HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-07-14, Page 2ONTARIO'S SPLENDID CROPS
The Only Cloud on the Horizon is the
Shortage of Farm Laborers.
"I have never seen the crops ofj
the Province in better shape at this
time of the year than they aro now.
Sumo of the grains were delayed
by the cool weather, but now every-
thing is growing splendidly and
great crops are promised.,,
This was the enthusiastic report
of :Mr. Donald Sutherland, Direc-
tor of colonization for Ontario,
I% li has just returned to 'Toronto
from a tour of the western coun-
ties of the Province.
"So confident are the farmers
that the crops are going to bo
large, that they are becoming anxi-
ous about the prospects of securing
help in the fall," said Mr. Slither -
lend. "The demand for farm hands
is just as keen as ever and if we ad-
vertised that we had 500 men we
would have that number of appli-
cations from farmers in less than
tv.enty-four hours."
Around Brantford the demand
for farm help was so acute, he con-
tinued, that Indians on the Brant -
s. -rd reserve were being engaged
at $45 a month and board.
The chief difficulty with the ini-
migrants who have been placed on
Telegraphic !Were From Our Own
and Other Countries el
Ucccut Events.
farms is still their inefl'rcieeey. Cc- CANADA.
cently, Mr. Sutheihtn.1, acting up-
on a number of complaints on this
score, sent out a circular letter to
a number of farmers who had em-
ployed men through tho depart-
ment, asking fur particulars about
the men. These reports are on the
whole far from complimentary. Lt
one, the farmer, after stating that
the immigrant who had left hint
was nut. a competent man, made the
, reply to a
e ue. tic i as
f. Le vv nn)
K 1 .
wliether the ratan could milk :
"No," he wrote, "lie can't milk, in the Province.
but that was the cow's fault. Thu A big storm at Aberdeen. Sask.,
cows he was used to in England blew the fronts out, of several stores
were different." Tho farmer, re.- alai wrecked a large number of
plying to another question, said
that the alleged "farts hand" could
only harness a horse after he had
teen taught by his employer.
Under the head of "c:t neral re-
marks" conies this illuminating
comment :
"I put hits at hoeing the garden
bur he said that tho handle of the
hoe was too short. It. was just a
new ono I bought."
This man was receiving 820 a
month and his board.
W. H. Mahon, a Port, Stanley
hotelman, was fined $500 fur sel-
l;t.h liquor un Suudays.
Another advance of 20 cents per
barrel has been made is the price
of aliunituba flour.
l'rufessur 11. B. Telegmen of
Kingston died suddenly at, Koshce
Lake, where he went un a fishing
Untnr'o Government has prohibit-
cd exhibition of prize-fight pictures
Newcomers Are Swallowed
No Trace, Says Mr. Hays.
Mr. Frederick Villiers has decid-
e," to come to Canada and live, and
mill 'probably settle in Victoria,
B C.
The first conviction under the new
bread by-law was made at St. Tho-
mas, four bakers being found guilty
of violating the law.
Albert Rogers of Guelph is said
to have been left $40,000 by a
wealthy Pittsburg ratan, whom he
saved from drowning in Scotland
some years ago.
Mr. C. M. Hays, President of the
(1 -and Trunk, who has just return-
ed from the west, says the crop as
a whole promises to be well up to
(tee average of former years.
The Coroner's jury on The Mont-
real Herald fire victims found that
Up and Leave no one was responsible fur the dis-
aster, and recommended a regular
inspection of water tanks.
The official investigation of com-
plaints against immigration in-
spectors at the border shows that
only two complaints have been re-
ceived, and ono of them was un -
A despatch from Montreal says:
Mi. C. M. Hays, who is just back
from the west. discussed the con-
striction of the Grand Trunk Pa-
cific and the scarcity of labor. "It
is a matter of astonishment," said
Mi. Hays, "lo see how quickly all
e newcomers disappear. Train-
load after trainload of immigrants
arc continually arriving in Winni-
peg, yet within forty-eight hours
they are all swallowed up in the
wonderful west. What is more,
their coming does not scent to af-
fect the labor market in the least.
Tbr scarcity of labor is as bad now
as ever it was. When I was in
Vancouver we sent round to all the
labor bureaus for 100 laborers, of-
fering them 27,' 1 cents an hour. Vet
re could not get men at the money.
Insurance I'raude Have a Recog-
nized Place in the history of
The abuses of insurance were
never more terribly illust rated
than by the case of Ile man W.
tit:l'ola:4 mot THE I.EAD1Nti
Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and
Other Dairy Produce at
Holme and Abroad.
Toronto, July 1_'. --Local queta-
ta.ns are as farces :-
Outario Wheat -No. 2 %inter,
alodgell, which, a few years age,0,e to tine outside.
caused a blaze of indiguatioo 11:urituba Wheat -No. 1 north-
thtoughout the United States and urn, $1.09; No. 2 northern, $1.01,1;
Canada. Mudgett and a man nam-
ed Pitezel went into partnership
with the deliberate intention of
swindling insurance companies.
Mudgett and Pitezel were not
nu•iderers from the first.
simply procured dead bodies from
mortuaries and elsewhere, pur-
chnsing thein under the pretence
that they were medical students,
and required than for dissection.
TLe dead body would bo arrayed in
Pitczel's clothes, and Mudgett
we uld get the certificate, and draw
the insurance for Pitezel's death.
Then the two scoundrels shared the
No. 3 northern, $1.01, at lake ports
for inimediate shipment.
(ern -American No. 2 yellow,
C' -c; No. 2 yellow, d7%c; Canadian
r,.1 ri. 62c to 03e, Toronto freights.
(sits -Canada 11csle, No. 2,
:1`,c• ; No. 3. C. W., 37e at lake ports
ler immediate shipment ; Ontario
No. 2 white, 33c to 34c outside; No.
3 white, 32.e to 33c outside, 30'/.,e on
track, Toronto.
Barley -No. 2, 51c to 52c; No. 3
extra, 49e to 50c; No. 3, 46o to 47c
out�ie1o; Manitoba, No. 4, 401/sc on
track, lake.
Peas -No. 2, 70c to 71c.
Rye -No. 2, 67c to 68e.
Bucks heat -No. 2, 51c.
Thus they swindled various coin- Manitoba Flour -Quotations at
panics out of some $85,000. Toronto are :-First patents, *5.80;
Eventually Mudgett got into second patents, $5.30; strong bak-
debt, and found that he must have els'. $5.10; 00 per cent., Glasgow
all the money, not merely half. frieights 23s.
Then Pitezel died in earnest. Ifo Ontario Flour - Winter wheat
was found done to death with patents for export, $3.50 to $3.G0,
chloroform in his office in Phila- • in buyers' bags, outside.
dclphia. Pitezel's children came, Millfeed-Manitoba bran, $18 per
t. Mudgett, asking about their fa- ton ; shorts. $20 per ton, track, To-
iler. Mudgett, in terror of dis- ronto. Ontario bran, $19 per ton;
covery, deliberately murdered shorts, $21 per ton on track, To -
them, one by one, and bid their ronto
bodies in cellars in various places.
in each case he drew insurance.
Mudgett, when in prison, con-
fessed to twenty-two separate mur-
ders for the sake of insurance
money. This is probably a record;
lint there are inauy cases of a num- entry prints. choice, 19c to 20c ; December, $1.083/4; cash, No. 1
bard, $1.19',S; No. 1 Northern, $1.-
17 to $1.19; No. 2 Northern, $1.15
to $1.17 ; No. 3 Northern, $1.12 to
$!.14. Bran- -$18.50. Flour -First
patents, *5.30 to $5.50; second pat-
ents, $5.10 to $5.30; first clears,
$1.15 to $425; second clears, $2.80
to $3.20.
1T11.1.1N'S CANCER C1-1111:.
ile Ba. Conquered "Hope-
less" CasterWith It.
A despatch from It'.ure says:
Prof. Facie -ire has announced to the
Instituto of I•:xperirnental Hygiene
the discovery of a cure for cancer.
Eggs-191/se per dozen in case
Butter -Creamery prints, 23c to
Fos snaking SO ".P. soft-
ening water, re.n.,vingold
paint, disinfecting sinks,
closets and drains and
for many other purposes.
•i A cau equals 20 Ms. Sal
Soda. Useful for five
• hundred purposes.
.Sold Everywher•
'• E. W. Gillett Co., Ltd.
Toronto, Onl.
(INet A Ct t_'• reN1 '<
About Ono Hundred Million Bushels is th
Estimated Yield.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
:1 careful canvass of tho leading
grain men and others peculiarly in-
terested in tho present condition
of the crops throughout the three
western provinces shows that as a
result of investigation by dozens of
experts, who have covered the
whole country, leading operators
now look for a crop totalling ono
lurrdred million bushels of wheat.
Reports show that the crop is
patchy, some districts being almost
ruined, while others aro rejoicing
in the finest outlook in many years.
With close to eight million acres
ur..li r crop it will be seen that the
estimate of one hundred million
bushels is conservative, and a plain
admission that great damage must
have been done in many districts.
Tt,e public generally realizes that
the datnage in Manitoba has been
heavy, and that the straw is very
light, but is reassured by the re-
membrance that some of the best
r. ,
sever reaped have been off
veryshort, light straw.
The wheat
is well headed everywhere, and at
present is looking very well, but
mcre rain will soon be needed. The
intense hot spell seems to have
passed, and there is every prospect
of normal conditions for the im-
mediate future.
24e; separator prints, 20c to 21c; .1..iv, 81 1r,; September, $1.10%;
be- of different individuals falling do., tubs, 17c to 18c; inferior tubs,
Thirty cents was the lowest they
could consider. v'ic'tims of the greed of ono Ulan.
''Mr. Chamberlain still thinks The arch eriminal1111cycr, forsin: Ice Cheese --Large, 11%e, with twins
that we will get the Grand Trunk
stance, most certainly poisoned at 11;,e per pound. Old cheese
Pacific constituted through to <n different persons. Yet a New 1.', c to 12',c per pound.
Pt ince Rupert by 1912. It is, of Tho \\ rnr 1 K fork jury were idiots enough to
Beans - *2 to $2.10 for primes and
course, all a matter of labor. If wards Ch g H I let hits off with his life. Mrs. Van 8_, 15 to 82.25 per bushel for hand
we can get the labor it can be done, The Cn B der Linden, of Leyden, England, picked.
when convicted of the murder of ,
hat can we get it 1 That is the I otutors--Ontario, 55c to GOc per
que.tion." an unfortunate girl -one of her re- Lag out of store. American, $2.50
He denied the reports that the Sir A. Spicer suggests that dis- lutives-for the sake of $4,000 in- to $2.75 and 83 per barrel.
company had bought property fns charged Postoftce boys be sent to surance, coolly confessed to having
terminals in Vancouver, saying all tae colonies. po.soned or otherwise ended the PROVISIONS.
their energy was being conceutrat- Lady Abdy has offered $250,000 lives of fifteen other people; and Wholesale quotations: -
ed on getting into Prince Rupert. toward the promotion of an aerial the fork --Short cut, $31 to $31.50
He stated, however, that they were line between London and Paris. "LIVERPOOI. SISTERS," pt r barrel; mess, $2K to $2,1.50.
building new wharves at Seattle The British home Secretary will )[ evil memos were put on trial Lard -Firm; tierces, 15;jc; tubs,
and Victoria, to accumrntxlate their be asked to prohibit the exhibition y,
boats. of the Jeffries -Johnson fight pie- fur killing four persons. le,',c ; pails, 15%e; etoc•k. steady. The cure consists of injections of
taros. 1n spite of the laws which pro- Smoked and Dry Salted Meats-- serum from a human embryo. The
hibit the insurance of a lite by a T. ng clear bacon, tons and cases, professor says that he has cured
third party, unless "insurable in -15;;c to 15';c; backs (plain), 21C to , neral hopeless cases at cancer
terest" can be proved. industrial 21' .c• ; backs (pea -meal), 211/X to hospitals. He has also experimeut-
eftices are frequently unposed up- 22e: shoulder hams, 14c to 111,:e. ' ed „itceessfully with the setae re -
<•n. At Blackburn, a case came to Rolls, smoked, Ise to 15! r : me
err dy in cases of anaemia.
light not long ago ut a woman --a dium and light hates, l8c to 1 e ;
Winnipeg crew won the Ste-
' Challenge ('ut at Henley.
Canadian rifle team at is-
le; won the Mackinnon Challenge
Woods in Michigan .Ablaze-Pa.s-
la stingers' Narrow Escape.
A despatch from Sault Ste.
Marie says: Forest fires continuo
in Northern Michigan and in the
Vicinity of the Soo. Passengers on
the Sou -Pickford stage on Wednes-
day night found themselves hem-
med in on both sides of the road
he walls of fire. and the d -fiver ons
1.111iged to race his horses through
the burning district for ever a mile.
hit I 1 11 111 1 Ill i.I ,
at genii Earner hies al tlonlreal
i rnnn Injuries 1sflieled.
A de'pateh from M 'areal says:
t'leophas Thouin. it (sinter of St.
Mend, direct at the hotel Dieu on
W. dnesday. The farmer. who was
ale rat twenty-three years of age,
kept it ferocious bull on his pre -
And one evening about thr"e
weeks ago sent to bring it to the
etatble, when it g, • n1 him. He land
reveal ribs bre l . . seine of the
be.nes of w hick i r rd the lungs
Earl Grey (.i'.el 11i, Opinion of
('anadiati Teeple.
A despatch fr'.rn L.an'l•-n say's:
Earl Grey, in this week's :indent
of Empire gives a statement of his
hypes and convictions rrgaMing
Canada, and says; "Canadians aro cide.
a sane, sober, strenuous. earnest Dr. David Starr Jordan, i'resi
people, patriotic, invincibly indus- dent of Leland Stanford ('niv<r-
se , a people worshipping no sity, has denounced football ns a
fal'c gods and following no will of combination of pure brutality and
the wisps, but steadily and surely, pugilism.
with their eyes open alike to op-
portunity and dangers. are build-
ing up between the Atlantic and
Pacific the greatest nation that has
ever been within the greatest Ern-
lere. That has ever been Canada's
wonderful inspirations to any right-
thinking plan. No batter fate could ,rovinre 01 lihnntung.
hrfall any British boy, girl, man I woman than ti) become a good Russia and Japan have signed a
t ,
Forest fires aro raging in North
Michigan.'I'we women were killed in New
1'• rk by falling from high windows
., tenement houses.
.\ school boy was found dead in
I' ston. lie had been hanged, and
.actors say he did not commit tali -
ons Italian
Thousands are starving
of the rico famine in the
Schiaparelli, the fam-
astronomer, is dead at
Canadian and play his or her part convention pledging themselves to
in the Dominion's great forestial
march, which im the most umiak -r-
ad process in this wonderful age."
Eat! Grey strongly favors cmigra-
t. : of young children to Canada.
A Great Celebration Is Froposed for the
Year 1914.
A despatch from New York says: tint has re. ., I cur 'leralion
Tie movement for a or rld-w'de ere a,nternplates a 1 ' ',.%'1111 • MI het
i;'1; a (lay ul erre I t call ,.;.^tit ti n
lehrntion in 1911 of the one pun fercnces in L,id.11 anal 11a.heig-
d:edth anniversary of urate sm• cg h n, and the t.,s;,;,'e e.• -, ti n in
English-speaking "'mks r.•. k Nr n York of a C► ,it 1111 11, oat.
11 rtn here on Wediu alay with the building. which shell he 1I.r plisse
of the holding during 1911 of intcr-
announcement of a r„ntllr'1ee s-
Iected to organize the work .,f 1•r,'-
titration: The cornett:ice is head-
ed by Andrew ('ar.t.ra;ie na (r, ►•r
man, and nunounceint it of th' ;,re
Bret status of the moteme at %as
rustle by ('hairmn.5 Jahn ,t Stety-
rot (1 the Ex!•a ive ('' •:tea';,% ,.f
One hundred. 'tire (r•of (Acta
wa eigned on Deo eiiii r 24, P+11.
al d it is prop .reri to l''•'•i.• e'mr.i•.ilc
11 is event thro iy t .in lute ata 0 Lf
tip l'niled States and (treat Gri•
tar• to the word at la. P.1: t(. tale
l.art during 1 )11 in a conuron tr!c-
brn1ion. The e)ae' (teal which the
etlebrntion shall take has been 4 ea.
tet tativcly disc,, act'. A iege •'11
A.\ L
tintirnnl conferences and t ..egresses
for the consideration of law olant
subjects relating to the a •e: rd's
peace, milli suitable eshibits by
Cie various mations. \.thing in
the any of a world 4 fair i' c.ntem-
f.Iatcd. however, the a''ierriittec's
representatives slate.
1: is stated that the movement
Les been discussed with President
Taft, who has expressed a sympa-
ympn-thetis interest iii the committee's
work. it has been suggested that
a pelt of the celebration pro•
gramnu• be the creation of a suit -
al le monument such ns n memorial
leidge on the Niagara border.
observe the status quo in Man-
'1111: Ivl\1.'S 1'1111, I,IS'f.
Commit lee Itecumm •n,lv I'ro%lelon
t.r 5:1,1 70,04:1 1 early.
:\ de -pitch f r„nr Loudon says:
The select committee of Parliament
appointed to consider the civil list
lodging -house keeper --who held no heavy, it'sc to 17c; bacon, 10c to
1101 .1i .1"I' f'Itl.\(E R1'I'F.IiT.
fewer than forty insurance policies 20e.
on the lives of then, most of whom Green meats out of pickle, is let. --
elle had never even seen. The than smoked Plane I'iled for Greet Work on the
amount she paid in premiums was 1'ileifle•
tot rrty-free shillings a week. 1MONTREAL MARKETS.In July last a very clever in -
Mo fecal. July 12.- Millfeed -
surnncc swindler was run to earth Or.tnrio bran, $1)+.50 to $19; On- 1.ir.ns and made application for a
in Paris. The method of his gree-(; tura, middlings. $2l t•, $e2. Mani- drydock subsidy. Tire companyvas curious. One wet clay, a tuba bran, ale: 1lanitoba shorts. proposes t., put in an immense
art•art-leaking man tried to force o*21 faro grain nr..uillie, *32 to 'hinting duck at Prince Rupert. It
his way into an omnibus, which was *33; mixed menthe, $25 to $24. ' aid cost n million and a half. and
already' full. When the t the IIt.ar Fleur Prices are up'20e per bar- have a lifting capacity of 20,000
told lam get off, he hit the nn,►ra
id again to dray. making an ad- t, ns. It nil! be n commercial dock
in the face. He gas at unee taken vl.rce of 50.• a barrel within the . 1 the itecond•clase, and be entitled
t the police -station. Iarl ten clay. •. (o a subsidy of :1!..; per cent. for '25
Nu fewer than thirty n1111(d 1 tin- Butler lice creamer, 22',e; yr ars. The Ma rine Department
surance policies were found about Butter -
i h is made arrangements to immcdi
him, and presently it was discover Cheese --Western, 10';c to Ile;i
cti that he was head of an organize-
In c to 10. c
Why Have an Overheated
Kitchen in Summer?
.1 deseatch from Ottawa says:
The Grand Trunk Pacific has filed
ately establish a marine depot at
Prince Rupert at an initial expen-
diture of a hundred thousand dol-
lar? for ship repairs and depot for
light and buoy service.
Canadian Carmen Quit
Work at Winnipeg.A despatch from Winnipeg says:
Aflutter detachment of Canadian
\r rthern employees quit work cat
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock,
when the carmen and helpers all
put on their coats and quietly left
the. shops. In all about sevent
man have quit work, and it begs
to look as if the t rouble urig
spread to include all trades and
helpers in the shops, about 450
wen. The carmen wanted more
me ney, which was not granted by
tae .Arbitration Board, although
they gut a shorter day. They ask
an increase of about seven and &
half cents. The company announc-
es that no trouble is looked for, but
itis reported that fifty special con-
stables have been sworn in and aro
ready for eventualities.
W11) 1 1 1 1.1NDI:11 111.1:11 1.I'.
)Inn hilted by Explosion at St,
John. Nest Iti•uu:wick.
despatch from St. John, N,B.,
says: While 1). A. Vail of Susses
vias re -charging a gas cylinder fol
a soda fountain, it exploded. can*
itis to fracture of the skull and in.
juries to the body which proved fa.
Ilton which existed solely 14,1 the engem. Eggs Secreted stuck, 21c dozen ; t
purpose of swindling insurance straight receipts, 17c to 18c dozen;!
companies. set and grade. 1.2! ;.c to 13c.
Country Produce Beans. three-
pr•und pickers, $1.95 to $2 bushel.
Potatoes, per bag, in cur lots, 45e
to SOc. Mnplc *-y nap, in wood a,•
petind • tins, (t! .c. Sugar, ilk 1.,
11c. Roney dull ; clover. while, 14c
to lac; dark grades. 111,' to 12c;
a bite extracted, 10',c to 1Ic. lluck-
% Leal, 7c to 7',c.
He and his confederates owned
a number of motors, so constructed
that accidents occurred constantly.
The drivers -- his accomplices --
would arrange for heavy indemni-
ties. and then pot their cars in
fur King ()forge V. recommends n cider again. Other members were
provision of $3,170,000 yearly for accustomed to fall beneath pasa,ing
the maintenance of the Royal lam- vehicles, always so cleverly as to
i'y. This is an increase of 865.0(X) escape %serious injury. yet so as to
over the allowance trade during the I al Ir to get medical certificates
last reign.
'11111:11 'I0 KILLI't)r,l; 11N.
I)iichnl'g• i1 Mine 11 rrrknner) Its.
turned :and Italie .ltlack.
:1 .1. vitt 14 f r.,nr Cobalt. snyt :
Il i- a, ported that seven Finbtnd-
et-, elle were discharged from the
Quinlan property in South Lor-
raine, returned on Thursday and
nttaeked the foreman with intent
to kill. ConstableMcKIIy and de-
puties rushed to the scene in a
special speed launch.
Itl{(1'ISiI-'I I{ 111E iNI'ItI-.1SIN 1..
Ile r • Rat% Su•ilrriall Cn,,.ht a in;
�• Montreal, July 12. --Calves, $3 to
whereby they could claim damages. $10; list, hogs, $.50 per 100 pounds;
The extent of the fraud is proved she ep. 4',e to 5e per pound ; lambs.
b; the fact that ('ount. de Thuin, $:,.50 to a5 each ; steers, choice, G! ;e
a; the head swindler called hint- to C'4e ; good, Oc to 6%e; middle,
self, had been staking, as his oa•n 5,1!c to 5',c; fair, 5c to 5',,c; coni -
share, $40,000 a sear.-- Lundin An- mon, 4' _e to 4%e.
swcrs. Toronto, July 12. --The range for
the best huteher cattle was on an
average 4,1 from $5.75 to $6.35. with
la, ruedilun and common grades
r; ging from $4.110 to $5.25 and
;70.900 111'1'1' 11111{h. ).$5.40. cows and bulls ranged
widely, bringing from ft'3.75 to *5.-
Big SI rike of Neu 1or!, foil 'tient ,^, aca,rding (, aright 01141 (113-
Workers is On. lily. Milkers and springers mere
Obeying the .t rike order issued by and lambs despat41, from New 1-•.Ik says: fully $10 per head loner. :Iheeplambsfirmer at $v.25 as the
thtir leaders, thousands of woolen lop psi c for lnnibs. Bogs were
eleak and garment workers in thig tint ted iOc higher at $8.75 t( 89.
city struck on 'Thursday afternoon
More %lief:whites Cuing nut. for higher wages 1111(1 inprov4d Us !TED STATES 11:\lihLTS.
.\ . , 1 1 11 flout Lond-•n says: wt rking conditions. The strike or- Buffalo, July 12.- Wheat -Spring
lite .iii.•'. •IAtement of 1110 Beard oder went into effect at 2 o'clock, %hrut easier: No. 1 Nortlaern, nartcar-
(of Trade shoes increases of $II,- nod an hour later it was said at load , store. 81.2'2'., : Winter
e l (PH in imports 111141 $25,40'4,0($) th:, union icadeeis that the stows.('ernite.- F45,r;7ime. (lots3-- wliigite,h-
in export,•. The principal inner%(' chi: t•, walk out was bring goner- er • No. 2 wh: No. h
:n imp',r14 ons in raw material, :ally observed. The prediction is 4::',e; No. 4 white, 4.-2';e. Barley--
nt.d manufactured greets showed randy that 70,000 operators would Ma !ling. 63 to 0,e.
the largest gain in the experts. have quit nurk. 1 Mi••neapolis, ply t2.--Whent -
When the sultry days come and the coal range
makes the kitchen almost unbearable and cooking a
dreaded task, put out the range fire and try the
newest method of cooking in bot weather -use a
Nov per ection
Oil Cook -stove -
What a contrast ! The kitchen no longer is
stifling hot, the work is now done with comfort, and
the housewife is not worn out with the heat.
She saves her strength, keeps
her health and is better able to
enjoy the summer. •
The New Perfection does everytilin(
that any other stove can do ---ail the fare
Ily cooking, baking. washing cnd iron-
ing. tro stroke, no dust, no odor. Heat
13 applied directly and not wasted. A
turn. and t!•. (17tx is out.
C!:e I:e•av Perfection stove has a
Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping
pt.rtes a:-1 (rod hot, drop shelves for
the coffee put or saucepans, and nickeled
towel racks.
It has long turquoise -blue enamel
ebimneys. The nickel finish. with the
bright blue of the chimneys, makes the
stove very attractive and invites clean -
t liness. Made with 1, 1 and 3 burners;
hstlanor,site:- tie sure 1 the 2 and 3.hurner stoves can be bad
you get this stove -see with or without Cabin`t.
that the name elate ,-,.rede•1./.ver, whose; if nM strewn, 41111. fog
reads 'New Perfection:' ' te•� ev•in e n .nfr .. ti.. . r•ta:..eraacy et W r
The Queen City 011 Company, Emitted.
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