Exter Times, 1910-07-14, Page 3Fashion
t hints.
•11.41-1-1-1-1-141-11-1 .1.++ 111-b
Paisley effects are much in vogtto.
Poplin for suits is quite in evi-
Crushed Euedo or satin belts aro
much worn.
Ono secs comparatively few Bus -
Min Blouse costumes.
Rep is a material much used this
summer for separate skirts.
Handbags of black satin with
hit monograms Had mountings of gold
arc, used.
Thoro is yet no limit to the
amount of braiding put on gowns
end suits.
Deep c. [ton fringe trims tho bot -
of some of the coats of the uto-
Smocking is seen on some of the
andsomo lingerie negliges of soft
Silk and lisle stockings are work -
I with rooster heads on instep
anti ankle.
The serge of fine twill is as firm-
ly established as over for simple
Monogram bags of linen with
clasps of gold or silver aro em-
broidered to snatch tho frock.
Cute little children's bonnets aro
of shirred cretonne, while others
are a combination of straw and
Among the handsome scarfs which
the treason has brought forth are
et•nio of crepe with hand painted
The newest thing in auto veils is
a washable dust.proof silk of a fine,
canvasliko niesh, but of a softtex-
The scarf often develops into a
deep point at the back, with a re-
miniscence of the shawl of the sec-
ond empire.
Fashion has decreed that one's
parasol and stockings must match
Vie gown. The choice of the shoes
is left to the wearer's own taste.
A point to remember is that the
sleeve of a lingerie frock looks
touch more graceful if put into the
arm's eye with a narrow beading.
Blouses of coarse fishnet in black
-or colors, with embroidered appli-
cations in variod cashmere coloring,
look well with almost any toilet.
Smart- are the "co -cd" sweaters
with white and blue collars; they
fasten on the shoulder and under
the arm with white or pearl but-
For a coat costume of linen no-
thing is prettier than a simple shirt
waist of cotton voillo pinchccked
with white and the color of the
The new corset is a veld deal
lever in the bust than was the case
la -t, year. Its waist is still long
arcs its hips are narrow, straight,
and lung.
To Cure Them the Play of Experts
Should Be Studied.
The corneum, tanits of the gn:fer
may be named In the following order
of Importance: S vlugtng too quickly,
tatting the eye off the ball. holding the
left bond under the club, keeping Ilie
Maude too dear the body and standing
too near the bnti.
The rosiest, .SFr Outing -Indeed. the
only satisfactory -way of curing all
these faults is to go out and watch
some first class experts Islay. It jou
cannot end any espert of the first
class go for the beat available.
'Tia. of course, Is rudimentary ad-
vice and certainly not original. The
youngest caddie at SL Andrews haS
learned to request Ills roaster to keep
his eyw on the ball and not to press.
The trouble is that no amount of (root
teaching will make you follow this ad- '
'Ilmre 1. only one way to hit a golf
bull. You crust watch a good player
and Imitate what be deer. Must be-
ginners hake the sericite. mistake of
taking Iessnns from pr•otesslor:nls who
watch thilr pupils play arid try to cor-
rect thein. The pupil would get twice
as much gar(' out of the lesson It he
would watch tbe professional play and
think as little as possible about him-
IliThe human being Is naturally imita-
tive. 11 you eft and watch a gores ten•
His mah•b '•etweeo erst clans players
you will urtconselou.ly finish yr'',r
Stroke better tbe nett thee y011 1 •
up a racket. With golf this is 1
Untruly true, becai-c nothing bleu I..1
tortant as the rhythmical timing of
tbe titmice width distinguishes a good
player from bad.1
Made • Social Outcast.
• in court deems In England It 111 a
orlous tnntl.'r to incur royal dlepleas-
are The man or wotuan who doe,( so
Intetit1.nally ceasea to be recognised
by ies lnsjeety, which meanie swing
extinction. The iRertder'v name Is
W reck oitt of tbe visiting list nt every
person rho Is.nyti.wty In society, and
S hould tie °Ren(1er be a roan he Ie po.
!hely informed thet his reirltnatlof
from his club or elute; wonni not be
ort of place. No roan or roman of
W illi repute will In future know hinm,
and If he he In the army or envy ne
hex no option hit to resign. tit iIP will
:end tttnoelf ens dead ey every ore. of
We bromes (ilhcers.-l.utrdou 31. A. 1'.
Can Find New Health in Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills.
Anaemia is simply a lack of
bleed. It thercforo follows that
the correct treatment fur anaemia
is ono that increases tho blood sup-
ply. That is really the only treat-.
stent that can possibly be success-
ful. The symptoms of anaemia aro
ct.si'y recognized. Paleness, list-
lessness, tho failure of food to
flourish, headaches and often in
women and girls backaches, taint-
less and palpitation of the heart.
To restore the blood supply to its
normal quantity and quality Dr.
\Vill•ams' fink Pills can be recent -
me uded with confidence. First be-
ceuse they are known to have cured
thousands of anaemic people -the
highest possible recommendation.
Seco dly they actually contain the
ingredients that combine with tho
food and oxyg• n to mike rich, red
Wesel, without which no elan, wo-
man or growing boy or girl can bo
Mrs. E. M. Bell, Red Deer, Alta.,
says :-"When 1 carte to Alberta
some years ago, a young g•rl, 1 had
been suffering for a couple of years
trent anaemic blood. Doctors had
(luno everything for mo that could
be done, but to no purpose. The
doctors said I could not live, but
that a change of climate might pro-
long my life, so my father brought
mo to Alberta. For a short timo
i did seem to improve, but soon be-
came as bad, if not worse, than be-
fcro I left Ontario. I could not
walk upstairs, walk on the street,
it stand in a room for more than a
few minutes without fainting. l.ifo
was a burden and I did not caro
whether I lived or not, and had giv-
en up hope of getting better. It
was at this time Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills were brought to my attention,
and a supply was got foe me. After
1 had used tho second box I thought
i felt some better, and I continued
taking the Pills until I had used
nine or ten boxes, when I felt, like
a new person. I could walk, ride
a bicycle and skate without the
dreadful pains in my limbs I had
before experienced, and in every
was I was enjoying better health
than ever before in my life. Now,
whenever I feel the need of a tonie
I turn at ' neo to 1)r. Williams'
Pink Pills, and I am constantly re-
commending them to my friends."
Sold by all medicine dealers or
by mail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes f $2.50 from The Dr. \Vi!-
liam-.' _Iedicine Co., Brockville,
t you like that quotation
s. Shakespeare : 'Tho friends
thou hast and their adoption tried,
grapple them to thy soul with hoops
of steel' 1" he asked, soulfully.
"I think hoops of gold would bo
Letter," said the girl, shyly.
Attacks of cholera and dysentery
ciene qn ekly, there seldom being
ens warning of the visit. Remedial
"n must bs taken jest as gtliek-
f the patient is to be spared
it suffering and permanent in-
/ . to the lining membranes of the
Is. Tho readiest preparation
tier the f.urp ac is llr. J. U. Kel-
1, gg's Dysentery Cordial. It can
br got at small cost at nny drug
st( re or general dea'ler's. and it
lit iii afford re!i. f be ferc a doctor
sirs be called.
"It takes nine
n an," tial the
• \ e,," replied
1 .. du you get
t•, lit !•,
tailors to make a
quotation frond.
Reginald; ''but
so many to trust
Motets • Llnlment C. Limited.
trr•ara, 1 rnre.t s sa•utb'e hunting dog of
mango with M Dia ltD's 1.I s 11 EN r .after ser•
e••0., seterlwarie. b.al treated him with ,ut doing
him any permanent go al.
Yours k
wn.rnln n.tn.Ylt.
rent. of (Tran.' Central Hotel, Dramas,nJrdle4
Aug 3, 'art.
Many a rnnn tries to stand on his
rights who hasn't any.
r.linard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
"I suppose," said the party •with
rhe butt -in habit, "that you aro
I 1 inginq up your children to follow
'n seer fi of 1)51"
.4 't r ✓b
li 13
( Xisrr
• s
tine 1.15t., remedy'
for tun.
lies , ear.;
iCC- a f(: ^td, :,t_j
:d Y`- s t t•:. A t'ua God!
1 . 7 : vq; eve e.4 5: *rat- lilt ,
Confluents Exchange 'frees of
Many Kinds.
In connection with a recent do -
nand of German nurserymen for
sc ( ds of the Montana larch, to bo
planted in Germany, tho curious
fact is brought out that white pine
seedlings aro to ho imported from
Germany to be planted in tho prov-
ince of Ontario. Now the white
pine is indigenous to America,
ane! was trausplanted to Europe
many years ago, to reinforce the
feres'ts there. It, has flourished so
woll in the Old World that it now
apt.cars that the Gorman nursery-
men arc able to deliver white pine
seedlings on this side of the ocean
mere cheaply than American nur-
serymen will furnish them. The
interchange of trees among the v-ar-
it us continents is a most interest-
ing development of modern civiliz-
ation. Besides tho 'white pine,
Europe has taken from us the
Delights fir and the black walnut,
am) we have taken the eucalyptus
from Australia and tho Norway
spruce and Scotch and Austriau
pine from Europe.
A quack and a doctor of great
learning once fell into conversation.
The regular doctor said to the
(,titer, "How is it that you, with-
out education, skill, or the least
knowledge of medicine, aro able to
Leo in the style you do? You have
your town house, your catriagc,
y, ur nt tor -car and your country -
house, while 1 can little tnoro than
pick up a baro subsistence."
Tho quack, so the story goes,
laughed good-naturedly.
"Look here," said he. "flow
many people do you think have
lasses! us on this street hero since
rot asked that question?"
"Well," said the other, "about
one hundred."
"And out of that hundred how
many do you think possesses gaud
common sense 1"
"Possibly one," was the reply.
said the quack, "that
c•ne comes to you, and I take care
of the ninety-nine."
Baby's Own Tablets should bo
Lept in every home where thorn
are infants and young children, and
at first sign of illness during the
het summer months they should bo
given to the little ono. At no limo
of the year is baby in such danger
us in summer. Summer complaints
conic on so quickly that unless
prompt aid is at hand the little
cue may be beyond help in a few
hours. The Tablets never fail to
relieve the sick child, and if occa-
sionally given to the well child they
w id keep him well. M rs. 1'. Lar-
oche, lies Fonds, Que., says: --
"Last summer my baby suffered
seaeiely from stomach and bowel
tr. utiles but the prompt use of
iir.hy's Own Tablets saved his life."
The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail nt '.':, cents a
hex from Tho 1)r. Williams' 31edi-
cine Co., hnxkville, Ont.
UN 13110K EN.
Bridget -"1 never break try
word, mum."
Mrs. Hiram Offen-"That is very
remarkable; it's about, tho only
thing yen haven't broken since you
have been hero."
"Ji hn," queried her hushand's
wife. "if 800)0 bold, bad roan were
t•) kidnnp roe, would you offer a
reward t" '•Certainly," replied
the wife's husband. "I always re-
ward those who do me a favor."
In Fields Far Off. -Dr. Thomas'
i.cicctric Oil is known in Australia,
Youth and Central America as well
as in ('nnada and tho United
States, and its consumption in-
cren=es each year. it has wade its
ewn way, and nt11 that neads to be
done is to keep its name before the
public. Everyone knows that it is
to be find nt any store, for all mer-
chants keep it.
Inquisitive people acquire a lot of
ir.fornteti n that isn't so.
HAVE ALWAYS NAD. Owing, to toe greet
p pill city of ' Tiro D. f 1.." 11entliol
Plaster unscrupulous makers are putting
no one like it. Mad. by Dents d Lawrence
('itizen-"Why don't you go to
r,e rk i"
Tramp --"Don't have to. The
w ,rld owes me a living!'
Citizen --"Then why don't you
collect it 1"
Tramp --"C'an't. Tho world has
too many preferred creditors."
A grocer enjoys the unenviable
notoriety of selling the woe t goods
in the district, but he h't of re-
covered from the shock 11'• g .t the
other day when a little girl cense
into the shop and and t "MY i
sent me for two pound' • f o,:r 1.
i •:• to kill rats with, n -al :1 r
•st ham, and mind anti .•::r
in Kuod thiek slices, fur it is to seri-
nut: heel my dada boots."
Change that limping, n..tru horse
Into a anu,A, healthy 11,i•e, selling
sad eager lar do a 50.4 Jay s wok
1)' e 1 let a hparin, C'u,h, ;:pant,
Sprain, ka,gbosr or any tither Laule-
neaa seep your burse au the stable.
Lure it with
Spavin Cure
rt cures without leaving • scar,
bfeuri.h or white hairs -because it does
out blialer.
Port Kittle, D.C., June lith 1:109
"Have been wiling year Liniment fur
rears and find it all that you represent.
Have nut been without 1t for 10 years."
ft. a bottle -6 for $5. Excellent for
household use. Sold by all dealers.
Ask for free book "A Treatise Ou The
Horse- or write us for copy. 55
DLO. J. aHPDAIL CO. Itae-Jar, falls. Vt.
Miss Fitz -"Queer thine about
the French people."
Mr. Carr -"What's queer about
them 1"
Miss Fitz -"Why, when I wan in
Paris last summer I couldn't oven
make thein understand their own
EVERY HOME NEEDS a remedy that Is
adapted for use in case of sudden areideol
or illness. Such a une is "Painkiller:
25c. a bottie. Avoid substitutes, there 1s
but one "Paiokiller "• -Perry Davis' -25e.
and SOc.
Never judgo a picture by its
Minaret's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
\Vho steals my purse is trash,
But though it may seem queer,
The man who steals my daily bread
Is an honored financier.
Small but Potent.-Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills are small, but t1. •;
are cffo,tivo in action. Their tee
qualities as a corrector of stomach
doubles are known to thousands
and they aro in constant demand
everywhere by those who know
what a safe and simple remedy they
aro. They need no introduction to
these acquainted with theta, but to
these who may not know them they
are presented as the best prepara-
tion oar the market for disorders of
the stomach.
Any man who loons for trouble is
blind to his own interests.
Minaret's Liniment Cures Cargst In Cows.
The hulk of human k:l:dncss often
ta,tos of the can.
"Oh. I'm in such trouble. My
litt.e 1Villie's got lost:" "Well,
well, Ia'il be all right' livery ono
in the neichborh„od knows hum :"
"Olt. nohody'11 know hien to -day,
because 1'vo just washed him:"
A lady writes: "I was enabled to
rernevo the corns. root and branch,
le: the tee of Holloway's Cern
('ure." Others who have trial it
hisvo the same experience.
Dent marry a libcrnl minded
womsn. She'll frequently give you
a piece of it.
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Et..
"How do you overcome insom-
nia :"
"Say the multiplication table up
to 1': tithes 12."
"ilut I can't get the baby to learn
it rs
A Standlyd 'ledicine.--Parme-
!ec's Vegetable fills. compounded
of entirely vegetable substances
krown to have a revivifying and sa-1
lutory cfft'. t upon the digestive .,r.
grins, have through years of
twined an eminent a position that,
rank as a and 1rcl medicine. 1
'Ihe ailing should remember this.'
S'mplo in their composition, they
can be assimilated by the weakest'
s:, mach and are certain to have a
healthful and agreeable effect en
the s!ugg:sh digestive organs.
Smell Ilay--"Pa, what is an opti-
trlt( 1" Pa -"An optimist, my son,
is a man who doesn't care a rap
v•hat happens so thnt it doesn't
I:nppen to him."
"No," said the principal consti-
tuents with a shudder, "w'o can
re -ver vote for that than fur the
council. Ifo would bo suspected
from }lis very occupation. Ile is a
"What has that to do with it "
asked the c'andidate's friend.
''Naturally, lie would take to
"Aro you going to take in sum-
mer boarders this year, Josiah!"
"All wo kin, sir."
Only those who have worries can
cffo'•d to look worried.
\Vortns derange the whole sys-
tem. Mother Graves' Worm Exter-
minator deranges worms and gives
rest to tho sufferer. It only costs
ee cents to try it and be convinced.
"Not me," replied the fond par-
ent. "I'm making a strenuous ef-
fort to bring them up in the v.ty
I should have gone."
Red. weak, Weary. Watery i:yre.
Relieved 1Sy Murine Eye Remedy. Try
Murine For Your liyo Troubles. You
Will Like ltlurine. It )ioothrs. (,t At
Your Druit lats. Write For Eye (look •
Free. Mullin) liye Remedy Co., Toront•.
A man can repent of almost any-
thing if ;t, hits his pocketbook hard
sr r LAr.1(1n;
Mull 1) 'i3
Railway. r.eaty Rio
Leif unfree t 1,e worst
ya'•n .non ens 0
.!%n,y ndnorea
Yor Itea.iaei,•
(whether dot orI
nenour,. Tooth• i
a. ha, Neura'lr'w.
Lan►ago paint and "seethe-.
to the 1 sok. spino or kidney.. .y
.round 'he liver pletert, . .welling
of the •oiora mot paler ,1 n: ludas Mao:
war'. 11-.( tr'Relte( will In . taw d.,. -. e. -
trot • re's ,Dir;' e0te.
v.0. A
O n
Clears the Brain and Builds Up the
Muscles. A Healthy, Economical
Substitute for Meat or Eggs
For dinner, serve biscuit smothered in creamed veP-
etablks. For breakfast or luncheon, cover biscuit vv;nth
seasonable fruit and add cream and sugar. It's delicious.
At your grocer's, 13e. • carton, two for 25e. ZDSo
(DANCER, Tumors, Lumps. etc. Internal
`` and eater nal, cured without pain by
our home treatment. Write us before ton
lute lir. Hellman Medical Co., Limited.
Collingwood. Out.
AVII pieces sheet muaie, 10e. Hi,.' bargain
list free. Meteor Pub. Co., Chatham.
C:eauinatr and I'urlin: and 101 Gloves clean+!
Ilia", can be .ent by past, lc per r.1.
•the 1,.,t pl u•e 14
Queen's JfflversI1y
and College
SCIENCE (Including En;.ineerinp)
The Arts course may be taken with, ut
attendance, but s'udents desiring to grad-
uate [mitt auer.d one tessicn. 1 here
were 1717 r'udei.ta registered seis:oa
1909-1 O.
For Ca.'erd1r., v,ri'e the Registrar,
13 Kingston, Ontario.
�VN. tv4,4T 110Yi, OIRL`: TO wottlC 110$
w apart, time, i, iko SS every weak.
Maniple and term[, 1•.,0. Doiaiulon Mail Ordet
Muse, litatioa L., Toronto.
Is Your hearing Good?
The REAR O PHONE will give you the
enefits of good hearing. Send for free
booklet. giving particulars and names
of satisfied users. Also
Special Otter ter a Month's Home Trial.
134 apedlna Avenue, Toronto.
For Half a Cont a Day.
[torn Flies, (sad Flies, Blow Flies, Flies
of every kind, Mosquitoes, Lica and all
worrying insects keep entirely clear of the
animals t0 which
Cooper's Fly Knocker
has been applied. Easily put On with
sprayer. and costs leas than one cent a
day for each animal. Protects wounds
front fly -blows and inflammation. \lore
than pays for itself in extra milk, extra
beef, less feed and more work from horses.
and Oif.:r at Par ani Intcrs.t, to Yield G%, Payable tialf-yearly
First Mortgage 670 Sinking Fund Goll Bonds
IMMOOSE JAW, Saskatchewan MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota
Datod tiul:>r est, 1`✓bD, Maturing J:.! y 17,t, 11330
I,edor.rnahls at 103 on r.ny int',rest d. --'--e after duly tat, 1915
Principal and .. Interest payable at EANK OF MONTREAL, in Toronto, :iontr:-.:1,
New York and Lon 'on, England.
[JENO`,IINATIONS �S00 A'';D $1,003
Tae ,',:orrga;e end Trttst De•d sec trine the Rends and t'te reTularity <..' t!,- ir,u- hay, •..'p;:r,ve l_t y
tivilnal Trust Oomaany, Llmilod, Toronto r.7l.tls.::ota Loan and Truest Company, Minn.:lots;
Steck authorised
,Bonds authorised
Tho Capital Stock and Ponds Issued represent an nr•:1st cash intestment.
Avorazo Nat Earnings Last Tttrco Year-, 3179,333 Po.- Annttr».
Not Carrtitt,2o for Six Months Cr.cling February 281h, 1010, S204,634.20
f" n10,000, issued 1725.7"1
=',00,000, Issued dlein,0•4
or at tho rato of CO per
cont. of pronent hr t3s.nd isSLf;:s, or nearly fourteen time
tho interest chargc3.
Present ♦nine of Milts and Equipment
Itral Estate
Current Assets, Wheat, Cash, Current Accounts, etc 997.118.311,
\rt .iasels / -- -... ... __..._.. •. 0 072,5:11.1T
1'; \ft;if -lir TO THE .t11O1T Ti1CIt1: 1,1ILi. Ill; 'I III: iNt11i'.1-.1.i1 err l ;it re FltO\1 Tllk PROCEED4
01' rill: i'Itl' +1:\T Bert: OF' 11$00,000.
Present Daily Capacity
... tl 7!t ,751.11'!
Deduct Current Llaallltfra
- - 6,003 Barrels of Flour
VIP statement of Earnings and Balanco Sheet have
'Leydon, England.
The pre--nt Essen of Rends is to provide for erlargeraeprs to the Moose Jaw 311::, the cstabib'i.::cut er'tn OaU
tr,.'al Mill at that point, and for the purpose of additional elevators.
The Pond Leyte Is a First Mortgage on all the 1,rr.; •r r,f tha (-n:npany now owned, or hereafter aegtlire4�
,tie Company now()Weenye mills: ono in Sas'katrhey,- •glee 1n Sllaneetea. and nee in Iowa, with a combine
capacity of 0,000 barrels per day. The property of the C,rstom c hes been appraised by the American Appraisal
Company, and the property Is carried In the Da'anre Sheet at the depreciated value.
In addition lip being secured by a Mortgage nr, the ('or.11. AC) 's ac3otI, t0.,0 Bondholders also Mare the •ecurtti
bf a double liability attached to the Capital Stork.
y. attai. k, :dtt,-h-:. /:• r.y,
It is the intention of the Company to largely lnerease irs milting ,-aparity fn Cana,ia by the establishment a,
addlttonal mitis at points to be selerl.A, and fiends may he Issued for the pueharp nt, or the cnnatrnctlnn of. thane
fifths, bot only to the ',trent of ea% of the Actual coat, and then only If the net earrdngs of the Company for the
pr fodtoat Tear•1,800are,000egtu. 1 to twice the total rltargen for Interest on Ronda issued or (o be leaned. The Mortgage 1s
Under the Trost Deed a Kinking Fund Is I rnvlded to he deposited w!th live ':atlr,nal Tr, (',,pI.tell t",t
`ich will redeem before rnaturity iti'7. of the oiestandiog donde at 1 (1 . Hud at Trued Interest, or atrnranuesa gess titan
et price.
Present Bond Issue Represents Only About One-third of Company's Acstts4
Terms of Subscription s-103/4 on Application, balance on delivery
•geo/a/C rouFFar and Application Forms Sent on Reetteat.
$ubseriptloaa will be received by any Branch of the following Ranks>-. '