HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-07-14, Page 8Church Directory
Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
Sunday Public Worship -10.30 arose
and 7 page
Clas( Service -Sunday 0.30 a.w. and
after Morning Service and Wednes-
day night.
Young Men's Clw and Cstsabutneaa
Sunday at t ..m.
Sunday rohool and riltde Classes t.30
Epworth League -Tuesday at R. p.tu
Prayer Mceting-Tburadwa at it eau.
Jnly .10th -The pastor will preach
morning and dight. Night tlervice
;41 7.30 p.m.
i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
••••••c o•••••••••••••••*•• ♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••
S` EWAiE- T'S ij
j �?ECIAL��1
II For Thursday Morning Selling Onlyfl
8 Dozen Bavarian China Plates, beautiful
scenic design. Regular Tic Value. Sale
• • Price 29c See South tVindow
..• •
o •
O4 •
,t III ht. your last chance
t •bol 1,01:iisery every hat in
1 he ; bili be sold at. half
tutee. t'• me while the assort-
ment :, good -
\\'e tare agents for the cele-
brated Bias Filled and 1). & A.
l'orsets. Every lady should
see theta. Call and have our
8:0..111 y tit you. Prices
We have a big assortment
(Toss Bar Muslims in large
and small blocks. Any of
them are very suitable far
summer dresses because they
are dainty, cool and light.
Everyone needs a white dress
foe summer. Why not a mus-
lin ?
50c to $4.00
Holiday Suggestions
Suit Cases
in all sizes, and prices, you
will need one when you go on
your vacation Prices from,
$2.00 to $8.75
Bathing Suits
For /HIM +1u11 boys in nue
2 • and twO piece. Bay one l,ofore
• • you go to the Like Sale.
.2 $1.00 and $1.25
50c. to $1.50
Negligee )'i' 't s
Softfront.e•tl Negligee Shirts
in great variety of choice pat-
terns from leading makers.
Straw Hats
Sailor. or Soft Rims styles.
All the newest shapes, also
()siting stats for Summer
50c to $2.00
Comfortabie underwear in
Merino Itlesh and Balbriggan
Shirts with short sleeves and
drawers long or knee length
50c. 75c. to $1.
The plain narrow Belt is
very popular. This year we
have a good assortment in
Tans, Greys. and Black at.
25c. to 50c.
MI Kinds of Live Poultry Wanted,
2• public ii.• the columns of the
_• • Terns as your odvertiaiig
nu. (`4101. Th • ere.“ is trifling.
t' .0 +' 4 .X .1t 1' r: tt F 1. M 1! $ JULY 14th till°
The i'iliies Want Column
AS lift ads', rosin, 111 *holo the
Exeter Times cannot tie sur•
paw. d. 1►o, •. it occur to you
that an advertisement may
change the tvbole career of an
indivichlal, and may material-
ly aft. et the advertiser's lot
iti li(•.f A real estate ad. will
r"' i- ad h, our tsubscribena
and o:lt: rs who are inter-
, sled in real estate. If you
have Fumotbing 10 dispose of
are onntin Ite!p. or have
.-onaethim. so bring before the
•. ••••••••••••............••
•Z• ••••a••••••••••••••••••••♦
•• Market ltegwrt.-Thr following is
• • Ih,• report of Exeter marketa, cor-
• • . d ui: to .tag- 1 It h.
• • t.'Ii at standard. 110c.
• • • (sats 3'2 to 31 cents
• 3t,,.1.•1 t,iour $2.75.
• • 1'. ,•d Flour $1.50
• • New bay $9 to 3112
• • slay ,'I0 to $13.
•• • Eggs 17c
• • flutter 18c.
• • Potatoes 50 to 60
• •
Pea' 7(
Barley 45c.
Z • Shorts $23.00.
• • Bogs. livcweight. $8.55.
• hest export cattle .' .t30 to $7.00
• • glued export cattle $7.00 'to $11.10
• Ihttcher's. cows $3.50 to $1,75
• • • ('hole • last Hi r's, heifer.:, 5.50 to 0.25
• • L . rib. x7.75 to $14.00.
• `i,.., tr $1.00 to $R,Ot,
• :
• j stool 18 to 23 dollars 1 cwt.
• •
• •
• • • •
• •
• •
• •
•• e
• •
•••••••. 1•.•••••
The 1is'ess in.m• and Mildred
Ii ;rdy are visiting at Staffa
Tisa Jennie 'Hardy spent Sunday
visiting at Zurich.
1)t. and 'Mrs. Bond left Siaturilay
lest for Lethbridge.
31r•. Arthur hemp. of Toronto was
J triter in town last week.
'•Ir. 1\',.s -1 •y taut ton is visiting his
mother in :awn.
fir. Will Treibner Is attending the
Chatham Business College.
The 'MIs, Irene and Mildred liar -
,(v are vi :.ng at Ktaffa.
miss Jennie hardy spent 1Snnday
visiting at Uoderich.
Mrs. 'W. D. Clarke is visiting rela-
tives in London.
Laurie Watson is learning the drui,
business with 'tV. K. llowey. \ t
Mess Snell, of Lt. Johns, rets n J
to her home 'Tuesday rafter viae g
Miss Lula 'Martin.
Miss Irene O'Neil, ,of Toronto, who
has been visiting in town. returned
hawse 'Wednesday.
1 ,eters '(orris and Garnet Sellery
:Ire visiting at the home_ of
'•'r ,11.1 Mrs. S. hardy.
'1. 'Tillie Yaeger and 'Miss Nettle
11- •. have return if home from
Mr. 'thigh McKay of Detroit is
.spending his vacation et his home
Councillor \Vm, and Mrs. Waiper
r today (Thursday) a hbrating
.11 it silver wedding.
The lt,lrOn Old itnys, of Toronto,
h,•Id their annual excursion to (;oder•
eh and Kincardine on Saturday.
Masters Morris an dtarrnet fishery
of titaffa are visiting at the home of
Mr r :'n dors, N. Hardy. -
\ir. and lir.. 11. Platchford. of
1.:Aet.r .pent a few days with Mrs.
1'. H:,wk.'."--Clinton New -Era.
Miss "enet1a Prayne, returned
tir.rlte Katurdny last niter visiting for
' Ivo '1 l; ' in Brantford and Lond.pi
A (I.-1,110) from Ultima says there
1•- no pto.ls•et of nny rclaxatiou of
1 he dog muzzling order for 'Western
( ntnrio.
!•••••••••••••••••o•••••••• ••••••••••N •••••••••••••••
Cautiis;S erne ti;, is a General Nuisance but canbe avoided by I'sing
on Sweeping D ty. "Dustbanc," moreover, disinfects the room and
restores rugs 14) their original freshness. The women swear by
"Dustbanc" whc., once they have used it.
Don't have a•iother dusty sweeping day but get a 35 cent tin of
We arc authorized by the manufacturers of Dustbanc to sold
you a 35c can of their Sweeping CompIund, We want you to use
this cn trial for one week. At the end of this period if not found
satisfactory they will take it back and there will be iso charge for
quantity used.
If it does'away with Dust on Sweeping
Day You Want It
Sold in bbls , half bbls. and (platter bbls. for stores, schools,
churches, hospitals, banks and public buildings.
W.J. Heaman I)isExeteor for
Canadian Factories St. John, N. 13,, Winnipeg, Man.
•Style and Fit Guaranteed. Prices Right. ••
S A 1.\VA'VM to he found at this Tailoring Establishment,
yam haven't n l ail.,r;;tn.i are looking for one, give Its a all,
,Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontario
•••••••••••.•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
The Times andWeekly Globe from now until
an. 1911 for 3Sc
Thousands of people are this week
xitneseing the m3noeuvers made 'by
.ir-men at Aviation Park. near Tor.
Mr. Chas. Dyer, of the Jlolsons bank
o-taff, returned home Monday evening
ait,•r sts•nding his vacation In Detroit
and enacting._ Mich.
A child at Cr, diton was bitten by
a slog suffering from rabies and is
now in Iho Past :r institute, Tor-
onto, undergoing treatment.
Miss Eva Carling. second directre.s
of St. Luke's ho-i.it al. N.w. York. is
it in • her par. to,. Mr. and .sirs,
I' 11, Carling.
31r. 11. Morden. ref a rn••d 'turd:iy to
his hr 110' in tit. Maty'!, after visiting
for a few ys 1 h.' guest of 1l, c. H.
E. and 'Mr., Sharp.
ell' r:l•Itordath League of the Jame-
street 1h:thodirt chureh will bold an
open air meeting on the church lawn
nest Tuesday evening.
Auction hale of House and
Lasa in Exeter on Thotoday .luiy 14
.11 7 p.rn, ft. S. Phillips. Auct., A.
lledford. Prop.
Th • sale of cigarette, in Canada
for the fiscal year that closed 'Marsh
exeeed••.I the sa Ie of t hr previ-
year by ane hundred million
141r5. T, 1;. Hemphill. of \\-roveter.
who has Nein visiting at the home
of !r. .1, (;ring (urine the past week
1e41 11\,.dn.•s•lay to visit In ilen•alt.
A number of young ladies went to
Grand Bend on 'I'utwday and slh•nt an
njoya tile dry although the rain some•
"hat marred the occasion. Later in
t be day t hey wire to be joined by
several of the young toils but the
weath'r interfered.
Mr. I'etliwick visited at his home 1
in Seaford' on Sunday,
Mr, Lyman Palmerspent it few
days this week in Wioglians.
Mr. Than Hawkins and %V,n Flt•t-
cher left for Edmonton Tuesday,
Mr. Richard Uaui••l, returned home
after a Months trip t„ the west,
Miss Ilene Farun r of London, is
visiting Miss Kathie/le Stewart.
MIS 11 II. Collies and daughter
Katie. and Mi.s Bonthron, of Toronto
are visiting relatives and filends in
The Misses 1.'a and Lillie Ituwe arts
visiting their grandmother, ,Mrs ilul-
lutvay of Clinton.
Mr and flys K)'le are
(baud Begat. They are
+Ir. At. Hilt.
About 70 nelsons from Exeter at-
tended the 12 th July celebration at
\Viughatu Tuesday.
Miss \Vllda Mattes wits successful in
omitting her exauliltation in music•.
('ongradulations Wilda,
Mr. 1•:..loner and J, 1Vniker cond-
ucted the services of the Young 11 fen's
clans in :utter SIreet ('lurch on Sun-
day afternoon last.
Mr. Polland, of Windsor returned
home 'Tuesday after spending the
past week as the house of Mr. T.
Miss It. W. Murray and sons of
Toronto, are vieitiog in town, They
have taken up their residence in the
house of Mr. W. 1). \Veidenhamtner.
Several young then have leen ar-
rested implicated in the thieving that
haus been going on in Unborn... The
CILIA` has been ,adjourned until Friday.
Mrs W. S, Cole presided at the
organ in lames street Methodist.
church on Sunday htat Miss E. Brown
having resigned her position as organ- I
31 r. Chester II•trvey 1 •ft Monday for
I:inder5ley. Sask. Chester will be
mis'ed by his Irony friends in town
who wish ilim every success in the
Miss Gladys Bissett Successfully
passed the intermediate piano -forte
exams of the London Conservatory of
music with first -clavi honors. Also
>lis:) Flossie hunter passed 1 h Prim-
ary piano -forte t•xarns of the sant('
In%ti1u'inn )%-Ith first-class honors.
rosti'_'at ing at
staying with
It was rumored that the grams on
ill•• farm of Mr. 'P. 141r•Ige in Alberta
had been blurred by the intense hent
but we arc informed that the state-
ment is incorrect. \t't. are pleased to
report that thioos are favorable
with (\ir. 'Madge in the'\V4•st.
'there was considerable diss3tisfac-
in town on Sunday last on the part
of a number of the employees of
the Canning factory and also some
of the citizens, on account of the
factory running until about half past
stye Sunday morning.
The Exeter Junior baseball leant
went to U:.shwood Friday evening
and seat the juniors of that {glace by
the (core of 16-15. On Monday last
1 he return gatne tt•as played in town
t' hen t It ••score w•os turned around
and the Dashwoodby16.15.Junlora beat the
borne t, sin
Piazza ch:uts should be given a coat
of Campbell:. Gr••cu Varnish Stain
It produces n very 'handsome effect
that adds to the tttractiveness of
year hunt porch or summer house.
Anyone can apply ills'Stain. Dries
hard and stays bard. Color c ird on
application to '\V, J. Wanton.
'We are picas'd to note that Miss
ilraun, of \Vroreter, Is visiting at the
home of :Nr. .1, Grigg. Although over
112 year. of :1,•.. '•.1r- Brant, is enjoy.
ing good health. For many years she
has been an appreciative reader of
the -Timers- and nt the present time
is able to read without he ttr• use
of sl.ectaetes.
The first weekly half -holiday w.ta
held Inst Thursday afternoon. (n the
evening a base ball match was held be-
tween 1'uliarton and Exeter and re
milted in a vit•tery for Ftlllartnu by
the acme c.t lti to It, The battery for
Finlayson was IV/Holly, 11. Intyrc and
Haynes and for I•: ester Carling and
Mintier. A goat , umber tinned alit
to see the game.
Pt' Monday night Niagara 1.1115
urs Brim avid played the return
one for the finals in the W 1'. A.
ac Bruceficld. The ilruceficld "itov•
•l.." were beaten in Niagara by 3.2
but on 'Monday the scor,• w.as -1-3 in
favor of •ltrricefield tieing 1he round
rhe twat game to Hccide the chain.
t ion'hip will probably be played on
n' utral grounds. Bruceficld leanness.
es a good football team and stand ,an
excellent chance to carry off the hon-
ors. A large crowd witnessed
gain.' 'Monday evening. the este r..
' iota amounting t. over $131. ries
oral went up from town.
A regular Storm period Tuns front
the 1 1th to trysts. bring central on the
.l tit h. Storm conditions, such ;11
Chang^ to warmer. falling barome-
ter and cloudiness. will appear to the
west early in thea period. about Ib
Illth, 17th and 18th, blustering thun-
der clouds, with heavy showers. and
wind trill touch many localities in
their sweep from west to east across
the country. This period will also h•
followed by rising barom••tcr 140,1
cooler air from the northwest.
?i,.' . r . lid .iones. Jack Walker
and Lone)' 1It-tvood who attended
Belleville College during the past
year and who have been spending a
few days at t heir respective pont.•-.
left his ty., k to enter upon active
work in the ministry. i'.'I. .tort,.,
goes to Wilke -port. Lamhton Co.,
.lack Walk, r to the Bervi:' circuit
and Loney lfeywoc( to 1't. l4(;tnl, y
andcircuit, wh,•re t hey will net ns .1lut;nr
Paators. They are capable young Mill
will make n vnlua
bl • addition
o the .Methodist Ministry. ',• t' i.h
1hern Godsp:•ed in th• .31a•-ter's work.
0LU Nt IL`,F:.
Mrs. \\'ins:otr', Foolhing (syrup 1:•
th• ;no script i t,, of one of the hest
female idly xi( 1rr15 ;1(111 m1se51 in the
United litotes, and 1135 been used for
fifty years ttith never -failing Sure -$.4
by millions of mothers for their
childr,ert. It reli'vr.a the child (torn
lain. corr:v sli irrhol•:a. griping in
the bew.•Is and mind colic. fly giving
h.•aith to the (-hilt!. it rests the
mother. Twenty-five cents n bottle.
n661a1 XXX
at $2.10 per Square
Now is your opportunity if
you require any cedar shingles
Do not delay your order,
11. J. GLfITWOR]by
Dominion Day
ftetnrn Tickets at single Fare
Between all stations in Canada, also
to Detroit and Port k{uron, Mich,,
Niagara Falls and ihtltalo, N. Y.
Good Going June 30 tL July 1
ftetura Limit Jul!' 4, 1910
Northern Navigat'n Co.
Sailings of passenger steamers from
and IDULUTH. every Monday, Wed-
nesday and Saturday at 3.30 p.m. On -
Iv vie Wednesday and Saturday
steamers go to DULUTH.
Sailinee from COLLiNGWOOD 1.30
p.nt. and OWEN SOUND 11.45 p.m.
Wednesdays and Saturdays for 800
Information from Railway Ticket
Agents or from the Company at Sar-
nia or Collingwood.
Men's Suits
After all it's thl Tailor who
makes a stilt a SUl:CESS or a
FAiLUI{1••. The most fascin-
ating style would 1* a fizzle if
there Were not careful needle
work underneath. That is the
reason our Suits at 8.2(1 are
better than the suit you buy in
town for more money They
are perfect in every way if
not you can have your money
Merchant Tailor.
1':X l%TEi( ()NTA 1110
No (natter how siiinlli ur
may lie, every bit of valuablpoe infortnsalary-
atiuh you pick up. every bit of good
reading you do, in fact everything you
do to make )ourself a larger and com-
pleter man or woman, will help you
to advance.
Last week mention was made to the
marriage of Mr. Fredrick Kerr of Cred-
iton to Miss Ethel, daughter of 141r•.and
Mrs -Ins. Walker at their residence
about 2 ,stiles and a half south of the
village, The ceremony was pertomed
by Rev, W. If Butt, of Centralia, a
little after eleven o'clock in the pres-
ence of over seventy guests. A large
arch with ribbons of various colors,
anti a while dove floating over the
head of the expellant bride, had been
erected in the corner of the drawing
room. To the strains of the wedding
march was played by hiss Vera
I?s.ery. the groom trek his place be-
Ladies Waists...
$3.25 now
3,00 "
Ladies Underskirts,.
Regular $4.b0
" 3.75
now X3.89
A few Suits in Light Weight small sizes.
To Clear at a BARGAIN PRICE.
This Store will close every Thursday After-
noon during July and August.
Jit prices' paid for Produce.
"Surc Death to Bugs -- It Kills Every Time"
B6rcrs Paris Green
the only kind it's safe for you to use. It does its work
Quickly, Surely -there's never any doubt of result.
BERGER'S has a deeper shade of green than any other
--a sure sign of purity and strong poisoning qualities.
For Sale at
Is standard for duality
and efi'ectivness. It is
fldVIkIAs stove & fldrthvdrc store
l)ne 11, .t• I:ortti ..1 Itrowning's Ding Store
Tinsmithing, Plumbing & Furnace Work
a Specialty.
heath /he alT11. aceon1putled by two !
little waiting maids. the•,Thrnt''rs nt'All Stock consisting of Boots and Shoes,
Mr. and Mrs. (.e•' I4(1w1), 'Then follow•- .
ing the bride leaning „11 Ilii' arm of j n beautiful her father. and Goods, Mens Furnishings
eLeat int; lthful
ba(nitlet of white Co..,., ;tt„t carnations
Ella Ray Down the bn;dos niers, was Balance of a Grocery Stock clearing
flower girl, dressed in pink and rehire
carnations, while her sister Mabel,
onsring- hearer and dressed in blue. "^ ^"'r'
The scene was a very wetly one Ill•
aced, and after the ceremony was over
eotgritulations were showered upon
the happy couple. The ••eddingbreak •
tart Minn n
I w
ing WAS an elaborate affair.
Toast(' were drunk to the henith of
both bride and groom, The bride is n
Ito mistime and popular young Indy
who will he greatly missed while the
gro,nu is a well known Sportsman Be-
ing president of the Exeter Gun -Chits
and has scot( it large number of trop-
hies tlirouglttnnt \Vestern Ontario nt
many gun meets, the last trophy being
a beautiful silver cup given by the
mayor of lIr•intford, rarified at fro.
As a marksman 1Ir • Kerr has few
e•ams's, Mr. and Mrs Kerr left on the
evening train going south for Detroit
Chicago, and other western points.
On their return they will reside near
Crediton, and will be at home after
Aug, 1,
S pounds Japan Tea for 90c, a better grade 3y; pon rds for it
Shoes _.hoes Gse a pair, Misses and Ladies slippers to clear it pair
Fancy Lace Lisle hose in Tan or Black, 2 pairs for 25c.
A big Assortment of Ribbons at roc a yard
Linen Collars 5c, Rubber Collars sac t ach
Fancy Vcsts 3Sc, Shirts 5oc
14 Boys and MC119 Suits since 34 to 37 to c zar at from $3.75 to $S
The Exeter Ba rga : ti Store