HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-07-28, Page 7BUSH FIRS IN ONTARIOco_s'Tt.'" Woods Along Turtle River and Gull River Are Being Destroyed. A despatch from Monera, Ont.,' southeast corner of Tunnel Island, says: Bush tires are burning :4t in- e.1.t1 on the mainland, across from terve:!e of every few utiles auto she dam and though Many (rem the Remy River north to the Ur:eel 1, w11 and vicinity are doing effect Trunk Pacific!, and already u vast t:• a work, the situation is still amount of timber has been con- vete. dangerous. and precautions loaned. A number of islands in the are being taken in the town to Lake of the Woods have been badly r::rd off occasional embers from et:arched. On 31oi(day the village the fere scene. 'l'nrtle River, sixty of Norman, one mile front here, m:les south of Dinurwick, and also ra.s the seems of a fire of rnknoetl gull River, in the same direction, 01:girt which completely destroyed ale being devastated aud already the Rat Portage lumber trill and miles of timber and sae logs have fico houses in the vicinity. Embers, leen consumed despite the work of evidently from this fire, almost int - the fi-e ranger, and C. P. R: Men, tnediately started a. blaze on the who aro assisting the fighters. V.1 Ll• 1: OF MAN'S LIFE. iehigun Supreme Cum.( Gives au Interesting l)eeisiou. A despatch from Detroit. Miele, ant's: 'rhe Supreme Court of Michi- gan on Wednesday handed down Ha interesting legal decision in ' h:ch the value of a man's life is Clearly defined. The decision was retsderod in connection with a suit, brought by the heirs of Henry Austin, against the Detroit United an increase of 17 per cent.; way Railway and the Detroit. \lunroo (t -right men are to receive for the S Toledo Short. Line. Austin wassame months 13 per cent. of an in- kiiied while riding on the rear crease ; men employed in yard ser - platform of a car by the trolley viceare to be paid 25 per cent. of pole leaving the overhead wire. The an increase on the total amounts ebeel of the trolley hit Austin and Ice1 n •d by theta when being paid killed him. The tear was first tried fur tlu• "ninths of \lay and June. In a lower court and the heirs giv- en judgment against the railway INSANE FR• OM EA 1.1.. etanpany for $250. about enough to ay the burial expenses. An ..•'I4 i1 Conductor Perrault of Montreal h as been before the .Supreme Cue.: Taken to lire .t't)Iuin. for stone time, and a verdict ren-, tiered on Wednesday, in favor of •1 de;l,:lt.:a f: 'rn Montre i'. el's' . the heirs gives then damages fur !Conductor L. Perrautt ,f ' • 31Se! tl'c full amount of wages Austin' nal Street Railway has gene sto- a•vuld have earned had he Lived to Iently insane as the result of a fall the age of seventy. from a car. A few days ago a man running to cutch the car uliss.,1 t Mil. and accidentally grabbed of Perrault, throwing hie" viult nt iy t•.• the ground. On Thursday he was removed to longe Point :\tt-- lunl. Ile has a wife and three c!u!dren. .1 NEW GOLD STRIKE. NEW RATES ON C. 1'. R. What the Men Iteeei'e Faller the New Agreement. :1 despatch from \fent real says: in the agreement made between the C. I'. It. and its trainmen the pas- senger leen are to receive for the ul.+nths of May and Juno ten per cent. increase on their wages. Through freight sten are to receive f.•r the months of May and June — A BRAVE MAN'S D}:11'11. Charles Norman Gave His Life to Save .lnoth%r !fan. A despatch from Nelson, B. ('., Fat's : Charles Norman of the Lucky Jim \line, near Kaslo, ono of the five who perished in Saturday', Made North of Bitter Creek in bush fire, diad in an attempt 1" Ijr•iti•h Columbia. rescue one of his men, and after I hr.%-ing seen to the Safety .,f :,': i:i' -\ d• ;-1t,h f,•.nr Vancouver. II.. eharge. In additiee t.• t 1: • ,,her Princess an's heroism, there are ma: I: , I r • - - .,. n•1 ,n etlditional nees of bravo con(inct at • • s 1r 1:.t•• r 1 t, •k, a few n i e. One woman wi•nl down a U '- \ : t r• • ' •r. •.•lt fust ladder in the darknesy with her r' " ' i.-. r' • :1,•. : r• •.1 rt little child. l'icknev and a cone- v tth n g ".41 :•••41 1, . . panion, against str:••t orders, Wentr1'1i in n(Iner:e. .1 I,:' . • f telt.* Into the mine and succeeded in gait. the rite of a hat pin head sating several lives and finding tt u!d be jrtcked otlt with 1I1V tin- seine of the b„(Ilrs. Gr,•at praise lets. The prospector said Ile onit ie accorded tinperintend.'n:. two blasts. returning with t! of the Great Northern, Kash, saIII) .• Thr strike is just north • • til•.can branch, t%h", with the train the: Ku' r ('reek strike. crew, worked hard. 11111'1.1: !PROW \i\t,. 1 T1:\ so1,Il 11:11S1111.1•t:!). I••'ur 11 en 1)u1 in Boat ;eel 111.•:1 111tile at Pt.:If•lice at Fort 111/uroc. 1 ir_i"ia. .l '-1,i,t•'11 fl. it, 1 • :• 31 qtr... 1.. 11• \'... •.4.. - Ten a 1 • • , . ,.. ''14 are of! 1 to 1 haat;,. 191144' • die land on all city work, but one +t•n \I '1e'll says :gcoot rn('t•,i made bis men work nine. ,• • at the The city ('euneil reduced the hours sr, Ivry .them \ole) 11a'hincr) 1111• !• nit• t.. eight. but alto reduced the pas. HAPPENINGS 1.8011 .11.I. OYER THE GLOBE. Telebraphle Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. Mayor Miner of Granby, Quo., 1.as presented a. park to the town. Forest tires •u still u 1 d1 ('4 '1'111: HORSE IN HOT WEATHER ('are M us( he 'faked in reeding aud Watering 11im1. Extreme, hot weather brings more or less suffering to a hurso and if the animal does not receive proper care and attention at this tivi••g period disastrous results are biro to follow. Above all things else, says ('ountry Life in America, do nut overwork the farm horse or force the driver for too 13READ5TUFFf3, touch speed or make lung drives Toronto, July 20 --Ontario Wheat t4 •thout frequent rests. :1t this season, when tauter is --No. 2 winter, 81.09 to 81.10 out is are causing roue ► n -wally more er less scarce and side. uluagc and suffering in British Bo, Bobo, Wheat -Nominal. No. nimble.11 ryes apparently have au lnsati- al le thio t, the matter of waterillg 1 northern, 81.21 ; No. 2 northern, deo,. Farmers in the northern part of \es cuesiderable attenti•,u, out- 48i N. 3 northern, $1.13, at Addington repot several sheep1)o i, t give the horse too nnlcli at lake ports for immediate shipment. killed d by titers. a tid it is safcsl to Corn Am. ricun No. 2 yellow, John Roberts was sentenced atlos, angive none 7h: to 'I `,+ ; No. 3 yellow70\ to London, Ont., to three years in at all while he is very warn. , penitentiary fur rubbery. A bran mush twice a week will '' :c, i'oronto freights, Fire Chief Graham reports that the Parliament buildings ut Ottawa are very inadequately protected Ire Ill fire. 'furoate !manufacturers complain of British Columbia's recent regu- lations regarding business from ether Provinces. A party of twenty Doukhobours t hu were preparing to march through the eoun►.ry have been lun- tic d in Brandon Asylum as insane. The Government has issued invi- tations to Canadian and British shipbuilders to consider tho ques- flue of constructing vessels for the nc.visablo to change the horses sol Ontario Flour -\Pinter wheat Canadian navy. latents nominal at 84.30 to 84.50 The Government has determined tient one will not be compelled to I to admit railway laborers on tl►c los in the middle fur more than half; 1n buyers' bags, outside. same terms as n ricultural laborers a any at rt time. '\lillfecd—Manitoba bran, *20 per lc relicts the demand for that class Tho pernicious pestering of flies ton ; shorts. $22 per ton. track, To- TIIE WORLD'S MARIE fS J REPORTS 111031 THE L1:.1DINU TRADE CENTRErs. Prices of Cattle. Crain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at !!orae and abroad. assist in keeping the system cool. Uats -- Canada western. No. 2, ar.d in case of uvcrfat a dram of •15e; No. 3 Canada western, 4.1e, at I"I`'' ',efts tar immediate lhipnlcnt ; pulverized saltpetre added to the mash will be beneficial. (b.tari., No. 2 white, 39c to •10c, out - On very hot days allow work .•(i4' ; No. 3 white, 37c to 35e, out- h«rses two hours for dinner instead r1 L4'; 11c to 42c on track, Toronto, of one, and do not feed until they, barley --No. 2. 51c to 52••; No. 3 are somewhat cooled off. Also re- ; extra, 49e to 50e• ; No. 3, 41;c to 47e tocve the harness at this time ; this' ul'tside :4, No. 4, 46,'. tc on extra labor is more than offset by 1trat•k, lake. t:(e comfort it gives the animals. Peas -No. 2, 69e to 70e. In a three horse team the Middle„ Manitoba !:'lour -Quotations at ono is most liable to heat, exhaus- i rt;routo are :--Fir.tt patents, 86.20; tion because of the additional heatlsCcond patents, $5.70; strong bak- rsdiated upon hila by the horse on i ere', $5.50; 90 per cent., Glasgow each side. On this account it is'• freights, 25e. - of labor in the west. is another mutter that cannot }1e reale. Ontario bran, $20 per ton; overlooked. The dairy cows and shorts, 8l'1 per ton on truck, To- GRF:-1T BRITAIN. calves, as well as the horses, can ronto. Le well protected from Ales by :metal The London Tithes announces the pteparations as are for sale at al- COUNTRY PRODUCE. constibe tution of a English new bade designee! e • -t all drug stores or are adver- Butter --Local wholesale quota - to 1. -ed in the farm papers. This pre- tions:- Creamery prints, 23c to 21e; French Academy is to French. paration is not expensive and is t t Is the Standard Article READY FOR USE iN ANY QUANTITY For making soap, softening water, removing old paint, disinfecting sinks, closets, drains and for many other purposes. A can equals 20 lbs. SAL SODA. (Jarful for IOU purpose, -Sold Everywhere. r:. W.ottt.l:rrCOMPANY LIN!!! LID Tunas-m.otrr. ENSUS OF AGRICULTURE The Next Census Will Be Taken Under Date of June 1st, 1911 A despatch from Ottawa says:'' ill include the numbers of horses The area, product and value of field' three years old and over, horses cropsharvested in 1!)l0 will iw under three years, milch cows, i ether horned or neat cattle, sheep, enumerated for fall wheat, spring 1 swine, turkeys, geese, ducks, hens wheat, barley, oats, rye, corn for' and chickens and hives of bees held husking, buckwheat, benne, peas, tax, mixed grains, hay and clo- ver, alfalfa or lucerne, corn for for - ago, other forage crops, turnips ur owned by each person at the date of the census on 1st Juno of 11,11. The number of horses, milch nrangolds, sugar beets, other field cows, other h:,rned or neat cattle, roots, tobacco and hops; and grass sheep, swine and poultry sold in need, red clover seed and alsike 1910, will be recorded, as well as clover seed will be enumerated for the wool, milk. home-made butter, pet duct and value. home-made cheese, eggs and honey Grain and other field crops for products of the year, and the quan- s.'para or ern s, roc to llc (tale the harvest of 1911 will be taken by titles of milk and cream sent to fac- t is stated that the Lerd, may Lest applied wit!► u sprayer, al- .) areas only, as none of these crops toryor sold. k to gain prestige in Britain by prints, choice,19cto20c; do., tubs, 1 Pthough a brush or rag will do if a t -c t„ t„ ;inferior tubs Itis, oell be ripe at the taking of the Pure-bred animals registered, or r n)t the accession d4'claration'sprnyer is not available. For thtt Eggs 19c to 19�,c per dozen in census. The products of these eligible for registration, which aro f t111 find the agitation r.erk horsealight treatment r%e), trees will be gathered later in the te;ned at the time of takingthe case lots Toronto. r.�..:i, it tying• morning will afford better erste'' (hoose -New cheese J1' .e for sear !euro the reports of curiesj,on- census will he enumerated for \ '- v r I tool from flies than a net or blah large, and 11%e per lb. fur tw ins ; dents. Looses, cattle, sheep and swine, bub 1 l l'I 1 �•"..,.... �. k. t - and is much cooler. '-'1(1 , d cheelle, I:; .'c to 11' c Animals and animal products, al- their number will also bo counted 1'I•' -:•i r. . '!'1f; in a speech d. .l eco alias to another writer it it 1}ictus--$2 to $2.1U f•,u 1'r dues and t" tinder the head of agriculture, with all other animals. 1 . ' • • \! advocated reeipre- /thews.'•' %%ile',) a" horse Is hot t' , : •'.IS to $'�.'.J per bushel f,.[ }land• -` '�"' •'��••�� c.tt w4t'4 i•1:1 'no him have /:-.- or four swa• pie k••d sold for a1 } $5 r,0 t } 110T1I1:RIP1:1.l. --CONFIDENT. y std a 1• tta(1y burned in a faro T) f a*'r 1t will lietp e,,,,,, •.,1oes !late come in, selling at ill men and medium cows sold at $3 - at Grau•i (Lipids. Mich., on Thurs. flim, and a"ether limited drink may day be given every few minutes for four or five tinges, after which he may GENERAL. drink his fill without danger. In recelution has broken out in careless or inexperienced hands, 11, ridura;. h••we'er, the only safe way is to let ti4'ten hundred families of sews tl.e horse stand for half an hour '-r ,ltto already been driven from teere with no water, until he is fair- theses it' «toted off. Salt is necessary to horses, but i'. should not be given to them in bilge quantities, and irregularly. 1n exce4s of salt at ear time pr,- (1:u•es co►Igestio0 1/f the stomach an4! induces «% ' --ice thirst. The best plan is t 1-.•'n r••ek salt in reach of the let - .1:! limes, se that they can • 1' • • it appetite b•. an 'ccasiul� 1 .. k If you hate not followed t1t - I t i 'tics, introduce it gradually by ,;:ting the animals it little snit with their regular ra- tion for a week. Two •y"1- • ,,•re burned to death 1. we of co01 water nu• • m"re. •, nate ► as .. straight 1 Potatoes -.1 few new Ontario po- !olds fetchingu ► to $5.25. ('eun- le ew sw• t � 1 \n aeroplane at Barcelona was struck by lightning and thrown to the ground in tlarne The 1t►itish \Ionl-ter to Brazil •ill be a -k1 .1 t arbitrate a helot - friary (I;-: to t\4e.•1( Peru and Ct ienlhua. 11 1I 1 t\"11\ I I:I1s1:, I :. 1 I\„ 1 threes Quit 11 •.1 k In 1 an1ouver. \ .d.• t -itch from \'anciuver. B. - r. l'raetieally all the Italian • r - employed by the City are :1 .\n eight-hour (lay wa 20 1)1 •111011 B• 1)ltl►1 111 1). \1 , 1. I ',r The gang of seventy 1I..• e4 11.1 p1•o\ rllll•111 s. thrd, tee are proven':4 is. I:,t• . , i• . , 1'• -rt , I' • 1 tt.•rk and picketed 1,1114'7'-, with nit ' '1'h.. i;,.t.s1i .1.ltnirtlty hail new jure," and sitter -11 sll;; Itl:, 1.1114•'4 . • . Al 11 '..••Ill , _. : I. -r,'1 that lahur was `11`pl•11d' 41 , 1,, ,!4'('-d their Ir1•l'rl eV as the result el the ore .• 114 ig, ruler ter a I. eel Uri .• ' . ' \',.•it, -•-day meriting the 'trtk"rs l I ri 1 heg,•tla- 1 K t � ns with naval rhiphull(1"rs, anel niti'n of a peeslei cute.;,: in a petee, in Nur i,- tt ti•c eft: t.r - e, „ • :.:1.It•'1 the streets. The puller 1114' 1 :(te prated the orders for the twelve i11(•11 gun 111 1:at1"1} de tht-.tln 1110, the %vat, 11 ....(71, 1.. worts t111less they Qtr force ..r tttctit� 1orpr(1.,-)oat 1"-tt•'yer4 in to 'i.e.. a• 1' it Steer... en 1'1,'17'- Id- 7 bolas 411.11. 'f! • ,tent i three ultilni'Ialien heir used. The stelk I• R %.I:e 4'd to on, ye141,, • Il pro v. i ,!e , S'..•': ant : t 1.: rinlnlr sn,-Eno ; .. „ - -A-- ' t.1" et It r+ to sate tr:r "bh ell 1 I uurteel o r %\.• r 1 itlt%I OS 111 IN I:1'l1 1IN. • pal e.1 death. 6 i •lar to/111, are to he of \. \7711!1.•1.1,•1'11 T111: C.1 L1. OF"1'111: 111 NI. •, 1 -lug similar, ;i: tin 1u1-. otoc nres4 the t•l r.. and 1 Laborers l t to tt1.t Y per bushel. New Amen-, 50 to $1.75. Three loads of Mani - 1;111 stock, $2.25 per barrel in car 1.,Ae et"r-kers sold at front $5 to 'At, on track, Toronto. Old puts- 15.2:,. ,Sheep and lambs comprised t• es, 1:)c to 30e per bag. 1 a large part of the ram, and the ',narket for them was up higher, PROVISIONS. but was rather easier. Hogs w. re I; W114411`-,111. quotations :-- comparatively scarce. and were \lot t. Perk �t ••rt cot., $31 1e $31.50 Jecid+•dly etreniter, being quoted at, toe, here pe r Lar• ' . mese it to $21.50, f'0 10 f.o.b., and ft0.7') ted and wnt• [(c miles wile on 1.:ir.1 I tin: tier, • -. 1:,' r•; tubs eicti off cars T.'ruid.,. In 64,ine (•ns- i!nry.g tillage. Hall there leen the 1,1 oris at rip R(► yl (s oil 1k- I,.tendy.' e' hogs sold at $lu per cwt., fed lJe secured, where there has been "1• •'•d and! Ire, '.Ilted Meats - 1.•,u_ ear !,a1'.' i. t..1.- and cases, •- -- •►- right kind of tillage there would 1:',c to l:,'••: hack- '7181n►, 21e I1Fl IPItl)1 ITL' I% 1'111'1 1.1R, have been no part of Saskatchewan %t nch would have suffered severely to st'.4 : bock, (pea i,••a11, 21' florin dry weather. What was to 21' ; •h••ulder hams, Ile to 11 • 1'. per s,1)- 1( 11 waif he fl.. ( for ',ceded was more intelligent culti- Itells, emokcd, iii to ie' 1 1 shads and dates, � tat1'l) of the soil, and conservation u•n and light hams, 1 t t" ; , f the nu,isture." In the },cavy, 16' .4e to 17c ; tine n, 19 t., •1 (1e -patch front New 1•erk saes: portion of 21x. ! Referring to President Taft's reel- t`,.• Province in which he has reside (ireen meats out of pick'•', le less I'tocity Q1,(•"rl► in \lain.', Th.'.lnleri- tl.an smoked. l (r. r sa} s : this n.'w spap"r has al --� wrays stood for the principle of pro- Saskatchen;in Will Have a S:11iefacs tory Harvest. .1 despatch from Winnipeg says t '•The only p•-,rtien of 'askrlt.hr- nen where the • aid watered. +d for many years, Mr. \lothcrw-ell stated that the prospects were ex- cellent. There had been sufficient. to clew and for the thoroughgoing rainfall in the Indian Head coun• MONTH .11.1 II 1 'f�. i ,!,plication of that principle. to tar try, and in the district in the north. Toronto .1 dv 21. hart"} ('ar. 14- It can 1r' applied for the (105-01- The yield from the entire I're%ince �r(h. eI,i11rnt u(' nt r,w"tl industries. Hut veldt! be eatisfaetory, 1 ..7n .\lueric:ii . N, 2 yellow, ear 1'nirada is su related to ur in his• 1+, eeN -tyre, o"',1'; N". :; s,-1!ow, t'.rv, 111 g''ograp)ls and Ill natural — - •F b„ endowment that the industrial aft t1 •t 1 it 1eta, ex •t.'re. No. 2 voltages of both countries will 1„' 1\I) NOW 1111 7.l! SS)I0l'I'I:1t. ( ., ! 4 4•.,.-t, 4:.' c t . vs. ; No. :1, lest. suhoerve•tl by the most (-unit i• ti 1.. 7.l,. it t iprecit)- and the scaling dow'li of ile 1 1/nre- f I ens Dakota and 19 11111fr4 d !:ran. Onlar:" n..:).7,41 tile tariff wall." 11•',,,1..1 North, to >:''1 \!salt"(•1, (tet: Inid•ihnR�,i 7t,laru, 411 t" S22; •hems, 111ni •\ .1. spatch from Winnipeg eayal 1••1'11, $.'1 : i4 441!'`, tube grain, 11%II 1 I It Irl ( Sits. j 1;• 1 • rr; Fruth (,rrtn:a on Thursday dos n,.., n.t� i The :1, :•!.1••nt . r 1 t 1 it 11t ►ns d Flare the 5411! f n .• I I (i i - ?:S- to >t:1:1; Inu1'.1, :A_:) 1., t.�. tt , 1, 1 f the 1 �, the trust destructive pest eves T- d h'. d•" t%' \t' 1 tette Slaniteh'1 spr:1,41 It l,r"1� 1'llhllr, l•Illdtl• - ( .111111i'e.ei11I1 t1/ 111• deAcer:n.: 1.. -.nk n t'• ' ,,f • _ 4 .'t 'tut,. flet". * ; :tui per..l�,l' . $ . 1,'etj int" 1.11ewn in the Northwest, have 1 t -t nl Montreal. + n.ade their me arnncc iu swarm1 tairo.o-, t. 7 resentinl .... ,- - ...1 Ile "Iglu' d I,t �ll 1 1 \t , •; winter w):eat patent,, t2:,. ill t, 1.-,•t.'' 11 1rruCr,•,1,1 51 1: 1 "1711:7\7 u1 1'1,• :'J :,n; *1 inute11 strenq baker, , •\ (le+pat.:. ' ••III \i•,71714 l .•a} ,'.rt)iits the past flew (lays, a11(1 are t, 1.1. , 1 `� 'f!." public 1 • i'11,es 1'•'Ihrrlls..i•,n ettnekiti garden ttnff. From 1,71 11as)i"},t, ►i. h.Ii14, ,\ 1 I I 1 ! .;.5+1: 'trnil;h! to}for:, r�:,.lo to •:, . K R — • (1(10 n 1 11 lr • 15 Irl• tl on 1 „ :1:: de. ided to held an insestigati,n to 1.571 they covered the country in �.-- - ! :''o • ,1 ::1:e 1t to..••r-, in hag•. :?:. t.t 1'O(1f .1 NIP 11 (I1 1(1 I►1S1:1si:. j 4 tea rel !1n I- i!...!.it to the large tomb(r of deaths swarms• eating eters-thing green, !: 1t' I:" : • „alter'. :-'' ,• ; 1:411-e11 by a1 Feet rues 1!1 Montreal 7. ti Stripping the bark (nein the \ Se been poplar trees after they had destroy - Ilse .1 ppearial 1/11 a Farm in 1 Ha. is ,1.. '1 . i , .. •4., , ,, , - 4 1'-' ••111't•. The . I riel9rt' !las i r , , e• (l. ,.•.1 to 811btnit it report on the (d the crops. The grnssheppers aro ' li 1. T. 1'. •• .,, -•' \1•--••,s are 7 , i•.• _t,1 . t 7 h• \t. . r'. lit• to Ii ••; �.Ilr•'. I.II:;Ialltl, ' . „ •11), ret to the commission. The huge, and hale a wide sl.rend of I .. .; 1,. n_. e ; f,•• t hear,!, n,, 1 . f : , t t, ',- 1 \l ('•,l',7 i „, ' .' ••I n. •beet t :ir Beeth toll is also 1• •frig t ,ng, resembling butterflies when \ .l ut Lt u•1Al int - 11:.-1•l t• 4 ItH nt, the serval a;n1t•I :it I ,gas - Selret,• 1 , k, 211 (i. to+1 i I , ', ,\ 1. 111 74 7• c• il�ult4n: i. te-tirattd by the Beard of e • n- ii, flight. They have come front the }'; , F•� t 41. I �. snit!! •i ,•,.•• fr••• .1. _ :1 .1 • t:c.1e.,.1. 111 :111 telt , 4141%' :1t 1:,1 !' 711 t( .. knots ei,'''h a, teolfth• ,:.4.ght reel iia 1 1" I: _t• d"L- '1 aa:ch the .•rtttic ..t t.. I:, ) 11. tit !1,1000'1 1•• . 1 I' -set. ' I t. •1• Sixteen have been kiil.•i by Isiketss, and appear to be headed 1 _ ' i„ • e, r,. • ,• 4,. .i t • 4. '!. i', .e et :1, 111 lit' loon. be Lays 1t1.H,r i. "• -,'11.. 1 t. .1.1 .t : second grad,. , I'• - 1,. l.'r• (11 of (i,e . Il}11(11 (•111 t111 -r,• 1+ illus if ally )1,•p,• .,f 11' 1!.,,'1 eh' %• • ' \.. 11114`•', to Ise ,7' 11115 year. 1 ih. \ i. the - 1 h4 \i• . 1. • 4%11. will have ENE( '('f.\'1!'s \I.\RKI:Ts. • , - the wi.• • "it', n:1.1e it the me•s that could he 14,11. " t '11'0 t , , .,, 1 . f I: . t , n !' t - n< tn:,, r,• s'./141',‘" . \ notnLle fen PuR,IL•. stub .''; 1Ph0at Spriest , i .:4• ' f all the hi „< 1 - • ;i(tong . \.,. I \, rthern, call , i PRISON SYSTEN 1 J., 1 1 l9111nt Illi•►• F.1('i' .\\D 1'.1X('\'. carry two 4-ineil Ran ns well s• l:(71.1,:.: ',. , :2%\1::1.;4r.g4171474: 1 ,1„I .:1• a ill- arc worth rilee • 1 .1 1/un1)cr• of 12-ponnd••rs.'' ! Irf fhe case ..f Cllr o 1 l 4\ \1l : \;' • ' 1 i '.,1.11. t.le'r fix 5 -es - .11 1 lig b` 1'. the bravest are the the contractors have been al - X,. •1 cern, c'; ,. all en tea• k 1 et a red Raine 101,.1' r 1 n larger measure 77t latitude. iloeugh billed. Oats-Strengeer: SWeeping Changes Outlined by Bon - 16 -A. • , ,!: t,'ty tough in a PA pi••. ;n t! •• lie-iltu of the ship and "'a5' \• . t white, I «: \,. 3 white. - - -- I! ' •'.1 reach vette ;nth year with .lot et., 10711°1'0 the 'Peed awl i•- 1., : No. 4 white. 1:,'.e. ' , Totalled Sixty-Six • ,• 1l lying •-,iffered (Fern a Lett. us fietn:'•ut le the sante Slinnrlj.trlis, .,illy 1+;. -_ 11.•ecietary Winston Churchill. • oe., `;l'( rbcs show that \',.11. Tltr eelltrnet for the-,• %'•.•1.1�Wheat No. 1 Northern, .Ni‘.. #1.2,,,i, - a1• 'likely to live to 7:1. h;:.• Leen i 1 .1. 1 for two each ttith ,y(l h'ml,er, .;1.1-4 1'. t.• world's rubber farms bid t1,-' Par- is \! ,t,ne 51411rr1 Turbine n le 1/utm nl)er the feel! farmis.' 7 means.. 1. 'lifted. of \Pn1llsend; .\rt e,p11116'1 is the kine( of mall' \le•c,rs. .1 1 Thorrlye-r',ft 4l ('o., wile sa% s he w ill take settle (•rears limited, 1" t )Inmpton, and Mete •,n his berries ellen he knut%s it is -r,-. ''arrow k ('o.. Limited, Scots- .kiln milk. 14 1111. l•:'sire ear, with their fr.•ltlenl' 1n all three pair, the eon(raeters ,1, ,11 ('144' -, herr,. a henehel'1/t of %% Of fit machine's differing (rent ft : t sit t:1•` ter •'f elf's-, 111'111141 1►s; 1711'11 other and frena that in any e xt•-ling British destroyer: but it to desired that the actual details t, that the black grasshopper, (;. T. 1'. ('oa-Iruelitn. t:11 niers 1.11, t• :1 arcs ties from (4414 t•''"tl and ttrrrlirt ; fr +ell the gain ill the ' it .i .,f the machinery. 1- .7 , ,4 , 1 , 1 ANOTHEB LARGE Canada's June 'Pratte Totalled Sixty -Six Million Dollars. :1 (1,'.1,11 11 fr•'r.) +)tta"a sur•: 3'1,1'+7. an 11141e11,1' of 8.7.21,9!17. 'fh. iota! tl:I,lt 4•f ( Iha'i 1 ('r June; Exports 1/f dolnestl( j,t•elllirt: fur the quarter- totally l R:,7,0;tss.!I:1;. an wits 866,000.100, an incr.. 1•e of $;n, ire Feu+e of +8.111,! ;;31,6.23 over June of last year. 1 ' ' The principal increase in exports e1.•1. +:(..f. quarter of the present le- v .1- u1 agrieniturrl1 products. which cal yen T. Ont- ...sal trade has been sine a l'etterinerlt of nearly six *171,173.690. a cotnpnt...,, increase Illi!liell; a .•.,111 11red w'i111 the a .r ,: 1 e`__ sh,nl<1 n,t he (liw l,je•! beelike. of (f #:U;,R1' ,t$)'), or over pe, r0st•r,d n• period of blit y' I1. 'fhe' e x I Ir •ittniflr• ncr ..f the change. The imports for J1111" tot ,lle/1 i '3, - eeel ..fes revenue for June 544474 ti:,. • The: 'n'r''t7, oil increase a rlt',.::fa.•.':, "4i :,xi. 'a,.t teC I The man who d1 loath!, t: 11el.v 1,..n and t,„;1. •t of the tw , tt,.l•ls 1 ,l. ' r tar three month:. preaching often changes 11'-.• lain! I 1,, l,ui!t ht the Parse• + (•v(•r June of Inst year. I'er the : ,(1,.','1.. 'II. 177e,rqs.•, , 1 g 1r ('1/1nssrs • of '*1,011,- le•llen the preacher tarns t•, I1/• :: nt vii h•' e•e,-ironer! by Messrs. tlaty months llnpurts tutallcfl $10'J,• 61 a11•( :i,•":.;.:;:.: tosp(•47'11 - i the way 1+0 spends his time. 1 11 )': n'rr. 1 1 I)tunl►srt,n. d: -infecting agent- an 1 creating an abundance of LIVI-: STOCK 11.1l;le:ETS. Montreal, July 26.- Calves, $3 to !S; hitt. hogs. $10 to $10.20 per 100 pr and : sheep, 3I.,e t, 3'44' lb.; lnnlh< fe (i', $ ; S'..( t 5',c; fair, 5e to 51,4c; cont. !,.e t, 5c. it,., July 26. - ricked lots of Latch cattle sell in some in- 74tnnce. or as much ns $0.75. (teed 1 ,atIs bntl'her cattle brought from $ t, 8';.25. and medium firm "if, to $1.75. Choke grades re also up, some having to prevent inrpristemient for their i sons. .1 despatch from London s -*v-- 'non-payment. and to substitute dis. In the house of commons on 11,•(1 ('iplinnry or eurati%c methods for heMlay night \\•inston Spene"r imprisonment in the cases of youth• (')turelell, the home secretary, out ' fuli and minor offenders; re- suffragettes, to allow i lined intending sweeping reforms in sisterso!tcal aonffdenders, like psuffragettes, various th1 prison system. which are to he privileges, such ns conversation, inaugurated partly by ndministra- look reading, better meats, eve,, tive order and partly by new bills to reduce solitary (-enf►nernent to It in parliament. (single month; to abolish the ticket- 11is object is to treat crinl:nals ,,Heave nerd the entire system of be. mere }it:alanitarian method,,' pt.11ce supervision fur released eon - 8116. ns hr as possible, to avoid' yids; to introduce methods looking til(•:r degrndati'n by prison life. to the welfare of released prisoners, ' Briefly, be wished to give longer anti. finally, to arrange winter lee. tithe for the payment of fines. and tyres or concerts in convict pris 7 ,1 Coax,