Exter Times, 1910-07-21, Page 7HOE CAMP BESTROYEB �IN MERRYOLD ENGLAND Go1UFNSl:n NEWS ITEMS \1;11'~ BY MAIL :111(111' JOHN 11.11'1'1:\1NGS FROM ALL OVER BULL AND HIS 1'1;11pLE. Till': (;LORE. Bush Fires Wipe Out Construction Camp on the National Transcontinental. A despatch from Kingston says tire swept by kept continually di k- Ncwa of a disastrous fire in a con- ieg under weezr. The rites Et etruetion camp on the National ( cialIy ran cinders after the lire Tianseontinental has reneheel here. ( passe:l over it. One loan, Daniel 1'. Courtney, ono of O'Ilrien's cell- Egan, suffered severe burns un the tractors. situated at Mileage 117, 4,r'arms and face, and was hurried to 100 utiles west of Cochrane, was the heeded at 1lissanibi River, 35 burned out by one of the meet:rens n:i'es un ay. Lush fires now raging. The whole Owing tee the foresight of ktr. camp was destroyed, the damage Courtney great loss of lite was amounting to $25,000, partly cover-.a:toid.'d. The powder house, con- ed by in.uran-. e. (taming five tons of dynamite and The fire is supposed to have start -lei e hundred cases of black powder, edru i, f na station men burning brush a,1u just been banked with clay two on the right-of-way. It covered ft et thick. Eight horses, cut loose, about six miles in an hour. The sated themselves by running direct - men sought refuge in the Valentyne Iy west through the fire. The inen las discovered by workmen engng- River, a quarter of a mile away. In; Fovea nothing except the clothes ed in clearing the (,real. Western this: they stood up to their necks, !they were wearing, and even these (':uta! between ('richuwell aud and to keep from burning as the were burned from sparks. Brecon. Mr. Richard Lloyd George, tho Occurrences in the Land That. Reigns Supreme its the Com. menial World. "1t isn't likely I should steal a Tele,,raphle [lrlefs From Our Own and Other Countries of fleetest 1:Wcats. CANADA. I•;ke," declared a prisoner at Lon- Dorothy llastie,aged eight years, dun Sessions, "1 live next dour to tun hundred miles of hitherto in - a cycle shop." dependent railroads in eastern On- '1'wo thousand two hundred and tarso. forty-three children competed the .\1r. 11. C. McLeod of Toronto tither day at the South London ea, robbed on a Pullman sleepier Se hoot sports at the Crystal Pa- b+ ttreen Toronto and Cleveland, lace. Ohio. Near the spot (('here a buy was 1) rothy Nestle, aged eight years, diownexl two punters at Thames of Ottawa, was run over and shwa - found the betty of a elan treated by a radial car on Handl- with the head and feet missing. ton Bench. A hoard of George Ill. sovereigns Elias Parks, a Finlander, was married at Wetaskiwin, Alberta, and got up the next morning and hanged himself in his barn. M. Kilpatrick was sentenced to four mouths in jail nt New Liskeard for an unprovoked assault on Li - ,•!.lest son of the Chancellor of the cense Inspector Blackwell. Two dry -kilns in tho Keenan woo(lenwe-e factory at Owen Sound were burned on Thursday, and the Chief of the firo brigade was ever - come by the intense heat. William Ward was fined 8100 at S1. Catharines for selling an al- leged temperance beer. A witness score thnt he became intoxicated year-old daughter to a home," a from drinking the mixture. mother tasked the magistrate ata Pulpwood concessions around 11'illesden Court. "She is such a Lake Nipegon aro to bo sok!' by the we rry to me." Oetario Government subject to con- Kingston -on -Thames for placing a ed into paper in Ontario. 11':1'1'E(( CARRIAGE ACT. Shipowners Responsible for Safety of Goods. A despatch from Montreal says: Considerable anxiety is being ex- pressed by shipowners with regard to the provisions of the water car- riage of goods act, which comes in- to force on September 1 next, al- though the shippers aro. jubilant, claiming that it, is just what they wanted. The ship -owner:, say that it makes them a sort of insurers of the cargo, and will inevitably raise rates, to the detriment of the ('n- nadian shipping trade. It- was stat- ed by Board of Trade officials on Wednesday that the result of the new act would be that water carri- ers, both between Canadian ports and from Canadian to foreign ports, would have to be responsible as to cargoes, so far as the ship, ship - on ners, crew or agents were con- cerned. This, it was said. almost put. the ship -owners, who were con- tract carriers, in the salvo position as common carriers on land, and would make thein much more re- sponsible for any negligence in handling vessels or cargoes than they are at present. + T11.0 SIWEDES K11.1,1.1). 1'Ieiii it i ' Exelossion of :t Irl:+ -.l at Trout Lake. :1 despatch from Port .1rtliur tees: Two Swedes, names un- known, were killed by an explosion f dynamite on Morris & Mackie's Wsork at Trout Lake, north of Nipe- gen. They were engaged in !ensi- ling a hole in is rock cut prepara- tory to blasting, when the dynamite -exploded. The hole had been dril- led a short time before and had not been given time to cool. Oar` man was thrown three hundred feet. and was found in the branches of a tree. Moth were terribly mangled. --- - -.1' Ritl'f 11N 110111: e11111.11. 1.et+s 1ntuWivaliniz 1 i•trtur w,1- Ilrunk La -i l er. .1 despatch faun V says: .1ceording to Iu. ti.^ United States (; ('t nsnl-(ienera! (Gr:;Til C1o11, there was n mark, l f r :�elz off train cr. w in the bag zee, car (tea in the censlln+lrt.r: "f into.:ieetine ' riett iv injured. but tlr•It n!! the liquors in (;r . t Ile ' tin dors p.assenaers escaped. The passen- 11.'09. in that : rr '.. t e\ c• r, were transferred to another p(•G(Ie(I for lite; 1-. t• .t -.r t rain, later in the day, and sent on a dee. :.sty of :eels! • e. 1I tr,•:, i + t. Montreal. PICTURES OF TRAIN ROBBERY 1,.;<•hequer, hos passed in the en- Ins►seed PittsburgBandits to llulil " 'Leering tripos at Cambridge Uni- t g t , 1 sity. 1'p a Street Car. According to a return of the Le - :1 despatch from Pittsburg, pa., cel Government Committee of the says: Moving pictures depicting! L(u:dun County Council there aro tiain robberies, safe -cracking and' re re than 8,000 owners of single other crines must not bo shown! h, uses in London. hereafter in Pittsburg. Director) "Will you please send my ten - of Public Safety John JI. Morin, on \l'cdnesday, notified all managers cf moving -picture show's that, these films will not be permitted under penalty of revocation of licenses.an A movement has been started at con- dition that the wood is manufactur Tho recent. hold-up of street cars, the Director attributes to the influ- brig on the river for training lads Three !nen acro shut nt St ence of the pictures, and in one of desirous of joining the navy or the Lake, Man., while trying to forceree gt, se at lake ports for immediate a few days ago the bandits confess- mercantile urarine, their way into Fred. Bowderwell's shipment ; Ontario No. 2 white, 34c ed that they were inspired to hold /scone Bowderwell was arrested, to 35c, outside; No. 3 white, 33c to un a street car by pictures of a In trying to catch a soap bubble and one of the woundsd amen may ate outside, 374e on track, Toren - which he had blown, a six year old t*gin robbery they had seen a few uic. to hours previousto their ,t, inboy, living nt buildings in Holborn The Department of Marine has Marley -No. 2, 51c to 52c; No. 3 which they shut a police lieutenant. fel' out of the window and sustain -1 ordered an. investigation of the re- extra, 49e to 50e; No. 3, 4Gc to 47c ed fatal injuries. cent drowning in Toronto tiny, cetsido; Manitoba. N. 4, .16,%c on The rateable value of the City of when two women lost their lives track, lake. London is shown, by the quinquen- through a gasoline launch being run Peas -Nu. 2, 70c to 710. n!a! revaluation to have increased down by a ferry. Itye-No. 2, Glc to 08c. be $1,700,000 gross and $1,450,000 Buckwheat -No. 2, 51c. net during the past five years. ! GilE:1T 1:1;11' 11' . Manitoba Flour -Quotations at AKES 1110ST PEiZFECT MADE We know and t:-er:: of Royal Yeast Cakes know that these are the best good's of the kind in the World. Bread made with Royal Yeast will keep moist and fresh Icnger than that made with any other. Do not experirr_ent-- There is no other "just as good." E. W OILLITT 00. LTD. Toronto, Cnt. Winnipeg Awarded highest hono,s at all Expositlonl. M0ntreat No. ZS THE WORLD'S MARIE E5 I1E1/OUTS i'C011 T111 I.I:ADING T11.1D1: C1:N'r1E:'. Prices of Cattle. Grain. Cheese and Other Dairy Produce al Home and Abroad, BREADSTUFFS. Toronto. July 19. -Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter, $1.0t to $1.05 out- side. Manitoba 11'heat--No. 1 northern, $1 14; No. 2 n(.rthern, 81.11; No. 3 northern, $1.093, at lake ports for immediate shipment. Corn -American No. 2 yellow, 09c to 691 c; No. 3 yell -w, 08c to 68%e, Torouto freights. Oats -Canada western, No. 2, 39;c ; No. 3 Canadian western, NOVA `('(1'1'1.1 (;1)1.1). Big Strike Made at Montague - Satnples Brought to Halifax. According to the quarterly repair Private Steele tied with a Scotch Toronto are: -First patents, $5.R0; 1 despatch from Halifax says: patents, 85.30; strongI»tk of the Miner's Association, rho marksman for first ,lace in the second \i r. 5. A. Iliselur is in the cityI 85.10; 90 per cent., Glasgow teem ItlontA uc with n box 01 rho strike caused in Northumberland, Grand Aggregate It Bislee e'r', finest gold quartz withspr, box seen i.0 Ly the Dear ('ons Act have cost the , A. Itawlinsor,, an English avia- freights, 25c. Halifax for years. Mr. Iliselor in! association $2e0,000 in strike pay. tor, was badly hurt lhruuet, the Ontario Flour-11'inter wheat flumen make a mistake when falling of his aeroplane at Ilouruc- patents for export, $3.90 to 81.05 lICaested with others in the :uethey go back to cruel husbands,"� mouth, on Thursday. is buyers'bags, outside, mean mine propelts• at Montague, , ar-d fear two years they have Enda Jt r. Plot,den declared at the Mary-: Tho body of Belle Elmore, the. Milltoed ,[nnituba bran, 819 per n of men at work prospecting. icbone I olicc Court. "It only wife of Dr. Crippen, formerly o[ ten; shorts, 821 per ton, track. To- geg 1 1 c g' snows what women will do for thetont°. Ontario bran, 819 ton Going down into the old shaft 70 orToronto, was found in her borne in per+ so feet they branched off in it di sake of a man." London. England, after her bus- sohonto.rts, 821 per tun en track, To - rection where the lead was suppos- ed to lie, unci this meek the strike COUNTRY PRODUCE. eas made. Specimens brought in $IG a week admitted that be peel equipment of all pnsssenger vessels by Mr. Hiselor show gold sticking no income tax. His statement is' t..rehing at British ports with a Butter --Local wholesale quota - out all over them, and he thinks to be reported to the Surseyor of vlieless telegraph system passed lions: Creamery prints. 23c to 24e; a tut of the quartz taken out will Taxes. 1 its first resoling in the British Con- separator prints, 20c to 21e; dairy ren at least twenty ounces to the ton. .1n alien who declared at the 01,1 band had disappeared. street Police Court that he earned A bill making compulsory the AC('iDENT ON C. N. R. Immigrant Train Derailed and ('ttrs latch Fire. .1t the Gloucestershire :Assizes a /tuns on Wednesday• local elicitor named Neville Ew- art Ricketts was Sentenced to six UNITED STATES. nu:nths' hard labor for burglary' Lieut. l'fitzner, st Hungarian avi- , Cheese-New cheeseIl; c for fw° G and theft at the offices of another ater, made despondent by tinnier-laego pr tains; 'vucester solicitor, MIS mishaps, (frowned himself at In n metering mishap near ('hi- Merblehea<I, Mass. (: cheseesed,N121: c toer e, 12'4c.fo l•atter Northrup,said t.. have Beans-- $•1 to 82.10 for primes and prints, choice, 19c to 20e; do., tubs, 1'e to lee; infcrier tubs, 16e. Eggs --19c to 191.;e per dozen in case lots. :1 despatch from Meet real says: .1n immigrant train on the river r'•ute of the Canadian Northern of Oaebee was partially wrecked nLiut 11 1,eek on 1'hurs<Iay inert): He n• "r 1 ser Rogue. where the line • - :o the river e'l,ce. The 1 . _ lee car and smoker jumped lite • i, i :ern! u:, -'•t. both car', catchingI, en.; ere. 1• i; a Ited that one of the FIELD CROPS IN CANADA a cyclist was thrown \ through the wind screen of a muter- lived in Toronto for ten years, din- 15 to 81.25 per bushel fur hand - 1 car a!inest into the lap of 1)r. A. at i;earee( nlysterie'usly from Syra- 1 it keel. 11. 13usto'•k, who was able to attend ruse a week after he had been mar- Potatoes --Old Ontario potatoes (turn 15c to 30c per bag, without to his injuries at once. tied. The trainmen of the Pennsylvaniai.u'.ers. New American stock, 82.- Rnilrnnd have voted by a tory large ss to 82.35 per barrel in car lots majority in favor of a strike unless • a track. Tunrr,to. nn agreement Its tei wages and -- working cenditiens i3 reached with! 1'1tOVISiONS. • he. company. Wholesale. quotations :-- Perk - The Chairmen of the ('anatliati S!iurt cut, 831 to $31.50 per barrel; way C'olnmiseion mei of th.' 829.50. l j I ,.iter) States interstate ('onunere.• Lard Firtn; tires, 151."c; tubs, lIl de�tfo�in{ lr,Mp13 (111 the ('.•tiiniissteD will Illeet shortly t" 1 ('. pails.iIi"',,• ••;444.�Irath'. ground the airship will take Ile,, di eu9f1 the establishment of nn �1, ked nn(I I)h t �' I ll, .f - seriousk Its positionpractically °nine:cent, set far as the 11 '.enients of its enemies on the (;round are concerned. Only pre- pared Artillery can pre,ssihly hit it; \1:11' 1'11;11'1'1\(; 111( ;11"1', .lirships 11 ill he Deadly on the Field of Battle. lis nt::hes it' tc rnational traffic comulissien, I ••rl, t tear bacon. t and ca -es, 1.', • t'• le2se; ba.;. tlrlaan). '.Ic to G1?\):It.1L• . 21' e: Lacks (pea wetln, 211..c to William Pittman, an .American 2'2..; shoulder hauls, 1 to to 111.,c. therefore it will attack only when lrriaoner, wee f'eund starving in a: Kulls, smoked, lac to 151 c:'ne- C!tlty cell in n Nicaraguan jail. di►un and light hangs, Ise to 1'+,.c, artillery is not ready, it will t+ •r6 h, m}•, 101.;e to 17c; bacon. ire to to windward at n low let cl ; then --- •ie-- res rises into the high ein.Is o1 the FIRES It.11;1\G IN 1111; 111i.1.5. Green meats out of pickle, lc less 1 • D I ''Z, Ile ter �'trety, ' aTl'1 woo t oc,•r _ All 111 Ontario in Good Condition, But Parts i urprntects d b ales of inf:n,tiy send 1-ilrt, r+ in (:lenbnru' District, flay cavalry with the speed of :in ex" tiniluha..t ek for help. of the Wept Suffered �'i ern Li ought. 1 pees:, tree,. Or at night it will , swing searchlights (steadied by! .' delte:1i frons Glenburn, Man,, -" 1 win:! -trines say' oul electrically focus-! ss: Dry weather lies killed the ,1 d'• 1•.rt:-h free, ("' 1• ., The 1• stet average tenditien is' s, 41; hundreds of feet below its ear, glass, urrd fires are raging in the Tee !ninthly. e r, 1• • +I • i t1..• ►,• ,,r ,• r from nrosnul i t-and'm, and fire from the dark nb,.vc on is bi'.ls north of here. Fnrmers liv- e.n-us and `1 Ile e, +'Nie.. .. . :1, : J'erden, and the highest from 1let 11 -illuminated mark. i'1g in the vicinity 'phoned into e.! 011 Ti.ii -41;.' '• ., l.'it tl,- ': .i elette, where it is placed at aMnneellrri,,g will plat• the great t•'w'll at he in (rel Thursday for help, clition of field el ie through, ' : 1' ,,,, 1 1 (sl part in its development as it es the fire will be disastrous of al- ('nnada at the end ref Julie WI! 1 Iu :•.tsk:it cite wan the erre, 'I. net fighting machine, and in general it= ! ,a :I to go unchecked. Seine fields ernlly satisfactory, with the es. •-le ,lept •Ir to have suf+ered fry ,, tactic; will be that of jig-jitsu a grain are reported to have been tion of parts ,of the we,t 1% here t-, c„nditi, es to the Salta, ex ter.: (1uaek an'l `r,'Iden blew• at a vital I•i,rned. The condition is serious, -drought had Bono considerable ,1, in either Manitoba or Alberta. 1 art. with tie p,essibilily of return. a it will mean no pasture for large damage. Fall wheat for all ('an• ins there have been ninny lot! 1: 1at this point that the aerie Lei ds of cattle which are being kept 8(111 is r . ,erte( at 85.1 per cent. !'bowers. e'..s:• will ;'hay its titYIly itnpnrt'int there. help has been sent to the r:f stand I, I condition. The reports from Lleydrninst''r. i:•.;. The sete:i of these craft sill s(i,e .e1 the conflagration. The e' • •i.•ion of all the frel(i crops Itnttleford, Indian Head and (1'1' seine 20 miles an hoer gre iter __ -`- is g,, 1 e Ontario, the highest he- ,ll:pelle are very favorable, th, 1':.,, that of the larger ships; the; 61%11 11.1\ 51111'1'.11(11 \11 i h1:.lts it, el `.+: r (all wheat and the low'- tonditi.,u .,f the r. hent being p,lac I' by their !nutll sin' told rn - "' t. ' • i I for spring wheat. (1'41 At 100 and Oyer. -'1 an:l eccentric ',lethal, absolute- Threaten to Strike Utile-. Ilemandr 1, crops range from 71.15 fir The prevailing e.'nclitien of erste' i+ immune from gun fire, and when I are Granted. •• . assns (1) 102.58 for hay and is that part of Alberta swell of fully chxel,p(d, they can be cion( r townships number three and nuns ed en to eitrry at least. two !nen 1 .1 (lest;,atch (rem hamburg says: 11.1„ iebi, $nskatebewnn and Al- her thirty is below the average, in anti a machine title. Scouting ne• � Thirty-five thensawl shipyard work - 1 rta have low averages through- Consrquenc:• of 1he drought andIt, t To) la es will get in fetich with the ern united on'flnrrt+(Iny in n demand t 1,1, owing to a Tight rainfall in winds. in the Ednieuten district c,cmy while the airship is 1i(11(911 neon their employers for 811 ill - ac neral n- i rneral rendition of the er.1'- .•I lfaniloh:t is much I►elew the a,..lass. . (', (respondents in tic a1'\ . Ner: district report no tain.. e•'i' :t f,•w light showers, and het, Thy %%Inds tint absorb the moil.• tufo and (tither the crops. the grains. although suffering to some extent from th,• nine causes, ripe in lunch better condition. The 1,4 `t Ielr.'rt: cone' fr en the St retie. (snit distri:•t, and those from Atha- basca Landing and 14Iddle I,n!cc (districts are particularly faW- ur Ll,le. to low the windward (horizon. Wire- c ren.e of ten per cent. in wages I; s. ceplipment, for n short (Its- ui ti it 53 hour week. They threaten lance, can be carried by nereel:lnes 1•e strike in the esent of the eon !Aid the alrslii ts. similar!) e'pille el. shin: being refused. The work- prtr, will be exactly infertile l . 1 :ill '.., n are ('natge•d i•! the shipyards .•',ening.( 1 it attacks lief ,re the cn• n' Irisnhnrg, firemen, Vegi sack. only has an inkling of the:r (•.here I: • ' " Iha%e•l, Flensbttrst, Kiel, In- al•uuts. I brcck. Rostock, and titettin. than smoked. MONTRE.1i, MAIIKi:T�S, :Worthen!. July 19. -- Menilobn spring wheat patents, firsts. $5.90; d,'., recund:e, 85.10; winter wheat patents, t 5.25; Manitoba strong bakers', 85.20; straight rollers. 81.00 to 85: do., in hags, 82.30 to 8•.'.15; extras. RI.!.O to 81.110. Ila: - No. 1 hay. 811.50 to 815; extra X. 2, 813.50 to 81 1 : No. $11 to $12.50; clover, mixed, 811 to 811.50; clover, 810.50 t•' 811, ear lets. Corn -American No. s yellow, 651se to Mk.: Amerles n No. 3 yel- kw, (I.1!..,c to (;Sc. Oats -No. 2 ('nnadian, 39!,C to 40c; No. 3. 3s se to 39e. Barley --No. 3, 49c to 50e; No. 4, 45c to •16c. Millfecd -Ontario bran, $19.50 to $20; (1o., middlings. 821 to *•2.2; eta- r,•tnI,a bran, 819; (lo., shorts, 821; pure grain monillie, 8:12 10 $:33; mixed muuillie, 825 to r' ( hee-c Western, 1') ,t• lo Ile r.t d eastern, 101.,. Eggs •-- Selected stock. 21e: sl i sight. receipts, 17e to 17' .:e p:ei d 'ten ; •CC'11(1 gl Ilde 1....s.'r 1'1 nl ir(e eggs, 12'.,e to 13e per dozen. Butter - Pvr••hases in a wholesale way were nettle at 22lie; for rottird. RITAIN )WST BUILD SKIPS Premier Wishes An Arrangement Could Be Made With Germany. A despatch from London segs: During the debate on naval expen- diture in the House of Commons 011 Thursday afternoon Mr. Asquith reiterated that it was the desire of the British Government to come to a friendly agreement with Germany locking to the curtailment of arma- ments. "1 wish," said the Primo M4nister, "that I an arrangement could be reached with Germany for a reduction of the vast naval expen- diture. This Government has ap- proached the German Government up the subject, but the latter can de nothing owing to the natty law on their statute books. That being so, "c must snake our programme ac- cordingly." M. Asquith repudiated the sug- gestion that' the British expenditure war in any sense hostile to Ger- many. He declared that the rela- tions between tho two ountrios were most cordial, and pointed out that by April, 1913, Great Britain would have only twenty-five Dread- ncughts to Germany's twenty-one. kis ruling quotations are 22.'c to 22%e, w illi 23 to 2334c to grocers. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, July 19. -Choice steers 85.15 to $0.40; cows, 83.40 to $4.- 60, and bulls, $3.40 to 85.30. Sheep 54,75 to $5.f39; lambs at $4.50 to 86. Ilogs from $9.75 to 810; sows, 89.75 to $9. Calves, 85 to $8. UNITED STATES MARKETS. St. Louis, July 19. -\1 -heat - July, $1.00%; September, $1.00%; December, 81.02',;. Buffalo, July 19.--Wheat-Spring wheat firmer; No. 1 Northern car- loads store, 81.21%; Winter, nom - ital. Corn -Stronger; No. 3 yel- l( w, 66%e; No. 4 yellow, 61',.4e; No. 3 corn. 61%c; No. 4 corn, 02%c, all on track, through billed. Oats --Strong. Barley -Malting, 70 to 7:t. Toronto. July 19. --Trade in stockers is quiet. Very few of good peality are corning forward, and while there was a good inquiry fur stocker3 of from 90(1 to 1,000 pounds, buyers scented rather unwilling to pay the prices that were asked. Buying of steers and bulls for din. tillery feeding is expected to com- mence in a few weeks now, when the right kind of cattle will be coin- in9 in. There is not Much demand at present for milk cows, prices of which are is little oft. Although there was a gaud supply of hogs on 'he market, the prices were advanc- ed to 89.10 fed and watered, and $9 in the country. Sheep and lambs were also firm( r than at the begin• ring of the week, the latter being sold a- high as a- et/ COUe\•r (T11f.Nt,'GKflL-1) 11111' 1111: 1'1:\'sl S (11 MINION \W 11.1. 111: a naturalized citizen is a Canadian by nationality ; and every British subject with residence in Canada, a: well as every native of Canada rho has acquired citizenship by birth or naturalization, is also a Canadian by sationality. But there Canadian by nationality. But there is no Canadian by racial or tribal origin, unless the Indians aro so counted. WHAT YOU DO. Every person having an occupa- tion or trade will be entered for it, bur if employed in the census year et some other occupation for part or whole time he will be so recorded a:so. If the person is working on own account, the entry will bo so made. An entry is also required to be made showing where the person is employed, as on farm, in woollen mill, at foundry shop, in drug store; cyte. Wage-earners are entered to show the number of weeks employed in 1910 at chief nc:'upation or trade ; at ether than chief occupation, if any; rho hours of working time per week at chief occupation, or at other oc- cupation, if any ; the total earnings in 1910 at chief occupation; the to- tal earnings at other than chief oc- cupation ; asd the rate per hour w',en employed by the hour. • Eetries are required to be made for each person showing the amount of insurance held at date of tho census upon life, as well as against accident or sickness, together with the cost of such insurance in this census year. WHAT YOU KNOW. Under the bending of education at d language records will be taken r every person of five years of.age 11(1 over showing the num ber 01 months at school in 1910. and if the person can read and write, and the 1'111: 110. language commonly spoken by each ;'vi' -un. The cost of education in ItiI. for persons over 1(1 years ul ace at college. convent or univer• l•i also called t t ' '.er. � Will !'all \Wi1.1T .11LS YOU rhe lest question on the sched• vie of population relates to infirmi- ties. It calls for a record of each poison having an infirmity. It blind, deaf and dumb, crazy or Iu- tintie, idiotic or silly, a record tnereuf will be made in the proper commie and the age nt which the infirmity appeared is required to bo specified. inquisitive Gentleman First of NeW1 .lune and Ask all .11►onl 1 ou. The next (ends-' .ef Canada will be taken under d its of June 1st, 11111, And will c,nbr.►ce the subjects et poled:1 •'n. mortality, agricul- t,te, manufactures, minerals, fish. cries and dairy products. l'opula'ion will be recorded un- der the heads of residence and per - sena' description: citizenship, nay tonality and religion ; profession, occupation and trade, or means of lis Ing; wage earnings and insur- ance; education rind language spa- I 1+lee ken. mei infirmities. Every person living on the Ise of June mill be entrted en the sched• the of population by name, ae mem- ber O1 a family, institution or household, together with place of habitation, rex, relationship to lend of the family or household, are: whether single, married, wi- dewed. divorced or lewdly separat- ed. The month 1,1 birth. year of girth and age al last birthday will nine be recorded. \VIIERE YOU COME FROM. Et t I ie. will be made for Inch per - D1)1 hilt)IU)lle 1111! \1►i 11 1 P. flaunts :1 Petit+ igen Ili1q h. nI Inln a Ilam. :1 despatch from Kanlsa -k, Sask., Says : Itspcc(ur Jarvis of the .\luun. ted folies, with two constables, made record time on Thursday to V( regia, the Doukhobor village, W here •12 fanatics made is bonfire of their clothes and much money. They smote in four specials, and after a Lard tussle, in which they had all toe worst of it for a time, succeed- ed in driving the horde into a barn, which they pistolled all night. They n ked fur aid from the leading then of the Doukhobor ylllagc, who re- s',n t•, dhow the country or place of fused. Additional police are being birth, sear of immigration to ('slue r''slle(I to the scene. ada if barn elsewhere, year 4,1 nn- ,p ln:nliea(inn if lerinerly an alien, noel also racial or tribal origin, mi- Montreal building contractors tiunality ria.) srligion. Etery per- Bate num i:ncc.l their intention of r,o of alien b it who has become 1 importing strike breakers.