Exter Times, 1910-08-04, Page 6YOU NO FOLKS �O•t!•?OOt?OOG>0001� ONi.Y A DANDELION. "0 Charlie! Itow e.!tl41 you du that I Aly one flower!" ''1 didn't mean any harry, aunty. Anyway, 'twas )uly a tl:til•1t+•iee." And the boy went whistling en i,s way to school, rwite t'ng off 1I•, 1t, .i." _ , f the dandelions hy 11.0 way• l:,i•• !, a stick he had in his b....i ;,1,1. Jones it: anti 1 -1 n 1" I. 1 • .1 s. 1 11 11•t ., t., .,Si.. 1 ,t •„ , king •ll K;.. , I .•n It:C.14•111 ill time, they pass from one stage LIFE A NIGHTMARE Helpless and Broken Down, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Came to the Rescue. '!'hero aro many who think anae- iet:t is a trouble confined to grove ing girls and women, but this is set too ease. 'Thousands of men are n;:aemie, and attribute their gross- ing weakness to mental or physical overwork, or worry, and who do not• , np1•ear to realize that they are swiftly passing into that condition 1.I:cwn as general debility, and that, their trouble is due entirely to the' fart that their blood is water} and impure. If the trouble is not taken; w 1:: I'1::t she tort' ,: tat fr,,.n kitchen. Vii: . and tins to another until the breakdown is •-+aiked fai e• mplete, and often until acure is :' ,u1 to the I. t unci hope. To mels in all walks -,•wed and of life there is no medicine so talo - dal mewling , :. r L, t i. r sitting all the time at the ft- ..: %Badu% of her ru"In in her ncplii•s.•s farm- house. She had been watching the dandelion v he -u 111 u4.1 Charlie had switched off ever since it came up, ter it happened to be the only ono In the little patch of grass between ti.e house and the road, and she lcte(I it. And now, just. as it %vas The Peanut's Perfections. The than who buys 5 cotta' worth of peanuts perhaps doesn't realize than his purchase is helping to build up ono of the largest farts products this country, now worth some $150 000,000 annually. Tho thin covering is very like wheat bran and is excel. lent food for live stock when mixed with other things. The shells aro burned in the factories as fuel. and tho ash is used for fertilizer. Tha vines make fine forage. Thea peanuts that aro not Fold on the market are ground up into butter and into meal, which is used in tho manufacture of contee• tions of various kinds. Hut oil is tho most highly prized by-product of the peanut, of which n bushel will yiel about a gallon.-llarper'e Weekly. Regular System. 1'•1 K house.” said the landlady from her seat "What did "Nothing ever gar: to waste In this at the head of the lane. to nail hint "What do vets do, then, madam, with "Ile went What's left over?" a new beard.r asked. "I hash it, of tnursr," she aniwrr.I. "Iluf what do yntl do," the boarder he do when you t rir.l down to the point t" off on another tack." TOOK 11' FOIt GRANTED.He had been calling on her twice 11 week for six months, but had not l:rep0Feli. Ile was a wise young 1: an and therefore didn't think it (.11('ss:tly. "Ethel," he said, as they were taking a nloo:dight stroll seas eren- il,q, "1 -er-ant going to ask you an impertaut question." "Oh, (;eorgo," she exclaimed, "this is so sudden ! H'hy, 1----- "What I want to ask is this," he interrupted. "1\'hat date have you 1194i your mother decided upon for,, cur wedding. EASY Fon 111:11. Stella -"Can you cook i" liclla--"No, but it doesn't mat - ti 1, Jack has dyspepsia and no ap- petite." • It is Wise to Prevent Disorder.- Martycauses hart 1.. dir.i -r of 1t is an undisputed fact that one Ire stomach fled • • f • ' n1 abie as Dr. Williams' fink P111s, persisted, -with the hath that's left li!i(•ka4e of 11 limo's Ely Talls has flitrn. At the lit:t 1 110.f• • .,:.,n If you feel jaded, weak or worn olid 0s•r4 f" , I killed a lit,hel of lietisc (110-. Pars that the ste eo:1i and liter ..:,- !.' t these P11.a will crake that rich, red. "% hy, rehash It.t/1 Innately no rateh q11 •11 11 cart ever !'f "forming their functions, a t, lotted that pats vim and energy in--- be fount! in a well kept h.:n •. , hitt '.•f I armelee's Vegetable 1':.. to every• l ,-:t .-n . f the beret.: ',1 :k -I si,r old be tried, and will be fens,: ing good b!,•',I is the nlissi, n .,f SO!). u 11!) 11 heftier they be few or 0111• 1}:tt the digestive organs oo, !)i. Williams'lliams' Pink Pills and e '.11SOLVE!). "I have it, girls," exclaimed the sows! Ply Paula will hill thein all. ; , rdi',y resume healthy action. t'!"es(f is the one secret of ;_. :1 !adv :• :tin the sharp rose and t: r -----• I.: ratites and sedatives are so health and vigorous life. .\n ., 1:! 1,.,-s, ri-i1•1.t ill the suft•.1 Mfen make up their minds; wo- 1. • tided in these pills that no other lent case in point is ih::' . f 1!:-. N. .. •.1 1:., . e a plan t 1,.+: ,, .: ::.en make tip their face= preparation could be so effective coming into flower, it was gone,! W. 1:I1is, of lialcarres, sit '.. ,t'1•, :•1.„w file n tt•• aro in earnest in • and although the stns was shining says: "Just four years ire;• 1 ls' cur fight i- r t bit" ,. ' HUNDREDS OF OPINIONS egret, upon brightly, she felt as If a heavy iti i tigland making preparatioes to, 'Let its 1, cicnd was over her. ft.l111 the long cherished ambition of : mar -y 1!u•:rt At the opening of the school that c':0a ng to Canada. My health at st t'•," cries • nit ruing the teacher read the leas- that time was normal, though f \o' os;', sage in the Bible containing the (J"lden Huls, and said a few words as to how it should be obeyed in the smallest things. "\•ou mustn't do anything," she said, "if you can help it. to make any ono else unhappy. If yeti ever do anything to anybody that you wouldn't like to irate thee, do to you, why, make it Ott) to Stem seine - Loy, and right off.,' The children always liked these little talks of their teacher, becau•o they tvt re so simple. When she atsit ppcd, Charlie said to 1)III1lf, "1 wonder if teacher saw ale se itch • Contains more real body-building nutriment than Meat or eggs ---Costs much less For any meal in combination with vege- tables, baked apples, sliced bananas, stewed runes and other fruits. Neat biscuit in oVCA to ru::tore crispness. j Hold by all grocers, Itc. a carton. two lot :SO. [T�1 Schou! of fr;.1 A COLLEGE Cf LrpLIko scI1Ncr. Affiliated to Queen's University. X(1NGSTON, ONT. For Calernlar or the &hrot and further infor• nation, spay w the Sec.etary, S&Locl of M1nW$, }:;n(uOa, (1,.4. '4C14'AiIIIPICIr tr4>lG7c irrie• Mining and Metallurgy. Chemiatry and Mineralogy. Mineralogy and Geology. Chemical Engineering. Civil Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Electrical Engineering. biology and Public Health. Power Development. 12 .> \ snarl's wife is nes, r n,' lr• •, ( iANCER, Tumors, Lutnps, etc. Inter comical than when alio " 5 1119 l- and external, cured without pa.,, : • y our home treatment. Writs tat beton• tco socks and ties. late. lir. Hellman Medical Co., Limited. tl(y. Colliegwond, Ont. •• flu t that Patnkilicr line alleviated rue,rn trill t.: The good may clic young. but .:n iar i any ons mentor' l '.&d !ted j bas's you ever noticed how loo a .: lr ... t r diar['h.ca and d>'arutrry. Avoid sub• g t ' .tate,,, there la bat ono "Painkiller"— we rthlcss luau manages to hang i . fry DAV Ili.- lie. and 3c. tit: eltarll l ---- un v.as never very strung. Three , ne. "I sa•.. : us declare duo .i 'l''.' hairpin goes to extremes t•:,•r k• before the time of my depar- t1 ey do not gine us the ballot , a it is t1,ed as 0 button hook. tete 1 was overcome with a fceli:te til! marry thein:" ---- - "f ecneral weakness and f:1 1,.. •- n 1,1vIt rendered talc so inertLfe- le• • that my dans were sllreuded in gluonn. ('onsultati•.n 554• :1 .4 11. , .' r brought me no ce•nsolat • 1),• biiity was toy truuil.' 111 .i 1 .t,; • n the point of a bn•:tkr1'•••t: '1 ,Irs.i:c • in your c•'nclitiun int - .1' .4th,' '• 1n early settler 1 Why. :aid the (lector. \'. :, , t irate a 1, - not ,nnre than 40 yea r3 (•' e,.nlplo rest.' A 1, •. Lowe%er, • No: but he pays his bills on e • was uta .'f the • r• a fort- fest of every tuunth,,, ta.ht s he: teav I !,ail a)nl t).,01) Lack • _.._— t) earn my (lady bread. 'Phe next' Minaret's Liniment Cures Distemper. 1:; )N011 ED ('1'1'IZEN.- Many n homely girl has reached 1 t r 1, that g04I111 tnan very - a man's heart with her cuuking. he's one of our Carle set- ' Thos. Sabin of I•:glington, "i have t- -•' ved ten cern; :downy's off Aunty Jones's dandelion, and y, are were a series of misery and' IIO\\ 5111- 1\O\ Ot.T• lie talked as she did l" (he pair, boil} and brain motel-ulirl- I ''If„w did you manage. to catch When schot-1 was over, he sot out ed w itll a complaint the doctor ' tl..• man you scanted 1” we asked for }wale with the other buys and could only call debility, but apl•ar- the 'bride. girls, but had not gone far when eptly could not cure. Snateh.ne "Ily pretending to try to catch a the sight of a dandeli' n brought. lida)'s when I could I struggled man I didn't want," site confessed. lock to his mind the 11 eughtless; It ..n ,until the opening of 1909, when' act et the morning and the teach- 'ecmple'tely prestratul I was retie- Yu" cannot snake live saints b er's talk. Then, all of a sadden, it' idled to go to my parents and he- ; y' sin - came over him that he alight dig, c, Inc a burden to them. Mc life ss or flouncing the w::ys of dead sin up a dandelion and plant it in the si(rply an existence and friend~ Ilk rs• place of the one he had killed. •So said, br 1►ind my back, 'cunsuutll 1f a ship travels 11 knots an Ile stopped and began to loosen the do .' mitt!' round a particularly fine one i "In April. 1909, I began taking; h(.ur, how fast docs its cargo 1 which was just going to blossom. 11)r. \\•illinnis' fink Tilly, Thr••.' "What are sou doing. Charlie!" mc•uth• later, un July 1st, I '-ailed' Tenth Cornu to :111. But it Hoed said one cf the boys. fur they all horn Liverpool on the Tunisian f..r ►i' t corns prematurely if proper pre - said stoped anti were 55atclting Montreal, full of new lib', energy cautions are. taken. ".\n noose of hint. When he told them, several nt.el hope. In this great. country. I I'"ven1ion 15 a,0rd► a pound et said, "1'11 dig one, too and they am slaking go.'(1 nal I owe it all ',"°; and to have prevention at looked round for Dict ones. tO I)r. V,illiluns' Pink Pills. In i.:tnd and allow a disease to work "Look here, boys," cried out three months they changed rue from It; win! 1, wiekr•(hx•ss. 1)r. Thomas' 1SIIlie L'ps.:n, "why wouldn't it be a nervous wreck to a healthy man.' 1:electric Oil not only allays pains a good idea to make a little I,ed'in When dectora failed they ,nesse,! wi.en applied externally, but will front of Aunty Jones's 55indow • ed. and 1 honestly belicsc' they hits- • l.ie%ent lung troubles resulting (everybody called her aunty, you edmy life." from e-1414 and coughs. Try it and ate►, and plant sorra garden flow -I, You can premise 1}. great b. contiucrd. (•I. in it 1 Ise got sumo patl�ies health .^,is ing nlcdicine f r • 711 any --- 1'Il bring." dealer or by mail at :,0 c' • - a Lox "Eve gat some lilies and golden- :-r six bex.s for 32•:)u fr"n; '1'•'- Dr. slew," haul 1:10801 Jackson. 1 Williams' Medicine Co., lir, • ::lc, "I'ta g.et ''eine satect- William," 1 (;tat. said Frank !bola. That aftcrneen a merry hand of toys and girls were hard at Wolk e snaking a lath bed in aunty's Grass The w( rld owes tau a lit:le! I . patch, and when they had fini•h•(1 enough. All you hats. to d., . , •I: U hoes. those it►noeent-looking flies they were rurpri•ed to sec how it ' may (':)1180 a real Ira_rl!} any day. pet ftp it was. nut brighter than -- A. they are known to he the prin. the flowers which were in it was T'sed according to dire,' ' , I'' ',oat n>•enls for the spread of d) - f. I►. hcm.at;•. flysentl!, I , Aunty Jc'nev's face when she bad. et:1 arrest! ieo,•f ie the it,, ' ,• "Inter}, I)phoid fever, diphtheria. 1 t I 1 TI • children felt ahem A ('IT.1N('1 1.011 CONTRARY 1:FF1:(T. "1 tell you, she made her ac• gt,11i••tnnces hot•" "Dow, - "By her ley manner."' 11 allotted to roam neer your go .c .y(. 1l f• run of ;unun.r coulplainl. \l Iabereulosis. and Whet Inferlious repaid when they rats her llapl,i ctrl the attack manife'1; it i 0' dl.ease8. The r'nl"115 he, ill the ries.. 11)11 111y te.ry does not end here. 11" <h"Ilt'l he !.•-t i11 se,•k1L.r, 111e tree :1111) persii•te11I 11.1• 1,1 1111�u11 'rite little ilou,•r bed made the farm -la 1.4 th.• 1 ''t hill. It will aft. ern 1 Toro ata} "n the st"mach and in- I s' 1',441 b(look lover, and es(I.:. •<Iy' to liars and allay the irritation and noticed it. The children had had, sin. :1 trial ti it will "Min"' lot h a Rol,) tions mnkinx the ht d � nr.t•'ne of the truth of three a•ser "] on lIIl.1 1g(e a Mal)l>Ilrt} w, 'i that they jetnped at the le:teller's. s fico•. h end uv the lug he talcs enggt•_tion that they should inane 11ok1 by which bed• like it in each other's fn nt if a man has sufficient hard cash • yards where the to, were none. .‘nil i ,, may have a soft time. now there is net a prettier sinew)_- .•-.- Sttcet than that in Rrookdale• f"r Mlnard'f Ltnlment Cures Cargo, In Cows. tarry yard lois its nicely eared ler --- 11, wet -bed, whore a 11111.• 5511411, aga' With th': perfecting of airships, 11, r.' were only grass and weeds : r nr castles ill the nit May 1,4useii all that 1(1:1(1+• ti,i-. 5''•n41' -i 1 11 1 -mutter loam e• . ni.anee 55a'- • tilt a ll:uldei;"n. - ---- 11fr•t.ihs ('"lupatli.,l►• AN IMP0191aLE 7111140 In find • plaster tonal 1•, -i: •• I) .1 L ' Menthol Maori', UN( LE 1:%11.1 i.11 - Wire W a .sLd.ss My mare, a very vnlnahle ono, washed Iy btnued and rut hy hems caught to a wiry fen.e I.r,me of the wound• would not heal, although 1 tried many different medictnr• lir hell adoeed Mr 10 use MINAIU) LINiMF:NT. diluted at first. then ,trnuger h• the sores hnean in Mak hrftrr, tinttt af',r three week.. the sore, and .t ,. h.•ut( ,notated. Grt the Ifrnuu,r horn hnelyd, and brei of 1111. the hair la \ 111-\I.\N t_ Ili 1i("'1:, 1,,: :do a bc•, 1.,, 41.1' h.•., .;urh.••, n„th ftmwing well, and is $0T W1(151 a• to 1, Inst equal. it. Had•• by Davis a Lawrence most always the else In horse wnunehr :\ (v•11=e'. :Ili' 'i' Sunday school i c"• v. ►s noucir. tt :JT !;aft 1,c, It etitllatofing t'l:- Weym, th. ! :.. ul,•':1 i.• r !,•L.il rho n!ti.natn; 'fill: Lirrl.l. THINGS, til -1,1111 of it'.,'s1':e i ,-ter beaI(1., '1 don't ttaflt to )I' nagging at. :\t • le 4 -hoe of a '-i• 1, 1•: 5,111,1. she v, n,•' ,1r:;. organ. "hut f :'• r.d berg' !t that this point 11:141, it'• thr little things that hotter ale • :. w-. 11 r-t:tbli•Lr fl, 5hr tune-' i ti• t ' r ;•Ir 011, 1" 81 In tear !MVO' '5 ., interrupted her husband. h rn'n!i1'•I. .1n,i !n",t, \ii'' , t •w 1' Ily• ''i app"ae. yee'1, going ;et rat'. •r be, he, : 1. 11 ire ,:.0 hayl'n• ;t 41•, -rut pair 1 .. r r Alice, after , 1,• . ..4!'411'411. '-1 think 1• it ,•.,t 1 • ('. iatil• 1 le },caul 011.) le';,<lit • -• TUE 1.Y/A hl'l11'.11JIAN, •! ¢•a•.', 1'41 so fishing I , it)': -it :bolo!<I it;: • se, ancient apple tree 4, ft 14'4'44 ,t al springy aro4md. •.,ne r'',• tronld ftx the worm 1 1; , 111.• t 1 iekly honk t , ; t , r :,'. ,t 11h the fishes while 1 r „ : 1 1.4) a book. R! '1' no :1 • w u: l :Ike 11,e nelnnhhle!; ((• ; t .; let tbs fight .1 f,vth. '4%t'eryb ldv now setnita‘' Zatn - dant best liar Utese. Let, It give YOU sass ani cotefat. t,•.rn•n •.,f t:••r, rot-ro,Arq 1Nyl"r N0. III In. .11ROM.\Ti(' EFFECTS. ''What you ,night to do," said tho l•lysieinn, "is to take the nir in nn automobile or a meter boat." C'an't 1 stav at home and open a can of gl,a-"'.in. f ' Alwny� 4 't v • pblo NI wit pills It se their prr.l,ritles with nge. Not (41 with I'arill'•l,c's Vegetable Pills. The pill mass is so compounded that their strength and effectiveness is pre r r'ed and the pills tan be carried anywliero without fear of losing their potency. This is a quality that few pills pos- teas. Sonic pills loso their power, bat not so with Parmelee's. They will maintain their freshness and potency for a long time. Turn your face to the sun and you v: ill never fear the shadows. Mlnard's Liniment Cures OIPMReiIa. i 1'"rn says: from ('n my re ' %nor nrnRZIst Will Tell You 1'turirie Eye Itru.esly Itt•liev.a Sore Gyro, 441 l",'Il::t l,•'I,M Weak 14'is. Dor::11'1 Siam -4, Focal.. a 140 rale, and Seita for Slv•. 'I'lv \i',rinc In your 14ts ..rel In Baby's Eyes for Scaly C)•.l1.ie end Granulation. It's easy for a man to do if given a chance, but the eel ti al.platlds the man who makes 1. own chance. (.1 1 1rd's Liniment runts Golds rte. Mother Craves' Worm Extermin- ator has no equal for destroying %forms in children and adults. Sec that you get (ho genuine when pur- chasing. Suffragettes arc new women in di: guise. Prat•tically all Canadian l)rng- ci-ls, Grocery and General Drage.•$ sell Wilson's Fly lads. If your storekeeper (Ines not: ask him %thy. .I F. t -r.•., 1'. ••IAS,'• HLI.La 1114)8 ' is ro 1'- e• at f..rt..ry prices K tits 1 .r 4 ,.l.et. A t truss, foront,. I% ,/0n ENO1`,E4. ROILRIt4. PCM('.5, 1140'1 an 1 W.. •.•sprung :4 s _binary, Gas ,11111 Kneinn•, F: "-trio Motors ami .'.mtractn!.s' 'Li. :41:1,1r)•, writs, It W. I'ut,n1, 1.i,u to I, rorJut.!. Your Overcoats ID) !ad- 1 s ,t. • you 11•,04 4h• -t' •r 1,.:1 1f co a;..:• • ours to )our tow:,, rrtta dirk, so St env., !nor I:8 British Arne/clown Dyeing CJD. When buying your Piano insist on having an LOTTO 11 MEL" Piano Action'. WE O WN A N D OFFER AT PAR AND INTEREST $200,0OO First Mortgage, Sinking Fund 6% Bonds With 25e'() Bonus of Corr non Stock of CANAD *. MACHINERY CORPORATION LIMITED (incorporated under Dominion of Canada Letters Patent) Callable its a whole at 110 and accrued interest on six months' notice on 1st August, 1915, or any Interest date thereafter, or in part for sinking fund purposes only on any August • 1st after 1915, at 110 and accrued interest. Interest payat.:e 1st February and August, at Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal, Toronto, Galt, Ont., and Halifax, N.B. Denominations $500 and $1,000 TRUSTEES : - Montreal Trust Company BANKERS : - - Royal Bank of Canada CAPITALIZATION First Mortgage G per cent. Bonds . ... ... ... .. „ .. . , . .. • . . Cumulative 7 per rent. Prefer! -t d Stock Coramcn Stock DIRECTORS: TI108. II. WATSON, Esq., Toronto, Ont. \'tee -Prez. and (len. Mgr. Canada Bolt Nut ('o., Ltd. ALEX. G. GOURLAY, Esq., Galt, Ont. Mae(lrrgor, (uurlay (2o., Ltd. GARNET P. GRANT, Esq., Montreal. Pres. Doniinion Canners, Ltd. Vice -Pres. Canada Boit and Nut Co., Ltd. HARRY COCKSHUTT, Esq. Matt I) r Cocl:nhutt flow Co., Ltd,, Brant - c..1.1. Ont, CEO. I) F•CRBE., Esq., President. 1'r... H. I rbes Co., Ltd., 11esps'ler. Pres. Tay ler Forbes Co , Ltd , Guelph. R. O. McCULLOC}I. Esq., Vice -President. (!oldie & Vit, 1 11•h ('u Ltd., Dalt. E. M:acGREGOR, Sr., Esq., Vico-President. I'! , - ',l.l• ' it•('Kor, Uourlay Co., Ltd., Galt, Ont. S. H WHITE Esq., Vice -President. }'r, • .::,;ea Mfg ('o., Ltd., Sussex, N.B. 1'r' New Brunswick Telephone Co., Ltd. What Consolidation Represents 'r'hr 1 aan,Ls Merida( r. ( tonp•nf. , 1111- 11ed, wee incorporated under the ran - ado 1 "mpenlew .1r/ r•n J.,1) Etb, 1010, and has acquired Ihr baelntl• and nn- dertakloll• of the full,.,tlur ralupnnl..1 1. 11ac(:regnr, I:nu,Ins and Co„ I.In,r4. ed, fall, tint. 2. John Itallnnllue Nod (Y., l'resfoo, lint. A. lf'eprlrr Machinery ('n . limited, IVaprl,•r, e!.,1. And lh. Nnndasnrklntr (tarhlnrr• parlment. tat, 1. l;oldse and MNbll"rh 1'•'. Limited, l.eI4, Ilul. 2. (leapt Mnnnfaclnrlaa 4',., 1 lmitrd. Supers, V- (1. The tempanleo ewotrnitetl remittent. prart1ea11y all the ennrern■ In ('1171.411 maruttarturing the 111thter trade• of woodworking machinery and 'nal.. The, also rona(IInle a terse perreole•e of the mannfarlorinar rnparlly of Iron working (041. In I Ronda, The Intention of the Company 1• to reefer. the oraanlrotIon of Ihr differ- ent farlo►Ies toren n uniform heals, thereat eliminating the •srraalse dupli- cation of special moraliser', pts , which hu faktn puce In the pool. 1.1m11. d, 1 Authorized . , ...$1,000,000 1,600,000 . ... 1,6C0,000 braced $400,000 850,000 025,000 Sccttri`), Back of Bonds Th. reprndur(Ise scan, of the phial., n's determined t.y the I nnndlen A,nert- 'on .1pprniaal Composer la ttl.927,11:3 aa, o,er tsars and n hoof Binns the present b.,n,' lsaae "l fh • M•np•ny. The hand• ore Irelna leaned tinder n dee.! of Irn.t tot mortgage 1.1 the runt:any In the stnatreA) Tru•f 1'r.r:tDrnf, of Norte-. I, n' .( nrr •enured by a flied and 1p• e4Lc f ..t &rectums. and cheese nine all pr,- •'.•( and f,.fnre real end 'minus eh:. properly et Ib. (•nlnpanr. The total amnnnf 4 f kends to 1•. la- ane/1 to Iln,llrd to 4),!la.400, nod ran only he 1.1oed up le flit 2-3 per rent. of the apprnl•rd %riv•e of the afflaed s• - .cf.. Ur thl• lenn automat has peer fl- atted and le liner Lel7,1 leaned. The re- maining einoo.'lrl Inn only l,,- I*•npd In en amount equal to ell 2.3 per r' nfof esprudllurra on realist anconal ",rLse- fluent to August lat. 1010. On or before the 111 of %menet. (All, and normally Iher.afler, a rash .1131- Irc 1t tt1 If 17 1•r tent, 4f 1.11 lungs "u.•In lm he pnlA to the 'IYu.- Irr and uac,) lu p,,r, 0.:a. toed rellre If . se 1 ones at fol etre, r'Iug 11.11 per tell end ',reined lee . nr troll bunds of flint )'rl.If not wo pt.rehns- 'hle. 511 Lunar e" perctn.rtt •hall he the prn1:r11) of the Tit stir, nod the roerno..1,1111 1, collected L. the 't•rn1- ler, and earrled at (he er.,114 of the •inking I'und. Earnings and Advantage of Consolidation 11 is .....r)a11re1y •atlmntrd that the net earnInra of the Company Int 1h• euealn$ year, hinted on present output, win he *110,030, ■howls. Ike bond In - tenet d fire flutes over. 9'heo. earainer. tell! he materially 1 d during the initnwtna rears. Th. audlt- nrre reports of file ♦arinna faeterlr• Aare nM no jet hren eonsile(ed, but /he audit of no. et 14.0 rrlortpal rompen:es allows a net eat -chitin for the yearn 10(4) to tem of for nine. /ban the amount required to pay the 'mime, oil Ike 'afire levee of 0100.nrx1 tie‘do. 11r. Hearse r►, troche., the )•renitIent of the Oompanr. Irl n report, rasa the ►:'neflta In he d from the r"o.oNttttloo mal by aun,tonrleed ws fonotfol in•• d efilrirnr,. re•ultinte In ere .:row h) .neelnllalnf; ihr output of the ..I/irrent 1.•lor.e. And by ellenloaf- Inr, thr annerr, . duplication bolls In output :Ind omicron. ',nature to he ,fhrtret In frt. nitreNtrie Of r.1at maternal and In odtnlnl•trnllnn. l:ronon•I.• 1n aelring, dt.frI1'nitor. manufacturing. au.1 Iranaporfnllon 1•h ..... The enu•olldt (Inn la Leln►t eft/riled beef '•t it Hine ,a hen the ind,larr) 1• ehnwlnr. Ireosendnms .Irseloph,ent, nvd nrr ops. l etr.pany, Ly rinrl.Z IL,. ete- rs rent fnetncl.• on n malt. tot tarda. ss 111 he In et pualtt.n to fake 1"11 ndeanls.• of it. STRONG FINANCIAL POSITION The different companies are being taken over free from all floating lh'.I)iiit:t: and the New Company will have ample working capital. The Deed of Trust and all legal :n:.tters relating to this issue h,ty bcc;i approved Ly Messrs Bictc• tell, Bain, Strathy & MacKelca.n, of Toronto. Negotiable 6 per cent. Interim Receipts issued by the Montreal Trt::t Company, Trustze, will be given pending delivery of definite bonds. CIRCULAR AND FULL PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION 1 DOMINION BOND CLIMITED MERCHANTS BANK BUILDING, ROYAL BANK GUii,[:: J:_�, CITIZEN BUIL.DiNG. Montreal Toronto U;tawa