Exter Times, 1910-07-21, Page 2Thc
Diafflond Crescent
CHAPTER IV. --(C'oul'd)
They were gone, and 1 vas the
culy one remaining. It has occur-
red to me since that_ perhaps they
expected inc to go, toe, but 1 never
thought of it at the time. 1 had
been asked fur a week, and to go
before the end of it never so much
as entered my head.
There was nu chance of going
cut. The early winter afternoon
was already closing in, and a few
flakes of snow were drifting like
feathers in the heavy air, promis-
ing more to come. Everyone seem-
ed to have dispersed, Ralph up-
stairs to his father, Charles out-of-
doors somewhere, in spite of the
acether. 1 remembered that 1 had
act written to Jane since I left
Lcndon, and went into the library
to do sa. As I came in 1 saw Eve-
iyn sitting in a low chair by the
fife, gazing abstractedly into it.
81,e started when she saw me, and
on my saying I wished to write
acme letters, showed me a writing -
table near the fire, with pens, ink
and paper.
"You will find it very cold at the
big table in the window," she said,
looking at it with its broken draw -
at, a chink open, with a visible
I installed myself near the fire,
talking cheerfully the while, for it
struck inc. she was a little low in
her spirits. She did not make
much response, and I was settling
down to my letters when she sud-
denly said:
"Colonel Middleton!"
"Yes, :Diss Derrick."
"I am afraid I am interrupting
yc•ur writing, but--"
I looked round. She was stand-
ing up, nervously playing with her
"But --1 know I am not supposed
to—but 1 know what happened last
night. Aurelia told rue."
"It is very sad, isn't it 1" I said.
"But cheer up. I dare say we may
get them back yet." And I nodded
card despatched to her uncle in
"Hate you seen Ralph any-
where?" asked Aurelia when she
had finished it. "I ate afraid 1 w
!had bean interrupted. I was get -f I ('11.111'1'1X1: 'HIE Alit.
ting quite confused. She certain- STOP POISONING 'Hie I.erutans Ha--
ve 'Taken a !lint
:y would net have wished to can- l
lid;, in me if may n.:n suspicion were From Migratory Birds.
correct. ('en,idering Oleic was a
mystery, it was cueiuus how• every -
Birds have assisted man, in more
ways than one in the art of Ilight.
ane seemed to know something very tt was by studying the flight of
particular about it,
beds that some of the roust suc-
"Yes," replied Aurelia, nodding ce,sful aeroplanes have been de-
or•ce or twice, 'I tau sure she signed, and now this news conies
knows something. I went into her that the Germans, who aro leaders
re ern before luncheon, and she was in the art of aerial navigation,
sitting with her heed down on the !,aye token a hint from migratory
diessing-table, and when she leek- Where nitre are frequent attacks of Lids and been 11t work ehurtiuq
eel up I saw :,ho had been crying. Neuralgia and Headaches. there is
I don't know what to say about it always Constipation. Weakness of the t:,:: upper air. ('arrests of air all
" Kidneys and
Mood Poisoning.
oyer Germany have been charted.
to Ralph ; but you know with a During October, 1909, bulletins
shake of the curls—"though people Non -action of the bowels compels
may think oto only a silly little
thing, yet. I do notice things, Col-
t i,el 'Middleton. Aunt Alice in
.11., Dublin often says how quickly I
a little tiny wee bit cross to !tint notice things. And I thought, as
this morning, and 1 ant so sorry." you were staying on, and seemed
Evelyn always seemed to stiffen t•, be a friend, I would toll you this
when Aurelia talked about Ralph, h; fere 1 went away, as you would
and, under pretest of putting her kt'ow best what to do about, it.,,
postcard in the letter -bag for her, Aurelia had more insight into
she presently left the room and did character than I had given her cre•
not return. cht for. Sho had hit upon the most
Aurelia sat down on the hearth- likely person to follow out a clue,
rug, and held two plump little itew•ever slight, in a case that seem -
hands to the fire. It oas quits inn- c.cl more and more complicated. I
possible to go on writing to Jano inwardly resolved that 1 would have
while she was there, and I gave it it out with Miss Derrick that very
up accordingly. evening. Lady Mary now came in,
"I am glad Evelyn is gone," she rico servants followed shortly af-
said confidentially. "Do you know
why I am glad?"
1 said I could not imagine.
"'Because," continue( Aurelia,
nodding gravely at me, "I wont to
ileadacltes and Neuralgic Pains
Promptly Cured by
"Fruit -rives."
rho blood to absorb foul matter which
should have passed from the body.
Weak Kidneys fall to filter from the
blood rho necessary amount of waste.
were sent and received a distance
of over three hundred miles by
wireless telegraphy on the 'Lcp]xs-
li:' 111, %thile it was in flight, says
ti.o Century Magazine. To -day,
The blood thus becomes poisoned from a system of wireless stations,
and it Is this poisoned blood which i hourly advices of the winds aro
hurts the nerves and causes Neural- available by all imperial air -ships.
gia and Headaches. , Captains even now exchange tho
"Frust -a -fives." made from frust "latest wind." On this iuforma-
Julces. acts on the bowels and kidneys tion they aro enabled to go with
and is the greatest blood purifying the wind in one-fourth the time
medicine in the world. they would use in running against
"Fruit -a -lives" Is sold by all dealers
the current.
at 50c a box, 6 for $2.f.O. or trial size.I tor years evidence has been ac- band and shared in his piratical
25c. or may bo obtained from Frult-a- cumulating to sl► 'w that, in the up- adventures. Among her ship -
tees, Linetcd, Ottawa. I per air there aro great, steadily mates, who worn ignorant of her
blcwiug planetary winds, used re- sex and also of her relation to the
'11111:1'ES BIDE '1'111:1 It LOOT. gularly by birds of passage. These captain. Anne attained a repute -
tel wards with lamps. The dreary currents explain the great flights of tire fur courage.
twilight. with its dim whirlwinds lit metre(! haler, and the E -('tiro- same birds. A naturalist., for ex- Now, curious as it may seem, tho
of driving snow, was shut out, the inal Lives in Wealth, ample, killed an English heron in slip whereon this female pirate
curtains were drown, and tea made Colorado. Many other pIIssago practised the arts of the freeboot-
I1 is well known to the police birds appear to fly very high, which ors was one day oourded by sever -
es appearance. Evelyn presently ;hat there are a number of ex con
FEMALE 1'Ilt.l'1'ES.
Anne Bonney and 11ary 111'311 'Were
Daring Freebooters.
Tit CE ('OUR'1'ESY.
(treat Men find It lays to bo Clvll
and Kind.
W men have succeeded in pas- A member of the Society of
sire themselves off as men not in- friends, who had made a fortune
frequently, but so far as is known, us a merchant, was asked how he
there have been but two women had managed it. "By a single ar-
p.rates—Aurae Bonney and Mary tele," he answered, ":n a•hielt ev-
Bcad, who were captured some- ery ono may tical who pleases--civ-
thi ng over a century ago in the ii,ty." The Rev. E. J. Hardy, in
Caribbean Sea, charged with "hav- his book, "flow to be Happy
leg piratical intentions." It was Though C'ivil," gives an incident
1. ,t known at the tend that they from the life of Lord Beaconsfield,
acre not mon, and accordingly they an apt illustration of the charm
were sentenced to meet death in the which the spirit of chivalry in -
manner generally meted oat to gen- fuses into every -day life.
('cuter' of their professi•.n, when Gladstone was attacking in the
they confessed their sex, and they 'liaise of Commons the adntinistra-
v•e re in due course punished less tion of Beaconsfield, or rather of
severely. Disraeli, as he was then. He had
'1'he woman Bonney was the begun u sentence, "The right hon-
dsughter of a Carolina planter, oruble gentleman and his sat<:l•
who had disowned her by reason of rites," when forms interruptioe
her marriage with a sailor. Even threw hint out. He came to a stop,
at, that time Anne had a predilcc- and seemed on the point of break -
tion for man's attire, inasmuch as ing down.
at tho hour of her elopement she Disraeli leaned across the table
employed it for the purpose of ant' repeated the word "satellites,"
evading her angry parent. Even- whereupon his adversary at once
tually she shipped with her has- recollected himself and resumed his
'Civility has been defined as
revolence in small things. Thi
well illustrated by an aneed
told of Gen. William Napier.
Taking a country walk one day,
he met a little girl, about five years
old, sobbing over a broken bowl,
which she had dropped in bringing
it back from the field to which sho
had taken her father's dinner. She
said she would be beaten on her
return home for having broken it.
With a sudden gleam of hope, she
iu:ocently looked up into his face,
auu said, "But zu can mend it,
can't tee?"
He explained that he could not
me d the bowl, but he would give
t,cr a sixpence to buy another.
However, on opening his purse it
was empty of silver, and he had
to make amends by promising to
have a very, very, very serious returned, and Charles also, who scans to exp sin vt ,y t icy arc so al strangers, among thein another
vets who are literally rolling in sc!don seen.
conversation with you, Colonel civ illy wished Lady Mary good-ri, hes and driving about London pirate lady of the name of Mary
Middleton."mcrniuq, not having seen her till g Science has shown that mechani- Read. It followed (lint the women
I said I should be charmed, in and the provinces to -day in their cal Slight, is perfectly feasible at betaine fust friends,though at first
then. She handed him his tea with- even motor cars and carriages, said vast heights, where the machine, each was ignorant of the sex of the
wurdly wondering what that little out a word in reply. It was evident a detective to the writer the other g
curly head would consider to be that she also was aware of the rub- , f:: ding thirty per cent. less sup- other. The discovery that each
!wises conversation.(lay, says London Tit -Bits. The ma-leiyet gains thirtyper cent. in was a woman came through the de-
1►eiv. and it is hardly necessary to j,•rity, of these men are old embez- I g 6
"Really serious, you know, eon- seed that she suspected Charles. sle.•cl, with the expenditure of lit- claration on the part of Mary of a
tiu,ued Aurelia, "not Prete ce. "Hew is any father?" he asked, d' uhtatliatnd tlthe ere sarosableto btoo lilivo Ile more energy than at sea -level. rt mantic attachment fur the Bon-
finger nAbout hat tho inlaidpointing
tab! k tskher manner. no otico of the frigidity of For n.
%tell and keep going lavishly fur -i these tlaltite u altime tudes. A Germanason s natur- fly net Shortlyoafter the two women met
ou know I was with Ralph when u►• lied residences because the (non alist says they fly four utiles a min- tl ey became widows, and natural -
Ile is asleep at this moment, ey they stole was hidden by them
he found it out, and I am afraid I she replied. "Ralph is rcmaiein etc two miles high over Helgoland, ly enough cast their lots together
was a little cross to him, (rely real- , 1 e 1 g 1•eforo being arrested and sent to ie, their spring travel from the in a buccaneer crew. Both were
with hem. prison.
( meet his little friend in the same
ly it was so hard, and they were sol "lie is better, then, I hope?"Continent of Europe to England. admired for the courage they spot at the same hour next, day,
lovely, and it was partly his fault, "Ile is in a very critical state, `It may surprise you to know that. Soundings," as they are called, c%ince<I in their unusual calling, end to brio the sixpence with
thousands f pounds worth f vale g Ix him,
eco•, was t't it, for leaving them mei is likely to remain in it. His; able property )Ilootedurbv of
:, rth balloons have shown that there and both were greatly loved by bidding
her tell her mother she had
there? He ought to have been i:l• ess was quite serious ensu h, are steady trade wends blowing at their seamen. Mary stead was an see • agentleman who would
q g from varic•us sources lies buried in bring
mere careful." I without having it increased by one ()cid corners of Britain and will certain times of the year from tier cxf:ert swordswoman and fought her the money for tho bowl the
"Of course ho ought," I (:aid. I' of his own household." rnany through the Madeiras and the were than one duct. She died in next day.Tho child trestle hits
Ah. I was afraid that had been,' plcbably Duly bo recovered by the :I;oros, by the West, Indies, and fusion. Anne Bonney was in due went oher way comtortedg
would not have contradicted her,men themselves on their release.'
fur worlds. the case," returned Charles. ". tt,tnee to Florida. It is planned, time restored to her family. On his return home, he found an
"And you know I am to be mar-.krew you had been doctoringhien Cases aro constantly occurring by those who are projecting trans-
ried next month, and Ant Alice in when ho was out of aorta yestcr where an embezzler after running atlantic airship lines, to make use incitation to dine the following he
But you must not reproach. ` ff with a large sum ofgold refuses ening with some one whole he
Dublin, who is gettingmy things g of these currcrtts• especially wished to see.
sa •s as it is to be a winter wed1 , to divulge the hiding place of his
J ye.uraelt, :\antVlnry. We are none i!! -getter' gains. Ho is sent to pri-
ding, It is believed that aerial naviga- Ho hesitated for some time. try -
ding, I am to be married in a white „j us infallible. Ne doubt you art 'sat: and the loot remains unrecov-, t' rs will make use of the perman- ing to calculate the possibility of
(rise velvet, and I did think the cd for the Bost at the time, and I (red in nine cases out ut ten the est upper currents bluein•g from going to meet his little friend of
diamonds would have looked so dare say what you gave him may cn,berzlt•r finding arrest imminent' America to Europe. These currents Male fashions of sixty years ago Otc broken bowl and still being in
lovely with it. Wouldn't they 1" ,,,,, do him any permanent injury."buries his stolen property •acid digs seem to have s speed of forty-eight
had other discomforts besides long tine for the dinner -party ; but find -
1 agreed, of course. I "It that is intended to be amus -it up again when he comes out, of miles an hour in summer and twice hair. Trousers were tight and but- iree this could not be, he wrote to
confidentially at her. "In the
I shall never be married in irg." said Lady elan, her teacup prises, tl at in winter. ,lir ships for leaf- te:ned under the foot with broad decline the dinner invitation, on
telco, you know, you must not talk them now, she said with it deep trembling in her hand "I can only ;V Inns who was for many years! flu could hardly fly against this cur straps. Every man who aspired to tl.e plea e.f a previous engagement,
of it to anyone." sigh. "And I was looking forward sal that, in my opinion, wilfully cur -
lent. For economic reasons, there-, '•
P n inmate of ono of our risen! •isbe well dressed wore his coat so swing, I cannot disappoint her.
"Do you suspect anyone in pard to the wedding so much, though I eni•understnnding a simple state new (ivin�in affluence in a town epi furs. the trade -winds tareand natural le in the collar that the back of Elie trusted me implicitly."
cellar 1" she asked very earnestly, dare fav I did tell a naughty little sunt is it ver cheap forst if ort. 1 north. IIs was imprisoned for em- eer planetar e r the hat rested on it. This (assess)--e----
estop nearer. flee when 1 said 1 was not to, "I am so glad to hear you say! Lezzling £70,000 from his employers' nrrigable wind rivers between: wa so
prevalent that, according t,� FI'Itl: 111 PESTILENCE.
I hare''„ Anew what to say. Carr, Ralph the other night. Of course, s,.,'said Charles. rising, "as it; and he declared at the trial that Europe and America. Sir Algernon West, "every hat had -
I nee/ lordly mention, I had never j liulph is still left," she added as an was at your expense." be had spent e%er penny of it. For; Science has not found north and a crescent of doth on the Lack of 11 hat the Bat lin., ('oil I's in
snsessr'ted for a moment ; Gut' afterthought ; 'but it won't be so 1V'ith which l'IIrthinn shot he with -some tine after •his release from south winds as regular ns these the brim to prevent the rubbing of man Lite-.
l'1+Orles—Marston had evidently perfect, will it i" drew. j:.it he lived in a cheap lodging planetary streams. Still, there aro the beaver or imitation beaver of
Wlieved what Charles had said, t was morally certain Charles 1 endeavored in vain to waylay tit use at Hoxton and then one day a,• lanes. across the great eastward' trhich the hat was made, for silk) For one of the must terrible of
lett 1 nm by nature more cautions would have to give them up, 80 Etelyn after tea, but she sliIPecl he declared that he had come into drift that do not interrupt its flow. hats were not then invented." And all diseases the rat is now certain-
nnd Ic ss credulous than 'Marston. said reassuringly : 1 assay 'tiniest Indere it was over. and a fortune. a brother in Australia der ships. then, may fly between teem the same authority we learnt ly known to be responsible, the
Resides, I had not forgiven Charles "Perhaps you may be married in • de] not appear again till dinner- stating died and left him some northern and southern continents, thee "opera hats were unknown bubonic plague. or black death. No
yet for trying to incriminate Carr. them after all." 1 time.. In the meanwhile my !:rain, thousands. Asa matter of fact, exactly as the little plover flies met in the evening a folding chs-; scourge of mankind is more dread -
Net knowing what to say, I shrug "Oh," she said, clasping her; fertile in expedients on most oxen although the pollee had no preop, trc•hn Nova Selene over the (nidal- peau bras was always carried un -i till than this. It is slaying the
ged n.y shoulders and smiled. hands together, do rue really alone, could devise no means 1'Y Ile had recovered the money which Ini.t c to South America, without der the arm. Nobody but nn apo I•Fy'Ptiana at the beginning of re -
"You do Respect someone, then?" think so? Do you know anything elicit I could speak to her atont e he had embezzled ears before. ' a known stop. thccary or a wheeler would have, corded history ; a single epidemic
"'My dear young lady," I replied, I have not seen lialp,h since to ask seal without Charles's knowledge'• .V lean of considerablentcans'telescopes have revealed birds of dreamed of leaving his hat in the, cost Athens a third of her citizens.
"when jewels are stolen one natur- him about it. Do you think we ,
Sixty Years Ago Men's Collar-, Met
Their Ilals.
ally suspects cts someone has taken shall really get them back 1"
thein." "I should not wonder."
"So I should imagine. Whom do "Oh, Colonel Middleton, I see
ycu naturally suspect?" yen know: You are a clever, wise
( could nut tell her that I more man, and you have found out some -
than suspected Charles. thing. Who is it i Do tell me."
"•1 know melting for certain," I ''Will you promise not to toll
said. ai'%•,nc 7"
Rut you have a suspicion l ''Mayn't I tell Ralph 1 I tell him
"1 have a suspicion." etcrything."
She went to the door to see if it "Well. ell. you may tell Ralph, be -
were shut, and then came back and
said in a whisper:
'•S„ have I."
"Perhaps we suspect, the same
p( rson i" I said.
She did not answer, but fixed her
dark eyes keenly on mine. I had
never noticed before how dark they
I saw then that she knew, and
that she suspected Charles just as
Sit George hall done.
I nodded.
"Nothing is preyed," I said.
"1 dared not say even se much as
Ihi, bofore,'' she continued hurri-
edly. ''It is only the wildest, vagu-
est. suspicion. I have nothing to
take hold of. It is so horrible to
et.sp:est anyone; but---"
She stopped suddenly. Her quick
ear had caught the sound of a dis-
tant step coming across the hall. In
another moment Aurelia carne in.
"Are you there, Evelyn 1" she
said. "I was looking for you, to
risk where the time -table is. I want
to Zook out my journey for to -mor -
few. Ralph ought to do it, but he
is upstairs," with a little pout.
"You ought not to have quarreled
with him until he hnd trade it out
for you," said Evelyn, smiling. "It
is a very cross journey, isn't it?
i.et int ace, you are going to your
ureic in llnblin, are not you? You
had better go to Letelon, and start
hese thele. It, will be the shortest
way in the end."
The two girls laid their heads to-
gether over the Bradshaw, 1.velyn's
dark soft hair tanking a charming
ec•ntrast to Aurelia's yellow curls.
At last the journey was made out
Aid duly written dean, end a post -
i felt I must trust to chnnee.
(To be continued.)
r,ow living in the States serval a passage crossing the sun or moon.
trim of innprisenment for forgery,! Calculations trade from measure-
bnving obtained 115,000 by means meats taken by instruments prove
ei false cheeks. Not a penny of that they were travelling at niti-
1 I'Oi;1 1 PINE 1' 1 MILT. ' t i,e money was recovered by the tudes of one, two or three miles,
t' '.i c. During the forced confine- w ith a rapidity of two or three
Mother Trailed Ilcr tonne. to meet of the thief his wife, in par miles a minute.
Room 11 here The} were Kepi. ' silence of a previously agreed plan,] The secret of their mastery of
Some workmen who were emp'•: N(nt out to service in a gentleman's. the air currents as found by n Ger-
As soon as the husband' Iran Iran of science, give., a nett-
ed cutting down trees in a steed1."""1.v
,a 1;1, cited, however, his wife' tical key for dealing with all winds.
fougd a nest of five little
cause he knows already; but no nee fi•
nes in a h animals' parents ant! ',11n'.l immediately for tile colenles.' bards never Ih except or the swtft-
cl'e, remember. The truth is, c n, athrr oft ( • it ultimately came to light that the, est winds blowingtoward their des-
- that the little porcupines were him g
aro afraid it is Charles." gry they took them n distance o1 ' 1ijPy" which had leen stolen by Iii alien.
There was a lut,g pause. ecu aus of the forged checks had bceni - —
f( ur miles and presented them to lei ried under the flooring in a So -
"I know Evelyn thinks so," said tel rir employers children, %vim
:\urelia in a whisper, though she k;ndly eared for the animals, says
ne house.
trios not to show it, because — he flue Uun►b .\alma]!. I S0lne fifteen years ago a Hindu
cau,c----" Late in the evening the house dee,' no reliant who had ce.nie to London
"Well. a what l"' set up a greet howl outside. 'rite t, make purchases of 'gents wes
"Well. e,f course, you can't have ri opened the fleet, when t1,e e� r, I.I . •I of .. many teens:ends r
144 !reel seeing, can you, that she• , 1 d deg rn'hed in with n biced- I"•un-•' •The thieves carried th, ;r
and ('bevies--" Huse. Closely hchind a big i'l-g, tte:n ee:elth tea cheap t( es
1 had not leen it. Indeed. I had 1..1••upine walked quickly through. race( in Whitechapel. but fineli:
fancied at times that Evelyn had a t..• hall. The dog was furious, :he Poke hot on their track tli, .
leaning towards Ralph; but I never 1 .t the porcupine sniffed her way 4lariat the loot one dark night to
inre to scrm plower than others in h, th:• cher without heeding the dog a remote spot on the Essex mnr:-!t
ne tieing these things, se I nodded. tet all. The door was open and she (s and secretly bnricd it. Ties:
'And then. y, tt knew, people tr, tted through another room to then disappeared and have re t
can't bo married that haven't any is c next door and from there to been seen since. it is believed that
money, and Charles and Evelyn the box where her babies were. the mune: remains to this clay
have none," said :\urelia. "Oh! I `: e crawled into the box and laid where it sins buritd.
ten glad Ralph is well off." L, r,elf b} her little once, talking Not so very long ago a burglary
:1 light was breaking in on tee. s,,:thingly and nursing them to was committed by a couple of wc11
Pe rhaps it was nut Charles after sleep. known thieves who g •t away with
alt Perhaps--- I The next evening the' deq began about -M10 in coin and bank,inu,-
"•I am afraid Eyel}n is very un- the same racket, and when the girl They were arnested, but refused
harpy," continued Aurelia. "Iler1`w•(nt out he was rolling n big ball fel state what they had done with,
r, chit is next to mine, and she walks! of quills around in great dismay-. the money, although one clerkly
up and down and up end down, in ' She t••ok the ball in her apron rind
the night. I hear her when 1 ant' carried it to the box. It turned out
in bed. Last night I heard her so t t be Mr. Porcupine, who also
late, so late that I had been to sleep wonted to be with his family.
and had waked up again. 1/o you The children took the reunited
know"— and she crept close up to hardly to the barn. Here the por-
inc with wide. awestruck eyes --"I supine, seemed happy all winter
ten going away to-rnorrew, nn(1 I
d, t,'t like to say nnytiting to any•
(Tie but you ; but I think Evelyn
knows something."
"Miss Derrick !" I said, begin-
ning to suspect that she possibly
knew a gond dont more than any
of us, and then suddenly remem-
bering that she had been on the
Ut c purcu
ittle hollow. $eeIiIg 1, • ;}(.ee d her position and the pair It is now known that migrating
reel were so fame that they often
crpwlcd into the children's laps to
be petted. Tewnrd spring the door
of the barn 1'119 left open one night
anti in the meriting tine porcupine
family was missing. Hew it Itnp-
prred that the leer was opened the
chi'dren never stelerstood, hitt 1
think their mother thought the por-
point of telling me something reel ccpines wanted to be free again.
hinted that it had been buried in
a garden in a suburb of Landon.
The honeymoon was on the rag-
ge•I edge of the last chapter.,
"My dear," said the ex -bachelor,
"i believe I'll teach you to play
'That will be just ton lovely for
anything, darling," rejoined the
young wife. "%That game will 7.011
tench mo "
"Solitaire," answered the heart-
less wretch, who promised to love,
honor and pay the groceryman.
hail of the house where he w'as cal -i At Lyons, in 1572, the pestilence
kiiled 50,0)0 persons; Venice in
IL:6 lost 70,00). During the great
plague of London in lege, t;'+.590
And a self-satisfied men may be &c•:, out of n populntiun of 1G0,-
000; and the (lead lay in the streets
berause the living were too few to
ling or diming."
110rsIG'•ttttTEO 1:,•'t -.•'1 1. t •
n, .1.• �t.,m..,, tt , , .I ,.
II..,t.r I• I. uldu.e. T.r ,.,.,
A eatetiag need the fare at krona et imam,
Ih dt
iaectr.net trrenntetei surae iu water ea
adding Marie+... it d -(kions ..rent, tt tree( a•d
a tent, 1Mterthan maple. !tape..tete a••Id.
rr •ra. 1f amt ,.n1 foe fur 2 .a. (Atte and
t• . book. Crescent Mfg. Ce., Sfattle, Wt.
The Dewar C'hnllenge Trophy is retarded yearly by the
ROYAL AUTOMOBILE 1 l.1.11 for the most meritorious per•
forenames of the year tinder the general regulations for coni•
fled trials.
The New i)airnler cngins has now been in the hands of
the public for nearly 18 months, quite long enough to prove its
merit; owners are sending in testimonials by every post arid
we should like to forward to ane person or persons interest-
ed a complete set of literature fully explaining this marvel-
lous new motor. Send also for our new illustrated booklet,
"Tho Dewar Trophy and how it was won,” a history of the
Greatest Engine Test on Record.
The Daimler Motor Co., (1904) Limited,
bury them.
Even as late as 1771. an epidemic)
of the bubonic plague cost Moscow
nearly a fourth of its '230,000 souls.
But, niter the last Pnrthinn arrow,
t!-0 disease retiree! to India and
region westward toward the
Mediterranean, which seems to
have been its original home; and
after 1'150 Europe and Africa were
f rt e.
It br„ke out again in 1591. from
a peculiar virulent strain. that had
its hab;tat in certain districts of
7s...silent China. The army sup-
, . trains carried tit+' rats and the
, arried the bacillus pestis Prem
'.innehoorian frontier to the
Froin there it Innde its way
:. k by junks to ('nnton, w here,
Is tweet' March sad .\uguat •,f 1•:'1,
it killed upwards of lee.OJO pet-
s ns. Thence the Chinese strain
,.' the plague bacillus passed by
ship. to Bombay, and diffused its•elf
through India. Five million per-
- ns died of the pestilence in in -
,Iia during the six years that ^nel-
:,i with 1908, and it wee only ((illi
11•ng that the annual mortality f
I elow 200.090.
iictore it ens discovered It
clanra tine must include rats !Kwell
ns men, this new Indo-Chinese
strain had spr(ad ever the whole
civ ilized world.
Her husband was a merchant,
and one day while downtown she
dropped into his office. "What are
those books on top of the safe'"
s1,e asked. ''Those are the clay
becks, my clear," lie replied. "And
where are the night books she
queried. ' Night b,oks," ho
echoed in surprise. "Yes," she
rejoined. "Those yea have to work
over rat night sometimes. w!ien ‘you
are kept here (until a o'clock in the