HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-08-11, Page 1van H URON&MIDDL +'SEX GAIETY. £HIRTY-S1'V NTLI YEAR --No 1921 , ••••♦••♦••••••••••••••••••.••♦••N♦••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••♦••• ♦•••••••••••••••••• JONES & MAY'S Phone No. 32. Our 11 ummcr d10 Of Summer Goods now in Full Sway We are mucking a SPHCIAL effort at clearing out our Ladies and Gent., tiu'uuer GOMIS to stake rouse for the New Fall ( hoods soon to arrive, Bargains all over the store, [Nes White Waists ! Ladles Wtlllewear Only- 1 Doz left. But they Ladies skirt, Gowns l cost go, Covers and Ilrawec� : ry waist is a bargain, duced prices U alln t r Eveat re - Princess Slips ?{ BINS Wash Sai(S Just 4 left too sell. You win have a real snap on one as we unlst sell theta. Only 5left. Do you went a bargain Just about } to lee takes your choice. Wash Goods Sale Glaghams aad C110y3 Liaeas aid DOES Some of the best colors and ' after a big seasons selling patterns to chooe from et the j \\ a will clear out the balanc right prices. f at a big sacrifice. Black and Colored Parasols is thee time toave rme extt•a buy one as our prices are inFandown on Now . Mens and Boys Wearables Reduced Straw Hats Underwear Every one to clear at a big Special tic and :35c values are reduction See the bathing now being offered suits for men std I:nye, Summer suits Renner.) Shirts, Collars, Ties, Sox, Suspenders and Gloves. This Store closes every Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock during July an(1 August. Jones & Ma Headquarters for the Celebrated W. F. Sanford l Clothing also high ,'rade shot, and wall 1):Inter ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• EXETER, ONT, CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUR 11th 1910. °ell TERRIBLE 'LONGU1r: You take a swine. You Fly you've Fwutne Your nails you trim. But they're not trum. And Milk you akim Is never sktlnt. When words you speak, Those words are spoken ; Mut a nose you tweet is never twokem Nor can you 'seek And Say you've eoken. A top you Spin. The top 19 Fpun; .t bare you akin, 1 et 'tis not skun : \or can a grin Be ever grun. If tt • forget. Then we've forgotten; lett if we bet We bave'nt botten; No house we let lee ver kitten ; What we upset, Is not upsotten ; Now don't these prowl Our language rotten( Boston Transript. :� Isl \\DINQ i!1 TITTONS 1911 The following is the list of prize •• winners in the standing field crop • • competition conducted by the Exeter •♦ IA\gricultural Society. Jly. Gross Le - trey Judge. OATS. Prize Winners :—Ilesry An. derson, Exeter, 85 points; 2nd \trio. \V. stcot t. Exeter, JJ ; 3rd. 7tobt. Sil- r:•ry, ICxetcr. 78; 4th. NV'. D. Handers 77 1-2; Geo. W. Hunter Exeter, 17; ilighly commended Alf. Hicks, 'Exe- ter 74 1-2 t•ommended W. Robinson Elit;vifl, , c 4• 22 T •• • The following are the prize winners _ • I in the standing Fall \Vheat crop coin- 2 . Dawson's Golden Chan -1st Wesley Sheir, Ushorne, 80i points; 2nd Watson Bros, Blanchford, SIij j points; :3rd Wilbert Sparling, Blanch- ard 89 points; lth Jas (Gardiner Us- • ♦ borne 87 petits 5th Rich, Berch, Ful - s•• lerton S6j points; liis!tliy commended • • 1Vm. Ross, Fullerton se points; Corn- • • mended P. h, Doupe 82S points. SVnr. • • ilickson judge Bobcaygeon. The d,r- ectors of the Society has decided that prizes will not be offered for2 bus, Iota • • of grain at the fall fair as formerly in- • ♦ stead the same amount of prizes will • 2 I,e given for tho blame varieties of 2 grain in sheaves el in in diameter. • _ j• List of Succesriul Junior •• •• • • • • • •• • •. •• ' Kirkton Prize List Matriculants The following list e'utains the names of three .lasses of canidates ar- ranged in three separate groups,A Id (' for the county of Huron. In group A. are Elven the names of all canidates who have obtained complete junior matriculation by pas- sing on eleven required examination papers. In (Troup i3 are piven the 'mines of those who have passed in at least eight papers required for Complete • matriculation. They have, therefore failed in not more than three of the teq aired papers, InI(croup C. are green the Warnes of Gime who have written upon any number of inetrici talion papers less than eleven respired for complete matt iodation an who have passed on ' ,ll papers which they have written, 1-A.—T. Armstrong, A. Archibald. 1V • ti, Huston. C. ,V. 1), 1'asens, (3. (!un►• nine, it. K, ('lark, M. 1. Cowan, M. 1. Draper. A. K. Dickson, .1. 1'. Doherty A. 1(, Doyle, C. Fingglantl. E. i'airbairn E. Geiser, F. M. Gitlin, ft, M. (Grieve tet• .r. w --s....... i .. ..rc.�� i t..i . 3• les• teI ....,..".e oleete. s 1:- r REAL PANAMA BATS $3.50 This Line to be Cleared while they last at Only R:3.5') . ., 11; .1, 1'', (tillespie K. ilt•tvitso1) .!• 111, SI2 Some SWELL TWO P1E('E SI•I 1's 0 r 1 .i •t titnchiey M. E. Dorton, F. Il.,uaton Made to :Measure for v' •i • •• I. F Jackson, P. 11. Kerr, F„ II I neer 44: (J, McTaggert, W. (;, !11eXevin, 1), i1. '1:"!'t; 1LLti \Vi)ItKI\(l swum HO('tCS :: uc(iinnis J. T. Mitchell A. Pickard, :i i M. l'. ('rice (G, G. Rose M. 1, Scott L. `il"!:` \VnItkING GLOVES l-\D1;InvE,11t t , 1. Stapleton A. Hirer,�!s, G. Stewart, STRAW II ATM !• 3S 1 J. 1;. Trneniner J. It, Taylor le (1, J. : r- � Wataell. _•; B,—J, Chidgey, (1, 11. llncarthur, J. M, Mace; thin.. is 1 C, -1V. G. !Briley. M. Braun E. rope - ii land, T, IL ('ase. 1'. 1', Dickson, A • LIBERTY SHOES BEST MADE 111(11 (SHADE CLOTHING ANli \11 \ s Fi'1:.IMI11N(7H, Saiiay I3awderi se *6 • ILILii:17;ZIFILILis Dow. it. (1i11, H. 11, ilonner, CAL Alt - 'telly W. Monteith, E. 11. 11, Ucclnn aid, Agnns 11cLee.d. R. McIntosh. 31. M Maclean, T'..1 Price M. 1'. Ritchie It. A. Walter. Shot New York Mayor 11 Mayor William J. Gaynor lies in St. == t Misty s 1toepital Hoboken, whet the et. I bullet of James .1. Gallagher his ass. assin, sent hits \Vednrsd,ty with his els 'is chances of life evenly balanced. No • 1 :::�:• nod and tie lnite except that of hope 1 1 ......,.lir con came from the physicians who —'"" •� I arc nt his bedside until the passage ni I1hoists brings before their e,eg evi(len- ceof the et emelt. between their pal i• i ent's vitality and the inroads of septi- como. The mayor is not sn(Tering ASSORTMENT' greatly at present Its, has not. lost (•nnsrinusneas since (Gi111nghvr revolvr,r tt'a9 disc barged milt0(41,1111: the Meek of his neck cn the promenade deck of the - _---- Kaiser 1VIIhlelnt der Gt•nsse, a fe.v Theta three go haivi i•1 h t:i,t here nil wilt, this it pretty good place to : minutes before ten o clock. ile is come for desirables in the alive to the nitnre of the trial shat he THREE POINTS OF SUPERIORITY Goons PRICES HOUSE FURNISHINC LINE faces. Insisting that the physicians should tell hitt just. how the score he• (wren bine vlf and death stood, :lnyor if one of these points were missing you wool d he sure to notice it, so' Gaynor heard their report and seers• W091,1 we and we watch things so closely that right. goods. Fair Prices and Pd vatisfled 110 knons limat. he must •oiiplete asenrttnent answer „present„ here ell the t i►uq,, mak h his strength ngninat that of TO ,lay is as good a time iv. any to look. It matters not what furniture death abil that the issue grows tenser seeds you have in mind you will flrul us able to deal with you to your come with passnge of the h -,urs. pieti sal. isfact ion. __T, A full line of under felt ingretepl:e..Iltvsys en gland sausfnetbolo gltariu,leed The "Times' and Toronto Weekly Jas. Beverly, LOCALS 31r, •,.W. Snell, of Guelph, who Las been spending two weeks with his parents Mfr. and Mrs. Wm, Snrl1, F..limville, bas returned home. Mrs. W. .J Beaman entertained a number of lady friends on Wednes- Gagetown, N. Ite on August day afternoon. Mr Mr, John Spackman received the sad news last week of the death of his sister Mrs. Tuck, who died in Spackman and son E. J. left Wednes- day for that place. A quiet but pretty wedding took;lace at Itsreabytdrlan Mans,', Themes Road, yesterday afternoon, when Miss Ohre Dorcas Willie, 1 daughter of Jr. - aid Mrs, Jas. Wil- lie, Exeter, \"orth, was united in marriage to .lir. George W. Good- win, of \Vebster, New York, The interesting ceremony was performed by 7tev, C. Fletcher, the young couple being unattended, M:. and lira. Good,s•iu will meke their future horse is Exeter for some time, after which they will go to Webster, to reside, They will helve the very best wishes of a Bost of friends for their future happiness and prosperity. The London Advertiser gives bhe following particulars of 3 former well-knoo•si Exeter boy, being the son of Mr, John Evans.—"One of th- prettiest weddings of the season took 1.,13e0 Wednesday of last week at the home of Ifrs. James Doyle, 19.2 Rec- tory st., when her youngest daugh- ter :Miss Ethel H. McIntyre was mar- ried to Mr. Ch:'ia,v K. Evans. of De- troit, formerly of London. The cer- emony was p•rforrned by Canon Dy- son haute in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. The bride looked very handsome in n beautiful goner of cream voile over twasta eilk. of navyand bluesr broadcloth. '11 lling oth. ess Pearl 'McIntyre. sister of the bride '(tead.•d her end wore n dress of vale green crepe de chem. 11r. A. .t. Evans was groomsman and the wedding merch was played ay Mr. 11, 1lilton Evan., Mr. tine Mrs. t:vane left for Detroit whets• they will re- side. TIIE I11:SIN ESS OUTLOOK. The 'Monetary Times of Toronto sutnuc:sizes the goad factors in the financial and commercial Situation a. fnlrnws ink dept.•its l:,fP•r. Bank c!e•+-ings i•_rg, r Railroad 1lrt)ing, Wager. Industrial eondit.ons good. Trtdc ince, aing. Crop area gr. Iter. Investment greater, Immigration volume of capital. Larger inflow of capital. Much construction in progress. Mineral production good. Mergerg etiminat:ng foolish eomre- tition. Against 1bee. ,' elements of dan- ger it :,•ts. Tient money Jik :y in Droaght has h•..rt crops. Investment eituetiun dull, Labor trouble. Foolish real estate purcbase•. The sup'rior weight is by this still. in the fair t:m-s of the balance. WOODIiAM Mrs. llowarJ i'ereu'nn, of Toronto .end Janes $tttenie, of Calg:'ry, are t he• ;zees! s of t heir siet••r, \I r.=. Will ?3t,-wer!, of Woodham. Rev. 1t'rn. it. Venc • and Mr'. Vallee left .Monday (or \•irtoria 1t. (', They 11 ill t„• away a wont It or more and will visit the Gener,1 Conference of the Methodist church while in (he GRAND BEND J. WILLIS PO YELL Mr. J. Willis Powell who for a number of years has been conduct- ing a stationary and phonograph business in the Express building, last week purchased the fancy goods business conducted by ;'Sirs. Dearing for /SOHO years. Mr• Powell took pose cession on Monday last and will mote his stock from the express building to his new store at once. \\'fills is well known in and around Exeter and has many friends who WWI lith success in bis new centre. - See .ins. Bevuperorit adv't on there HERMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE riority on the lir -+ ` page. points of supe $r.00 per year In advance BUILDERS HARDWARE Wire and Cut Nails, Lox and Knobs, Hinges and Butts, Class and Putty Hangers and Track, Roofing Etc. Threshers' Supolies Belting and Lacing, Gauge Glasses and Washers, Packing and Babbitt Valves and Fittings EXETER COUNCIL Th t'., ie•il th. Villnr,•• of Es- jeter te.1 in tie 'Town Ball Friday Autres: 5th. Absent Councillor Wal- , r. h minutes Of the meetings held July 22nd and 3oth were read :,0.1 1pprov•d. :\ let ter from Engin- e..r Farncomb. of London. regards N. oiling Mr. P. Crews Millright, of London. to adjust the water wheel was read. The statement from the Seeretiry of the school board asking that thirty-one hundred dollars be levied for school purposes for the ensuing year be made. I'er Beaman and Levett that Mr. Beldon be al- lowed gravel for walks. he to place' the present cement on the road oppo- r'itt• the walks to be rebuilt, carried. Per Leven and ilalkwilt, that ten - tiers b.• asked for the cleaning , and decorating of the Town Hall in-� eluding the entrance, and that Coun-' cillors tlalkwill and Ifcatnan he a committee in cher8e, Carred, Per Lovett and Ilalkwill, that the elle commissioner notify Mr. Hauldri that he must piece the watering cart or wagon when not in use, in the ' shett behind the Town hail, cat reel The following accounts were rt • . and ordered `•aid. Sem. teenders t '- eerarn' to Toronto. Mets.; Arth Glanville labor at rometery S1Q,0o Louis 1)av, flower• for cemetery. 22.- 95; Hiles ltandford, teaming for cem- etery. 4.39; Jno. Halter fencing for cemetery (1.25: Thornton Iteker, wire' for c nl. t, rya 1_.00: .1• \V• ltrownie- I'ortnald'•hyde and e:eohol 10 12 : t)ue.•n City Oil Co.,. gasoline " 1_; Jon. 9. and 'ley groceries for e1rs , Delve 1.12; Feeler ••letric light Are Ijt htinc 60:1e. Serve•. -1: ; lighting 41+.00: town hall 9.60: It Davie teaming' gravel '10:00: inn. Norry labor at grav,•!ing 27,00; Barn, Sweet help t'l.acin't a heel, 1.00: Thos. Webster labort at drain 1.75; Siete llandfor•l teeming grew.' 211.00: Thos, tiartnotl teaming orevel and labor :11.9,1: Wm. Weigh tor•:,kincr stone and labor 10.50: Thos. Brock, sr., labor ixaveling 8.75: Walter West- cott labor grav••line 8.25: Henry \Villers ten mine t''.i »1 19.00: 1\'m, tliIlespio. do. $,00: ltoberl Giliies. do. e.00: John it••I1 labor at enrol 23,45; frank Sweet help placing wheel 1.00; Theodore tV:clp.•r t.•arnin:g gravel 27. i'red tie etor labor at travelling 7.10 Thee ,Moulden (( lining Rravel 4.00: Thos, Iloulden two week•e st, water - ilk! 35,00: .1 Ills: eft pt. salary .13,00; C. \s' Cross pt. '•clary ccmct. tory 29.00 t" \t'. Cross, hones Inc Practically every cottage at the season 190•'-'0 _ 'i0, Per Ralkwill— lknd is occupied, and (Garry llolfteen II••itnen 11" I;'on tiro•. accOU:lt the genial stage striver, who ought of 2:1.10 Feer l inch furnished ltctri• to know. says the present 5Peenll is spent 1 , 1 An ones -'m •nt per as good as he has ever meet), If pros- I. •vett t I , t he council • •. ?10 Ott stet plana materialize we nifty see only or thi+ arra:nt. �• l 1larry next ,eat• hluasnm out art n ► Sal mnt ion c , cried. 81:1010* Liv, chnulTeur nn a motor hue which :ItftJ,02, passed on motion of L,•t, t t his cornpisny may install fur next :Ind ileatnar,, rlrri 1 AdJ 10.50 Iran,. eutotner's hnsiness. til; ! 1 rat, Clerk. The gasoline ync•ht Watford, limn ' '-- the town of thatnacre, has been in Ii1D11Cf.1'll t. port the greater pat t of the week, this 8011801) has returned home after 1 t council r.. : t .; tea Jiss Helen Vane, one of the moot !lee nt, 1h • • v• nd 111 the popular girls an gat the campers a short visit with Mrs. Clinger. with whom she returned from a hip down the Ht. L:tterenre Inst week. Mts. 1:, L. Ede- and family, of Lon- donLon- donhave takes, ei cottage en the Exeter aide. Hiss Eva Sunthrutt has it bevy of young lathes visiting her 1, in Lon- don, Mr. W. W. Gaminage lies returned to London after spedning a week with his family ot. the London ride, Auto parties were much in evi• (knee on teaturday, Ur, Jones end 1(r. Herman of London both bring. ing up parties for the week end, he - aides the osteal number of tourists stop'tit t up hth eKake Itrotadttto ls tGodpt•Ich and points north. CHEESE I'A'CTOItY �l(,"RNf•:l The itftncbard cheese factory was burned to the ground about 12 (o'clock 'Tuesday night of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Proudloi%ee end the helper who live in the bntilding were awakened by rraekling flames The factory wets a total tom Mr. 1'roadlove v. carri rl nr "2,700 ino (Rohe to neer subscribers from stow 'tees in Ilse Perth MI/ nal, but this Leading ndertaker ' tt'i .tiny, 1.t. 1911 for 55 cents. en.nunt is insuff:ci• nt to cover the and furniture Dealer Children - ry E:X F'i' F E?, ONT. FOR FLETCHER'S 7 h • origin o fl h • fire is a mystery 1 A boit thought that it may have or - CASTOR iginated from tie• bo i• r, ln- . Th,• Mork of eh, testeevas nearly 11 saved from 1)r• flame.. 1t wee assured by the net•rons for £t,500 • :: - 1 . pr. to I ... Soun at ee eri -rte1 that 1 1. , . - r ••' •• - •,mount 1 • paid ae 1 1 t, . '' ' make It , sign ord 1- for th'• .1 Ganem.•, el:!is - ,1•..,ds. a; Tt, He, 1 73c1-. Wee •• - en, print:tie ere.' 2',011: text- t, -;•t10!in,t .'ll • di r::•.. , to li-•.. ',.Ito: : I, r�,,.lnl,i1 `, , r Ili• _ ,t' pectdltatli .�O10 tio. • 115 Oren it, elo 1), r s 1 , 1. „ I.I. ,• building ':an•lei,u. , •\• •, •And YOU will Saveb 1. Piton. do 21,E+3: .1.- iMoney y calling on ••1 contract Div, 0 58,00 J. 11 t , ' rut tine we.•d., div. 1, 2.1111. r. I: , • overseeinr Irtar l �n,17,.. 1 Ani Sellin the 1 (ileo• ,\, Aavis days in 1''t ..r, I - .Sadist, Makes it. 11- itatleh;: . . , 1;,i:: ,,el, - walk. in (;r.tntorr l:- a!, ,1:", 1•,:I: t• ora 1 ,, •• .,: t••1'1• m- int' etat::r • 1&or 1 ••. (irin_s r 2.00: t .', ' . ittg 41 v. •t, 7.00; el. Are, a-,:• ••r,v,-1 neo and 11 q11} in pit Div, 3, 30.804 ino, Dick - en., rep te ;dee Da. 3. 2.50. E. D. lel., - r- 1, 1::e•t•• • f: .0: i Div. 4. 9.00 .11.. \I ic,len ere •1 contract Div. 1, 11.00: TI' ermine: edjonrned to 01 • •1 ( n \rondos the 'et h day of Supt, (PIO n t 10, a.m. t'i '\V, It. STANLE'V ' •rk. —11-7---1r:14 teotvI:LI.—dn (lana In le t e , 1 • 2n 1 to Mr. and \1r;:, 1; :,. II. I nr T:h!•• df• -I t:f ' r.. ...:Y t 1•: ; -: - ,t„ , ere P. S.—Ail Accounts are now Due. •.t�,..21s.s!i.. 1 JUNE BRIDES PEOPLE about to go House -keeping should call at. WPIVE. & :\'1'K iNSON :S Furniture Store and see how easily :end" Cheaply you can furnish your home. A Walk Through Our tore \VIII show vol. flee,. you will tied the largest and best e.,sorte • i'l Stock of Furuit,ire in the (tonnty, comprising Tables, Chairs, Parlor and Bed - Room Suites, Kitchen and Dining -Room Furniture, 19 f,tct everything ti, be found in a lirst-class Furniture Store at each Low 1', ices that defy Competition, 1 We hay' a large number of Lawn and Veranda Chairs which •we are selling at rete•trkebly Lew Price.. 1 ROWE & ATKINSON I The Leading 11o,ne Furnishers and Funeral I)irectors, ,r.:' lex;:'.,: ,�t� f�f!!!!f�f, i" f t. .. .... I •:.i..11r'r`s::'t;- :It,3 .:etti,`3=duii r..: !!' reel PFCIAL $ ANOS For the Fall Trade After handling PIANOS for the past fif- teen Years, am now niakillg a Specialty in selling NIGH (iR,1l)I PIANOS. If you are thinking of buying a Piano it will pay you to see sic before doing so as 1 am prepared to The "Time.' and Toronto Wesel, .est to t- w se l,-criber; from sow tel .l;iny. 1st, 1 et for 33 rents. Me J. KELLERMAN DASH WOOD _. Big Stock of -.= Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done