HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-08-11, Page 2i
Tl�c biainond Crescent
PART 111.
CHAPTER II.—(C'utt'd)
' My word, Middleton!" said
Charles, coming to meet tee. ''I
thought 1 had seen the last of you
when I left you reclining on George
in the drift. I do believe you have
got yours.•lf into this state of fever -
heat purely to bo of use to us two;
u'Id I treated you very cavalierly, I
cut :tire. Let bygones be bygones,
and let us shako hands while you
are in this melting mood."
I could not speak. but wo shook
bands cordially, and I hurried off to
get my ticket.
"You can only book to Tarbor-
ough," he called after tee, "where
wo change, and catch the London
The station -master gave ale my
ticket• and then approached
Charles, arid touched his cap.
"Might any of you gentlemen be
going to London, sir 1" he inquir-
"A11 three of us."
"I don't think you will get on,
sir. The news cause down this
me•reing that the evening express
f►une 'Yarborough last night was
thrown off the rails by a driftand
got knocked about, and I don't ex-
pect the line is clear yei. There
seili bo no trains cooling till later
it the day. I ani afraid."
"The night express said 11311)11
suddenly. "Do you mean the 9
train, which you catch by the 8.2
ft< n► here
"Yes, sir."
"She was in it!" said Ralph in
a hoarse voice, as the man walked
-How late the train is :" said
Charles. -Quarter of an hour a1 -
lily. 1 say, Jervis"-- calling af-
ter him—"any particulars about the
accident ? Serious?"
"Oh dear no, sir, not to my
knowle}e'. Never heard of any-
t'l:nhr but that the train had been
t , -• t and had stopped the traffic."
\..t many people travelling in
f•, h weather at any rate. I dare
there was not a creature who
t • :.t from hero by the last train
1,l r night."
-Only two, sir. One of the young
gent!. men frurn the I(ectury, and
a young !ads. who was very near
late. poor Items, and all wet with
anew. Ah. there she is, at last :„
as the train came in sight ; and he
went through the certnnmy of ring-
ing the bell, although we were the
yule travellers on the platform.
It was uuh- au hour's run to Tar -
waiting -room fire, keeping a sharp
look -out for the arrival of the
train. When 1 cane out some time
1r.t•or, wondering if it were ever go-
ing to arrive at all, 1 found Charles
and the man in black walking up
ar'J down together, evidently in
earnest conversation. When I join-
t) thou they ceased talking (I nev-
et can imagine why people general-
ly do when I come up). and the lat-
ter said that he would make in-
quiry at the booking -office, and left,
"Who is that man?" 1 asked.
"flow should 1 know 1" said
Charles absently. "He says he has
been a London detective till just
lately, but he is an inspector of po-
lice now. Weill" as the man re-
"Buoking-clerk can't remember
it, sir; but the clerk at t•he tele-
graph .nice remembers a young
lady leaving a telegram last night,
to 1,1' sent on first thing this morn-
"Has it. been sent yet 1"
"Yes. sir; some tune."
"Where was it sent to?"
Enterprise, Ont., October 1st, 1908.
"1 sutTered tortures for seven long
rears from a water Turner. I was
forced to take morphia constately to
relieve the awful pains, and I wanted to
die to get relief. The doctors gave uta
up and my friend!: hourly expected my
death. Then 1 was induced to take
"Fruit -a -tires" and this wonderful fruit
tnedicine has complete!, curet tee.
when 1 appeared on the street again
my friends exclaimed 'The dead has
come to life.' The cure was a positive
Miracle." MRS. JAMES IrEN\ICK.
soc a box —6 for $r. %o --o: trial box,
sic. At dealers or trout Fruit -a -lives
Limited, Ottawa.
11.1RiIEN ISLANDS 1\ 111111'll
111:1111S 01' '1111'9 RUN 1111.11.
!lase a Fondness for Children and
fhrile ruder I•ufavorable
Away to the north of Scotland lies
tr• group of islands in which the
diminutive horses commonly called
til eitics have their home. The
Seet•8:1415 are not all inhabited,
settle of the smaller islands being
toed merely as pasturage fur a few
siirep. !'here is littlo to attract
e tiler the agriculturist or tho mer-
chant, so progress is slow ; the is-
landers till their land by old fash-
iened methods, and many of thein
is the turning -point to economy
In war and tear of wagons. Try
a box. Every dca:er everywhere.
The Imperial 011 Co.,Ltd.
Ontario *puts: The Queen City 0 1 Cs., Ltd.
A devoting used the sense es kmda er saVic.
b thne1vlas grsantattd sugsr fu ,rater .r. f
■ I±:ca Yepletxa, a archives syrup to a-.ac...J
x syrup batter tbaaen.p e. May Blue is..ld t.
pr'xera. It 11,1 seed site rcr 7 us. Wile r
recipe boa►. Cr.sre„t Mfg. Co., Seattle. 1.4.
Scotland, showed a marked fancy could be touched, they were as
for the Shetland pony. e10 ely guarded as the rest of the
4 rt gala in the strong rooms of the
A DARING RESCUE. Tewer of London.
"Tile stones are of the finest qua-
Ilon' English Sailors Saved an .1u- lily we have ever handled," said
striae Ship, a member of the firm of Messrs.
C'urra:Kton. They have been set
The rescue of the Austrian steam- in aluminum in such a way that,
although most securely held, you
can scarcely see that there is any
setting at all.
"It would be impossible to match
these gems anywhere—they are be-
yond price."
er 'Trieste by the British steamer
still have recourse to barter as a Lowther Range, commanded by a
means of obtaining necessaries. Ne,rth Shields than, Captain Mat -
To the lover of the beautiful anti thews, and owned by the Neptune
to the artist there is much to charm. 1..111•, of Newcastle, England, is the
Some, perhaps, would describe the subject of most appreciative coin -
islands as barren ----but what bar- tient in the Vienna press.
rrnness! Tho country, though des-, The Neues Wiener Ta blatt
tituto of trees, is so varied in the sats;_ '''fho Hain. of Lowther
nature of It., sceeery that their ab- Runge will not be forgotten in Au -
scare in no tray detracts from the stria -Hungary. It stands on the
igeneral beauty of the landscape. I p:oudest page of history, where
Countless tarns, streams and these aro inscribed who risked their
rel platform. I spoke to hint mice' lochs all serve to make the coloring own existence in order to save their
or twice, but he hardly answered ; of the heather covered hills and the fellow -when from danger, those for
atm! after a time I gave it, up, and gloome tints of the moors stand out whore all cultivated nations should
we paced in silence. . in p'.ea-ing contrasts, while near institute a special sign of honor,
.1t last Charles returned. Itis the •sea .,old cliffs tower over the those to whom the Nobel Prize
teeuest for an engine had been re- b.u' wlhtcrs, whosewaves dash ought to be given."
Noel, but a further relay of work-. neaet't their rocky sides. Over- The !Nue Freie Press says:
ins- was being sent down the line had numerous sea birds circle on "'Twelve lung, anxious days we had
in a couple of hours' time, and he their way to their nests on the+ been in the dark about the fate of
had obtained leave for himself and ledges.
1':1it1S '1'0 SPEND $1s1L090.000.
Will Beautify ('ity and Fight Mate
The greatest single scheme of mu-
nicipal improvement, that the world
14..s ever known, involving an ex-
penditure of $150,000,000, has been
decided upon by the authorities of
Paris, the enormous cost of the plan
to be provided, during a period of
fifteen to eighteen years, by the is -
11.4e Trieste, when,- along with the sere of municipal loan stock. Of
Oar immense Ellin $18,000,000 will
us to go with them. After two lung; Till':LAItG EST ISLAND j •yfol news of the sato arrival of devoted to new schools, 825,000,-
fllnt is against rules, sir. The it.terminable huurs of that ever- tau India merchantman, carte the 000 to flew water works and iut-
c'er•k has no right to give infornia- la:ting pacing we found ourselves. is known as the mainland, with a report that she owed her escape to pieven:ents in the water supply,
Lon- :Anyhow, it is as good as cer- in an open truck full of workmen length of fifty-four miles and a the help of an English ship. The ;.; .000,600 00 to tt.o construction, ilia
frufromwhat you say that the steaming slowly out of the station. width of twenty-one. The islands saving of the Trieste by the Low- Lreyemand repair of public hos-
paity was in the train, an41 at all At the last moment the num iii have a singularly maid and equable. tier Range will have to be regis-
I " ntale, and $8,000,000 to the recu-
e•tc 11t$ you will not 1)e kept in doubt black jumped in and accompanied climate considering their exposed tered in the history of Austrian
notch lunger;" and Ito pointed to u:.
e.tuation and compose one of the shipping. To tow a great vessel its struction of abattoirs.
tier. long -expected puff of white 'rho pace may have been great, retest healthful districts in Scotland; a high, stone beaten sea a ship) More than 89.000,000 will be re-
in the direction in which all but to its it seemed exasperatingly but, even the most adventurous that, almost a helpless wreck, drops �t° sdand r►nvements improvement
had been so anxiously turned. stow, and in the open truck tlee tourists seldom visit them. because t►oa1 house -high wave mountains, I pub -
The train came slowly round a cold was piercing. The workmen, n doubtful sea trip in a small *oat.foaming wave depths • to do' tic lighting and street cleaning.•
broad curve, and crawled into the
station. Ralph had come up, and
his eyes were fixed intently upon
it. The hand he laid on Charles's
arm shook a little as he whispered
in a hoarse voice:
"I tout speak 10 her alone he -
fere anything is said."
"You shall," replied ('har!.•-
and he moved forward a little, will
waited for the passengers to alight.
I felt that any chance of escape
s'iitch lay in eluding those keen
light eyes would be small indeed.
Then ensued a scene of e 'nfus-
le- , a Babel of tongues, as the
passengers poured out upon the
platform. ''!What is the meaning of
it. all '" hotly demanded an infuri-
ated little pian before he was well
our of the carriage. Why had a
traits been allowed to start if it was
to be overturned by' a stoat -drift
What had the company been about
v.ho laughed and talked among! sic anter is necessary before they
tine amidst the raging of the ele-' 1 ares deserves the tenor of heng
themselves, appeared to take no t1„- I (1111 1x reaped, Inerts means neither snore nor less the first municipality in the world
tee of it; but, I saw that Charles Of the entire area of 55) square than to play with one's own fate. to devote a large
aunt of money to
v. as shivering, and presently he miles scarcely one-sixth i.e under OP(' wrong manoeuvre and both the definite purpose of fighting the
made his brother Tight his pipe and cultivation, yet the $hetlac►ders' tcssels collide, and their wrecks white scourge•.'' For this purpose
liege-. to smoke hard himself, menace to maintain something like are covered b} the high waves. Six th• urn (f 80.000,000 has been at -
Ralph's pipe, however, went out 100.000 sheep, 20,000 cattle and 5, c nes lasted the battle, a battle of tutted, half of which will be used
u'.te•ded in his fingers. Ile at 000 of the famous ponies. The in- nerve -exhausting strength, during :n the demolition of unsanitary
,'.ite still, with his back against
habitants are of Norse origin and which an officer of the l(ritish ship clwellings. barge sole., will also by
ti,;• side of the truck, his eyes fixed in their speech and customs retain:met with his death. sl cut on the improvement of exist-
itupun the gray horizon. Once he !`tart`' of the characteristics of their. The English sailors have secur-11'eg promenades and open spaces.
turned suddenly to his brother, and refathers. Tiley supp,rt thele-' ed for themselves a lasting rnonu-1 The great bulk of the appropria-
laid, as if unable to keep silence on s''!rc 4 chicly by the herring and mint in the memory of all scalar- , (len,
ober expended me 0,00sa
0 —
ether fishing industries. 1 Pimprovements
Th()v cannot nffurd to Ire much 1'1� nations. 1'hc captain d the ;c the planning of the city.
K ]:;.gush steamier and his brave men 1
feeding to their ponies, so these , will ever remain in our friendly
They were hers already,” he
br.rdy little animals run wild inrncmory."
went en. "She would have had !reds on the hills or scatholds, pick -1 - {
lI.cm all. If she had had debts, I its
111' what fond they can find. it0i.11. 1)L1H(1\1)S ON VIEW.1' ould have paid thein. What could
When the bleak wintry weather
la (,bjcet have been 2" And seem. comes on they find their way down Piiceless ('»Ilion Genie Displayed
.ugly without expectiug reply, ho tothe scashor(), where they d()riyo at Jeweller's.
re la ,sed into silence. '1 -entity lis ing from the seaweed
I e hich grows upon the rocks or has • r1 fortune of £150,001) in precious
t..tnd1()ftth•l»rl)w• nn1
shat was in his mined:
-What was her object
Charles shook his head. 4r
' ' " ( !•ern left by the high autumn tides`sli,nes was on view recently in one
nos to make it.elf aware of the t•, re passing through a lonely coon :u,•; (rc:.hc red by melted snow ur
ftsnail! glass case in a London jewel -
slate of the line 1 What I
did the t • He re and there a village of
railway o c•ials •mean by etc., ct,• ' -t agglittg cettag(•s stet the •
eye., i 1Inn.
b• r, sigh, where we were to join the I'.ut he was not going to put nl, '. 1 tering round their little church. :11' THIS TIM 01' YEAR. lice glittering case, which contained,
t.laill gine. such scandalous treatment. He 1 : places the hedger.•ws alone' annouq ninny other gems, filo six
''!What are we to (1') now''' said Ell"till cause an i11•tniry to 1,c i ti . rk.••1 the tic of the hidden lanes ;'too, they will gather ill groups near
Charles. as the chimneys ..f TAT— :1:141e; he should write to the Time., 11,1 .•11,.•1 Men were digging out the t the homesteads and are rewarded w'hichlhave11t,(•rnume �Intc..e l( to 1: with rte occasional truss el hay. 1 !
I ..rough hove in sight and the train' he shuul41 - in short, he behaved 1,1 ••'r :Ids through drifts Of sn"w, end' In spite of this precarious exist -i ljoc.n by the pe, ;+.' of South .1:
a:." k••n• O. "Ten to ,•r.•• we shall' a true Englishman in adverse , r 1. alts and horses were struggling cncc the Shelties seem happy Q'le
n' t l.e' able to get on ,.• I.• ndo0." c1.nn•tanees, 81141 petrel nniufully along. In one place a lit ()roller' and they are extremely; These are only fragments from,
• Nee she either'" said Ralph. ••I'rhat a like eat, r. Others f•,: i tl walking funeral was tnhoriilq hardy. Th.y possess extraordinary extremely
the great stone• and are nominally
Abell see her: 1 shall sc. her' -seal. an r. , m'• `ii."11t. 3 "i :Press the fi.lels from a lamely cot ! etrength for their size. being Ahle, vnlucd at !:50,000. but they could
1.ln1"4n; r.0 \ •u •..:t. :Ii 1 1•-;4` in
,t the dlr()Ctloll at the ('111,relt .., carry a mall or woman with al, net be bought or matched for twice!
black. eh., la.dVi•,>.• :• f •r ,., a 1 .,h on the hill, the hell of which parent ease fur long distances. ithat stun. They were presented to;
tieing child, eve w' A's :,1 ; a tolling through the quiet air. the ueen, w'h., at once sent thein
(lazed than with hound up i.,',.l Mid The sound reached us as we pass The little panics, with their; Q
I 1 rough, shaggy cents and flowing to ('nrrineten's shop in Regent
cd, an<I sc()mcd to accompany us oil
Timers and tails, seta aomehuw to street. in order that the public
lery shop.
:111 day It crowds p"'sc<I round
There was an air of excitement
ill. ret the whole stati•,n a, we drew
up before the platform. Groups of
f:41144 a.••• officials were clustered to- e1 t, rrlhld wile 111(8 11.011i• •'i upon
t1er, talking eagerly; the bar- 1,:,ntOdiat.•1y Ly exl,c,t:1• fr:ends,
�� , end borne off with vo!uh;e sena ,n-
isei(U w4,1e a,l looking out ut the i
r,frtelltn•'nt seem (leer; INdicenht n thy. One ur two people slightly
were soviet'. 'I here nod there; and }:ort were helped out efts the
ol•tstdy the iron gates "1 the statins • tiers. 'the train was emptied at
a little crow(• f !'roll.• were Wait- 111,1. .!!!lean was net there.
1111{ in the tr. ". •
• ':,,w ('herpes went (1•,x•11 tale length •'1
pw•, rad/ tlhr•"_h ' •' , tnc train, looking into each (•arri-
\We got oto .1 .•1 11. 1,..•4 went ul, ?ee• and then call. heck, anseer-
se a rope. t.lble ;••. l.. • mein in In.a Ralph's ghsnee with a shake of
Lia:k evidently an !.Ih . I of some the head. The loan in black, who
oar way. 1 heard the me,' talking end their wild, mitred surround- !'light also have the opportunity of!
rco,nq thrrris")res that there heti il.gS and the greeps , f them that) minders; then!.
been no snow -storm like this f••r are scattered about told OW needed Hundreds of women came to see HULLS ttcrni,he,i nom I Per t
tl irty years; and as they spoke rttecnn during I (ay p etc ' i
a •• to the lnndscnpe. ( K tl 0 1 A blazing ,,,,t. ,logic or completion.
'or„e. of them began shading their 1'erliap, it is a question of a sur- 'I'nntond ring hung above two 11:1.
e: es. end trying to leek in the di- ,.. ,1l of the fittest that makes these r, ticent pendants --one pear -shale.••, LAUNCHES, with Engines in-
r(rlien i11 which w() were going. little creatures so very small. 11,, :I1 (1 one marquise- 111 aluminumstalled, ready to run, in s!,`CI<•
11'6 bad new reached 8 low' waste }' r,ee of a larger type wouldbe Ealing'. and beneath were heart -j Send stamps for catalogue.
o1 unenc1osed land, with sedge 81141 i,, l.:• un the buggy inoors er on s! ;st••I 11'Id square diamonds.
gr rsc pricking up cteryw11070 fee -to•I. hillside(. They have i..nhorate precautions were taken root of n -1 e'
through the snow, and with lot Y
The Little llussians---those of the
south—are said to bo cleverer than
tt•s• Russians of the north ; but they
are lazy—just how lazy may be
gathered from this quotation from
Nt. Maurice Iiaring's recent, book,
"Russian Essays and Stories."
"The Little Russian," said a Lit-
tle Russian gentleman to me. "is
e ) lazy that he will say to hi w ite.
i wife. say' whoa to my her: -e.
,• a Main in my tongue.' "
lit II.nFas 4N
.11101"1' ITS SIZE, ITS F t EN'.
SES, .%NI) ITS (:110W1'H.
Put In a Nutshell so '!'hat 't -'Ley C,17
be Head and ka.^ly
I)ii ea:rn.
'Toronto' assessment :a $269,260,-
The area of 'Toronto is 23 square
'Toronto is the most, beautiful
city in Canada.
Toronto hos seven hospitals for
the care of the sick.
Toronto City hail iseestimated to
be worth $2,500,000.
The population of Toronto un May
1st was 323,602.
Toronto has 407 utiles of streets
and 105 utiles of lanes.
'I'orout.o's City Hall Itas a floor
t; ace of 5.40 acres.
'Toronto's Public Library bui
ings are valued at $800,000.
'Toronto has 691 street fire alar
Luxes and 23 tiro etations.
Toronto has 50 parks and open
spaces, totalling 1,591 acres.
The height of the City Ball tow-
er•from the sidewalk is 300 feet.
Toronto has 174,675 books and
pamphlets in its Public libraries.
The strength of Toronto's tire
department is 201 officers and men.
The tutal strength of Toronto's
police force is 475 officers and men.
The diameter of the face of the
clock in the City Hall tower is 2C
There were 7,839 births register.
ed in Toronto last, year and 3,901
Tho 'Toronto Street. Railway
Company carried 98,117,091 passen•
gers last year.
Toronto is governed by 25 mon,
nun:el„ a mayor, four controllers
tied 21 e euncillors.
There were 693,096 people attend.
e:1 Toronto's Exhibition last year,
against 585,544 in 1903.
Toronto has ten police stations,
apart from the headquarters of the
fume at the City' Hall.
Turonto has the following num-
ber of schools : Public 74, Separate
19. High 7. and Technical 1.
Toronto is lighted by night by 1,-
r'00 electric are lights, 90 electric
ircanueecent lamps and 1,140 gas
Tor nto issued 5,056 building per-
mits last year, which allowed for
the erection of buildings to the
value of 819,139,247.
TL•cy Range in Value from $', 103
to $22.000 .tpieec.
Stradivarius fashioned his best
ir. t rulnents between the years 1700
aut. 1710, while the ch.rtcst were
made between 1701) and 1715. Viot-
t''s violin is from 17ut and is valu-
ed at 816,000.
On. ill the possession of Sal'asato
i; elated 17I:1 and is owned by the
Spanish Crown, which has loaned
1• to `'arasatc for life. The other
le' owns himself and is from the
:it 172.1 and is a gift from Queen
I ,I: •1.1:1 of Spain. The value is not
11 111 822.0.10.
1 1► Jua:•hinl had three. The
famous is the one called
I , stergeige," which the master
,used most frequently. It is from
un ' 1-11 and cost 820,000. An'ether ere
�� the Mille year was giver) to
l ..him by friends in England,
paid $15,090. The third was
o ,;..•.1 by Carl ilalir. It is !rum
srtentcenth century and ha: A
-mall but brilliant tone. Joachim
loaned it to lfallir for an indeftuitu
l.. last instrument known to
i•:,, .• ! een made by the grunt Inas-
, the famous one known as
•:ncngc•:•l,g, dale'! 17;117. 11
1.• • ,t.z..1 to Saint l onnoch, :1110 was
i• hotel 1)rouot for 815,•
4'tl. The 1:1.1rtiment has an auto-
gini:;' !,y Stradivarius on which ap-
p. ars •'datnni 93;" that is. the in-
strunient w:1s made when Ow !bas-
t, -r was ninets three years old. -
1). (01rlrlite.
Iroug 1 1 sno •, ( w•i 1 long - - - .-/tr'�3Ci't
ce 1: (qu()ace, atNl nrke••1 what was seemed to have been watching hila, lines of pollards marking the bed Ihlltt'. ye hen told mere, du. p1 .l,as ,. th•,ugII it ale. -1 ", n,e0 as if th. HAMILTON, CANADA
the matter. The man ; ;••r',:,•.1 him rano• 111). r 1 a frozen stream. Near the line 11 to th,. healthful mode of life
that a special had he. r: • • t •;,•wn "Ifase all come l:ok 1,y this Das 8 de.crtc(l brick kiln surround- til ,<.}, the, were forced to adopt.1he line with eerktnen t., • 1 r the train , ('liar'.•- a 1:•-.i, ed by long uneven molds 8nd ridge s 1'', they ever born in the fields and
rails and that its seinen Hilh the ".111, sir, • ';•t ,1st} }ie heli- of ice, with three poplars mount Mod and died in them.
1.1.) -gingers in the ill-fated express t•lted--"excel•t a 1, e ale d••... r :1 '! a'l:lr(l I .ser it. Flights "f r...,k h The Shelties ca1111111 be worked
sea. expe'cte'd at any me tient. el.()s•(nt has het 141:1,1-',1; :11,•1111s. 1,':1:1! ' '',•r the barren grained, ant} n.•til they are three or four years
-roll (Io11 t mean to say the ream says there were snit"• of the t i.e. le I 1n the air with discordant ,,'t' and do not relic)) maturity tin-
e•setche,l passengers hese been passengers se badly b:ert that he r!anl.,r aµ we p•ls'trd—(he only hr- Iii they are eight or nine. Though
there all night :•' 4 xcl8ime4 wt 041 not allow tern 1., be Inevc,) 1110 root ing things in the utter de- (evasion/illy employed in tho Shut -
Charles. (sent the farm when the (tail) cam.. selatien o1 thy scent. A4 1 1(N1ked 11u1ds to (1raw carts, it is as
From the man's areount it np- for then,. The engine (Irkcr and _Aire ea, nn exclamation from cin,•
peered that the travellers had ink- one or two others wee, --'' or the woiknien, and the engine Lc A SADDLE ANIM.\1,
en r'•fuge in n farm near the scene Charles made a sign to him to be gin to slacken. We were there at that the pony is most used. The na-
nf the acrid, rpt. and, the sneest"n11 silt nt. last. total pate. iv soft, 1)0 foothold is
c. nt.uning 5"r% heayil}, it had not "How far ie it h. neked, (Tu be continued.) su:ic, the intelligence is great, and
h •en thotg!,! ..cl,edient to send a ' '1'wcnty utiles, sir." --------4, t
(:aill down t• !:ne to bring theta ' Are the roads practicable!" jaltogether the Sheltie is thoroughly
P TI:N.1('i(�l'R 01� i,ll'li- . reit equipped ter getting over
ming till 1,1: , 'i . 1,..elk. It. has "X,,, sir. 11t least, they woul(i There is a plant in Jamaica called 11i •orl8nd in which larger horses
1.4''11 g'He all i,..,e, he said, look- he very uncertain once you got in- the life -plant, because it is nlrnost se old founder. Atlturntl is the
it g at the cl• ck ; "and it is hardly to the lane's." inipossible to kill it. When a leaf i'' ny's happiest time in the islands,
tone yet. Considering how late we "We can walk along the line," is cut off and hung up he a siring for thin it is turned loose to cnjny
facets -eel notice of the accident-- for •:.id Ralph. "That must be clear. it sends out white thread-like runts, i'',ell in the fields after the harvest :
the news had to travel by night, 1. t us start at once." gathers moisture from the. Air. and he' that happy fieriest is of brief
anti on feel ler a considerable dis- "Could not the etatien-muster 1.1 gins to grow new leaves. Even dl ration and after this gleaning
Haire I (1•.11'1 think there has been send us down en nn engine 1'• Askin when pressed andpacked awayby the Sheltie returns to its hills and
rn,,ch Oe ay." ('l:8rlos. "Wo woul(I pay well fur a botanist it has been known to woofs and slakes the hest of things
11'111 all the passengers come it,,, or:tgrow the leaves of the hook in through the hard months of the
back by this train?" asked Ralph. The police inspector shook his which it was placed. 'fhe only way yt•nr.
'•Yes, sir." lir ad, but ('harles went off to in- to kill it is by the heat of a hot This little err Mitre has an 8bid-
"We will wait"" said Ralph; and (Imre nevertheless, and be followed
hr. went and paced up and down trio him. 1 thought him It very push -
.must deserted part of the platform. ing, inquisitive kind 1,f person. I
The roan followed hint with his ()yea. have always had n. great dislike to
".lnti(tis about friends, sir 1" he the idle curitiity which is confinu-
14k1•d Charles. all;; prying into the eoneerns of
"Yes," i heard ('hurlee say a4 1 others. ltnlph and 1 walked tip and
neat aft to warm m •self by;be 1,
y down, u fi and d,_ 1 11 Lies now desert-
.cnor:n to 8llait' the nqe of t.. •afegunrd the tree -errs. and n1.
iton or of boiling water.
There ere eighty • ix annual holi-
days in Hos-sta.
The umbrella thief believes in
laying up seniething for a rainy
ing fondues.' for children and it is
a curious fact that b,1ys and girls
ere better able to control hits than
their elders. His popularity i,s nni-
teisal, rising from the depths of the
pit to the heights of the throne, for
the late (,jueen Victoria, It ho spent
much of her time in the north of
Canadian Appreciation
l.angham hotel, London.
Oentlemen,--1 wish to express my appreciation of the 38
h.p. llainller which you have delivered to me. ilefore ship-
ping the car to ('analis I made a three weeks' trial of it, cev-
ering some 1,21)) miles. The car ran perfectly, and i never
had the slightest trouble of any kind, and I think it quite lives
up to the many claims von nlnke for it. The silence, smooth-
ness of running, and power of ac:•eleretion on hills is really
My petrol con9nrnption was 16 miles to the gallon, includ-
ing a great deal of driving in traffic. The tyres show no ap-
preciable signs of wear, and 1 think it will prove light on tyres.
I am really delighted with the ear.—Yours sincerely,
(Signed) C. A. BOONE, of Toronto, Canada.
"The most
Cllr of the
The Daimler Motor Co., 61904) Limited,
I11' 1111:.111;1'1:!1.
1.0v1,1* Paste% l rilhtc• 0n''4 Lcte
(ere SS here %I1 `lily ••c.
.1 lover who tt.1, l,it,•u by
sweetheart becat 0 he had '
off his beard. tried to revetig
1f in a leave! fa'hion in tss
town recently.
Pedestrians who passed along the
main street early in the morning
%yore astonished to find a Targe
tennk swell toyered with letters. all
.'f them in the most endearing
It was the work of the jilted lov-
er. who 11ad spent half the night
lasting all the !eve letters received
by hint from his sweetheart on the
...ells adjoining her resideece. with
the ,evidence above them, "heart-
ier!) girl, 1 return you your let-
ilefore 8 gendarme renewed the
letters they had ben reed by tunny
townspeople. The girl now Hated -
elle to paste her former lever's mis-
sives on the walls of his residence.
Australian jewellers rent eng 1go-
nlcnt-rings to thous customers,