HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-08-11, Page 4THE EXETER T1MES, AUGUSS !1th 1910. ,�� (:ranU Bond :) LONDON. ONTA.t1O Business & Shorthand sualf CIS Resident and Mail Courses I11'i l.Ak(;1':(iT 1sttYlii I..st Thursday early in the interne '4(lle btspeet hole,. 1het ever neral, : iii,- r;tinct Bend was astir and people acl-os3 t Ito o*. +u lett France 011 \11,:1- t t1 ,1„ ,11 directions drove `111 10 tako day to •:til on the Atlames it. a:r• of rho best and biggest Gala transport liner for New :York .1,:-. t;rand Bend has ever seen. 1n 11e is halba. 1 big th • temente; the aequatic spurn; tvere llaek 1'p'rel on otalliou. foaled at h. id in the river owing to the lake Stevan Le ltuttou in 'April 15106 Ile 1. i,ee rough the events wore tvell weighs S,J(J Pound* • .1 • 'i•v IJ and contested. Zurich and Dashwood so broad aero s 1 h • . letnds were present and enliventId like •, l:,rn door. There is not a t he 1'roc,•edings. In the afternoon the vi 1.11 hair un hila if all goes well ti 1 .;.oras were he'd on the r:we a it 11 1 tt:• siva ushi t Minnesota. tleb t , co , • ,nd most of the events bad will land ill Netts lark about August Catalo„uea Flee a Ia.. • number of cotllestauts. rill 1tt',. the . , ning a display of fireworks --t-- T and 1 ,1)d concert was held also is CSLtib OF ISA WD1: 51 the I.11' • course. The day was fine aiawdu•t it usually regarded ea au exe, pt iii for a Alight shower shortly objeetionablriproduce because -------- • afterdinner. idincreases the danger The prize• for the different events of fire if deposited near D�\\t;i ';'i til' i \.\tills t'1`IUhS astute good. being the best lot of mills et lumber piles and necitssik- •Ju the sour- Of all interview uu I'Iritlrsa - everit t+, put upof at ce(;ranclfvilld e Bendis :item either cartage with aecoutpany- . �n:B; ing exitense or tbo eonstruetion of I Sat. 'lr ,i'1u Whitney made the t.,.,, .,suite , in a large ldegrce 11 "burner" and the use of conveyors ' f011u,• :n_. t:l - : , . t int►, on the sub- for r h success of the occas- ur carts to transfer it forth the saws. • jeer ut 1 114.1• exawitlatiot:., lulu :.0 l d, .. 1 les much credit for the,A double economy, however, is note ,(,c • 0, rythine was cirri, 1 out. in progress. As a result Sof the use find txtr::i1111J,:1. r. •n;rally;— 'I I: • ieeee, 1! „ r II, gents and of Land Saws instead of the old cir- .th, (0'. ••rt:u.u: carefully c:r;• t, it,,. 1 .\0.l1.a(11 .,ports -111,•0's swim ' cnl.r saws, a log that, under the old 6ldered tle npmsentations mad, r.- 11,11)-' I lc . It, Clinger, L. Dewey; ; !..y -tete prouuced +I boards gadding the entrance examinat4mii F0l1 lace, boys, A. Gibbs. Ivan 'Greer ; : will note produce t'. a ladies swimming race, Ada timith, very substot tial increase in pro- this ye:r and the modification; 1- Ftrv•.nc: Smith; wen's divin , N E „ g hoc- 1 duet with u corresponding in ready : •...., ..... d :,red _, tit out t o th ,. , . Garden : boys diving \Ving',' in i he amount of saw -dust produced enure•/lc 10,1 1- ,:o•. - :3- far, 1 this:k. Pini,: 1 ; ladies boat race. Partridge; 1 ilwiug to its chemical and nteohan- Ashe : Gibbs: boys swimming, 0.:cal propert tee It has an ever incrca•- 7`,y leu t• iii* r ; ill en's boat race, 'W. I ing field of usefullnesjr. Used as an the 1 ' :.t y, the• standard LOW I) ,. . , 1 . I, . , .. O. 1)ell ey ; ladies , absorbent for nitro-glycerine, it pro- 15et. 1 ivt I to e;,eak quite frankly .lit: l: cusp: • .: r arson, Ashwell ; :duces dynamite. Used with clay aid nb01:1 tle- whole questiou of examine- " :•k'' : t;rr eev i G. laylor: boys, burned, it produces a terra cotta ti0tt> 'tit: danger of overdoing lhi+ r''t • l)ulllan. \\"sayer. brick full of small cavities that, ow- .\fternoon field sports—boys and ing to its lightness and its properties Ile: -chool work is great. Some ,:ills under 10. 11. Croft, Itontin, 11, as a non-conductor, makes excellent e ,r : sew snore :utxious to push Gibbs ; ladies go -as -you -please, Ash- fire -proof material for partition .:.o on to high schools than n 11, Ilunkiu; fanners waggon race, walls. Treating it with fused causti to that lhirpreparalory train- c ('. Pitz, J. Foster; ladies bout and alkali produces oxalic acid. Treating bio: race, Scott, Darling; harness it with sulphuric acid and fermenting ing 1- tborough and complete. Some and buggy race, C. Fritz. 3. Foster: the sugar so formed, produces alto- girls under 16. llunkin, Ashwell ; bol. Mixed with Portland cement, It Richards pure soap race, 11. A. Scott produces a flooring material. It is Moray, E. Dunkin : Single ladies race an excellent packing material for M. A. Scott, Ashwell; men's 1-4 mile articles and for danger-. Bloodsw'ortle Southcott: ham slash- ous exploeiv(•s and can be used ing. Weeaver: tnarried woman's, ,Drs. material for fragile articles and ter Darling, Mrs. Amos ; boys under 16 dangerous explosives and can be used P. Godwin, G. Taylor: 220 race, Blood as packingin walls to make themworth, Sot,thcott; m•trathon 10 miles round -proof and cold -:proof. J. Dillow, Parkhill. The judges and starter, were 11. 11. Coleman; Goo. Roe; : I). '3lulan. alt of London. W. Westervelt, .1. W. Weeter.ea, Jr.. C.A., Principal, N.' ice as w r..:h: ;•., in altering, for tl, teachers boast of the number of pup- ils who pass the entrance as if th`c test weer; the sole aim of the Public School course. Originally int•'nd'd as a t:• -t of th,• fitness of pupils to enter upon High school work. Those exauttl1it ion. hive become a sort of Esti-h, end d-vetion to it has inter- fered in :, very considerable degree with ,h • elf ice [icy of the Public School. The result has been bad all Around. The tboroughn:•s:- o! the Pub lic School training has been impair- ed, au 1 teeny ill-pre11ar:d pupils have been ;arc •d into Iiigtt Schools. no r 1.011 to ch'tnge the Cf:ltEs SUNBURN Negl:ct of a Sunburn on face ares or neck often leads to the after grow- th of skin which is freckl_d or course and this is particularly distressing to ladies. Tinily application of Znul_ t Nt JIERRATION OF SENSU'S .VALE ES The falai and urban values of the c••nus of 1911 will be vouut -r11ted un- der the date of Jun, They wit/ include the ret) estate and tine stock values of each enul/leratiot, district at that date. of the live stock and nur sorts stock sold in 1910 views i , xpr:-,'d s• ccr:.1 c.:u's ago !OA will prevent this. ►'.am-iluk is n[ the dairy products con- rcgerdine th • i:a;portanc.• of Public :i h••rbal halm, which Footh.•3, Whet Burned at homy sent i i fac- t burned skin. and assists hat- torics or hold, and of the animals School I dacetton to the great mass 1r to n•prac,• the damaged tissue yc:Ir together on the farm in the name Of Ili • ! cid 1'h percentage of with soft. velvety skin, year together with vane's of other 4.7 cbildt :, who ,,:•1)t tel t,, the high J.lrn-lluk is also rood for Sting„ uroduots of the frrut. Schou) i= ', t.. : •freer'; •11 of it, o-cratches, heatsorcs, blisters. on handl 1'aud and buittcliis and [arm im- or f• t. and all skin injuries. Ap- e plcments and machinery ow'ncd by whole. Thi.+ 1. it:: -o, . .r PI:b'ic 1 c.types saniufhetnauic>tation die. t•it:d to th^s. it qu.ekIy ••tops the Schools :.hould 1,. ilulproved in every r.tn•,rsing, and custtres quick healing trio wit! tut tl d Itt-bent at+ry for way 1 u--ibl,•. Th lens. 1!.::, 1;1 has :\- 11 is fret from animal fat and values in 191 1 and th•• oflnnd anti none r,l coloring matter, it is part- building mal also be recorded if leas- taktu - 0,'0.11 :1•1p: to , '',in this le lIr suited to th d• cd in that year. Values will be taken end. �' bac rst:,l+: 1: encu •b S delicate akin for orchard fruits, small fruits and bo of 1 11•i..s. suffering from 1!• it rashes Nora: •! �cho0:1 to ; r„•:i' 1., Iter ch:ftrd ,lases. etc. yo:d . %crrw-bcres t•/•g,•tables separatly for 1911; hut val 1 tics of horsey, mild] cows, other hern- iae" .1 teachers, and w': have now !'y druggist, an 1 slut.. -k •V•ri. d Ile.ir.• of herrnfel intit•It Dns, and `• or Wren! Battle ehl•p, Swine poul- brtt ! :1)d db ,;. • r : �t-book Tho s_•: the berm. el -ANI -f1 -K" on rho fry :cul biers of L:. • will b.• taken souls. ,,f study fpr the• l'utlic School+ bis: before hcying. And for 1911, .1t th.• dater of is 1: t, • e 0 - 1 An 1 I 1111 satisfied - �. the (':nye+. Ih,, . ..: 1 1 _•ruv,•ni• n; will soon }IA1(1 LF.1' The valor.; of lite stock and nur- 1 1,: ,❑ 1 h • ffircncy of the : Miss Edith Taylor lett last Hat urti a` ry Stock gold in 1911 will tnclntir br o - daps for a week's visit with her 1 floe+,•+. milch cows, nth r horned le ir:,u,::. r It . ; !: co-ot'_rat:on of (ricud n, ar Il••Igrar� neat cattle, sheep ;nine, poultry•. and -.'" schu11 1•..t•;- , r. 0 ,1131 if w.. are \liss Gladys Turnbull, of 11retasterI hives of bees, anti of nursery stock, to le. ;• •'fici tut teacher: in the Duo- -1,•Itt Saturday and Sunday with herlf`r•.$ tucaus fruit and ornnrulmtal co,l-in. Elsa Love, tree grown for transplantation into fcc•ion til 1 h • t - 1)d•• nets to cxa, '.1 ,etc r Itobrrt Love spent or ti try , product 1)a and ',Irks,. Qtr:,. :h • tile• u! •'linin:tionsas ,.art of 1hi week lattArryh_ tone ry inducts conlNncd on the• f it and sent to factories or sold ref r to products of the year 1910 .TI,..) 'wawa,. the 'a! :- a of milk. cr•ain. home-uu.'.dc butt: r and bowe- ls tde cheese. Animals slaughtered on the farm in 1910 will be recorded fort he values eel rrelitry. 110r4t•3 are: 1101 iuclud- :in deoult ry. Ilorets are not includ- ed in th:•s•• values, as in our country their cleats are not u3, d for food. caste ' oast week, '11,c rapt. s of other proilecte of the reit•• 0 : .0 1 tr 1 i n too+ I ycvernl frutu around our nal tarni included those of rugs, honry- m01,y 0 01•ich ••••1)tit! 1.3 thus hoed stent Thin sisy1)tthe1Ju 11•od syr'napwax forfor 19111910, and wool, maple chill in ;ft •r c • Ti, c,:. • . 'int cefxgl n Knoll t' rhes .41,1111.114i0n of hi rt 1 labour i1 •, • n :;, •1 an l the ',lir Maud Parish visited friends in un .1. tarn, rtfere to 1Ue )tar 11110 eve's ::r rh,1„ - , , chat K ilorhoodn few day;l►sl week' it will ve 1 • total nuroh,•sof week It looks tttd 13ert. of labo:tr etnteoyed. which 1114 -all, th. it - :-1131 I:. ' ••h,' 1 Mise Annie McGowan was the gttest1windier for alt men who wo;k for' who , • :cite t !:. t : :. , • , ' of :dist; Maggie Coward. last week. hit • on 11i • farm, and the total amour; read, ,: