HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-07-14, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, JULY 14th IWO N•N . •••••N••••••••••••••N•••NN••• i P • The lVlolsons Bank Incorporated 1855 CAP TAL (paid up) .... $3 500.00000 RESERVE FUND Has 72 Branches .... $3,860.000.00 Heart • "For two years I had pain in my heart, back anti left side. in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Could not draw a deep breath Principal Cities in the World. General Banking Business Trans cted. • • • Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. • ' Dickson do Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HUIfDON. Manager i Wile*•••••••••NNN•••N•••O•••.•e••e •••••••••••N••• THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO . WALKER, President EXANDER LAIRD, General Manager k sTAliLI .III:11 1807 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - € C C .=, CO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada anti in foreign countries. FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States, Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 123 Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager Branch aLao at Crediton. ,1.++ -Sees , ..:-•i•+d• ::-.;..;. ,- ;..p -.i 1;1.1••1-++ AT 40 You will regret you did not attend one of Canada's 1-figh-Grade Business Col- leges, located at Peterborough Welland Orangeville Wingnam Clinton Walkerton Now is a good Time to enter. Our =;raduatcs receive from $.loo to $1 Soo per anum. Mail Courses i;) too different subjects. \\'rile for particular•. Clinton Business College Geo. Spotton, Principal. Crediton •!• Mr. Chas. Ewald returned to Ohio + after spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Mr. August Kuhn and sisters. also Miss Clarke and Miss Ella Beaver. autoed to Stratford and `\Vootlstoch cone on Tuesday. Jti•tgetoirn, Sales 'Manager in J, Y. We are glad to report that Sirs. Their gentle action and good effect or the llyetenl really make theca of t:ri(fin & Co's. Tacking plant, Ed- Jas. Clarke is doingnnicely. menton and David Elston, of Lucan, Ed - Mrs. II. Brown is spending a few pler[ect little pial. The)" pleas thosci` cr,tary and Penman of the.\Ibertn days at Grand Bend camping with wlio ust' them. Carters Little 1.i• • r 4, art• ;Ir College, an o f t h, as cap. ills may well be termed "perfct- g �' i JI r. and 'Mrs. 8lrcitzer. ' t sins of the Kent and 'S1iddlcsex base - Everybody was smiling on Teesday ion.' i, ill teams, got their nines together end Albert Vail. of New - 111110 e v- ampire. scraps • or lie on left side, and any little exertion would cause palpita- tion. Under advice I took Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy and Nervint'. I took .:bout thirteen bottles, ant in better health than I ever was, and have gained 14 pouIfd.." /:lobe to new s.,r •r 1; t i!1 Jany. Ise• f.,______ , i1 for 35 cents. un G. 1(iusueh. Ridgt toren, p. AIRS. L1LLIE 'I'IIOM4S, -�-- Dr. l:..Calender. Ridgetown. c. Upper Sandusky, (Alio. ,esTE11S ANI) lit'NBU'ItNI E. Milton. 7tidgetoten, as. PI �', Ire• Geo. 1•arn,•y. Itldg,•1own. Ib. For many years Dr. Miles' TRY ?AM.-Itt:le F. tic trlet1. ltidgetown, 2b. Heart Remedy has leen . •'r3' Blisters from paddling. ball -play. (toy 11. 'blunter. 'ltidg'•town tib. (Cap) \ •it Of ing. or any other cause, painful sun- L. 1!. Varney. ltidgetown. r. (. successful ill the to burn teaches • stings of insects. and Geo. Chalmers. Lucan, o. f. heart troubles, Ise of its chaffed places. aro all Cited Instantly' Geo. Green. ltidgetown I. f, by '/.;uu-Bole. 7)ou't have your vacs/- 'Chen cause t he sumptuous spread 10111C effect upon the heart ion spoiled by pain from any sore, on the green sward, after which nerves ,,,d muscles. Even in which Zau,buck could cure in quick President George 'llunter called for times the election of officers (or next year sere* e caSee of long standing it 'Whig wonderful balm i. made from the result being !-President Geo. Lias frequently prolonged life for herbal juices and is bighly antist(pti Hunter ltidgetown: Secretary trea'- man ' years alter doctors had l oison from insect sting. barbed wire, urer-A. M. :Veil, 'Newbury. Execs+ �, )_ scratch or thorn prick. is immediately live committee -Messrs. .1. J. Tull given up all hope, as proven by rendered harmless as soon ns 'Lem St rat rote L. D. 7'arney 'ltidgetow n. flak touches it. Stops She Stinging I). C. 'McLean. Rodney. 'Mesdames 1. thousands of letters \\'C Have re- pain. 'yaui-Iluk is so pure too that L. Griffith 'Melbourne. 1). C. 'McLean cdlvcd from grateful people. tie. most delicate skin is able to ab- Rodney, J.\ V. Mtatr,y Slrathroy. 1)• - sorb it. and is benefited by jt. Moth ciding upon n perament name for t hie erg with young babies should use it annual outing resulted in coneider- for the chafing sores caused by per- able discussion. but D. Elston's Rug- spiration.- clothes -rubbing etc. Also gestion of Middlesex and Adjoining good for piles, ulcers, and festering carried upon 'Mr. 'McLenn's motion sores. All druggists and stores bell, 1 e the races with results at 50c bot but refused harrnfulitnita- tions. f 1•:LI 1\ 1LIA.: ,e,,n • his season on the banks of the f el:. : ,w'I Brock had a run tw ,y �;,, .tt North 8askatchewau. was pull- ; Inot t li to here 011 ('rid I I:t • .. M r. e.i oft, '1)r. C. Valender. of Fargo, 11,uck was driving along t►: road N. 1).. formerly of ltidgetown, tuadc o r I li 51r. '1'. Swale and gr addaugh- i lie only run for '1Cent, while the end ter 'thea when the horde becama of four inuiuga gavo tho Middlesex (.ighteued and jumped to 1ht. nide. nice a total of 19 grand circuits.1 '.1r. Bruce webs thrown from the rig Dale's ttvirling turd 1'earson's home;/ and 1 h•• Tines 55er.• lo.t. The hursa 1 en were outatnding features in'thei started duan the rued w1 the tun. fly work of the Slid Ibsext•rs whir• .•''r using the obit/ Mr. Smote Ina netted 1lo• Kenters showed fine fore, ,,,(h to get control of the linos and :-•tight 'nervolrsne. s at etw"• air •tree°; brought 111.• tow., to a .lop widaout mews 'ltidfr-low t an•)'rr' ' further' acrid, itt. NI r. Itluck was somewhat shaken up. though not ser- iously er•- r sinjured. to r 1) No ore knows better than t hose who use Carter's Littl,• Liver fills What relief they have given when riev. Coulter. l.undun. 'L b. taken for dyspu•psia. dir.ziem•--•'(\ It 'Lindsay. tittatrui ' `' 1'In• 'bine up about 'equall) (:, .,,o••'; t:eu. 'Dale. , Craig. p. hent. 1•••.•'•011. Loudon. o. s. )r a.�•I'h iupsuii.Strdtrturuy.sss. teat! in rho eta, . ceoatip�rt - lei •,•'tab. G. �te, .\larkre. Berrie. r.f. ordered St 011111 h. W. 'GG. Brown. Mount llry'dges, .e,f. The "Timer' and--orODto Weekly Dave 'Elston. Lucan.l.f, (Captain) lbcri from now K1:NT Price $1.00 at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not. send price to us, we forward prepaid. DR. MILES MEDICAL co., Toronto, uetheny'people are seemingly well satisfied in their change in the min- istry as well as th•• service. Sacra• mental service July 21st. [ 100 cam as folio •s.-- Iloys 15 and under -1 Lester Mo Allister. 'Archie Simmons, 3 'toss Paul Girls 15 and under -1 May \Whit• 21tu1,1 Carr,ather;. J Ella Kelly. I1,ys 8 and r,n'l,•r-1 Raymond 1$itn- ntons. 2 Tom McGibbon, 3 Free Rower. Girls 8 and tinder -May Griftitb+ ! 1.1len Callander, 3 eland Patrice. )toys 0 and under -(Daniel McGib- bon 2. l'rcd Barnes. '3 Norville llun ter. 7)r Fol. ;\ecdle and thread race -1 insbee and Mrs. W. A. Thomson. 2. David Elston and 'Mr=. 11. Pearson. I Ladies potatoes race -Sire. Thomson Relay race -Miss Mnri.• Murray and Dr. Folinsbe,•. Mons potatoes Fac:•--\\. A. Thomson MIDDLESEX AND I:EN'l• PICNIC An unusually pleasant combination of circumstances vied with Old Sol in At an Official hoard Meeting of the smiling upon the great concourses of Methodist church on Thursday last it former Ontario citizens who attended was decided to supply Whalen Metho- the Middlesex and Kent picnic on the dist church with afternoon service (;roil estate. Edmonton. on July .1st from this point, consequently Rev. 1V, One hundred and thirty persons were 11. Butt will preach at Whalen every registered by Secretary A.li. '\•nil Sunday afternoon. and the at tendance was probably The delightful rain we had on /belabour 150. After tho party had been 12th has already helped the crops 'properly labelled with names and iderably. 'eastern addresses 'toy B. blunter, of Centralia e. when they saw the rain come. The crops and gardens certainly needed it. Mr. D. Neil, of alanitoba, is spend- " ing n few days around here. visiting with his sister. Mrs. Robert Sweet. Miss Della Braun returned home af- ter spending a few weeks with friends and relatives in Hterlin, Tav- •f. ;stock and Blenheim. + Miss 'Motz. of Detroit. is spending t fees days visiting with her father, 2 Mr. 11. Motz. Mr. James returned to Prince Fd- • ward island after spending n week with friends around here. +2,1r. and Mrs. ferry have returned 10 their horse in I'onti:tc. Mich. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Sneider, of Clifforde + i, spending a few weeks at the home + of Mrs. Chas. Either. .. Mrs. Russell Ilwxtab:e returned to • her home in 1lnmilton alter spendin + ',I•' a few• weeks with her mother, Dlrs..1. il+++++++++-h+-h++++ 'i.+++ : + :. Fi n kbei ne r. 31rs. .1. Dambra and children, of London. are visiting the former's mother. Mrs. 11. tMotz. Ira Braun spent Sunday with par- ents but let on his travel on Mon• day morning. Miss Nora Siebert. of Dashv: ood, 2 spent n few days at the home of Mr. and Mn.. S. Brown. • Mr. August Kuhn. of Stratford, is • home for hie holidays. • Mts. Mr.) Orme and daughter re- • • turned home after spending a few • weeks camping at Grind Bond. 2 Mr. .John Young. of London. is 2'h, l lg a few days with 111+ sons. `•1: :and Mrs. David Kuhn and •2 c telia returned to their home in • - ie•waing on Friday after spending •,e few week` with relatives and • friends around here. Visa \Wallis 'Hill was r ,n Exeter on 2 Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. Siebert. of Dashwood • ut Sunday in town the guests of CENTRAL G STRATFORD, ONT. Three Deeartmt•n: e Commercial, Shorthand Telegraphy We asnist graduates to p•o-i- tions. The demand upon us for trained help greatly tx- c:•cdi the supply. The three most recently ')•!aced are re- c,•ivin,p $10.00. $50.00 and $100 p;r month respectively. Bus- iness men );tate our graduates are the best. Enter our etud- es now. Get our free catatooue D. A. Mc1,ACIILAN. Principal. • Slr. :and airs. S. ltraun, • Rev. Wait ret urned home on noir- day after attending the funeral of 1►•••••••••••••••••••e••••• his aunt. Dire. Itreithaupt, of Merlin. On Friday our Stars drove down to Denfield rind played a hot game of hall /with their t. un. This was the • best genie of 0.. = t -on. hardly an error was made. The score was 5.1 in ?Ivor of the Rt n. The Orangemen. of this titlark -1 •,.•t.• I plcaeant :eth at Wingharn. '•! I'alist. of Cairo 'Mich, who is r. gni; a few 1111 •k+ at Zurich, over with at f.•o- friends on • -v afternoon. Ile certainly his r. • t : r k. of London, It spending I t,'t •ye with h -•r ;ant Mrs. Mr - +y. Pianos to Ren t $2 per Month and Up. i months rent allowed on (purchase 'if a new Piano. S. MARTIN & SON Thames Root! Mr. Paler Whit lock Ilia the distinc- tion of being the only firmer in 1 s- hnrne 1ownehip. . far ne o • know of, 1 dr ' r in hi, ha.t• /wit h Its caste- __ - e e • enlfinee. in+t..arl of it., h here ter .1' Inuit (sent"r+ or,. acens(omed to. 11011 V r I' .: -). o.la,!-1. e, of The engines. of which li • ha., awn. publie tt • \ f :-, .1 it (:oder- are mounted an a frame. especially 1Ch un 1 \ : 10th. desiitn^d :ant: con- t reeted by the ow - The 00111 Ilet h - • 11 for painting the exterior ut i1: court ouse at (ioderiele Ooderich has secured :1 Gn00 a ,Iron oar of oil to be used in oililtg the street <4 of the county town. Mr. Joseph 0. Button. of St. Marys passed aty it at his resideno • on the Thames 11t r. on Friday last. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA tier eo :Int it. 010 bt • ani' in almost: env nee on 1h • firm inthe way of ,i:111an 'hes :355 for 2t)c draft, ing !nide. ile also ile'•s this in• ^sato:= cnnlriv•tnr• t0 drew tip rind -'n1 :rove) from the pits far tree in ten kin • of cement block nod tile for /whirl' he ie noted. S1i llie rhink`n and 'Mr. Er - Gamble ate visitors at Mrs. Sam.( 1' I - ,,:ore•=. Mr. arts 'Mrs. Sgnires were visitor!! ill this neighborhood last Sabbath. 1,al.: Tiieiday t'Ir. and 'Mr'. '5V,11. 1lorney eelebrat,.1 tht•ir fifth or wonden wedding anniversary at their home. A tiro" nernb:•r of relatives n•1 (,•bends were present. The -Time' and Toronto Weekly Globe to new subscribers from now till Jany. 1•t. 1911 for 35 cents. M. bury. n-atioinal with ns 011 of of t Its. he nloSt diamond Aller di,triI 1i lI0 5h• prizes and singing Auld Lang Syne. the pionicers repaired to their homes delightd with Ih• d .'v out ing.-Edmonton Daily Is,e..11/1 iebert's 30 Days 30 fearing MEN -W CAN CURE YOU wolf1,1F1111111. ..ND OCCUPIED CCUPIEDTBYTDRS. K. E IN AMERICA K. YOUNG OR MIDDLE. AGED MEN olio ucc,l thest•rr-ie••s of ,r. , rt specialists trWte y..ur I::.,l e) w t,eatir.{ with t!u,-lors)t•u k,, w li tt ot. why waste )„urrnuucy kith uurth•c s e:e-tale belts or drug store nostrums, s; i. n you can get Fuarauteed, retiaree, sue. • -fid treatment from these Master Special:,!... Drs. K.& K. have treated 1aticuts tlu, •!.out Canada f. -r over i))e:usum! ar.•,. ••:.siblo tlnau- ci.tlly. They accept c•t.ly e!. at !e ca�ea and hould yourC.,0 proto Met: able It need not cost you a tent. 1f pit rete) unable to cede at our office for a p" r • .. 1 t: xawivatlon svowill send aQuestlouJ.t t r r joutofillupp feta unfelt we can charm •s,.urcase sea tea you 1,t.cther you are , able or not. 't !:1 1 WO it is prexrILO'. c remedies your our tedividuel coy ,•' li ••,u can tate at home. We havo c•• • . -alt , emedy that ue rend to everyL•ul . .o u, most I '-ciahsts do, but ve 1n, • • ' , tle� rem- e•.ics required for each f:: •.. ',tat ease to complete 1t sure. '11:at's 0; • . I 11.., secrets of our tit 6uec,•s; , . • 11 .•rs fail. Send for our Free Cooklct ca Duoases of Men ,illustrated.) CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY \t'u Guarantee tv Cure Nervous Debility. Blood Cisecses, Varicose Veins, Kidney. Elar:.:crand Urinary Dis,asca CONSULTATION FREE If unable to cull. write for c Question Blank for Home Treeurcct DRs.KENNEDY&KENIJ - DY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, ;Rich. lirNOTICE All letters from Canada mu -. - . addressed to our Canadian Correspor:: _ce Depart- ostosomg ment in Windsor, Ont. If .,,.:t desire to see ue, personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as tic see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspo^,fence and Lalx,ratory for Canadian business only. Address all Letters es follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private addresv. • ement, Lime, Sao. horts and Flour .A1ways on Illtnd. Leave Your Order .)r Call up 1'Ha�TE 2 R. G. SELDON, Exeter. 1 Compare Your Razor With the New Carbo Edge Don't be eat'sfled with 010 razor yr.v are using because you Merely think 1t 1s the best. (tet tee Carbo -Magnetic. 1t will last Inner -it wilt give you a quicker, smoother shave. Try It for n0 daps nt our expense - then you will know whirl! is the best --for the sure test of value Is com- parison. . "night tempering" Is tho secret of carbo-alagnette iuperlortty. The SCarbo edge '• is secured by an even electric heat of 2.501 degrees I"ahrrn- he•It-a prtx•ess of enrhonlzntlon stmt- Iar to that by which dlaroonds hw•e W, Jr HEAMAN, t..•en produced. TI,-• result Is the hardest cutting edge known to science -n blade that you never have to hone or grind. Don't take our word for It -the rant• proves Itself -come la today and g• t one on 11) days' trial -.r 1001' FOR THIS TPADe .•%-p.: ut GheN,dewih the Carbo t y.. EXETER, ONT.. We need the Money and Space. Our Stock must be reduced by \Ir \t,rman Juppe and bride of De Z at least $4000.00, hence the reason for putting the knife deep into New and Up=to•I)it:e "foods .r These are some of the Many Bargains waiting YOU here : (.ingbitlns, Prints, Dlunlins, regular u1► to 15c for 1Oc ('h:ttn1)rayb I innent'tt('s reg 15c for Ile Gree Cotton 138 to 11) ins reg 121 for 10c Linen Suiting & Sateens " 25 for 19e Table Napkins " $1 for 75e .. 11 It 'fable 1.1111'11 11 ./ .t Shitting 1)ress (10otlS It Il reg $2 :.':)'for $1.75 " '2 50 for 2.00 ' / 3.50 for 3 (N) 25 for 19 1, 40 for 32 " 60 for 42 " 65 for 65 " $1.00 for `t0 " 15 for 121 " $1 00 for 75 1. 75 for .)0 1f 511 for :3s Meng & Youths Snits $113 for 14 for 10 .1 10 for S Boys 2 peico Suits 3 0 11 '2.:41 1.1.) Summer Coats 1.20 ('ettams Washing Compound 50 for 3c 5c 11 Mons Straw Sitl.l,rs 11 Il Corsets Reversible Cretonne Art 111uslins Skirting Tapestry Citrlu'ts Inion Carpets ,s boxes for .)c reg edea'/) fur $1 reg. $1 for 75c erg 75e for 50e reg $1 for 1i5 reg 35e for 25c reg 20c tor 15c reg 15e for 1 l e reg 1"l'for 12Ic r'a'g $ 1 for 75c reg SF c for (;St ret; 50e, for 40c reg 40e for :32c Union Carpet Rug 3x3 yds 5.511 fur 4.'25 00 for 5 5.:) Mens (Currie) Raincoat reg $10 for $5 1dt(lle9 Raincoats reg $5 for $4 Linen 'fowling ref.' IOc for se 5-4 'fable Oil Cloth reg 25e for 20e Enib tip to (tin reg 11;& IS for 12 1.2c 'Irinlnle(1 fiats at Half i'rice Dinner Sets reg $6.5O for $5 11 reg $10 for $S 1, rel; $12 for $:) Pitchers reg 2.'e for 1 fie r_aautter and Eggs r Taker. SIEBERT & CO. Dashwood, Ont. trait s .,ted relatives in town. Sir. :rid 511 s. •,John t5ebilbe moved :heir household efects to Detroit last week. Miss Ida Sipple is visiting rela- tive:: and friends in Detroit. Mrs. 11. l oungblut t is visiting with frit•nds in Berlin. Mise Carrie. tiallman ,of Stratford iced her garnets last week, Rev. C. U. J. •Maass. who celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordina- tion. and Mrs. 'llaass, were pleasant• o 'urprieed one day recently and ::,nils iemt•mber.•d by the Synod and th • members of the congregation. while attending the wedding of her son. S1 r=. Vivker+, of St. 'Phomas wee thrown out of the rig at the Ilabylon Line. and snstnined several broken ribs, besides other injuries. About forty children from 'rnr:tn(a orrived here on Wednesday evening for a few weeks outing. About hall will r. main in town and the remain. I •r are being taken care of by the f. •niers in this vicinity. The young. ie.+ will be gi. .1 a !rood time and We are sure they will be grateful for the chance to get out in the' open nit (1,1 few weeks. The annual election of oficers of the Junior Alliance. 5501 held on Sat - ,rJay. June 25th. The officers iv, 1.• nppointe 1 as foll,,ws : frees. Olive• t1'- mien : Vice l'n•.- 'Mershrll ' Rec. Sec., Earl 1Vcido; Cor. See., Mur• tel Prcetcr, Treas. 'Vda Fritz: Or- ganist. 1•.Iva 7lcyrock : Librarian-. L. Cnlfas. Leeroy O'brien ; Page girls, Ruth llartleib. 'Marjorie Fritz, Mil. 1:.•d Ilofftnan. Miss Itertha 'Hey, daughter of Mr. Chris 'Hey. and Mr. Nelson Vickers. were married in the Lutheran church •,n 'Wednesday lent. by Itcv. C. C. J. 'lnas•-, .pastor of the church. The young couple will reside in St. Thom 58. K.IRkTON Mrs. Geo. Vickers and daughter Loretta. of Chesrly. are visiting S1rs, el. N. Shier. \1r. P. fishier anal bride, of Kaska• toon. visited relatives hero recently. Mr. Geo. IJayett has returned from England. ' Rev. R. Snell has been engaged by the Alma Ladies' College St. Thomas to speak one hour a day for sir days commencing fitly lit h -- - CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Blight Bears the Signature of Houses built for sale sell quicker 11 NEW IDEA FURNACES are installed The "New Tika"Furnace adds a considerable pereentaRe to the market value of any house. It pays the builder to instal thin best of all fur- naces and gives the owner absolute satisf.tcti,.n. The "Neta 1/Traub a money -saver because its construction is a guarantee of fuel onomy and durability. This furnace IS repair and trouble proof eca of its exclusive features it is EASILY operated and Ell 1 VA dust and dirt. Vet, the "New Idea" costs no more than jt: •dinar, furnaces. Write for a copy of our FREE book, "New Idea .:.uaces.' It gives the proofs'of our claims. GURNEY, TILDEN & COMPANY, Limited j 44 IR� �1 Mllkan of Y.atiss and Ceekip V. t�. 11 1i A ill A 1 e Geode ft» H Years 1' N h' i' I . l r , O `. T. HAMILTON • ONTARIO 077