HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-07-14, Page 4CASTORIA . HE EXE '.L (' .L T 1 M ES, JULY 14th 1910. 1101101.1 Nettle's''t•u•iu to enter iuto a valid end bind. invasion. 11e roou ruse to the I BETTER THAN SPANKING. ling agreement with the city to con. of Captain, and then successively at rust. equip , i !trough all the gurdes of the service ' Spanking dots not cure children of bed- i 4 [ and op: rate aline of to that of Lieulcnaut•Coloucl of the' etting. There's& constitutional cause for railway from the city lo Soule point ,�,tttb It.gime•nt,a position front tthicb trouble, Mrs. DI. Summers, Box . sit fou 1.:►Ise ilurou witbing 'two ,ears he retired sewcn years ago. I Itdsort Ont., Will scud teen to soy mother trout the final passing of t Lis by- Ile was in days gone by u promiu- 1 er l�eeessful home treatment, with full eat un•mber of the Orange Order and filled for a term the position of Grand Master of Ontario \\ tea. Ile was also an active ''Mason and two years u► o was D. 'D, G. M. of South Unroll 'District. In religion he wee t • ;tractions, tend no moncy,but write her tc•dav if your children trouble you in this 'my. Don't blame the child, the chances law. Default of any of these particulars s`ro rt can't hole it. This treatment also involves forfeiture of this franchise clues adults and aged people troubled with and the company must when called e tc adults Ly day or night. upon assign all .their rights and pri an Episcopalian. The deceased was vileges so conferred back to the a wan of exceptional ability and THE CONDOR COMING cit y to be conferred again by the gretaly beloved for his many tin • •, d , qualities t heart and mind, Ice dim • city upon nny person or corporation o u , That Lord Charles Beresford is still a helping hand for the advancement T which the city may name. of his fellow man, beloved by all wit h N deeply interested in the Canadian at- The lonal Exhibition a cutupleto model he company and railway are to of the little gunboat Condor with remain under provincial jurisdiction and any attempt to Impair or over- , which he first fought his way to fame During the bombardment of Alex- andria with this little boat carrying an armament of 41 ton gun end two 04 -pounder guns he engaged FortMar- about for di hours and pracli:ally sil- cid the enetuey's guts before beiug nforced. As the armautent of the whom he carne in contact. Ills widow, :Miss Jameson, of Blau - shard, also one son, 'Dr. James \\'hitt•, rule. that authority .or 4o aot lodes of 'Toronto. and two daughters, Mts. l;oldwin Kirkpatrick. of Edmonton pendently of it, jnvolves forfeiture of the privileges here conferred. The company are to obtain their power Supply from the hydro•eIec- tric power commission from the stepping -down station at Stratford but the company shall not lease, and Mrs. Jameson of bt. 'Marys are left to mourn his lose. Col.'Whit, was n brother of the late John \\'bite, founder of the "Times", ! Flak,sisters also survive. 'Mrs. .1.'` At I insole 0f Illanshard, Mrs. M. Hamilton,. tat. 'Marys and !firs. John Andersen of ltlanshard. The Tuner- 1 The Bind Ycu IIavo Always Bought. and which has been Ila use for over 30 years, has borne the tdgnatulo of and has been made under his per- / ><-+: tonal supervision sinco its Infancy. I CI.0 Allow 119 ono to deceive Lott lis this. i A.11 Counterfeits, Imitations stud ".lust -as -good" aro but Experiments that trifle with tool endtutger the health of Whigs and Childreu—Experience against 1 xperltueut. ort consisted of two 18•ton guns, two sell or distribute electricity w•ithiil al on Moodily was the largest ever held in the town. Places of business 2 -ton guns, two 10 -inch guns, two tl• the city without the censcnt of the enetally were closed and the two licit gun:, twenty 32 pounder guns nd five tuortars, it is not hard to ex - lain how he earned the title of ' Con- lor Charlie," particularly as he so lauoenl•r•'d the Condor that she was oily hit twice during the engagement, city council. foundries closed down for half a day. The procession was composed of luem+ • NOTE AND CODIDIENT6 bers of 'Masonic. Order, !I. 'O. 1''. and Orangemen, officers of the 28th When we meet you of course we !Regiment, 28th 7tcgiuu•utal baud, lie . [vitt quiz you—editors always do. :We Marys T. O. F. band and firing party must know what you know and thus of two companies. The funeral ser - it is we learn 'of a great many things that everybody does not know and after combining thein in column's Electric IRal1way to Lake you will find n great Many things Huron you do not know and even things you did know appear so vastly different Residents of Exeter and surround - is will not know them and thus It is you have a continual 'feast of ing community will be interested in things, something new, fresh or done ---,•—___ ivoting -- • -- ivoting on the bylaw to grant cep- over. In conclusion when you Meet The "Times' and Toronto Weeklyn privileges to the Stratford Rail- tis know to divulgewhat to expect and prepare The to new subscribers from now ayCompeny which takes place on freely. tally, candidly and till Jany. 1st, 1911 for 33 cents. good naturedly. A quoit wedding was celebrated in July 29th. During the past few years1 a number of Electric schemes have London on Monday at. three o'clock The moving picture law is now in by the Bev. T. 11. Clark, when Miss been mooted for Stretford awl Lake effect, The ammendment to the law Lily May Itissett was married to Ituron, but none of them have reach- by which the exhibition of moving Frederick C. M. heath. After tb ell the advance stage of the present picture prize fights is prohibited ceremony they left for Niagara on a one. Besides the proposed railway was signed by the lieutenant-gover. trip. C0 their return they will re - nor Saturday morning. and is now side at 580 Central 'Avenue. London. system for the City, a nett line of rail- in force all over the Province of On- Miss ii8sett "s a granddaughter W. wily trout Stratford to Lake Huron is tario. The 'ammendment clause in Mrs. 'T .11issett. of 'town. e of the conditions of the franchise• the' law reads: "No exhibition will ---+-- +p. , be 'permitted on the Lord's Day ex- 1VESTERN 1'AIR thematic to be in operation within cept in connection with religous ser- q. 1 L. ;i-17, London, Ontario. ;r ars. The point on Lake Huron will vice. by permit of the provincial treat The management of the Western doubtless be Grand Bend the most kurer, and no obscene or immoral ''air. London. Ontario. are putting beautiful spot for a summer resort MI obscene nature or pictures repro forth every effort this year to make dicing a prize shall be shown he Exhibit ion more attractive than the 1'rovigce of Ontario, but at the 01 e�hibitcd. andtight any member o[ the t resent time handicapped because of Ontario provincial police force shall icer, not only to exhibitors, but via- e , hors aL o. A great change will .be the inconvenient wily of reaching I have the power to prohibit any of wade in the arrangement of exhibits there. Enroute the railway will touch the said pictures or other ohjcctional ill th eMain building. The annex pictures. used as an art Gallery last year will at St. Merys and Exeter and give two' 1 be transformed into a "'lade -in Lon. hour service. Of the six Electric rail -1 The international aviation meet don" Exhibit. which veil' certainly be way schemes within recent years this i held at Lake side, near Montreal, from new and interesting. Ample provi- one seems to meet with the greatest June '-„ith to Jule- 5tb, inclusive, sec- stens w ill he made in the Gallery for : ured an approximate attendrnce of 40, the Art Exhibit . and many new and approval an 1 bids fair to carry; both Il00 people during the ten days, Ow- special exhibits. The dairy building daily papers are supporting the By- ing to the very heavy expenses it. is twill be of 'special interest with the Mw Following are Borneo( the extracts' anticipated a financial deficit will bo 'new cold storage system for the chese vice at 13t. Jaynes church was cons ducted by Rev. 'Dean 'Taylor, who re- ferred with feeling to •t he life and character of his deceased friend. As the grave the Masonic service was rend and n salute of three volleys fired by two •ompanie's of the 28th Regiment. tl '1'h•• IIy-law is P.y-law No. 1739. "to grant c:rtain privileges to 'rh: trader(' Railway Company,' and be- ls 'Whereas Thomas 0. Robson. of e •Tuwn.ship of Illanshard -in the into. of Perth. drove -, iL my Lin - In ltice._ of the town of St. Marys dee coenty of Perth produced mei-- aint. Devi(' Sones. of the sail town- ship of Clenchard farmer Archie Baird of the 'said town of St. Marys manufacturer. pert re • to hare a Company incorporated under the laws of tee l'roviucee of i'01 trio. to be known as the Stratford Railway. Co. for the purpose of operating lines of eLctric railway in and through the cit; of Stratford and in the shown, but the management considers exhibits. The cash prize In the chese the meet has been a great advertis- and butter departments aro large. ment for •Canada, and that the mor- end in addition 'six silver cups Lave al success will fully compensate for been kindly donated to this de - any loss of profit. The Count de Les• pertinent. The lloney Exhibit prom- seps who flew a Bleriot machine, and isms to be large this year, and the Vs alter Brookins, who used a Wright practical demonstration of the care biplane, were the popular favorite at of bees will be of great interest to the meet. The Count Made a success- the general public. The dog and cat flight hate) Montreal on Saturday. soar- shows will again be a feature of this ed above the city, and returned to the year's exhibition. Great interest has Aviation park, taking Oil minutes 335 been taken in these departments seconds and beating the previous en- in the past and this year promises to durance record. This is the fleet and eclipse them all. Two hundred and only flight over the city, and the forty dollars has been nddrel to the achievement stands out as the star Cash prizes in th (-poultry depart• event of the meet. For altitude rec• went. in addition to which Ten :W- ords, Walte. Brookins made several ver Cups have been kindly given by ascents showing that lie possessed both t he London Poult ry and ['et Stock line nerve and skill His highest aid- ,\as0cietion and others. making all i. tide was 3.22 feet. Duval l.achapelle splendid list in this department. All another cf Wright avaiturs, made and information regarding any depart - stem s of the exhibition t ill b • given on npplitettion to the 1.4. ere tary. A. Ili:nt, Lnnrl.ln. Int. kept the "anadtan records fol speed neighborhood there to and fur other circles. Mess's McCurdvbadly sixtieth - incident al purposes. and they havee ed theta machine after a flight of twice round the course. rite lileriot of Mr. W. Carruthers was dan,age,l but. re. EXECUTOR'S [, �([ / 7`(, �)' paired nt the end of the meet, and ,t EXEC 1 O/ ` . SALE paired machine waa smeahed by the avaitor mistaking the high grass for -"f - a secure lauding place. Ten airships and two dirigible ballt•ous were at the meeting. _—_-� I'. 1 1 1.1..1 It I. THE LATE Ilt'M1'IIREI" A. I,, 7h• undersigned haw• , e vl In- '\\'HITI: !strut -done from the I: e.,:.,r or the I,i• t.•Col. Munn bn' A. L. White, late \\'iliiatn 1'1)1•• to sea by public r y taction Al the 1.1•••t lis a -t ler. of St. Marys died nn . Prides afternoon aft, r a lung 111- Victoria Hotel, Kirkton requsettd the city of Stratford" etc. The property of the Company is to be exempt from municipal taxation for ten years. except from local ins. *•-ptovrie nt :old 'school taxes. Tie reit is to be a standard 85. 11, T. t til i,t•1 so a', not: to oh+tract t. h1i `c. I: , condition that upon tht fin ! I •-•ing of the by -taw the con ;• to et • (•1 • .,ter i111 -,{;: .:- nuns whereby they !trek! talc- to b.•• qUn cou+trectiou not 1rler hin -ix months after 'the said final 1 assial; or that they shall hive within hal time placed upon the around s ich material, or in some oth'-r mann hese made such substantial progr. toward c,n+tt..e1ion a • -hall eati•fy lIP. city council of their aba:ty and iniention to construct the railway, and 'by the agreement they shill 104) Acre FFarin us- of a complication of disease. ee,el lis, years. Deceased was the son —ON -- of the late Ilumphr•.•), 'White and was Tuesda Aug. 2iid t 10 ',ern in Newton 5tea•art. 'Ireland. He yi e.,,,,,. when a boy with his par.•nt` est() p.m. that desirable farm to Markham township. plant)' of lurk. where h• attct,•1- i school at (4)0440 r•. l irroria `teiar'. Abet. t the• time h. I."1' .40. u N. '11, EI'J.LART1)N (fetched nianhoed he n.e.. •1 with ih• ef'nt•,inin.r one burdr. 1 acres more f •sully to the township of ltlanshard. O1• 1.:.. ('n 1h' property is a bank Ile 4,11enJed th• Normal school To- 1'''r' 0iib .t• n' fonnit(100 (0 w f_: ►mite. end taught school for a few '141v" '11' 1 2-. s 10 t pier Pee endl 14.0 )rare and then studied law with 1- . "i . 1r -.m•• 1,.',, •.. ! :Ionia (III r und.rhike Ihaf twithiu hue.M- -t+. John 1•:. (now judger Herd- •titI. 1,i ,1'1iun. I. i.r :bosh. ing end the late E. W. Harding. at ' 1` "' r.. ' 1 e:: oh:,r I •n t :t months from the final pas+ing th •e St. Marys and afterwards entero.' n - 1 t `. 1 ' Th nl is shall hive hid delivered on the to partnet ship with thein under e171' •, 'Ir Zinn • and fei'cint int ground in the city all the matte mum- of 1larding. ,'larding 8e \.'bete " ' t• 1'I. farm i only sec. _ -fry 'for the les in1 of t:ac;:. Ile Later formed a law partnership ' 1 "„'• ii' ,, 1t..kton.1 intl... from with Mr. E. Sidra•,' `smith, now of e 1 ' tee.- 1:. m clotrch. and fur construction of all other siratford , which continued alum, T, T.'It\1i 1-' '•\I,p ground work in connection eith th years. About twenty years :leoh to i,, , nt of I i.•1, prim• on *aid lines of railway. Ily the raid agreement tie sh..l, turtle r undertake (hat within s x tnontle. from the final passing cf 1! fo•r the un;::. the• ey-law” tiny ,11.311 h:eve ;secured En . (•.X'411 It,••. ti 4 IL r,'• 1 1 t1, r ,t ' about 1Nfio r 10111 011100 4 Uway company oanin: th I: t c,nlp,,ny GI..IIINI 4, . l 1 I:t I:1-, Or o:•••r•'titi lin• of re : v.y 'n 1'n• a •. • ,• ,•. oil- i .• . r i, • 10nnr in ‘i.1N appointed by t • then ('on • 1 , I 1 :'n I ! �. .4111111) tee t•atiwe (;overnlrl,•nl po.•t(4 -' t 1 .41 ,• , , n• I1• It1rhutit ,•,, 1 Mans. which to -it ion h• 1 r, r. .4 4,.., . 1 until the time of cis de.ith. a1'1ini, .h •,net / r• Som(' dim, to take an at• I'' :,.scion • vealare '411t nen- , AVER'S I-NAIR VIGOR SLOP 51:i railing Hair A)er's (fair Vigor is composed of sulphur, glycerin, yuinin, soditaa ehlorid, capsicum. sag:, alcohol. water, and perfumc. rot a single inlet -ems ingredient in this list. Ask your doctor If this is not so. Follow his advice. A hair food, a hair tonic, a hair dressing. Promptly checks falling halr: Complete!), destrn,s all dandruff. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR Does not Color the flair .1 ('. Awt■ CoNtAw. t. wla..'II.• v71e•>/MM sswascwr.1 ' What is CASTORIA Castorla lit it harmless substltuto for Castor 011, Pare- gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syr:fps. It Is Pleasant. It eltlOntaius neither Opium, Illorphino nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhmtt awl Wind C011e. It rellovos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilate's tho Fool, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's; Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bough In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CLNTLYN COMI.N1. 11 MURRAY NLW TO.11 erre. t i yet daft r tint Sold by W. B. Ilowey Druggist. Exeter. 11ENBALL Mr W. Perkins of the Commercial hotel, has nearly completed all imp- rovements to his hotel and has great- ly improved the premises, Miss Annie Beck of London, form- erly of Hensel' entertained her Sete bath class of yotul( men from the For- est (sty on Dominion Day at her mother s home and together with a number of invited young lane' friends a very pleasant time was spent includ- ing a picnic in the neighboring woods. We are pleased to ace Mr. McMartin sr., able to be on our eteets again after hie 'liners. Percy 1Viggins, who lies been in the employ of C. Hat tied.. Zurich, for some years, has opened a harness shop in Jos. Cook's old stand, under the opera house llensall- Mrs. Mathew Clark, Sr. who went to the Country this epring, in writing to relatives here, reports a safe and pleasant trip, but like nearly all who visit their old bottle in the old country do not feel inclined to make it their home again, but intend returning to this country. Mr. Charles Grasetek who has been teaching near 13elgrave is hone spend ing the summer vacation. We are pleased recently to tee Mrs. Alex. McEwen sufficiently recovered from her serioue illness to take a trip down to London to visit. her daughter. Mr. F. file recently sold his dwel- ling can Mill street to Mt- John L tr• mom- \1r Pile is now in the west and short oder Sunday. Mrs. file and family intend joining Mr. and Mrs. W. 1,11. of 1) •t reit. vi!, him in the near future. ted their nein'. M >. 'Miry McCare The large onion crops is Hensel' and thy last week. vicinity are at the present time leak• Mins Martha McLaughlin who 1.1 n ing very 'itemising. teacher in the Toronto Convent vie - 'Fite foundation of the hotel is now iter' with her father and *later here completed. and 'oaken a very fine ap- on Wednesday lett. Martha has not pearance. been horse for ten years and a num. Mr. F. Prater, who has been carry- ho of n Intive, and friends gathered ing on is harness shop for the past • J at the home and a pieasanl aft r - months or so, is leevit.g here noon was a enc. tor/wry on his father's hominess in the Rev. W. II. Hutt. of Centralia. com- icality line at Listowel, menc^(I his duties on 'Sunday es Pns- Mrs. Ander-.on, of ('hicagn, is twee •tor of this congregation and preached, visiting her daughter, hire. George a very practical and instructive ser - Dick, and her many relatives and mon.friends. The weekly meetings in Carmel church will he cloyed for the months of July and August. Misr( mettle sparks ie spending the sn1umer vacation with her parent@ Mr. an•l Mrs Janie. till a kr'. Rev. and elis M.liyaid and child- ren ate visiting It few weeks et (irand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. James Johnston, of Marlette. Mich. ere vieiting 11r. Wm: 50 -Acre Farm for Sale Times Want Colurnn TEACUER;WANTED Male Teacher with second claim peo- fessiona' certificate for M. 8. No, a Stephen. Duties to commence i Aub- ust. Apply to JUIIN 3'1tRSGCATDR, 91 Bec-Trcas, Exeter P. Iron Posts In order to close out our Stock of Iron Posts we have reduced the price from 25 cents to 18 Cents IRON BRACES Iron Pipe Braces all lengths at 3 Cents a Root We will take in Exchange liorse- hair, Rubbers, Iron, Copper, Brass & Wool Pickings for which we will the Highest l'rice. M. JACKSON'S MAIN ST. EXETER Flour & Feed An Good Kinds of FLOUR and FEED kept on Hand Bran and Shorts sold by the Ton. Wheat taken in exchange for Flout' and Oats taken in Mouth half Lot 17, Concession 4, L. f01' Oatmeal. S., Tuckersmith, First-class land exchange for pasture or grain, 't acres bush, never failing well, good frame house with stone cellar and cement floor, surrounded by wind -break of spruce trees, itlso an orchard of apples, pears b,luras and small fruits, large bank arn with stone foundation. This choice property is situated five miles ftoan Seaford' and three guiles from Kippen. convenient to school and churches. Possession in the fall. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Wm. Got don Kippen. Ont. or to Thor. Cameron, Auctioneer, Farquhar, Ont. IiAltPLEY Miss Addie Hickey visited rclativea neer Blake last week. Master. Albert Johnston. of De- troit. visited his cousin, Mester Ar- thur Millin last week. Master John Crony!). of Centralia, called on his friend 'Willie Love on Wednesday. A number of farmers in this vicin- ity started haying last week. Master Newton Ilayter, who hap- pened with an accident a couple of weeks. ago by a colt tramping on hint does not seem to be improving very much. IVe wish him a speedy recovery. Mir'• Ilertha naynhani, of Shipka, scent a few days with her cousin. Mir'- I•:tta Itesterd, last week. Mr. henry and Richard Jennison Tent the latter part of the week- at Mr. .1, .L Taylor's. WHHALEN Misr Verde Squire and '\iiss L. Gunning left last week for a visit wit h the forme, -'s sinter. Mrs. flake, at Lions 'Head. Mr. Ilugh Hazlewood. ttho has been on a trip 'to Alberts sine the close of college, has returnd to his home ind visited his brother, John, here on Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. V. Millon vieitcd with the dormer's «t -ter. Mre. Jabez W. Rivers EXETER. ONTARIO. S)001SIS OHIO Caaadlao NI NB TWO TO ONE you can't make biscuit out of corn- meal nor Johnny cake front flour For all-round Good Baking it requires BEST MILLED FLOL•It We have it It's the cook's delight— and is always reliable. Don't use any other There's none better it's the best People tell 118 they never used flour equal to a'.. • • 1 r 1 :tor. ! McKey. Mrs. Johnston's nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Janie++ Hope hive re- turned 11) 111e 554•.1. They have speta. n nnr11her (.1 months with Mr•. and \Ir. Win. Duehnnan Mrs. Hope's .l r,t•, r.n,t other relatives in other p u l8 of Ontario, .l4..1es 11,11:mrd. of London, is spend- ing tl e holidays with his patents. Vises Ilenry (',•ok felt hereon 11'ed" •:"t. r 1•1 cloy for 1)1r, it to vi.it her sister, \t .• 111' pleased t r notice hn1, Mise -•'e 1?oss 1811 T. i y Floc', -dully I. w„ ,1 her s.•nior pi 0... examine%i0lo JO I,.,. 1'101'01)10 1'nivet#ily• Al; I: l-..•nh..ite, had the nlir,f.,r lune t,n• we •1; 1%11,14• ev.i„ing to I •:..1 is the hest. rerr.0,1,' known ftr a"i h•"+1t, fit5h�5, cczei::o sore ret.. $thh$ -Miters. A ricin 10 i.: r•417l1 '1 r• . .1t.nr1. 1.0( Stores Close Til ursday l afternoon during July and August We the uu•t r Attie(' business nt n of Exeter egr •• to close our reap c- five i.lar.-s of L:Isioesss during the nmonth% of July end August, 1!U0. 0n Thur.day afternoons of each week commencing at one o'clock and to ad- vertise sear- during month of June The "Times" and Toronto Weekly in the local papers: write, to new subscribers from nnw i' ,1(detv,or,•'rTimt'• e, I'Printtpgrinting CoCommpany, Thr ti:l Jany. lit, 1911 for 35 cents. pany, i.im. ited ; 11'.:1, Ileaman. W. J. (leer, Alf. The "Tamest' and Toronto Weekly Walter:, Jones & May, 11. eparknian, till Jany. 1st, 1911 for 3. cents. Convrtto►+rsAe. H, G. Ilan -den. Jon, Senior. E. A. Fol..'The "Timm and Toronto Weekly inA !ascertain 0i�p`;iaT?�oo,etq to:11;& ' lick. W. Johns, J. tirietk. lt', btatha►o globe t0 new eubscribcrs frorn noes- itnn.•mar'ne,tc4t5NDDe80t..nrMrn4 Mrs. Te o. 11. W, 1', Iteavers, .1. A• I 1 1 t 1911 35 in the Tamen. or J. Gerling, ,1\'ilsotn lMete Tit• "1'imee+'' end Toronto t\'eektr Seittttif America W. 1). Rorke. David Itun11rll, t9. Mate (;lobe to new eub!eribers from Hort • tin '. `t 'a t T bl i "Model" 11OME8TRAD REO [MATIONS. Any person who is the sole head of a fatuity, or any mala over 1i se otoni of available Domir-ion land i!g Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta/ The ai)plicant /oust appear in person at the Dominion Lands Aganoy •r flub -agency for the district. Entry ht/ proxy way be had at the agent, oar certaiu conditions. by father, mother son, daughter, brother, or sister of intending homesteader, Duties :—Sir' months residence alien” and cultivation of the land in mole of three years. A homesteader maN live within nine toiler' of .his homes stead on a dams of at least 80 aorm• solely owned and occupied by him Or kis father, mother, sou, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a Ilomesteaddi in good standing may pre-empt a quarter beotion alongside M. honleh stead. Price $3. per acre, Duties -a. Must reside six months ineaoh of this years from date of homestead antral (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and oultivtau fifty acres extra. A hometeader who has exhausted' his homestead right and cannot obi tain a pre-emption may take a pun ohascd homestead in oertain distrlet/ Prior $3. per acre. Dutiese—Mud reside six months in eaoh of threw years, cuitivste fifty acres and ere.* a house worth $300.000 W, w, CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the stertor N. B.—Uneathorired pnblication obi meat will not be paid for Tit, CARLING. Lite, Acrid, Fire and Plate s Class Insurance. also collecting A,ceunta and Auctioneering. DR. a. F. ROULSTON L. D. 8. ; D. D.8.' Honor graduate of TorontolUniversity DENTIST OFFICE:—Over Dickson: & Carling'. Law Offices, Exeter. PHONE 6. CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Madman & 8tanbury Main street—EXETER. W, BROWNING, M. D., M. 0 eg • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria U verslty, office and reeldeoence. Domlales Laboratory. Exeter Associate Coroner of Huron. TX R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and •S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- iversity. Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and residence, Dr. An,ob' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. HONEY TO LOAN Wo have unlimited private funds for tavt, int upon farm or 'Risme t roper!) at 'OWN: r ,bt of in:crest. DICKSON & CARLINU Exeter 1)I KSON & CARLING, It►trlste,, Mow t:or., Notarle+. C'onv•)7aso•ts Comt,t..1 'nrr ,+oltcltor+ tor the nowise Harik. Etc. Moser Ioban at los est rates of Interest OFFICE,—MAIN yTit'.F.T, KXITKE, r/HL:N0 11 A. L. B. Dien:CR i`IUN EY T() LOAN. W e bare a largo amount of private tante oan oa farm and v111aaeproperljes at townies interest. Manure( t.rrell by HI.AUMAN B MTANHURY Ilarrl•ter, solicitor+. Main at,llteetev Harvey Bros. .42�MNM� 1 Manure Litters 1 Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions CAD be installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder' These thee(' things are grey Tabor -savers for fartliere and necessities r.n a farm For Bale by W. T. Gillespie Phone Al, Exeter. Ont. .Ee(M�w JOHN FM8KRY, Exeter, agent teat I'sborne and Iliddulph. Shorthorn Bulls Aly present offering is four choice young hulls teady for service, got by t'ul'NT SYI.t•ANCS t31i1NN)) and out o: good milking Danis. All registered. Apply to JOHN ELLER, liensall P. O,. or on Lot Id, Con. 2, Ilny. Toe Usborne and tllbbert farmer's Mutual fire Insur- ance °mpang Head Officio, Farquhar, -Ont. President, J. 1•'. It USSIELI, Vice-l'res.. \1 J1. ROY DIRECTORS, 1(011r. at '(RIS, Thee*. RYAN 1\' M. [MOCK. Ite)IIT, GARDI \1•:R. AGENTS. Staffs, Dublia. V.'incheleea. Farluhar. OLIVER HARRIS. Munro. &glint ••••••••••••••••••••••••O• for Hibbert. Ftlll.trton and Logan. t••••••••••••••••••••••••1+• J11IIN CAMPBELL Secy.Troaa. Farquhar The "Times' and Toronto Weekly OLADMAN a, $TANP1'RV, gilleltotrtl (;(she to new subscribers from now �` 41 Jany. 1st, 1911 for 35 cents. The -''Times" t.nd Toronto 'Weekly r;:oho• to new subscribers front now t ill .Man. 1st 1911 for :35 cents. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE Mounts Drstcna sent fere u14r+t ac�nrr for Fr unnit i•+tenra n. '\\ ,rrclatentlre,wkhun nerve, ytew"art, T. i180kin, & f?0 11' in ,any. s for cents. Paernts taken u'nroeh Munn :, CO.recetve a car at the flour mills to get a • on. • re e, .. e1, Diens ti till ,finny'. 1st, 1911 for 35 cents, A1,andaemotr utuarrntr.e weekly. rnnph of his ribs broken throe h A `� Bon- Wright .rc •Atkinson. D1e?.r.. r a 1 ` T leu nu•r ).'urn+t. t,rm. mr B A 1'ollick. deo1\' J �tathnm Ind \\ _� �o N^sago t a @obi by fall . ff the elevated eon i f 1 Ran ©res ere closing up tba grocery e•••••••••0•••e•••••••••• N „ f• • •••••••• tits r 8t. Warbletre►o. n or oar ,nR i:• e son B mint elft I •e•••••••1/•••••• •-OreMwf. New plll'1.r►cr @.