Exter Times, 1910-08-04, Page 2Thc biainoiid Cicsccnt
PA flALYS 13
•feat: -a -tit es" The only !!Medicine
That win Beall!' Curb
Planta Thal Produce 11 for Com-
mercial Purposes,
Probably very (4,s of those who
have gone orad un rubber shares
ko..Sv that the number of !Slants
NA -DRU -CO Headache Wafers
stop the meanest, nastiezt, most persistent headaches in hal( an
hour or less. We guarantee that they contain no opium,
rnorptene or other poisonous drugs. 25c. a box at your druggists',
cr by mad from
J•.lHlllelllq ell{,}>1•r is considerable Netionsl Drug and Che,nic.l Co. of Canada.
and that they differ very materially '_________
ie their relative value in the pro-
duction of rubber for commercial
in !posts, says the Gardener's Ma -
Tho Liver both causes and sorsa gazing,.
(obstinate Constipation or 1'aralpala of The most important of these is
the !dowels'
When the Liver become, torpid or Ilcvca brasiliensis, a tree attaining
weak, to a considerable height and be-
1'_ ire 111. 1 wind moaned aeril�- , :•ud lila '• then It cannot Savo up a 0l h Iuagi••q to the natural order Elu-
1 [lila to nnu5'c the Bowels.
htlSe, at one ntulucht :-• Ming to phurbiuceat•. This is the source ut
tic swap altogether, u6 tuuitlier re-
active. acts dhreetly on the ,
1+ liver and snakes rho liver strop and 1•ora rubber, which has lung held
In one corner stood a box !Alf- (coning with redoubled fury, roar- acarus a commanding position in British
packed, with various articles of .nG down the wide chimney, shak Th. curing rho !!sees "Iseult -,•!Rear' niurkets,
clothing lying by it. On the dress in:; the uhole. building. It dropped 4nnble th,s lnlportatit organ to giro Ranking nest in importance i; I)r icol>trti .5I) h1 11tses ,
dog -table was a whole medley of completely towards down, and af-
ori sattbCtent BUo to movo the bosvvle the well known Ficus elastics*,whit:, ` r
little feminine kniek-knacks, with a ter hours of fitful slumber I slept regularly and natural!:, and thus cure belongs to the natural order Uri:candlestick in the midst, the <lea41 t cavity,
"Intestinal Paralysis." belongs
and produces the Assam rah -
w ick still smoking in the socket, ' In tie gray of the early morning "fruit -a -!lyes" I. made of fruit her. I.tuldulphius, woody climbers,'
ar.d accounting fur the disappear
,..loo of the light a few minutes be- ;1.g into my room, and started tip
1 'vas awakened by 13otneOOe cum
Juices and tonics and is urdoub�udly belonging lu the natural order
the only medicine ever tiacosercd that Apocynnceac, yield the African
fore. The fire had gond out, but• to find ('harks standing by my bed -will Positively curo Co.._tiPu:wn in rubbers, and Sap}um }sighandldo- KNOCK DOWN FRAMES
en a chair by it was laid a little side, dressed. and with a candle in any form. stun, belonging to (:uphurhiuceae,
biack lace evening -gown, evidently his hand. Ilis face was worn and "troll -a -tires" 1.4 gold by alt deatere produces the Colombian rubber. HULLS furnished complete or in
out out to be worn; while over the haggard from want of seep, at SOe a box. 6 for $2.60, or trial bax. Tarn rubber is obtained from sev- any stage of completion,
fender a dainty pair of silk stock- ! "1 have come to speak to you =Se, or may be obtained front Trutt -a• fetal species of neve,, but for tato LAUNCHES, with Engines in.
ing had been hung, and two di- before I go, aliddtet.tn,'' he said, tires, Limited, Ottawa. t important of them is H. bra- 1g
nl:nuti5'o black satin shoes wt re when 1 was thoroughly awake. siliensis. This species is widely dis-
tributedin South America and wit!! Send stamps for catalogue.
whole aspect of lase roots spoke of stain. 1Vili you tell my father that K 1 ether members of tho onus •-
a sudden and precipitate flight. we may not be able to return till clench the nrntter.g Assurance Co tTl pd h V
1 P K y110 drove noiselessly through tho strongly represented in the regi. Foot Of Bay Street
"Bolted:" said Charles, when he t, -morrow- if then; and may I e q drained b% the nli } is tmazon at.,1 HEAD OFFICE, - TUkU.VTO
Leo recovered his breath. ".Ind cunt upon you to keen all you saw. great gates with their stone lions g' HIAMILTON, CA NA
P ! its tr'btrtarips.
•n either side, rampant in wreaths
so the mystery is out at last! 1 and heard secret, till after our re The town of Para. the centre , f ----
alight have known there was a wo- turn?" s 'tel • and up the village street, , the rubber indur,trs ,f the Amaz,t:,, ' in 3
v.heor life was har(Ily aitirrin , yet. ' I ,'ing this futility at the
man at the bottom of it. Unpre- ' ''Where aro you going I"e ' 1 is on the river Guano about a hurl- disposal of the public should meet
1'h4 sun was rising large and red i
l4oi:ing<droand'gh,'' he e <mcantcblci In5i(► i'ti London..dontlunkstart,
ic istthewle►st a ball of dull fire in the Leary skc•,' } u t diOted strict from the sea, but the with cordial recognition, and I
It seems.d to he rising un a dead, ct extends over a lar�l,,wtsh the undertakingeverysac-
have gone to -narrow; but your re- use. but Ralph insists On goiztg, w,,rid. Before us (only to be seen reSion to the south and tho west. i cess,',
cognition of that paper frightened trod I cannot 1st him go atone." on [Sty part by craning round). Throughout this and the forests or To this Mr. Herbert Samuel, M.
het, though she turned it oiT well; "qty (Isar ('harks," I said all stretched the long white run(!. iL central and northern Brazil rubber, 1'., sent a brief acknowledgment.
to qa'n time. No fool that. She nay anger had vanished est the sights intervals, here and there among,
trltRather abundant.
thiel yearsago' 'Sir William Treloar, a director of
only had an hour,and she made the of. his worn face);"1 will accom- the shrouded fields, lay cotta e tiy lite Telewriter Company, then (1r,
most of it, and gut off, no doubt, !,arty you." •j }_ale hidden by a white networkofthe suitability of lic vea brasilien - scribed the progressoftelegrao
while we were at dinner, hot tl:e 8.21 "Not fur worlds!" he replied has- � trees. (.ruups of yellow sheep sho„(! 'is for cultivation in India was re- writing, which was first made 3
London train. which is the last to- !tiny. "It would be no gaud. 1 ti- clustered together under hevdge_ (('Knized and strenuous efforts were sada by Professor Cray, and
night: and after the telegraph -office deed. I should nut wish it." r555s, motio less iu the low mist.' !made to intrushtce the tree into (solution was due to the company.,
was closed. too: She knew nothing But I knew better. C4Slon and other parts of our east chief engineer, Mr. Ritchie. J
et uld be duce till to -morrow. She au old head is often of nae," I alai making no sound. A h•nely 4.. l( po scssiufl isufficient num-
(, 1t, with tail erect, ran beside us
has more wit than 1 gave her ere- 'h, r5 to carry out experiments un a
soothes. ral'uu5,nagytcl�,unt into nip .op the other side of the hedge as large scale. H.IC\I: 1' R1:1'L.1('I:S 11111:R.
cat for." fsr as his field would allow hits.'
"1 distrusted her before, though Charles. I shall be ready in tea tai, heavy hoofs falling noiseless in Fhe diffhculties were considerable• 1 Lifts 'font/ of mils and Wire
I had is reason fur it, but I acv_ 11ui they were 45v uhlnlly suruwunt f root
uunutrs•" I t?:(r Fhu55-• Tho cull Was intense. 'ii
Feet of 11"tiler.
er thought she was l.,,an<',". said Charles made seine pretence at I "'['here will he a drift atthe lest. , ed and then art` now large areas
I t lyn, trembling vielentIy, and. uennyance, but I was not to be die-' tt.rn of Farrow Hilt,,' said Ralph ; or tat .1 trees that are giving an The lifting magnet has 4
still looking round the rotate suad,•d. I knew very well how iH-' '•we shall be late for the train." •ample return. 1 Hd4r factrah},, , K fi now been
I know it,- said ('hnrl(`s, "from valuable the judgment ,.f an elder else.<litio s the trees grow with e1r1"5 in for several years in and
t!` to ruent I :ICS the light throughexperience
l K lads in troth. as we carne c:utti about iron works and [nanufactur-
F man of cx erience cuu'.i !,e 1 ii- , 3sly down the hill, on turning aK14tit rapi.lit5 and it is neo1(14 i.(g a 1ibtishrnt nts in control'.
the key h. le. A keyhole with a kc 1 tent ru1,111•r I. :41. plaut/'d 8t the
y tic:►! occasions ; and I i• 1 :II- oozier we beheld n sit -teeth sheet of with cranes and heisting niacin),
is it would not have sh(.w'n half the ways make a point ,f • r“- .;,,.w• Lapping over the 1ep of the i34l1 'ttq•.11 liard••n, ('1vl•,11 11,154 because of the cenrcui4nt man/102
amount of light through it; and a thing 1 cart, on all i' ,- 111 ii••.I,,4' 1,n one side, like iced sugar 11 1.n:n••l :a h/id,t ..f fifty' f44t and, in which it enabless
1'eked door without a k(1 in it is 1 ; a gulls of tw:r feet in sig scars. masses of it
ter! minutes 1 was dowel ill the din- en a calke, and sal. ,ill' deunw'ards , such as rat/3, pig iron, etc., to r
5:tft to have been locked front the i( g -room, ISI:•.•,,, iH idr a splutter.' to the ditch on the ether side of the: I, 1i,4u• 41:1 ,tic a, the "indict rub p;t ked up and released at the w7 '
teet:iu•:. Had she a maid with in; tire, the I • •''eers, both heavily real. !, i 1 plant' tat Nansens and th( ,f the operat•ur who controls thl•
l., r ; h„ t(t! and ): -: 1, were drinking a,1ure, of Assam rubber, is r,1 course
K ••field on "' cried Charles. as I cyano.
` N,•, replied Evelyn. i u •'.1 e• ff4a by. ca• .i!1 -light. 143'-ti!y ,{ un t.. leek ; and in nn,1ther •
a 11 known. \I hen grewing 111 it; 114440115 n now application ,lirntiun n
to 4' 1150 to roes next dour, w,.•:, - S..1 hr('akf:1-: :•. 1: on Ow t.ili e, u11•arcnt w4 554're' pushing our way t Itis,' habitat and under culti5 1- this method , t 1 f n
u:'nt• d help but nut uft4n 1 • 1 z< con where it has sufficient space for has been matte, says t hitherto been used for s.ulonar-
:t it had 11.0 1 • elied. Tho. bosom!) flit• �n.,w•, Its eying a, near 1 Ca.eier'x. A few months ago n P
lt- full d,•re 1 , ! imp operations it was determine• -:1
cxr.<..• think she knew I dA !cess 11lornine turbinethe the ditch as pes,ibl4• te,1 near, ns 5.1• 1 ascot it presents n hal ee. which was laden will K 5 (e make the trial o
lo:'• her, though 1 tried not t., 1,• t!nme of the 4.i '' a rusty yet_ rt difff rent app41ranc,` frim 1114 ) 1, b0 f the app•ir:Th,
1,..'' it tit, out. •
• loosest 1,f the s 1,riranv that may t, ns t'f wire nails in kers beside, for this Hotel u11d4rt !king. The
1 1 ' “c, and rut•.•;• a} :, !444 '4i,11' !tut it was not to be. .1 few yards `; 1 ,l001 barye! hoops, staples and experiment was crewntel with see -
11'411. w4 1 as4 seen the .,ne gills, tl:, t:•o.t lay- high :n front of us lay the road sn.,t& , h' met with u:,dor gloss in
1ai , J,11rhed wire, had been towed from ct,s au(1 n great plat o l4' .
l:cr, or 1 ani mut h tnistakrn," sn .t c,•untry. 1 r f to 1411-
eainst the pan• ,, Loi practicable; but w4 cent(! net
t !'•ttshurg to New Orleans, and Lel' quantity of iron and '.t,•.•1 ha,
Charles.. ".1144.1 or'“s, he ad•i. •I, i 1 It indeed spreads so freely in cul- 1 bet n raised
Ea) ,h was sitting wat.l beta iteag1 re :4:, it. We seave•1 hackwanls while endeavoring to make a land to th4 surface h} this
e•,uiJ-i• s,il,g lois ':} 1 ",1.1,•, I } ; the fire. std. k 11 1 , of in Lan,!. :.';.{ ferwmr(is4 we t:itrd up ane! !nage(! p:autat 115in Yttrrnn and
must g;e said to': /:1 i t7: heavy heel beating the 11,.,1r stn- (1.• 1 ' --•where that teetit4cn plant, 4., gut at the latter City the barges; nu541 rn41h, tl.
w11. l !:arks whisth.f. and nladt'b;, k• loe�4 fr„res the tug which was
The magnet i•; lowered int•• the
(>},. Rat? rh ' 1;s.' 41:11 •.l Ch1 tn.,:
:,r4 4.11i-:,14,4.1 , uitp sof-
t1 :4 14ntI} . H•` leek, •! est, as I ••a i.,• ,1:54rs c• n=slat„r} and c141lIraginl fit' est. I' f• n , „ �” 1, handling it and sank in fifty -fisc' wr.t4r antil it readies bps the tnr.t4;i-
i;e• 1.11 with a su,i•a• :, - u:11 iu, 11535 41is In „• 1 the hay ho r;4 ; but the nl growing 55. I Vi the clestr;
1 i •k. '1'h4 noble �, un. ; t•. g q f(o t of water. � al• .c rnrrt•u! is
)11 1+ SO fund of iter: 111 iu"i't f• : 1” 1.1 the 1111`4 , f
, titer in h}s <h,•4k, w:(; fn,lr':1, },:( 1.11: 11 r.4 b4Kan l,• nhlax4 ; h4 est u14 , 'Inn work of salving the wal:ha.er• tt.rne(1 0n: tho ata, -4i* of steel are
\o1 so you distrnsh•1 }err 11r- f:ue au+drawn and set. H4 leek- a side ni,•vem0,10 e:;• wh4,!
the vi,.I::'5 11 •,..1'1“8 48 '54111 to ,
1-.: J,tu lsas lrunl4(liat te,s' )(gun hy arty,1cted a^d L4id so s4cur•15• that
! r• 1: !yes ; an,l s.:;1 r1:•1 y' :1 n1.t , 4ct ton years ....ler. 4 -un• hod tiown through t) ire in •\' •ail a• •i 11 .., and in Honer 1. K
CHAPTER I.---(C'ont'<I)
AGENTS WANTED 711,, 4., gen (h 1 ta,ney.
++1 •t••+ 11,+u •.r 55• mrnsn %Vrll. t•, -day.
111.1arr R,441. huilb n,t, T.., -'stn
Robertscr� Bros.
MOTOR spars
t -mated M,ntre.t.
Man of
are wanted at all unrcpre
seated points to sell life in-
surance for the \ iTIU\A 1.
A good man, a
co11lpany, a liberal
policy and generous treat-
ment is a winning combina-
tion. You get the three
last qualities in the Nation-
al. There is nu more use-
ful nor dignified business,
and if you are a worker
ari(1 ambitious We Want you.
\\'rite for the agency terms.
Cures Sprung T etide,n,
Catltr sand Sai:dle (,alis
:54 ri.11ob ars , w1: • -r
"1 lore awl your Sparta Gen un , - • ry-
7,44..e with (''1 r..•„t. .r4 1 ,a. n..,-..•..,-114
Oat Guitar 4,4 ala:. G.11a- 4.11. il.u531.
Spat in Cure
1.. btrs.ine w .•.mors sad stneku,.a. I, t5. r,.t
IY rr.'., tosid i .) s4',. curs b. Lkni:r NIP,
enItlions of dollars r.r l ra. oau
It .. te..« r.,.4,1a.1,...a.,r, ee.t-r,a«I
u3.. to .,solte:y .r.t Srsr:rt. C).�b_u Curb,
4111.1, e.r:.ols aid a.n..,,r..
Sr.M e,: -t. r,. e.n .r Isms the 4,r wilts
41 O'.3f,t 1.YL par rt•ast
1.49 Kandah's sloe, h.r Ir. ft 11. : .
tfiil • krnr„•.bunt-'-,rdN0,, .
.1.+.t beck a Tr at1.e 0s. Tyr. lbws, -- . •
r a,14 us
tl it. C 1. wr'DAtl re.. toolbar. Fant, t(.
iuDBi RAinAiiffii's
CONGO UNM,1SK1U IN 1'1.1;1'.
Peruvian -Amazon Rubber Corr.raut's
Territory in Eastern Peru Is litport•
ed to Be the Scene of Terri:::c Climes
Against the NattScs, and Sir I.dtvart
!grey 1s Taking Steps to t1'i; a Out
the l:vfl—R'hulcsale Matracres.
Horrible as were the atrocities in the
Congo region of Attica, wl.' e. the agents
of King Leopold mutilated . J unordered
at will the poor natives who faded to
furnish the amount of crude rubber de-
manded of them, they are equalled to.
day, perhaps, Indeed, escerdel, by the
barbarities practiced in eastern Peru.
This region is rich in tree;, or vines,
which yield the crude material, and was
worked by the simple natives under an
agreement with the Government of Peru,
Ten years ago the (;overnment granted
the right of gathering rubber to the
I'erus'ian Amazon Rubber Co. it was
a sad day for the natives when this
concession was made. Formerly, the
gatherers in their canoes paddled up the
rivers and streams and after securing;
all the rubber they could htradle return-
ed to some central station where the
product was sold to the Government.
Rut the ['erosion Amazon Rubber Co.
changed all this. They laid impossible,
or practically Impossible, tasks upon the
natives and then punished them, very
often with death, for not performing
them. Their greed for gold, or for the
rubber which yielded it, was insatiable
and in gratifying this rapacity they stop-
ped at no crime and were restrained by
no dictates of humanity.
The Foreign Minister of England, Sir
Edward Grey, has documentary evidence
of the shocking barbarities perpetrated
by the company, or its agents, and now
is seeking to put an end to the horrors.
To the disgrace of Peru, there is evi-
dence of a close connection between the
Government and the company.
din the evidence before the English
Government numerous instances of shock-
ing atrocities are cited. One of them
deals with the appearance at a clearing in
the rubber forest of a band of Peruvian
rubber collectors, all of whom were arm-
ed and most of whom were half rastrs
and semi-barians, clothed with the author.
sty of the Peruvian Amazon Rubber Co.,
whose agents they were. They attarke4
the natives, presurnably because they
were not producing rubber fast enough,
and killed 15 of them. Then they took
the Indian, or native, women of advanced
a.•e, whose presence and the necessity of
r : mg for whom might retard the work
1st gathering the rubber, and rowed
them to the centre of the Amazon river
where they killed them. Other incidents
0 are cited where the agents of the Peru-
vian Amazon Rubber Co. seized the men
who were engaged in collecting rubber
for another concern and after tormenting
them put them to death, Some of these
are well attested, the rases having been
investigated by the Colombian consul
stationed at Manana, Rrnzil.
One instance is recorded where the
heads of natives a tto had been put to
death were brou4ht in by agents of th
company at headquarters. M tNluino
tiro, one of the stations, a shockin
massacre of the natives Was carried o
by a 4umpany agent named Fon'eca.
The mins es, or Indians, had been in-
vited to the station and when they were
assemble!, unsu.pccting and ur«armed.
Forseca and sic of his men began a
enercile;; slaughter. T he report says :
"Fonseca with his ma(hete massacred
right and left the poor wretches, who
bathed in blood and in the agonies of
(bath, dragged themselves piteously over
the ground. appealing in vain for mercy.
This tragedy over, Forseca ordered all
the !Jodie.; to be piled up and burned.
?his scene was still more horrible, for
as scam as this order was ol;ete! and
they were being burned cries of agony
and desperation resounded on et'ery 5idr.
411454 proceeding from tho.e victims still
Using. who, aroused by the fire, gather.
tel strength to cry and lament for a few
moments while they were beim( corium•
ed by the devouring flames.
After satiating his fury Fonseca cried
o:,t, "1 want to rctrrrminare all the
I:,'lians who .i” not obey my orders Mesut
t. rubber that I require them to brinj
in '•'
'11:e natives who are the; being elaugh•
tired are a simple and kindly people,
naturally sn ord.:l'.' that Ihev nes-r go
,haled. "ihe :47,o..ties (4 which they are
the 5'i.tims '11031!4 b(• ended, it not by
prop^r it pre entation to the Peruvian
Government, Omit by toter. A Govern.
meat whish permits them er connives a(
[hem should not be !w•rtniltel to live.
The cnnuner(i.hl sorld sill note that
the company is producing (more rubber
!hila ever 1.efore. In rgro, before the
r:•mpary t.ok charge, the production
annn,oted to $4,5rwr,rxio; in Iyo7 it hal
rr a, he(I $e,onn,..o t, and lost year it was
$S,g•'w,,twx,. And yrt there are less (calfs.
e'• now than 1n ye,ra ago.
t • 1. . 'holt fa:'t a little ,e, ii••r : ” '' '' wi Ort (leers and m portion ..f the
t the sliteh, and all was ov(r at toe t I etas, :t „ i.:, utiful as t1, furan
114 ,uag;.it t.. hr• ,.ff," he said at 1 eiteriat was recovered. It w:.a
•, ti nos r4a,••n f,.r it 1' tr:4 f •,c.;;.
last. in a 1•. w sl :44. r. 11 in the cart were. \t r f• !1 !!efts f• ;roll (hitt the
:1 , .
1; .'; n lis : I c1n,l•In't barge had hr Loot in
Ne herr% ret,lied chalks; I !nest previd,ntially alighting, en at5,., nal that a ,auto
1 t• ..,.(1 tee sir}, critu-.,ii- 1 f it bail }err!
Gnis}t }e.Ir 4.•j.,• ' to— gicea , who was pintos and in -1 o.1•r.•d out ,beat Ose feet trend the
'r I Iia -t:'“ ,lr;aek •111114 a'-.•, :1rr11 411;11 (1 t" be plump, and that5{ 11 I1}i1 li iii' IT 11(1:. 14)4 hIl At a de of 11111,
,r..,•- gt/tal iotet• iy at her n; 1
id nary (Jiving apparatus im-
t.:,1 ( 1..s.: • - treat 1 sla, coining; wit?1 1 'c:lkitlg tit" fill ohich t , a itettsy' I' ) (.,.1 est a Suint (101, the ib about
r' tarnpd away. pressing her th4m. ►:1:411 o1 IHV ager might have been' Lord II ter of London Opens First t' f the cur)1111 1)srelpd work
til ht1'. tog r ti,4r, nn(1 4.i
- • •1 Charles. ,, r:••u'. ('hal?es nrit Lalph were 1. 1• triter 1:5ol age.
( -.:'CIC. ''r:_ 541!11 S4 Vit.! s;:,1- • ,. i '.
\ . 1 n p.l• (l. 1'..n nn• Ke. up in a n:, u4nt. 1 ,
rc h tie r4 n .1:'C ire 1•, 1. ,.•.1s., :1:,,11 thea i+t• 1 cuul<i n"t do it. Inst I'h0 )• ,u int >� • Pio,.a !,: h n
v• a t• l o f t. t, as•.e. the was a nail 1. 1 rn
1 , .. N 1.0. ' • I •71(,11 ,,. , :111.1 til- 1 (1• ,•i 1 . „1! i 1 1:. •: slot11y It was worth trial,'• sail! Chalks, ' (,n!(•4 Plum :(1:(1 • • r f t 7 . tt . ,t
.t (i1'
i. ti;•• ln13:iii't.1. 111.:111g 111111,•11. "(AV,/ (41., 1'. k all solid. 1111-ot11a1)t1, .1-la�
.1 -last, a,ol ,o,
,: .,1, Ow 4,v r:.• :3 of hr. akius 10 i 11 n. I take 1 t<, is fast. becetnit)q a chapter • f
g t I 1 l un w t p, to th4 er-4 and cart, tied
t . • d•.,•r 17 s.•1 l: ... 4 ,,.;,•r tee much � , ,
.., 1 4 ,', NS ... teen! straicht 1.1• New, lialpli, l 1, un-,•cn eei,,I, an tine:uns. u•
f r ( 11 41 . - 1 1, e. i!.at the Pe 1, with 11hp'storiu
\ •t •t t L., 4< l:r:i .1., ,4 1 t, to must 1311 f' , :r, a w,• lecato to 1' Cls force; a:
. 1,,,,,11.10.,
t' n,4ot 54 ,i,
..“,•r, 1, ?.:) .•1 I n, y'''1 had, t t t , . 1 arse thy 1l1017 s.l;({( ?41„ wr rk.
k 11tnrh !!,:►i h4 !. t } t.. l tt iet tl i ' 1. i. rI ,.gra •11, ti, r g , hark i3 th4 4s. rt. • The telewritor is the latest addl-
e: r, the lat:nlr' and c51•It hi, we,1,• . i i a'.“:3. 11• • r: • ,i t•, .1nh1 oft they se1, plunging triers. It is nn le,i
•, r Ir' to its w„
t:• :l :t girl •` ay 114 s:u41:
}:e• nil ll,'� ttt.t r•' h...t a t l .fill l.!:.•1lilli the snow wl:heUt IIIrt 1N t• 1'''1' 1141'! ,•al rp' to threw' doRrl i'r
1 ,i ': t thiel: Ralph i. 54r 1 11,,:' h cr•r of 14:.• f. 31 !n, (44 1 oats hod 1444 tate dart: 14(p}1(•r in (lisguat. w'h0n tell:::
t: ,.,
t 1 • :.4(d. He ha, had a sabre wi ••,1; yea 1 1,, 1, 'aid. \'.,i1 I1 1)ter ti„:(p;,4alingz, nttilast swith wi•,+nl y:,tl ritllt up to thl' ttelf•JII., : •'
•_. ' 1,•:154 tit 11'.- 11 i,1':trthls' hew, e1• n:s11134111. Tie's- %(•re 1,e,itt5'4- 1't (,11t (,r 4454,45.41. Te -41x15 5414 e :
1t tl't erne (1,15511 ni.•:1ill, 4;(h, : 1 “••u V ish, anti trls4l (till us as is 1.• 15142 res, behind In :a rn1:,::( itt v tits• hien 11 /LC :=a1cc, 5111ic}t is
of c• n," hcontinn'd n n3.mt'r'' ,'ll :a i'alddi14t
gteu." i .V (7:51.4,t,- 7:1
'- .(14 tip. :slid 1,'14'11 a
t 'rttly r(pr,•dI(l(d iii 114'in1t14 at Ir.t. r. in his H'•h :1 ;,•i. e. "i 111.4 1 I ti:.• kn •n:: ' nor y r••.nn t.. 1•. +k • ' ,i of the wire. That is the ,t:.
Letter lee an,l 1 r 'rat(, nn• wail :,!;,•r my
l ,,'.lu at (.: ,• 1,. '4 ell (:Skirt 7,0''1",1 e 1
If • will la, w, :., .. 4 the Ha'! in run t• 1 • •.5 4 , ihr t, 1, w l a., ault.
ut1arhni -
( t,,4 of us it 1 I:i tnu4h le• •.•r. '1• urt4r,t.•ria 1 r•3u1tQ nlr a (ii:tl; •4, or,
It et 442411', . t .le r•t.- on r:' ,•r t1,,. t, iho ,,l(1i.•r:`rl 141,•4.}tiro(', 114:.
l L' :,'�1 ' (JeVll-U..ht. 11.1•.., :e• 1'.. i.i i,.rtl,il ; heel fl'lt t?,1t 1•
., t:•c 5 !,el ref arrlseil to -a:=o,'("11171 mash: I.•. Into. It v.•: ;t'' the 1• a on a (h-,( h. a1 i11ip ,•f nap4r
,.• ,a . go
li tr.•1 fined;' i.,r way (!conn, 1 th,•utt}it 1 could '41(11 a ponnil. which is belt'. ,ani
•,1: t•• s;., t� t. .i. .. '! tinct u tiro It, ;' . - the d•,;.; t;,ll,"-said 1
it, the sr1 , r ( loo • , a- 1 rr turr,•(I. de it, and I did, My feet were 45.1;Ph fashion, in a couple of s}.•.
italph Ota; already on Ili+ feet. hailed with -i w ; I 15:14 }letter than , (i.'r slv41 arms, :Is you write with
i back I . • .t• J nicht rri 1 hntf 1144; f r vera : i was coin -
,t! , p4ncil a t inlilar coed! est the
i1 l:ew4d (h,lr'•- down th4 (•„tri [tut the .let( -cart, with its great hay1”
L,•rso'. could nut c broHght Hp tt 1104,1.%. e ,1 ,•1 hl „nth 4 hut. whet, 1 , tier end of the wire repr„dure•(
dor. lie replat4(' the 1,131, with a . ruffed into the little roadside Ktn- Clic writing, and so thn message h . door. a t• este( had dr ig t 1.
hand that was steady 4n.•uah now.
heat -the before the steps, and right Cott, five minutes after the train recorded for pxnmination 8t
Ind %seat s1.ow15' acres! the !lit•- my t ....-. (1._ archway. 1_ _. . .. K - Nit (!lie, 1 ('('11741 �•`(• that lt. 5485 [lel kl:ro I,p' the man for whom it IS :,.
vet in, nn(1 that halon nest Charles
reran led ►ne through it also. in- I baa(' to 40 r"""(11" tho bask again
►ehlntnril5 1 rteppr(1 at the h4nd i
( harks took the rein .. an
)' fora we could rin and start.
`,f the great carved staircase which
titer Kut tip beside him, Tho ,,yearn
ar.(i I tlqueez4d oursels. - int., the
hock spat, 1 could see that 1 wa..
only allowed t., cor,)4 en •tff.r:Ino,•,
nod that at the last moment they
would have b4'1 it willing to (lisn,•.4 4'
with my presence. However. I felt
that I should never have forgiven
tr.pself if I had let them go alone,
,1,arles 5585 not thirty, 014,1 Ifnlph
several years younger. An experi-
totemd elan of fifty to consult in case
of need Haight be of the greatest as-
sistance in an emergency.
"Quioker 1" said ltalph ; "we
shall miss the train."
"No (pricker, if we mean to Batch
it," said Charles. "I allowed tett
minutes extra for the snow. We
shall do it if wo go quietly, but not
xi. into the hall, and watched hien
f( in4 flown, step by step, with lag -
flog t read. From the morning-
o..trn (came the ,distant s1 1131,1 e.1ta
piano, and a man', voice singing
to it. singing s 'lily as though no
eme5,is were apprearhing; singing
tt( wly as if there were time enough
tad b. spare. But Nemesis had
reached the bottom of the stair -
no -e; Nemesis with a heavy step
was acro's the silent hall was even
now opening the (1••..r of the morn-
ing -roust. The (1.sor was gently
."•041 again, awl then, in the tnid-
ilc, at a bar the music stopped.
01IA PTEfi I1 -
t passed am uneasy night. Tho
wt re waiting on the platform. Renal) sketches, figures and I ,
(To he runtinue<!.) of any kind can also be sent
deed, any marks on the paper :,'
the 1rnusrnitting and are instaiit:.
TI11i 11.111(11 Oh PHO(alP:8S. reprodurcd itt the other end in fa.
Reports from the west say that simile, so that in business linos,•
wheat is }raked. it isn't eery for sending message; freer one .1•
fa -ming community that can grow 1'111tn,4nt to the other. the imSc,i
Os ',read right on the stalk. No tl• c should prove 014atlunhl4.
dont barkers, instead of farm lalb_ 11 the Bead race of the Telewril
niers, will make up the excursion
rr Company, Bncklersbury, Lon- i
t( the west this summer.
do n, I:. ('., recentl•y, the i.ord May-
or initiated the service by sending!
UAN(11•:IIOUS, a write') message to the fossulas-
!1 r General ill the following ternis:1
\arse ---"Doctor, the patient ral- ''The Lord Mayor congratulates 1
Ped n little last night, and shows the Postmaster General on the op •
urexpeeted strength this morning. res:nq of the 'rodeo -titer Exchange,
1f4 says 11e won't takes any more of which will enable the tratnslnisrien
that vile nl(dirine." of facsimile wriltee messages with
1)r. iiallowmell---"Dear, dear! ing the city area. The enterprise;
We'll hair to do something to get (a the \atiettal Telepwriter ('em I
him out of that condition." puny and the Post (ifice atsthori
iftittp 1 • • 1 ..!
tl•e can h• h..:•t(•.I to the surf tee
•t (l•')l%er,41 to the d.tek without
t aid of any human inter1ciliiet1
• :;,pr that, the control of the cur-
rent by the operator.
There is no naturalization for
heaven without good (•i1:z4I4ip
Il, TO
gylE rErp.E
is the turningpoint to Cceno:ny
in wear and tear of wagon;. Try
a box. Es.ry dealer ewerywlicrt:,
The Importal Oil Co.,l.tci.
Outage heats: The Qoren city 0:1 (0., l' 5
"• r •s airs toned the sena es lease, r..er is
i • .l..e,•I,Sa• atsooleied sussr In wefts ea
aiding kaeletas, e (shut, us syrup Is rr.s,., ..1l
• strap better than maple. lataptetne it ',id Ft
pro,!. 11 1101 send ,Ge for f ne. bel•Ie all
te.ipu Hack. Crs-ef-,t t.ff. Ce., sista... Ws.
The Dewar Challenge' Trophy i; awnr(l4d yearly by the
ROYAL, AUTOMOIIII.l'. CLUB for the ►next In :it.orious per-
formance of the year under the general regulations for certi
ficd trials.
The New Daimler engine has now been in the hands of
the public for nearly 18 months, quite long enough to prove its
merit; owners are sending in testimonials by every post and
we should like to forward to nh person or persons interest-
* complete set of literature fully explaining this marvel-
lous new motor. Send also for our new illustrated booklet,
"The Dewar Trophy and how it was won," tt history of the
Greatest Engine Test on Record.
The Daimler Motor Co., (1904) Limited,
A Camutati5e �li'taIi,.
"Dow in ,he n.,rne of maroon serve(
.1 y0h1 come to Li,. so roam- cg . w hen
1 !old you to bus only ane doo4nr" said
'. to her colored conk.
•".Sell, r.risus, you tot' me to pit one
dozen, but 1 understood you to say two
dozen, sot Int' de grocer%man free dozen. •
but he misunderto4,k me to say lo' dozen
so he gimmf' five dozen "
Her Voice.
Alice (an 1011314,., ;(realist) -11 you had
my 4ni(e what would you do with it?
Jessie --I don't know, dear, but 1 be-
lieve 1 would give it a holiday till the
man came round; then i would have it
- • Make an Impression.
Mr. Fargone—Mv dear friend, 1 am in
despair. That girl's hart is as hard at
steel. 1 ran make no impression on it.
Friend-- You don't go et it itt the right
way. Try diamonds. They are hardef
than steel.
Ae rste,tf•n.
Aseum -11e's particularly peasant W hen
you get hire in a reminiscent moot!, d:,n't
you think 1
Iiorroughs-• Not always, Ile was In
just such a mood the other 4 r aril r••
call • D'i of Sibe bad rale to .meg