HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-07-28, Page 3ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Clgnaturo of Seo Fac-Sen;:o ryes, r: r neem. Tarr (assail wad as cavy to take 82 eeiree. (a��11G'a 11Ef13ACNE. !Af t, U�.i � �f^.f1 D'T1IXESS. 'rIT•Lr ice T'll'.OGSf:iss. pap '.� rr i i I; C.=: i1P. TIOf1. q 1r^,3 : c.Lnw IFL11 TIi}'CORlPLEXIO'! t., g.‘7;c70, I P 4. iety "c,4'a:aaj,-i: s74 L;i. I a ater to prevent the milk from burning, then pour in one pint of 1,1ilk and place upon tore. f1,3 -1N 1\1)1'•'f111.t1. (('.1\1/.11.. Hints for Busy Housekeepers. Recipes and Other Valuable Informatics of Particular Interest to Women Folks, gently until on the point of boil Condition of the Store Clerks in int;. Draw the pan off the fire ,I,,.t England. add a stall beaten egg. heat care The clerks ti, the tlry go 41, .41..1 fully for a feta winutes, then leave c thee stales of Englund, I.• : c until cold. ; skilled %vlrknlett, 14:144' no t•:t•', I;t.' The kitchen entrance 4•f a house unions, and Laic I,t en ",v cal.4! si'(uld be as attractive as the front (mercilessly by the meaner (1:tss of "' entrance. :1 back porch with elu1,11,yers. '1'114.4 have to work I'1.I'I'I:D 1{I:l I l'Ee. Salad .•t ever kind make tiesir-I no•ps, brooms, buckets, and scrub- ; _, !ye and ft..1it.•,•0 hours a day Cr4)11;u,1 I"alit i'uddin aLle additions to lunch baskets and t'!ng mit" scattered &theta is in- red emir wag4•• arc so scant that g. ---Stir in- (nay be carried safety if packed in excusable. A largo box painted ;!.,•} score, ,� call snake both reels 1•. a quant of slightly salter( water I any desired color, could be used as ecvered jelly or mnrnlaludc jars, ) Oser. a el4s(•t for then. 1 lent boxes, \1 ,,,. t, ,I ('hurc•hill, r•e( ret a4.. "1 \'etre -1. Then carne Peter - Bled with tlew•c rs, plaeeel along the t: , !:,.;,;41 ,f 'Trade, Inas soot,.. , ,:•_ :•'4.,!1!,, ,\ _ ,.. iuliar interest in HOUSECLEANING III:L[ . ! arch edge will add beauty; vices fS' :( L 11 in tree and One-half teacupfuls • f (•'arse graham flour. 130111 twenty '.., minutes; then stir into it amt t ,sets teac•up:ul of cu4)d, 1: 4 d ,':440 and ane teacupful of ste41t.1 1 • i,.ewed /la':('• (4r figs. 1111ub:11•b and ()tangy Ala: '..14 ;1 4' Tyke three pounds each • • .1 1 .sugar, gr:t•.••.I pec' - .ul(1 the 1' • f I ,!1:1 .'f I:14,1n,, 4'11' • 4- ' 11011 I '•4)t, nl;44 14'-. '1'1, 1 .. •11 :1 l•, t 1 i; . r ,! a . 1 1.: u'cd THE S. S. LESSON 1N1 ERN .1.1.10 \ .11. LESSON, J11.1' 31. Lesson V. .1 Lesson on I'ireive- Res1+. 11 all. 1". 21-:1:). (:olden T4'xl, Matt. 6. 11. Clean only tele. room at a time.a .ns 4.r: ( t to rks. .. •r • .... •.. •• •• •....• ,ter Odour reser( 4r' rt : 1... per it ;.t•• tie ce'nait:4 , t �. Pei. hese a 110. of nuinbcl' l", 4 „\t, i 1 t, ,..' , 1 „ . , ,.s ; .0 ,:is; ' !:: bright and chs, . II 1, n f the clerk I'.:. ! 1 round !traded paper fasten I -,1 (4 ' that they shall 4)c• Lc • 1,4:- 1•;. _ . 1 : 1J. IJ 16. li; 1 I 1 •• clean Straw Ilan•. t 1 I• t) ' 1 4 hook ;tore. Fa-' '0 nue in 1 Lt.;i for uhe. that • IXty s - I, roan iu half and rah •'• .t ,' . (11(14 win(1' ,•lrtaiu. race (4V4'r the soiled -t r :\4, sgl0 r, , 1 ^• that t1. 1 lilts t.. t he c. ;• II, 114 eft -,le ,• i, ul 4111 that rel •ttF•, � 1).111. l+ll IIU•r•• :L.,4) •.,, 1: :1 I,a11 t: a:- :It ,n \`• 'Hi a 111 ton( hat t :. 1'• !, a the juice out while rnl,6inr•. r,.:u,1.4'r an the 11e:1.1 . 4 ' 1 •ten st r:ltt trill soon Lr as bright ('r, numbering frc.1. : 1. ft blit 4,, '.,1044 nett; then lib (Ire' corn !':.44i4)Q the same 404.!.'.' 1' ,.:1 • 4 1 ewe; (.4er the straw wall a sponge (•,'ttaitls belengin_ •1• :. •\ n et rag t4 1'4.•'11,.41 atlt' parts'!(•' of tilc.i ,un,'14'11.1111. t)r y'll (':11 strain 1(111.:. 1.,(14 4' ...dew occc t},r,'n•_h a line f;411::• and .1 • •, noun( wee, (!d toielilrvt-h int., the j,..,'' • :eh 4, 4 (1 scour the stra4a. Or yon (':u, .'.idyl tartaric acid in eater t0 • ter te make what is practically n juice. d, w, Place a se r1 :I.- I. . 4i: . 14'' to c•,rtespuu'I 4.1 e4.. ::ti'! '. see' 11'1'llt('11 ('o: . r 1..: - • •4 curtain r • •' ' i 4t 41' I' 44 1 ' .4• 4', 44. 1,:ltr littler ('11! ,1 Liiiug .1 .4:... 1'411'11 h' fore cleaning re,nl. .1.. , . f cupful 4'a• i1 •f sugar It cleaned. 'fake picture• ,. reel 411, . awn table- ''.nhll', 01 clean ready far rellangtlu . 1 1. In,:n jai• 1, one tee -4- .•.11(111 (•f !, , t .I I,,,.,k, tie together •:•I1. Stem)) and t.•, '. ;1411 'Olen s 41 . ks:,h f•, at4id 14.14 .. 1:4 (441 4' . inx (14.41 11 Wil:41441' shade,. :t stick i„ leen of each an •• seff• :. ,ll 4-1'!4','. 1 it) • . 1•. S1.11P.11111 4'S .1 (TRE. :, 4.. t 1i: ..' . , •. !If aryelf (tits lures by dune Cods in Japan. one knows 1110 ('04)11,11 111 t!.' people derive front a kiss on the 1,1'16-.4 spot. a lining pat. soft and e. 4,n the bumped lir;l•i. 1'• talk ,f greater growth :lie 1, : !(turf against such sympathetic r .(418(44 ns of their pain of belly 4'r mind. 1 11 rider little bit of human net tire is that told by Gilbert \Cat- e, n in "Three 1{tilling Stoles in Japan." The author yisiteef a tem- ple where one t1 the big stone gods was supposed to heal all beefily hurts. "Hew (toes he work lois cures asked I. "By (rrs"l,a1 contact. Rub the place you wish healed with the same hand you have rubbed hint. If we 41 ait we ail! l.e sure to ace some ,4)e tray it.'' No one carne for a long time. say 4)r old woman, who laid a little bunch of flowers between the feet of the image, in gratitude. d4ubt- le ss, for restoration from disease. By and by a shrill childish (r• made! us turn. .\ little girl had (4411001 one' hurt her -elf: the little knc•e1 SM:1L1. 4'.11; es, Ind bruised it -elf against the (Earp, :1lm,n(1 ('ook;. Fear egg,. coiner of an line"' flag''' ,,e. 14:1ten light. then .old tee cups 4f 1'(4., . welled up in her eye- .4:.41 ti i, ,. ••I (1••w':, ler , !4ceks 11- 11.• seek •i .4( le knee 1. r the (14.1 t4,'n.:u: .. -• . '1'114 1( leaf skin e 1 1 : .• :4 44her1• t1.• pst•ement 1141(1 s, . 44.•10-41 it. The 4.141 %•omit,/ hent over the lit- tle sufferer and whisperer( (ensela Con. The look of pain passed. and ('•llfclencc took its place. Hand in band, the two (r15s((1 over re. the 11_•ur0 ..f the god. The woman clap leo her hands. uttered :t l'rnyet. rt•okcd the god's knee with Ler w lther(d hand, and their 1111,1.1.1 :n 110:;' . • - ‘11 iu le • I ' u into . I- 'en 4.: .4...rin41 .,• see. 1 i,.• ''t •'1!•(111 . 11,nr, - et. • 't.rlt 1': : ' , 1 • :11• 1'.' i 1 . , t,•(1 butter, too e_ • i , : t1''1 • 4)c lemon juice or one I.:t.f creel' • f vinegar. Boil in a dee i41 • b.':!er until it tllic•kcne, w•4,.•., (e•!4! add one cupful ,:f whipped cr1 am. This makes one pint 4 f en Icons, ftft(en rhinoceros, f' ::r cl1(•-•sing. Cut all fruits fine. TEN Itt'1.l: FOH 11.1IlY. ' buffalo, unc cheetah. and three 1:a Lancaster Pickles.- -Two (watts' 1, Keep certified milk covered and 1" fora►nus. Thirty -t!:!• e (life. :• ::t 011i..11", two quarts cucumbers, two (4 !(I in a window where the air species 4.f antelope 4t. ,. le : '1 (!Hart- caulifl(urr or cahhage. 1.41111,!,'.1's or in a pan ,f cull eater. I),kc ,1 ('lnnauele . , •.4 '.4 • 41' three green Islip FS (take "4'(•(15 _ Ke4•(4 1:.1tles, b4%Is, spoons, tt three animals .' lase 1' et"1-('hop all fine, i'1 put through and nipples clean Ly scalding before 5t'((ir, 1• -''1(!.' ,! fine ! 'eine : ! fo(.1 (hopper. anti let sta... .n 1l'1llg. , l on, 111:0 - • :• •1 i.::fTa1. ,.• brine oyer night. Iprlin awl scale( 3. Keep rubber nipples in a (;lass had the i.4 -t lett...:'(1041 hag 4f 1:, in weak vinegar, with a lump • f ti, borax or b•.raeie acid water. l'a't. 4)11.111 in it. \1114^1 0.41(1 pour 40 %el ( Hari after ca(•h`tinle used. • The first and finest thineer. 1• ((111 and add dressing: Ten cent,' i. .1 d(1 Duly ("'1(1 Leiled water ,r t`4. bagged by Peine•' .\ ensue ,' rah of mustard.nu-4,alf ewe..14! greats to milk. worm ,,,,.h ('4'mangle near the ju11,'. e n 4f the (ct(ry seed. one cupful 1'f flour, ,4:' 1,.1114. a4' needed. Test heat on the N:uniki and Leeks I{r•• r'-. Near gall( 11 ( 1 (illegal.. two cupful" of Lark of hand. 11,4 (lnderk:t !Over t4,. Duke s}4(•t sear .Adtl all the ingredients.. , Feed at regular hours. 1.i- first lion. a splemiel black - firing to a b'.iI and e:ea! tight. This It. Giye baby a chink of (•41(1 boil- 111:111((1 specimen. It was carried in is fine '.4 ill' treat. 1'•i water twice a clay. . tremit))) inti camp. whrrc the "lion - -- : Kerr baby out of doers two ,•,1ng" was sung by the natives with': iel: 1R1 II 1.011 SI \KI;\ 1.111. B. . 1 ,tlr-}tine indoors. I Two other lions carte bagged by• II,. not Icl a baby suck a nub - 'tee Duke (firing a week's hunting Syndicate Starts Probing fur 1ve- le 1 ...meet nor its thurnl,. ; s(uth(ast of Embo. The hunt weal sal of Armada. :, I.'•t baby sleep in its own bed. ' a typical one, starting by the sight-' ! n f ,:n is lust. In other Ii. Bathe baby daily. Tepid lust of the Bona, which v.err "mon.! I}j1 •4'a rt i, for the Spanish :1: \ , I•• • . ,..-::y. In this case, veer i, Letter than hot. ! de(' up" by the hunter, mount -4d. 11:::'la ga11'4 n 1 14rtn(•ia, which rank the I.• • !. ((44iteta•c ('1 the ticbtor The guns then advanced as the auu- 11)111s lay in knee-high grass. One lion charge41 when let by the Dyke of 1 eeitiaught, and re. 1-.1.441 its dr ath 4vund only four yards hon) it- assailants. 11:- 11.aal 11'gln1•ss bagged a lioness 41e ,,um4' (lay. Subsequently a rhinoceros (l,,t114 od the camp during lun4'h. It . r. 1:1(41 indeseril,able confusion until 4•, career was vitt short near the dle.ine 4- r- with a bullet. The tee little human knee very tender j Ital... an :Inge! 1...11 cake in a pan cucumbers near their favorite tench, 4 :.naught in the same feet, and %114x1 anything nsemWins Iv • to • 111 tWll4e 6y )u by three in. It:1I1114.. The torr was effected t ern •• ! 94 4'k -hot a : lige rhineceres. The a hell , has Leen located, mita,. r, Let 4'0,1. cut ,11 sh(es :, flan F. r moth- in r44rpe'ts scrub the,. 1;14 stock 4.1 the caravan was 4.(I pearl (livers frons 1'4}non will take t(,e' (hild smiled 4)p at the :,e',4 de ,t I.o'.5cbl4•. trim off 1ro4411 4.hies. floor %4th strong salt water which (:, l t.. k t4,(• capture of :1 very 11!. the vers tigat:• ns. Ity gratefully. %4th Waite afle,tl••'i read each lice %4th icing, is hot. 01(11 sprinkle carpet %4th; ! iu her aces. fir imI aasit.• sl.v, I 5 ! I youthful rhinoceros, which, "after For at least two years enquiries r!.r:l,k'1 %4th rh,p!x d nuts ; sell it salt e:11ce :1 w4'ek and �\ceep, ' ( 'verging rye ry,ne and taerythits of a historical character have been statue .se.a re(1 beautiful t4 list now. u, , stick through with a toothpick In the spring of the year, when (. r twr ty foul hours. suddenly) ' ! •'usccuU(1 in Spain anti Italy as ' 1,1' dear ,lel ir' (1 111(1 kissed her 4114(1 -'4.1.•.l oil end \Ch''i all are L. ding (41(1 potatoes, if elle or two 1! 14 4'r and 11111.(• 11, s(4 of roue"' 1tcn,• t''::, '.\u } • 2 t4,( taLlrspe4nhtls 4.1 'weer milk i; 4.41 ( 111( extra n1e lifedit(kly." , v(as in (arc at gibe n, with the , 4 '.-1I•II 14 4• ,1 w,•uld think of fir•, - dad 4(, ' 1. 1!11(g 114 ti alien potatoes are drained they Ih,li 1. I4,' ' \pr<liti 411 t4,( li,yal ti'% of establishing the actual facts. I, rte14. 111 the tem- i ,: r1 eucerr,l -otic 400 miles. j .1 • a result the situation of the 14 • i.• ! ! •.i 11.41". 1 „4 t r Wing will net dr. ruler. I y.It(•14 has Leen I4cated It within 1 :,ttle child', 11 :1m', La t .4 mut mak., a 20(4, 1i1,ish 11'indow ('leaning Hi11. .1 little - -- '. i.• !'.e•s. , � tear 11undred square yards, and the f �r th.' t' I. of ale roll. \\'4,(n i'- bluing 1n the (tate, will, which wits (11 1.1.\'e 1.111 I: 1"(11) 1 1 Its. I !.len, (,rn•,(••nding!y nara.:::1.1 - + '-- in;; L.4- •et. take 4.441 piths. ,1 half ((..e, are .leaned trite. :1 clearer N(YI'Ifl\(: T'i I:s(I\ 1f.. (1141 "11 pelted ' led altu4u(Is are need 4)l.(: les, •4r4'aky al.!e•aranye 1.. the (loupe Mary Possesses 1 41411(1 Fos- 14114. dis(etered that One of lust (l ll Nal: 141 fur t1,• ••tip(. L':1511 (hall anything 4:1,1' 1 have ever t)' FI, r4 nri:t 414.4. Nu fret in 1enQth. Plaint .,; One 441 I (loan( s u..•4!, 111114 (•rinl 1 4I11r111(11.4, it is (ylry wonl:un's duty to S.1). 1 441111 fere( feet brawl, and 4arr4ed 4I 1111 liar, eie• (4111th (:4!. (f 1...111. 1. u(t a Mitre, ns 4 .4 1 .' 11, knows, -1.,‘s, la 4'p y, time a, lone as 1os •if. Q fiftyy• nun in addition to a 1'l 1 11101( than the deLt(r asks far, I two c g'. Leat separate: .,1;• ' \1"l..•r; pt. paring cheese.• for ma- 1411, 1 great affect!. :1. tnmctt Iirt 5,1111 in 4'4vn and bullion. whish is like G. vie •a:cl 111:4 eel milk. tw.• a 1.1 n,• 141 f e I! , (:41,111 !'4)t it through your meal %4th net n felt more of bis 114. 1's g .1 booth•(.!-hillin s paltry ..1 ' lis. :441o.1tt' 41. -1.111 a:.1 -- g. - p• 1;►rat (1•,146.(• is that so 'roan', e,-; ( 11 (2). Mi', w;tii 144.. ,•:,-!••I, unnd(r instead of grating it and t.•s s,ib,,ts for tors. Simple 'i • .I. 1114ar(41 (sits the debt 1st :skint peed..? : fla\or t•• Li"?' 11 f surprised how easily I r 1 11(1 ).11. 1 1 f I u %14' I. 4 II ill';' -t 4•u keeping • 'leg :oft. r I I !,4 i, il: 1111 tnst, s in the matter " (\ T 1' ,s uu(4"I610... • — - .l. — \ , .• girl, flay 111. •a n, el, ' I ' -14.' h:,-11 1 Ill's. '1. •' I.s' . 1 . 11:1' . , • •1. ..• 1 4 I• 1' :11111 1 Itl)1 11. 11I -N'!' IN 11'1{1('t. I.ight , week, that t4,. ', -• a Sat •11 '. , half le ' i. and that 11 . 14 1 sary to treat I,. . .1'.. the se Vag not only .. -.•„!1 r hi', rc•clalnution t, most one go 4 m ! 1\u111d 1.• 11111: 1.111 11. i acr14,4.1 a.- tri. Lost Five Children With DIARRHOEA Saved the Sixth One With OR. FOWLER'S Extract of Wilts Strawberry. Mrs. John Firth, Craighurst, Ont., writes: -"1 have had six children and lost them all but one. When young they %ould get Diarrha•a and nothing would I tOp it. • As 1 lived in a backward place, I did but r I:ot know of Dr. Foe lee's Extract of . ! 1:1, t Wd.1 Strawberry. definite -1 I saved my last child, who Is now t.u:r' hr. 11; sight years old, but I owe it to Dr. 1'.',412;l , tl • tw Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. v.. 1 • I - ,l 11 ,. t lithe -1• r veri(e• '1 t'• . (14his 1 I Had 1 known about it before 1 feel that , . 11. ! schen times_! I would have saved the others. 1 shall 't;;;, i u;: I n the yucs-� forever praise and bless it and will never :k 4,.'.• 1,''11 all :, tl ,• ; for .1. s. - .1 (:1(1:.17' I)R1'-1)O('K. 1. ., of 1. :... - thus there. Le withcat it again." 11.411 t be nu awaiting :1!I. To have' "Dr. Fowler's” has been on the y1 lit \1 4441( ft rgiven - to have it market for over sixty-five years, and has It ail • 1 ,..:,1 t.. 1.(44-.•4. .,- .,:n o0 el a "world wide" reputation for curing all n' .' i , \' ':'.• , 11'114'3 seven : Bowel Complaints. ('on'tI'ueted to Lift Nett Battle hip - : t!:at t1. , • . be no limit Do not be imposed upon by any un - )..:1, 1 , :,ail number each stick t•. areal 1t:t:; 6y' Duke of Connaught !full( in England. c. 1 1 • I -rid w its ilu,nber of window and Hi, �11n, The voyage of the float .: .14 4 11 1.uttiuz hack curtait•s and tuck 1)ttycy from \4'W 14lt \• e , ,1 time is lost in (1rternlin 1 Ituke ,1 ' •'u- 11•( l'Iuli1(llilnys sail! 144 .,i• t}., i ie , w i.i(h eit.t1',n r:1, h I.(•lenys. a 1'l 1 -:ng „} Lot l:ngla•,,l '! n :ore L •:n 'l int- - lade \u. 1 . 1• ,l \. 4 and i. 1 u , g 1 ,, c if t},1' bin; , curtain \4. 1 1x•1, .:u 1• w, •i• w No. 4'5! e,....• n r.' i'. . 1 . `.:':,a i .•!row by %%eke' a Suns and 11•:x 1. 'Flo. (-1(41.1. ('1111ee. .1-'i ::.1(05 }las bet"1 writt. . . 1rl'- • 1 for the Brazilian (:wrrnu.• Lt torsion by t ,' !l, 4. read, I•• eat sac ti,<. -all. clay •, hes itio Janerio safely. :11'.1 appears 141 "i i.'• `' u: , , leane41, the lael an4. i!'L4' t}:sl:u4cr i5 s( :4)c 3,Jlx) �t:lIl ::rtl• ly unc-illi:. !.., t..l itLuus; and y. ur room is at:},r,Xiniah• ! The party's total ": le ' t : : in and ertlerly by supper time.! I r the Ite\t1'y was t .4' ! i game consisted of an e.. ; Lent, i I.1:,. 10141 d4 1'k Is eel! f4'• 1 . _ „ 4 ;,• feet broad. 1 t 8 .,, f...._ 4..14441 t4 lira/11 Lt tw.• I (.t. i, t eie :1:, e.•.et:tally built f, 1, , r1 1:.. •t 4,f the towage is est. t 0[x1. '!'here will be 41, u ! • It- on file way to rec4al. • are abundantly sup- , 1:, fuel and an additional tee 4.(I 00 the deck. 7 i e4st £'I,000,(x)0 alit( was • • .f1 the big battleships con- - • '• 1 :41 England for Brazil. It is '' 41 . • • ed the tugs will consume t4''' 11,,.1,th, in reaching l(io Ja- c, I i4, einlated sugar: a_ae. 1.•at held • ' 1'.' . 114141 tit t4•:Ispeln- f :.' ef11' of finny ('1444 . • I r !. usly blanched, ts, 4: t..5. .11 'i 1.,1111)1 cups 4f4 1!, 1u•, sifted \t all . -lla!f teaspoon ,t laking 1 Ode,. Drop into bak-' 1).,41'1 !.our tea o4) ice. if yeti du 4, _ pan w.:., a t•., ':,n: don't at. it - delicious timer still be tlissipett t.1n!:t t, tail rhes,. 'f.. blanch ,.• 11(1', (4111 4.ye1 them boiling 1)•'11 1 fail to slake year iced tea 441.t.•. . after a few moments the la, le Drs bef.re it it. to be seryc<l, -I I., 411!! .41,e vf( e11.14V. This s . as to give it time to cool gradu- m:llk. s about forty -lite ('(44X5. any, 141(•! Rolls. 'tits n••:i(. a:11 When hrt%in4 trouble from cock make iron, thirty to thirty -11t0 roll,. roaches leave a few peelings of the 1,, urs each clay and In fresh au' and much enthusiasm. .1(. a.;u`io;: t4 rho f Lunt.,. ''1) hist scrupulous dealer who wishes to sub. 1„bks. Ti.„,l man 1ngsi stitute the so-called Strawberry Com- 1,•ngra: • • and seven -I pounds for "Dr. Fowler's,” Price 4'5 t. , ...:ally -minded cents, Manufactuted only by The T. 4'•joicc, (hag hr can forgite! Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto, Ont. 1 , '.4;414 4)5 1110011heartiness ! age himself. i (1 us is there can in all eternity Ti I This marks the hay all that was due; 1, betw'es 11 the rat'-, Delivered hint to the tormentors f .1, 1 , and the parable of the --While this detail might describe servant. Because, in C., 1. : •!'111 of heaven, there i5 no l',4' punishment inflicted by an t the obligation to forgive, earthly monarch, it is scarcely a t:.s k.nx(iunl is likened unto r► king tart picture of the procedure of our heavenly Father. '.41-1 (4115p1rtl0tl5 generosity to :1 • rleliter laid upon that Ulan the duty ! LITTLE F.11►1 OF .1l`I'HOIiS. ,f dealing mercifully with 011141 L'4. (feed hila ten thousand t4.: jl;.bil+ 11141(14 rit4'r: Thought (::t- 111 impossible sum. rr1(re- Conduced .1:4-‘‘.114e-1 Work. ▪ eeti4:g a debt., say, of $10,000.000, 41(1,'14 11.1111 be incapable of dis- Mark Twain's habit ..1 writing :n ci,arge. Is our el, bt to (lid so 1 ed in the latter pears of his life el:. moils r The danlage clone b, ha called attention to some of 'he sin can sear.ely he estiut:te(I. It, peculiarities of composition among c ('stain, however, that no man earlier authors. has the (0440r in himself to repair Milton never could write his that damage, 0r to make it right poems unless his head was thrown bntwten himself and (1d. Besides as far back as possible and his eyes this, the wrong dune by tate man 1oukcd upyt'ard. \laturin stuck a reaches 10 others, involving even wryer between his eyebrows when the innocent (represented here by Le was working, not only to show t4.• 't•rvant wife and children be- , his servants and household that ho 11,.1 sulci into slavery-). was engaged in composition, but Pavnle•mt to he made For- naso to help him to concentrate his ! 1 '41,(4' (oily as the full faculties. I:lover was hest able to compose a ballad while he was walking in t!.1' garden of a friend, and (le- stioy ing her tlow0r beds with his cane. Although \lezcray worked ('11ly in the daytime, he had to have candlelight in the roost while ho wrote his histories. Rousseau (mind that his thoughts 0441140 most free- ], 441011 he wandered in the woods aid collected botanical spccimenn. Descartes lay perfectly still and n4('t:onless while engaged in tb'iught. Ampere could work on !,is problems 4'.') while standing 1:1,, and thus he anticipated the (tisk ('1 those 111. glen' writers who stand at their w, lk. Ampere was in (lie habil of \'. riling down his ti.engl1i5 in enormous letters. Haydn racier set to work on his 5e. 105 without drawing on the ring Riot 1► to hint by Frederick 11. and I'ae'iello was in the habit of cov- e -tine himself with bedclothes before h • thought lie was really capable his best utak. f - \C}1i.RE WE (:I•:T aS13ESTOS. LITTLE Il E1. PS. '41th tr(asur4' of fabulous amount is r„:. r ••.} a sufftcirnt payment. 111 '(,Elmo n (lay in 1:r.`,, 11115 been Tit• 41,• r: r4: work 01 Christ dues not re•s11nu'(l. j come 434(4 yirw 111 such parable” as The fresh ventare is Ling under- tLi' and the prodigal s.•4), But it, 4., 4444 by a 1.1.11(6 11 st ndt.•at0, w11nt'h' t:.'.•1 not, therefore, he (Ou,1ted :;real a lease hum the Duke of • 1 1{0pentance is not necessary `\.uyl! in Septelnbe► last. 1..'• 4t. i1 ,.rder (44' make (:''41 forgiving: it, 4 :.•4)e! K. M:c('kl nz:e F. 4111.• . the 4'yi41 1414 that a noun is ready 1 .t• had e.ten,i4'e l' ,4',:' ,• , . f t :,'re!.t 111 lilt 5i1. ( 1,15' what a for• ...bulletin(' 414 rk 111 1'. y'. rt. >.lie 1 r '. 111.• (:•NI iia 11. t.. (4r i1:111 in the :I. er.11nq t4,( a. tun! o!,elat14.n•. 44, .1L of !;i- tion l t.' silt under 'the h the genteel lei. 1 pay ti., e all The m44n t1• %till he lore.( le a mining ex 4, .1 1 .,''i. have realized how 1.. • . 1. an attempt would he. 1. 1 .• t!..' 1••digal 5,n, he cares only 1.4' a hired servant, eith :1 t,• .,'.1k the 411 Lt off. (stung ,1Ieyetl with compassion' 'I•t,,s pitiably illustrates how un- 14:4-''11able it ie to give (eery de - tee 4f these !picture teachings of Je• 114 :111 4•\:1(t si4llitit',111(4', 7710' 1i41ase, for 4'5:1(11(14', t•a11(lt mean t!:at fed is so heartless as (4 re (,Pere anything ratan (:III (1,) 1, r4n,1 11111' to pt(y'. :111 that (:441 11(4(0,,•11 ,s a safe ground upon which t4 41.4.1 :at the 114od gates of his free, fol piing mercy. Forgave• hits the deist Ile el. es HAD l.AMe BACK Was Almost Unable To Move. ''wo Boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills Cured Her. %qt. \T it o torr.; t'! 14.,111 `.B., writes: • •' 14. el It r: • ! it'. ••11 you a (, w lit,(s I.. 111 t•.•, 1 r.�:A ,. •, ,• fh,:an'a i'idnr•y f ; I ! . i 'ueh a Lame k • 1 . . , . ' .,nxl,kc to ,flee, 4 n , a' . ,•4 an awful von - r , bar.. of Doan's I 1 , 1• •• ly curet( aed (poi as w • l i . I . I 1 , • I:1 I. 1'dls ate a 'prairie for all i.1 1 .4 v I r.autlea 'they begin by • •••t • 1 • 4 all the poisonous matter from 11.' „ Ir.• 4'• :4',.I !hen heal the driieuto t , • ,1 I make tlr it action repular 4,14,1 1)1.an'e I\I i • I'. ' nre entirely vegr. table. acrd (11:.y I4• ly taken by young and old 4'4'• 1' ',0,• act I , v 4)t a foxes for - , • • snail. ,I (lirrr•1 on ! • . 4 'I . 'I 11111 :r4) Co., 14 - \'4)r(: . .110 • :!1/• :,.1.' t 'IJ Bake 4 alter Ia.,er or I. '. .:4)r .1•4...k!‘ '.flu can grind up y•;Hr , f (h4' nice (urs ,(r4' a sort of ht'L- t 1. I'r, 1 re the amount �_ - 1111 - ..1 1,i1' (-hose. It wi:l a!-, 1,, . u111e11 that she )4sa(11"11-1 (howl and the world growls w 4th 4„ .,:(l nut be 11,. re than seventeen t.•tl. t' 1 \t4•,, I i you, 41• Ars. The e,ntaast (11511!:1•,, the k if put in a Rlas` , 4. f Ihr n;4,t '.t••n.lt'rfn! (4114'(- 4, s . f cur (!aims Ir. u P1:1111.1 I:I'.\ BiNG Li'\( ll r s\"r. ; .: 4 .44 4:!ed. i Snlilr and u hear but sighs, n.' .1: 1 . 1.. of furs 4)t the w' ilea 1 • r lir crowd 1' sweat ,r , . a- 1111( ued with 4:..d s Ileie :Its „nlr 1111 {4' -tions t.. the Thr ern!., fr11it for breakfast I ,tludetl to her 4,114'cti,n, „, 1s sL,,,ld be .4)t in half the 4)i ' t 11,•I the c r4 w(I fret. 4 '.4'HIS 1111411 u, for our in i:' . . ,4 ,f4, '.t l,. Las I4 !,4)l 4)p lunch F . Iel:ng t'. M 1. I is a r \I1,• a 1•, 41:.4'! ' n the 1 Pay what then ,.41st 11..1. 4.'t I• the e. t'Is all carefully 1• 1 ,f , 1 tilt utid•I:+•. t4), 4)l : !' (.4)l ,t t of lila--1:01 sal:.• .4 I.. i1 _--__---- in;� upon the harsh ,: •(ulsl > .t (• 4,ak4,1 1..•1'1, with bl. am 'Ind :.1::1 5!irinklyd 4\.4 presented 1, her a tem 4• II- s • barren just, 4'. :tar :tt•t t.. f• 11:1t ,11•.1. .41, , it .,11141 then 114' .I •} a ' t i Troubled with Peart • „m' a a 1.4. I . '1• upon tit• oclttsiun of h(• I'll ll- pP r�t• pP r� n hp tllt►t(�utl 4,:rdta:t144thti4lln+nal11 ,I:... 4 11 t(,•, _4,i 1- ti44• 14.11 ,•' 1:114, , %Ire nigh' I' • by the (zsr and l'r.arinn. Shr SUVU�U PUIIIS In The LIVeft(Icayryrd Melay. s 1• -lie .1 lie., ..u. fruit fur twills . often chaffed by nleinlrt's o ' 1 , 4 1,:,•:111 :.:,.I ,• r. f 1411 1. jlayr patience 1 ui I (ay 1'..;11, x11(1 „' :111(15;'14', ,,•41 f'•'t, •1. .,'' L•t1 ,.r•.y• 1.4mily regarding her referent.'the rnmr lan'nak, 1t 1d Ly his — !; I. ulna. 1 , ' 11 .I,:: :11(1 undcr%'ear lot furs and furl I [sad Several ()odors. (rt daor, 1'5,'' 't that tl4 !attr, in . j1EgYEs WERE All UNSTRUWC 'a 1 ,.;t4, • 11'•.11 11cr garments, I'41:1t4 -:,'4..i 84111 1'1111(1w'i(hra 1' 441.41111••1 III 1,.-5,1..11..•1' :111(1 label- 1111.; 11 short time Ilgn his Mnjest) --- (141 1 alb the s4) (('1'fl(.a!Ity ,f his 1111(14' o1 1.11.1 !..111(1 erll(s. 1411 before 1,1i,e .'•.I eerie. It i, the preset,' Kittle. ttas asked w1.,t A t'115t1'I.F.TE CURE EFFECTED itY (4 uit.vs1'4', made lir a. toulshing — ( .4114.41 h.. t will ler blrad. t1:ncL L ratl(I when hr th4uel11 she would wear 0p' I1 A FEW VIALS OF !•1,.11'.-e to pay all. tire• ((scar Ilau+ilton, forest Clens I'• 11ud1,1, 4.,•l ,11•'(11',1 taLhaul, aunt, •i. 1. i,. u:• tL plait!. i fi'' ,cca,i„n ..f a )(wilting trip :u4. Into prison. till he -hon((! N•S•, Writer: --"1 can truthfully say that 4 ...111 rbnp, '.t i.n1 n. !.11114 4.4 I1:',! More than f• ur fifths of the r.,l1(1 8 5up!.!, of asbestus conies It, In the l'rotinc0 of Quebec, in al at is known as the serpentine 1 4 It, running through the townships , f 'Thetford, l'oleraine, Robertson and Broughton, about 100 mile!,fr• in Montreal. 11'hile the history f the indu=try dates back to 1£x77, :1 has only expanded to its present 1 4''rtitlls during the last few 4• a,-. The pri,yi100 has already 1. 41uced MY r $t -'•i,0110,000 worth ' f -, •I•t.toand is now averaging $1. _c•4 1.41 44 . 1114 a year. furll•'I ,:i4, .I 111'• t•• ,' raps 11., sale!), MILBURN'S LAXA•LIVER PILLS 1.1 TI,i- w4.- the net of a marl 'I!Aun•n') Heart and Nerve Pills have I. 11%r411(pe'! in ,t,, paper.1,..). 11)11,1: r. ut4'.,paprr, .,, ho• N, II. 1 am 4),t quite 11111,•."' L• band,' to h , own madness. Ho been a great friend to me. A few years \!• ,. -an( 41 -tented • prune•, '4.;44 the little ,. 1- detest printers' i rr!.lied will) a humorous twinkle 4)l Mr. F. i1. Wood, Crystal, Ont., writes: shored lllin-elf by snaking it int- ago i vvat very 'midi troubled with my w ill. (401.41 hi, all 4r multi, c•o4.k. ' Inl.1 1111 ..• had ie. t 1,11b1e (11.111 ..I, 03 r, Intl I rather Iteriaine tt "For severs] years f ass greatly troubled 1"' slid,. for I(4'-eryarlt to earn the heart :end my nerves were all unstrung, i.. ,:• 11 :n, 1 1 a41,t.ted his tn(Ihod. w.,: Lc w,nl4'thi11u ails (4)r ,411 it." ( aber4 t)10191 to pay. i had terrible pairs All through n) !twirl' alma', will, ,,i,„1,1,,.,1 4 ,1. J1. T. nut, st run , Iv rnitt h. des ,t4' with severe pains in the Liver, i had ti r (11( 1"1 net thou also i,:11(4 body. I was week and had fnqucnt and g' g ( 11 , y c,\ (and may animist* with white j 11:Ishi•,s Alad1 I:uSy. Three Anil j this puttialily for fur, her \taj4',ty' i rlryetal doctors attend nae but iit�►1nl heel m14•14 \ ' ('41111):114' Ja11O•,. 2. El: ect'crc dir.zy'pclls, And %aa continuously bit ad. tun. 4'.f 4.,141 water in the hailer. in'4101'8 not carr for ermine, and ",1114 Any success At last144aaaI ase t try 4141 jn,l,:nn 4)t is 1"1111,4)1 l4)(rry to haying to consult ticretor,'. I had Mil - Sausage attadwidles with pickled this ,have one bar of Isetay faun tion! alta she suggested that the Millirn's faun -Liver Pills. and After 14110 that hash showed no merry." burn's iirnrt and Nerve I'illsrccon11uend- (•t,,ons• and whole wheat ,r re cite seat,. and 1141(1 half 9 (n .fol 4f 1 t,hes of peers an'! peeresses 444,0141' laking a few vi111 1 was enmpletely ;ll. Ili- 14 1(1 '.4 as er,th The an- edtomeandafterhayinglakenabox they 1,14a(1, gasoline. Stir it occasionally until look (8r 11144e 11111•, sing if they eared. it is, now, 01.0111 six month' g4 • ,f 4, (1 dors net (.41114' i.a0 view appeared to help me so much I continued ('etlag1 cheese sandwiches with It comes t.. a boil. Have your welt. trin,n1441 with dark for. Olney f look them, 0nd 1 hate hod no it,.t,: the 14141,1 ,efII, e. t0 ma,1ife81 to take thew, And \TAO icon able to do 01,,' („ klyd b4'.•ts and entire wheat boiled clothes soaked Oyer night. The 4.(11' ,, 4L.l:nu , eat 1h'it the return of my trouble since. 1 can lion. 1.• tvefher a 14.4 n in temper. work again. Far Ilia I 4'0 very grateful hr. ad. \%•ring them, :ld put thea( 111 the / t,a re, slisaslle emir. i- a marvel - , R R 1 and 44 )014 advise all people %4th weak I (11th recommend them to cern Perron \1'• :Ire 4),t 111,1 t, think that to heart or unstrung nerves to gite them a F,1 a '.t 441rsoule and nutritious boiler and hail Thirty nninttt s. I l,•n5 s!,trnn,vl ..f the t4)) 11(1 s net, who is lrouhled the'an,e0' l wAa.” 111 asllre 4)p 1111 rec..!Irctiln 4f in- thorough trial," 5541t sluff dat(•s with peanuts 4)r Rm.,. in Iwo wati'rs, the last b)nr. and is nladr up ,t some 11)011411ntls 1lilburn's Laza-Firer Pills are 2'' per j+,1lee w111411 we think 44 have re• 3lilleirn's heart end Nene J'lIls 3414' (110 walnut.. I Cream is gen0r.11ly regarded 05 a - o1 (nils. all so perfectly 111at4'h'''I '.i,d ..r '. tial' for *1,4)0. 4)t All deaI(r' 4)r (e tr(1 from ethers nets be a tin aril io.l !11.•1' • tel n^etc rem and alar sold Lett n(.• 1care, Ix (41((11 slim of history in towns Thr (,hewing 15 and joined (hal it looks like o'•4' will I e n,a4lyd direct. on rceei1(t of price Ilial 15 greater than any ..f these. al ..I4 •'r'!. • tot .'t),' per hoe. or 3 Foxes chit.• bread 11114h!y spread withi n•) excellent and .114.3p "1L,litute: l:,,go pit (e of fur, even w4,, -n sub t st i "i'1'' dim;( ,n I 4y 'fhe T. Milburn Cu. Limited Toronto It Old requires of u. ,,hat 51, 11 , . . jl(:111411 butt( r. Take a Sauce pan, rinse in cold j'( Led to the c•osest scrutiny. �Uat. Cold justice, requite of others. wIn, i 1,,,i e,' 1•.1,,4(44 UM.t,