Exter Times, 1910-07-21, Page 5THE EXETEIt TIME S, MAY 2,1st 1910 III140•,►0•••••N•• ••• 0 •••••••••••••••• •••••••• •• ••• ••• The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 CAP TAL (paid up) .... .... .... ;s 500,000.00 RESERVE FUND •••• •••• •••• S3.8bo,00000 Has 72 Bvauches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the! Principal (Cities in the World.• General flanking Business Trxne9etn�, Business Tranescted, Savings Bank Department at all Branches, Interest allowed et highest current rote. all Branches, Interest allowed et highest current rate. Dickson & Carling, solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE DEAD OFFICE, TORt)NTO l:sT.11tl.lsillar 1807 WALKER, President $ Paid-up Capital, $10.000.000 NDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Folia, - 6,UOu,e,l; V ranches throughout Canada, an,I il: the United States and England SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of e$1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or tnore persons and withdrawals mate by any one of them or by the eer; 7N • r. Exeter Branch -G. W llarrison, Manager Branch also at Crediton. 124 4Fl-4••!•0'• :••Foto>•-:• :• :• :...•-: •1•d..,..;. ,.}•D --F $2,500 SALARY As Provincial Manager now two-and•a-nalf years ago hardware clerk at $l3 per week. and who was a farmer's r son,t years of � age a lid with- out pull. I. $ig month's train- ing in one of our branches and two years faithful ser- vices to his company made the difference, The difference between the big sten and the little men. the successful end the unsuc- cssful-is only a difference of - training. We have trans- fered thousands of little men into Fig men. You may study partly at - a home and finish at college. FALI. TERM AUG OPENS . 29 ' rite for perticulars inton Business College Deo. Spotter), Principal. 41 Crediton Nervous Prostration For Three Years "Dr. Miles' Restorative .Nerv- ine cured me of a period of nervous prostration of over three years duration, and the Anti - Pain I'ills are as necessary to tis as e th' roof of our 110i1S1'. They have been household rem- edies with us for many years." WM. J. I.OUGIHRAN, 121.1 Catherine St., Philadelphia, Penna. IilHc h sickness ' - Is due to nerv- ous troubles. headache, diz- ziness, epilepsy and insanity are nervous troubles. Then there is a Targe class of disorders which arise from a weakness of the nerves of an organ or part, as tweak lungs, heart, stomach, kidney, bladder, eyes, etc. Dyspepsia and indigestion are usually the result of nervous disorders. Restorative Nervine soothes the irritated nerves, and assists the nerve cells to gener- ate nerve force. Price 11.00 at your drunt)ist. He should supply you. If he does not, send pries to us, we forward prepaid. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto. Clinton Civics 'holiday. August Ist. A 20 pound snapping turtle teas taken from the Maitland river near Goderieh. lest week. J. 11. 'hunter bas been engaged for four months to teach music in the public schools of Goderieh To get relit•f from indigestion. bil- Iio,13nees, constipttion or torpid liver The Crediton low paid 1 ) - without disturbing It n I lees 1 std Ct e I ash + the stomach or purging the bowels. take a few doses of Carter's Little Liver fills. They will pleas eyou. T. 0. Robson. of 8t.iMarys, has been appointed ) s _ o r t aster at n St. 131. 1lir s y in laceof e the late Col A Whites [o L Otto Knox church, Codericb, bas 'decid- ed to issue a call to Bev. 1'. F. Bins clair, of Toronto, to succeed 'the late iter. J. A. Anderson. Tau boxes have been placed on the Main street, Clinton, for coutribus tions for a celebration to be held the day Kine George and Queen Mary are crown -41. wood Bowlers a visit last Friday and played a friendly game with the re- sult that Dashwood bac 4 points up in the end. The following is the re - suit: Crediton) w ) I aeh or d A. Morlock. B. Brown Bert Clark C. K. Bluett. Skip 15 G. Mot -lock C,Kiihn. Dr. McCue. S. Brown, Skip17 A. llorlock. 13. Brown Bert Clark. C. K. Bluett Skip 17 0. Morlock C. Kuhn. Dr. McCue. 8. Brown Skip 1:3 02 1'. Isrtac. .1. Hofintan EdighotTer Tiernan. Skip 13 I. Weltin 1V. Siebert. h:. Tiernan. J. lHartliett Skip 7 Ehlers. Siebert. Tiernan Hartlieb, Skip, 20 Mcisaac I1otTnean. EdighofTer. Tieln:tn skip 20 00, 1lrs,J. \Veiner and Miss Ethel rke agent Friday in Exeter. Mrs. iI. Braun and daughter Lizzie . ti for Michigan on Monday whcr +: r i y will visit friends and relatives. jpf•}}.•i :'••: i•..}}} -1..g.•; ,..; ;-4..;. I It sick headache is misery. what is Carter's Littlo Liver Pills if they will I;ositively caro it/ People who CENTRALG �f have used them speak frankly of ta heir worth. They are small and - e ' e a tot ak ) lI The \ 1s.r. Tillie and 51i1le Bert. STRATiQRD. ONT. Fall Term From I Aug. 29th= The largest and best prac- tical training school in %Vest - ern Ontario, There's no fetter in the Dominion. Our conraes are thorough and practical. rand, of Detroit are 'spending the holida)a with their mother Mrs. b. Bertrand. Sir harry Kuhn and Mr. Chas 1:(•inzel autoed to 'Rodney on Friday, Mrs. .1. Ittttchy and children and neice of 'Sebe s ging ar• visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. !3. Itreun, Mrs. Harney ltraun and son return- ed home after ,•pending a week at Grand 11 •ltd. A Holtzman .' e Jlr Arthur ort mans r lit an our teachers are experienced I day and we assist graduates to in London last week. ek.•r positions. We have three de- b1rs. S. Bertrand andnelcc Ella pnrtments, returned home on Jlonday nfter Commercial, Shorthand and spending a fe weeks in Cbly visite Telegraph Write at once for Ing relative.. our free catalogue, Mr. and 'Mrs. l'reetcr and daugh- ter of 'Zurich spent 'Friday in town 1). A. McLACitLAN. .visiting at the hone. of elr. and Mrs, Principal. S. i%rnutt. Mr. and 'Mr.. Strider and grated- 11NN•••••••eeee..•••••••• daughter returned to Clifford on Saturday lifter ',pending n week at the borne of 'MI.. Oh i:.. Felber. Mr. and Sirs. Wm. brevet returned to South River after spending n comI+1 • of montln, around here. Sirs. Kuntz and children bf Exeter st,•nt Sunday in town visiting relit. lives. Mist Merlin Wenzel, Of D •fruit, t le ',pending a few evr.ks with her '\'1V andMrs. \t' i. ••lit. .fr. Ir-. . 'rent nzc . 1. .. l .1. ., d .1r A.t1 Mrs.1 nk ,U, a tr h inor •ted children and "Hiss Chrieeie Pianos to Ren They make one feel as though life was worth living. Take one of Cnrter'a Little Liver Pills after eating. It will relieve dyspepsia. nod digestion, g:ve ton' and vigor to the system. lloward Pomeroy. of Fullerton, left recently for the Wolseley Barracks London. to take the sten., .l course of instruction for those to tchers who wish to become instructor, of cadet corp. N1,-. A. '1'. Gundry. II .l principal of the Collegiate Institute, Clinton. has resigned to accept a similar loos - Mori lit 8trathroy. Mr. Gundry has been in Clinton four years and his services have been much appreciated. 'ret it tired languid feeling and dull h."i •rh,' to very disagreeable. Take two of Carter's Little river fills be- t re• tearing and you will fu i find R 3r'•lie( They never fail to to dod Roo . A m.'rious accident happened to Mr. I•o•Iis Mueller, Logan. on Monday last Ile was hauling a load of manure hone from Mitchell. and when some dist ince out of town was overtaken with a dizzy 'spell. Ile fell off the load receiving a deep gash in the bad and ear. Thos, Harrison, a well knn••••• far. mer on the ILII concession of t• • • h township, wool killed on `tat u.• , while drawing in hay. The hap,' broke cauyingthe hoer(•. to take it:,lht and inn away. and Mr. Harrison re- ceived injuries from which he died a few hours later. SCHOIii, ItiIOM I'IiILOSl)1'l1Y Sonic of the answers of the school - ate I sing. Many people ion- *gine .lett boys and girls ate nut phd- °sophers. 'I'hts move. that they are not well a.ilieinted with boys and gide They cure great yammers within their proper range of It ght. They think quickly and accurately its far as their knowledge extends. Tliey get nut of a difficulty by their wits as if they were trained lawyers "How did that blot conte en your r•"ppy book Ram?' "1 think it i, a tear. Me.. %Val - lace." "How could a tear lie black $Atli'"' "it moist hese. toren a ruI red boo who dropped It. ' suggested the reflective Samuel. •• ,%oiled von believe dint a star is bigger Man the earth?" Hr inn. of Ch.•.ety. ar. visiting ai the olioee said /'heeler, if it wax it w"nld home of .n antl J1rs, GottIRraun. keep flee rain of." ••iVe can „lily hear $@ , tit r. Francis Clark•• is a'.7 .m !e'. . per \I1)I11 11 ttiul Up. It's a girl. sound, we (annul feel somnJ,' see! On Friday evening , h the teacher. "You ran feel a sound Itrownie. drove over to Da hweo(1 thrashing. can't yon:" asked lied. lrylllil9 1'1'llt allowed on anti !Played n Int game of him/ill!. "What docs sea water contain hr• Piano. Thr .core stood 8.2 1n favor of Dash. side sodium chloride ••Fish, sir," "Aid 1't'l L't5e' ')f a 11('W 1 iano. ., one who .cooed h, his rhrewdnc,a tvo ... 'fh re is 'olio etcnso for oar mote than to preparation of his lessons The slime boy when )eked to draw a a picture of Jonah and the whale, drew the whale only. •'1Vhere is Jon- ah:"' asked the leacher, sharply "In- sides 't,• aide theAl I the Irl( I r t cab lr le 1 boys b c nae t b.•y dill not have their 114 Sr-t tight t• am. . �I A k f 1 N &SUN \Ir. f'oy' r. of South Cayuga is vi,• iting at th • home of Mr. Ch ii :»• ze1. t , 1 f. \i r•1 �• r of z left for . [erre. w to n glop, \V,,1 J'lagsley. mini r• r. Of public works. expects t.. si-,• tioder- ich un \V. en- day Mibi:. ltlt h. The cont 1 ,.: be 4 been) give n for painting tie , r, r •n' of let • court hoist at (iu.! Goderieh h - - c irei a noel) :Tanen ten- of nil to be used in oiling t h• streets of the county town. Mr. Josepl, 0, Ilutton. of Si. clary' ppas.et) aw • 1 his r('idene • un the Themes Ili. , on Friday last. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R iA an Friday where he attended the fun- eril of Mr. .1. 'Wein-r, 1''.11in ' f. .x is the order of th'• day err r I .\Ir., Co•:lti<, of I:xi.ter troy. 'Nov•children," said the tea- cher. "WP have gone through the his- tory of England. tell in wht,.e reig�n wonted you live if you could (loons, for �•, :,• f! • l,v i'1 TOW n visIlint.• yourself:''in the reign of icing lames. with 1. r o-i•ter. "Mrs.. 'McMurray.said philo•ophie Alec., "bet -noose! 1 rend e1r •. i' 11 r,, r.. of It •cili.: that education was very much reg;• Brewer's! : fee • ek4 ! h gn cot a' IPeted in his time.' dr ml \Ire. August Hill. NI: I'. II :.;'rn rot':rn'd hack frons in •n 111 1.11 lIur1.1'ty and will :itteiol to ti,' duties in the (lank of Com: 111 1 e,•. `.1r Graham ep,n1 Snudly in hxet• c r. tri. lea :,:((•Lek •e' of London. 1:' the Kind You Have Always Bought wfrith it r I: Cher Charl•t /wick \1r • Trevethick. of London. It+ spending a few week. with her • m, $1Dews the gnatur of Thomas. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. GRAN TUN 51i,. Ella t4hoebottom 1, .1•-•ndiug her vacation with her sister iu Phil• adelphia. A cement walk is being laid on, the east side of Kiug street, which +till be a decided improvement to the ap- pe ti Ince of our village. l'he Mtethudist Sunday Hrhoul pic- nic on Friday last was a decided sue• cessr, bl. Fronk Langford who had s -'ver - all stool) bones in his :sok !.• hruk•,1, about ttt•o .weeks ago by a stick of timber faJliniz ori los rout pr. re;,• sing us well as possible. Zurich til r. .1. A, Cuo.1 IIiue, manager ui 1he local branch of the tlo:sons 'teak and (lis' Childey of Clinton. wet.. united in i,.rreige 011 Thursday at on, o'clock. After a short honey- moon in Georgian Hey district 111.e will take lilt housekeeping in too 11. The 'times extends congr:ttula 1iunY and best wishes to 51r. and Mr.. Constantine. ells' 'Petrie, 'ill Loudon. it veining with bliss Ethel Williams. bliss Fred t 71,•,,.., sellout teacher near lilytb, is Bowe for the vacation. Miss s Alma t ' Iw: Axt is visiting rr sister to r in London, lIARI'LE's elf. Angus ',Murrayh •Y returned NIlatrr Owen N• :\un, of Minskyfruit. Welland where h.• has been vis - spent laxt week visiting hi. grand 'ting ha daughter. p.rer.t.t 'blr and ,ll.'s John tilwrtitt Miss Elizabeth Itannie has passed .d1,., Caxaie Niekols who has event some month. In Ail,e Craig' and alit: lt111 r. nutted 1torna Monday o day Cv,' n:. 'Mf. Kenn.• of near Park 'Miss 1 tell wisitet at 'Mr carnes Kenny's hist week. The "Tiniee and Toronto Weekly Globe to new subscribers from now till Jany. 1•;, 1911 for 35 cents. ;WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lewis, of Minsky. 'sated fri:•n+ts here and at Zion on Sunday. Sir. and Mrs. Oscar Morley, of near Woodham. spent 'Sunday here the guests of his parents. etr', and hlrs. George Milson and daughter 'Vinnie spent Sunday with relatives in '8t. 'Mary.. err. and Mrs. John llutchison, ite.l with her mother in Centralia on 14..nday. err. and stirs. .1. 1\lrright visited friends in Centralia on Sunday. Rev. \V, 7r. Hut t, bur pastor is preaching a series of sermons on tie! farmer. Next Sunday's subject is to he, "Spring Seeding." 1BI3CIINF COUNCIL Council mel July 2nd pursuant to adjournment. All mdinb.•rs were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approv.'d. It was decided to build n nee :eve! bridge with reinforced cement son- er t:• floor 70 It .long 1, w'•••n 'ele- ments. 11 ft. clear roadway. on : St 5 concession road over Sable Miter. 1'. lidera were received frorn Hamil- ton liridge Co., 'Stratford bridge. Co.. Jinks Mesmer 'L+n r 'rt n1 ar-d . 1. !fill & Co.. Hitchen. The tender of A. hill .:c CO., at $1189.00 was accepted The contract to build one concrete• abutment was let 'to J. Lawson at $4.75 per cu. yd. A few accounts were passed and orders !exiled in payment, liable (Drain *305.00 ; -'(Vin• chelsea Drain ;'.50.00; General $17905 County work ?12.50. Council adjourned to meet Aug lit i clock. the examination in 51ineeel Fern •• it h first-class honors. ell Lizzie teener, 01 'New fork It `.1 1 l t .,. Joseph Toms, Onix, of C odor Rul,- ids, lwoa. are visiting their fel her 51r. Abram Geiger and other relat- ives. Rev. O. Kln:1 m, of Stratford preach ed in 13t. 1'(•tcr's Lutheran ctlttrch, Sunday last Mies Iva 'Weber visited In Berlin Last week. Mrs. N. 'stannic and fatnilyare rue- 1i at' c ut' n 1, t their cottage at Gram: Rend, Mr. and 'Mrs F. Faust, were in Pig. eon, Stich., last week attending the funeral of the former's cousin, Miss Ellenbaum, • 1111 CCFFIELn 1eel tb-There pn •.ed away- t0 her Ion,: home otl 7Yt+,rsdny last. Sirs, .t3.sander Johnston. of the Bayfield Ito ie, ut the ripe age of 70 years, 'She had been poorly for Some time but 'omit 0 few days before her death slit• rias nut thought to be seriously ill. Death had not terrors to her, She 1 I passed calmly :Ito ay to be with her Saviour. Ilex husband died 2:; years ago leaving her with n /entity of 2 Soni John and Samuel. at home and 5 danttht,•re. Mrs. 'Wood of 8t. Ilelcns elle. 'eletc•11( of London. and !Mary and Charlotte. at horn-, all being t,retent rot the tune of her death. The funeral which wee held on Friday. two,•, 0 very large one. The bearers tt-,•r • two eons. and fo.:r nep- hews. The services were conducive ey her pastor. 'ltev, 'E. N. Sowers as i• t '.I by Itev. Mr. '1'rylor. of Varna, No one knows bet ter 1 Fan those i who b use Carter's Little Liver fills w'bat relief they have given when 1aken for dyspepsia. dizzier•as, the ei 1e. . ,,t pie-meet-41dis- ordered :stomach. 3!ENSALL .ben Mr Alex Thompson has decided to b at two move his fatnily to Toronto and has already purebaxed property in the cit Clerk. '! he Union Sunday school will bold their picnic to Goder:ch to -day (Thursday.) Mr. 'Wm. Towers has arrived home after a trip to the west. Kenneth McArtIna.. of Ailsa Crain wens in the, village last week visit- ing Isis 'brother and other relatives. Miss 8. halt d. to of Clinton 15 via eine in town. Mrs David Thompson. of Toronto e. visiting with relatives In town. I Mr. John C. Wood and brother And- I row. have hold their farm in Alberta and intends returning to Toronto. M, N. Curtis and children, bt boo ehester. 'N. 1'. are visiting their re - fitly.. t. err. and :tfrs C. A. Redmondut 'llay, Mr. 'Hawthorne. who was engaged +. band ruaeter for several month' bas Nc ie t(• 1 r '. r li canoe a h ells ( ( t 1 h the bend. Dr. F. A. H •Iter)• is now the 1• eters On Seturday Katt th.• r.•; ;e' ,r (• lir , l al Ili • .tent e 1 . elven. N11% if. J. 1), Cooke is visiting, wit h r.3.tivee in Ethel. Vs "11 •4 Bell, of Grand Itapids, la spend 11, het vtealiron with her 'Parente M 1. and airs. Jame, Hell, sr. Mr. '11'i11 (Moore, of London, i►Js'nt 1 a few holidays with relative. here' last week, e1i - Arlie Ilart. who 11.- 1, „ quite ill. epsnding t • 1. , • : , l}Is lrnnd (lend in the interest of ): ori health. Miss N(•Nie :Miller is visitng in Illyth and vicinity, The (ins crop. of which there is vete a large acreage in this v:ein-I its js giving good proms•••. I•, e1UIIL1•.\ K.tftkTt)N The death took plac• un .duly 8th. of 51r. Jonathan Shier, aged 75 years ntont he and 28 days. j(r• Shier was born in England alit,i) warty lite clone th Canada. Ile conducted the !louring and grist .mill her. for many years, later dwalin4 exteti$irely in Needs. For 20 years or over tri.• deceased twoe a valued member of the council board. in whom the cal•. payers put the fullest confidenr •. In both private and public life h • hitt the resect and admiration of the entire community, and for him l,- tegrity and high appreciation's of honor. was looked up to by everyone. Three years ago the deceased had the misfortune to fall from a ladder in t biro, receiving injuries (rota which he never recovered. 11' is sur- vived by :t surrrosing widow. ttto sons and two daughter.--\Pesely at home. Richard in th" Wee.. Mrs. Ad - ant hods', t.',burne and 'ell.. Am:end;, at home. The funeral took place on -Monday to the leirkton cemetery and was largely attended by strrowing friends. lltr e5forrie ltacey. of Totonto, i spending his vacation at his home. Slr •. It. le Robinson 15 visiting rt Toronto. . and'etre F. Drew.. and of Toronto. tisitrd Mr. t3. boupe. sr. Bliss Pearl Welsh of St. teletys, is ,.Hong fs:,lads in shim vicnly, M,r. Alvin 11011pe of Dresden i;'brio school le holidaying with Iia parents here. The "Time, and Toronto \1'eskle ti,obc to new ,nhscrib•re from now Jany. 1st, 1911 for 3.; cents. C.II14Er.111 118T ii • made rnenl inn het week of 1 he 1 .'15Ilg.• of ells, Edith 3'. L\Ind.on to !dr. Hoy 'I' 1 t'tl , e i r of Woman. ) I i n all. w hicb 1•1, lir t• •,I. i -lee,• :It (lie home of the 3„ 1 1' .1 nim err. anal son. Maple Grove farm. Th c re - loony was _preform ,-'5 by th' It v. It. to McKay The 'bride. who st is given Iw-ay 1.y her father took h : et in I Ilnd r •,n arch of evergreen., 1 rineni 'd „t• ti 3'i'+rt and Marguerite.. Hite was til . I in n gown of cn•ant silk trim. M. a it It applique awl rho• bridle weal 51 i • ceeitht with wenn.' bin:.onie. 1'h•• 3'i•le•.rnaid, were Mins C. 'Moe n I '1i:•4 'elrle -re while the groom epport'•'1 by his brother Nel- e. Th.• lit tie Miusee rtVicetlnk' :11.1 1 ,y.l, n nes de pretty flower girl and 'd .• , I: oil Perkins. of 1lensall rnade charming fit t.r pug.•. ihlr:nr the . lemony 1 h • vt e'I•line n1 ireh wee ides. 1 ie eti'•. (.rice Iloilnn. IPcolnpani d , .1 ,r. i • !(orlon an the violin. Tit • I1 tion 1'ti gift l0 the bride w•'. , reel 1 locket • to the hride'e m ..:. • ,1.1 lork••te „•1 with p•'rl. an 1 flower girl and pig • ring. • ,,t 11 1• •arty. After the eermony congrat- tion were 'showed 1l port th sorter couple, and the large Katherine fin m- bering nbnOt one hundred ttn,•.t s re. t.ir•'I to 1hi• )awn op I. •re 1 '3 tinny and sump lions wedding dint'. r twa. • •rued, 31e table% being tastefully b cora led. The bride and groom are 1 .ed in 1 h • high• st ',Attest)) as was eaten by its, 1 ,1 .' 13iful wedding • sent s. in the , vening A reception .1,4 held atthe home of the bride '.'he young couple left on n honey- moon t tip to Detroit and other puce's The bi i'b•'s t r:n citing; dre.e is a Cop. enhagen bite satin. 'Ph •ir numerous friends join wit h the "Tim('•." in wishing tbctlt touch it'pp'Ilnim an prosperity. VARICOSE VEINS CURED Wir NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "Heavy work, srver, straining and evil habil., 1 . youth brought en Varieuau Wiwi. \. lieu 1 t.o,r1e•I hard the hchiug nwild Ixxon,o 1-1,•roand 1 0urtoften laid up 1.•r a .Peek e.t a limn. My family ihysi.-i:rn tot! me an operation tt a as my only lml.t,-but 1 dreaded it. t nr,i.v•r.•rnl nlr•eiu!iats, but boon found out oil they wanted was my Money. 1 c..nuuenced to look upon all dutturs as little better (hart rogues. Otto day ray Loos asked Inc why 1 was otr work F•W touch and 1 told hlrn my condi? hal. He advised tnc to cousuit 1•rs. Kennedy r1 Kennedy, as behad tAwn treatment from tta•ur b(aew•If and knew they y were avian. nu.l skillful. 1 wrote them andt. of Tn • • g tw !1 r:nwTar tryrsr. \ly progress wax somewhat stew and c(uriug t leo Inst 1,1ont WS tn•:1101. 1,l i wa14 somewhat (lla.:qurn,..1. However, 1 eontiau,•,l troot ment for thr•0 reun'1'4 lunger nut w.0 re,santed 'itis a complete ear.. 1 eould only corn SI•: n we, k• lo a Illachlllu i xho, before t refitment. now 1 run earning! .C1 and newer loose. a day. •twish �' 1 all sutrerers knew of your v:duubl, tt ..hn •nf, HE:NNY O. LOCUST, HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? 1 l.or, POISONS' nn, rho meet prevalent and most 4.•riousdismts,•x, 'r!. 7 sap the b`rl', life 8tin1 s.( Ih wilco of Mercuryd unless . 1t tnaylsuppress the ed from this sytnptunii-y, oil/ NEW Y yli.Pili11tcuresall tAuoddispis.&s. Y.,l'Nc3 ('It lflnLi•E: AGED MEX.-Imprudent acts or later excesses luno broken . lone n ),,air ,o stela, You feel the syniptout4 stealing over ,you. Mentally, ll,hy'si••.dly and v.r,.:ly' you aro not the moo you toted to bo or should t.. \1 ill you heed the danger signals? ,DEADER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Aro you fatendlog to marry? Has EA Lfl year blend been diseased? Ila', you. any wrt1nesst Our Now 11.Tnuu to Me. r wits 1 0 •o Whitt � bn ' t tt has d.,nu for (that' It will t_ for you. Consultation. Free. No nattier wi•o luta lrrnted you. write for an Im„rat u .'lite., Foe of Quarto. Books Free--'•noyh„o.l,Mtuth,,l,Fatherhood." (lllaetr ICA • ou.Soto..-etiof Alen. NO NAMESU USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. Damnn=Everything of snt FREE FOR HOML TREATMNT. DRS. KENN EDY& KEN P1 D Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Ilirlim NOTICE All letters frorn Canada must I. addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart - t see u, personally call at our .Medical Institute in Detroit as we seee and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Lahur,itoty for Can.idian business only. A'dre,s all 1, tt, it ee follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. iWrite for our private address. ,ement, time, 5rdfl, florts and Flour Aiwa) s on Hand. Lea\ l! Your elder or Call up PHO�T2 R. G. SELDON, Exeter. Deo Not Buy It Until You Try It The feathe-brngnettc Razor Is not were tar thle-you ran .1-7 the Carbo - tempered ,n tn:.•%.0 lir° h,::t. but by Meg/mile without see. :,, a penny or nems. of a se• tet electric 55.5.'ss at your town county--,•,,. coin enjoy 30 on even t. at ore of 2.50) degrees root, romfortable a3•aw••. .,lth it at our At the yarn,, Jnstnnt the steel Is expense --you eon eeee••••• It with the c.rbonired ul a pro. toss .Imll•,r to the'. razor Iltat y -u:1 a ,• I , ..w using and I.) who 11 diamonds h:nu been 1 r... , j ; rig•' L•, sonneeyt!,.n.. I•r. ., it best -then due rd. The result itsth+ htrdest ctrttlne- ,•,.,.1i•_ „n.1 i• •I li the (`arAo- idge kno.4n to se.••lire--a Haile1'• - .. - .• •t rent. 1e' guarantee. fur r. .'frt!m•• „r , • r:. wear --no honing. 50'rte , g. "The made w ► d n .• 1.• err.r,1,r ... superior to any •'•) or ever mad. whether the .bon. .-• ltdIi,•'di our.* or the"water- 1.1:•d• a the -safety.- nut )'uu du nut 1 -.1 to take our Thames Road Mir •lode w 'Gil• un h, 3 an exp.•r irnce on Friday of taxi week which ltas nothing short of a tniraculon.� ,•scala' with hie Nf •. 'Ile was nac',tin,f I in drawing in hay lire his farm ands (while building the 'load the front part t ,. t of t h rack Mav• ret .•hese teas pie eipit ated to 33,• ? around. Falling hi•hind the horse.. which were • large spirited 1.•atit they n1i1l•• a II,1l for liberty, with :11r Gibson lit t heir mercy, Miraculous as it was he •etp•d, but how he ever pot out from his t'.',ilone position without the wag- on whichtlwithoufloader doubt invent over 1n,ttihim nt dent h. iI is hard to imeg'ne, owl h•• does not even know himself. llowev r he escaped with but a few slight hobsee and an injury to hie bread rho• horst•, continued on their nind career. Freaking the wagon cotlmid-} .'rah total wreck. Another nlan1on tt,e toad jumped and line (''called. The cantraet for the redecorating of the i'resbyterian cheerio was let i •' week and tit • 'e,irk will go on 't eno11 ;1Y poesild '. Mr. and errs, Will Ilnrinnd, of 1• ulbnrg. Seek.. :ire visiting tinder ;lie parental roof Mi.- Mein to -h, of London, i' Sf 1)'• ing for a f w days at the man.,-. \l r. •:lid '31, Spoiling spent Nundny ,I .1nd, r'ou 'soder t b • patent al roof. :,11.1 in . 11. II -:11)1 Spent Sun* (la) with Ili n 1. .11 Eveter. Vi=it o.. t, tiI mighhorhood last 81313,11, t, t, . ':.1a1,.•I lleirton, lit II, Rundles, Annie Leigh and 51r. John Hackney at J. Alieon's, I,e.Ile t\fc. Naughton at Peter \\'hillock's, •ells' 51. Ramsay al 'rho-. Cintl's• Mies Ada Tucker at Mei Carta'', Ilayint i• about finished i1► ,h n i;thl.orhou,l and r•omc have et st -, to colt w•h••'1, The "Times" and Toronto liVeelaf)' Globe to new t'.h-eriher. from ,now till Jany. 1st, 1911 for 35 cents. J. SEAMAN, 'CO:'. a rTAS TAA;F-- ••f• ( 1. .1.1 Ina- 4t1.". - t , t7iebkide with de i .-'r6o EXETER, R, ONT r Canadian National EAliibition ----- 'TORONTO AUGUST lith to SEPTEMBER 12th, 1910 impproved Grounds, Ne•.v ituelting,, international Lire rock Show. Exhibits by n11 the Presences, Magnet:cent A:t L• -'.n Exhibit. By PERMISSION OF HIS MAJESTY BAND OF THE GRENAD.ER GUARDS KIN GEORGE G EOR .E S HOUSEHOLD BAND 1 Modr1 Military Camp 400 Tinton every night. Mtl$IOIANS Everything new in attraction Wonderful firework enorM Spectacles. 1,000 PER 7ORMiER8 THE NAVAL REVIEW AT SPITHE!\D BATTLE BETWEEN DREADNOUGHT AND AIRSHIP WATCH FOR RI:1)ucED RALES .t1W k.Xt,LRluA, For all information writs Manager, J. 0. ORR. • •'t• H 01 Toronto NEW IDEA FU'R NACES increase the value of any hr;'.. -save money because their scientific construction means fuel economy -eliminates after cots, because built right by men who arc skilled in the science of heating. Secure our FREE book on " New Idea furnaces." It solves the heating problem for Merl in a practical and economical way. It gives re- s for "New Idea'! -superiority -explains exclusive del : and ,tfley',rake for loco:*Cs: pettet_t1 N\ for it. tells jusr�ow GURNEY, TILDEN & COMPANY,_,,ilnited W. a. HAMAN <�. EX ETEll , OI' T. empavroN • ONTARIO trta