Exter Times, 1910-07-07, Page 7--I'Troubled With.
- v--- a tolution of rock alltlatinia purl I 11 1:: ,
LFSSON 1,1)::,"1:11)(vIcsr'•:f.1 licTil::',.. slitill1 it Whatiiti..
....._. ' 11_ 11:nts for Busy Housekeepers.
Uct:Itves mid ratter Vatusete Information
el Par icuiar Int:rest to Women Folk& !et au:tittle bo
oCaust et111,42pliatastitis: half and
b aline water.
e• • key paper and then with alerts
sub the pen e th it carefully, w`lea
tif ammonia. A great deal of .4 l-
b ey grease" will he requires!.
An excellent pen wiper is a rat:
To iemove varnish rub with fele
I I- J. S.
Golden 'I't. John 6. 63,
JULY 10.
- .
deem ll is Is -long? When died al 1.tillii
trate'? 1Vhat is the "seed"? What
Teres. -To what group of parables
test id a "1:ear r'' are you?
1. II it 7 Why was it necessary 1
What is the story about 7 To %them
did Jesus explain it later 1 What
Les tin X I 1 1.- -Parable of the
Mrs. W. C. Doerr, 13 Brighton St.,
Backache For
fly The Dee Of
pletely Cow
Now Comet
illIMIIIIVM.01/100... ...MOM, IMMO NORM WO 1. .the,"tare'',', „ll'„aw (141 '4"" ondon, unt., erited:--"lt its with
Coies should ne•ver Ile plaCeti III
exrain tee paranie I now are you ploasure that 1 thank von for the good
.seeie,;. the mouth or betwcen the teeth- 1
westering for the great "Ilarveot your Doan's Kidney Pills have done me.
On can of tomatoes, a amall onion,
ono bay leaf. two stalks of celery. M ney is handled by all sorts . f r. . ,., _ .
QelaSoltaX8 FOR INTERMED1- Ditya I I neve been tree:lel witli backache for
1.11.133 CIOVCS. salt and politic r to people and necer cleaned.
ATE SCHOLARS. 1 Lesson I. (Third Quarter. ---Pie-•
To Preveet Jar Freaking.-- ,
years. Nothing helped me until a friend
taa'e p oe is placed in a Wass jar ''.1t4('' one <awful of water. Vasa Fungus gr wing in a cellar -this
t t Lith_ tures of the Kingdorie-flow did
1 1,e4 in to take them and took four boxes,
1% ht n eaureng fttit. .1 a oilver , broueoit nor a box of your Kidney Elle.
Le`ae• 0 iirlieo in the hot fruit, it, e.rotigh a 5 eoe to remove seeds. rat sc ill disappear if you keep a
ho of lime in Your cellar. The lime Lesson 1. --The Puwer o- -..1 Jesus eantinue his teaching? What an 1 an .1 td to say that 1 aro cited ea -
Soak three -qv irters of a bex of go- Hew were Je-us and li s d se tees perables d d he tell to the multi- tirety an" can do all my nen work and
. ,,..,., ,•: ,, a 110.1 it is desired leant. in cold water until soft, add absorbs the damp, which is the life;
taet on their return to (.:31.4• :li a it III 1 Ode 7 What did they Wu. trate 1 fosl as gal 1 es 1 mai to before taken sick.
v.711 1 r •ent the jnr from break.ag.
flortlache, y. t Ctrter's I ' ,t 1 Liver pins sre of the fungus. Who was Jeirusl Hoe did Jesus
equal., ...elate, tote,: s , . . it.ctitootetttl KO-
ettrreet alltlittttrtit•t-t . I .: •-• . ttiaeli.stlioolste the
%voting l'ilAn ,, }i1,,•• . ...,t,whilo they also
: t , r,„t iw, „1,,, 4,,.1 iii a elft g:o„ lo ether iegredients and stir wail
d sh. , d s Ived. Patir into molds. and
solution of green tea, teak the lace
Te renew black lace make a weak ' 11 Oere did Jeans; go to explain
tv.tower the request of Jatrus 1 08 littlile of the preables to the &seep -
all yea claili them to he, and I advises
1 um positive Doarea Nianoy Fills are
41! k.ianoy sufferers to give them a fair
li‘er and rt.ct:l.ti, Ct.. t ...1.!3. Ereu 11 tbuyo-iy;11 it, roll ie a cloth and then iron 114" 1." ' 10 Julrue's 11"11='43, "11,1)" IC • 1 What other parables did he ' , ,
1 Peeliaa -f l'aleaep!ts.--Taat take sist. at in enol place. Serve on
faith ted Jesus reward! wt, o,
!it Id , I t', • ereel top, give it a er'oP lettuce leaves. on ii.dividual1"4' tell them? What was taught by the,
f: ateo, wi..h the folluwi ig dress- under a ailk handkerchief.
did the • receive b the
ctinsi Y...-f.1Let Desna' Kidney Pills do for you
tot 11 L, ' draw it out. Trim ell the A boy in the habit of playing on wessage -J Y story of the finding of the treasure?
0 .,: se it will Pot hurt the- hand. -41
i g : l'u-uuttter cream dr e ssing -- ila• way 1' What did they find oa How was the "pearl of great others. They cure all forms of keine,-
what thev have done for thousands of
Ate/leafy wt.illti 1 e alr,,o3t ur:, ,,
ittallt.r [root thistlistrt ssitti: trout' flout; butfortd•
tzsto those whO
1 L „13„ give, a p 1 3 „ t , „ „at fro a. Pui•e and slice one large cucumber, the f'4or was always wearing his
t: e ir arrival 1 What did Jesus do
,to to be obtained? What, was treaties and they cure to stay clued.
ametttly theirctwslnossaltk t.; nt.tett.1 Itere,sod (Iona ti ,:•Ce irt snit eater for one hour : ,ti Aimee eta at ti e knee. Finally
result1 il 1 s rated in the parable of the
who.ncotry thorn will !Intl there little pills YAM. I!, !d the air i'e sete ea..I dawn 1,n . . ei mother made a deep inside tuck " '
1 t 11 how some others on that day
O 1. s i
drag -net ? Price, 50 cents per boa or 3 aoszeo for
wadies. 'Limy wt,s that they will tiot be yea. $1.25 at all dealers or mallet! direct os
t.„.,,"table, sea; t I., .:. .. f,,, ,i \\ ,.11) one pint of sweet cream wee
keg tocheettosi tip tn. 14 eter :tlI•Ick L,...1 ,,,,,I.,.. .ti l'ff ; just beeee serving salad presa on the stocking i iglit over the
t p dewn to lower e.: r i bt I p .'d them.
I great fa.th, and how Je..as
_.____ 4, _ reseiet of nrice by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto. Ont.
1 9 ii -!-1 11,i. tweed co ill ,,, „.1.1,, ... „re. 4' t 1!1:1):,r thr, ugh a sieve, and keee. This made the stockings h."- 1
itt iftrialli .'.... , ,'. You'Lit ti.. • .. ' , r , 1. ur the juice thus obtained into oteuter and bare knees were not al-
e!! out.i Lesson 11. -The Mistion of the'
ON DESERT ISLA \ D. When ordering specify "Doan's."
Ossaa "tee
la thelAtr)of b,1 vAitV 4. .•o 141-'1 bore 1. trt,ere :I ; :,.s , waste than nor (ale .- e ay e 8 V8 WC
Game &tura.
Wonislreour gni. boi.st. Our yalattureit white t t. 0 cear:ng them. dsliciotts salad dressing. Housewiveo aro often troubled by Tweive.-flow long had Jesus un -1
l rei'dow and rut rust from damp hi; disciples been traveling about .
The (./;11' ill. lill'osill Will Spend His FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND
th • wilier ed cream. 'flea is a very
tareed Limo Lfrer Palm 370 Very tunall and 1' i: opp1e Ilelps.-Ca ',ea -, paw. ...Ma I elcoets. Be telltale, an earthen howl t, gether t What were EOM° of the
very easy to tal.e. Vito or two idle wales dose.
'nit y arerteletly vegetable muti
t do not grips or p: t• , it:ade easy! Ne ne !-• 44411
or deep plate full a quicklime into thh
ing' ti ail tried to m
teach the1 ummer on One.
1.a 1 flow did Jeaus eat was it now time for them to end them liclidaon one of the uninhabited ln e! 1 ting to spend his bummer
nee hem. 1 elFirst. a good sharp pa:::,Cherry Ice.--Seald a quart of t
por,•e. but by their gyttle actiou phone ail whet i 11 el tete- e 's and sors a CHERRIES. e, eI ,
i, ai! e'
. the clot at the lime will absorb the
t. 't
11 i moisture and sweeten and disinfect
' l.. ai. Then. when all is in reach- ere sweet cherries and squeeze tea forth? What was their message
• iFinland. the Czar is tnerely esnds near Bjorko, off the coast f follow- II Ell let N li S A N D RUA ES.
trail Pill :::11 ;In n11,lr
t 1 b t as
4.1 i . . pluage a eineapple iwee. Allow an equal gteat uislikfor lime and this will
nte boil- 4, te. the 1 place. Rats or :nice have a
and what power did they have
l I: water, let stand about three amount of water and sugar, boiling
prevent them from coming. Name the tuelve and tell what you ;i . example set by his ' famous
atice.t ,r Aloxander I. __
ait more than one-half inch in rtes. Skim, coo], and add to the knives wash them in hut yinegar,, ef the directions Jeus gave them?
• nonutes. remove and cut into Aces the two latter together for five mei- To rorn ,e the odor of fish from -"0" a "" e • .
Alexander, %o'er' worn out with What lit Coin:: On io the Ilighlaills
th.ekneso. WA!' the paring kni!e Diet juice with toe juice of two then suds.
: liew ('0.8 we ht to
give Jesus's the burden of govern:neut. used to
` retire for a week or ten days to a and Lott lands of Auld
the now softened rind and eves may 10111 111. Freeon 1 ard or soft and message to the viorldl
Paris Court Takes up the
i be removed easily. quickly. and fC: re raw diet .ies, halved and cleaning milk bottles. and a little" Lesson 111. --The Question of flat, reedy island he owned on
A wire brush is excellent for. Scotia.
of Defluieg it. I mitt-. a cons'derable saving of the stoned. with oach portion. : sada in the water sweetens them. John the peptise -now had John Lake Ladoga, and there while away Eight adders, the largest Irlea-
A l'aris court has attempted to fruit. When the aupies are all Cherry Dumplings. -Make them Leather covered furnitnie 'nay be the Baptist angered Herod and the time, absolutely alone. in fish- swing 2 feet 4 inches. ciere killed -
relive the problem of wl.at is a wo- diced and pared half the ouaetity lie apple dumelings with Fame 000.110(1by using warm in Ils with a Herodias? How had they puniah- iris and wildfowl shooting, varied at Currieyar recently.
raan's hat, and has been reduced to may be 'shredded through the food trade from the juice of the cherries.eoft cloth and rubbed tette ed him 1 Where was hisJamesr
present by reading.Vke
isckieiin,foorriie3,7 t•lea8a,ui
years e
et tred:
postponing its decision for a fort- chopper to be used for puddings, Two cups of flour, two eggs, two •Iry.
iv ?
Wnat question
re:did the two disciples Nor are royalties the only o- rieglit. The point WaS raised in an sherbets,.cakes, etc.. and the re- teaspoonfuls of nutter, one tea -I
of John ask of Jesusflow did he plc to whom the delights of an is- tiiing, 6-15.
been preoented with
action for breach of contract wainder cut into pieces as desired setionful of sugar. one teaspoonful: SI.AVES AT LONDON 100. arseer them'? What message del land solitude appeal after this pe-' The West of Scotland Agrieul-
brutight against the Proprietor of a Lefore "boiling ip" ir the proper ,f baking powder sifted with the - Jesus send back to John? ett•nr fashion, for some little time feral College has arranged for
Li use who had let oue of his flats 041 hot syrup and caaned in the Pour. A cupful of water and a cup-. Anis Forced to Act as Nur°enlabla Lesson IV. -Warning and Invite- back the New Zealand Government faurteen forestry -
EXCUlbi0118 this
to a tenant who, having an autipa- tsetse! way. The method is a great ful of storied cherries. Drop the
thy to hatters, stipulated that the saving not only in fruit, and time, mixture by spoonfuls in salted and Seat engersi. tien.-What change in Jesuss it:tied a protest to picknickers who summer.
To whom
had Jesus given the most Is,and. Monty 1 -land, and Camp- rece'red the llo•al Naval Reserve -
shop below should never bn
e let to. but ones hm
ands are spared much. stator, a few at a time, as the Thele are some hundreds of
.reaching is shown in this lessonl were went to resort to Antipodes About. 100 men in Dundee hae
ef this time and labor 1 NVItat then" bell Island, during the summer long service d3 gond
aryone following the hat trade. weter intuit not ttop belling. toyer wretched little nursemaids at the
was expected of them 1 What came
, manths. relying upon the visiting dals,
an conduct, me -
Some weeks ago a milliner rent- chicly and cook ten minutes, with- Zeolog.eal Gardens, Lotalen, Eng-,
. lar,d, who never get a day's holi- i
ed the grief and sadness of Jesus,-
s etuiser, which calk at regular in- Fifeshire has been scheduled for
ed the premises and the landlord is SEASONABLE HELPSrev uncovering. Take from the
dat and whose services are never se rds 1 What invitation did he tervals, to pick up on the approach the execution of military manoeu-
be ng sued by the 'tatting tenant, How to Cook Peas. -Take the water and serve un hot plates.
anal for. They are the uncom- did he mean by his of winter., "Thu vessel," ran the vres doting three months, corn-
ier breaking the agreement. The otits.cle leaves of lettuce, lay them Sauce -Cream tegether a cupful of e. ive 1 What
plaining victims of a barbarous aye- yak.'" 1 Ilave you accepted this warning. ' calls at the islands for meneing July 15.
landlord in his defence pleads that in the batten) of tee pan, then put powdertxl sager and a tablespoon -
tem of slavery, for the homes of ; cestaways. and not to bring off James Doherty, late of Cowie,
er -mains are not intended to be a
n milliner is not a hatter, as her
ro•e,•tion to the head, but are gradually bring them to a boil. The
toe peas on top of tie lettuce and 11:1 of butter, i
puce from the leates is sufficient to beaten egg and half a cupful of,
cherry juice, beating constantly.
del gradually tine
smite and the babies carried off he (14 nts'---What min"'
their childhood we re raided by i
i V. -Two Sabbath Ici-pce,ple who purposely
se arthy savages, their kindred eveation1
Loosen n1 visit them in lm recently railed for Vaucouver,
le did Jesus per- order to enjoy a cheap and novel has been killed there while working
las a miner.
es., utually nothing else than an cook theni without water and gives to capttylty to act in the mental fern] at Bethsaida 1 What effect did holiday."
tis have on the Jews? How did. Si ce then, nevertheless, the fade! Lynchburgh, Va.. proposes teen: 4
adornment of the lace, while the a delicious flaver. Cook slowly,
..i y •
1, leant replies that the headgear of then season. Place butter just be- WH ORTK NOIVI NO. capacity o
f nursemaids and scaven-
-. J( U5 and his diseipls again arouse ie 11 has spread, and regular par-porarilexchanging two teachers
gers. They are members of the ill
their criticism? Why did the Phari- Les are now formed each year to with Edinburgh, and the latter is
a woman is sti!1 a hat, its Cervices foie. serving. In making puddings always beat fated Fen -Inca Fusca nation of black
ft•eg w
sio an ornament being merely an in- To Keep Parsley Fresh. -To keel, the eggs separately, ttraining the 8,115, and their brutal task -masters say that this was unlawfull go holiday -making, nut only en quite illing.
Where did the next diseussion of taeoe comparatively near -by is-, Miss Nelson, Union street, Dun -
tridental function. parsley fresh. wash and dry fresh aelks and adding the whites the bear the suitably bloudthii sty title
the Sabbath take lace 1 What lands. but to spots so far distant dee (now over 90),
parsley and place in mason jar. Ia 1 thing. ' et Formica Sanguinea. question was asked of Jesus 1 What as Amsterdam Island. St. Paul's, Edward's firot pair ofmittensKl:
4. Ci,ver and keep in refrigerator.' It boiled milk is used, let it cool The latter are big, reddish ants,
caraele did the perform befere awl many lonely islets lying ailing her early days in London.
Parsley may be kept in this way ',afore adding the eggs, ' who show fight in their glaos civic
them 1 How do you keep the Sab- th. Hoe of route te these remote On retiring after thirty years'
YOU'LL ADMIT 1T. for several clays. To seine .house- Vhen fruit is used otir it in last., in the insect house if a linger he , id little visited places. Of course, seivice. Constable Fluther1and,
keepers paralev ii a necessity for Let raisins lie in hot e ate r a hold up. They arc becuming %cry bath day? arid
however, a proper craft is charter-, Leith, has hese .praeatetestieetielo abee....
Add 1111 ierings to puddings when kneen te, harbor them, so, in the a ,n.- -What do you know of the au- t d fur the trip and ample proyis- geld watch and a purse of Boyer-
Isesso VL -The Temperance les -
The, hands soon tire when the wrn:sites. seeps, and sauces. This :
heart is weak. is .. more sanitary method than the rare in England. One spelt alene is
nenute or t of, to plump them.
eater. I 1 ass off in atearn. t! or.ship of the book of Preverbs1 ion is made against all enter- eigns.
i ?i Scottish inspector of Schools
ti good deed loses its virtee if it ead unpleasant way of Irceping in eeld. as much of it. will other% Ise inter( sts vf greens.% the habitat of
t Dates are an excellent substi- ween as "South of Englitnel.•' What is the character of the book 1 g ncies.
11 hat ate aur lessen teroeso raid to In the same way it is beeoniing 114 'P5 to sec the time when every
be advertised. I
1 New Potato Hint. --The disagree- , toese slave -making ants is vaguely
Many a mateo.chief fault is his.
a. ate
failure to see his shortcomings. . abl task •,f scraping new potatoes; tete fur sugar and an addition in Wien they make a raid they exter- I. ? What results follow tjof quite cowmen for !Topic 'tele who whel will have "a deity secep,
erh to get right away from the raentlily scrub and an annual uver-
, great, deal of tilne. Heed the plea- 1 oVeen a go are seer .e ibstat t lai .• I • are tail the larvae
, retail,- the entire nest of Formica ilitexicating liquors? What is the
In theory, one man is as geed as -
is entirely unnecessery and takes a te inseives.
11 you give a 5) (41111111 plenty "1 t•as with the skins on, and remove a 'mall •rgat.ed. ecarr.t.a. ((ter Retael I ei c o elca•ocF•lololciissr:,f their Yvictims.. e eh. sate rule for us to make 1 What deaten track to spend their summer haul."
lioliday:i in Spitzbergen, which, al-. The new resr•ryter at reattly will
am ther ; but it Mit t, so 1 11 prat t ice.
repe, she will hang --her witsa•ing ski• when deue, aryl finish as de- ie a plukm pudding recipe. 1 egg
ts our duty to teir neighbor 18 this
ough ieetuaind duting about nine contain a 1.0a0j-alleses of eater, and
Bea ram until thick and soft in rieely allowed to tee daylight. In ee 'election 1 Where do you stand t) . . , . fie. ci. _ fr _ with , ,1 _
in the battle to day againot intern- itientlis 1 11 the oear, is readily•I to. ran. be i.led a .upp y of
en it. sired, left whole..r. milled, or oerv. When these hatch out they are
ce.sible by steamer during the stein* eater in 10 hours.
Many a man attributes his fail- 3
tee with white twice. Once tried, eat rry juice pm] serve with eream the Zoo's colony 1 ..,11 w a wandering perarce?
ere to his inability to start at the you will never serape them again. a::1 t Liga r. 1 heck adtve huttlee int., an earthly Lesson VII.--Grewing limpid to, e thee three.
I1 Edinburgh c'tizens are threaten -
It is lonely,•,f couroc. but those' (soled with an increase of id. os
top • • •
LAUNDRY. ter in a little hut milk until ease to place seine honey withir. 1 tlie verses past preceding this les -
Mix sugar and etirestnreli dry, liquid when the keeper opened the, Jettis.- tat miracle is re a et in
elm have boon there *my that it pos- the rat ,s, owing tu the expeetli-
oesses an ideal health -restoring cli• Hirt em the nee slaughter -houses
fle's a far-oceing man who pre-
v.ises the home for the girl before 'hat-
smooth. then stir into the detireel lies makes the second an' colony son( ti. e p 1 11 g .
lie gets her. Starch Ilint.-To have niece ,,yan t• of 1 ity tvt mi ak
. reel say of at 1 What was the cri-, mate, elide the ice and cliff --en- aoet markets.
tniteeth starch, put few drops keret- ' in the insect I ouse, and the nest ery ix of surpassing grandeur and Lord Lovett all tit% the County
Net one man in a hundred has .
ra 1.90 enough to ta ecareY Fetes in and stir till all taken up; 14 dumplingo ate put to cook in of wood ants %chid' has already this'll of the Pliariaces? Give some
. g 11 • . leureal to urge upon the (..vele-
k of wont.
Peter he gets it. tie, preients the starch sticking. et,Id water they will not fall apart. been established there fer over a argements of Jesus. Against what
!bent the necessity for eotablisb-
1 When mal ing oherteake roll out week, is It orishing strongly. Thr Old Jess warn them 1 For whist did;
cru-., opt ad with soft or melt- weed ants evidently were dissatis- retied') of the scribes and Pharisees1 --ea - a -.
esters in a woodland diotrict.
irg a school for the training of fur -
When in doubt. it is best to wait Care for Ironing Beird.----Make a „n,. . --.
Fur -
1114111 there is no longer any doubt ,a, 1. of teibleachable muslin ti, fit
. . ed butter, lay the second enkc en f.cd with the hastily desigued ma.; ask 1 1V11 was this a wicked de -1 ot 1:1 N ja. a IlleEll IS Dre 1).
At the Ophthalmic Institution,
In Your mind before acting. tee board and this can be blipped ea. first and piit to hake. When re ries they at first constructed, for tumid 1 What we* the great sign
Olasgow, last year the attendances
'dem, this cake will separate in the' they exhumed all the ant cocoons tint would finally he ---
, re 3S,483, giving a daily avetage
Dootorm and lawyers have at i on and Off and stashed. .
helot one geed trait in common --1 To Smooth Flannels. -Instead of middle without cutting. 11.1ieti two' aild &egged them (leen into fresh Lessen VIII. The Death of Jelin,
given then° 11.. 11 am the 11callhicol Man in the
they never give advice before it is ; ;Cermet! Capital. I Hughes, the Auld Kirk bendle, of
treeing flatinelo. fele] smoethly as if i baked 3 . the
. ' 1 • / el 1 1 ti B •t - What was the cause'
',oars are Ilepalf:131.1V. 10 tetwine m woe.' airy ttatIt been busy . ie aptis .
ornrie di s the rave.; cleans the
through the wringer, then hang er than the pie tin in wheel it isl 1 led to et Jehn's imprisonment 1 Why did A shole crowd of relatives aro C • le g • .
asked 1. r. to iron and wiing in rinsing water clef eav, mit the take n talk, !area u um and which 5pparently superintends the !Outplay
out to diy, and they will look as ta be baked, and turn up the •-x- a safer fortress.
vas most anxious fee his death 1 . 1 l'rivy Councillor Albrecht Plaut,
' Herod kill him at (ince' Who b ginning to fight around the will hi'lc•
acheol, prays and leads the praise
mho died a fartnight ago. He aaa a the young and httnettil. and with
peces of the berries.
margin ti, hold the
day 1 What keels),
Wliat happened on Hertel's birth-,
promise did he at once Berlin's richest citizen and stolid stew conveys the "Beek" to
Caught Cold tone and no danger. of scerching.
rttooth as if ire•reel. Thit Pa% CS (ra width in a ma
°BY Workin mid satisfactory wiry to shrink ging-
To Shrink (linghanima .1 ti 01193' large
Make large biscuita ter indis ale -
y mean has no right to open her
°The courts have decided that a
olic planned with Herodias to ask? Plaut, who was 80 yearsold,
make to Salome 1 Fur what bad, its most notorious miser.
was? Recently a erematien society was
1 the pulpit.
ham is to lay the cloth in a largo Alwnys bake puddings as soon as harleind'o mail." Few did Hertel fulfill his eremite 1, formerly chief of an important 11010(1 in Edinburgh. The chject
and %as a the society 18 tO preened.° the
In Water. fettling the cloth at, all. Let it se:1k require &obit. the trine necessa•y Lefete it wao made•"
ao..aos pudding.' "My wife reverted that decision u hat did John's disciples 414. 7
Lesson IX. --The Multitude. VIII . ! speculator of the most daring or- I
1 sleek broking firm,
tub (a bath tub is best) without un- naxed. As a rule, h ile-I inetice of cremation and burial m-
in hike warm rain watt r 111which f, ir baking. + --Where did Jesus 45 11(1 his disciples ller. At the time he retired lic farei by :mans of nieetings, lectures
a cupful of salt has been added iite A oteamed pudding is lighter and publications or otherwise.
• Distressing, Tickling Santa- til all the folds are thoroughly wet mere wholesome than either boiled Give tame people a late of 411) 3)1- gn for rest 1 Who 101105) ed them,: payieg em,00n a year in income en,/
and why 1 At e4 ening what hap.; text's alone. But he lived in a tiny There are already about 180 mem.
bets including many well persons.
Lion In The Throat, ti, neigh, then take it out and . um er baked. Ce and they'll want all but the ',cued 1 How were they fed 1 Where: tw -remit flat in a poor quarter,
____. feel without wringing a particle:, faiading„, ain he Hotter if steam and dId all the work of the place
Mr. Albeit Ms• Mee, Chignecto Mince. ilea Pin fel the line where there .ls ed in a cakehimself. He spent most of his days, am'
meld than if cloth 1 - c te del Jesitis again Peek to go to rest,
Kee. writes in Oct., 1908, I caught a brisk wind. When the cloth io with his disciple s ' How. long slid
dry o to gill nt Yet knee that it Rice, bread, custard. and 'reit the multitudes remain with Jestisl alter his retirement from business,
Blood Was Bad.
'old by working in water. and had a , in the Zoological Gardens, where
It 8, nee most. carefully ironed. Coil- puddings reqiiire a moderate ev:n, Pow did he care tor them 1
very bad cough anJ th:',r.. distrreting, 1 he ate his lunch and dinner, both
of bread atel butter, A
teed goods treated in this way will i
orst.er and corn steich a rather Leto .r. X. ---Jesus Walks on theleansisting
tickling sensatien in my throat so 1
eould not deep at night, aad ray lungs her run. 01.1 k leen. See.- 1Vaitt did Jesus do after the; which he carried in his pocket, From impure Morel comes e% Pimpl
- • ...ID I.• 4: I! sliolis mak: attractive putt- feeding uf the five thousand ? What wrapped round with a newspaper. Bodo, Ulcers. Tumors, Alsace:es-. I•emers
tee doctor gave rne medne hot it did SEASONABLE SAL% 1 18. thig inolds did Jesus wiolt to elo 1 What occur -1 Of oteriex of his penuriousness
were no very MOP I hail to give up eork.Mg eores, Rashea, t?onetipatioa, need-
led when the disciples were on their, tire is no and. °nee at a family 114 I0, me.
me no gorse SOI got a bottle of Dr. Wood's Teruel° Jelly.-- Wash and put on rover cooling custards. Reheats,.
v he' 1 11.w did Jest's go to hell', t• i:: 1,11 all present gave gifts to rtet pure Wool and keep it pure by
to boil ten tomatoes, one esteem ten t'1* .. t) it It glass to protect fr en t.,,, .,thi,rs. Rut the tutittona _,, removing ever; trace of Frame morbid
Norway l'ine Syrup and by the time I
(-bees. three black peppers. Red a (lest and germs. Stimulate the Sluggish Liver, thi ni 2 11,.N. did this affect the dis- •
(eters? Tell about Petei and 1114'?" matter (role the system by wing
bad teed tee bottles 1 was entirely1.4 ei befere each guest a CI,Ve I el
er la k ,ef mace. Cook twenty min- Add 'earth) to custards just atTiliRDCC.K BLOOD PTTriRg.
cured. 1 am s!wayi. resornmeuding it 10 11Vell. ril'Itt 1.rt..11 8, dear
Clean the coateel tongne, sweeten the ti 111 of his faith. When Jesus and oak I:111010d ••(eft ef Privy nem 1
lite s. • t rain we II. Suiten :1 talle • ter i eines i ug from the away all waste! and poison -
Pet, r were in the boat, what Lae- .il ,,t rant." The gueFt 1 lee (I' ft
my frieado'' . spoonful of gelatin in A ell otic material from the itynletti in Nat UM'S Fred. Basel Kineston Ont
!weed ? How was Je olio weleened the cocci, and found undor 0 • • PI. 1 -... ' ' .1
De. Wood's Norway Pine Synip cone ce lei eater. which add to the tonne When 11'1 r't all egg henter tit, 11 it
Old (.1 (211.1ving.
easy manner, and revent as a ell as eine
reached the shore 1ea, a .1 writet.- -- was eompletAv run down,
Eines the potent healing virtues of the lot,. A I:i!e bet. Turn into small . la r,p it in one place, but move it reuotipation, Sick Ipleadarho, Biliotimiese, when Oleo'
Lesson X 1. ---The Canannitish Wo- se r. he invested two cents in a
(platter of an apple. On on.''c'a- my 1,1 eal watt out of order and 1 tEed to
Noroay pin
g;„, , get so weak 1 would
be compelled to stay
, The cellar, d plarder ann ttry Heartburn. Catarrh of the Stomas-la:tour
all troubles
pine tree with other 8)501! cut, reefei: Joel ellen aold set 4 0 on Id- 0.1.0111. the bowl.
experiment aud soothing medicines of time l('))% ('9 Storeaele Weter Brash, 81141
tram --What were some a the ren- ol beet et the 70 elegieal Gareloes. ". 1 el : ". '`ee'''' 38 i tirn°' 1 C°11" ^"t
arising from a disordered mato of the
s, JI' why Jesus wished to go Ti..' het r was not to his likino. alio t
(at • %V.1 : p11 4,1) I thin; every one thu
recognised worth and is absolutely eB
arms Bean Salad. Ta
. -Take it n 11 kid- '-'1,1111.1 be whiten n .,
note d t very totomoeh, laver or Bewels.
was 170ai3 into, eonsumptiun. 1 iv:1M
less, prompt ani safe for the cure of nee beans '.rear n pint 4)1 n
f avy beans spvim wan? if viwant a healthye
hooe. +++++. 4, Mrs J. C. Wnew.- 7 Where id be and hist dim. next morning the menager of t110 everything and difiestherg, (-plus got Ilnw (NI they live whilo re stattrant received an me -tamped, friend flawed me to use Nutlet k Hood
erent doctora until a
Cough'', Coles, Bronchitis, Croup, Sore bailed tender. add a few leaveo of 1 Tins should be well dried over the 4 + Satin Vivet,Stan . write.:
:rage after washing, etherwito 'bey 4ne 4511(1 ask- h tter demanding the penny bark.' Inttera 1 (1.41 not have one ;mule
Thoet , Peen or Tightneos in the Chest. lettece finely chopped, a small bit
4 for years. + mere then tongue can e.1 for help? flew did JeF U9. test
Sufferod + -" 1 huffered for yeero, tl • re 1 Who sought the
and lel fhroat and Lung Tioulaes. of 1,11;tollt While's of two hard heeled; will rust-.
her belief ? What did lie Pity of her 1 teal ahem my el.:setae helan to Miprove.
Beware of imitations of Dr. Wood's faith filially ? What did he do for 1 I limed oix Imeles. 1 gene,' ten }Imelda
(Teo cheeped fine. a sprinkle of 1 + tell, time 114(4 trouble.
Shirt foonts blister when star ;lied +
niediene, toit coital get
h. r 1 What lesson did the disciples I in two weet.s. WIpm 1 begin to take it
telt. reel 4. let,. pepper. Mix all; heeaa.c the pelishing iron has net 4 4 4 4 4 4 • .
• 1 teed Seel ral kinds of
foirway Pine Syrup. Ask for it and Leen 11,-, xl with sufficient forceINSPIRATION. 1 Wily wCi:;;Iell niocty.three pounds. It
eneist on gettilg what s011 ntk for. 11 hi , I . pertry shelves with whet! en relief inlet 1 get Slillories Laxa-Liver
learn from Olio incident 7 I j;1:t Her lad to pull Mc from the grave as 1
therotighly with a good reavonnaise '
be wiped n i'n l'illo. 1 cannot ',mime them too highly
Lesson X1 1.- --The Parable of the Mrs. A --"My ! but tle•re will lots never 0.:peeted to he strong Ikon. 1
C 1 1 ssiag. arrange on curly lettm 0 , ( 0% er
put tip to a yellow erojew,r, thiee pine
14 4'% en plates, and sprinkle each -0 cloth, which can of fire and brimstone in Mr. eleate. will tell leery surierer of your womarful
tree, the trade mark, and the price 26 i ed. • .''
mats ' . , I :I `iily . Sewer.-- Where did Jesno tell this tsas sermon this merniug.
plateful 44;th grated yolko of held a damp eleth and kept clean very
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn 'female Salad.--Coek together ' Mud sitting on an umbrella troy pietteh at this time 1 Tell the ear- lee Their cot,k left theta ycoter-
co.. :eau:. a. i inateo, Om.
1!-•,,e's -heel only by Tho j Mating
a Ear ede by oll dealer:v.
beiled egg's. parable I In what ear did Jesus Mrs. 11 --- "1 eNpeeted there wonlil
Co.. Limited. Toronto. Oat. b r one hail hour the following: hs; eradicated by rubbing them 57 11!i SLIT in your 0558 worth. Who 5%I$ l:ii.j . " 1
• ••••••••.W.,,,-,
Net TTeadst Imo eta rt tletol•U lb, troubled fuel -
0..1,1 to .3 1,..1.4131 Col 11)Steua. klal LS
.f1C44. tiottroes. DV), Itistress atter
tatittg. rsitt in Vie F to, its While their MOSS
1o13.1 kat.W WW1..4.58,4 ba .11 w U1431/1103
A WOMAN'S 11 1 le
for what they have done for ine.
Price 2.5 cents a vine or 5 for 11 00. at
1111 &alert or mailed timet en receipt of
•.'r^ 1.v The '1'. Milburn Co., Limited,
1 • , 0, Ont.