and .on Fred Iports in the C:llgara papers that Mr
(; John Ileetr,n-,n, soil of 11 r
of canton are spending a few weeks William ll::eh•in'tniof this villin,.
visit ing relative.: around here, in hie capac:ty of nspector of parks
The fri.•nde of Miss Ethel Lamport , iri'I beautifier of that famous 'Weet-
in•y pt:•asc•d to sec her around again.'ercity is iiik:ng his influence felt
Mrs. 'tichneid,r andaughter Fin- and is 1'.'c. iving t. ry favor1E1e CORI-
tua. of Detroit, a1'.• visiting relatives nt''nts from 1b - for1,,- outlin-
Ind friends around town. �ing of impru. :.: „ .• r
dr. and Mrs. Wcas Kerr. of ]Vin. 'good grasp of a ut • .
',' r :1 c1' ,a1'- � ,.
c1' u, sup: wis,on-
Jir. and .alts. flirt of iCapect•, who ( it .. Mr, Smith u: 2' .1 :., '1 church
have been visiting th clatters par- left th,. a '•k to enjoy i.;+ mouth's
.ut, th• ,est w •,
"I carry L)r. Miles' Anti -Pain
Pills with rile all the time, and
for aches and pains there is
nothing equals them. 1 have
used them for rheumatic pains,
headache, and pains in side and
hack, and in every case they give
sat isfact ion."
Boonton, N. J.
Pain from tortured
nerves. It may OC_ur in any,
part of the lscad or body where
there is weakness or pressure
upon the nerves.
Dr. Miles'
Anti -Pain Pills
Relieve pain, whether it be nett-
ralgiac, rheumatic, sciatic, head-
ache, stomache, pleurisy or
ovarian pains.
Price 25c at your druggist. He should
supply you. If he does not, send pi -Le
to us, we forward prepare.
!SLIM V11.1. 1:
Mr. and Mr,, Itotwcliti •, of London,
: riding a few days with friend,
,t, t 1, • vicinity.
�'•tI. \, Idgen ttho bad his toot frac-
t •: .1 some time ago is able to
t Clinton Business
COI legel eek 1 tt for L[,ly wee ,tn 'l
,1, mk.h., w•herc they will v'. -it friends Ilton ( hopese for we ques-
Geo. Spotton, t'ru,crp.,l. + before r'tnrntn • to t t. r i th. r • are many ministers who
,, L horn•• in pre ieh so r L•ular•y to his
('•Ipac •- own con-
*++++++++++++++++."++++ -r"-:. � grc:rat ions a nd maks as few changes
The Dashwood I; (4, • . irove over as Jfr, Smith Uuring his absence Iter,
1 u •-d ,y evening ' 'd a good 114554:‘
JIr. 1)at'idson, 7'C ntly of 1'arna will
genu •. although 0 -1 t c+ were de- Preach t b' first Sabbath find Rev.
f •.Il 1 they do not r.,,r:l that. !Preach.
Elliott, of God: -rich, the three
CENTRAL [,its Huhn is at pres'nt rer-'follutting.
J / in M . I «,r h :iii
; ndictis. .. . ( JIr. Andrew• NIaiarea of Clinton
//%� ///�/�'/'/i,�l eotu
h.•' ty t.1 ,w•ry, rector hid the misfortune on Fri
iday- Last tog t a fall, receiving very
'J, - '1 es e I Lucy Young. 1perdu' in ur:cs bet fortunately l:u
irlc er1. :ci r .r• -; tiding a few { I
d:,> .1 1: : r, m,• .n Zurich. ibrok••r+ Goncs.
• J1,. 1, ,,, • ,:,.chry. of S,b,•wein.:. oflun''t'nftthe deity ',atp•rn thi• arrlege follow-
♦ Mich.• is . ' • a1 the home of Mr. lin • w
♦ !. Lich wit; b,• of i 1', •t
♦ . • 1 litres'. : to the tinny relatives and !s
The largest and Ilett prate • • "' n'•' r from her' drove .of th• contracti►rtt Parti
Deal training school in ]Vest- • erre) t" • 1'.i It 1, n) last Tb .'t.'•li•'r'',r.r. 1)nt, on t: rdrnt.;dtS.
ern Ontario. Therese no better
• ) I) ly r ports. \.I
to the Dominion. Our courses ♦ n slit r, : 11'. o. Ua.hwoo I. -stir-lingIt„nk. «gtuip 't, son 6. .11. S. el Fleet~ r, alit that it i. ..
• ' .tel lir•, uJhn alecarth n1' to J1iss.
are thorough and practical. • sr i.- - ., . in `t..a11 th guest o: ,' items 1., U.4borne daughter of Mt. pal n t , •t'il r
our te.uhers me experienced ♦ >[I t , 1;,•it'r. I./west•h Osborn,• of Mount Forest. .' I'I.• r tits 1'h
and we aysist graduates to 1'hc '• Time!' and Toronto 1Vcck1 aught mention in tihrncc• t1', if”' effects: air ti .
flotations, We breve three de- ♦ [;lobe to new aubscrihers from now : II"1'v" t hat 1.,t h brit), art,] grout„ t e .: aro r •1'r.: et :
partmeuts• • • • . I ./nap. 1st, 1911 for 35 cents.
t • !t ::nd 11t0(:ebl)' known hit the
Commercial,Shnrlh+ui(iand• \; th • tins • of oretina Mr. filawu.•['tatt.1' Latin„ Ewald •d u•.•arly al: its iti
Telegraph 11'rile AL ul.ce for • 1;1 ...Ili is w-'ry ,ick and under the "elf"' • h •r•, 11,• uto.t highly re- i:ti'i'EItN l'.\(i:
our tree catnln,[n'',•
ilnrtnr'.. ran., but n,• hope to ace sl'"ct [ for hi. many , '.t' Ii,tit ,[nfilit
D. A. Jlcl. ‘11111.AN, ! - Foetid again very :•Ions s, whit• t i, • tone• tt as hi:;hiy rho'!
i Artnatrong• of El"'r was in uhf of by rho vi any friends +h be-
1'rir, :pal. • ,. 0111 day last wool:. erns' acyuaintcd .. ith here while on
♦ •I: a;ks left for h r hots•• in De- 'eves! visits. and their utany friends
••♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦•s♦♦••••o•♦••• ;, rdny otter .p^ndinu a f••w %%1.I 1hrn1 long and continued bap-
•• 7• ,1'h h'1' [r,:(•nt. '•11•, and 't1'.•, .1;1 11, th it new home in the west,
', • ' • en, '.Ii •. rho•. (:as' of 1110 tort•
',le Peel: Delis•ti ep nt Steuley ' 1 sLhen•, .ccom ailed by town h' two
his horns in V... nub un. Naught• r- \1r.., t. -P. Moir, f Virden
Th eMis- . -11 .tw •1,11'1 Lucy 1'ocn,r. •1 in . eel \le::, R. 11. 'Ross. of Byron
of London 11 ' holidaying in town. 'int, was in the village last week
'1: ('h 1,, I's'is' , ••:1'n d to Ih•• ti -,i n•: h'r :011, .11r.g1 urge Ca•'
, r r;• nein, f n week+ \1r . 1',.
'. I: 1, 1114 par. n1'; 1. r i i .: h r •.:I h, y,;,1' and ',
lir=. Htinil- I 0r. " rel '•lr . !'•:rh-
: t return.•.4 Lori, • ,f, . i• . 1, 1.':.: a
1 'w day. in Zurich.
\11', Herbert Eilh'•r testi up to
] rknow attending th • old boys re -
;non. Was it the Old Kays reunion
i1 rb'
1• ! !, !Cs Day wiil b.- hr;'I in : he
VIA ,! cherch Aug. 2": fi.
,o on has purr}..4.•d
huol .. ;. r. -open :11701.
of 71, former staff
1 n'1' 11•:1 bird
ch.Is a arevisiting n th 1 tt 'e 1 I n his r[ er ... n, ,r. I 11' i ,re-
n1.u•s that at heli,,•
,•nt+ \I r. nn•1 Mrs. Jos; ph Banes. , 1.. .•.. I •, • .fid
Fall Term From
Aug. 291H=
1 h:• Jcl,iur .11iiaue' tv:l1 11,1 meet
d,,rin;t the month of August.
Mrs Henry Mag'I of 'Detroit is iu
in town visiting and ren•%isi; ac.
ttuaillt :111r'8.
Mr. C. Fritz and family returns.'
last '1'u ••day evening from a two
o.•ee,' stay al Grand Bend.
Mrs. (.e0. Ituehi w rut d t wo childR u
of Seto •tt nit c, Mich. 'Ir'e t'.•icing :It
the hunt ut J1r. stet .\Ii.-. .1. !'rect-
or. 31 present.
tits. E. Sanders, da'ightor of the
late F. 1).•tuuth is in town haviv;t
!,• n c.i:cd erring to the death of
1... r p tnotber.
alin,stcrs. Lawyers. tea•Itere. and
nth• ne whose occupation gives but
lit t txcrcise, should use Carter's
Lit tie Liver Pills far torpid liver
and l,iliousnes:c. One ie a dose Try
'el Ernest
I'.rnest Gies complains that the
true, • s /is ye not cut the woods ort
son; - of t h:• side strecta and thinks
that ll, y should have them cut at
1'1, i:: Ind 'Trunk strike has been
s••11: .1 nil none too soon Ship;. us
w.•1'• et, illy inconvenienced for tles
past two weeks. '1'be set Dement w•as
in the stature of :. compromise bel '91(11
th' ttto pati
1':uvtters in t hi• coon are well
satisfied with t h.• general appear-
ance of all gime crops, end fall
wheat in many places, especially on
801117' fi'Ids along the Aux Sable Linc
t ill yield over 10 bushels to the
acr.•. The apple crop however le go-
ing to be extremely !p 'light.
The d.•at li of \urs Frederick De-
muth on ,1':rday evening
e k nervus I nue of th highlyofInst to.
5•. . e' 1 1 •1,i, 11: - Of this town. She
hill 1, n t bettor of the dreads t na-
lady. e erc .r. for a year or more end
for swn • months had been a great
though I ,tient sufferer,. and 'the
hand of death was A relief to her
Tits .1 t••,sed's maiden name was
Cat le 110 Buhl, her first husband bix-
in:; th rut • John Schafer. and some
y, ,r. ;: r his death she married
t 141 1'. Demuth who died about
y. ,r
and .1 half ago. eine' which time
elle 1. I, , n riving alon'. She
had reecbyd the age of
of 61 years, 7 months and 15 days
an•1 leaves
to mourn her loss one 800
Mt- Joint b 1 $chafer of Parkhill three
daughters Mrs. C. 1... Sltoseetkcr
of Parkhill ; Mrs Ilettry Brenner of
Dashwood and Mre. Doerr of n.ar
Auburn besides t brothers and
two sisters all living ns.ar 1Vc'lte;.
ley. I
he funeral took place
on TOC1.1•
day afternoon to the Lutheran Com-
Tfell fair priz.s are out and are
being dist r.but.•d by the seeretary
Mr 1). S. Faust.
Mr. .1, 11. Steel tler has a gang
of ut 1t on his eid:•tt•alit contract end
they are making good progress.
A rink of bowlers journeyed to Can
ton on free 1'y Let and were defect
1 1 t 6 shat • in 2 gate'.•.. They won
tee in the afternoon but were do-
t ar_•d in the evening game,
!luring Fridays atom the .vest
•• , hh' end of the new blenontt,•
etierch w re blown down and t. in.
11g,•t1 113 • s1 ructtire to tb" extent of a
Itendr-_d doli-ur. The break is be-
ing ra['idly zee, er(' fbis week end
toot w711 I.• [ it on :it one •;
Jlre .1 .7,1 Why • of th•• \•,rth
!el h. • 1• ,, . ry ill for a feu'
thi;w •, I .: .. :.:171'r-the:.
,'oo•iho;. , i ,: her r.•cotery.
Sot:, • u( tlt i,.. „ bas •1•,1: Int I. •
81I"l, 11'• enil,',t'otill:, 1„
1%1t1 I1,.- "Nebraska jr,,:,n••
toe! 4IV! nntario, Tb' Int eh (rip,. I
dr . o big crowd,
\t • fr. freer ':Il crude and i:l •
1n r..:tt t Cour fit rating t,, C111, C.-, I.117f t.it•r ,
: r,,, 1 t.: 1' u:;. Try stein,
lir. H. 11 t'rt',: •n of Luu'lon I
11111I. 111.• : ,; r o-. d tnurderr•r of
w;f •, tt:,. .rt sled on Sung ty on t•1.
-te.itner 3loratr0.••, by in-; ctor ire•.,
of th:• Lon ton [,.,sic II•• • •:,1e1 31,
police for of r a :nowt ti
.Ills. Glady. 'dr.\-.rio. of t,
gra luat••-1 Ia,t t rut front 1.. Nor
!nal :churl :it rat lord ha, L r, eh
uutteel as an a,sistent teacher in t
/•rich school, :She will Eotnri,
'1111,'s after the and-auromer I,
..nth. .1 Arnold Mac,rthur. of 1h, • y!.
Apr. +i, 19 Jane 14, 28 Ae1. 9, 2:3
k., .3, 17, 31 illy 12, 26 Sepl. 6, 20
TIIN()1'(;n S< E(:1A1. TRAINS '
Leave Toronto 2.00 pan.
en above days
Through First and Second CCAs, ('•'ache•,
Colonist and Tourist Sleepers.
Apply to 'nearest C.P.1t. Agent ..r write
it. i Thompson, S.P.A., Torodto.
ASI FOR 1101MF,SEEkl AS' P111fiiLEl
I I. I'..1
I,y .kith 1'.
1'.f . .•1, r
h 1,
crier, 1 teas
• 1 sir 1 1 n;
' 'r,,,,, 11„ -h 1
,,. ,, it : ,l 1„,t .1) i'1-, a,
1 •I,•' ,'in h•at !Jilt,
\11 7, ,31, , 4
ik •r, of V, -u,• I.;uvk. Lt,.y 1. •rzi' how ent'tIainetl A nuts•
I 1' - • ! • r •n•n. bet. of h” friends in honour of her
1;i•, • 11 •i• riJ 11r::r• 1: ,I. go'st Mis•. Lyda Walker of Mitr•hell.
, , I hour • ,:'•r e; r, I. Mi l'•.r•ki' or 51. Louis visited his
•i••'1- 7,7 ill, ..r T. <•i'1t,•r Jlis I), Dow and other friends
y 1 t ,,: v• t y 1 '.:,1' crops in i he din hes 'h.! at ek.
e _ . . Mr. Jos Hill 11 K'oodstock spent
f.0;;. 9 r. i . 1'.•1 orning 1,
ynndey nt Orchard (hove.
u1 ti 1711 1111 r'Irin'rr: Nina, Mary Ilndger entertained a
-Fin:: 1:1,el, r. . \C,• are sir- emir +evnt Ie r, firiendt to a birthday
• ililll ,1 ' 1,111 Lott. can't . pet r y I:, 1 \t e, rt'.('.a••,
el, John Toro, nt (lnlifornia, Miss
,1. i, t; . I' .",'•,. i= ii I... t'n.:i Venom). of ( hlsleltltrst M es
: 1 . . I'e.,11 end Jfr. ..'. ir'Wrenc•t' of 5, a-
. net Toronto Weekly fit' It w'i' guests during the week at
.. ••:M. cribcr, from now El .ret Renter the home of Mr, and Mrs
. :.1.n.• Isl. I.!! for 35 cent•. A. IJtsig,•rt.
1. 1.1 Irl. 1hf) :r' f•,1 on -1'a advent..
•.I in t :t- ,tri it !. the iti'h of h•r
11, Inv relatives and friends ]bat sit.•
:n Iy 1, • si:Ir, 71 to see many more
3 -cars
•i ,..lin street will regnlr•• const,' swatch's to th•' winner+. The hand
,►'1 • le it grate! this summer to td 111 01-1 Itt•gimcnt Canadian llighs
01.11 it 141 nicely and put it in first holder., un.• of the musical organi.
class order. zetions of Venetia has been cngag,d
--+- •1t greet expense for the exhibitipn
Itl'SBI:LH►Af,l. Ihi y••.tr, also the 7th Fu.ilil,rs Band
of London, Ontario. The following
Mt.! (%Ill 1:1)11. antifamily of Toronto IIs' tome of the ;attractions under
returned to home moodily after 'int race : The Marriott Twine. 2 pp, -
spending a few d•tys with friends here ►'I,•, the gr.'atr..t novelty act of th
1 � kind in t �• tett • •1 The •i
h 11
.fi ,t t•' h I
c I Illi has retnrue,' home flying .lnr-
after1.pindingttweek with her dough- don+, w'ho perform forty feet. in to
ter in Stratford,
ate. '1'h' AtI.•Iatd' Trio. tight •.s
ti •ver,tt from here spent the fourth t'°•rf'Irni'rfi. The hrn••st Trio, 11.1
at the ]Ake,
I. opt.. in Comedy bar set, '1'l,
1. , t'•llee Hist ers, lornbat - 't i, ; n•. r
:11119 and i ito Z'1no '1'i" , , , 1,
PI in t lei rcom'd y • i 1. •
1• forgo' ten. The 11, • ,,
IJ •, acro' at.. 'lily I. i 'd•,t b n 11 -
comic altonud,il'• act, and he w•nn-
d' rfut F:,:roln•Iil Anirnat :.rt •.f `It 1 -
717' in 1% :11011 int' t1', •• I , •, !
and hill- at' • :r: ruder ',l
or Banda( lire:...'k , a prone , r.,'.. 1',r
itself each ev.ning, with silty- ,I
tinct rind setter ite piec.•s, ernes 1 t ;
with the "Automobile Collision" :,u,t
"The Eruption of Mount V..etvtons.'
All information regarding th•• Ex-
hibition will he promptly git•tli (.n
application lo, the Secretary, A. 1i.
Dunt, London.
'I -l7, 1910. London i • , . .
1.. r, effort possible i- 1,
• 1, l y t h Irl ]nag -tit II
V. , 111 I •it, London, Ontan,,,
), 11. ,n th • skit ingctn.•nt of .t Pt
1 1111111• 1 h it 11 ill be interesting and
el• a -,o; to ttt thousands of visitors
ih,t I.t11 b• in attendance, Tee etit)•
(i. t hurts -Del dollars will b ;- i„
in putt.•,4 and attract:on •.rid
1h. Lest pioltr'enon • ever Pt1'yn•••.1
may be expected, There will he t
Speed event/ each afternoon, with
purses ranging from $1100 to S400 for
each event. A Tug-of-war %i11 take
pine • on Jlonday, Nt•ptember 12th.
(.1111.1 -tic Dayl-London vs. London
township -for which the Royal Bank
of Canada have kindly don'ttcd gold
(1 •
Mr. '('bus. Miller of the 'West, ie
the guest of his brother. JIr, S. A
Rev, Mr, afeliay has gun -
to litntor' to spend a month's hol-
iday's with his parents.
Bev .JIr llarri, will occupy the
pulpit here during Bev. -lir. McKay's
Mrs. lfodgt•rt bas returned to her
home in Exeter after spending a
•w days with her sister here,
A Jaen social under the an; ices of
the W. 'el. 8. in connection with Staf-
fa Methodist church nits held on the
fault of Jlr. Joseph Sp,'are on Wed-
need:ly July 27th. An interesting
game of football was ptaycd during
the evening between Staffs and Gow•-
ti•, resulting in favor of the forth -
Mrs. Howe end children who have
b,•: n :.[.ending a couple of weeks
twit h t tt' former's brother. Mr. G, G.
\'• i'>int. hate r. skin, tl 10 ttt'ir home
in Hickson.
Mr, IL•t ' '
r •
kir i. r D
rake who utas '
threatened with appendicitis has re -
Wonderful Nervous Syrt.rn
The nerves cot.tts,l utl neti,r. ; , f t:. • l.,dy so that any-
thing that debilitates mem t.iIt e• :a11 i.11 organs ..f
ttln system. Early Indiscretions r,:.( Excesses have
1 trieee thousands of proudaltig ).;wet rues. Unnatural
Drainaatptheir vig.randvitalityawe t:. y never develop
to a proper condition of manhood. Th•: .ernuin weak•
lungs, mentally, physically and =e•ot ..'y. How you fee1?
Aro you nervous surf weak, de-[,u:.,:,:,t and gluon,~,
specks before the eyes .Atli dart: circ] .1 under them,
weak back, kidneys irritable, pal;.itvl.:i of the heart,
bashful, debilitating dreams, s•:-hnu•nl i., urine, pimples
••n lho face, eyes sunken, hollow elu•eks, careworn ••x•
pression, poor memory, 1,feless, tlu'tru>t'III, lack energy
and strength, tired mornings, 1'c,t:e zt a :Ails, change.
utile moods, prcmaturodecay, bone [ n'a3, hair louee, etc.
Tho is lbs tonditionnur New itlethod Treatment is
Rb have treatr•1 1Ut;eases of Men 7.4- almost a life-
time and de not ha.e to ezperiu., L.r Consult us
and wo will tell you whether you un• , ric-31,1,3 or not.
We guarantee curab!o cases of
Free nouklct on Diseases of Men. If nnablo 10 call
rent, for
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich,
riliffa'N ()TICE All letters from Canada rust : • addressed
to our Canadian Correspond. 1:re f iepart.
maimmomesameen stent in Windsor, Ont. 1f y,.., desire to
sec us [.,'sweaty call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we s, • serf treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspi,::'knee anal
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
R':.1.• 1...r 0311' 1 ri.:11•• address -
r ,.•
)OulQHt, [1ffliB,
Ii1fl, horts and Flour
cove r: d,
Mrs. C,truticha-l. u( Dublin, ,a .'(ways
siwoding a couple of weeks with
Staf(a frietids.
Veil 1l:atubly has returned
hong front t vi -it with friends in
Sea fort h.
\l:tst.•r Arc11i• Jeffrey has return-
ed hots: from a taunt ti's visit with
tri ads in Hutfalo,
Mr. \\', 1\ , Saddler and tele?. Mise
Anna L'ell•• Sadler, left last Friday
for a trip to the coast,
1(1 R kTON
Miss Esther Iirethour, of \Viun:l'<'t;
is visiting :It h'r home here,
ears. •\V, E. Doug.• and daughter, of
loronto returned horse on Saturcles
Nee spending a week with frier -m-
ei end around liirkton,
lir and Lily Taylor are Spendir.
• 1, .i .. ••ks with their parents.
t\ 1 hurry to hear Mr. ItuLt
Ii •ally t- critically ill at the pres-
ent dike
'•11•. l)otothy and Jean Edgington
t ,sewee at their aistc'r Mrs.
I , 1 t;nell,
' Margaret Leigh bat left for
I. aero where she intends taking up
hing dither,
1.',u Shears of Stratford, i.e
1.. friends and relatives in Kirk-
• :beet Millar is spending h•. bo:- •
at hue hum •,
11 tti:e h 1. b en spending a
' ih ttttb her et -tor ',Ir-. W. A.
Ile• .1,. Mot 1. 1..1.1. 11 parry
•. as I)el,l in 11, 1 ,kir (.rounds on
'•\.•dn'sday- of last week and though
h' weather 0a., unfevurabl' ,•w••ry-
n • nese • 1 I hrnt•I,-t •.3 Outrun this,
''1•'•'t • \' i,t•::t (',, .• nn.l G!• nu
1 1, acce4,htl in 1.1-.-
\ a Intel a l i0a 4.
1;,,) r • Inst rLryiu t
It :wd !C,•li • llerr •,
• I; Leek w.• •k
L. t'• ill Pule,. of T9 .'rhos .-p 711
tend,iy of 1...1 w.• k trete "1111 I:i•
,•I' atoll .I, ,.•titer.
nun 1 1 1.1 your,': I i Iii'. . p ett :1
• pleaealit 4(tet110011 it Jli,+ Liz -
s, Dow's lest w.•ek-
'•1 tw Dudgeon re( tit 11 d to
i, r - to Jamestown hospital, of-
; r 1 mob of holidays uuoti,_
tit I. l here.
I'!.s 11ay Council 111.1 on Wednesday
f t "moon wit h all members present
1' he following rates Iter(' ',truck for
1910 for country, $3610-50- rate
1 6; ']'own -hip purposes $7.275,00 rate
1. 9 Sterich Police % Isle• $950,0►o
r:ltee 5, 55. ep,•cial rates B. N,No:
10 ,--No 11 t 200 le No 13, 6114; No
ti No. 7. (f p0; U. No 110 1'255
:1.. No, 1,53(3; deb F.7N.27 Hip. No
1 1 , ; 500. do t, f 1881:.
1'h • following accounts were or -
•I -r, •1 to be paid; -F, ]less fir, freight
•nd tet •phon' $1;10 i,, :('rang. new
!,•i• :and rep gt:,ltd•r -111.73 F 1V.
',tion, fees re Can 1' 1%%17'1•
1 \' Smith. rn'cnn 10.11 -".1,011 .1
u h1 r Midi! 1 I, -.i r .1 • t.
:i,00 1f. i',.t:,i,.. .17111e "s l-
e6,00. t' I, 1 ..oa); (' 1: .011
r.. 11..1. 1.1 . .
"7•,.4 ', - i!, ('.i .1: •
I,.• l• r: ' 11 '5'•'• •11, - 1,t t I.
!, . ,. 1,I - . • rill -•1' at 2 i'cIo•k,
I', 11088, Fr. Clerk,
For Infants and Children.
flee Kind You Have Always 8oug'd
Hears the
Signature of
on (land. 1,('a\ 1' Your ('! dei in- l'a11 up
R. G. SELDON, Exeter.
Do Not Buy It Ura. -i!
You Try It
r'-rbe.afart tl' Razor Is hot
: 111 un.•.ell tilt. Orat, but by
1r, al!. at
rt .'eel .'( 2.3ic 00 degrees
\' 1,,•• srttite instant the steel Is
1'bonrred an .1 yuueea.+.1m11.:r to th,t
wheel diamond. hive b.•. to ;
1'71.• result "1 t''' 1,,r,‘ -,t tett!,-
,-e • I:n.,.►ti 1•4 .• .•n• • .' 1!T•t •
.:tamer. nor•• :r • • ..1 • ,.. i
7,l no honing, r• .'rind -1'o. e 101...1.• w•11, • •1 . ..
s it•crlor to any , ., „ •.•,•r ,.,ad',
.. tether 1:.. -Lao, , , 1:t'' , •1
or the "w ,• Made of 1 '• • ifetr '•
ye:: , , nus 1 .ed t t.,h_• our
W. J. tlEA1MAN,
e,nr.) for this-ynv ran 77e the Carbn-
Magn.ue without r. t.1'.o; a penny -
).•;tr 41011 man •) -- ; a -t '.'n enjoy :3
'omforlalde share • ,vith 1t at nn:
eeeense-you tan ...me t it with tt:.•
r'zee Rttt y0,1 •u.• , w using an l
j,I•1130 h r y'nr,••if c:,, h la gest--the:,
••I .t,rt. .,,., , r, t r..rn the t',trbu-
• . ittoel„• nt,.l n•,t 1•, o a cent.
EON( r`a'ms tit• 4:L._•,
&k'I5hadewith the C:.rho
Canadian National Exhibition
AUGUST 27th to SEPTEMBER 12th, 1910
improved Grounds, New 11uildi::e., International Lye Sees l: Show,
Exhibit. by all the Pre% incee Magnificent Art Len Exhibit.
Model Military tamp
T1lttoo every night.
Everything new in attrectie:i
Wosdertul Neon' Spectacles.
Enr all Information write Manager, J. 0. ORR. • i7,' HAI. Toronto
increase the value of any hu):: a—•save money because their
scientific construction means fuel economy—eliminates
after costs, because built tight by mart who are skilled in
the science of heating. Secure our FRi3E hook on "New
idea Furnaces.” it solves the heating problem f1'•• :'ymmts
in a practical anti economical way. It gives r .ns, for
"New Idea" Superiority—cxplaia3 exclusive dt eS and
tells just how:they make for furnace perfection. 1. 'te for it.
GURNEY,jTILD{EN & COMPANY, LimitedMatron11 . (l • III; t� 11 tl t\
Matron of Heating and Co.l4 g
Goods for 80sa
Ex 1'.' [' h.) ; , O I\: • 1 • NAMtLTON - ONTARIO MMI