HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-07-28, Page 4A.11E EXEZ1 R, TIMES, JULY 2tit111910. LONDON ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses t'at•locue, Freu .1. \t'. \t'ranrit, ) \\'. \\'e.:erveh, )r.. C.A., t I'1111..pai. %'ice.Princip.l. The information afforded the press \l is. Olt%.• (;uuldb ('atechutu:u clue, 'Ind the stockholders of the '`uvereign tt 't:.it recnic in tjtc park !lank affaires has been fir too lint- i(''h•:i: iced, 1n referetie to the above we clip from the Monetary '1'iules. The Monetary 'nines his every i•s}x•ct uud makes full allowance for pull icy in the handling of certain financial affairs. Publicity often breeds misconception. It .s some - tittles better to transact certain buai- nese quietly without too much note hereof in the daily and weekly papers On the other !rand, the lack of proper t1bh' •L} gives ciao to misunderstand' ing and later to insinuations. 1Vhis}i ers in financial spheres are undesirable WOW _____ -t s t►1' '.'•ltIC(`LTC1tL1 C ,. Agriculture will I. i. r t: •t: of 1st June 1911 ':ria. n:'oduct and value of field ... • ted in 1910 will be cnum- ele, ! • ii 1,11 tvhcat, spring wbeat ba:: t. oats. rye, corn for Lucking, ,t i, • t,. ens, j flax, mixed .r.J cic• alfalfa or l c:rr•. corn for f::e__, other forage; croie. Sugar beets, :Alpe , roots, ' )•see; end elle, end ea., seed, d clover, seed and a1sike clover seed wi:l be enumerated for prod'eet :.111 v::lne, Grain and nth-: field crops for the harvest of 1911 twin.! he taken by are• as only, :,- non; of thes.:7 crop$ wilt be rip- •:t :l: • taking of the census the gru7iucts of these crops will be gathered later in the, year iron th., reports of correapondents. Animals an'l animal products, also ander the brad of agriculture, will incl 1e the n:...%'r cf horses starve Sears old and over. horses under three years, miles cots other horned or neat cattle. 't:-• •, stein:, turkey, geese, duck 1, • i, 1 chicken,, meal hives of b esh ' 1 or owned by each person at u he J r: of th census on ist of June of 1:+11. Melee 1lovkins hair returned after eree din:; his holiday.; at Itis hunt, rte 1:irkton. 'Mr. 11 Parsons, of James street, who is working in London, teas home for 'Sunday. Mr. an,' Mee. 0. ltowcliffe. of Gran. ton, ::pent elonday visiting Mr. Row. cliff_•'e mat her lu•r:. alts S. hit tin and on. Gerald re - 1,0.,1 •d hunt ' 'l'ursda3' after a mow h, The Iiintl Yeu If:tvo Always Ilougltt, and which hurl been t i :, 'u► O.. a Sound. ill Use for over :10 years, has borne the signature of \Ir. T. 11. McCallum, who is Il.. taut )it been )nada treater his p�r- un ring ,:t tie• l: ud. w:ts in town a ^^ ,a---4- firmal stameni,iort since itsinthncy. • fee, d'). I hi, tt, .•k. �• /T`lC�"6"4" Allow nu 0110 104111`e011"0 y011 ill thi:t. All Countt•rlcite, Imitation's mill "JIi' 1-:Is.goutl"lure but p Eine 11 i 'itts that 1ritiu with :11111 endanger tbo health of ' Infinite and 4l1ildrea—Expt'ricnco against Experiment. a The liquidation of the Sovereign '•i ` '' -\If. turd Jo.. ,\\'alters have Bank has been carried on in what we u i:,r„ i,.•• , nit aoa. TF.y r:1�lt 11,1L... t ..( :tS'•r• consider ton secretive a manner, 1:x - for an almost ball! state►uent '•!aster I1 n)' 11,ttdcn of Ridge- certtuwu is v,, lit:}: 1, - grandparents, handed to the press by the manage. Mr. and .\1: Jo. 1:i w'den. trent this week no information was given. The financial press especially has a claitu to more official inform- ation. Otherwise it is bound to get its report of the meeting in other ways. 1.t•a;-_ne • . ' • wspaper out of the question the feet remains that 'fhe 'l'rivit Memorial tl chl:rcb Sun- t (ley ,"shoo! 1. ' 1 their it picnic at the ' plc,: on 1\, •1:: ..lay :..;_ram':. The movie;: picture show did not • operate here this week. We do not kno wavily as they were well petron- iee& Miss. B. !Hill. of Parkhill, whited many of the largest shareholdets Miss Mary Mack, last week. Mise Were nut represented at the So Mack returned with her and visited verelgn, for a few days. Burk annual meeting this week. 'I'Ite i Mrs Thos Daley and children, of season is given in their own words.. Seaforth, who have been guests of What is CASTORiA Castoria i, a harmless sidle( ittat, for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, drops nncl Soothing Se nips. It is Pleasant, It Contain neither Opium, !Morphine nor other Nttrcotfe allbsttulce. Its ago 14 its grurrantc('. It destroys Wor•tnrt SI 11(1 nlhtys Feverishness. 1t cures Diarrhoea tut.! Wind Colic. It, retie% ea Teething Troubles, e•trres Cunstipatim• atoll Flatulency. It itssimilate. the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy natl natural .,peep. The Children'ti I'au:tech—The Mother's Friend. They are tired of endeavoring tnelicit Mrs Win. t'udntote, returned to their home Tuesday evening. E N 1.11 N E CASTO I A Information from the bank's officials. 1Ve fail to see what the bank gains' MainMre R. Ross, of Byron and Misss.. Moir, of Virden. Mainaro viaithtg( n Bears the Signature of by such a frigid policy. The answer is their another, Mrs Peter ('ase 1 110aietlutes given that it would hurt don Road North. • Aar the instution's prestige or prejudice its Mi.- Mildred Jewell returned to position to publish more information regarding its affairs than is done at present. This argument scarcely holds good. The bank is insolvent, and its expeditious liquidation is the most im• portant matter at present for share- holders, of Blenheim, after visiting theirgrand-'; The Sovereign Hank's in•esident was The number of bors_s, [Mich cows not long ago quoted as saying that other corned or neat cattle, sheep, Cie institution might be able nt a later date to open its doors again for busi- nees. 1Ve have good reasons for stat- ing that many large shareholders digs and honey products of the year. would strenuously oppose such a and th,• qualities of milk and cream course. !'hey would prefer to sell lent to f ictory cr -old. their stock rather than participate in It Pure -hr. d /nin::,:� registered, or el the rehabilitation of the bank, We he- t tgibie fur r _i rr tiorn, which are Here that few of the shareholders i, owned at ter• tin: of taking 'the ccn- would etre to see the Sovereign listed sus will bt-num(rit'•d for horse•. cat- again among the chartered banks of \ tee, sheet, .e. in •- )::t their number Canada. l' her hum,.' in London ontfucsday even- ing after visiting for a few' tt•;:eks with her cousin Miss Mlnn:e Jetted!. Jties 1'lteda (faker, tvn:, rl^ctvd organist of the James atrcet League and :\lis;. Eunice I ernick Assistant; on Tuesday evening last. Misses l" reetla and (iertie Spackman !wine and poultry ,old in 1910, w:t:1 [bc record•- t e- welt as t to wool, mirk betake made butter. home-made cheese Fparents AI r. and Alrs John !3 k or a few days. left Saturday for Grand Mend. .hiss Lottie Rook, of Detroit who e has been visiting in town and at (.rand • 1 piC Illt►n, Bend, left Friday last for Brussels where she will visit for a few days be- 'diet'. 'There she lived until about 1.! C fore returning to Detroit, years ago when she removed to thin J ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ,wr •••••....14 1C,,.•b,, 7? Y,;RR•r $$$$$$, arw To•Rtar. .4 :s Mt. 1J, rt 11 •,loan. of London. came 1, in hitt auto tiunday and vtisited uuncillor ane %1t- . W. J. fleaman. V. J. zt ••itt back with him and took t the too ling tournament, 'Ole u,,uy' ft'i ods of 'Ir .. .1. .1. will also 1••- co .az 'l oith all other) , animals' I NOTE AND COMMENTS tie hasr tl n fortitude, In her life This choice properly is situated live lite date of the coronation of King on and Elizabeth streets from Mr, W. rellgl;us work and became a blessing from Kipper). convenient to school and George V. has been set definitely rew and intends to (erect a dwelling; and benerlirtiort to her friends. Those churches. Possession in the tall. For Ouse. Mr. Kestle is a blubber of Rev.' who knew her best loved her roost for fort her particulars apply to U. Keatle of town. I her true womanhood. her Christian Mrs. Wut. Gordon Kip} en, Ont. Times Want Column TEACIIER;WANTED :Hale Teacher with rtrcond class pro- fessiona' certificate for fel, S. No. 3 Stephen. Duties to commence .1' Aug- u,t. Apply to U 1011 N _P11 E.BI,CATAI(, M See-Treas, Exeter P. 0, Iron Posts In order to close out our Stock of Iron Posts we have reduced the price from 25 cents to 18 Cents IRON BRACES Iron Pipe Braces all lengths at 5 Cants a Foot We will take 111 Exchange Horse- hair, Robbers, iron, Copper, Brass & Wool Pickings for which we will the Ilighcst Price. M. JACKSON'S MA IN ST. EXETER Flour &Feed All Good Kinds of FLOUT% and FEED kept on Hand Bran and Shorts sold by the Ton. =Acre Farm for Sale ett city where she resided until death. `e neat taken in exchange for F f s to Foy the past three month !t de I Flour and Oats taken in ceased had been confined to her home South half Lot 17. Concession 4, L. and bed by sickness, her ailment be- 1. S., Tuckerstuith. First-class land exchange for Oatmeal. ing heart trouble followed by tuber- for pasture or grain, a acres bush, culosil' complications finally resulting never failing well, good frame house in her dent h. She had been a consist- with atone cellar and cement floor \-hit• ,lei tato ehildt, 0 14 .1, L vitt and devoted Christian and a mere- surrounded by wind -break of spruce 1•:. 1 io 1 :rn 1hnf 'They h -it ,- bee of the Methodist Church since trees, also an orchard of apples, pears it' 1 'rt• 1y :.t their new leen • childhood and bore her long and pain- ,lours and small fruits, large hank ,Hook fel illness Ilnco111p1Ainit►gly, and with barn with stone Inundation. Mr, W. (: �Keetle of London t . true ('hr's -a urchased a tot on the corner of Bur time ,he was active in all church and miles from Seaturth and three :Hiles a — p So\'I:i-1:11,N BANK AFFAIRS (: The aoi:ual u,eetit,b of tLe`otereign June 22, 1f)11, for ` Bank was held in Toronto on Tuesday Th- railway strike is nearly as July 12, Aside from a short statement It. :1. A ,.note blucksrh• +s Far as 11 1.'' handed to the press representahves,no ;t-.• ere concerned. sr' other imfoi:nation was afforded. A statement .lr.,twing the course of 1'I chit, t hire} miles for .applies + t" Oct ' tuon, t'''hal, l..ys. The James i ellen. and (rat net Snell and four grand - _ the liquidation of bunk during the last reminds one of vola • w est;r11 titoriei, fSt re -t t" :11 i' ri. + 1 1: 1 by Heys, children. Also the following brothers twelve mouths was read by AI r. Jena- A tittle inconvenience that you think s• J. D. Keet:e :ed hit sea A. ani! sisters. John and Fred Baladon nothing of le v. it. Robbs nevem!,• iti••J by Mrs. virtues and noble characteristics as a obs. :.n l iii [h li::ht I ft un true wife mother and neighbor. Be- or to i u nr�• Pities busb,►nd the deceased leaves one 'fhoe. Cameron, Auctioneer, tt - th,y twill 'daughter and one eon. Airs Louis Fres- Farquhar, Ont. 1'1 ::.k .:;. Oh:. of Osunback, N. Dak.. Mrs �Vlllison ESTRAY IIL'II�ER tach to the shareholders, although It t. A. .1. 1: : 1 B. D., of !'rank- Schroeder \Irs Emanuel hen: of l'lyde Strayed on the remises of the in - copies of the facts and figures were !lin. Ohio, is ellect e here t his weeik '�' i)ak. Mrs Semite' pried of yar of tound, dersign(vf. Lot h► premises owner ran P,te,n not handed to them. A resolution succeede in carrying ohias manyear did the bro. spend A cotpl • of twceks with , ns,+►lontauna (Funeeralorge gserviceaouwas - or about May lel loll►, owner can have ts rents trey and 'Jars. J. D. K,a- same xpe by proving property and paying Was carried apgtrovirg of !lie manner big trophies at liisley as tbev dial last P• held from the M, E. Church in this city exg►et:ses year their monetarysizeswere pounds in excess of last tear. The this year Was 12500 -compared with tt(311 last year. The much covet- ed honor of the meet that the of King's prize of�i , wentto Corpora Radice th, Jl.. !erects twill occupy (be ,:t ei ofu , .one% stn• •• Slat - t is church for two bundsye It v. to I', Sri ere 4% :to , Chic 1,:o 1110• it • rl; to t ik a summer cool • in art • of lees college,, was ,n which the directorate has attended 1 sixty t It t tt f t. .1 [tan Monday afternoon at 2:31 o'clock pas- Enos Herdman iaimtrille. to the liquidation of the hank during total 1 1 t h for Montague (tickle otliciating assist- 21 --int, led by !tee, eiteensnn. Special music — the pas' twelve n:: r.ths• , rn , ar to go to i was furnished by the church choir and - "It;u,•ly has it hen. the privdrge of The bank officials laid emphasis tip - beautiful teat) war rendered by Mts. E. IL Beck:ora 1. The. floral tributes were extensive and Ile/031 ant. The re- mains were laid to rest in the Cavalier cemeteryea,t of the city. 1'he funer- al was very lea gely attended. ou the Alaska Centre! Railroad. It is 1 rte L'' 1 Corporal i k 1 t one time on three young ladies about thought that on the completion of the gregate st.+ge. of to cross the world bearing the Gospel road it will be an important factor to t f a pus Y r of good news to those yet as ithout it. flat on Monday evening in North M. of Oxford University, who had an ag- '' . 0 tit a 1t 1 n.•rvoa' trouble 1,t -t regale score for the 'I"j' I "• ,0 1 fur t h• }ir,sutt ,till the competition n 310 outo• sible .335 Sergt. Morris of Bowinanville n ., rune Mire with an a to fe score of .ia7 winning the National Rifle , ssocatton medal utd alt audience. in Uoderich to look at the mining development of the. coun- try which it will -rive, O t l gK Ra rt ) 1 u 1 llethodist church the large congrega- tion had that joy, for joy it always Is A shareholder proposed that a 1 f 1 r , _-- of the der‘ pont ells ractor to be in the comwi•.tee bltuuld 1,e appointed to Itis k g t't,•.ene' of devotion to duty, the cuss with the ban:; officers the quest ` r r th nit aline of a life to purity and ion oftl►ecurrentrxgl,nsesofoperating 1 goodneee !lis. NW/01. of Fullerton. t '! Miss Court ice. of Clinton. and Mites the institu'ion. lie thought th•rt the i„ `, t . young ladies. Alis Grey. a fourth. committee could be of assistance to i' wee also invited. bet being now on the management, And that it night ,.., her way to British Columbia to en - sage in work among the Indians, her I1v1 'u 1 ('11ir,t•I. 1I • is ab1• to b•• 1 _ lin eel took in flys i.icnic : n r n•-, 1 ,}. :r•: '•1, GAD. ]Lint1, who 7r• tare.• fI 1h, tt•..t .••v- 1 • • s ,cu t, 1, h,-, n uWtbt • to .•t 1 u• • .1 goody tchich '.wore %''. ,, !: left the \\'est. '1, - r' �r,•. hive renter) • 1 been wre•rr- I by th, d.l.t r • r n 1014 '•i r. M int 1.0CAI.S ‹c) r1 revise the salaries of the officials pay- ,cr, wi •- ,r present!.• was represented by a It for ing more in certain cases and less in I �� [twat. four Indic, an• in the bloom }soling w'ontenhood and Rood to „'k upon and the3 y are cultured o•:n,t lath, s. Ther• nt !vie, have -red tits o lour own Collegiate 1 III- titrang was present to indi- his unbroken interest% in and 1 Ithy with rhos.• who became to him as pupil.. Each of them leen taking special training for 'tat one year in Toronto, prepar. u. liar their lave. of high and' noble + woe among flyer sisters lee for - 1'1,, -1,• Than 'thern•elvee. [laving of- t .1 1 hem...twee for rnission work to 1,. women's missionary Society of h'• Met hodist Church. they are stn- ,y'n,•(1 as their person -I fit neer or the loner, needs etiegest : s.o 1two of ! n. go to China—Mies Tither end '1' t •..irtiee, and \l,., Se- in goes others :s teas decu,••.f desirable, 'fhe : i -n • Co • .m1,1 t consider• all lit igati„t. t , .• •,•7 - arising ill connect lot with ' . • 1... • - 1, Isines., This h been t .I: expensive item it the east, Mr,l: :u►ilne,ear vis, Its president o the Sovereign Bink, tesented th shareholder's suggestion and owed ere,1 it an expression of lo k o confidence in tee ttt:,nagrinent and direct rate. The shareholder, wb had suggeste-I the appointment of th committee then withdrew his resol mien at the saute time assuring Mr, Jat•vi,, that he had at heart only ` the best interest of the bank, and 1� thought that the committee would he of assistance anti welcome to the management, Another shatehclder st:tted tine being seventy•set'en years of ,1g,• h.• e. eld like to see the whole- bu.:1,. t:,• .ted up before he died. The t'taestiun of (Imitate Bdellin tit shareholders was also r:t''u d. It was made clear that for 11 a 1... ,.•i:t at least there is no int.-116ml to make it doll 'e till upon those holding the bank's •,A k ah ► P t 1 • 0 e ll: 7, 1 u I:'•. • t. ttf tt•1:. Irl :•1 • 1 '1'-•yior, of Leucon i' I. . 1 II nt;. i � 1 r ,.,,I , r..tc 1 r,7 ton. t.• , 1,,,.11 for •t i1 t - , •. ,: - ' h, of ii ., e,i;•r 1:1 , ..n '•1.,,1.). .. t. .1 41, I .11; . 1 71.,11 :7 1 ;Mr. 111 1 ':i t .. 1 11 1 i .7, 1 1y. :0: .1 'f. (', Ia , of 1'• r;, , is visit n: h r •1-' r '-':, .1, S. ilervt•}'. Vi - feline, If ate of condom, i' v lritr_ ',7 :11 • horde of 'sir. [Cru. Min. •els. \l1:t 1'•, -,l-r. r.f IL (' n', 1+. Jodi 4 ,..r.: h r hnr:: n tr Ci, •l- itnn. f (.,rni..h. of t.r , i i; nd. r:' ; Hely tinder t11 • ear( :eat ern,:. 1 rne'r has i,on'• to 1:: 1:! i f:u,l;,: 1'r .1 '1'I:• 1'11:,h'1.ri111 K::n 1 It ! , ,t. ; r, c to 1., ttt 1 \h.. (;eh. Penh 11,•, of t h In 1. con. Stephen is improving aft -r hi, re- -nt lllnr'is. 1!. • r, , :n ( .n,t r ca ,a1 '1-.. 1 1. ,,, 1 .tl tt,t h t II ,l•:• ,.' • ;.• III t if. :u -lit• c „r. 1 I , 1 •.1 air:, 'f . . ., • N 1 •. , prop., 1 i I,;1. . I •, last.! 11, , :h t,ri, . 11„1 0: •1t .\. , I, t r e. .. 1, -!,I f1. .r t, t' 7,1"t't 1111' of 'ell • CU ::It•11. II. eta. a • t r1! 110r • rt, tr)in' 141 .011, 11 • :u %i , .i. sir holidays. (Lyndon , char)! ft•n.1 �•^�--� 'T..c•<Mei! v-erncz.-txrn.vzireersonnemeameire,re q Docs not Cotte , the Hair AVLR'S HAIR VIGOR Stop% Falling flair teentroys Dandruff A , S'te-scent feresatnt; M.iI.rs It air (,row Composed of Sulphur, Glycerin, Qulnin, Sodium Chlori(1, Capsicum, Sage, Alcohol, Water, Perfume. Ask your doctor his epi,:: ,n „f nidi a heir prcp.ration. AYER'S IIAIR VIGOR Does not Color the Fair .r r' '41.. 1.0111 VT. I. .,«'I M.,.4 I I it 1 :i 1 .: I11., l:I t :,nI 11r I,, I-•• - tett tan of p•opl t.•. b •n read• happy i0 th ho!) , - 1 • : nt at rinnony. end 1 her, amt •11., f:.t;th Igen_ it.t. ill,. 0 i • f 9 Ct it ll 0, r t urs. tIo!,1 by 1\', ttz 11:,4t t Ilrugeist. Ex. t• - EXECUTOR'S SALE c,! — 100 Acre Farm W. Rivers EXETER, (,NT,1L1u TWO TO ONE you can't make biscuit out of corn- meal nor .lonnny cake trona flour• For all-round (food Raking it requires BEST MiLLi;D FLO['R We have it it's the cook's delight — and is always reliable. Don't use any other 'There's none better It's the [lest People tell us they never used flour equal to "Model ,, srpousis OHIO 0110011i011 Nor« wee 11024ti F. ) it T AI ltltoL• LAT t ,• i �s. Any person NI, ho is the sole Lead of a fancily, or any male over IJ eeotoni of available Dominion rant! la !Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta, The applicant must appear in person at tbo Dominion Lands Agency •r l'ub-agency for thediatriet, Entry hj proxy may be had at the agency, os certain conditions, by father, mother son, daughter, brother, ur sister of intending homesteader. Duties:—Hix months residence upon and cultivation of the land in easy of three years. A homesteader may live within nine tailor of his horn*. stead on a .farm of at feast 03 acre solely owned and occupied by him or his father, another, eon, daug'htere brother or mater. ►n certain districts a homesteads's in {rood standing may pre -erupt • quarter section alongside his homey stead. Price $3. per acre. Duties e, Must reside six months ineaoh of sic years from date of homeptead entry (including the tiros required to eara homestead patent) and cultieta• fifty aorea extra. A homesteader who hug exhausted hie homestead right and cannot obs tain a pre-emption may take a pure ohascd homestead in certain districts Price $3. per acre. Duties.—'Must reside six months in eaoh of t.hrel Years, cultivate fifty acres and ere** a house worth $300.0 W. W. CORY, Deputy of the cloister of the 'tarter �. IL—Unauthorized pnblicatlon obi mint win not be paid for TIt. CARLI N(1, Life, Accident, Fire and elate Glass insurance, ,leo Collecting Account anal An, tioneeting, DR. G. F. ROULSTON, I,. D. 8.; D. D. S.' Honor graduate of Toronto;University DENTIST OFFICE:—Over Dickson/ At Carlingf'e Law Offices, Exeter. PIIoNE 1. CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON) D11. A, R. KINSMAN, L. 0. 8., D D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Oladtr,an A 8tanbury Main street —Ex}<TElt. JW. BROWNiNU, M. D., M. 0 • 1'. H., Graduate V'ictweft U 'entry, once and realdenen(e nomlotes Laboratory, Exeter Associate Coroner of h uron. It. Bright, M. D.. M.C. P. and •8., honor Graduate Toronto Un- iversity. Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra hospital, etc. Office and residence. I)r. Amine' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. %ONEY TO LOAN a We haveaattmtted private h: ud. for Inve►eb 'Oat upon tarts or village a ropers" at lows roes orbiter/at. l)ICK8ON 1t cA1tL1111() lexebsr DICKSON at CARLING, I1srr6ter. !lollcltors Notarial., Conve saoers ('ornm:-,tonere, doileltore tau the Molten* Hank. Ito. rooer to1.oan at lowest was Se la tercel. OPY1('1..I i1A1N : rrcr.ay, txtir t, tr C5h!.I110Q le 5. 4 n. DICR•D• (,ONF;1- TO LOAN, We ha,o a /.sero stoO,lnt of private (node Nn on farm and 'Mute rroyerUne at tomtit* �tanl:fatt.lret! 1,} Intere„t. tii.,kDMAN & :17'ANHUItY Halrl,:er. solicitors, :Oslo at-'tx.s arvey Bros. 0, � Ma Manure Litters Beatty Bros.' 1't'('tl and Litter Carriers (h•erheed Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can be installed an cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros,' Load Binder • Shorthorn Bulls aiy present offering is four choice bulls Jtun K ready for service. got t o , y Cot'ee Sets -Axes leinfln) and out of gond milking Dame. All registered. Apply to Jt)IIN t•:Lt)Ei(, Hetisall P. 0., er on tot lei, ('on.:', Hay. Inc Usborne and Hilbert farmer's Mutual fire Insur- ance ompanu Head OffIco, rarqultar, Ont. t.•.,ident. .1. 1 . It 1 r: -;;.LI, Therm three thing?. ser i;tea 1ice-fUIrRRc,rroles.. \\ �I. ItUh laarm boretevers for burners and is, t r. .!spun The (:od,•rich titer Mies necessities en a farm IW111'. NuR1t18, 1 I I 1 1 1 1 't' i I' For sale by Riffs, of fir. :11t: 1; 1'. eel i - Tie, yonng Th„ ren,, 7 ,, 1, •I 'Ted un i iw-nn was n former school teacher T11(A , RYAN UnD!in. 4*I • 1 r, !,-1 1 n•►,) fur 1.n” in" SII,a•lIOW. If Ih 1 the' Centralia and is well known in w * 1y\'�I. linl)CI , 1\ an ; '1', 7:: •., I. 1 • t id: oily 1. nti It u'• ' bf 1hr tun n' 1 . Gillespie tnrhria.:t. ,'• ,,• Ir l'npi,l aw 1,.r. I,, \bil(inm 1"nl h) public( 1N►It1'. GAltnINER. haryuhar, • I 1'... h Iv; 1: n t:n1h1 ""h +f t h. j Ph one :,l• Exeter. Ont. Mt l''l7. :...t•'• ,' ii�r.• ViCtoi'11 Ilotel, lurliton Stores Close Thursday '"�■■��..„+ - ;;; Jull. lrls1j:,J r e t to n e, o ar. :,111 a1 —ON iiftel'110011 during Lisburne n n , _ ' a nt ,ra t tt d lt' )dal sh •..• ni th (rte - Tuesday Aug. ,�Il(l r I tllllS' , .. ;,;.• ;.�., ...... , l••F: r Hibbtt HAIlhrt Stance► sR'�ntl r' •+ �" Mid All�;llst , I [or Hibbert, i ulltrton 1111 Logan. r—• 11 'err to fret ), r.,:i I.• 1. ., •,. 1 !, . )•.: ,i "1, �lr, 41 tam. that desirable farts .i. AN1'BOpx• 11'i8i M/ e. . • , 71,: •1,1, . . 't1, 1.r. 7% 1:. tr I:,, io ,i, I ,1L , 1 - 1 1 .0 (' \. I'. 1 1 1 1.7.1111)\ e. e. n f• • r' ''t r•. I I. !. a .1 r••s mor, \\'r 1h undersigned husint'-a m:tt ,, i 1 - ,, . • , 111.-r n. !, :. r n tin 3 .,,, n bank of Exeter agree to erose our respec- Fertilizer .. t .. c • hr,: 1 ,, .) 17, 1 h 11 . _ 7 1, I �•! •:rn- I� , r n tt i r h . r,,,, . ,, • .,• ifl t fr1 : five jnlnce.i of buaine�+ during the !: ;t, ! I 1 I .. Ir n„ „Hid hen Months of July arid August, 1460, on �. .r, •, - t in !. ' storeys '1htlrwlny nfternoona of each week 1• • 1 ,, 1•. •, ; • it i i , „ h t '• I , •, , 1„ „ 1 r , nes bush. g[ commencinat one o'clock end to ad- •i• FOIL • b 1; n, - ,I, i 1•:0 ,1;.% ,u1 I) 1,. ,i I••. 1„ ! h Ir I tine n vertisr Annie during month of .fund The following was taken far, ., el a c► d sup, le of ,• „ I'h soil 1., in the local papers: X (':The ft t'hti ni wasa d nnult' ' • , 111 ►'o..1 nu ,Ir rile,: ,:� 1 ;.•nein in A:aveca(e Priming Contently. .T •.f• .• t .; 1 re ret. to r• ,01 •rh i ,1 n, , g i:xet•.r Times l'rintin Co pay. Limy- ell I W heCi 1 e,,,1.•.. tt , g , „ f : g„ i .11 con . 'i only R m TP.AOt Mlt►7K• death of \►r., ('hruQr, ti• . I'. ()ed nr ! -' Ir+i', t:,,: ! 1rk:on. 1 mile from iron: \Y, (f. ifcamnn, r17, J, !icer. Alfa .!. DESIGNS her home In this rill. hr i,: t, July !lt . e o a an ' from r'mrclt. \� nl l,-rs. .ton s 1ti J1'ry, 11. fpaekw.ln on l►p:lt BI•:FoIti-: A l r ,. 1st COiwnlcr,Ts �C. 'I' It \I ; I' h S. G. !trio den. Jos. Senior, 1:. A. 1!1111 Mrs. ('hurls. Sot ll. t ,1 :.1 }e:1rs \1.1; Poi- •Y �• Anrnnl.errgirn�al.ketehattddr.rrt nnninar 1(1ilt011tl►+.Itld 1311aw- ti, lick. \\''. Johes, 1, Grigg. W. Stathami(lhtrklra•rnrtalnourep,n,on,re0efrrhrra,. t .1. A ran 1111- :I• „r o! i, :, eh r•, it e en Rg �. lnrrrt „n le propaalr pa terr}t , e.� .,,m,,1,•a- .don daughter et (Deur ee fill cion teas .I . 11.1 I ,• • „ , Mr:. 1'ro. Ii. \C, F. tiravrrs, if. �. }• r1,,e,rrtctlrr.,no,l,nt al. BpHDD�011 on r,r.rue ..bin Iwo Niro -art, T. ilawkins & Ron. 1C. w. •1• , Ve er„tTreslq.rr.ts{enertoj.rnna,rp•trnr.. fowl in Ltalington, ( /male, A.i,,11.7 .. it e' ',eel ,11 • - V rntenu tnl.�n tt,r„ueh !!faun t0. reC.tve 1'rlirsann Taman. 1V. ,1, Ctvid R IR'lll. 8 IMar- U rNWnofkawuhoutctut e,tntre Mar- ia.. 1 int weer. the early part of her .la t 1111 .• 1 ., 1 , pnrticutar:: 1 W. 11, Iturkr. I).1vid Russell, H. liar- Y , �j�� life [vas spent. in the vent I ll she and condi' sons of s., l,' 1111) be Onion 1 tin & !Ion, [{,1. Trehl', .1. H. Dignannit CAns was married 1.• Chin s Snell 1•f l.xeler ,e1 from the Solicitors of the Istatr.1 .'on. \Cheer .t Atkinson. Messrs. EXETER Ahandsomotr tllaetrach weekly, Lnrgrvt r+r. II ;uuT 1! . sun,• year r,nne t '1, 1.11. it, CAMFRO\, Anctlnnrrr. B. A,Foi!irk. \\.J, 4fath7rn and 1\'gl. J. ti• nolanonotan,,c•tentlnn)n,Irn.t. 7crm. torr Kurth Dakota with her husband anal' 1:LAI M.\\ .� ITA\iI['It ti', son tiros, are closing uptheerieftlist, wlisstileigroal.0 enwa, tee•year;tea °prcpattb sold by 1. fated oil a farm I miles peat nt 1',rv- Solicitor B grocer . ,. , s e elicitor for /Executor. department On'1y, t 7+•f•4•AFF4if•:••,... y:••. y•.¢.; t 1,•7{•NI �t .I I 1 , 1't,:utito. '.1 -. I., . I, .1011 N ('.\ MI 11l•:L1, S©CV,TrOas. Farquhar 111,A 1)'1 A N •4 it TA Vitt H i•. ttolielton 60 YEARS' ! XPFt1IFNCE ATEN TS